Bamham combat is looking pretty good huh?
Bamham combat is looking pretty good huh?
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Do the glowing briefcases have some sort of power
Nintendo should hire this guy
Oh huh, the scenery does kinda look like one of those generic UE4 showcase videos
>that zoom in to hide the how much he's sliding across the ground
If it's anything like horizon zero dawns melee combat since they're sharing an engine it'll be satisfying but simple as fuck
No one would be interested in this if Kojima's name weren't on it
i would
Meh batman has more of a sticky feel this looks like you have to manually turn the dude to hit the other now if its all just designated to one button then we can say its batman combat but not yet
>Press 'R' for combat animation
>that horizontal lean sam makes as he's carrying 5000 lbs of mummified joost on his back
I don't get this, they have guns. Why are the chasing him with shockie pokey sticks?
I think they probably contain the babies and everyone wants them for some reason yada yada
This shit would blow my mind if it wasn't Kojima, the fact that it's him makes it less impressive
He's a strong guy
Maybe he's worth more alive, maybe his cargo is too precious to be damaged by bullets?
looks almost 1:1 like the cqc in mgs 5 wich is a good thing
>bamham combat
DS clearly has MGS controls
also your memeword refers to combat where you auto launch, gap close yourself onto the enemies by just mashing the attack button. Short range punching isn't what bamham combat is.
I'm sorry I can not fucking take hand to hand combat seriously while he's wearing a fucking mini fridge on his back.
That zoomed in view makes me think more of God of War.
Killing creates craters!!!!
Why can’t someone do this on an FF that came before 7?
I haven't been keeping up with DS news for ages but I'm pretty sure killing people affects the world in some way so they probably just want to knock him out and take the loot so they don't fuck with anything
This. How much of a stretch the game is turning out to be would be a huge "oh shit" moment if it was made by anyone else. This madness having Kojima at the helm makes it pedestrian because of course he'd do something like this.
>H-he's fast!
I don’t know what “bamham” is. That’s a typo I think guys. What did he mean to write? Did he mean Bam Bam Bigelow? The wrestling style of him? This must be a new meme I don’t know about.
Thanks now fuck off.
This game has really destroyed Yea ForumstendoGaf. Nincels can't stop obsessing over it.
I’m going to call it, later in the game Sam is going to get powers similar to Cliff and Higgs, probably by channeling Amelie or something. I see no reason why he couldn’t. The trailer with Higgs confronting him and conjuring the hound beast makes me think this is much more of an action game than what we’ve seen in-game so far.
How fucking new are you, Reddit? Be honest.
You seem to be the only one seething here, kiddo
No, they're just supplies. Think of them like souls in dark souls, carrying more will weigh you down but getting them to outposts yield bigger rewards and you get to help more players
Have you actually played a Bamham game before, OP?
>any form of melee combat is batman combat
can't believe I'm excited to play as a delivery man
You really are obsessed, huh? Besides, we know Sony can do no wrong on this board, which is why everyone knows it's Sonygaf
There, it's great now
BotW was great and this looks great too. Get fucked.
Only no it's not because that fucks up the whole "you're an agent sent by the president across America with a strange mechanic concerning death."
Okay so you're b8ing.
So what exactly defines Bamham combat? Surely the Arkham games weren’t the first games to popularize mashing a single button to combo enemies?
>gets hit by fucking lightning spear: doesn't even flinch
>hits them with his bare fists: stunlocks them to hell and back
Do you want truly realistic gameplay or fun gameplay?
Thought it was a Mountain blade screenshot at first.
what if
guys listen
what if the baby is the one from Children Of Men
I want gameplay that requires skill and punishes mistakes, so the opposite of what the webms show.
>Not knowing the basics of CQC
>what's special armor on the suit
>what's the heavy backpack
Kojima games have difficulty settings up to European Extreme you'll die in one hit on EE
nuh uh that baby was BLACK
just the typical "press button to punch enemy" and "keep pressing button to punch punch wham"
You see this shit in Sony moviegames like TLoU, Uncharted and Days Gone.
So you know how the combat works already from just that webm? You know it's bamham already? Seems like you're just assuming things because you're a seething hater.
How do you tell the game is like that just from that clip? It didn't have multiple enemies. I can't simplify any game down like that too. And considering you compared this to other Sony exclusives seems like you went in hating it already and nothing will change your mind.
i would have up until last trailer, killed all my hype desu
The enemies seem to be wearing similar exoskeletons, and I don't see the correlation between the backpack and the seeming disparity between the spear's effectiveness and the bare fists'.
>So you know how the combat works already from just that webm?
I don't, I am merely judging what the webm's show at face value: the character did not stagger by damage but the enemies did, despite the difference in weapons.
> You know it's bamham already?
wooooow so the malee is one button.
ton of games like that.
now lets look at other gameplay elements.
multiple guns that play differently. bow. crafting. creating diversion. stealth.
you wanna have an argument, at least make it strong.
why did they put this in the trailer? it looks so bad
Base "Bamham" combat is press button to hit, press other button to counter.
whats with the fuckin pause every time a punch lands
fucking obnoxious
>nitpicking this game
press button to jump, press button to move, are you fucking retarded? that's how a game works
only when nintendo does it
It's an effect meant to make the impact seem more intense.
