Fucking Kojima won't get out of my head

Fucking Kojima won't get out of my head.

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Other urls found in this thread:



but why the babies?

New young AIs without upper level sapient function but capable of detecting things old AIs can't.

looks like the bridge babies are infant versions of the adults. the bb that mads talks to looks just like him.

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holy shit

GIS the number

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I'll show you the real thing soon

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How do we know Venom wasn't a simulation?

I promise.
Would explain the wormholes.

Well that's page 10. A shame shitposts get more bumps. See you on the other side, Bridges.

We've gotten to the point where fan speculation, while most likely untrue in the end, would still make for a really cool story on its own

Did you boys preorder your babbies? Only 199.99 usd!


Same with the Quiet = Chico theory before MGSV came out. I didn't actually pay attention/care about it before V's release, and only really thought about it after, but I realized it would have seriously been fucking cool. And it goes without saying, better than anything we got in the end

what does the thing say that he's holding?
"the moon and the earth?"


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>but I realized it would have seriously been fucking cool
sounds fucking retarded


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You know, watching Hannibal I was always impressed by that ambiguous accent Mikkelsen played the character with that reflected Hannibal Lector's unclear origin. But now I realize that that's actually just Mikkelsens accent.

quality thread for once, have a bump op

He's a Kojima fan. He has ... peculiar tastes to say it politely.

I doubt the games are connected, however it would be great if he could use the shekels he makes off of this one to sue Konami and save the fucking series.

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>Kojima invented America

Yeah he is showing the baby a video of it

But people said it was PT

What's this image supposed to be?

People don't actually know shit, but the idea of multiple IPs taking place in the same universe is definitely not new

Ludens space suit from the game that you will get to use on the moon youtu.be/atqBhyqq6xE

If the President is dying of cancer why the fuck is her hospital bed in the Oval Office? Why is she hooked up to a bunch of black cables placed suspiciously in the middle of the room? Why is there a tree beyond the glass paneled door on the left if it's the actual White House?

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Man I hope the BTs (or whatever's causing them) aren't aliens from the Moon


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2001 space odissey reference, don't let me spoonfeed to you the rest user

The Kojima Productions video, with Sam on the moon. That's the eye of the whale that swims past him very quickly near the beginning. Looks like a sperm whale.

Now we are getting somewhere

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It's the intro to kojima productions, the thing you'll see when booting up death stranding. It's an astronaut holding a harpoon which makes a lot of people assume space whales. Also because we will be able to go to the moon in death stranding it will probably be a part of the game

>Kojima fans

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And 2, what if... i-if the hat mijibo is wearing.... left t-the....b-b-b-b-barn doors!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID ANYONE NOTICE THIS??!

Uhh hehe hehe. That says Moby Dick Studios. Ahah hehe. "Dick". That's cool.

Yeah Kojima, Strand games are going to become a new genre for sure, you dumb hack.

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She's the President of Jack Shit at this point user.

So where is that caramel fag these days? Did he kill himself from being BTFO so hard?

>Jack Shit

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It isnt related to MGS, stupid theoryfag.
Kojima was tired of making MGS ever since MGS3.

It is so easy to spot the jelly PC bros. Sorry Charlie, no game for you. Sucks don't it. Come join us in the Playstation revolution. It's a golden time for us. There's so many games to play, I can't keep up.

On the other hand if it's like a Half-Life scenario and the world is fucked because they tried to make a portal to the Moon that'd be pretty rad

It's pretty clear at this point it's literally just Stranger Things, where they are from the death dimension

Imagine being happy about playing a delivery boy simulator. Peek career for your tubby.

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I hate that that stupid faggot caramel has made discussing anything regarding MGS or Death Stranding impossible because everything has to be le ebin ruse.

How about if it's a scenario like Event Horizon, where someone went to space and brought back this Cthulu-esque nightmare. Doesn't someone mention Hades in the trailer?

I never played any of the MGs, can anyone give me a quick rundown

The babies are just a kind of sci-fi tech. Like if you need stem cells for some advanced interdimensional communications.

>Murrica tries to build moon portal technology to try to advance civilization
>everything goes horribly wrong and it brings about the Death Stranding and the BTs to fuck everyone's shit up
>now, it's just a matter of people surviving whatever remains of the country and our protag trying to help rebuild whatever little can be fixed while dealing with basically The Mist: This Time With no Family Suicide edition


but what about Hideo?

they already did that it was called mgs rising

they even talk about snake and the other characters

all these theories are stupid and dumb

Nostalgia fags, nothing more

You can't front with me friendo. This is a gaming experience that comes along once in a lifetime. A genuine auteur of the industry, and this industry has almost none, is freed up for the first time in over 30 years, hired to make a new game, given an almost unlimited budget, supplied with state-of-the-art computers and mo-cap, and let loose, and you're trying to convince yourself that it's alright to miss it? You're gonna miss out on a situation so unique, it has never happened before, and probably will never happen again? Oh you poor, poor deluded man. I feel sorry for you.

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>Preachy climate change game
>Not a single black chick
Hard pass.

This is literally going to be another game and you are going to feel like a fucking retard about 3 hours into playing it

I don't give a flying fuck about you two, just enjoy a decent thread for once or GTFO

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>no black chicks
wtf I love Death Stranding now

What was the big fire whale in 5?

You can see the whale swim past him, that image is it's eye looking at his spear. Then one breaches behind him when he puts the flag down.

Man On Fire was controlling Psycho Mantis and used him to create the whale. Atleast thats how I remember it, through the game Psycho Mantis gets controlled by various people and you always see physical changes on him. Burning sleeves, horn, skull faces eye mask etc

You realize it's coming to pc too Right?

I own both a pc and ps4 but your argument is retarded as the first guys pic

Well that's pretty cool and seemingly unrelated.

Sam attack animations áre the same from sólid snake in the original mgs for ps1

Good shit

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But you're wrong, there is no evidence it's coming to PC. What you're referring to is rumors. What we know for certain today, is that this game will be a PS4 game. Nothing more.

Play the MGS games. You can get all the worthwhile ones on PS3.

I'll eat one of my wristbands I'm wearing unwashed if it doesn't release for pc you can screencap this

it doesn't attract me very much and it's very old, also I don't have a PS3, I would rather watch someone else play it

>Quiet = Chico theory

You know that was started as a fucking joke, right? It was a response to the Kaz = The Sunglasses theory. Which was a response to the Kaz = Ocelot theory.

