Samurai Shodown gameplay for Darli, Tam Tam, Hanzo, Chadyoshiro and Yashamaru

Samurai Shodown gameplay for Darli, Tam Tam, Hanzo, Chadyoshiro and Yashamaru

Attached: 1544162402137.webm (1080x720, 2.99M)

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>Tam Tam

Fuck yes

call me when there is footage of galford bleaching nakoruru

His win poses are a let down desu

Buy the special edition for that

Attached: 1554116870309.gif (132x100, 8K)

What the fuck is that?

It scales depending on your privilege, against whites it wins the entire set

>Kyoshiro gameplay
>no frog


Attached: galfnako.png (800x800, 325K)

>start off round with dash up super and vaporize 80% of opponents health

kino neutral

>barely any kyoshiro gameplay
>no frog in sight
It ain't looking so shot, kabukibros...

where my nigga kyoshiro tho

>no eathquake
it's suffering to be part of the B I G B O Y team

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But he's in

>first 20 seconds features a cinematic attack that takes 70% of the guys health
people actually want to play this?

Oh shit I'm blind as fuck
thanks user

so... who preordering here?

Never played Samsho have you

lol, what is that default MUGEN lifebar bullshit?

Already did cause of the free season pass.

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>Nakoruru's theme is a remix of Banquet of Nature
Can't wait to hear the full version of Tuna

Where the fuck is the Ukyo gameplay.

>no PC release
i want to play this game but i cant
why do they do this

PC is a late release, I guess SNK can't handle working on 4 platforms at once and picked two for EVO

>4 platforms
are they really releasing it on the switch too? that's cool

Every SNK game from now will be released for all platforms, including the next KoF and Metal Slug

>next metal slug
Excuse me what?

Finally I can preorder the game from Best Buy.

They're making KoF XV, a new Metal Slug and Neo Geo 2

It's all real
Maybe it's time for SNK, after capcom, to enter their redemption arc

I really want to know about the Neo Geo 2. Apparently it isn't just a mini 2, but there is no way they would make a real console again.

hate his nu-voice.

It will be redemption for me if their new Metal Slug is in the 2D quality the series is known for. Otherwise old SNK, as old Capcom, are not back...

tam tam didn't land a single command throw
the player found out the spin command near the end and died
do not watch these vids if you're hyped for tam tam, they are painful

Attached: tam tam command throw.png (751x1164, 1.14M)

Any new footage for the Chinese slut?

This game looks so fucking slow and boring.
And yes, i saw pros playing it, still looks like a snoozefest.

There was an offscreen twitch stream where they played one match with her but I didn't save the link. She has a trap move and a projectile that disappears and appears on the sky like the ones Magaki uses

that's why it's called Samurai Shodown

>Match begins
>Immediate cutscene
Dropped. Hate how every modern fighting game insists on having constant gameplay interruptions. It ruined Soul Calibur and it will ruin this as well.

Gonna catch so many people with this bullshit

Attached: 1547802345346.webm (1280x720, 3M)

More like Samurai Slowdown

Cinematic super can be used just once in the match I think

>many people
the game is dead on arrival sadly. you'll catch no one with this

I wouldn't be against those ones being nerfed a bit desu. The damage already seems in a good place for everything else

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It's on the Evo main stage, sweetie.

Cope harder Capkek/Smeleefag

Now hold on, I like Capcom. I'm not backing SNK just to give Capcom the middle finger. I just like their fighting games is all.

shh don't get him out of his delusion

Why should I get this on PC?

Why does it look so ugly? The graphics are awful.

The sound design is even worse. People underestimate how important it is to have a satisfying hit noise.


Nigga this looks a whole ton better than KoF XIV.

>This shit looks better than this shit!
So what? It's still shit.

The point is they listened and improved a lot, so shut the hell up and live with it.

hopefully we get another SNK direct like last year for E3, revealing those so-called Neogeo 2 and Neogeo 3.

specially if it features Voicy Mc voicerton:

I want to fuck the nigger pirate.

what the fuck

That is some bullshit.

never played Samsho have you newfag?

>Getting all hot and bothered by babby's first ranged grab super
I forget this place doesn't actually play fighting games

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Is there a reason you can’t preorder this on Amazon? I really don’t feel like giving Gamestop my money

>implying anyone plays Darkstalkers