Attached: markus-notch-persson-770x433.jpg (770x433, 34K)

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Did he finally kill himself?


God damn that is sad. I wonder if he would have been happier poor?
>He went with the shotgun
Anyone got the pics?

I wonder how he managed to shoot himself in the back of the head

he got too close to the truth

He slip on the shower while bathing his gun, the same way Nisman did.

>check twitter feed
>no cheering trannies
almost had me

He didn't actually fucking die you retard. He doesn't like playing on Hardcore

you fucking faggots, you made me think he actually died

This is so sad, Hiroshitmoot, play Despacito


i call dibs on his fortune

>that leaked rant of his
>all those slurs he threw out
>all that nonsense with a little bit of truth
>that shotgun load
>that final bang
Dare I say it? KINO Truly /ourguy/

post yfw when all his money goes to a transgender charity

Attached: tyrone.jpg (620x670, 93K)

>still shitposting on twitter
>average post only get under 50 likes
fuck.. i'm starting to feel bad for him


I'm sure he can wipe his tears with his hundreds of millions of dollars that I wish I had

I don't, he could have been a major force for a more sane form of conservatism or even just moderate liberalism but he went completely off the deep end throwing away any chance he had at making a difference.

Notch basically has no friends and does jack shit all day. It's actually kind of pathetic, he has all of this money but doesn't do shit with it. He doesn't start a new project, he doesn't improve minecraft, he doesn't do anything but shitpost on twitter all day long, and even with that fewer and fewer people are reading his tweets and caring about him anymore. If he just wanted to shitpost all day without worrying about money he could do it for 1/1000 of what he has now He's literally a waste of a billionaire.

He's like me except I don't have fucking millions.

if I were notch i'd have killed myself a long time ago. with access to literally everything and anything, you start losing all of your trust and nothing feels special anymore.

Notch is a great example of what how a person without passion or interests will end up. When he was developing Minecraft he always took vacations because he hated work now he has a permanent vacation and realizes how empty it is. As much as Yea Forums is filled with pieces of shit I'm sure if given a 2 billion dollars they'd find something to do with it besides shitpost all day.

I'd just play more videogames since I wouldn't have to lift a finger ever again.

You could literally make your dream game, multiple times. I don't get it and it's not just Notch. It happens to other rich people as well, some go as far as spiraling into drug/alcohol addiction. I guess it comes down to character, you have people like Musk and Gates that could have retired a long time ago, but they have a drive that keeps them going.

Attached: urafaget.gif (252x280, 1.49M)

Not so sure mobile.twitter.com/notch/status/1134029470208126976

I'm not sorry for him. He's still a dude that could try to at least start new projects or make a few friends with all the contacts he has, it's not like he has not options. If does jack shit all day and then he can't find happiness in that then that's his problem

Pretty much. Nothing drives people like Notch period. Fuck with 2 billion dollars is travel constantly, start a game studio, record label, a fucking foundation for a cause you believe in. But nope Notch is going to spend his life in that 70 million dollar tomb of his found dead in the candy room.


i dont know, that sounds like a bunch of projection. anything you wanna talk about?


Based Argentino citizen.

she's cute whats her name

I would probably invest into several other business ventures locally to try to make my third world shitholes less shit.

he doesn't own minecraft anymore, right? I doubt he could do anything to influence it anymore even if he wanted to

Sylvana Siemons

ITT: poorfags mad pretending that they would know what to do with half of Notch's money

This is why you bitches are poor, you think too small and inside this weird box that makes people believe that you have to spend every dime of your fortune on some greater cause.