The only reason it took off was because trannies and conspiracy theorists ran with it. And once it got the tranny seal of approval, no decent person could oppose it in public. It was retarded idea from the start and it was meant to be retarded.

everything is wrong with this post

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All of them on ps3. canon ones.
just saying.

>It's so hard to form connections when you can't shake hands.

What about all these quantum equations?

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Here's a little quote from Kojimas wiki you might find interesting: "On December 16, 2015, Kojima announced that Kojima Productions would be re-established as an independent studio, partnered with Sony Computer Entertainment, and that his first game would be console exclusive to the PlayStation 4."

So my advice would be to wash that wristband, and maybe don't eat much for a few days so you have an appetite.

>6 USB stick thingies around Sam's neck
>6 people were part of the Cobra Unit
>Mads Mikkelsen's character has some weird similarities to The Sorrow

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can this man die so I can fnally get off his wild rides?

>Higgs field
Oh god

fuck you boomer, when I was a kid I played outside, didn't waste my time playing vidya

the MGSV ruse cruise turned out to be more interesting than the actual game

we didnt have vidya when I was a kid

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the fact that you're still in Yea Forums
proves that point worthless.

There was no ruse cruise. Kojima got fired and that was it.

Everything else was retards trying to come up with ways this was all part of Kojima's grand plan. That was not interesting at all.

The games and their messages have aged like fine wine, better than most shit on the market today and you can get all of them on the cheap.

>It's an astronaut holding a harpoon which makes a lot of people assume space whales. Also because we will be able to go to the moon in death stranding it will probably be a part of the game

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>What about all these quantum equations?
I know fuck-all about quantum theory. If I had to take a wild shot in the dark I'd guess that the Patriot network is replacing its broken neural network with quantum entanglement.

in my opinion MGSV is obciolsy an incomplete game.
also go and watch the movie "source code"

>aliens from the moon cause world rending explosions when they come into contact with humans

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Oh yes, obciosly. Quite right.

come on, it was fun shitposting during the last 10 minutes of the ingsoc timer

Nah, it really wasn't. I'm disappointed at what the Metal Gear fanbase has become.

Because Kojima is a westaboo trying to do cool American visuals without any actual research.

Kaz=Ocelot was real and all the shitposting about it forced Kojima to abort the ruse and Konami canned him.

Sound like fun?
COURSE it does.

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That's nice but it'll be out on pc sorry to rustle you money is what makes the world go round and they can easily put the game on pc and make extra jew gold

what's wrong with discussing possibilities, even if they're the longest shot you could think of?

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That makes no sense since Kaz and Ocelot were in the same game.

Do you think Troy Baker was added to MGSV at the last minute?

i hate kojimadrones so much. Why does everything has to be 2deep4you with two unrelated games.

at this point america is already shattered and in shambles, there's probably no actual hospitals to speak of, so the medical care comes to her in the safest place there is for her to be

It was fun back when everybody was on the same page and we all knew it was jokes.

The existence of someone like Caramel proves that those days are long over and can never come back. These conspiracy theorists refuse to listen to reason and a true believers. That's what makes uninteresting and not fun.

It was only fun when we were all spewing bullshit at each other and everybody participating knew it was bullshit.

If safety were their primary concern she'd be under Cheyenne Mountain.

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FUCK Kojimeme

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How's that Bloodborne on PC treatin' ya? Or that Last of Us, that's awesome on PC right? You must be trolling me, because I refuse to believe you're that dense. Sony paid him to make a game. Come on, you're a bright kid, don't do this to yourself.

well, i admit i did abandon those threads as soon as i noticed anons worshipping a tripfag

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>if I put "drone" or "-tard" at the end of a word, that means I win right

in theory, but who says it wasn't already compromised?

Moon aliens would be pretty based


high test

am I just an idiot that hear miller and colonel at
6:40 and 7:30 ??


kojima get out of mah head.

Fair, the BTs and the void seem to be able to come out of the ground and Homo Demens can summon them. But what would make the Oval Office any safer than anywhere else?

i wish dmc5 had some SMT reference

it's a bit of a stretch but they might have set up a lot of specialised defenses, and holding down the white house as an icon of american society would be important to her and her troupe since she seems to be pretty BUT SAM WHAT ABOUT AMERICA and all
also, since Homo Demens can kind of do what they want wherever they want, being in the oval office probably isn't inherently more dangerous than anywhere else

Except that MGS is Konami property and Kojima has no legal rights to connect story of his game to lore of other's.

In fairness, V basically did play like an SMT protagonist.

Troy Baker sounds pretty similar to his MGSV Ocelot, and the last one is Norman Reedus.

Sony is fully capable of licensing the property from Konami by offering them a percentage. You know they'd take it. They are not above whoring Metal Gear Solid 3 via pachinko machines which means they're not above letting Sony play with their shelved property.

you can't be sued for copyright infringement by making oblique references to another IP

Don’t forget Troy Baker doing his same shitty Texan accent he gave Ocelot. You know, the one that would go away mid sentence because despite being from Texas he can’t do accents or voice act aside from yell.

>Both games mention America

t. Some fag that probably never played MGS2 or MGS4

I dont mind, alien in games now are usally just cannon fodder for you to shoot.
Would be nice to see aliens be .. alien to our understanding.

I played all MGS. Its annoying when everything Kojima does, people try to comnect it with MGS. Let him do something else for once, fuck.

>top tier cast
>then Troy Baker



He talk good.
Select all images of bridges

>Battle Tanks
>Blue Tooth Battle Tanks.


One liner or item as homage to certain game ≠ putting entire IP story in someone else's IP world without consent. If they found out that's legit he could get sued by Konami big time. Maybe he already paid them for consent but I highly doubt it cause they disowned him like a rat.

there was also something that sounded a lot like Kiefer Sutherland too, from the video playing before the trailer

Are kojimafags suffering from psychosis?
Serious answers, please.

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It's "Beached Things".
As per official site

You do realize that Sony is the one funding and publishing all this right?

what if death stranding was bloodborne universe

>Sony is the one funding and publishing all this right?
And Kojima is the one directing it. He's a project manager and Sony's an investor who plans to make money from project he's making. Sony can destroy him if he makes them throw all that cash in the bin.

Considering that boss in the Japanese trailer was a tentacled whale, this looks like a bigger whale with more tentacles now.

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Tip: Sony has been making billions of dollars by licensing intellectual properties to make videogames and movies. Why is the Metal Gear property somehow off-limits to them? It's been a console seller and cash cow for them since the 90s.

