Scottish Mythology confirmed for FROM's new game

Celtic Mythology is shit. I wanted Norse.

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Other urls found in this thread:ìth

there better be a nuckelavee

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>no finnish mythology in vidya
>no hindu-buddhist mythology other than Asura's shit
>nothing based solely on Arabic myths and legends except Aladdin and some weebshit

>No finnish mythology in vidya
I bet there must be atleast one game where you build your own metal waifu

I want a Kelpie boss.

>Norse mythology!!!!

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Norse is done to fucking DEATH
Celtic mythology is fucking based.

I'm boycotting this game if they don't feature a three-legged haggis.

Norse is insanely overused and Celtic is underrated as fuck.

Awesome. Scotland is gorgeous, makes for a great medieval/fantasy setting.

Will we finally get to see the mythical sober Irishman?

Ancient Egyptian mythology game when?

norse is too mainstream

Celtic mythology is pretty fucking based. There was that one guy that mutates when he gets angry.

Quit hating on Norse mythology, they have some cute waifus

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Smt Digital Devil Saga uses hindu-buddhism.

would be based, norse is overdone desu.

Sekiro has alot of elements of Buddhist mythology and teachings.


damn, literally me

but the jews told me white people have no culture

Does the game start because Cu Chulain fucks someone else's wife or because he killed someone's dad?

Only plebs love norse mythology

>FROM software game taking place in Asgard

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Damn, the Romans didn't really build a wall across the entirety of Scotland just to keep them out, did they?

Norse has been done to death. It's not interesting anymore

This is actually me.

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Based Celtic Myth

Too many games with Snow Nigger myths

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Yeah imagine what we're missing out.

Praise Odin for the 10098939398 time brother (t. 52%) xD

fighting ly erg would be based

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Tam Lin fight fucking confirmed.


>Queen Medb dies when her nephew lobs a piece of cheese at her head
Doesn't get more based than that

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How reliable is this leaker?

We better get nessie

every week it's "confirmed" to be something else

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Aztec would have been the absolute perfect fit for a Fromsoft game, but Celtic works too.

>I wanted Norse.

Norse is overused as fuck m8. Celtic has a lot of similar aeshetics while being more unique and having even more crazy gore shit then Norse, IIRC..

Aztec would be interesting but it would lack the amount of character customization (weapons, armor) that European and Asian settings have because the Aztecs never had advanced metallurgy.

>consumes media non stop

is Yea Forums considered "media"?

I hope they put black Celts just like historians are telling us.

Unless it's during the Spanish conquest

I think this is just called be a teenager user Is this based on celtic mythology?

never care about fucking aztec stop shilling for that shit im spic (argie) and the only literall ones who care about these indians are mexicans

Howard was one of the most stereotypical 1/64th Oirishmen who ever lived, so probably.


>wanting more vikang shit
no, fuck you, ive played skyrim enaugh

Hey dumbdumb, celts are snowniggers too

>Celtic Mythology is shit. I wanted Norse.
oh well sucks to be you, you whiny stupid shit.

Fuck you finally got me


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norse is overused to the point to where it became generic

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Vicucks were the ultimate, timid pussies, just doing hit-and-runs on undefended peasant villages and churches. Didn't have the testicular fortitude to fight any place worth a damn. Yeah, vikings are so brave and based, dude. "Le Odin and Thor! I love Varg, bro!"

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t. american who thinks celts are swarthy bc he's an italian mutt with an irish surname

Norse is the new boring setting ever since Skyrim and Cuck of War.

Celts are a "people" made up by the greeks


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Red pill me on Scottish mythology why should I be excited?

Digital Devil Saga user

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>What if Souls, but [X] time period?
>Dude, [thing I read on Wikipedia] would be totally sweet! What if you fight [god]? Oh man, I can't wait to see what's going to be in this game.And a horse too? I just loooove mobility options in my game. Totally Epic.

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>mfw selkie waifus

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North italians are celtic.

Will we see Banshees?

