such a shame this shit was designed to run on some weak ass tablet, it's held back on the visual and technical side hugely
Such a shame this shit was designed to run on some weak ass tablet...
Other urls found in this thread:
Its fun
It was made for kids. Nintendo needs to make games on real consoles.
yeah okay but imagine if it had the visual complexity you find in really really cool looking shit on powerful hardware and imagine how much more complex shit you could have with stronger hardware as well
I bet the reason for loading screens for each shrine is a technical limitations, instead they could probably have dungeons actually just in the world seamlessly
It seriously looks so much better on Cemu. Consoles are a joke
yeah, played both on switch and cemu and you're absolutely right, but also it still doesn't really look nearly as great as it could if it was developed for not shit hardware
It'd plenty good as it is if it could hold a steady framerate
dude you can get like 90fps on PC no problem
imagine if botw had this sort of complexity to the environments
So, generic landscape with no personality?
I'm not gonna say BOTW looks good, I think Nintendo seriously messed up when designing that entire artstyle, it looks like something you would find in a game made in Unity. But realism is not how you make a game like Zelda look good. Quite the opposite. Wouldn't even work with it's gameplay.
haha epic but I am talking about the complexity here, but if you want to argue retard shit let's go, it's not like the mountains in botw reek of personality either, shits just a bunch of rocks when you stand on it
why does everything with modern graphics look like clay/mud?
well that image has tons of clay, mud and sand and shit in it
Breath of the Wild's literally climbing mountains (and almost every other surface) definitely allows for more variety by not being constrained by realism and Sam definitely can't move as fast or smoothly as Link. The problem with Breath of the Wild's mountains and plateaus that aren't specific landmarks is they're generally pretty empty and uninteresting on their peaks/tops beyond maybe a Korok or some resources, to the point that you feel like you're taking a shortcut and missing out on whatever you could find on the "intended" path. Also rain makes climbing suck ass and the game gives you no way to mitigate it.
Ah fair enough then, I agree with that.
bullshit, shit looks shit because it's made for tablet hardware, you know it's true, if they had made it on literally over 10x stronger hardware which is what other consoles are, shit would also be able to look 10x more complex
This specific mountain has plenty of personality. It looks like that mountain in Peru over by Machu Picchu that was carved to look like a face.
it looks fucking garbage and could look so fucking good if it didn't have to run on a tablet
I'm more concerned about the failure on the game design side.
I care a lot more about how it plays than how it looks, user. Photorealism isn't an interesting style, Death Stranding looks good because of the strong aesthetic and weird shit, not because the mountain looks like a real mountain.
I seriously doubt hardware was a major limit on the overworld exploration or any gameplay, the game only struggles in certain cluttered towns. Having more processing power to work with wouldn't have resulted in the dozens of barren cliffs suddenly being worth climbing, making the overworld so massive with only so many secrets to find around every corner is a game design problem, not a limit of the hardware.
I am talking about visual complexity, not realism also you're a retard and I am completely right about the fact that it could look so fucking much better if it didn't have to run on a tablet
I really wish Nintendo made a normal console. Not a graphics whore but 1080p isn't too much to ask for in 2019.
But that's all old news- the GameCube was the last home console that could compete with Sony and MS.
I would say that that doesn3hold it back in the slightest.
>90 fps on CEMU
Why would you ever need more than 30fps?
>Hurr Durr looks like shit
Play a different game then.
>Nintendo bootlicker
Sorry that I genuinely enjoy things and can look past flaws.
That about covers it. Thank you for coming to my SPED talk.
>m-muh looks
Absolute pleb approach to vidya. And that's coming from someone who doesn't even have Switch.
ok retard but it would literally be an improvement if it had more complex looking environments as well as potentially more physics shit going on or whatever you'd use the extra processing power on
90fps > 30fps
The world is made of rock and clay my Neptunian friend.
it's just a specific topic, do you literally never think about how visuals play into games?? cool looking shit is cool but of course there's always fags who whine that people even dare to think that it'd be nice to have better looking shit
First I look at functionality and the next stop is artstyle for me. Polygon count and object density is wack shit that brings too little for too much cost.
read the OP you mouthbreather, shits clearly limited by hardware, anyone would rather play the botw version that looked better and had more complex shit going on
It fucking works and plays fine. What else do you fucking need? How much stuff does your insatiable fucking graphicsmongering face needs to shut the fuck up? Learn to cherish what you have. And remember that it's portable. That shit is also important for lots of people. Probably for more than your "anyone" crowd.
faggot all I am saying it's a shame because it could be so fucking much better if it wasn't made to run on a tablet
It would suck as that looks like bland soulless dogshit
When will Nintendo make a real console that can handle modern games? This Fischer price tablet waggle gimmick has to stop.