I don't remember there being so many umbilical cords in Bloodborne. A few sure but not this many.

Weak AF theories.

Just wait till November you sluts.

My god...

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what the fuck kind of name is Die Hardman

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>console exclusive
PC isn't a console.

Wane Waxman is actually a pretty cool pseudonym though

>third of umbilical cord item

jesus fucking christ did you even get near to the best ending?

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>jesus fucking christ did you even get near to the best ending?
There were four cords user. That should answer your question.


tried to find the post in the archive that linked to a clip of it but couldn't find it.


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a name that's too deep for anyone but kojima

Something to do with his teleportation/?



The babies are probably Ludens meaning that Sam, cliff and few other characters are Ludens too (see the last part where cliff says to the baby that it will have the chance to go on the moon). The Ludens and baby Ludens however, can be infected by whatever caused the BT’s, assuming BT’s are normal humans that got fucked by the supernatural explosion or turned into BT’s by whatever the gold stuff in the game is.

Reading any of those Wiki pages makes me feel retarded.

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It’s not death dimension. It’s an upside down dimension. The game states but can’t remember where I heard/saw it. That dimension is where BT’s live

Surprised he even still posts after the spider man ps4 shit at e3 or tgs or whatever it was

what happened to that caramell tripfaggot?

Man who’s a fan of die hard. Pretty good taste if you ask me

Buck Oughtman


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>MGS fanboys still believe in the "ruse"
Okay it was funny back in 2015 but now it's just plain sad.

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is there a specific name for this style of gas mask skull combo? Looks great.


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What are you talking about? In Event Horizon all they did was find a portal to hell like in Doom

kojima is in refn's new TV show too

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*The Warp

>Stranded Smurf

Laugh and grow fat.

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I want some of that stuff too user.

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ayy lmao

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metal gear conspiracy theorists need to be gassed

Yeah, I like how they linked simple.wikipedia for just the Higgs Field article.

Metal Gear fans don't get gassed. They get gaslit.

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It's really fucking cool how the tracks for all of the trailers have lyrics relating to the themes of the game.

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>death stranding is silent hill!
>death stranding is MGS!
>death stranding is a splatoon prequel!

Why the fuck can't death stranding just be death stranding? Why do you so desperately try to attach all this fucking shit onto it as if it was necessary?

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i dont care
kojima is dead to me


>Why the fuck can't death stranding just be death stranding?
What does that even mean you faggot? "Let it be what it is!" A sophistry composed of repetition. Meaningless. It is what it is regardless of what anyone believes it to be.

>splatoon prequel
based and redpilled

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You forgot my nigga Rare Commonman.

>What does that even mean you faggot?
It means that it doesn't need an already established franchise attached to it and can be just it's own thing, you nincompoop.

wasn't it in the silent hills universe before in your crazy ramblings?

How incredibly insightful. If you're a brainlet.

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If it was so obvious we wouldn't have shit threads like this one, would we?

I think it's less of being connected to mgs and more of that's what Kojima ideals and beliefs are, and it reflects his games, making it appear DS is connected to MGS

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I bet you think the phrase "que sela sela" is deep.

There's a whale in the background of the latest trailer, I think it's when Troy's character's name is shown

>muh caramel
He's gone just accept it.

If death stranding doesn’t have a fucking sea monster I’m gonna be pissed. All this god damn sea life imagery, surely it will have a kraken or leviathan.

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This is propably the closest

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Note the billboard and rooftop ventilation

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It's a fucking whale. The goop ghosts drag Sam to it. Beached Things are whales.

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What the fuck is that though

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>I walked. I could do nothing but walk.
>And then, I saw me talking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me.
>Watch out. The gap in the door... It's a separate reality.
>The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?

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>NBGO fags still going at it
god damn you all

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Or Kojima is just reusing ideas from the past because he's a hack.

2 deep 4 u

walking in front of myself


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>those pectoral fins
ah shit you're right. What does it mean?

>get grabbed by the ghoulies
>you think you're going to die
>they drag you into a boss fight against your will instead

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I don't know but this is neat

>All frequently involved species are toothed whales (Odontoceti), rather than baleen whales (Mysticeti). These species share some characteristics which may explain why they beach.
>This includes the sperm whale, oceanic dolphins, usually pilot and killer whales, and a few beaked whale species.
>A key factor in many of these cases appears to be the strong social cohesion of toothed whales.

>that explosion at the end

Kojumbo doesn't have the rights to MGS anymore, so this dumb theory is dead in the water. Besides, Kojma himself said he's sick of MGS and doesn't want to do it anymore, so I really doubt he'd break trademark and copyright law just to redo a story he's sick of.

>Kojumbo doesn't have the rights to MGS anymore, so this dumb theory is dead in the water
Sony licenses properties from other companies all the time.
>Kojma himself said he's sick of MGS and doesn't want to do it anymore
Yeah he's been saying that since 2001.

Fair enough on the first point, but Kojima is more or less a completely independent actor, at least right now. No Sony exec is gonna have the bright idea to implement the obscure as fuck S3 plan into their new game. And like I said, Kojima has been sick of MGS for around twenty years now, and without a corporate overlord to crack the whip on genius kojumbo, he has literally no reason to add any MGS stuff to death stranding, except to appease fanboys, and I just don't see Kojima doing that.

There's no room left but the Shinkawa MGS2 artwork is fitting

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Sorry anons but you are are all wrong about the timeline. Look at the brides logo. Notice which state has a giant hole in it? DC was the first event. This takes place before the breach. notice how norman is wearing a jacket in a more grounded universe. no future tech on him.

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What if that thing puts his looooong dick inside the hole of that other thing.

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touché user
but why does sam think that america is fucked at this point? is it just that the rest of the country has been partially ravaged by a first wave attack to weaken everything before the DC event?

It looks like NYC, supported by President of Jack Shit Ameri having the city flag in her office.

NYC is further northeast

>It's so hard to form connections when you can't shake hands

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I think you're probably right, actually. That damn Bridges logo and its stylistic web reinforce my belief that it's AIs and network bridging.

>DUUde it can't just be a standalone game that has nothing to do with any sort of past work or ruses

stop goddamn, stop.

That's the New York State flag not the New York City flag

What's it like to be a buzzkill at every situation you encounter?

People are just having fun making crazy theories, thats all it ever was about when Kojima made a new trailer. Its fun, if you dont like it you dont have to be here.

Blingo, Blongo.

