Remake is different to the original but ultimately accepted by the fanbase

>remake is different to the original but ultimately accepted by the fanbase

Attached: 1106247.jpg (306x450, 43K)

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he just looks like a recolor

the weakest dark magician version to day,shitty generic anime artstyle in a forgettable pose,why even do this?

It's cool.

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (600x354, 72K)

>spin-off is given to a western studio
>they destroy the aesthetic AND don't understand the gameplay

Attached: 1559126745254.png (307x448, 194K)

>game gets a remake far too many times that you forget which colour pallete is original one

Attached: DarkMagician-DUPO-EN-UR-LE.png (300x438, 282K)

I used to play this nigga in duel links with spellbooks

was pretty good

the fuck you on about, yugioh has a bazillion different styles and this is not that far from the norm, and spellbook prophecy decks where great

I dont usually have issues with using whatever style they want, but Destroyer is too out of place on his own archtype, Prophecy is a bunch of animu nerds reading books and then you have this fiend and the lion for whatever reason.

spellbook decks only ran that piece of shit if they were built by a 10 year old. beatdown spellbooks (also banishing their own resources) is probably stupider than beatdown exodia

Arkana Dark Magician is the best Dark Magician

>You now remember those knight card based on the round table

i hope you didn't want to play user, specially since i setted anti spell fragrance last turn....

Attached: tumblr_mk6f0yNEno1rie4kjo1_400[1].jpg (400x400, 71K)

He looks jacked as fuck now

>game resembles an anime

Attached: Aizen.png (468x688, 744K)

> Using up braincells thinking of some male faggot

Attached: [AU_RAW] Yu-Gi-Oh!DM 149 (DVDrip 480p x264_AC3).mp4_snapshot_17.47_[2019.05.15_11.42.14].jpg (640x480, 185K)


Is Atem technically African?

Attached: 05D7331E-A72A-4338-BEE9-B5C13526A8FD.jpg (500x494, 38K)

That looks dope


Yes. Is this a trick question? There's nothing technical about it.

>game rebooted
>protag becomes a nigger

Attached: EbonIllusionMagician-SHVI-EN-SR-LE.png (800x1165, 2.31M)


Yes but he is no nigger

Attached: 1557217983653.jpg (623x702, 177K)

> American version gives a character an out of place accent

Attached: CrystalBeastAmberMammoth-RYMP-EN-SR-1E.jpg (400x580, 68K)

Is Egypt a part of Africa?
The answer to both questions is yes.

blaze it senpai

Attached: 121309_200w.jpg (202x297, 32K)

Cheating is a nigger tactic.

I thought the world in Yu-Gi-Oh was different or something.

the sheer number of useless, filler vanillas in yugioh is staggering

Did you miss that they were all supposed to be impersonations of actors? Or do you think Sean Connery does not have an accent?

>didnt post the Lovecraft cards

All card games do it to fill out sets.

Reminder not to post anything sphinx related in imagery because he's a faggot saboteur.

Attached: MU5boZL.jpg (700x283, 28K)

It’s been about while since I’ve e seen the dub. Arnie Mammoth is the only one I remember. What were the other beasts voices impersonating; I know Carbuncle was silent

hey this is actually the only alt art that is good apart from the DMG one

What about the Arkana version?

the only real problem there is norden for enabling r4nk and probably some ftks.
the xyz look out of place, sure, but the fusion and syncho look like usual ygo cards, and they have some overall fun effects with having fusions and sychros as xyz mats to generate advantage.

Post underrateds.

Attached: Untitled.png (475x695, 700K)

Bitch please, the Yugi Evolution era DM was hands down the lamest one.

I remember one was Cristopher Walken

spellcasters have always been my favourites and endymion is my favourite card

Attached: 1475649.jpg (308x450, 49K)

This but unironically

Attached: 51btZKvA1cL.jpg (346x480, 57K)

What about his evolved form?

Attached: sr08en001__76935.1555525731.jpg (878x1280, 337K)

Don Zaloog was Walken

it's great, but i don't know why i feel like it is it's own card


not a huge fan of the whole pendulum mechanic but that card is cool too

I'm annoyed by errata not alt-art

I can't remember all of them either, but I remember Don Zalong, or whatever its name is, talking like Christopher Walken.

I really wish the Dark Magician Archetype was good at all. I wish Eye of Timaeus was searchable. I wish Magi Magi Magician Gal got released in the TCG.

Attached: latest[1].png (476x694, 816K)

>King of Africa is a White-Asian
Yugioh is fucking based

>Heh... Nothin personnel...

Attached: maju.png (475x695, 682K)

Yeah because the original certainly wasn't generic anime face with a boring arms folded pose.

Did i forget any card in this?

Attached: YGO_Wolves.png (1146x926, 1.29M)

Loved zombie back then. Just loved to place one of these down then getting out vampire lord

Attached: PyramidTurtle-LCJW-EN-SR-1E.png (444x649, 709K)

Looks like MTG monster photoshopped onto a yugioh card

If the only monsters on the field are this card and 4 "Forbidden One" Normal Monsters with different names, the opponent of this card's controller wins the Duel.

Attached: 1540033178238.png (540x830, 839K)

Zombies are god-tier.

