do we know the deal with this guy yet? I know there's a lot of evidence that he's in game despite his haven being in sweden, do you think they're leaving it for a surprise or a red herring? bloodlines 2 thread
Bloodlines 2
Other urls found in this thread:
I could have sworn I saw someone post a tweet asking a dev would he be in it and they hinted that he wasn't.
>starting a thread with Rudi
Remake pls
fuck off to /vg/, nigger
Best clan and fuck r*di
rudi is on-topic so no
shit thread btw
Anti-Rudi posters are dumber than Rudi lore
>I know there's a lot of evidence that he's in game
i think his chances are pretty strong, idk. he seems like a good fit considering the rest of the remake
This guy looks OP as fuck.
In no universe would a character with those background traits exist.
nice thread boss
yeah the remake
This is my wife, she has not taken her medication please help me find her
he is in the Gehenna scenario
>haven being in sweden
American education everyone.
do vampires have sex? Other than Toreador degenerates and Jeanette of course.
Nah, the biggest issue is his True Faith.
Didn't a European write it though
no one cares about irrelevant shitholes anyway
>"Female" Malk
They can but most don't bother.
>True Faith: 9
Yes, since Dracula retard
jesus what the fuck
>When they find out you still have libido
why do we allow these shit threads on Yea Forums again?
Literally strikes fear right in the heart of the Beast when he takes off his sunglasses.
Don't open this
Nines still getting damn quality art I see.
All except tremere, they’re the incels of the clans
It looks like he's 9/10 in terms of power, at least if you're a 11th-13th gen literally who (most of our characters), AND THEN YOU ADD THE TRUE FAITH and he becomes a fucking 99/10.
>get embraced
>never have to dilate again
>can still have sex, unlike incels
Poor 9s.
/our guy/ will return.
>Top: Malk/Tzimi
>Mid: Tremere/Toreador/Gangrel/Nosfer
>Shit: Brujah/Ventrue
Someone liked Bioshock
None of his disciplines even go beyond 5 and he's only 8th gen so nah, it's really just the true faith that's outright problematic.
i feel like puking
Fixed something for you.
He must!
>REEEE they are talking about upcoming and classic video games
You are the only ones shitting up these threads. Besides Rudi posters.
Is the Gangrel suppose to be someone specific? Also was there no better option for Venture?
>Those hunters on that listing aren't inquisition or society of leopold fags. They're called the imbued and they get blessed and awakened by literal angels.
so some of these hunters are basically chosen by higher power and submit their life to it?
He might not be a Toreador, but fact remains that it was drawn in a time when it was thought that he was.
you fucking nigger.
It's a red herring
>malkavians are mentally ill
>trannies are mentally ill
A pairing made in heaven.
>Goes from being black to white after getting embraced
Even the Brujah guy is still obviously black.
fuck you, this is literally a general and does not belong on Yea Forums
B-Brujah Baka!
Isn't three 4s, four 5s and four 2/3s still quite a lot? Not to mention all of his skills, stats and talents.
Not super familiar with the tabletop but it doesn't look like he's mediocre. At the least, it seems like he's the perfect vessel for that True Faith, at least for his generation.
Why are people seething so hard over this guy. One of the devs (the table top) said he was based on a black gay anarchist Muslim friend he had from Denmark.
>tfw Brujah with a Ventrue bf
that friend sounds absolutely repulsive
They don't really get a choice. What usually happens is some supernatural shit goes down and regular human minds can't handle it so they make an illusion to protect the persons sanity. The Imbued don't get an illusion, they see the truth, and the messengers tell them to stand and fight while blessing them with powers.
How does he do it bros?
Based and malkpilled.
we want him to be playable OR a romance option and we won't take no for an answer
Well no shit, his friend is friend with someone playing tabletop rpg.
match made in hell, only thing worse I imagine would be a hunter with a vamp gf
this game will be pozzed to hell and back
>That shit eating grin
Give yourself final death please. I will now stop responding to these posts.
It's a lot but he does have a static blood pool. Just as far as a vampiric traits your biggest issue is the fact that he's a fucking gargoyle. Even if you could overcome that though, his True Faith is brutal.
can't wait until the jannies purge these shit generals.
Could a Vamp technically un-vamp himself with true faith?
