I don't get it. Why is everyone making fun of Death Stranding? I thought the trailer looked great.
I don't get it. Why is everyone making fun of Death Stranding? I thought the trailer looked great
Other urls found in this thread:
who is making fun of it besides Yea Forums?
What are you talking about, user?
It has become a meme to say that no one knows what this game is about, so it has been blown out of proportion. People are like sheep, so they like to get behind and participate in whatever is trending. The trailer gave a lot of details, enough as to give a general idea of what the game is. I don't think it is that obtuse. Not anymore than how the Inception trailer was, or the first Alien trailer. People just like to connect with other people in their idiocy, i donmt believe anyone finds this game as misterious are they make it out o be.
This desu
Game looks pretty mediocre, people will forget about it after the first week, maybe two.
That never happens.
Maybe you're just bad at predictions, it'll happen because I said it will.
It gave a pretty cut and dry synopsis of your goal in the game too.
Trying to travel across the american continent and finish some mission a chick failed to do.
It also looks like the babies are in some way similar to the goo entities.
It looked like there was a goo baby in the trailer.
>metal gear is like, sooooo complicated and CRAZY!
Kojima is a hack and Fukushima was the only reason mgs was ever good
>I thought the trailer looked great
Kojima's audience right here.
t. contrarian that shits on everything
It was as hype as the MGSV trailers.
It's because the npc's hear Kojima's name and immediately turn into DSP and say how confusing it is and how overrated he is
Lmao, imagine having this guy’s brain and breathing.
Probably in a wheelchair for running red lights believing they’d be green cause he said so.
>It has become a meme to say that no one knows what this game is about
Explain what the game is about in a way that makes sense using clues from the "gameplay" and not just parroting Kojima's broken English.
It's easy to say "ohh it's so obvious the game is about _______" but explaining how the fuck _______ makes sense is a different story.
>each trailer reveals more and more about the game without flat-out telling you everything
>It was as hype as the MGSV trailers.
Too bad there was an actual game being advertised in those trailers and it sucked major Kojima cock. Do you understand how NPC you have to be to praise a fucking trailer, a glorified commercial?
The gameplay itself is still a mystery
why doesnt he just make movies? I dont understand
Then summarize it all if you're so
A lot of people liked the trailer.
Game Journos didn't because Kojima isn't giving them anything to work with. A lot of them want some big sneak peek, gameplay, story, or some kind of bone being thrown at them.
So a lot of them are saying "lol look how everyone is reacting!"
What looked great to you?
People don't like things that are different.
Oh dear, Candle jack got to
Have they shown actual gameplay beyond the 5 seconds of shooting? So far all I've seen is walking and running in environments that make even MGSV's open world look rich and engaging (it wasn't) I have zero hype for this game.
>Kojima is a hack
>muh fukushima
original opinion you have there
Yea Forums is an hivemind today, thanks to 2016's niggers
The movement looks very BoTW-ish with a focus on traversal, that one bit with the guys chasing you while another fires a shock arrow is straight from zora road. There are stealth elements, as well as resource management. There are shooter sections. That's all pretty standard gameplay.
>only combat is gameplay
It's a walking simulator, move along.
fuck off with your retarded candlefuck meme
not even him but I've always thought Kojima was a hack. MGSV didn't help his case and the trailers for his newest movie game basically confirm my suspicions.
>It was as hype as the MGSV trailers.
Lmao, fuck no it wasn't this shit was tame and boring in comparison to sins of the father. Maybe if you mean the trailer from last year at E3, but this one? Absolutely fucking not.
Daily reminder that story heavy games are never good. You're supposed to play games for GAMEPLAY, nothing else. I must implore Kojima to stop ruining the medium with his pretentious trash like the MGS series.
the trailer was good, but nothing has reached mgsv trailers level of good
Go play Tetris you geriatric fuck
Has someone overlay Country Roads over the video yet?
>It's a walking simulator
Hopefully we're at a point where people can acknowledge this.
Compare Ghost Babel to Snatcher and Policenauts and say this again.
>There are stealth elements, as well as resource management. There are shooter sections. That's all pretty standard gameplay.
Are you a shill? This is the most non-descriptive description of gameplay I've seen. It's borderline uncanny. "Pretty standard gameplay"?
Remember the trailers for MGSV? Remember that scene with the child soldiers? Remember when we all thought we were gonna see an amazing story that delved into controversial and taboo themes? Remember when they scrapped that scene and replaced it with something you see for 2 seconds far in the distance? Remember when we we going to slowly watch Big Boss descend into madness and become a "demon"? Remember when that was scrapped as well? Why the fuck should I pay attention to Kojima's trailers?
I've been playing religiously MGS since 1 and I don't know what the fuck they're about.
the way the babies are referred to I assume theyre like some kind of dimensional beings that create artificial connection to whatever the extradimensional realm those black goo things are seeping from. but its easier to ask omg why babies xd so random.
Its because the babies are unborn, they still have umblical cords, so they have connection to the world of dead.
>trailer plainly lays out the basic premise of the game which is just travelling around america delivering shit to reconnect its cities after some apocalyptic event
Yeah, Mads seem to be a scientist and emotionally attached to them so I think it going to be some sort of "experiment gone wrong"
Are normalfags this fucking retarded? The plot is literally spelled out at this point
Because it's commercially viable. The video game industry is trying to expand its grip on non-players in order to increase its profit margin against a generation that seeks video games as a cultural monument that defines their identities in 21st century society.