It was designed for Wii U. Wait for the next instalment for Switch. Can't wait for that silky smooth Mario Odyssey 60 fps
all that soul in also how can you not distinguish complexity from the style
FYI it doesn't take much power to clutter that mountain up a bit. Modern rendering techniques are equipped to deal with that stuff fair well the most part.
However what it does take is time. It's a hell of a lot harder to make cartoon graphics look complex and "cluttered" than it is realistic ones. It's far easier to make something realistic look good than cartoony, because in real life things are ugly and random and grimy. In cartoons, not so much.
It's more than fine as it is. Stop your entitled whining and go play some good vidya. Not every game has to have toppest tier ultra benchmark graphics-tier to look good.
And again, portability is a good thing.
How fucking long will it go on? I feel second hand embarrassment for snoy
yeah wait for the installment made for... oh shit switch too is weak as fuck as it's a tablet, it's not going to look much better and it's going to be 30fps almost definitely but we'll see
it does take far more than a sub 10W tablet SoC can handle
>Why would you ever need more than 30fps?
>still calling the switch a tablet
And the Vita was what, a phone?
>it's good enough
what the fuck is this point? I am literally just saying shame since shit could be much better, you're crying over me even dare to dream of something better
better would be better and you're annoyed because you're some drone who wants to pretend what we got is the best possible thing ever
It's like comparing apple to oranges. At least use another impressionism videogame as comparison like Ni no Kuni, Skyward Sword or something like that
Ok, I stand down then.
>Why would you ever need more than 30fps?
amazing how this is coming from a member of the same fanbase that touted ALBW's 60 FPS
>it's not going to look much better
At least Mario Oddysey looks a little bit better than Mario 3D World. I'm still hoping for a bump in general graphics
It doesn't have to be "much better" to be a good enough game. And your "better" would take away portability which was the main selling point for a lot of people, inculding myself.
skyward sword is a wii game
>amazing how two of the millions of people who like this one thing can have different opinions on other things
This is a problem for all open world games on consoles in general.
fuck off already faggot
sure but the other consoles are tens of times more powerful and it shows
I am not talking anything about it being good enough you actual retard, fuck portable play I want the best possible games
>it does take far more than a sub 10W tablet SoC can handle
Not really, I'd wager that complex terrain sculpt is probably more hardware intensive than building a mountain out of actual models. Stuff like geometry instancing makes rendering those types of scenes a fucking breeze. But actually building them by hand using models takes a hell of a lot more time and energy. Especially if you want to do it well.
>last thread reaches bump limit
>butthurt sonygro immediately makes another thread
Get out of your basemen already you sad faggot
botw doesn't actually have reflections for all objects, I can prove it if you want me to
that bridge has because it's quite a large object and you'd notice easily it missing from the water reflections but all sorts of shit doesn't reflect, shrines are these vague cube map reflection for example
Way to sound like a childish entitled faggot.
Not him but what is it then?
People actually play BOTW in handheld mode?
>not really
literally stop writing shit you don't know anything about, people like you anger me, people who go an talk about technical shit without ANY FUCKING understanding, just parroting some random youtuber or something
>why are you so fucking entitled
it's a fucking product you gigantic brand loyalist faggot, of course I will dream about what sort of cool shit could exist
And Uber eats stranding is for PS5
>fuck portable play I want the best possible games
...then just buy a PS4 and fuck off.
If you don’t want portable why did you choose to talk about a portable console?
Instead of having fun with whatever you have at your disposal you choose to be an insatiable evercomplaining piece of shit. Why do you torture yourself?
It was designed to run on the Wii U.