North mythology is 100% pure reddit. Same for Aztec shit.

the Cimmerians of Howard's mythology are literally his world ancestor's of real world Celts, so there's a lot of similarities

Giant Seal boss please.

For me, it’s Baltic mythology

Celt was just a generic name that Greeks gave to foreings that lived in the west

>mfw no mesopotamian mythology game
Sick of the generic euro shit


>game confirmed for having horse riding
>mfw taming kelpies to access water areas

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uhh that's irish. but yeah banshees are awesome.


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one on the left, is that flesh colored cloth on the belly area or is her belly pushing out that much?
please be the latter

Yeah, it's an umbrella temp for indoeuropean populations.

>uhh that's irish
irish and scottish. most celtic shit is both.

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Why is it so fat and round?

What texts can I read to learn about Celtic Mythology?

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Except that's wrong: They smelted bronze, and while it wasn't used much for weapons or armor (due to cultural and envoirmental factors, not lack of capacity) there's still plenty of weapon and armor variety, they were still a complex society with tons of fine clothing, and with organized militaries that had actual designed equipment

Even just speaking for the Aztec in particular, you obviously have swords in Macuahuitl, of varying lengths and sizes, as well as standard spears, but also analogs to halbreds (in the tepoztopilli, a polearm designed for slashing) and glaives (in versions of macuahuitl with a full pole length handle). You had a variety of clubs and maces, including short batons with sharpened edges, more traditional clubs as opposed to macuahuitls, sometimes with stone flanges; maces with spherical heads, and morning star like weapons. For projectile weapons, there are bows, atlatl, and slings, And while used more as tools, there's axes, blowguns, and knives

There's plenty of outfits as well. You obviously have breechcloths, but also a huge variety of mantles with varying patterns and worn in different ways a la greco-roman togas; a variety of tunics, women had blouses, tunics and triangular poncho like garment too.. You had more decked out outfits with tons of jewlerly, headdresses, and ornaments. In terms of armor; you had shields, and on top of just wearing the above, you had vests, tunics, pants, and suits of a sort of gambeson, which was also soaked in briney water to toughen it, and additional layers of armor worn by elite soldiers which were vests, tunics, or suits of an additional layer of padding, plus covered in thousands of feathers of differing colors arranged to form geometric patterns or to resemble animals/mythological creatures, alongside wooden helmets. You also had back mounted banners

See pic. And this is just for the Aztec/central mexican civs., others like the Maya, Purepecha, Mixtec etc had unique shit too

Attached: Attire from the Aztec and other Nahua, Central Mexican groups. EVEN MORE DOWNSCALED AND COMPRESSED.j (3443x2256, 3.14M)

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ah fuck, here we go again
why don't you just get a trip so people can filter your autistic, off-topic 50 post long copy paste dumps?

Cold water
Don't want it's peepee to shrink

Finally something other than Norse.
Now maybe we can finally get some other mythologies to base games off of.
Here's hoping for some Mesopotamian shit soon.

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it's scrunched up because it's cold

I fucking called it. Deracine was research material for the new game.

Nah, Celtic mythology is great. Based FROM.

>scottish Pokemon
>scottish Souls
What's up with japs and scots?

And here's some Maya and Toltec shit for comparsion. There's dozens of other civilizations with some unique attire, armor, and weapons as well. The Aztec and Maya only represent Central Mexico and the Yucatan (and even then there are other Central and Yucatec civilizations even if they shared a lot of stuff, there's at least some unique stuff) there's other whole quadrants of the region in Western Mexican civilizations like the Purepecha and Colima, Southern/Pacific coast civilizations like the Mixtec and Zapotec, Gulf Coast ones like the Olmec, Totonacs, Huastecs, etc.

There's plenty of variety, and if you just think it all looks samey or whatever (even though it's really not anymoreso then how different european or asian shit looks similar), then you can just also include Spanish/Conquistador stuff.

>off topic

Somebody brought up how Aztec would be a good setting, and other anons replied there'd be a lack of variety, so i'm replying to them pointing out how that's not true.

It's an entirely naturally course of conversation

Mesopotamian shit would be great too. Some of the most hardcore mythology/culture outside of Mesoamerica, too; it'd work great for a souls title.