But how do you do that? You have to generate empathy with your objective so that it gets closer and you can capture it. So, the meme "I don't understand anything" is something that has an economic value, because it's the reaction that people who don't play, but get the information, feel.
Basically DS generates noise for people, but instead of seeing the theoretical novelty it represents, something really new, people in control of the media (Youtubers and press) look for the easy route that captures more customers. Whenever you see a rare social phenomenon, always look for who can potentially make money on the positive or negative side of that phenomenon.
Is it controversial? Where can money flow?
Not him but nigger, it's literally just MGSV with some monsters mixed in
Are you retarded? The gameplay bits were standard mgs fair with taversal flavor.
Yea Forums has no taste of cinema.
This. He is just remaking MGSV.
There even seemed to be a bandit base in the past trailers.
and why do you feel the need to join every thread about kojima and his games if you dislike him? stick to things you enjoy, nerd
Okay OP. Have you seen the fucking "gameplay"?
This will be not a game Dear user. It will be glorified visual novel just like 99% of AAA games are nowdays.
Just fucking remember MSG V.
>Press R2 to own the enemy
For fuck sake even theri graphic engines cannot handle simple punching.
>Lots of cutscenes
>Co-op where you don't play as Norman
>Walking simulator/immersive sim
>Stealth bits
>action/combat bits
>Atypical death consequences
>Apparently player-to-player connections is integral
It's either going to be a generic game riding on the back of wacky storytelling, or some kino meta gameplay shit.
>Tetris bad
>cinematic experience good
unborn also have symbolic innocence since the original sin is bestowed on birth. they are untouched by whatever humanity did to anger black goos.
>Press R2 to own the enemy
you can say that about any game
you fags are pathetic
MGSV was bad, but the gameplay was definitely not the problem. It was the repetitive missions and unfinished story.
>Yea Forums has no taste of cinema
>no taste of cinema
>taste of cinema
>of cinema
>C I N E M A
I've been lurking here for a number of years. Rarely do I ever come across anything that makes me feel as though I need to respond. I think the last time I was forced to throw my 2 cents in was during the Yea Forumsga. Now, this day, 5/31/2019, Once again I am called to solve the captcha. I've seen some of the gayest and most retarded things on Yea Forums. Like a primordial ooze of everything wrong with the human race, but you are literally the gayest fucking thing on this planet. Like a dragon dildo ejected from Ronald McDonald's ass at a speed somewhere between 40000-100000 miles per faggot you descended upon an otherwise normal thread. Spewing pure unfiltered homosexuality like a fire sprinkler system with a direct link to Richard Simmons asshole. Freddie Mercury is rolling in his fucking grave at the thought of you setting the bar so god damn high that no faggot for the rest of existence will be able to match your level.
now I must slumber once again.
but mgs games are fun to play, stop with this stupid "kojima makes movie games" meme, retards
>game has a character named fucking Bridges uniting a world that has splintered into isolated groups
>Press R2 three times to perfom "animation of punches".
For fuck sake you pathetic retard. Good feeling of moving the character is not a gameplay.
>pressing up to go down a hallway for 5 minutes
In theory Death Stranding will actually be a finished game, whereas Konami didn't even let Kojima complete the third (or really finish the second) act. On top of that they had to convert a shit-ton of cutscenes they couldn't animate into audio tapes, so you rarely got a break from doing the same 2-3 mission types.
Go do this world a favor and pull the trigger now. You were planning on doing it soon anyways.
The Internet Reacts is propaganda.
>Here let me cherry pick 7 tweets that support my narrative and act like that's "the internet"
Obviously this one is benign but in general that column is fucking poison.
>reductio ad absurdum
Ds is literally a movie game my man
More like
>climbing ladder ad absurdum
I'm not your man, faggot
The optimist in me wants this game to be amazing. But the pessimist is already noticing red flags:
>"killing enemies is almost always never the solution"
>have to carry around a dumb backpack and a baby purse for open world, while wearing a really dumb looking hazmat suit
>female president literally in the Oval Office version of a hospice.
>mentioning of walls and the aforementioned dying President makes it seem like this one may be more politicized. And no, WAR IS BAD, is not a fucking political message, because everyone who has more than two brain cells agrees with it already. Neutral as fuck, if anything
>trying to reinvent the Game Over wheel, this didn't work for PoP 2008.
>writing is not being done by an actual writer (think M. Night Shyamalan)
>Troy Baker again, as if his ego isn't big enough already
I really really fucking hope this game is good, but man, my gut feelings always tend to be right.
Its a goddamn trailer not 30 minutes of gameplay video. What the fuck do people expect? This is how they all do it.
Stop paying attention to hype and marketing. Play some vidya.
fuck off, this is not your hugbox
>using literally a joke section as an argument after one of the best bosses in vidya history
>every hack dev does it
>but this time it's gonna be good, we promise
is this really what meme culture has turned into. just being retarded
that ladder came after you beat one of the best boss fights in videogames, it was a nice addition
It will sell 10 million. Print this.
