Let me see your face

Let me see your face

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by the nine...


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Blessed Thread.
Thank you Anons.
I hate this fucking board, but this is the gold we need.

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Heres my face and your champion

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Whiter than you, Imperial.

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>This is a 10/10 in bongland

The HD remaster

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N. Cortex?


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yep dats me rocckin a crew cut

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___ with Komi-san.

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You're a rascal

He was in the right.

what is my quest

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>be a potion seller
>refuse to sell potions
Just how do you come to this conclusion

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I like happy Snake. Pls be happy Snake. You've had a hard life :)

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>wrote up an Alchemist class for D&D
>created formulae for Potion generation
>not OP but supportive to other members
>required harvesting and item gathering

everyone just spammed the Potion Seller video on their phones and quoted it every second. I ended up playing a Monk again.

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His potions would literally kill the Knight.
Just from an economic standpoint it would be retarded for him to sell the potions to someone that would die after using them. Think of what would happen if word got out.
He's also a professional. If someone came into a gun shop drunk and mumbling about their bitch wife it would be irresponsible to sell the person a weapon. He is not an assisted suicide seller, he is a potion seller. If the knight can't handle the potions, it isn't just his problem; think about the impact on the person responsible for it.
>inb4 muh freedoms
Yes, freeodom is good, as is the freedom to deny service to anyone for any reason.

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I want to FUCK Emperor Uriel Septim the 7th

The knight needed only the STRONGEST potions, he was going into battle

>average ultimate player

Fuck you dunmer cunt.

>bro lemme get the STRONGEST potions
>m8 you will die
>nah cmon bro just give me them
>no faggot
>waaaa waaaah give me the potions i want the strongest potions

How do you know he wasn't planning to use them on his enemies?

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You know i'm something of an emperor myself

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>me after quality skooma

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Me too

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Where's your cool clown boyfriend?

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He’s a fucking knight. You can’t say ‘no’ to a nobleman as a lowly merchant.

Therefore he is in the wrong.

I wish the they would go back to the unpredictable elements of Oblivion. Fucking daedra stormed the Inn i was saying at (no idea they were tailing me from the fucking mountains) and killed that one Kahjit that sold potato bread.

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Incase has such a repulsive artstyle.

rent free

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Post your tits if you're so great

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Wouldn't you rather I posted my dick? That's all he draws anyways.

I mean if you have both I'll fucking pay for your travel to L O N D O N

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thank mr skeltal

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