Are you going to buy Gears 5 now that it's coming to Steam, Yea Forums?

Are you going to buy Gears 5 now that it's coming to Steam, Yea Forums?

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who give a fuck about this shit in current year ?

Nigga, I'll buy a lot of shit I'll never actually play. At 75% off or more.

Bring 2 and 3 to PC so I know what's up

I thought third-person cover shooter era was finally over.

I've spent the last 20 hours on Yea Forums
Why do people continuously make the same threads?
I mean it's not someone else that found out and created his onn thread, this is a copy/paste of that same thread which probably.died a few hours ago

Why do OPs do this? Are they just bored or ..?

Never. Gears turned to shit after 3. First they ruined Halo now they ruined Gears.

If I ever play Gears of Gay 5 it will be with my $1 promotional 3 month game pass.

i'll play it but i wont buy it

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Gears is old and gay

Exactly did the same with gears 4.

never understood what people saw in gears
didn't it kickstart the whole sticky cover bullshit that plagues every series now?

Is it still a chest-high-wall shooter with big bro dude feels and shit?

if it was a ps exclusive you niggers would suck it up so hard

what made you think that with every third person sony game selling 20 million?

you were never supposed to just hide behind the walls, you were supposed to use them as a way to move through the map

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Depends on the E3 trailer this year, if it's like last year's then no.

of course, I'll buy anything with laura bailey in it.

>stop movement
>use them to tell you where to go
Okay, Jamal.

victim complex getting to 9/11 victims level there

thanks for letting me know you never played it

I haven't played a Gears game since the first, so I probably won't just buy the 5th in the series. I don't even know if the other 3 in-between are on PC or not.

its literally everything sonyfags eat up, cinematic third person shooter with good graphics.
but its on pc and xbox so its shit am i right?

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If theres no robots this time sure

kys. every mainstream character she does sucks huge donkey ass. muh kait, muh spartan vale.

Absolute refuse just like femshep


Yea Forums is bigger than sonyfags
most people here own a pc and have an option to play this franchise for free, yet no one cares because its dudebro dogshit

brush up on your shill posting next time retard

Only if the multiplayer is good.
Gears 3 was a perfect send off, I don't need expanded universe stuff.

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Kait's fine, Vale's Brian Reed's fault.

The walls literally protect you from enemy fire during fights, you long. They don’t “tell you where to go”. The walls are merely placed in the level in service of the fact that a fight is about to break out.

>most people here own a pc and have an option to play this franchise for free
you didnt until now retard

>tell you where to go
Why do you keep saying this? You are using the walls as way to move. You aren't supposed to just hide behind them all the time.

Vale is all Reed just like Palmer since Palmer's voice actress voiced Samus in Metroid Prime.

She also voiced Lust in FMA and FMAB along with Maka in Soul Eater and Soul Eater Not.

What's the point if you're never going to play horde mode with your buddies again

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gears 4 been cracked since march retard
stop being a bitch and try your shilling again next thread

user those are children's anime

>female protagonist

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Why are these characters so fucking small?

Fine, perhaps we can say that the dialogue was crap from the start. Still I dislike her voice and delivery, it sounds way too tryhard and bitchy.

Don't know why everyone has a boner for her and Jennifer Hale as VA's

Yes! The queen mommy Laura bailey is in it. Why wouldn't I buy it?

>not liking Lust

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>we had the option to play this FRANCHISE
>uhhh actually j-just 4

>Are you going to buy Gears

Gears 4 is actually pretty fun and active online.

>telling anyone else they have a victim complex
You fags are the biggest offenders of this shit on the entirety of Yea Forums

I dont buy games from shity franchises, sorry

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When they let me play as based Marcus again


seethe more, snoygger

have sex, incel

They can try as hard as they like, Gears after 3 is just a waste of time and money. End this shit already

Holy shit, what the fuck happened to gears of war?