>trying to reinvent the Game Over wheel, this didn't work for PoP 2008.
But it did work for a fuckload of games since then.
>Gita Jackson
>this part of the game is shit on purpose
>dude you just don't geeeet it, man
Who bitch this is?
Looks like more artsy garbage for fags to pretend to like
I know, it's a hivemind, an echo chamber
>kojima a hack
>fukushima a genius xD
>d-do I fit in yet my fellow 4chinners?
Not even the fans can't decide what' supposedly good about it lmao
>The trailer gave a lot of details, enough as to give a general idea of what the game is.
I'm more willing to believe that most people are just basic as fuck
You're right, games aren't art at all. They have to be only about gameplay and never, ever evolve beyond that.
Fuck off, retard.
>shit on purpose
I never said it was shit faggot. It is to build up suspense and provide a nice break.
After the ladder climb you get to the second part of the game.
How dare you post Kung pow.
>dude calm down it's just MGSV all over again
The weenies /pol/ brought over, my god.
>different people have different opinion
>how is it possible?!
maybe well see
Based brainlet
What kind of fucking idiot would get hyped for another Kojima game?
Gita is a nigger woke girl that doesn’t like video games, much like everyone else at that shit company. Burn GMG to the ground.
IMO every DS trailer has been better than the MGSV trailers except for the Higgs teaser.
fucking niggers
>he fell for the fukushima meme
What the fuck are you smoking retard?
>b-but /pol/
Literally what? How? What? I never even went there ever.
Look at the state of the industry as a result of people wanting games to be art. You can't pick and choose when it's okay. That's how the slope becomes slippery.
>It is to build up suspense and provide a nice break.
So basically, just like a giant unskippable cutscene in any other movie game like TLOU or Uncharted. But this time you like it, so now it's okay.
Yeah nah I don't buy that BS for a second. Don't have it at all if you can't properly pace the game.
They're idiots, they just don't understand that it's intentionally vague, mysterious and therefore interesting, he wants people to say 'what the fuck was that and discuss it'. It's clever marketing.
>female president literally in the Oval Office version of a hospice.
Why is this a red flag?
Do the gulags need another inhabitant?
This. People default to the most basic narrative and stick with it no matter how much logic or facts deny it.
>boy fights girl
>boy clearly wins
>but girl got one good hit
>girl beating boy is more interesting narrative
It's like when I was a kid and would scratch my nose. One of my friend liked to imply I was picking my nose, because thats more funny for kids even though it was wrong.
This basic bitch/NPC/sheep/normie mentality is overly-prevalent and a way to discern who has independent thinking and who does not.
Same crowd that keeps repeating dark souls is hard despite never even having played it.
>not /pol/
Why the fuck is "reaction" and "trailer reaction" before trailer itself?
why do you keep posting this in every kojima thread?
How new are you?
The 2016 electionfag said, without actually having played MGSV.
go back
>go to the youtube comment section of DS
>dude what game is this xD kojima: yes lmaooo
Those games you don't like sale pretty damn good, that's not really a good example when saying look at the state of the industry.
Maybe the industry just moved on without you?
Sounds like you need to go back to /new/, it was once your containment board
It's supposed to be a game, not a trailer.
I don't get the confusion at all. It's kojima bullshit story with ripped off gameplay from MGSurvive
>the industry has been taken over by easily wooed normalfags
>this is somehow a good thing
Lack of political stance. These days if you want a positive article you need one (and only one is allowed).
Jesus you are retarded.
Go back and fuck your brother you inbred faggot.
>inb4 "hurr not an argument"
You would have to actually make one for me to counteract, but all you have done so far is show everyone how much of an inept contrarian you are.
The thing takes like a minute, if you fags want constant, uninterrupted gaming then go back to the fucking 80s.
Games are better with atmosphere, build up, and story.
I have no idea why you "hur durr story is bad" fags have gotten so numerous, but Jesus fuck do you make every thread shit with your constant whining and contrarianism.
why are these stupid reaction videos even a thing? watching them is physically painful
A LOT of devs actually show several minutes of uninterrupted gameplay. CDPR did that for Cyberpunk and Witcher 3.
Sounds like you just have a strong case of "stop enjoying things that I don't" going on.
It did, only retards don't understand it.
>Guy is in real life
>recruited by US president to make USA great again
>goes into some dimension
>there are homo demon monsters that can pull you into another different dimension
>gets some bridge baby to spot those homo demons
>there some weird faction trying to control those homo demons
>your job is to unite a country
>you and other players build structers, thats the game btw, you build stuff to progress through an empty map
is this nigger serious
it does look great and Kojima even layed out exactly what the core concepts of the game now are, but obviously Yea Forums has to be contrarian as fuck
stfu big faggot
I think you misunderstand what user wrote.
>CDPR did that for Cyberpunk and Witcher 3.
and then proceeded to gimp them to hell so the final gaym didn't look anything like it
that's even worse
>sale pretty damn good
Are we back in 2004? Nice going on the "sale" bit though, ESL-kun.
Stay on your containment board, you're worse than ponyfuckers.
Are you lost?
nigger has been rife all over the site since before /pol/, nigger, deal with it.