>No Sony exec is gonna have the bright idea to implement the obscure as fuck S3 plan into their new game.
I don't know about that man. It worked out pretty well for MGSV to the point where people were actually disappointed that the theories were more impressive than the final product. From their perspective that's a hell of a marketing tool.


It's clearly about making friends

Part two boogaloo! In this picture we see Retus in a normal suit with hair slicked back. Here we have the oval office again but this time with a much younger woman. Retus seems to be working as a government employe. The middle woman seems to be Bridget but she might have been exposed to time fall. Or Retus has some kind of power.

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Uhhh but where's SNAKE?!? SNAKE?!? SNNNNAAAAAAKKEE!!!

I sincerely doubt that any Konami exec had any hand in the story of MGSV except to cut content. I also assume that they had very little to do with the marketing for V, seeing as Kojima cuts all his own trailers. Like I said, the only way this S3 theory makes any sense is if Kojima himself wants to add MGS stuff into death stranding, and I sincerely think that he really doesn't want to do that. Literally the only reason to carry on a story that he wanted to be done with 15 years ago is to appease the fans, and the only time he did stuff like that was when he was trying to end the series, like 4 and V.

is that vineman vincent there with the goop coming out of his eyes

I'm assuming the landscape will change permanently during these battles, like the tree's sinking into the ground won't grow back

>the gap in the door

>Monster's Inc literally has a gateway to the human world in the bedroom doors

>Kojima tweets about Sully before the latest trailer came out

>Trailer features faceless yellow goons - the CDA


I have made room.

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Maybe if you get killed by a BT and cause a void-out too.

Could expand the sides for the vertical Shinkawa stuff. I'm afraid it'll just become a blob though.

Just remembered this wording that was lost in the translation

When Mads says "I will always be with you."
>The subtitles in Japanese here read “I will always be connected (to you)”. Though this may not seem to be much of a difference at first, the word “connected” recurs constantly throughout the trailer and may be more important than it seems.

Where the President says "If we don't all come together"
>Like with the previous line, the Japanese subtitles use the word “connect” here, with the line being “If the world isn’t reconnected…”

All this wordplay is making me dizzy.

It's beautiful. The Homo Ludens to Caramel's Homo Demens.

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Dead, remember?

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>Or Retus has some kind of power.
I think they implied he's not affected by Timefall the same way as everyone else. Maybe something to do with why he turns into a smurf.

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blue fetus is reedus in the death dimension. Reedus is also effected by the timefall, he was shown in the second trailer to accelerate the healing of his wounds by exposing them to timefall.

It's Demens senpai

>kojima isnt allowed to come up a new story
>always think of illuminati when nation is brought up

Theres going to be three forced voidouts that Reedus, and the player, will have to go through. My theory is that voidouts kill most people, but reedus is able to survive somehow. Anyway, I believe that the voidouts make you travel through time, perhaps Reedus' power is to be able to find his way back from the mishmash of timelines that you go through when a living body with a soul goes into the death dimension.

So I think the game will take place over three parts or arcs, the first being with young reedus(ponytail), before the first forced voidout, then middle reedus(scruffy hair and bike), and finally final reedus(levitating dog tags and covered in handprints), and the game will have you traveling throughout timelines and dealing with the consequences of your actions.

Every new game is a new story you dumb shit.

Yoji Shinkawa is what gave the SOUL to Metal gear.
His Character design and art is amazing, even that shitty game, Left alive, looked amazing in its concept art mech design.
Literally the game is being carried by it im afraid to say, because the rest is just kojima´s autism and scanning celebs which doesnt lend itself to memorable characters.

All of these designs are so inhumanly kino Jesus Christ. Look at Fragile with her weird umbrella, Higgs and Cliff and the Ludens astronaut. Absolutely mind boggling that they can be so consistently good.

no it was literally a whale mantis pulled out the ocean and had set on fire (whaling ships docked right by where he lifted it from)

>he was shown in the second trailer to accelerate the healing of his wounds by exposing them to timefall
Isn't the second trailer the one with Deadman? Sam isn't in that one. And I don't remember anything where timefall heals his wounds. If anything, there is a scene where he gets a drop on his hand and that part of his skin gets wrinkly.

take your medication

Whales, technology, moon...
Is Kojima actually into crypto currency ?

you have to be 18 to post here

Kojima is Satoshi
and Hideo is Nakamoto

The end of the trailer is Kojima talking through Mads. It seems like he's just talking about the game itself and what you'll be able to do, I don't think this part is referring to a Ruse.

Us going to the moon is likely referencing Ludens Kojima-Production trailer.

I think this isn't really MGS6, but its going to spiritually be a continuation of what Kojima was talking about in MGS2/4

You can maybe head-canon it to be happening within the AI or something, but I think its just going to be the messaging aligning but in a different world with different characters.


Based Shinkawa.

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Meant for

>Oval Office

That's where Arsenal Gear is.

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you know how some people say that children can see ghosts more than adults? I wonder if thats why? like by hooking up to the baby you can see the BT because the baby has a closer relationship with the other side because it was born recently

>mech design
Shinkawa didn't make mechs in Left Alive. It was Ebikawa.

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And then Aloy shows up to deal the final blow to HIGGS

if you weren't retarded you see OP is implying that death stranding is only just a continuation or has a similar concept like mgs2. Thats not a fresh new idea and kojimafaggots like you only want to turn metal gear into capeshit ala grant morrison you fucking brain dead dumbass sheep person

>when you're so butthurt you have to add an extra line of insults to your post as if it makes a difference

>The Sorrow

I just had the same realization. Boss and Sorrow both fought in WW2, That seems to be a location we end up.

>The Sorrow was the "Spirit Medium Soldier" of the Cobra Unit. Although he had no actual unique combat abilities like the other Cobras, The Sorrow was gifted with the powers of a medium. He was able to summon the dead and assume their combat abilities by bringing their spirits into himself. Communicating with dead soldiers also gave him several advantages during a battle

Sounds familiar.

>During D-Day, The Boss was pregnant with her and The Sorrow's child and she gave birth to their son, who was then taken from them by agents of the Philosophers.

Focus on the baby. Even if the baby isn't ocelot.

I meant Takayuki , my bad.

>Literally the game is being carried by it im afraid to say
Nah. It certainly helps, but I'd say the greatest factors are name recognition and Kojima's masterful marketing. If nothing else, Kojima is great at marketing his games and making trailers for them. He knows how to keep things cryptic and mysterious, keeping people theorizing about his games.

user. you can see how he survives a vodeout.
in the seconded trailer where he wears his porter gear. If you watch closely you can seeing the surviving dude is being eaten by the giant god thing. And when it does it begins the explosion. This then brings him to the water dimension which is the game over screen.