It is possible to make games that scale down very nicely to the Switch. See Doom, Mortal Kombat
yeah it doesn't matter how much geometry your hardware can push, literally doesn't matter...
dude there's a real reason trees in botw look very low geometry and why everything in the distance is ps2 level geometry
It’s just a handheld with removable parts. People call it a tablet cause when you take the joycons off it’s just a screen. But you can’t actually do anything without the joycons still. They’re a part of the system like the buttons on a gameboy.
I have to admit I watched this gif loop for way too long expecting some payout
>waaah how dare there be different consoles for different audiences and tastes?
>everything needs to be A REAL CONSOLE with bestest gear on board
That's why
I haven't said anything about not having fun with botw, stop projecting
>looking at a light source that fills 90% of the screen with some post-processing effect
Babbys first screenshot
yeah they just put LOD for static meshes in games just for fun
So if you had your fun why the fuck are you complaining?
because I'd love a botw that was made for actual hardware instead of some tablet SoC
oh yeah I forgot if I have fun with something then I am literally supposed to think it couldn't be better in any shape or form ever
And yet you can't seem to actually refute me and say why it couldn't be done.
>just parroting some random youtuber or something
Well that and the fact that I'm genuinely fucking building a mountain in the video game I'm making.
>yeah it doesn't matter how much geometry your hardware can push, literally doesn't matter...
Thus instancing. Built more or less for that single purpose.
>dude there's a real reason trees in botw look very low geometry and why everything in the distance is ps2 level geometry
Yeah, it's called LOD and it is a way to render a lot of geometry.
I'm not gonna say the Switch can do a game that looks like Death Stranding, that's insane. I'm just saying there are ways to make mountains and terrain that doesn't look like something out of Oblivion while still doing it on shitty hardware. Hell just look at Skyrim. Infinitely better looking mountains than Oblivion while still running on the same hardware.
No. They use LOD for static meshes because it's an easy way to make faraway geometry look good while still running on shitty hardware. Nintendo just dropped the ball when it came to designing their terrain.
BOTW looks pretty damn good and on the technical side it's a marvel.
yeah so summed up, switch couldn't handle death stranding tier geometry in a game like botw at all because it's already being pushed by botw level geometry
>I dabble in blender for my shitty unity/unreal game
almost as much credibility as me making some stupid ass opengl model renderer for fun
concede or keep acting retarded
I own more than 200 switch games (counting minor $2 shit and neogeo ports) I can only fit about 20 on my sd card. Should I bite the bullet and get a 1tb micro sd? It costs more than the switch did.
I just realized since I have a new pc i can emulate this game. Hot damn.
how does having shit like SSAO make it a marvel? it's pushing a tablet for sure but look at that shit
I have never played this game but I kind of like the simple aesthetic. Sometimes the ultra realistic shit feels too busy and everything is caught in a blur. I was watching twisted metal 4 gameplay the other day and I was like wow even though these graphics suck I can clearly see the levels and enemies.
>can't refute me
at the same time you backpedal lmao
>'m not gonna say the Switch can do a game that looks like Death Stranding, that's insane.
while previously
>it does take far more than a sub 10W tablet SoC can handle
>Not really,
it did have complexity.
the ssao is fine
instancing doesn't change how many vertices and your GPU can push and how many triangles you can fill
it is beyond pathetic at this point.
sure but how does that shit that you have in every game make it a marvel? just get your head out of your ass and look at the game
>Linkle mod
is the mirror shield mod only?
shit runs on a 160gflops GPU in a tablet when in tablet mode just imagine if it was made to run on something with that could push at least 5000
the botw artstyle is fantastic. i hope the next zelda game reuses the art assets
Witcher 3 > Bloodborne > BoTW
I hope not, I got sick of the visuals already, especially the enemy designs. Moblins deserve better
You mean
>falseflagging Zeldafan wants to talk about BoTW
>knows nobody on Yea Forums cares about it anymore (even the general on /vg/ is dead)
>baits Yea Forums into replying in his thread to make the game seem popular
we'll get more or less the same visual complexity but and the same engine but I hope they change the style so it'll be refreshing
I dindu make last thread
I really am liking the idea of a botw game but made for not tablet hardware though
>switch couldn't handle death stranding tier geometry in a game like botw
No fucking shit. It's a weak ass tablet. What I'm saying is there are ways to make a far more complex and nice looking mountain without making the Switch shit itself if they weren't as lazy.