Hey hey people Seth here
actually thats just mechanics, not game play.
what is the objective? what is norman reedus doing? why is he traversing thru some random landscape ripped from UE4 free assets? so far we just know what Norman Reedus can do, and thats it.
>electionfags unironically praising scripted trailers, walking simulators, no gameplay and Kojima all in the same thread
Thanks, /pol/. This place might as well be fucking reddit.
What was so confusing about it?
You'd never say it to a actual African American.
>Games are better with atmosphere, build up, and story.
>these are impossible to show off through well made gameplay, and have to be put into massive, obnoxious cutscenes
Even Super Mario has a better plot than every Kojima game in existence, which amounts to "WAR BAD, TECHNOLOGY BAD, AMERICA BAD". At least Mario keeps his plot simple.
The problem is that it's Kojima. So it comes off as really deep, but it's just going to all be explained by something a six year old could have made up.
>What were all these supernatural abilities from MGS1 to MGS4?
>What were all these supernatural abilities in MGS5?
>Vocal cord parasites
Wow so deep. The games were a lot deeper not having anything explained.
MGS came out decades before Fukushima even happened. Not everything nuclear related from Japan automatically means Fukushima. Holy shit.
Is this a serious post?
>Even Super Mario has a better plot than every Kojima game in existence
Continue with your absurd contrarian opinions. It only further solidifies my point
>thinking naming a dead board will prove that you aren't a massive thinskinned newfag
what the fuck does /pol/ even have to do with this thread, schizo?
So, you're the user with the raging hard on for Kojima, never mind.
MGS consistently sold millions from 1998 to 2015.
>Trailer literally spells out the themes and story setup in autistic detail.
>Haha woah so randumb xdd. Crazy xD!!!
You can enjoy his pretentiousness or not but dont pretend like hes being obscure here.
This, Jesus do people want the whole plot spelled out or what?
They filled up every board with kiddies who unironically praise trailers devoid of gameplay.
Do you even know what a bullshot is?
That it appears to be MGSV-flavored FedEx simulator with ladders and weird babies in goo bottles based on what little we've seen in that trailer.
Is it Eurotruck simulator without the truck? Is it MGS with package delivery? What role will the smoke nazis that suck you into the earth play? What is supposed to be the core gameplay (i.e. what most of my gameplay hours will be spent on)?
>Continue with your absurd contrarian opinions.
Tell me what's absurd about it. Mario's story ties perfectly into the gameplay. It's also far better paced. At no point do I need to be forced into a mandatory 20 minute hallway to "take a break" inbetween boss fights or long platforming segments. Tell me, why can't MGS accomplish that? Why do I have to be held at gun point and told to stop playing the game after a certain amount of time?
>Do you even know what a bullshot is?
You might actually be a schizo
I hope hes learned his lesson and doesn't explain too much. MGS was supposed to be over at 2. Kojima clearly never intended to explain how the supernatural abilities worked because he never wanted to make MGS4 in the first place. MGS5 was entirely his fault and I'll never understand how he thought that was a good idea, but maybe hes learned from how poorly that games story was received.
>You BETTER be afraid.
Get a fucking grip.
lol author is a negress who uses the GMG Union logo as her fucking profile pic. I hope unionizing kills that shit company. Gawker 2.0 will die just like daddy.
They've been repackaging and reselling the games since the late 2000s so no shit. Even your own post points out what a fucking letdown MGSV was.
>still damage controlling the witcher 3 downgrayd
holy fuck
yep thats why i hate those chain post where someone throws the most garbage bait out and people quote it 50 times acting suprised this place is facebook tier at this point
>faggily deflects
Enjoy your walking simulator.
>Mario's story ties perfectly into the gameplay
Thats because it chooeses to practically have no story. A game thats story ties perfectly into its gameplay would be something like Pathologic, or Ace Attorney for a more popular example. Those games actually have gameplay that tie in really well with their narrative.
Subconscious negative reaction to the words 'Homo Demons'.
Clever enough to attract thousands of morons to watch a black screen for 24 hours.
>he had to look up what /new/ even was
To a random black man, that would be rude at best. Your friends aren't going to get upset over dumb shit your American arts teacher's preferences. Go climb a wall of dicks.
This pretty much. I almost hesitated watching the whole thing as I thought I gave away TOO much. Luckily I tend to forget things if I don't rewatch them so if I stay away from footage till November I should be good. Cognitive thinking is a lost art. People need to be told EXACTLY what a thing is or else they are too lazy to actually bother using their brain to figure it out. Putting one and one together has quite literally (hate that word) become difficult for people.
As it's been said hundreds of times the same thing that happened to Yea Forums.
So the NPC meme does have a lick of truth in it.
>Thats because it chooeses to practically have no story
Mario and Peach are in love, Peach gets kidnapped, Mario saves her through perilous circumstances. That's more of a premise than anything DS has even attempted to convey.
Well you'd never actually say it to an African American in person, so no, you don't need to be afraid
Someone edit a monster energy into this man
Looks pretentious as fuck, and uninteresting to play.
>Thats because it chooeses to practically have no story
And that's the way it should be. Movies like MGS and Ace Attorney could learn a thing or two.
not an argument
>At no point do I need to be forced into a mandatory 20 minute hallway
>Man don't you just hate that SHITTY overworld in Super Mario World? I just HATE wasting 20 minutes going to the next level, why can't I just start the next level immediately. Why are they forcing me to look at this SHITTY world map?
