Damn partners, this game looks amazing compared to the washed out turd, that is BotW. Also...

Damn partners, this game looks amazing compared to the washed out turd, that is BotW. Also, Arthur is the ideal Chad Male we should all strive to be. Not the cross dressing, gender fluid fag Link is.

Attached: IMG_20190531_094012.jpg (1920x1080, 358K)

I think you are few months late for anyone to care anymore there bud.

Cowboys are gay as fuck. Not that twink Link is any better.

i wonder when will they merge nintengaf with /vp/

they are the asp to sp, their taste + preferences are so shit


>peak masculinity is gay as fuck

Arthur was based
Old West is a based setting
But the missions were cringe and all the same structure

See that mountain? Your horse can shit on it

The missions are worse in RDR1 they have long carriage rides

>peak masculinity
>using guns to settle differences instead of your sculpted Adonis body

pick one and only one

And it looks even better on Xbox One X

Attached: Screenshot_20181229-053656.png (1440x2560, 383K)

Arthur beats up people alot his last moments are spent fistfighting to the death

maybe if he wasn't such a pussy they wouldn't be his last moments

The best looking console game of this whole gen. Not even Death Stranding, Tlou2, or Ghost of Sushi will be able to compete.

explain how this is not a game

Don't get me wrong I loved the game and the first, but basically every mission plays out the same. Camping, hunting and fishing with Arthur was 10/10 comfy



Shit's old and boring like cowboys

>being so underage to have wars between RDR2 vs BotW
>when they're both played by the exact same demographic
They're both slow paced, explorative games. They're both played by the exact same people, you retard

Bout to start on my second playthrough since HDR and the lighting is now at it's peak. Haven't played since December. Pretty excited.

You seem obsessed with Nintendo, kiddo


it actually can, right on the summit


Also, is it possible to get the legend of the east outfit as soon as I start chapter two or is certain challenges locked behind story progression?

whatever you say, ResetEra

it's possible, I did it.
You can also get a random horse to spawn by lassoing a lone traveler off his horse, shooting him in the leg, and riding away over the hill while he is still a red dot on the minimap. The game will spawn him a random horse that could be like a Turkoman, Arabian or a Missouri fox trotter.
Maybe they patched that though, I did it months ago

Based in all honesty

Attached: IMG_20190531_093526.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

Very cool user, I will try that out

They patched the new austin glitch as Arthur you'd have to reinstall and disable updates. All the glitches from launch like that and the gold bars have been patched.

yep you're right, they patched it as of March