/vg/ did have a VTMB general years ago but it got infested with fa/tg/uys and circlejerked itself to death. VTMB can't hold a consistent general on its own, and VTMB2 is still a ways from being released.
> I know there's a lot of evidence that he's in game despite his haven being in sweden,
That's complete bullshit, one of the devs heavily implied he isn't in
Nah. Only Malkavian Gary, Ventrue guy and Nines are real characters there. Rest appear to be OC-s that were created for 2.
I really wish the female toreador model would look this good in game.
yet here we are in the literal vtm general
She cute!
Nope. True Faith doesn't even mean you're close to divinity anyway. Ferox gets dusted at the end of the scenario by God himself because he doesn't want mindless soldiers.
i really want rudi to be in the game but only if you can fuck him over and kill him
Dust oneself maybe, but the beast would not approve.
[citation needed] for this sjw infested mess
More Damsel!!!!!
i really want rudi to be in the game but only if you can fuck him
>Toreador and Venture look like Chads
Wonder which made this drawing.
>Took the literal God from the Bible to kill him
What a beast
Did they say anything about when we will get new info in the last stream? Anything about E3?
Stop that.
Nah he just submitted to judgement, and was found wanting.
>tfw not Venture with Malk gf
Its a sequel dipshit
gameplay will be shown june 10th
June 10 = Gameplay footage
I really hope they leave my wife out of the game because they will inevitably change shit about her and ruin her!
>not a krazy straw
It's too shit-eating to be natural
Only fleshcrafting can grant such shiteatingness
Literally the worst girl
I feel like we need to wait till June 10 for some good fresh conversation. But even then, no matter what they will show, a lot of people here will hate it.
Keep telling yourself that.
I expect this to be a 7/10 game, janky and flawed but gets a following among a small group of people.
>Andrei's face
you are definitely correct
You can't ruin what was already a shit. She was already a terrible and annoying character.
maybe her looks but she's still a pretty similar character
so hunters are not hunters by choice?
Isn't there a hunter type that's all about compassion, non-violence and helping the monsters hang on to their humanity? Sounds like it could work
>when you show up with your Nintendo Switch
>There was a businessman able to fend off kindred with his credit card because he believed in free market
Ye. They don't get a say, but most agree that they can't just let this shit slide. They're pretty based desu.
Damsel was ahead of her time.
Seize the memes of production cammy!
>commie girl secretly lusts for nazi dick
This can't be real
He could certainly fight off Ventrues desu.
>True Faith (in free market)
>tfw want to be a good and pious servant of the Lord but always end up fucking my vampess gf
>ruining shit
quite the feat.
>no matter what they will show, a lot of people here will hate it.
That's the case with Yea Forums for everything now. Especially for that old game you love.
damn, sounds breddy interesting
do they have variations a la clans of their own?
She wants to fucking kill him, user.
More like she's probably gonna feed him dead, knowing how low Damsel's Humanity is.
A Ventrue denied his Princedom
Does a vampire tranny need to keep cutting his dick off because it keeps healing back?
>dude malkavians aren't going to be in this game because the devs are SJWs!
>dude Rudi is going to be in this game because the devs are SJWs!
What other controversy is /pol/ going to manufacture and lie about, next?
Tzimiscebross i dont feel so good.
What makes you think she isn't going to just drain them dry? Of blood, get your mind out of the gutter.
They're not clans like vampires but yeah they have groupings called Creeds that decided which Edges (basically disciplines) they get and their whole philosophy on why they fight and why they were chosen.
The Tremere girl makes my dick so fucking hard, how come?
because you have awful taste
>the little dipshits in this thread were seething so hard over some low-effort shitposting they had to confirm on twitter that rudi won't be in
you have no idea how hard you just made me
>Praying to god for forgiveness while fucking her
Because she's not a cute girl (male) like the Toreador.
literally who
you are just coping and grasping at straws at this point
jesus chris what is wrong with femventrue face
no nosferatu stop caring about their looks
Yeah, there are different types of them the types generally depend on their reaction to the supernatural shit that went down. Like if the dude's first reaction was to jump in and cover someone being attacked by a monster with their own body they'd become one type, martyr I think (provided they survive), if they try to fight it or reason with it they become a different one and so on.
Oh I thought she was talking to another Kindred.
Here I was so impressed they'd actually do that too, shame.
Seething twilightfag.
bad cheek definition
damsel is a nazi puncher now and for RUDI ONLY
I forgot female Brujah was a mutt.
