Ask me anything, i'll be online for the next hour.
Hi, i'm involved with Nintendo's E3 Direct this year
who in fighter pass?
Are we getting a Smash reveal? If so, what's in it?
Is Banjo going to be announced here?
have sex smashie nintencel
Will you be online for the next hour?
what did you have for breakfast
What's the wildcard reveal that no one will be expecting?
new smm2 themes you lying fagoot
Smash reveals at the direct are Erdrick from Dragon Quest and Banjo and Kazooie. Announcer says the and. Similar to rosalina and luma.
Any other ports that are going to be announced?
What nwes about pokemon will we have ?
>Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2, Pikmin 3, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Master Chief Collection, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Overwatch
Why do you pretend to be somebody you aren't just to get (you)s
Tell us about the Porky reveal
What Indie games are in the sizzle reel?
No Pokemon News, as in absolutely none.
Labo VR gets a few games announced i thought that the amount of support its getting is crazy, Beat Saber and the Accounting game are coming to switch
> Master Chief Collection
Super Meat Boy Forever, A hat in Time, Cadence Of Hyrule, Kerbal Space Program..
Is this getting a port?
>every fucking fake leaker says these two
what a fucking joke, this thread is now about robots, gentlemen. Post your favorite robots and robabes.
How old are you?
This is gonna be pretty funny watching youtubers react to your comments in the next few weeks lol
>haha i'm real leaker all you dissenters are gonna look soooo silly when i'm right
he's in
So what games are we getting new info on
I'm hoping Bayonetta 3
cool, once banjo comes out im taking him to EVO. mark my words Yea Forums
Give me at least 1 unannounced title from a new IP.
>I cant wait to play Banjo
>He's F tier
>Fuck Banjo
Some news about Monolith Soft?
Also show pussy
Go back to papacucko discord
Sure every single other possible leak isnt real but MINE is
Faggots who post fake smash bros leaks on Yea Forums should hang
I will main Banjo and make it work even if he's Mac tier.
Any surprise big games or something from Retro?
not OP, but I'd expect a trailer at TGS. E3 isn't really the right audience to reveal it to.
dude won combo breaker with G&W, there's a chance for anyone unless you're little mac or bowser jr
What's the new animal crossing called?
The fact that every. Single. One. of these text leakers say banjo is coming is really making me think it's Steve or even Master Chief. Erdrick was leaked at least so I've already accepted that.
anything on Daemon X Machina?
Lol you do know there is a pokemon direct next week right? Go larp somewhere retard
Have you had sex?
when will the crystal chronicles remaster be released?
I don't even want a sequel to that awful casual trash excuse of a sequel we got for the DS, just give me a Switch port of GS and The Lost Age so I don't have to put in a goddamn 10 page password in between games.
is there a new Mario Kart/FZERO
is there a new Pikmin Game
is Banjo releasing after the Direct
Is there a new Switch Mario &Luigi?