This is how you sound. I just want you to know that.
Every time you make a laughable overactive claim you further prove that I was completely right.
This argument is entirely pointless. You are so blinded by your opinion that you will refuse to be swayed by any info I put forth.
Go fuck yourself with the wrong side of the broom, fag.
Yeah I know, Isn't it pathetic that he had to look up /new/ on ED to try and make up an insult and try to get out of being a thinskinned newfag?
God, how pathetic.
>To a random black man, that would be rude at best
lol go try it then
Just cause you hang out with other /pol/tards doesn't mean the other 90% of the world doesn't think you're all virgin incel muppets lashing out at the world through your little hugbox
Do it you won't
To me it looks like MGSV with less interactive or fun gameplay. Yeah, I sorta agree with you.
Whoa nice
exactly what i was thinking
I am still kinda sad that the Luden isn't a thing in Death Stranding, those things look cool.
What the hell makes you thing it isnt? Die-hardman has LUDEN written on his mask. You go to a fucking moon and use the ludens suit.
The reason for how he moves would be the narrative, not the gameplay. What you're saying is something like "Mario's gameplay is peach getting kidnapped."
This game honestly looks like MGS flavored delivery open world game. My first impression of Death Stranding is not good. I don't care if I have a vehicle or have to walk, it looks boring.
The story, what we have seen of it, makes no sense. I assume Sam is Snake and works with people he thought were on his side, but really, he's working with the enemy. He finds this out, they find out that he knows, he is a target.
Nothing confusing about the game other than why have we been shown multiple trailer over years and this game still looks like a snoozefest.
Looks like everyone who didn't like the trailer was game journalist tier. Don't say I didn't tell you.
i dont think the moon part is true, it might just be a random dialog to throw people off.
also, about ludens, if you mean the Shinkawa poster featuring it, i also doubt it, this is kojima we are talking about, he wouldnt outright put such twist in the open like that.
>What you're saying is something like "Mario's gameplay is peach getting kidnapped."
But it is. The game is the abstracted process of saving Beach.
>owned a framed kong skull island poster since the movie released
>director of that movie is a major kojima famboy and is going to be the director for the MGS movie
>only now, coming back drunk from a party, and looking at my wall, did I realize that the bottom half of the poster was most likely inspired by Death Stranding materials that Kojima must have shown to Roberts during one of their many meetings
I'm not even mad, this is awesome
Stop being retarded
>He's working for the enemy
I mean could make sense yeah. He's supposed to 'connect' cities, but the bad guys do a whole lot of 'connecting' themselves.
Connection is not an inherently good or bad thing. Just like "bonds" can refer to friendships or literal fucking chains.
The blessed are those capable of telling good from bad and capable of both joining and severance.
Sorta like an umblical cord, eh Kojima?
That explains why game journalists are the way they are today. Or the western game industry in general actually.
>always thought this was the redditest thing ever
>laugh it off
>its was truth all along
I was so wrong
>everything is /pol/
He was supposed to leave at 2, but it was never supposed to be over.
are you pretending to be retarded?
to be fair, this site was the reason kojima got the internet hivemind love
kojima isn't a hack, but who would have thought that konami's early limitations would've boosted his creativity more than the freedom he got after achieving that much recognition
Maybe we all need him to go back and work with a tight budget
sam porter bridges was married to the president's daughter, now has to deliver a package to somewhere to "make america whole again", and cliff wants the baby, and the homo demons want to stop sam from delivering that package.
oh and if you die, you get taken to the past to fight your way back to the present.
>Man don't you just hate that SHITTY overworld in Super Mario World? I just HATE wasting 20 minutes going to the next level, why can't I just start the next level immediately. Why are they forcing me to look at this SHITTY world map?
But you don't spend 20 minutes going to the next level. It takes a maximum of 3 seconds. And the only reason it even exists is to allow you agency in the path you choose. It's directly tied to gameplay. Walking up a ladder for 3 minutes has no purpose other than to be pretentious story trash, especially with the stupid cringeworthy music they put in there for MUH FEELS.
So once again you have failed to put up a proper analogy.
Ahem tpbp
kill yourself
you really have to have a high IQ to understand death stranding
>Why is everyone making fun of a walking sim with basic brawling and generic third person over the shoulder shooting with ridiculously pretentious and nonsensical cutscenes?
I will only post reaction images because that is all your retarded posts deserve.
Keep trying to argue this pathetic point of yours.
Of course they shouldn't because games are SHIT at telling a story. Gameplay and pacing are pretty much polar opposites, and if you don't understand why pacing is important then you're an even bigger retard than he is.
"Evolve beyond that" like what does that even mean?
Only low IQ people say shit like "pretentious" specially with a game with silly stuff like this one.
Game journalists usually eat that shit up though. Why is Death Stranding any different?
remember when Yea Forums loved kojima and made him a collective birthday card and he mistook it as being from just australia?
Welcome to reality. Its always been like this
I'm just glad Kojima's going for themes of 'reconnecting a fractured society' and whatnot while the rest of the industry panders to the vampire council.