>I don't know how to read dates
It was posted in March, illiterate zoomer
>he thinks i havent been posting rudi since march
So, what will her (+other renders) role?
If character in video are meant to be the ones we'll need to kill, then what about ones on renders?
It's not even a leap in character though, I'm 99.999% sure she even uses the word 'fascist' as derogatory in the game.
>Commiefag not being a nazi puncher from the start
fuck that is hot
is this your brain on zoomzoom?
A character who genuinely hates nazis but that hatred gets fueled into their sexual desires would be an interesting twist.
Can I just quickly point to the absolute state of reddit/zoomers?
>If character in video are meant to be the ones we'll need to kill...
But I don't want to kill Gary 2.0. He seems like a chill guy.
Aren’t they just examples of how your own character can look?
Damsal isn't your average retard commie, she even says communism wouldn't work in human society.
not really since most of the women you see daily will fall into that category
Neither do I, but who wants to be a Malk will probably have to do it.
No. They're NPCs you'll meet in the game.
>know there's a lot of evidence that he's in game
Uh-huh. I'm special too. I'm a walking house that ate lettuce.
The renders? I think so.
The ones in the videos are more likely to be the ones you diablerize.
Is that honestly what you took away from that line, man?
zoom zoom
remind me again why diablerie is now something people are fine and dandy with
>I hate those goddamn devils even more than I hate that facist dandy prince.
Needs Tremchans specs and it would be perfect
>"Damsel would probably hate Neo-Nazis" is a zoomer opinion and not a statement of fact
Did you even play the game?
bro are you honestly fucking retarded? i'm sorry i'm trying to phrase this as politely as i can
>edgy evil sexy vampire witch
God I want to look up her skirt and sniff her dead vampire pusy!
Don't you worry. I'm sure we'll just hold hands and become vampires that way... right?
They're NPC characters. I think it was said during Ventrue reveal? Anyway, they have said that renders on website are characters you'll meet.
it was gay then and its gay now
boom boom
>mfw this IS your brain on lil zoom
shit face
nice legs
It was during Toreador reveal.
thats ok bro i forgive you
only on people that are getting a bloodhunt called on them, for serious offenses like deliberate masquerade breaking
Nope. He's right. It was during Ventrue reveal.
>I know there's a lot of evidence that he's in game
What evidence? Oh, wait, you're fucking retarded, never mind.
so basically the diablerie is your reward and the Camarilla is fine with that (how individual vampires react to you is another question)
how does one even get embraced? I imagine its not just being redpileld enough to know kindred exists and walk towards your local cammy baron and ask for embracement
It's fine if it's a someone with a bloodhunt on them, although iirc they let thinbloods do it to someone who was caught as a reward if they kissed enough ass and did enough bitch work.
that makes sense thanks user
Yea I just re-watched it quickly and they've said in Ventrue video. My bad. I made a mistake.
Well, quietly but yeah. Not like they put a sign on the door that says "FREE DIABLERIE - SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS"
Why would you choose to diablerize a Malk instead of any other clan? Besides, maybe, Nos.
shits and giggles
dont forget
I hope I can be her ghoul
You might be turned into a ghoul first and prove your worth.
Or your sire might just feel like giving you the embrace without you having any prior knowledge of vampire existence.
To get toreador hotties that crave your personality.
You just have to get noticed. Whether it's pity, long term goals, infatuation, or even just putting up a good fight, it doesn't really matter.
>meet cainite
>be useful for said cainite
>get ghouled
>don't die
>get embraced
Or you could be good looking, maybe a nice ranter and get a brujah or toreador to embrace you on a whim.
>just be yourself
The >easiest but not the best would be
>Mass embrace
>Meeting a random Anarch/Malk that decided to embrace you because he feels that way
Do people like Knox actually exist? Guys who are that good at bullshitting and playing 4D chess?
not our fault you might as well not exist
or you could be like Vlad and force a vamp to embrace you
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
>Nines just saying "old rich people" instead of specifically saying "white"
>4d chess
you only need like 3 investigation and he spills the beans.
are you kidding I'm by far the best person I know
Because Malk "insanity" is overrated as nigger fuck and often has less of an effect than Brujah hotblood, Toreador faggy 'tism or Ventrue blood restrictions.