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The first event happened in DC from the Bridges logo. Presumably after DC was destroyed they moved the capital to Nee York. I think historically there have been a few times America considered making New York the capital.

And you still havent proved anything. Cry harder munchkin..

>in MGS continuing after a Game Over is a gunshot noise
>in Death Stranding continuing after a Game Over is Sam shooting himself in the head

Explain to me how I could possibly "prove" anything without an explicit statement from Kojima or Sony about it. God you're stupid. You can't even argue properly.

>retarded capeshitters
>knowing who grant morrison is
You are over estimating the source knowledge of the average capeshit fan.

user stop grasping at straws. As you can see clearly nothing is here.

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Hardcore Kojimafags are retarded. It's like they genuinely believe Kojima can still do anything MGS related after being fired from Konami. Kojima has nothing on MGS now. Literally. Legally.

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Because Sony has never licensed an intellectual property from another corporation. Never.

Attached: they're all owned by sony am i right.jpg (500x731, 154K)

It's so hard to form connections when you can't shake hands. Fortunately I've got a good connection to the other side.

You think Sony somehow covertly "licensed" MGS from Konami and it's all part of Kojima's ruse?

Do you enjoy making up opinions for other people in your head instead of having a discussion?

Where's Caramel? Did he kill himself yet?


NY has been the capital already, between April 1789 to July 1790

James Bond is property of EON Productions

And yet it was distributed by Sony under Columbia Pictures.

Les Enfant Terribles

which means nothing in the world of cinema
Eon has the rights over anything James Bond

Your evidence is retarded. Just because a game holds some of the same concepts (nation, mercenaries, a fucking gun) doesn't mean that it's supposedly part of some interconnected lore as Metal Gear. This whole charade is laughably dumb, and people believing there's something deep when it's only a syncretism of similar ideas

Great. So what's your point?

Oh, good. But if you did, get ready for more disappointment.

my point was your filename is misleading

>come into a speculation thread
>sperg about hard evidence
>pretend everyone else is dumb

i think it's cringey, but whatever! This kind of stuff is the reason why MGS4 was created in the first place

The filename was sarcastic. Sony doesn't own most of the IPs on that list.

Huge Smallman
Great Shortman
Black Whiteman
Goo Greyman
Usa Russsiaman
Phone Posterman
Linux Macman
Floor Bedman
Door Wallman
Desk Chairman


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oh lordy

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>have to eventually travel to the moon
>climb one of the giant strands in the sky like a rope
>climb all the way into the atmosphere then space

>after a few minutes of climbing an acapella of "Ill keep coming" starts playing

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The day is ending

Let that yawn out

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>I think this isn't really MGS6, but its going to spiritually be a continuation of what Kojima was talking about in MGS2/4
That's probably more likely than it being Metal Gear Solid 6: Death Stranding. I can't shake the feeling there's more though. There's too many references and, like you said, Mads' lines at the end of the trailer are a giant cocktease.

From what I can tell gameplay looks like MGSV, but with a huge emphasis on traversal. From what little we've seen movement, shooting and melee combat looks very similar to Phantom Pain. I hope this is the case since MGSV had some of the nicest maneuverability in an action game that I've ever seen. I honestly wouldnt mind spending hours walking, climbing and crawling if thats the case.

>I think this isn't really MGS6, but its going to spiritually be a continuation of what Kojima was talking about in MGS2/4

No matter what happens it's going to have spiritual/thematic ties to MGS. It's Kojima's first new IP in 25 years, and his games are always soaked with personal rhetoric. No way it'll be very distinct from MGS in terms of ideology.

>every time you are detected the "hands" will try to bring you down
>if they succeed they will drag you to the nearest BT (Beached Thing)
>if the thing catches you a VoidOut happens
>in the VoidOut, you are sent to Hades without your equipment
>you have to go through literally never ending war version of hell to get your packages back
>while being hunted by Mads and his minions

Fuck, I love this shit so much, also love how Sam is no super hero and is actually quite "fragile". You are just a human being dealing with the paranormal, and it will fuck you up good.

Also, "Those who can't break the connection" as Mads appears on Hades, I bet he ended up "stranded" in this never ending hell and is desperatelly trying to find a BB (Bridges Baby) so he can come back to the real world.

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Life Softman

>>you have to go through literally never ending war version of hell to get your packages back
Not hell, user.

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Ok, hang on, is there a summary of all the major theories so far? I'm totally lost on this whale stuff, where are some of these clips coming from?


Doesn't he have a BB in the second trailer?

I've always wondered why more games don't do this, when you die you're dragged off to an "afterlife" where you have a chance to fight back and survive. It seems like a no-brainer for games like God of War, where your protagonist is canonically immortal.

That'll make for awesome moments where you're killed, but manage to escape and keep your equipment by the skin of your teeth.

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The beginning and ending of the latest trailer imply he had or has some role in making or educating them.

The Warioware approach to death but with bigger scale games.

I'm wondering if you'll eventually get the ability to summon a squad of skeletal soldiers like mads.


this is the best theory/explanation video I've found for the game. it's an hour long but it's the most solid break down I've seen.

I just checked the second one and he doesn't have a BB or really any of the more advanced technology from bridges visible, just military gear and the umbilical cord things connected to his 4 skull soldiers. Del Toro also seems to synch up with the BB he has which is interesting. Mads does seem to care for the babies, or at least the one he talked to, so I wonder how much of an enemy he will actually turn out to be. I noticed that it's Higgs speaking and not Mads during the new trailer during pic related's scene.

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When was the last time Yea Forums's fan theories were right?

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Nope, he just drags the doll near him using a black cord, I guess the cords just search for anything that resembles a BB.

This part for example, Mads is like a spider in the Web, waiting for BBs to fall on it. I don't know if that is the case though...

>maybe the dolls represent a person he has hunted down and they are displayed as prizes?
>maybe the dolls are dead BBs?
>maybe the dolls are representations of stranded people in hades, people that lost their BBs or had them teleported into their stomachs (this happens to Sam in the third trailer, the baby teleports into his stomach right before the VoidOut, the Scart Sam has probably mean the BB inside had to be removed surgically)
>Mads also has a cross scar on his belly, maybe he is the stranded being that has survived the longest in hell and thus acquired powers?