Attached: latest[1].png (476x695, 603K)

It’s looks great to me, but to be fair I always liked edgy variations like Arkana’s Dark Magician

*enables broken combos*
nothing personnel kid

Attached: PlaguespreaderZombie-DASA-EN-SR-1E.png (473x695, 703K)

He had tanned skin. He was only white skinned because his spirit inhabited Yugi’s body

There was also the episode where Jaden played against what was basically The Dude. Looking back at it, I wonder if the guys writing the dub thought the kids watching could actually pick up on this.

Should have been a toon.

the american team is like that.
notably: this card is also shit. it's just a worse Rush Recklessly

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That is stupidly easy to get off

huh this actually does look pretty good.

>he doesn’t us Inspiration with Jetroid

This seems like a pretty awesome skellington.

You forgot Danger! Dogman

Bottom left

Mezuki is way better my man

Attached: 1113573.jpg (307x450, 35K)

It is. The archetype is all about dumping monsters that are treated as Skull Servants into your graveyard to get his attack up over 10k or even higher.

Wasen’t that kid name actually something similar to Lebowski too?

Gene warped warwolf?

I just finished GX and it's a shame it gets really good near the end then stops. I liked ptsd edgy Jaden

I didn't put he in because he doesn't look like a wolf. He looks more like fiend and Pitch-Black Warwolf looks more like a panther warrior retrain

Attached: GeneWarpedWarwolf-YS16-EN-C-1E.png (460x671, 775K)

imagine the threesome

Attached: magicians.jpg (863x647, 84K)

Damn, Mahad looks like THAT?

I fucking love Zombies.

Attached: latest[1].png (477x695, 741K)

Yes, just switch L and B

I wish chairman's illustration wasn't ripped straight from the anime. All of the other good D/D/D cards look great, but he looks fucking retarded.

>Main a Dark Magician deck
>Glad to see people finally show it some love
>Now I feel guilty about building a Thunder Dragon deck

Can you not search Eye of Timaeus with Magician's Rod or Dark Magic Inheritance? I have my DM deck right next to me and it specifically does list "Dark Magician" in its text which should satisfy the search condition.

Attached: Destiny HERO Celestial.jpg (894x894, 128K)

Gene-warped Warwolf.

He should have the yellow card background. The orange one is for effect monsters.

She's so cute.

Attached: mana.png (633x470, 468K)

the turtle was woody allen and sapphire pegasus was mr ed.

>Zombie / Tombie / Effombie
Gets me every time.

Since Eye of Timaeus says "A Dark Magician monster," you can't search it because it doesn't technically say "Dark Magician" itself. It's a dumb rule.

So, Yea Forums, do you have your invite yet?

Yes, yes you can search "Eye of Timaeus" with those cards. I also have a Dark Magician deck; and a Naturia deck; and a Nordic deck; and I love them all.

Attached: The one card that makes nordic playable in any capacity.png (476x695, 714K)

Huh, I didn't know that. Oh well, unfortunate.

No you can't.

My nigga. I'm using a DM deck in Link Evolution and it's fun

I see it in the text yeah.

> "Dark Magician" monster....

That is a very stupid rule. Was it always like that? I don't play in card shops or tournaments, only with friends at work but we do try to follow all rules but this is new to me.

>game is the coolest thing to come out in years but barely gets any time in the spotlight
But for real, D/D's were the absolute coolest shit. I've got 3 of every D/D card ever released, except for OCG imports.
Luckily, it's an important archetype in the anime, and is used by a "rival", so it will probably get some minor support down the line.

Attached: ygo_ddduel_2.jpg (630x292, 276K)

Pegasus cheated, Marik cheated, everyone cheated

When will he be printed?

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Yes but not a bl****ack

Attached: file.png (1000x667, 1.26M)

Soon I think. He's supposed to be a promo card for Shonen Jump in Japan if I remember correctly

Who fucking cares, just give me Gilgamesh and/or Needlefiber in the TCG.
Playing this deck is suffering, it's just one thing after another.

These are blacks castrating Egyptian natives

>tfw still don't have an original Dark Magician nor Blue Eyes
Feels bad man

Okay Tyronishwah Elijawankeisha

The guy on the left is being held against his will so i doubt they are washing his dick like that dumb twitter meme said.

I've got a first edition printing of Blue-Eyes from the original structure deck, but it's literally gotten torn in two at one point, just like in the show. Don't know when or why it happened.

>I doubt
Okay Ibrahim Moises

>download Link Evolution
>Master Rule 4 ruins half of story mode
>no Link VRAINS packs for all those themed Link monsters
I'm still having a blast, but this game seriously dropped the ball on this.

Okay retard

I accept your concession. Next time come with evidence before getting upset.

How fun is the TCG at the moment?
Will I need to use synchro/link monsters to avoid being at a disadvantage?

Attached: dasa-en019-bravo-fighter-fur-hire-super-rare-1st-edition-yugioh-572-p.png (460x675, 667K)

>Played YGO with friends in highschool
>We were all poorfags but through trading among ourselves we all managed to make halfway competent decks of various themes (Burn/Chaos/Water/Dragon)
>Duel one another all the time, eventually go to a tournament thinking we'd face eachother in the finals
>Get fucking DESTROYED in the first round by kids running top-of-the-line meta decks that were probably worth $500+ at the time
A humbling lesson, but an important one.