The fishmalk meme is a meme, most malks can contain their autism.
>Asshurt commie can't handle that even the commie girl knows he's a retard
gotta love Nines "Kikeslayer" Rodriguez desu
Well, technically they are (((white))).
I'm not the one feishizing some commie bitch, bud.
>implying anons here could even kid with a stick, let alone something stronger
t.Ex-bf Nossie
>condom with a vampire
what the fuck is the point
are they still disease vectors?
Nosferatu curse on the other hand can be really bad, not sure if I wanted to throw the dice
have you not played the first game?
Blood disease can still be carried out. Many die on their own over night, but some like HIV can still live.
based bf poster
>ugh gross, women fetishist
>having no standards
commie skanks aren't even worth dicking faggot
Have they shown a hot toreador guy yet or they still cockblocking me?
>Trying to pretend fiction and reality play by the same rules
Damsel is smart enough to know communism wouldn't work in our reality, she isn't your average commie.
>don't worry about condoms, stranger, I'm a vampire
shit, i forgot that scene
She is a commie though.
In V5, it's no longer "holy shit, boils, bat ears, a mouth like a box of nails", it's just "ugly".
The example nos in the book look more like bums than masquerade violations.
its a joke you autist
this but with penis
You'll become ugly.
Your embrace will hurt like a bitch.
You may even die during your embrace.
However, if you survive, that will be it.
Meanwhile, meet Samedi. They become ugly and their curse of decaying, NEVER ENDS.
Each night their flesh will fall off.
Each night they will keep losing their organs and watch them fall off.
Each night they get disfigured without a stop for the rest of their eternity.
user, c'mon now.
Tremere will pay for their crimes against Salubri
Here you go bro.
She's also a literal bloodsucking monster.
I hate real commies, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hate a fake commie who clearly has different beliefs than they do.
how about we give you $20 to fuck off?
>hunters pulling a prank and replacing their honeypot blood bank stores with infected ones
TREMERE will be killed by his younger brother
Vlad is peak chad of VTMB tho, even before the embrace he made kindred his bitch
Andrei is weirdly cute
Fanart always portrays him as bantzy rather than evil and his dialogue with nos is endearing
Even worse than nothing.
Her clothes, ideals, words and general demeanor speak against that, but whatever you say man.
>Tfw Tzimisce senpai will never embrace you
Fucking Malkavians have better looking guy. wtf?
She literally says communism wouldn't work for humans, that already puts her at odds with 100% of communist you've ever met or heard about in real life. Objectively speaking they are not the same even if they have similarities.
Too smug for you? Can't blame ya'.
hunters are the type of niggas to burn the place down around the workers just in case they were ghouled.
go share a herion junkie with your roommates and post on reddit about it, commie swine
Too ugly for a toreador.
>Too ugly for a toreador.
user, did you played the first game and seen male Torries there? Exactly.
>I want to fuck so I have to say she smart
communism wouldn't work for anyone besides families, but you wouldn't know, as you believe the sate is your family you fucking retard
The player character was stunningly beautiful considering the limitations of the time.
We could have had a real discussion about this but if you just want to shitpost like an idiot then go for it.
but part of the toreador curse is selfdelusion
I thought he looked weird when compared to Ventrue. That stupid unnatural red hair wasn't helping.
How would that even work? You spent 100 years as his ghouled chair then he decides to embrace you on a whim?
It doesn't hurt the vamps, though.
Infecting vampires with HIV would just result in delayed wave of infections. HIV takes a long time to take hold, so it couldn't even be used to track down the infectious leech.
Though HIV isn't very shelf-stable, so it would probably not be a massive wave.
That's literally only Toreador male that was shown.
There used to be a guy on the cover as well before it turned out that he's just Malkavian Gary.
He cute
not all Toreadors embrace pretty boys and chicks, user. It's a clan stereotype.
a discussion about communism is a discussion where the communist will either leave after a point was made, or repeat the same sentence until everyone else leaves
never trust and never obey a commie
You forgot about Vick
Sorry for ruining your theories, boss.
I know, that's why I was asking if there was any update.
And it better remain a truthful stereotype. Only an artistic genius would be embraced while also being ugly.
I honestly thought he was a Torrie. Oh, well...
But this is a discussion about kindred communism, not actual, human communism
And I still think that trailer thing is a red herring. He's wearing a rose pin for fucks sake!