Yeah, that is awesome, remember when Kojima said Death Stranding is similar to the movie Dunkirk? If I am not wrong, the movie is all about being in the losing side against terrible odds, being weak and having nothing else to do if not hide and save what is important to you... gotta watch that movie.

I would love to be able to play Mads in the game, love his acting and how he always seem fucking cool.

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Kojambo said Cliff actually isnt a bad guy


Life Softgirl


that's literally what I said out loud when watching it for the first time.

Is thing going to be another MGS5 where 90% of the game's story and cutscenes are what we've already seen through the trailers?

the scars represent that somebody is disconnected, they're immune to the cords which connect to the belly button like an umbilical cord.

oh shit

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Can we agree that Death Strading is the most interesting piece of media to appear in the last 5 years or so?

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Hmm, that could explain that as well, but why have such a big scar unless something was taken from there?

it seems quite shallow

Damn right

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it's a reference to a C-section

>posting your own channel and pretending like its someone else

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mfw death stranding doesn't have you travelling to different dimensions, it has you travelling to different planets

Who cares about blood borne? What does that have to do with this?

I noticed during the trailer that a specific rock in the background is flickering. is this a hint towards some sort of resource gathering mechanic? or is it the same as the flickering whale from the kojipro logomovie, a tiny clue left in that it's all a virtual reality?

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It is the thing I have been the most hyped for since its announcement. Next is probably Cyberpunk 2077 and MAYBE Ghost of Tsushima (the gameplay seemed too simple).

There are resource collecting in the game, the guys in yellow who attacked Sam in the latest trailer have cargo labeled "RESIN" and "CERAMIC".

First I thought it was the organization name, but given they were from the same team and had different labels, I believe it points to the kind of resourse they are carrying.

Not sure about the rock though, could be a resource you can gather.

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To be honest I'm a bit scared with the release date. I hope sony didn't force him to release it early so they can "remaster" it for PS5 and fuck over people who double dip on this shit.

PS5 is gonna have backwards compat so nah, at most they'll release a 8k patch for it
also the release date sounds more like Kojima actually fulfilling his promise of release before the Tokyo Olympics' year

>What about all these quantum equations?
Necklace is a quantum dongle


Nah. Kojimbo wanted off the mgs ride for years and god only knows just how many fucking new concepts and ideas he came up with along the years that weren't compatible with mgs. He JUST finished MGSV and he immediately had a concept on his hands and got a trailer made in a couple months without a studio. I'm telling you, I bet my left nut developement has been fast and easy because he went in there balls deep with a crystal clear vision he had been brewing for years. I also bet my right nut that some of those ideas came from silent hills.

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>Soldiers/Tanks appear through sparks

>BTs appear through rain/water


>this thread
it reeks of..... CARAMEL

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bts /gold are tied to troy baker's character and the real world

soldiers/tanks/sparks seem to be tied to Mads/the past

>Imagine ruining an entire company just to pull a ruse
Delusional people ITT

Nigger videogames were low profit margin investments for Konami. They make tons of shit and just made bank because Japan legalized casinos.

It just occurred to me that Cliff and The Bogeyman from Silent Hill Downpour do the same silent hand gesture.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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So why does Konami cried with the budget for MGSV and published an unfinished game? . Mr low investment specialist.

>sells hundreds of thousands of kojima productions apparel before your first game is even released

Because Kojima is a money dump and constantly hungering for drug money.

Kjp. != Konami
Also Konami invested a lot of money for a new engine that they are not updating anymore. PES is moving to unreal engine.

>Mads and Sam are too expensive
>Troy Baker is the actual protag MGS2 style
how would you react?

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I wouldnt mind Higgs as a protag, he seems like he would be fun to play.

Why would his character be going around delivering packages?

The real twist is that the game takes place inside a giant in-game VR MMO you enter via special helmets

>tutorial is learning how to place ladders and climb ropes
>endgame is teleporting ZoE wallrunning combat

>this isnt being made for next gen
im kinda disappointed, because imagine how much more insane it could be
or kojimbo will be revealed as a hack, he's not 100% innocent for mgs5

I'd refund it. It's bad enough that they put that cuck in the game to begin with.

Caramel come back please, I still want to laugh at you

I think original mads had created the BB's, and something happened and he either died or was corrupted and now is stuck in hell. Maybe he needs a bb to get out,

i also think bridges while being obviously about connection, is maybe named after bridget, the president who dies.

Long shot here, but I wonder if this outfit is a Eazy-E reference. Has Kojima ever tweeted about liking old school gangsta rap or NWA?

At the end of the game, you travel to the moon after reaching a higher level of consciousness and blow up and fight gigantic moon monsters

This is not a joke and will be in the game

Does anybody else think that the version they have shown in the trailers is the PS5 version, just like they did with MGSV before the PS4 was released? It just looks too good and too dense for a PS4 game, even if it's made for the Pro.

think kojima is just good. But I'm sure it'll get a ps5 release too.

How can one man be so damn cool?

god thats so fucking good i dont get it

It blows my mind that knowing the MGS series is done for somehow, even when Kojima moves away from MGS fans will STILL make some creative connections from Death Stranding to the MGS games. Unbelievable and impressive honestly.

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Nothing here looks next gen-tier. But maybe next gen will be a disappointment so maybe it does.

I'm on the fence about this ruse cruise.
I almost feel like survive was a beta for this and it'll be mgs, but I'd actually be disappointed if it was. I want something fresh.

>trailers show native 4K footage
>models look way too good, lighting and shaders better than anything this gen
>textures very high res
>foliage density is extremely high for current gen hardware
>way too many particles for current gen

PS4 has mid tier laptop hardware from 2013, and while there have been impressive games on the hardware (basically everything first party), this looks way too advanced for PS4. If I'm wrong and they manage to pull these graphics on PS4, then I'll be extremely impressed with how much they could squeeze out of this.

i mean it just looks like a big open field
itll be similar to mgs5, big and bland

Caramel, go away. We're sick of you.

>modem games
>running on base ps4
what a fucking meme. Enjoy your 20fps with drops while my pro turns into a jet engine at silky smooth 26 fps

I think you're right but it's actually al unborn fetus

I actually hate caramel for a different reason. He took the ruse cruise too seriously. It used to be you could entertain ideas for the ruse cruise with your bros, but now if you propose an idea you're probably a schizo or some youtube zoomer spreading his gospel.


isn't that the implication? When you plug into the baby because they "see the other side?"

babies seem to see bts but also have full control of the light thing, seemingly psychicly (can use it to target bts or deflect bullets )

we see in the trailer that a bt or a spirit or something literally hands mama a baby, but its always seemed like bb's were engineered, not gotten from the other world so its hard to know whats going on there.

