Who else started playing COD4 and MW2 single player campaigns because of the MW trailer?

who else started playing COD4 and MW2 single player campaigns because of the MW trailer?

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4>BO2>WaW>2>BO>3>casual baby shit>MW2>MW3>AW

I beat BO2 and WaW on veteran, WaW was way more bullshit to even survive, BO2 was more bullshit to get the good endings

Cawadooty 4 campaign is the closes we'll ever get to a Generation Kill video game so that's why I love it

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4's veteran harder than WaW? That's just straight up lying bro, the only tough mission really is the Chernobyl extraction one and that's only if you don't grab an AK-47. WaW is just straight up unfair with the ridiculous amount of grenades the enemies throw.

Good ending is the only ending that matters, other wise its liking saying you beat Mod War on Vet without finishing Mile High Club
I the extraction was pretty easy once you get past the first wave of baddies that show up, after you take the shot. the spot it tells you to place the captain at the end is already perfect since enemies can only shoot you from the wheel and line themselves up doing so. It had fucking nothing on War-room or the absolute hell of Weathering the Storm

Are there online servers still up?

MW, MW2, Black Ops 1, and WaW are the only CoD games that matter

t. started CoD with Mod War on the 360

The grenade spam is insane. The Nazi's and Jap's have millions of grenades.

lmao no

What's wrong with MW3 CoD bros

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MW3 is a good cod game just not a good Modern Warfare.

>picked up a used copy of BO for PS3 for five bucks yesterday
>campaign is buggy as fuck, freezes during cutscenes and won't load audio properly
>multiplayer runs perfectly well

Goddamnit I just want to know what the damn numbers mean!

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I actually finished the MW1 remaster a week before the trailer. Didn't touch the MP though because I heard they fucked it up.

>playing FPS on a console
you could have gotten a key for the same price on G2A

Eh, it was an impulse purchase. I pirated it years ago and remember enjoying it. Just wanted to chill out and play some Alex Jones simulator.

>5 hours of scripted events and turret sections masquerading as "gameplay"
they're all garbage fuck off

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Never played MW. Should I play original or remastered?



>because of the MW trailer?
I started playing it at CoD2.

>Cod2 and MW are only CoD games that matter