Though Celtic is a good fit as well.

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much like the japs, we're based.

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God I wish

they already haveìth
there were monster cats in DS1

Not sure what I did to deserve such a relentless personal attack...

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Norse mythology is for faggots that think they're odins babbies because they listen to gay powermetal bands and have thin ugly beards. Back to skyrim and drinking cheap mead with you, Bjorn.

Fucking retards delete this

Powermetal is fine though

If it's another Soulsborne-like I'm going to riot

Name me 2 bands. I haven't ever heard anything that sounds decent. Maybe its not my thing or maybe I haven't heard the right ones.


Can we save all the bitching and fighting until stuff like this is confirmed.

I like Sabaton and Powerwolf but I'm sure that just is not your type of music

>still literally only one game based on sub-saharan african mythology (even if it's one big hodgepodge)
>no games on australian mythology
>no games on inca mythology
>no games on bhutanese mythology
>no games on khmer mythology
>no games on indonesian mythology
>muh 8 hundred gorillion games on norse/jap/british mythology

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As long as you're not OP you're okay.

Also I easily could have gone into more detail about different types of clothing, armor, and weapons then I did, which could take like 3-4 posts long, I intentionally tried to tl;dr it so it'd fit into a single post to be considerate and not disrupt the thread, even though 99% of the time threads get disrupted, it'd due to people flipping out over me makiing a single on topic post ("lmao dumb savages got btfo by 500 conquistadors), then forcing me to reply to them, which is what's going on now.

also the other user will probably get assmad at me for bringing this up but at this point I might as well egg him on, but Aztec/other Central Mexican Mesoamerican's archtecture always reminded me of Mesopotamian archtecture, pic related

Southeast Asian stuff is super cool, probably my favorite aeshetic after Mesoamerican. I just wish I knew where to learn more about actual southeast asian history.

Also, check out Asura's Wrath and Indivisible.

Attached: View of the central ceremonial city plaza in the Aztec captial of Tenochtitlan, Scott and Stuart Gen (1668x1174, 1.36M)

Attractiveness aside

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>why are more well known things used more as fodder for media

Gee user, why's water wet

Because they are dogshit.
Any more questions, nigger?

Blind Guardian and Elvenkingg are two of my favorites. It might just not be your thing.
Also, the whole "praise odin xdddd" thing is more folk metal.
Also, speaking of powermetal, new Gloryhamemr album is out today.

Cu Chulainn and his warp spasm.

My favorite power metal tracks. To me powermetal is about fun and having dragon waifus.

>Norse mythology
please no, Norse has been done to death and back, we don't need ANOTHER norse influenced piece of media.

>I wanted Norse
fuck off with that shit, it's so overplayed. there is more than norse mythology in europe you know.

whoops, meant to also reply to again here

here's another example since i'm posting again anyways

The only reason those are more well known is because shit used it and people got exposed to it, other stuff won't get more well known till they get used more

Japan was a niche setting/aeshetic before the 80's and 90's when japense media started to come over, now it's super common

Attached: Montezuma's Palace besides the city center ceremonial plaza (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan (1200x800, 323K)

oh christ that hits too close to home

Literally me

Jokes on you faggot

>Last night, a known From Software leaker, who accurately revealed details about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice prior to its announcement, made a lengthy post on ResetEra, a popular forum for video game discussion. In this post, the leaker praised From Software’s new game, stating that “it feels like From [Software] is firing on all cylinders” with the title, and buried in this highly complimentary post were what appeared to be clues about the game.
>Specifically, the post from the second community member stated that the new From Software game “takes a lot from Gaelic, Celtic, and general British Isle,” and continued by indicating that there is “some really creepy stuff in the game” and that the “dark fantasy [is] through the roof.” Indeed, it seems that players may find themselves encountering monsters inspired by legendary creatures from Scottish folktales in From Software’s new game.
How do they keep getting away with creating KINO, boys?

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Are we finally going to get away from the Souls combat? I really want From to try something different.