What was great about the trailer? I skipped the nonsensical movie scenes because they were boring and wanted to see the gameplay bits and they looked bland and clunky.
Most people are NPC’s anyways. The fact that people saw it as a meme was sad.
>vampire council
Who? What?
>this site was the reason kojima got the internet hivemind love
you are overstimating Yea Forums influence
the love for kojima is due to MGS1-2-3 being really good games, from there the love for him snowballed into cult of personality
but regardless of him being overrated, he's still a good videogame director
I don't know why this angers me.
>doesn't want to play his games because that's too much effort
>doesn't want to post arguments, because that takes too much effort
pottery in motion.
Lmaoing @ you if you think what you just described is a "basic premise" on the level of elegance and simplicity that is Mario's quintessential plot.
Christ, you don't even know what the game is about. Your post might as well be headcanon.
No, the basic bitch normie mentality is to think originality is something to be proud of when every single shred of evidence shows that people like what they know and know what they like. Something you might have realised if you actually had independent thinking.
You're the "I'm not like other girls" facebook spammer who posts endless pictures of vaguely passive aggressive messages overlaid on soppy images.
This is the only game I'm still looking forward to.
Probably giving up on video games after this gen 2bh, they're all shit now.
Just lol @ all these seething zoomers itt
>1v1 with a 13%er
>the non-13% starts winning
>13%ers "homies" all jump in like faggots to get their free hits in because they can never 1v1 people properly
God damn I hate 13%ers. Never relax and always carry. Fuck what white-cucks say about defending yourself. A piece of lead goes a long way.
>shut the fuck up about pancakes
who cares what the fuck someone would say to a real person? most people here aren't complete pieces of shit irl so they use this as an outlet to be one? fucking stupid schizo nigger arguments
Except that tells you nothing about the actual gameplay. Do Dragon's Lair and Super Mario Bros. have the same gameplay, then?
Point still stands
neither you do, or ANYONE does.
the trailer really doesnt explain anything, its not bad, not at all, its simply clearly vague on purpose.
so obviously headcanons are to be expected, not to mention that, for all we know, we might get KOJIMA'D with a bait&switch plot that has absolutely nothing to do with what the trailers showed so far.
the sneaking around ghosts and skeletons part
and the part with mads mikkelsen or those with the qts
>you are overstimating Yea Forums influence
not really, Yea Forums's impact on the internet culture is immeasurable, specially in shaping up the web2.0
MGS was not just a Yea Forums thing, from the revolver ocelot demotivational on Yea Forums to the multiple con cosplay threads on /cgl/, it pretty much was all over the site
Finally almost time for my PS4 to be more than a bloodborne and Persona 5 machine
First it was:
>lol you fuckers are just too low IQ to get Kojima's genius. He doesn't have to spell it out for you. Trailers shouldn't show everything!
But now more and more are calling it nonsense, the line has changed to:
>lol you fuckers are so stupid. He spells it out for you! The trailer shows you everything!
This type of response is what everyone calls the classic contrarian, but really its just the same sheepish mentality. You are the epitome of what we are all criticizing
I mostly agree but I had not heard anything about the game before or its death mechanic so the sudden WW2 scene did catch me surprise and definitely compelled me to get online and see what that was about.
and yet it's not the reason people like kojima, his most loved games even predate Yea Forums
>everything goes to shit under a female President
>you're saving things as a white fucking male
The Jew fears the Samurai.
I hate this place
Yeah, literally, because it doesn't look like a fucking game, just a bir empty open world with 3 hours of cutscenes. How is that not wrong?
Yes, the games. Kojima's cult of personality did start here, tho.
The trailer's got the themes and broad strokes, main stars and shit. The finer points aren't there but you can get a good enough idea of what the game is about
None of that is conveyed through the gameplay though. For a game's narrative to be perfectly in tune with its gameplay you should be thinking about the narrative as you are playing. With Mario you just jump on blocks and go bing bing wahoo. You're not thinking about saving the princess as you are playing the game. In Pathologic you play as a doctor in a town plagued with disease. You're the towns only doctor and as such you are really fucking busy and under a lot of stress. You are constantly running around everywhere trying to keep important people from getting infected by giving them medicine, you are also constantly starving or sleep deprived and sometimes in order to survive you have to do bad things like rob innocent people or even murder them. Mario's story could be about literally anything and it wouldn't change how the game actually plays.
because uneven fights, especially against people minding their own business, are detestable
Can anyone make out the text here? It looks like just a book to me
I want to be surprised and challenged. I am sick of cookie cutter, multi culti low IQie American garbage.
The *something* and the *something*.
The Moon and the Earth.
>the trailer really doesnt explain anything
And then you go ahead and make asinine assumptions like "it's meant to be vague" when it's more likely the game is barely a concept and half a lifetime away from being finished (which it never will be).
Explain it then faggot.
user, the US is minority white. Get over it or leave the US.
>The Boss and the
Calm down, nerd.
Making fun of it?
My brothers are all normalfags and they thought it was top tier.
I know one of them made a comment like this in the YouTube comments
>Interviewer: So what is the game about?
>Kojima: Yes
I upvoted that comment. Tell your brother he's a funny guy.