It's never gonna look as complex as Death Stranding obviously, but you can do a hell of a lot better than what they have is my point.
>I dabble in blender for my shitty unity/unreal game
Do you now.
What backpedaling? I never once said the Switch can do what the PS4/5 can do. I just said there are ways to clutter up that mountain *a bit* despite the Switch's shitty hardware.
No, but reducing draw calls can increase it to such a ridiculous degree that it's not even funny.
deluded cuck
no, you do
>what backpedaling
literally quoted it for you
>No, but reducing draw calls can increase it to such a ridiculous degree that it's not even funny.
you're digging your grave, it's not wrong to say that instancing removes CPU overhead but the Switch GPU can't handle stuff like the hardware that's tens of times more powerful can, stupid ass argument
not an argument
I think shit like this would fit pretty well in botw, just change the shading a little or the colors and it'd be pretty good
>literally quoted it for you
Where? Because I can't find it.
>Switch GPU can't handle stuff like the hardware that's tens of times more powerful can
Again. No shit. But it's a good thing you don't need 10 times more powerful hardware to make a mountain not look like total shit.
yeah those last gen mountains sure look so fucking good in those open world game on xbox 360 and ps3...
Yeah, for all the 2-3 hours it takes to experience all the content the game has to offer.
After sluggishly climbing your fourth tower, discovering your 30th korrok seed and 25th shrine with a single easy to solve puzzle and 1/4th of a useless treasure that could be replaced with easier and faster to make food, the game loses all its charm.
have sex
Stop talking shit and get a real argument.
It was designed to run on a console barely stronger than a 360, a console from 14 years ago.
I wish BotW actually looked like this. Instead they made the game look too cartoonish
it's the limits of modern shaders used in games
have BotW
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
Totally agree. Only nintendildos were excited about botw. Everybody else was bored to tears.
you forgot the meme image
I like how bumpy the ground is all the way to the distance, it's unreal that there's people who claim that the actual game looks like that at all
>this is what nintensoys believe
oh sweet summer child
BOTW is kino though
>I wish BotW actually looked like this. Instead they made the game look too cartoonish
Go back and watch that reveal trailer again. It ALWAYS looked 'cartoony', if that's what you want to call it.
That thinking is weak, a developer shouldn't be held back by arbitrary shit
Hes right you fucking autist.
Yeah when people claim that BotW actually matched this, they are nuts. The goats here also look a lot cooler than the super cartoony animals in the game.
What difference if it's just a fucking mountain lol. Will there be a tree on the top or is it just rocks?
ideally a dev isn't held back by anything, but having a tablet SoC sure limits what you can do
Yes that PART did. But not the part where they first revealed the graphics and landscape. It didn't look as overtly cartoony as the game turned out and it looked better while still being stylized
You aren't right autistic faggot
Nobody gives a shit about your retarded opinion. Most people think the art style in BoTW is fantastic. Get bent faggot
Whats the appeal of Zelda anyway? It always looked generic as fuck to me.
only select objects reflect properly in botw :)
>Can't tell if someone is actually samefagging
What else is there to do in BoTW?
Korrok Seeds.
There are no items to discover. No new story areas. No sense of adventure or discovery, because everything is the same. It's an open world with three things in it, copy-pasted over and over.
The only unique things are the 4 dungeons in the game, which are all laughably short. Every boss is incredibly easy, and strong weapons are littered everywhere in Hyrule castle.
Guardians are the most interesting and threatening enemies in the game, and they're NEUTERED by ancient arrows, but there's no need to even fight them because the armor set you can make from their parts is worthless compared to cheap and plentiful food and potions.
You can literally beat the game in 45-50 minutes without trying hard.
>that moblin
Fucking disgusting. kill yourself with your garbage taste pleb.
you forgot golfing mini games and melting some wall to go inside a shrine
t. samefaggot cuck
it's better than whatever the fuck they were trying to do with this
(no text needed)
It isn't. Educate yourself back to plebbit, fag
Shut the fuck up
Its an insight into the mental age of people who say "BotW doesn't look like the reveal trailer!"