>press button to hit enemy
no shit...welcome to video games
It's funny because the Mario games have the most simple gameplay and BoTW's combat was simple as fuck yet Nincels claim those as some of the best games ever made. They're just nitpicking because it's a Sony exclusive.
...well yeah, that's how controls work
I wonder if you'll have to switch the boots manually or if armor plays any role
>durr i saw 2 webms so I know the game sucks
kill yourself.
>defending snoy shit
That zoom in is edited, just like the yakety sax meme clip.
That scene in One Punch Man legitimately startled me. I knew it was coming but it still got me.
Not my fault the game is coming out in just a few months and that, after a three-year-long marketing cycle, the only gameplay we have to judge the game by is a minute or two of footage with only a few seconds of really shitty-looking combat. Maybe they should do a proper gameplay showcase so I can have have an informed opinion on their game. Hmm.
the rain seems to be specifically connected to the BT's.
I don't agree. I don't even give a shit about this guy, I never played MGS, and I think it looks like a cool game. If it was theoretically exactly the same game but from another developer, I think it would still look good. The only question is whether it would get the same level of marketing, and therefore the same visibility, if it didn't have Kojima's name. Well, it's still a triple A game, so even if it had been made by another developer, you'd think it still would have got advertising, since Sony likes pushing their AAA games. Look at Days Gone, that got a lot of marketing.
So yeah, I think people would care about this game even without Kojima's name.
No but I don't think it's about the combat like bamham is.
It looks so dumb, all this technology and they go fist fighting
Is whatever box that character carrying on his back empty or what? It looks so unnatural to see it swing from one side to the other like that. Couldn't they mocap a guy with a backpack filled with water jugs or something?
If DS is a "Cinematic experiencie" would RLM review it?
I fucking bet that someone made a version with Yakety Sax theme added to this
>kill someone
>they pop a fucking crater and everyone is fucked
I think they avoid killing the player for a reason, same reason why they use stun spears.
A Kenshi situation where you have to break out of a bandit camp and recover your gear would be fucking amazing in a AAA game
Just call it what it is, magnetic.
Instead of the player having to aim their attacks, they can just press a button and the protagonist will slide towards the enemy.
It's called hitstop in fighting games and Smash, it's generally used across all sorts of games to convey impact and sneakily give people slightly more time to react to the flow of combat.
When he gets hit they all stop and turn toward the cargo that he lost.
Crummy baby suitcases? They should've been delivering a pail of water!
Why is Batman combat literally everything to you retarded Nintendo fanboys?
I dont even get it. Nintendo doesnt make good combat either.
So more complex than Nintendo combat? Sounds good to me.
10/10 best game ever
Dont forget the slow mo QTE combat.
Can someone give me a qrd on this game? All I know is it's the mgs guy
It's pro-life propaganda about fetuses being little people you should keep alive no matter what and will be safe once we have artificial wombs.
is this supposed to look bad?
The game is not even a beat-em-up
This is the gist of it.
Based japs BTFO roasties once again
People started calling him out on the one where he sped up the footage, so this one is just slightly zoom edited.
3rd person stick 'n' rope
They're both flawed for different reasons.
Arkham Knight's combat is a lot more polished than BotW's and has more challenges to take advantage of its mechanics. But in an ideal scenario, BotW's combat WOULD be better than Bamham's, if Nintendo knew what they were doing. You have the fundamentals of what an action game should be, which is hitboxes colliding with hurtboxes. You can see even in that webm, the player's attacks are not magnetically stuck on the enemy. The player is simply attacking and creating a hitbox. Some of the attacks land and hit the enemy, some of them whiff.
non retarded post
Looks less Bamham and more Last of us/Uncharted.
What the FUCK is he trying to say
I was under the impression that a voidout requires someone to be alive as per this trailer
Yeah that seems to be only when the BTs consume you.
>he didn't shoot that guy to save him, he did it to save himself from the void out
Foolish gaijin.
What if the baby is J E S U S
>focus attacks
I miss it lads
To think this is the english he uses to comunicate with all the cast of the game, imagine being Mad and having a dinner with this crazy nip, talking about ropes and babies and death with said english, and you only nod while trying to keep it cool because you are getting paid
I think the move assist and counter system in bamham is so inherent to assassin's Creed as well that you'd have to just go back and unpacking how the ideas were carried over and where they really start. Id say asscreed move assist and counters fed into bamham but I can't remember whether Arkham asylum came out before or after asscreed 2 or brotherhood
>they have put this terrible gameplay in the trailer
>this is the best the game has to offer
Nah. They showed 5 sec of gameplay against that boss Beached Thing. Was clearly better. Or the WW1 scene was also clearly better.
>no magnetic movement to force attacks to connect
this ain't it cap
I this a Zelda webm thread now? Nice.