>this is a chad
>Some post apocalyptic event connects "the other side" to our world
>America is shattered by this event, entire cities are destroyed/gone
>Bridges is a government agency attempting to reconnect America once more
>A group called Homo Demons wants to shatter America further
>"The other side" manifests themselves as things called "BTs" which age you rapidly or take you to the "other side"
>You as Sam Bridges must finish a delivery to help the goal of reconnecting America
It's not that hard. The only thing that is vague is what Mad's role is, but that will probably be explored heavily in game.
It looks like shit. It's just a bunch of games thrown together with sim in the middle. Throw in a story that is 2deep4u throw in some mediocre actors and you get this Hollywood walking sim bs
you're a fucking retard
you go from place to place delivering important items and there's an evil militia of terrorists and also ghosts to worry about
the protagonist just wants to do that but will be forced into some larger goal of restarting civilization after the ghost apocalypse that happened, the babies are genetically engineered things that provide benefits like actually being able to spot the ghosts
nothing about this is complicated, you're just another sóyface-making imbecile screaming
i can't, this game has me hype like nothing else in years
it's Homo Demens, as in demented
You don't know what hack means.
Fukushima does not deserve the disgrace your post puts on him.
Murata wrote Snake Eater.
niggers nigging around school
>yakety sax starts playing
How much of that are you headcannoning for the sake of Kojima's broken English tweets?
>it's not that hard
Nobody's claiming it's hard to decipher, because there literally isn't anything there to decipher. The trailer is a tech demo at best.
>The Boss and the Snek
My hype is remaining low after MGSV. Ill be waiting for everyone to already play the game and tell me is the second coming before I invest in it.
Last word on the book looks like Earth and there is references to the Moon in other material related to the game.
Because rehashing jokes is easier than being critical.
>Why is everyone making fun of Death Stranding?
Certain groups are scared that the WW1 aesthetic will highlight some of the problems with remaining fixated on WW2
>open world
And hype is now at zero.
Yea but why fight a dude who is doing shit but chilling with his girl? Was he talking shit or something?
it's all in the trailer, retard
>president: "dude you gotta save the world"
>norman reedus: "no thanks"
>norman reedus: "oh wait I'm having visions of my predecessor and clearly have some other relationship with her, depending on my actual age this could mean she's my mom or my dead wife, so I guess I have to do this now"
>troy baker: "I'm gonna kill you, hero"
you have the brain of a child
Reminder that the cult of kojima is worse then any smashfag. Probably smell worse, too.
its going to be mgsv tier "open world"
i was only vaguely interested in playing it someday until i saw the gameplay, it looks like exactly what i never knew i wanted
I feel calm since my hype went to zero upon seeing that open world looking webm.
I hate open world games so much. So so much.
>implying i'm american
>implying 13%er is not just the new way of saying nigger on a blueboard
13%er sounds so much more fun, because most of these 13%ers have no idea what the hell you are even saying to their faces.
It looks easy as fuck and game journalists want to play hard games on easy mode to get internet cred now. Movie games are a dead fad.
It could surprise me. It could be a mix of open world and unexpected, numerous, amazing set pieces, but I doubt it.
No one has ever done it. Its basically two games.
Fucking ESL scum
I just say "N word".
Especially on Youtube.
At random.
>looked great
yeah, all that gameplay was top notch. it looks like itll be the best game in its genre for 2020. i also like going to a library or museum to play my videogames.
I am 32 and have almost entirely paid down a house. You are spot on with your picture.
The anons and OP in this thread are faggots
nigga it's just gonna be MGSV but actually finished
when the game comes out and there's a dozen bases of "homodemens" where you can stealth kill 20 dudes and then get something out of it and slightly unique boss fights with an optional gimmick, all you retards overthinking this shit will be as insufferable as the "it makes no sense!" brainlets
>to give a general idea of what the game is
>Reminder that the cult of kojima is worse then any smashfag
lol no, at least kojimafags don't have the urge to fill the whole board with smash threads for months to come, even though we didn't get a sticky we remained contenied in a single thread untill bump limit
only pokemon and sonic fags are worse than smashfags
Doesn't look very fun
Yeah thats why im waiting for all you nerds to play it first and when that happens I can feel smug and do something else that isnt video games.
I miss vidya
Homo demens are the Homo Ludens. Mads is literally a Luden that went or taken to the other side which are BT’s. Higgs follows suite
Sam sure has some weird ass dialogue desu
Yeah, have fun being one of the three or four contrarian autist shitters in the general threads where everyone else is having decent fun with the 7.5/10 game this will end up being
Your lesbian parents don’t look like fun but they get excited when I slam their genitals between my cheeks
Keep telling yourself that.
It's a good sign. If mass audience can understand and like something than its probably garbage.
This game will sell really well amongst normies and casuals but will have a less than 25% completion rate.
Meme culture was always retarded
By weird I mean awkward, it just doesn't rub me the right way. Am I auts? Can't put my finger on it
Anybody have any 1440p wallpapers for death stranding? Preferably the one with all of the character concept art with the mgs2 style blue rectangles behind it.
no but you are?