When its pretty obvious it does. Its pretty obvious to non-autistic people who understand that the reveal trailer was intended to give people an indication of the art style and direction the game was going in. But instead they cannot process simple creative choices like that and fixate on the literal interpretation "but that precise location isn't in the game! REEEEEEEEEE!
Can't see the snow capped mountains or desert or volcanic lava ranges or coast line either, can you?
But this is the state of shitters. With no educated way of being able to fault in the game, they resort to the most banal, plebian, laughable criticism imaginable.
Biggest problem with BOTW was the pop in. You can stand on one side of a village and the people on the other side disappear.
wow those amazing reflections, simply wow
>No sense of adventure or discovery
KEK. Have sex.
>technical side
The moblins in BOTW have a better design than those shitty and generic OoT designs honestly.
top one has 10x more geometry
moblins in oot look like negroes. you're either deluded or being a nostalgia fag if you believe they have a better design than the ones in botw
>top one has 10x more geometry
Do you understand *WHY*? Can you process what Nintendo were trying to imply to you? Do you really think "draw distance" stopped Nintendo from putting in more hills?
On the contrary, it used ps3 level hardware very effectively in a way that few games from that generation ever did. I notice that people here will often bitch about how tech creep is killing more experimental or efficient use of tech but then when Nintendo does that by using older tech without having to worry about tech chasing graphics and using the tech for a more mechanical focus people bitch that Nintendo doesn't tech chase graphics.
hardware did, cemu helps tons
Cemu draws in extra hills? Whoa.
>fixate on the literal interpretation "but that precise location isn't in the game! REEEEEEEEEE!
That's not what they are saying at all. You just made the dumbest strawman argument I've ever seen.
well you can use it to push the LOD bias back a lot
that's actually a good design though, just a bit primitive with the graphics. design wise i'd say it's totally superior
i think it's kind of boring how the bokoblins, moblins and lizalfos in BotW all look so similar. In OoT the Lizalfos look very different, and also better
BOTW is kino and only revs Zoomers
I'm not the one crying about a screenshot from a reveal trailer.
Why do rabid BotW fans always act like any criticism comes from misunderstanding. We understand the game and what they were trying to do. That doesn't mean you can't criticize it at the same time
But you were the one who put totally false words in their mouth to make a shitty argument
played it for the first time these past weeks, honestly really underwhelmed
>actually preferring lanklet hog over superior bulldog
its such a shame he had to paint it with a week artstyle instead of just taking a picture of his room
such a shame
that painting looks pretty fucking shit and dull, the subject is some stupid ass room as well, you're obsessed over who painted it rather than the result
So? BoTW is a good game.
It's no, Witcher 3 though which is why it sold much less, has a way lower userscore on metacritic and has half the GoTYs it has.
it isn't a good design, not by any means. oot had many enemies with good designs like the skulltulas and lizalfos that looked great even with the outdated tech. moblins were probably one of the shittiest enemy designs not only in OoT but in the entire history of the 3D Zeldas.
why do people care about """""critic""""" scores? have you retards forgotten what kinda people game "journalists" are?
too bad it lacks proper direction like all open world games
>That doesn't mean you can't criticize it at the same time
So criticise it then.
stay deluded you shit taste faggot
>Witcher 3 though which is why it sold much less, has a way lower userscore on metacritic and has half the GoTYs it has.
LMFAO I love mental gymnastics like this - completely nonsensical with just a hint of jealous rage. KEK
the final game shows 10x less gemoetry on the screen to maintain that 30fps most of the time
Get the fuck out of here with your shit taste
people that use scores are the kind of people that hate BOTW for not having a good enough story or some bullshit
not him but where's the nonsense?
not an argument
Botw is the best thing ever. Stfu, Doug.
zelda always wins kid
i wasn't providing an argument. i was calling you a shit taste faggot which is what you are.
>where's the nonsense?
Seriously? A mulitplat on established platforms vs a brand new system? BotW on switch actually outsold the system. It was bought by MORE than 100% of its userbase. Witcher 3 was bought by a fraction of its various user base.
Its well documented how BotW's userscore got bombed by seething Sonyqueers. Metacritic had to delete the more obvious ones.