Most ghouls don't end up as chairs
They have tons of minions for dirty work and petty bullshit
They had so many ghouls that they started breeding them to get rid the need to feed them blood
So after you work 50 years for a vampire who beats you for no reason, while being unable to feel anything but love for him, he suddenly realizes that you've been useful and may be more useful after embrace (still blood bound).
Much like how Jean pretended to be Venture, he too will pretend to be a clan he isn't
>“I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.”
He could be pretending to be a Toreador to hide a fact that he's a Malkavian.
Malkavians are rare and hated in Seattle, remember?
>And it better remain a truthful stereotype
lol no, they embrace someone 'interesting'
looks have fuckall to do with it you dumbo
Are Hunters as interesting as vampires? Feels like they should be pretty boring since WW doesn't know how to write good guys.
I was convinced he's a Malkvian since the first time I saw him desu.
Ngl, Toreador theorists did manage to convince me that he was a Toreador instead at one point.
I hate the malk bias, if that's the case
He does look strikingly similar to one of the former princes of Seattle, who's a Torrie.
Yeah keep making smashfag/waifufag/eceleb/other offtopic threads. This is Yea Forums goddammit
Convert yourself to Ventrue church. Toreadors are sunk ship regarding stuff like that. Even a Malkavian, A MALKAVIAN, looks better than whatever crap they had to offer in the game up to this date. Just come to Ventrue church instead. We have Sebastian and DADDY.
give cummies please daddy
>can't even get it up with blood
Ventcels SEETHE at ToreCHADs virility.
Anyone got the vampire kino chart?
>not joining sabbat master race
Gib malk bf to hold hands with while he whispers nonsense with his smooth voice in my ear.
What do you do in the Sabbat?
Gayposting can't stop me
Ask about the free Arsenic
you wait until your master sits on you
Why is his voice so fucking good? He's literally male version of that Toreador chick in the trailer when it comes to the voice. It's just so smooth.
Be a shovelhead meat bag
Party, drink blood, mass embrace
Some cult shit
Drink some more blood
Party a bit more
all in all pretty chill
every time, here we go again
>expecting 2004 Los Angeles to be supportive of the Bush presidency
Because it's his voice.
Maybe he's a Torrie who thinks he's a Malk who pretends to be a Torrie.
Never forget.
What if joining a clan is really underwhelming. Like they just feed you some blood and then teach you the disciplines. No diablery, no second embrace.
Drinking a Vamp's blood affects your personality if you're a human, taking on characteristics of your master. Might do the same if you're a thinblood.
You can learn other disciplines outside of the ones you "inherit" from your bloodline just fine if you find a willing teacher.
The only problem is you'll still be a high gen scrub but they might opt out of generations in favor of blood potency, which is more video gamey anyway.
I hate everything you stand for but I admire your comittment
reminder:World of Darkness was never for you sweetie
I want of him to read me bed time stories.
>that subtle accentuation of her breasts
Very nice.jpg
lol have sex
That explains why it was kinda familiar to me.
Whatever he is I just hope that we can FUCK HIM!
Hey bb
Wanna see a trick with two tongues?
lol why is skelter cosplaying a locked character silhouette.
Leakbro here: u get to fuck Dark Mother
And there is this Tremere degenerate again.
He got bummed by Napoleon
>character silhouette
All black people are locked until an angel completes their individual story mode, after which they become one of the playable races.
Obsession with beauty is LITERALLY the one point of the toreador for fuck's sake. Stop shitposting.
Imagine being a Lasombrap
You'll never be able to hear Gary's voice moan.
But you'll be able to hear HIS.
After watching that Nikolaj actor from GoT, might as well.
beauty of the mind
Yet Toreador methuselah was the ugliest man in the world.
Vick isn't model tier.
Isaac is old man.
So whats the best way to not care about the whole faction war? Tremeres and Nosferatu can just stay in their hideouts but not so sure about the rest
>all this cope
get a grip man
Nigga their weakness is literally being fixated into something they find beautiful. Just stop already.
Vick is aight, he fits "beautiful" for a crowd. Bears ain't my thing but I can see why someone would find them stunning too. And I LITERALLY mentioned about the exception that if someone is an artistic genius a Toreador might be compulsed to embrace the person, but that's an exception, not a rule. The first Toreador guy you see shouldn't be a rat looking twig.