I also don't know if kojima is intentionally referencing babies being closer to death or if its something else.

this, ruse threads were just how we coped mgs

and connecting people...

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There have been ruse cruise threads since the announcement of 5...
Caramel fucked up a burgeoning tradition. It could've been nice.

>first trailer showed scores of dead sea creatures all with cords running out of them
>Beached Things are some kind of awful Japanese whale ghosts with spirits of dead people tethered to them by umbilical cords
>they use the dead to drag in victims and create anti-matter void outs

You guys gotta stop getting so hyped for this game. Renumber what happened last time?

I played a good game and enjoyed it?

I meant remember, obviously.

right but eventually the threads were obviously jokes just to have an mgs thread

until he took it to the extreme

? No? People enjoyed the game?

At least this one came relatively quicker and with less hype

yeah man like theory crafting is cool if you're just spitballing. I'm just here for the memes and the hype with fellow kojima fags. I don't think he's a genius or anything I just like stealth games.

twin peaks season 3

MGS5 was a boring, empty, unfinished game with a shallow story.

it was an enjoyable experience,cuck

which had the best stealth game mechanics of any game in existence backed by a solid third person shooting element and base building.
You were disappointed, but other people weren't.

Dumbass kojicucks don't realize they're pretty much the "P5 shitch exclusive screencap this!!" of sony.


Dude, my only disappointment with MGSV was that it didn't have enough memorable characters and supernatural boss fights.

I played it twice and enjoyed it both times.
No idea what you expected in afghanistan and africa
Not unfinished, but stuff was cut for sure.
>shallow story
It was fine, it had bad pacing and chapter 2 was more of an epilogue than full chapter. And most of the story was in tapes.

This reminds me of school/college and analysing every single aspect of some fucking poems or a letter some kind of roman general sent to his father.

you sound upset. I hope you're enjoying what you're playing.

kojima pulled the same tricks that racing games pulled where they get really high quality graphics by putting next to nothing into the actual game that needs to be rendered. most of the game is about exploring barren wastelands, and if enemies show up it's like what, 3? the areas that actually DO have a lot of detail use noticeably lower quality models and have walls and shit to block FOV

Bite me dumbass. If anything, taking a massive shit in this thread and on my toilet is making me feel good.

And dead cells is pretty alright.




This. Though I really really hope there are different environments like it seems could be the case. Level design / environment in mgs 1 and 2 were so good.

This is bullshit, but Kojima does seem like he's returning to some ideas from mgs2 in ds

I gotta finish that. I have like ten games I'm playing:
smt nocturne
devil summoner: soul hackers
division 2
baba is you
I also want to check out void bastards

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mama is stealing the baby from the mother., if not directly than through coercion. it's a reference to how mothers will put their 2 year old children in front of youtube or on a phone game so they can be alone. the entire game is about how the internet and phones/computers are causing us to become more and more isolated despite being right next to each other. this is referenced very blatantly in the game with the ghosts, where neither them or you can see each other despite LITERALLY occupying the same space, and only using a bridge can you reconnect with them:


the game actually takes place both in the real world and on the network, this is how there is both the elderly amelie and the youthful amelie; youthful amelie is an avatar on the network. real amelie is a sick elderly woman in the oval office, connected to the network via the black cables.

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i agree the only thing that was disappointing about mgsv for me was the boss fights.

the rest was konamis fault. but maybe the lack of bosses was also konamis fault. we know we were supposed to at least go to a new area to fight liquid.

you might be right.

Of all the theories you could’ve picked you went with the one that was a complete pants on head retarded joke

I don't think it's a direct sequel, HOWEVER I do think it's pulled from ideas Kojima had about a possible MGS6 or even ideas from MGSV that got left on the cutting room floor. Even the gameplay and main character seem like extensions of what MGSV was doing.

I feel it too user, something about the environments have an eerie feeling I haven't seen in any other game, but it's like something I've been waiting for for a long time.

I'm only skeptical that it'll be good because Kojima doesn't necessarily seem like a deadline guy to me and it's a relatively short turnaround from concept to release. I hope it's got varied environments and isn't just 20 full length movies end to end.

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imagine being happy. Instead of posting wojacks on a anonymous image board because you don't like something.

Yeah I really enjoyed roaming an empty open world looking for shipping containers to steal and people to kidnap
I won't deny that it's a good game mechanically, but there's so little you can actually do in the world that doesn't amount to mindless grinding.
>base building
You click an icon in a menu to spend resources on something that generates more resources, it's like a fucking mobile game.
>I played it twice and enjoyed it both times.
And some people have clocked 500 hours into cookie clicker, that doesn't mean it's interesting
>No idea what you expected in Afghanistan and Africa
maybe some events? Why do I never get to see the Russians fighting the mujahideen? Why do I never see rival mercs fight in africa? Why do I never see anything? There is absolutely nothing to do in the world.
>Not unfinished, but stuff was cut for sure
The ending of the game was cut.
>It was fine, it had bad pacing and chapter 2 was more of an epilogue than full chapter. And most of the story was in tapes.
90% of the story was shoveled into your lap in minute long exposition dumps. I don't want to listen to miller and ocelot talk about things happening while i clear one of the few dozen outposts for the 50th time, I wan't to see things happen, I want to be a part of it.


>The ending of the game was cut.
No it fucking wasnt you massive retard, the ending you get is the original ending. What is missing is the Kingdom of the Flies chapter, but thats not the fucking ending.

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I didn't save them but someone posted a few images showing how similar The Sorrow and Cliff look, and brought up this concept about Boss giving birth during D-Day.

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you get a few missions and a boss fight before an extremely predictable twist ending is unceremoniously thrown at you like yesterdays dogshit. If naked snake threw the boss off of the bridge at the start of MGS3 the story would be complete, but all of the buildup to the climax would be lost. If you think that what we got is all that kojima had planned I can't imagine how you think MGS5s story is anything but garbage.

The sperm whales though

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I liked it and I really dont want to discuss it with you. Whole point was, that you come here and assume everyone who was hyped about MGSV ended up hating it, but thats not true at all. Its not what I imagined, it could have been much better, but I really liked what I got and im going to leave it at that.

What? Does this have something to do with those gold pieces on the Ludens armor?