In my opinion, BotW looks like shit. It just does. Instead of looking like a topographical masterpiece with really varied terrain, most of the "mountains" just look like rocks or boulders stacked on top of one another. The game just doesn't give you a feel for rough beauty of topography, it just looks too artificial. I also think that for a world often described as "beautiful" its almost entirely lacking in really gorgeous vistas, and it has the ugliest, most dull looking rain I have ever seen in a video game. I can appreciate they tried for a stylized look, but it doesn't look that good. RDR2, despite being blandly photorealistic, gives a better feel for mountainous, hilly terrain
oh yeah I should take your opinion over stats and my own opinion
Fuck you, your taste is shit
well I agree with one thing for sure, many of the mountains have so poorly pasted rocks on the wall that it looks jarring, like very muddy textures next to less muddy textures, shit doesn't fit together at all at times
They did you fucking dumbass. When they say the game doesn't capture the E3 2014 reveal, they aren't saying "it doesnt have that exact location"! They are saying it looks graphically downgraded and not as cool looking.
>In my opinion, BotW looks like shit. It just does.
Ok bro.
I'm glad they went with the N64 designs for Lizalfos and Dinolfos in HW
liking discount Ghibli is not equivalent to good taste
In my opinion, you're trying to hard.
So where are the snowy tundras, the giant lakes, the rain forest, the desert, the volcanic lava craters, the coast with distant islands? Where is all that? Seems like the actual game is far more diverse and exciting. Seems like the reveal trailer was just a snapshot to show you art style and direction of the game. hmmm?
thinking the moblins in oot look good is the equivalent of having shit taste
Wind Waker designs are better than both in my opinion.
Nope but yours certainly is. Dilate.
design-wise they're certainly better, obviously not in terms of polycount but the actual character design is far better than a hunched over lanklet with a giant snout and horn
if anything I'd rather they return to Ocarina's artstyle to finally give it the justice it deserves in full HD
> nevermind the insane Van Cunt can't even get basic perspective right, it is a piece of art and therefore beautiful! why? umm idk lol, people just told me so
people kill themselves everyday, why haven't you headbutted a freight train already?
Does BotW look better or worse than Skyrim
better. Skyrim is the definition of soulless
I think better because skyrim look like it tries to look realistic with botw tier geometry which doesn't really work imo
So now you're outing yourself as a nostalgia faggot incapable of appreciating different stuff. Your opinion is irrelevant and nobody gives a shit about your autistic nigger looking moblin.
It's on PC though and even there it's mediocore. It's held back by other things such as a lacking open world and shit combat. One step forward and two step backwards. They give us amazing tools to traverse the open world, but the open world itself is fucking boring.
>edge magazine
>he posted this unironically
Will we ever get an open world game that isnt shit tier?
It's not even close. BOTW is a masterpiece in artstyle compared to Skyrim or any Bethesda game. Bethesda games have the ugliest artstyle out of any of the big devs.
it runs on an emulator on PC, the assets were not designed for PC...
>RDR2 looks bland
lol wtf?
>that painting looks pretty fucking shit and dull, the subject is some stupid ass room as well, you're obsessed over who painted it rather than the result
It's a tragedy that the human race has reached a point where society allows people like this the chance to vomit every dullard thought upon the rest of us.
There was one item to discover outside of shrines, I forget what it was but you had to solve a Zora "riddle" which was just a message with some missing letters and go look in some water north of the zora city thing.
>all these beggars ITT
>he said while posting fucking game informer
>I sniff farts in modern art galleries
feel free to explain why that shitty painting of a room is so good
>only nostalgiafags can like old things
>harping on this much over a design because "brown skin reeeeee"
absolute state
crying about a game for 2 years because others enjoy it is not criticism, sweaty :)
Pretty much everything BotW does has been standard in current gen games for a while now. It's only impressive by Wii U/Switch standards.