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Play sekiro.

>varg hates celts

>still not game about ancient mythological pacific islander culture
Fuck you From I want a game where I'm a tattooed berserker with elemental magic and tikis and haka dances.

He, as with every other European race, says that they aren't true whites.

Based as fuck, finally going to get some celts up in this hizouse in stead of the same ol' gay ass vikings.

on another note, when will fromsoftware give us our mongol flavoured soulsborne

Attached: Celts.jpg (770x505, 86K)

I didn't know I wanted this until now.

From Dust probably isn't what you want exactly, since it's a puzzle/god game and is a short one at that (but is a really neat tech demo for fluid/particle physics) but it's the closest thing I can think of

You wish, Scotcuck

Come the fuck on, user.


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shit, I changed my mind, fuck the mongols, I now want this

Did I stutter?

I will cut my skin until they finally give me the sci fi setting I've always wanted.

Fuck off Matthewmatosis.

Sorry that I want FromSoft to go back to the melting pot mentality they had in their pre-DeS days

celtic is good, norse is gay and hipster

Posted about this this morning and used the same source they did but none of you niggers responded to it.
It's ResetEra btw

So what do we all have, Doc?

go back

Does that mean...
Loch Ness Monster boss?

As someone who lives in mesopotamia and seen alot of the ancient sites. they do actually strike some resemblance of the mesopotamian architecture.

All FROM made was middling to awful games. Dark Souls saved the company.

norse mythology is overrused boring dogshit

Fuck off Matthewmatosis

none of you retards are attractive

Oh yes, it's everyone else's fault but yours
>forcing me to reply to them
grow the fuck up retard

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*Demon Souls

I am actually a very attractive cuteboi while you're an ugly ogre lmao.

Not him, but I was diagnozed with avoidant personality disorder. There a book.

Sekiro is literally nothing like souls combat

Meh, I'll read it tomorrow.

Matthewmatosis faggots should be shot in the head.

path of exile has some of that

literally who

Hopefully this will be the bloodborne 2 i wanted without it being bb2


we both know neither of that is true

>Oh yes, it's everyone else's fault but yours

It litterally is 99% of the time though. My post was on topic, you got into an autistic fit about it, which is what happens most of the times I post about mesoamerican shit: I make a relatively on topic reply saying "I think it'd be cool" or something akin to that (and in this case it wasn't even me), and then some other user posts retarded bullshit calling them savages or posting misinfo about the spanish conquest whatever, shifting the conversation from the video-game relvenance to actual history and I end up having to correct them

I'm cognizant that my osts can be disruptive, and in this thread I even made an effort to have my reply to people be not as long as usual; but the vast majority of time I am not making them umprompted, but in response to other people being offtopic and shitposting in reply to my ontopic posts to begin with

I hope you can learn to overcome your struggles user

Finlay confirmed?

Attached: fitfinlay.png (170x387, 63K)

that guy who made the video shitting on DS2
or the one defending it
or a video shitting on either one

point is you're old and this place is filled with nothing but eceleb dicklickers now

Eww, don't ever @ me again, fatty.

>actually wanting Norse after Snoy of War

based onion


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I like norse mythology but I'm glad they are doing something else.
We already had norse in Dad of Boi already anyway.

>sub 60 second reply
yikes, looks like i hit a nerve

This one gorillion percent. This is the only way I will accept FromSoft making anything that isn't Armored Core.

That is literally me. Every single point is spot on. How the fuck is that even possible? What should I do?

literally me except I'm pretty ugly

I've been called cute multiple times only by ugly and fat girls though

You can shut up now, ugly incel.

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When will there be a game based on Brazilian mythology?
There is so much cool stuff in it

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So Kelpie boss is pretty much confirmed.
I wonder if they'll have Cait Sith as an enemy or some kind of vendor, Japs always had a thing for mythological cats.

>most of the times I post about mesoamerican shit
You're dumping dozens of walls of text, shitting up the entire thread, and replying to everyone in it trying to start shit.
>I'm cognizant that my osts can be disruptive, and in this thread I even made an effort
Try harder.