Come to think of it, the devs said you get to prey on differing NPCs with varying "blood essences" based on their emotional states, which you can detect. They can be angry, lustful, frightened, etc. Specialising on different essences gives you perks based on those essences, to power associating disciplines and skills.
10 bucks says those perks will decide which clans will take you in. Torries will take you in if you have the required seductive perks. Malks if you're paranoid from feeding off scared and confused hobos all day, Brujah if you've been sucking dry loads of raging malcontents, etc.
People overrate Vick's ugliness, he's a bit thick, and dirty/greasy/disheveled because he's really upset at his embrace but he's not bad. The human lady on the ground floor of his building also says her friend described him as beautiful.
Not an argument you fucking brainlet. Get a grip on logic or get out of life.
There's no getting away from Jyhad but there are plenty of ways to get away from the big 2 sects. Just don't interact with them.
>Claims to trying to stop gehenna by diablerizing antediluvans
>Does nothing remotely related to their goal
Giovanni are more sabbat than sabbat itself
you must mean unlife
Nah man I think it's you that's not getting it. That is beautiful to Vick, he's just clearly deranged.
>He didn't achieved Golconda by now
What's stronger, Golconda or True Faith?
That still doesn't get you out of the Jyhad. Ask Saulot.
I wonder if there are any SCPs that are just blatant WoD references
Golconda isn't a power, it's a state of being. All it does is soothe and placate the beast I think.
Not really, he seems delusional yeah, but it's more like "This vampire life fucking sucks, I'm going down and I'm taking everyone with me." That's not really any more deranged than a school shooter.
Game caters to SJW, so tumblr is on the prowl
So, am I going to be able to have convert a bunch of cute chicks to be my vampire brides or at least familiars?
Or has the developers already gone too "woke" for that type of fun game mechanic?
Gehenna is a myth. Dude was completely deranged.
>That's not really any more deranged than a school shooter.
As they should, FUCK VAMPIRES
You'll be lucky if they give us a ghoul period
He didn't believe in that, he was going to make his own apocalypse. That's not so crazy, Israel plans to do the same thing if their interests are ever subverted and a lot of sane people support Israel.
>thinking to myself "i bet is tumblr"
>looks at filename
I would like to be able to customize my lair and what type of jobs I can give them or even what to wear.
A more advance version of that redheaded chick you can keep as a pet in your shitty apartment in the first game.
>tfw no vampiress gf
I've always said that they usually put a certain character/clan for their games.
For redemption franchise, it was Christof (Brujah).
For bloodlines that was Jeanette (Malkavian).
So it made sense for sequel of bloodlines to have a Malkavian featured on the cover again.
>That's not so crazy, Israel plans to do the same thing if their interests are ever subverted and a lot of sane people support Israel.
You keep spouting these deranged ideas like they're not deranged. High ranking ikes and school shooters both fall in this category.
It makes far more sense to have a Toreador on the cover for a game whose setting is set in Toreador dominant city.
Malkavian being poster child again seems to be random and just pure fanservice.
Random? No
Fanservice? Maybe
yes because unlike Toread*rks, Malkavians actually have fans to draw in
not that guy, but one game is hardly a precedent. I really think you fags are being too hasty with this "he's a malk" thing tho. do you really want to end up in screencaps like lasombraps and nossies?
That writing is unfathomably stupid
no shit. he's a mary sure not a character of substance.
have sex
>tfw nobody gives a shit about gangrels anymore
Even if he isn't a malk you can't really blame anyone for miscontruing things. He looks really similar to the malk in the clan reveal. If he isn't a malk then the inaccurate labeling is more a result of confusion rather than delusion.
Not based off one game
Based off the fact Malk is the all time most popular clan
Retaliation isn't deranged.
>its a "false flagging user" episode
you could say the same about the other 2 tho, doesn't stop me from ridiculing them.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ima need some sauce beyond that stupid not-strawpoll that gets reposted
do vampires have buttholes haha
You make a vampire fall in love with you and then they'll embrace you so you can stay with them forever because vampires are sad emotional saps.
Well, fuck this game then, whats the point of playing a vampire if you can't do vampire shit?
Does anyone have images of the female Brujah, Toreador, and Ventrue?
Is there any reason to doubt the existence of Caine, Gehenna and Antedilluvians?