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>I can't imagine how you think MGS5s story is anything but garbage.
As much as I liked MGSV the story was pointless and worthless. Big Boss' story was complete with Peacewalker and Venom's story is essentially Raiden's story in MGS2 retold in the 80s and full of anachronisms.

You idiots never listened to what I had to say

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cringe. please fuck off with your politics trash. RENT FREE, OBSESSED, etc

But Hideo has used politics in his game dumb cunt

Did you just phone post about your own previous phone post, and in an aggressive tone? Get it together.

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Yeah I'll talk about that when the game is released. For all you know it also has a cooking mechanic and turn based tactical sections. Please try to keep your enjoyment of outrageous American politics out of a video game discussion.

the fuck is this schizophrenic rambling

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>Its not what I imagined, it could have been much better
That's all I'm saying here, It's not what I wanted, it's not what I was promised and it's not what I had come to expect from MGS as a series. I could see people that like games like far cry and assassins creed really enjoying MGS5, it's more like those games than any actual metal gear game.

god of war kind of did that though in the story. at least one point you canonically die and fight your way out of hades, in each of the games 1-3


Covering the world in cable didn't end war and suffering!


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You’ll see when the game comes out. Half the stuff I said is reasonable enough for the plot and the main thesis of the game being to connect with each other. Maybe I was wrong about race divide, instead representing how different countries need to work together for greater humanity. Either way the game is about connecting people regardless of their differing opinions. You’ll understand that what Amelie started will end up having her trying to reverse it.

Can you imagine how dope it is to be kojima? Like all other hubris considerations aside, traveling all over the world, making games, choosing which artists will collaborate and what the substance of your worldwide message would be...
I want to make games, maybe it's not too late.

Kojima-san is it you?

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It's hard to fall believing

>timed exclusive

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that's pretty good. You should edit one so it goes up Reddus' ass to show the baby.


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Night. This was an astonishingly good thread.

no, kys

I never noticed the huge Frankenstein scar Deadman has running around his entire head

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MGSV's plot tweeest

will it have the lost third chapter included?

There's a difference between a delivery simulator, and an Interdimensional Psychotic Alien Vampire Homodemon FedEx Wired™ service simulator

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If only. Final draft for your shitposting pleasure. This thread was fun.

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Quick Yea Forums ! No time to explain ! Create your own MGS character !

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hope to have another one soon.

this newest trailer has gotten me into theory town all the way.

i dunno whats worse. MGS theories or Star Wars theories. I bet you were one of those fags who thought vamp was wearing magnetic boots to run up the side of the big shell.

the kalergi plan


>I bet you were one of those fags who thought vamp was wearing magnetic boots to run up the side of the big shell.
Half of MGS4's theme was that supernatural shit and technology are practically interchangeable.

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Thanks for connecting us, RUSEMAN

no mgs4 theme was explaining away all of the series unanswered questions with muh nanomachines because kojima is a hack.

Truth Ruseman

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You want to know what a hack is? A hack is a guy that makes something like Dead Space 3. A game where even the people who desperately want to like the game can't fucking like it because it's such an overwhelming heap of fucking garbage they just can't find enough redeemable features to tolerate it. That's what a hack does.

If absolutely nothing else you must admit that MGS4 is a good movie.

i wonder if any of the ideas in death stranding were meant for silent hills

ok I guess

No it's not, it's a different IP you pleb. This literally can't have anything to do with the metal gear series.


If you scroll up you'll see that Kojima already blessed this thread with an enigmatic image dump of truth and interconnectivity

Where the fuck i have seen that number just recently. It was in some game but i just cant remember what it was.

There is supposedly an unsolved mystery behind the number

>can't shake the feeling there's more though. There's too many references
Maybe he is just using things he wanted and already had. It´s not like he just shitted a whole new game out of nothing without having a setting and shit. Maybe he wanted to this after silent hills, maybe he wanted to connect silent hills. Honestly I just believe that this hack actually got fired because he eats all the money and in the end he just tries to leave small clues, so people like us can speculate and eat it up.

>unsolved mystery
it's just a fucking serial code for when it's in storage

its more interesting game than western devs have put out in quite sometime

it's only one baby

it started as a joke but then people realized how eerily everything about it actually fit together perfectly. 'be quiet', the photosynethsis skin discoloration inherited from The End, the physical resemblance in their faces.

Kaz = Ocelot also just made perfect fucking sense and was silly not to be retconned. Kaz ended up such a fucking ridiculous and pointless character. somehow Solids CQC instructor years later despite missing an arm and a leg and blind. suddenly randomly hateful of Big Boss sworn to circuituous arms-length revenge. that final tape was probably the single biggest cringe/hack-writing moment in the whole game.

all this cables shit connecting people to AI/Virtual World is like those post-apocalyptic digital painting of that Swedish dude.

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i honestly think kojima had a completely different plan for the game and then it ended up being a metaphor about seeking revenge against konami.

This is too fucking cool looking.

>British elite
-> Defection: American elite (George Washington)
-> Multinational coup: American+Soviet+Chinese elite: The Philosophers
--> Balkanization: American/Soviet/Chinese Philosophers
--->Attempted Russian coup: Volgin
--->Successful American coup: Cipher (Zero->Sigint)
---->Attempted coup (Skull Face)
---->Attempted coup: Outer Heaven/ZL (Big Boss/Venom Snake)
---->Soft coup: The Patriots A.I. (J.D.)
----->Attempted coup (Solidus)
----->Attempted coup (Ocelot - first with Liquid, then on his own)
----->Successful: The UN (Campbell via Snake/Phyyric victory against Ocelot by The Patriots A.I.)

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Hard to tell where Ocelot's plot ended and Campbell's plot began.

Quiet is Chico

Because you based that off of that novel that was posted here in the early days of these threads, you're a complete retard.

Is it just me or does every kojima game circlejerk end in the same way? People get way too excited, start plotting complicated thread lines and plot points that exist only in their heads.
The project turns out to be way too ambitious and ends up delivering 1% of the promised story and intrigue and everybody gets salty until a new epic kojima title is announced yet again with more straws to grasp at.

Cool thread guys

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The only reason I visit this board is the fan theories, this is a nice thread kinda retarded and spazzy like a child full of ritalin but nice

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that's fact that this hack is still relevant at this day and age after his innumerable screw-ups prove how gay and retarded this industry is

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>No idea what you expected in afghanistan and africa
Not him but you don't realize how stupid you sound? They both have cities.