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Children of Lir boss gonna be the new sif

spotted the pakistani from south of the border lmao

>it's an anime tranny
that's even worse than i imagined lol

I relate to almost all of this. Am I projecting or should I seek help?

Me on the left, retard.
Is your fat making it hard to see?

This completely, totally me, bros. btw I'm fucking absolutely beautiful.


Kek, ya mutts wish ya were this attractive

Someone who deserves a knife to your throat.

Out of things to say, incel?
I'd say go and have sex, but I know that's impossible for you.
Goodbye, little man.

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Being conventionally attractive but fairly autistic really sours you on normalfags. The shit people find acceptable with me versus less attractive men like me is ridiculous.

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>nothing based solely on Arabic myths and legends
because that nigger mohammad smashed all the ancient religions, their idols, their peoples and burned their religious texts if they had any

> most of the celtic mythology was written down by the converts to a dead jew carpenter splinter religion a few hundred years after all the druids and lore keepers were fucking dead

the amount of history that's been lost to time and could've been explored as narratives or settings within a game is fucking heart breaking.
> you make shit up for your story
> it's about as accurate as the actual records

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what help, there aren't pills against being an ass

That’s a bummer, hope you make it out alright, user.

This. the sheer amount of shit that was lost to the virus of abrahamic religion is truly flabbergasting.

>abrahamic religion
Or, instead of looking at some 5000 years of most of the historical world, that one man.

>celtic mythology
>norse mythology
>greek mythology
>japanese mythology
>egyptian mythology











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It's going to happen. IT's GOING TO HAPPEN

Have sex.

Stupid faggot. Everything modern fantasy work is inspired by something else.

>Great Grey Seal Suf

Shit. Shit. Shit. I want Varg and Odin!

Vikings are so much cooler then Celtic tribesmen. Fucking lame and disgusting.

is a completely different thing, fucktard. there's no way you can defend this shit unless you're either from the country they're ripping off or you're a vapid I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT cunt with too much time on his hands.


Holy shit
I'm in my 30s and I'm still this...

>dragon waifus

These traits just describe someone who's young and has some anxiety.

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>there will be some really creepy stuff in the game
God I hope so, especially with all the weird shit like warp spasms in Celtic mythology. The setting is also prime for focusing on more horror oriented stuff. I just hope they focus more on the exploration aspect as opposed to “le epic super hard game”.

> that one man
the problem is "that one man" isn't ever just one man, he keeps fucking appearing in different parts of history

> be ugg
> see ruh
> touch ruh
> ruh hurt ugg
> smash ruh with stick
> ruh spread somehow
> ugg trapped in cave
> ugg feel sleepy
> ugg never see light again

> fire is not reinvented for 317 years

Yeah, and in how many of those post sin the image i'm posting it in reply to somebody else who posted stupid horseshit first?

Willing to bet it's all of them

>click link

fucking die

>but mooom, he started it!
Did you grow up in a foster home or something? That's... not a great excuse. Two wrongs don't make a right, remember?
No one is making you spam your shit endlessly, mass replying to everyone in any thread you enter. That's you hammering away at the keyboard, filling out the captcha, and hitting post. Sort yourself out, retard.

>Mongol flavoured soulsborne
I'd prefer Finn Souls over Mongouls personally.

How the fuck would Mongol souls even work

Thank fuck, that sounds dope as hell.
I'm so tired of the nordic/viking mythology.

Good. Norseshit is played out

Seeing as the vikings raped the shit out of the celts there;ll still be norse shit

Norse Mythology is pro masculinity, pro white, this is fucking shut.

Sorry user, but I value correcting misinfo over the disruption doing the corretion causes in most situations.

If you have any specific input on specific things I can do to be less annoying or be more selective about when to do it, i'm all ears, but i'm not going to just not do it period

Nigga, the vikings never took over scotland and Ireland


this would be the greatest thing. Don't think it's ever been done, yet it's the most interesting.

>wanting Christian monk's fanfiction

I look forward to seeing what demented bollocks Japan thinks my culture is.