>before Malks were announced
.We're with you Nos bros we'll make it together!
>after Malks get announced
Malks were a mistake
no lol
spoiler:all the poops in their heads haha:spoiler
-Not Leopold
What would a hunter do if he gets embraced by a lonely vampess?
>eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ima need some sauce beyond that stupid not-strawpoll that gets reposted
This isn't a debate, I don't care if you believe it or not, learn how to google.
>Is there any reason to doubt the existence of
Yes, mostly.
Nah those should be common knowledge but Kindred are shady and the old ones don't like to talk.
Kill her
How the fuck can Antedilluvians be "common knowledge" but not Caine?
whatever you gotta tell yourself man
>game is 7-9 months away
How will they possibly keep the hype in between now and Q1? A lot of people will forget/lose interest.
malk main here
rats were always rats
the only 'malks' that sympathized with them were shrecknet bots made to improve the rat-sucker's public image
because noone was going 'fuck malks lol'
Kill her, then himself.
Having progenitors doesn't mean the bible is real user. Caine kinda does.
Smart idea is to basically stop until January then ramp it back up
what did you expect from malks lmao
I honestly think the game won't be any good at launch, all my hopes and dreams are 3 years after that, when all the DLCs and good mods are out.
the bible clearly is real in vtm lore though
have the developers mentioned anything about mod support? or should I just be crossing my fingers?
How do Caine-deniers explain True Faith?
some of us have been waiting for 15 years user its not that bad
it will probably come out before cyberpunk anyways and I'm still unironically waiting for Bannerlord and Stalker 2
But that's not common knowledge. Not even close, and people who consider things close to it are called heretics. It's a lot easier to swallow the 13 clans came from 13 monsters than "lol worlds only 12,000 years old bro, dinosaurs are a myth btw."
They've gone out of their way to say they will officially support mod creation. Reasoning being mods are the sole reason why VtMB became the cult classic it is.
Hmm based
you would think immortal bloodsucking monsters that have seen ghosts and werewolves would be more open to that kind of thing desu
Hell yes, thanks for letting me know
Mod support seems to have the official stamp at this point, I just hope they aren't going to embrace mod support because they intend to put minimal effort into fixing their game ala Bethesda. If the game is fundamentally sound and they don't cut corners because they expect modders to do the work for them then mods will end up being a great extra component to the game.
>Nose ring
I got a tip that vlad tepes will play a major role in vmtb2
I mean, antes are general accepted I think, just not openly. at least in the back of their minds it nags at them. Caine is a whole different ballpark.
If Dinos are a myth, how do they exist? As in, how are there models of dinosaurs like the raptor, what fossils did humans find?
I think it's just flat out ignored man. Maybe biblical time is perceived differently. Maybe mages were fucking with paradoxes. I ain't got the slightest idea desu.
God I love the story associated with this image. Clanbook Daeva was wonderfully written
God put the bones there as a prank.
Dinosaurs existed and they were an advanced civilization.
The crocodile kinfolk still remember when this was a thing.
Give me the run down, cutie.
>Dinosaurs existed and they were an advanced civilization.
Its a remake you stupid sack of shits.
You're just fucking around now
No, it's a cinematic reboot with talking animals.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a wolf thing. They went full retard and genocided a bunch of other were-animal races. Anons probably talking out his ass on this particular thing tho.
Im not
>guy picks up a girl at a store
>she's flirting with him, he's got a gf
>tells her to guess something about her
>he starts understanding how to spot vampires
>the girl is one who hangs out at the local arcade equivalent charming nerds
>manages to even see an eternal 16 year old at a local school dance
>vampire side girl murders someone
>she leaves because she believes (arguably rightly) that she's ruining his life
>he documents this all in a letter to a sister I think
>he left to go track down his vampire waifu
Check out /tg/ for the link to download the book. Very worth a read
this is some high grade WE WUZZING
I like how it looks but this feels so fucking unsuited to VtM
That's because this is Werewolf the Apocolypse
Whitewolf is unironically terrible yet so close to genius.
They just need to stop huffing their own shit.
I feel like I've peered too far into the void today
never did i want to know this existed
how I feel after seeing these posts tbqh
Jehovah is God and Dinosaurs were Kangz. I don't see how anyone could hate this.
okay but why'd they go extinct tho? and when?
they became vampires so God sent a meteorite
What the fuck is going on in this thread
Now I want to know more
The gods power my minivan now
we're all eagerly awaiting Bloodlines 2: Return of the Reptilians
>"nuh-uh Rudi is not canon I am canon!"