How long until you can criticize BOTW without Zeldaniggers screeching? Was Skyward Sword so bad it permanently fucked them all up in the head? I've never seen a more obnoxious community.
it's an art direction choice by the creative director who is forced to play it safe by the money people (or the people advising the money people, i.e. the MARKET RESEARCH team)
it's not impressive by switch standards either, shit like doom has all the modern rendering tech crammed in it on switch for example
that whole series can be seen in NYC at the Historical Society. I recommend it
this clay looking meme is said about all sorts of games, it's a common thing I've read where people ask why did uncharted 4 look like everything is clay etc.
wait for the next 3D game since it will inevitably go back to more traditional Zelda elements and we'll finally be able to talk about dungeons and unique items again without being lambasted
>still projecting
the absolute state of your garbage taste is deplorable. also there is nothing wrong with the redead design in oot you autistic faggot
I know there's some buttblasted people but that'd look pretty rad in a zelda game
projecting what?
that'd look pretty cool but I think it'd look kind of shit in 3D because you can't render it the same
the fact that you're comparing two completely different games from different genres is retarded already
I posted a pic of a great dane. what pills are you on and can I have some?
your garbage taste you retarded nostalgia faggot.
don't see why doom rendering tech couldn't be used in botw like games, good they don't though because 480p is low
the Lizalfos in Hyrule Warriors looked pretty good though they also combined part of the design with Skyward Sword's so it has a giant armguard so it's not really the exact same
cry about it
Switch has a 500 GFLOP GPU in all modes since software can control the clock speed to its liking
Design-wise the moblins in OoT are awful and nowhere near as good as the design of the moblins in BotW
citation needed because this wasn't true at least in the past
I know they updated the system to allow for more CPU clockspeed flexibility and of course if you hack your switch you can tweak stuff
Because it's an open world game made for Wii U running on a fucking tablet. Get your head out of your ass.
Nothing in Hyrule Warriors looked good. The artists at Koei are awful.
I think they could port shit like rage 2 on switch and it'd run
Look up freebird
>Moblins in OOT
>geared and armed
>bulldog face based on LTTP
>Moblins in BOTW
>and of course if you hack your switch you can tweak stuff
>only hackers can tweak the system, Nintendo totally couldn't do that in a firmware update
So what counts then if literally no stat counts by your metric
>commercial success
"Doesn't count"
>critical success
"Doesn't count"
What's left?
Literally who?
well as far as I am aware they haven't
probably because they want to keep that few hour battery life when portable mode as a standard
Point is it's still possible, though unlikely
there's a difference between 1st person shooters and 3rd person adventure open world games. the switch is simply incapable of running something like red dead redemption 2.
okay well that's a mute point when I said shit runs on a GPU pushing 150gflops which it does
now THIS is contrarianism
>still justifying your garbage taste
>someone was seething enough to make this
not really, you certainly can scale shit down so that the GPU can handle it, dunno if the CPU could handle the systems going on in rdr2, haven't really played and looked at it
I am unironically mad that this style never got used again, it's probably his best look, maybe barring Wind Waker.
Fuck they truly murdered TP's ganondorf design. Fucking disgusting.
Contrarian? Most people believe the Hyrule Warriors games have garbage art style. It's called having common sense.
>still defending discount Ghibli
also why I said not really, the GPU is not that concerned about the type of game, more what it has to render, amount of geometry and what sort of shaders it has to run on that geometry, the CPU is far more concerned around what type of game you're dealing with because it has to tell the GPU to draw that shit, but the GPU doesn't really care at all
>defending those koei abominations
Technically it had 3g internet, which even the switch doesn't have, lol @ nintendo.
the duality of man
>most people
do you have a single fact to back that up?
I'm not defending anything. I'm calling you out on your garbage taste
EDGE is literally the TIMES magazine of video game publications. When EDGE speaks, the industry listens.
>insults someone else's opinion
>won't post what he likes and only wants to complain
>wanting facts to try and justify his shit taste
kek get out
>make a claim
>don't follow up
classic Yea Forums
I'm not the one moving goalposts about your shitty taste in moblins you autistic faggot. Move on.
Is that Zelda design supposed to look good? Any of the Zelda designs made by Nintendo looks better than that overdesigned piece of shit you posted.
You're the one that needs to stop embarrassing yourself, kid.
not him but you're embarrassing
you've provided nothing of value to the thread besides bitching over one design
BotW seriously doesn't do anything special or interesting aesthetically at all.