Attached: scottish heritage.png (742x540, 56K)

>ireland == scotland
take that back you dirty taigburger

The scotts and irish are literal dane rape babies their language is a evolved version of ancient danish for fucks sake.

Just wanted to drop in and say I appreciate you meso-america user. Your posts made me start talking with the pre-columbian history professor at my university.
Love it when you chime in.

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Are you fucking retarted, genuinely. Viking were either chased out of Ireland and Scotland or absorbed. Also Celtic languages and Nordic languages share only a few words due to said absorption

What of the the shit that was lost because of the indo-european invasions

>chased out
uhuh, yeah, totally, keep telling yourself that Macfee

you never pushed them out of the coast

>from software
>Celtic Mythology

Attached: WHADAYA THINKA THAT YOU.jpg (259x194, 7K)

Just read about Brian Boru you varg worshipping retard. I am genetically 100% Irish not a drop of retarted Scandinavian pig blood in me.

You do realize the Cimmerians existed in real life, right?


>100% Irish
literally means shit if you're just scandie who genetically diverged. I mean shit the irish are just scottish immigrants and you're still genetically diverged from eachother because that's how genes work.

>I am genetically 100% Irish
>not a drop of scan blood
oh so your ancestors were just raped by the English or Normans instead lmao

Norse was already done in spirit by DaS. Gwyn is basically Odin and the dark age is Ragnarok.

Well shit.

So you're black?

>people actually use ResetEra for infodumps when it's a site bathed in racism and loons
honk honk

Also you blonde haired, nigger cum guzzling, ice jew. Stop acting superior for something that happened close to one thousand years ago. Pay attention to the pitiful state of your nations you dumb cunt. Also your language looks like someone vomited letters onto a page and your women are literal whores who thankfully like my red hair.

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norse is actually prime faggotry for fucking gays thank god they avoided it

Punisher Blood on the moors

>t.seething pagan

Good for you, Scots ain't Celts.


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>Norse is now suddenly bad because it's popular

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Scotland and Ireland basically started the whole fairy thing with the fae folk but instead of being mischevous little pixies who flit about they are pagan gods who want nothing more than to party and fuck with humans.
Not to mention the various monsters that roam the Highlands and Lochs such as the Kelpies

Tfw might be getting a game based or set in the homeland. Feelsgoodman Scottish mythology is underappreciated.

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>dark fantasy with british/celtic influence

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I hope they include a few figures from the myths, like that Cyborg guy and Cu Chad himself

PS5 exclusive bro, it's coming.

Absolutely BTFO kek. This spic is almost more pathetic than the depressed pedoposters on Yea Forums

>it's another "dark souls but x themed" episode
oh boy!


Sekiro had historical figures so it's not out of the question now.


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Fuck off no one cares about your shit taste.
Go browse some menus and watch some cutscenes, candy-ass faggot.

We need a good Cu Chulainn game. Fate Grand order has turned one of the coolest mythological heroes into a fucking joke, Cu deserves better.

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yikes absolutely seething my friend
soulsniggers are so goddamn easy to trigger

FGO is shit, but Cu was a joke in Fate waaay before it.

>wonder if that one MUH AZTEC autist is gonna show up
>check thread
Every fucking time.

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>that one king that got a robotic hand for a period of time, but grew back a new one

Celtic myths are based.

>no Australian mythology
Its like you didn't even play the Ty games

>no games on australian mythology
Motherfucking Crash Bandicoot.


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the mammoth book of celtic myths and legends


Also, pitiful state? The Nordic countries have the highest standard of living in the world lol

It's bad because it comming from the snow niggers

good, DS2's aesthetic was pretty Celtic/Norse at times and it was god tier

Norsefags cannot recover from this humiliation.

You do understand that the North of Britain has a lot of Danish blood in them? The vikings took over half of England until based Alfred had blown them the fuck out.

Is there like just a screenshot of the actual link I can see instead of looking at some shitty article?