This, people are fucking retarded and anyone who paid even a small bit of attention to MGS2 or Eva will see that the general theme is the same and kojima is a subtle as a horny hooker in a church when it comes to symbolism and wordplay you gotta be mentally slow to not understand this shit, I legit showed the newest trailer to my 15 years old brother and even he got the gist of the general post apocalyptic plot
you underestimate the average person's ability to be completely distracted by a vampire or bees
they then focus more on their mild inability to understand than putting forth the slight effort it would take to understand
I think people are just all trailer'd out at this point. It gets old after a while, especially when each new trailer offers very little information.
What inevitably happens when you have years of epic trailers that reveal nothing is people start to fill in the blanks with their own original ideas. Then the game comes out and it never comes close to being as interesting or fun as people thought it could be.
The game is about post-apoc America where the larger part of population died due to manifestation of supernatural beings known as PTs, who are connected to the world of dead. The cities that are left are disarray and the president tasks you and your Bridges organization with restoring communications/links with America's cities, something Amelie (the mysterious woman) tried to. You spend the game traversing wild terrain, fighting off terrorist cell known as Homos who want to kill what's left of civilization, and hiding from BTs. If you're caught by BTs (optional and probably unavoidable during some story moments) you're transported to the world of dead that will manifest in various war settings - WW1, Vietnam, probably Iraq, too, where you'll confront the ghost of Amelie and ghost of Mads, who was once a key scientist behind bridge babies and possibly related to Sam.
How people are uncapable to connect the dots is beyond me. I believe it's as says, just because I don't want to believe people are that stupid.
>rain makes you older
>hurr why do he need hazmat suit for?
This is why you never fight if there's more then one of them.
>it doesn't take a side on politics, and that's a bad thing!
>please learn how to pork
because that urkel fucker deserved more than he got
The xxxx and the Earth
No, but there's this.
>Jesus Euck
The Moon and the Earth
Nice projection but 90% of the world would support /pol/ if they even knew what the fuck it is
Nah he just looked like a soiboy
Watch the game come out and like, 90% of this be totally wrong. lmao
Pretty crazy when even a soiboy can 1v1 nig and win
That's pretty cool. I actually to know more about Die-hardman and gold face.
Yeah, power of nintendo
BRIDGES captcha confirms this is Norman Sam Porter Bridges Reedus on the moon.
>why fight a dude who is doing shit but chilling with his girl?
Because they can.
If a nigger see something he think he can fuck up, he will fuck it up.
He don't need a reason. He won't even understand *why* he would need a reason.
He can ? He do.
Good point
Think this can beat Dead Space in terms of minimum UI?
I think it will be on a same level. Dead Space was so ahead.
It looks like it has absolutely no HUD so far, I couldn't tell if the inventory system was in-game. Someone said it had the words SATANIC DRIVE or something on it.
>Lazy copies off of western media
>based retard who doesn't know how image boards work?
I don't want to fight sperm whales.
I want to fight whale sized sperm
How do I download more ram?
>Murata wrote Snake Eater.
Fukushima's credits for writing are also in MGS3 so shut up
Its a 100% chance we go to the moon. If an event fucked Earth super hard, the super rich would fund travel to the moon and abandon us.
AS I understated Earth is fucked by some alien omnipotent thing and like in Sunless Sea people can't die "in normal" meaning of death because they're "connected"? End everywhere anomalies happening when "death" side start leaking. Like Yharnam in BB
Good post.
you are a nigger
t.Yea Forums
Die, Hartmann.
It's gonna be the entire planet, moon, and mars.
>It has become a meme to say that no one knows what this game is about
this, hamming about how crazy and confusing the plot must be is just normie flocking behavior. we've known pretty much everything we've needed to since the last trailer. post-apocalyptic scifi horror stealth-action game very much in the vein of MGSV. no traditional 'game over', instead on death you are transported to a hell world of perpetual war and have to fight your way back. babies are tech for seeing the ghosts. ostensibly you are part of an organization trying to reunite the USA (now 'UCA' because post-apocalyptic city-states), but actually with a barely concealed transhumanist agenda (and now with this trailer we have learned there is at least one competing transhumanist agenda/species, Ludens vs Demens).
it's just a scifi story.
shut up nerd
And with survival elements from MGS3 but in modern techs
I didn't get the feels I did from the MGSV trailers. I hope Kojimbo isn't going to deliver pantsu on head retarded shit.
He is, but Murata is given credit for Snake Eater, thus dismissing this stupid hack debate people use to dismiss Kojima.
>t. /k/
Well, no, but a low IQ isn't really gonna help your case.
k is pol
It might just be the rich but I don't mind, humans should populate other planets even just as a fail safe in case of a planetary extinction event.
So we all agree it's a Metal Gear game, right?
>People just like to connect with other people in their idiocy,
they hire nothing but stupid SJW's writers and journalists.
because nothing makes sense in any possible context
Put me in the screenshot!
Because it's pretentious nonsense with horrible looking gameplay.
If it's fun and has an End of Evangelion ending I'll play it.
What do you mean by this?
Probably because no one knows what the fuck the trailers are about. Don't really blame them either. The gameplay is a lot more worrying. Looked like garbage and there were constant framedips
>terrorist cell known as Homos
I don't care. You're living in a fantasy world. Criticism from you is meaningless. One look at any aspect of society shows that people like what they know. You're in love with the idea of originality but you've never once in your life actually thought about the implications.