I'm more upset by the fact that SS had a really nice art style and an interesting oil paint filter, but the Wii was so goddamn weak that trying to render any of that just makes the game look worse than if it weren't there in the first place. SS being played on a Wii looks fucking nasty, it's the first thing I think of a game being held back by hardware.
>he said while bitching like a faggot
>PS2 tier lighting, polygon count, particle effects, and draw distance
>generic mountain environment and has no other settings
Are nintendrönes starved for content or do they just eat anything Nintendo shits out? Which is it?
so do all video games in general. still I enjoyed the game immensely
SS looks like shit even on dolphin you retarded faggot
Grow up you baby. You're embarrassing the rest of us.
I remember a while back someone posted Dolphin screenshots of areas from Skyward as wallpapers and they looked genuinely great, I wish I saved them
seething incel
it doesn't matter, because it's currently on a funner console than on my tower or anyone else's.
I seriously don't understand the autism that drives you guys to think fun = good graphics at optimized blah blah blah. The best experiences I had were sharing the controllers with people and watching them react to the Switch itself, playing in bed, on the plane back and forth, etc etc.
it's also available for your tower
literally no one is saying what you propose as the premise you gigantic faggot
why don't people like you understand this idea while visuals don't make a game, it'd be cool to have the same shit designed for stronger hardware instead
>wanting to provide something of value in a thread created to shit on BotW
who the fuck are you even kidding you hypocritical faggot?
>wishing a game ran on more powerful hardware is shitting on it
>that dreamcast tier geometry
toddlers are truly deluded
don't care virgin
>making bait threads
>call people toddlers while acting like a jealous baby.
Christ, you're pathetic lol.
I'm not OP retard, and unlike you I don't automatically assume every thread about BOTW is to shittalk it
You literally made this thread immediately after the other BotW thread reached bump limit. Get the fuck out of here with your cheap faggotry
t. incel virgin.
nobody is jealous of trash like skyward sword, tendie
I have a CPU from 2011 and I play this shit at 40 frames even in Kakariko, I own it on the Wii U but fuck that bullshit-ass console, I run this on the PC it's just fucking better (usually).
>signing your post
And yet you come into a Nintendo thread and get yourself all upset as always. Obsessed pathetic loser lmao
> banal, plebian, laughable
he said, describing himself.
Skyrim doesnt look that bad. if you play the special edition it has actually aged shockingly well. it can still look pretty beautiful in some parts
BotW's aesthetics are great, and if it had better hardware it probably wouldn't look that much different, just upscaled and smoother. All of BotW's failings stem from design choices, such as the weapon degrading. It wouldn't be a better game if it had better looking gravel, it would be a markedly better game if it had weapons that didn't break in 5 hits so the developers wouldn't be afraid to restrict enemy variety so badly.
nice projection incel cuck
Woo the fuck are you kidding you retarded faggot? Every BOTW thread is about that
anything else you want to get out of your system
You're either too old and retarded to remember what ps2 games looked like, or too young and retarded to know what ps2 games looked like. So which one are you?
grafix wouldnt save this game from becoming ubisoft-tier repetitive after 20 hours
>So, generic landscape with no personality?
so... just like botw?
The only solution is that Nintendo needs to go 3rd party. People wouldn't have to deal with their outdated hardware and their shitty online
those are the same generic ass-pats that the industry gave to shitcher 3.
rent free
this is called a "bullshot" when literally anyone else in the industry does it, and they get criticized for it. but somehow it's okay when nintendo does it.
not every thread is made with the intention of trashing the game
obviously threads about it will attract people who dislike it but the same can be said for every thread
>muh nintendo boogeyman
any game can look good if it's upscaled via emulation and then has photoshop filters slathered all over it. pic related is what the game actually looks like.
>not every thread is made with the intention of trashing the game
top kek where the fuck do you think you are deluded toddler.
The weapon breaking, level scalingand blood moon I can under stand, but the fucking rain. The rain does nothing but make this game annoying to play.
I feel like TP looked a lot better than this on the GCN
>haha vee hate everything
go back to r/Yea Forums or wherever you came from
have sex
it didn't. tp looks even worse than ss
a game not being new anymore doesn't save it from criticism, retard.
shitposting isn't criticism, retard