And are becoming the rape capital of Europe. Congrats on beating Eastern Europe by the way. Anyway you icemen are all either prudes or whores. The Finnish are okay though. Went there on vacation a while back and it was very nicd

>click link

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>You do understand that the North of Britain has a lot of Danish blood in them?
Do you understand that vikangz managed to conquer only Anglos lands? Scots and irish BTFO them

I almost forgot I was on Yea Forums and not twitter while reading the replies to this

actual leak* fuck

No one on Yea Forums knows how to fucking pastebin anymore, also 90% of these threads are made by marketers because they learned through metric data that every time an article gets posted here they get a huge spike in clicks

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C'mon, Dullahan!

There are some, mostly small br games.
Go scream at some br dev to make one.

>this thread

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Bad luck aside, how is cu in fate bad?

its social media so yeah

Fate ruins any figure it touches. Try searching Cu on google, all Fate trash now.

so it can taste good for orcas

Thats for anything famous, makes me remember of a obscure chinese character that almost all results on google images is from a r18 VN. Not fate though.


Or almost the entire Dynasty Warriors roster.

You do know that the vikangs has been to the britlands several times and they are pretty much the reason the scotts and by extension the irish exist. No actual ancient people existed in the north of the isle or the small isle.

What's the difference anyway? Aren't Vikings like the Celts?

Norse mythology is at the same point zombies were a decade ago.
It had been cool, with a couple awesome games/movies/etc which had it as the focus, and was decent when added as a non-focus in other things.
Then it suddenly started picking up steam for a couple of years as it entered the mainstream, then started getting shoved into every goddamn thing possible with people going "ooh, look at this, I'm so NERDY for liking this!"

Same with superheroes less than a decade ago too, really due to Marvel movies taking off.

Am I saying you're bad or have bad taste for liking Norse / zombie / superhero settings? No, I'm not some idiot going against the crowd for the sake of it.
But a setting being used more often as "the new trend" rather than because the devs/writers/whatever actually have an interest means you'll see more lower quality work involving it.
You'll also see more works with it shoved in over more appropriate settings because "hey, it's trendy", whether the work is good or not. cough god of war and titan quest cough

I hate varg and others like him for creating you historically illiterate larpers and spreading them like cancer

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Well you can blame the celts for that, just like you can blame them for the glorifying the egyptian mythology and running the romans to the ground. Britain and all of the worlds elite basically obsessed over them to death, forcing them into every bit of culture that they could because "oh gee look at all this ancient stuff we dug up oh haha look at this some literal farmers who used to build boats came over, killed us and left their personal beleifs haha how wacky so unlike our boring christian(read:Not actually boring but he's just too used too it) mythology!"

Ancient elites were basically Shallotlads.

Other way around.
And the vikings are just like the ancient slavs and the ancient slavs are just like the ancient steppe people and so on and so on.

$5 says GRR insists on making reference to how Cuchulainn killed his best friend by sticking the world's thorniest spear up the guy's anus.

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>Finnish mythology

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I really do hate this new generation of numales appropriating Nordic culture as a substitute for real masculinity.

>Look guys! I have a beard like Turgvurgen! MANLY MEN GROW BEARDS!

With their patchy ass pubic mess of a fucking face.

>implying being a lying little "I'M PWOUD!!1!" cucklet who wants some fantasy bullshit around your people to be true for fake pats on the back is any better
Reality sucks my dude, it's not like it even matters. All human races are essentially mutts or mutant freaks of some form or another.

>Europe again.

Face it: Japanese Dev love ridding white aryan race cause they know we have the better lore and local. Also, games set in Europe will sell better worldwide. Better then Chinese/Egyptian, anyway.

Rape there will be alot of rape

>vague and positive enough that every dipshit sees themselves in it
>"I knew it! I'm special! I'm a beautiful misunderstood genius!"
This isn't any of you, this isn't anyone. You're all just regular losers, you're not special.

Sorry user, but wasn't me samefagging, that was legitmately another user who seems to have just saved my image

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shut up cuck, it's because it's an exotic foreign culture that they still get contact with much like how weeaboos were mostly american before the anime boom.

Can’t wait

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