I suddenly have become a World of Darkness creationist now. God created the World and then Adam and... several wives! Dinosaurs are fake!
It's time brothers.
We're heading home..
Stop what?
wow malks are two faced bitches. You only have yourself to blame.
No, YOU stop.
delet this
Main villain leaked
hemlock for the deceivers
a joke that went too far
That part was bull shit I'm pretty sure
Would you?
Be honest
Yes. I'd give her the ol' Tori pump and dump and enjoying hearing how she's melting down in the warrens
Elkabo, Elkabo, bury my tongue where all is green.
No. Her chest pattern looks really gross
Nah man they're fine
They taste sorta like jerky, just peel em off and munch on em like a snack
Trust me
In the labynight larp videos she specifically asks for a Toreador she's mad at to be kidnapped and brought to her.
Be careful.
>The Sabbat want to prevent the vampire apocalypse
>The Camarilla don't
How are the former not the good guys?
>still can't ever do her own work
As long as I don't fuck a llama with my lover in front of a camera, I think I'll be okay.
I would have preordered it if it was on Steam. But since they took that Epic money... fuck you.
Will there be a Frasier radio station
I threw up in my mouth a little.
>no matter what they will show, a lot of people here will hate it
>modern paradox
>modern World of Darkness
>people here will hate it
No shit
Competition between marketplaces benefits you as the consumer. Don't pick sides. If the idea of having too many launchers bugs you then just go get the unified GOG launcher.
But it is on Steam
Because Gehenna doesn't exist you moron. It's literally some made up fairy tale bullshit to make you join their sect. Do you also believe in Scientology?
>Do you also believe in Scientology?
I don't have to answer that.
More for me brah.
Oh shit I just realized the lead writer voiced the anchor in 1
>Not only will Malk dialogue be back but it'll get even more reaction from NPCs since Malk are rare
If they can keep the reddit memes to no more than ten I'll be content.
>tfw no tzimsce gf who feeds you with her flesh instead of her blood
He has a nice voice
he rightout said they'll be edgy over comedic
Are any of the Paradox streams worth watching at all? I know the most recent one with Mitsoda was shit because they didn't let him talk much and kept bringing up questions they wouldn't answer.
you guys are asking very specific questions.
Clan specific Havens seem to be a thing though because Mitsoda had a smile on his face and crunched hard for about five seconds
>Are any of the Paradox streams worth watching at all
We've known since HOI4 they only answer planted questions.
LaCroix did nothing wrong
Blood dolls confirmed
I mean when the game was still unannounced they called it project Frasier so there has to be one
I smell a rancid grave... RAT.
It's not an exclusive you dumb cunt
Frasier is from Seattle
mate, Toreadores don't just embrace beautifull people but also artists and this guy plays the piano.
You only need a toreador that loved some meme song he heard him play to embrace him.
but what if that torrie was indeed a malkavian passing as a toreador and ended up being kicked out of his spot after the rest of the camarilla found out. It's not like the vampires in seattle like malkavians.
How do I hunt vampires? I want to stop them from subverting my people.
become one and then use their powers against them like Blade
why don't they like Malkavians?
why are vampires from Seattle so prejudiced?
If you could get embraced by one kindred from vtmb who would it be
Vick always looked like a Jim Morrison lookalike with terrible sleeping habits that forgot to brush his hair. He is a CHAD deep inside.
Imagine being deeply trapped in the web of vampire politics. And some actual retard just rolls up to you, looks you over and says: "Oh? You're planning a coup? Coup? Coo? Are you a bird?" before running off to go lay pipe into some torrie broad. Your sire/the local prince turns to look at you.
You'd avoid them too. And that's coming from me; a malk main.
I thought the whole last edition got memory holed and the makers fired.
Rudy only lives on in our nightmares.
holy based I couldn't even be mad about that
I know. Hence the name and the inevitability of a radio station
Go full dracula and force Andrei, then dab at jyjad and go full antitribu
No resemblance
join the network brah
t. Definitely not Malkav
Tung seems pretty solid, like he'd take care of ya.
wew, I hope we can get embraced by a kindred ancient civilization dinossaur in the new game