Soimales and women in the development team

its not brown and grey anymore

Gears 4 was already a tedious mess, I hope the fifth one will improve but I don't really expect it.

Phil and the sand nigger CEO took over and put basedfags and fem bitches in charge of Gears.

It's about her now!

Going by last year's trailer, it's going to be worse.

the only things that made 4 tedious were the horde elements in the campaign
have sex


Kill yourself, tranny.

yes, but i prefer a release of 2 and 3. Horde mode was fun, at least in 3.

Didn't 3 or 3.5 already have women in it?
>the only things that made 4 tedious were the horde elements in the campaign
what made 4 tedious is that they cut out almost all driving and turret sections which leaves you which leaves you with nothing to break up the monotony of cover shooting. I've played all GoW titles in coop mode with a friend and 4 is possibly the worst of them, although 1 might take that title with these shitty segments where you had to deal with the killer moths.

If it's any good, why not.


Yeah, but it didn't seem forced like it does in Gears 5, even the diversity wasn't forced.

all gears games have women, incels

Join the 40% retard

Eh, the story of these games is a joke, the setting is a joke, and the characters are a joke too. I play these games because they're one of the few remaining coop titles on current consoles. Even the first game had niggers, so you're a bit late to complain about forced diversity.

Imagine actually being this stupid.

No Mr. Spender, but sure I will be buying Ori 2, thanks for that by the way!

>being an autistic self-insert

But none of them are forced, tranny, they even made Kait look ugly in Gears 5 compared to how hot she was in Gears of War 4. There's a reason Halo Infinite has far more views than Gears 5.

No I'm getting it for Xbox One X.

>one uploaded by Xbox channel, the other isnt

Forced vs not forced, dumbass. There's a difference.

It's still a shit game regardless of what platform it's on

The one uploaded by the Xbox Channel is only near 450K, I had to grab the highest it would go.

>OMG you DOnT cArE abOuT GeNdErR In GaMe???? TRaNnY
Seethe some more, virgin.

If you played 4 you'd realize why she is the main character of 5 now, but you didn't, and you never played any Gears game to begin with.

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they just need to stop. Gears 1 and 2 were fresh and good action games. Played 4 this year in co-op (with friends every game is fun) and this piece of shit was so boring we stopped after 3 hours. Didn't help it was a 120GB download.

is this the one with the gross roastie?

Hopefully versus is actually good like 3 and not garbage like 4. I don't care about the story, it was never the main attraction of the game. The people who care are the retards who didn't touch MP and just played through 1 that one time. It's always been shit.

I wouldnt play gears if you gave me a cupcake and a blowjob.

I'm an Xbox fan, I hate Sony, their fans, and the PlayStation, I have Gears 1-3, they're really not that great, it took me forever to buy Gears 3, and Gears 5 looks like forced feminism, you can push this little agenda as far as you want but the more I see Gears 5 the more I don't want it, glad Microsoft has other ips over Gears. I wish they would have just let the Coalition make that new ip instead of buying the Gears ip from Epic and forcing them to make it.

>forced feminism
>man says screw your orders its about me
>woman says screw your orders its about me

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>Humanity on brink of extinction
>Posters encouraging for population growth
>Come across hospital pregnancy ward
>"Ugh, I don't know how women can do this. I don't want to be a part of this."


>and Gears 5 looks like forced feminism
Serious question. Is because its gonna have a female protagonist or The Coalition/Microsoft are saying some stupid shit like 'muh equality'? I don't get it, really.

>>"Ugh, I don't know how women can do this. I don't want to be a part of this."
In the comicbooks and side stories, they where pregnancy wards where women where forced to have sex and carry children to have more population. They where practically sex slaves for the COG.

Microsoft saying stupid shit and IT'S ABOUT ME!, Who wrote that, SCREW YOUR ORDERS! would have just been fine.

>its about me
No man says this, they made Kait sound like she's on her period.

I can understand that, if that's what was presented in game but it wasn't.
