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>CoD is back
>Halo is back
>WoW is back
Looks like the mid 2000s is back on the menu, boys

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rust was a shit map
halo and cod returning is nice though

Looks like the holy trinity of what killed gaming is back on the menu again.

Activision, EA, AND Naughty Dog!?

Enemy A C One Thirty, above!

gotta put that final nail in the coffin enjoy your demise zoomers

Rust was MW2

>Yea Forums used to hate on COD, Halo, and WOW years ago
>Since the 2016 election, Yea Forums is now full of Zoomers nostalgic for those games


>that feel when unironically fell for and bought Black Cops 4
>game runs like shit on my i7 and 970
>can't refund it because lol no refund policy on

who else replaying MW2 campaign

fuck off grandpa

>AAA companies have gone to such shit they have to recycle their old stuff

what the hell happend

>CoD is back
Why, because they are rehashing an already used setting?
Remember WWII?

You fell for the shilling.

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Kys, larping boomer

>no MW2 Remastered

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But MW and Halo Infinite need to not suck. And I need to not want to kill myself. Otherwise yeah you’re right.

Why does Yea Forums suddenly love CoD? They're soulless garbage "games" for NPC's

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Most of us now are in our early to mid 20s, so we were in middle or high school when CoD 4 launched, which obviously was huge. Either you’re a boomer or a zoomer to not get it.

But that doesn't mean the games aren't shit, you grow out of them and wonder why you ever liked them in the first place. They're the same thing as saturday morning cartoons, you don't suddenly go praising them as masterpieces when you're an adult

But the point is we did love them, so it’s more special to us even if they aren’t as good. I wouldn’t expect a 17 year old zoomer to understand.

We don't.
It's just COD gets shilled hard every year.
The moment the game comes out, all threads vanish.

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>Not shipment

MW1 didn't have Rust.

Am I getting stupid?

That would, uh, mean you were 10 to 13 when you were playing these games. They kinda came out 12 years ago. This was literally you. You kinda don't get to post here no matter how old you get, sorry. :)

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I mean, that basically was us (I was a bit older, prob 14-15). That was you at one point as well, unless you were always this much of a supreme cool guy who only loved the best games and was never cringy at all.



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>all these kids talking about going home to shitty Mod War maps
>will never get to go home to Eder Dam or Toujane
please Activision, just give me a PC port for 3, thats all I want

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Cant wait till the Halo 4 kids start posting here too. I can already see some of them starting to show up. Then Gaylo3 and Reach fags will finally understand why nobody likes them

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Halo 3 is a legit good game whether you were 13 or 30 when it released. It was a bigger deal at the time than really any other video game, and it actually didn’t suck.

Halo 3 was awful, kill yourself

>It was a bigger deal at the time than really any other video game

See, FF7 was a big deal but other companies weren't willing or even able to copy them with their "60 hour long epic 3D adventure with cinema quality FMV" gimmick. Halo however showed everyone that you don't need a good game, you just need an infinite advertising budget and a special Mountain Dew brand.

>haven't played CoD since BO1
>tempted to get this new one

I won't get it on release but I'm definitely going to keep an eye on it. MW-WaW-MW2 was peak 360 era.

>removed BR starts in SP
instantly tossed into the garbage

Glad to see the pendulum has swung back and now it’s cool to hate on Halo 3 again.

know this feel, how smooth the mouse is is tied to the framerate, essentially making you feel like you aim with a gamepad when below 120 fps, fuck archniggers

Reach is still the worst game in series. Don't get your hopes up.

>buying Activision shit

rust sucks though
