>Posting a picture of Fps games that was relevant 2009
FPS dont have singleplayer campaigns anymore its all about Battle royal now boomer
You're playing the wrong FPSs. Go play Void Bastards and you'll get a randomized map just like the left picture every time.
maze level design is garbage, dumb boomer
Unironically this
dont reply he is a butthurt quakenigger
doom wads exist
>tfw Romero only designed maps for episode 1 and became lazy after that
All that talent gone to waste.
That alternative E1M8 he made was pretty neat, though.
>randomized map
based retard
that's not a randomized map, it's a meticulously designed level filled with interesting architecture and secrets, not some lazy procedurally generated tedious bullshit
I never said Doom was randomized. Your reading comprehension is "inner-city nigger" level.
fuck off memester, there's a Doom levelpack made by one of the original creators that was released exactly today
and you're completely naive if you think a computer can randomly generate anything near what the DOOM designers can create. Fuck off shill
>remember DOOM haha? check out my indie doom clone except the maps are randomized vomit
there's so many of these games
how do you even miss the point this hard??
lol, be miserable then, no new games for you. I think you should be miserable since you're obviously a cunt. Go kill yourself.
It goes well under some conditions, like mixing Oblige with DoomRL
>argument completely invalidated
>resort to 2nd grade level shit-flinging
lmao, sorry your favorite low-effort roguelike FPS #5000 isn't doing well, i've played more than enough of that garbage to know that it's a complete waste of time.
I'm glad to skip this shovelware bullshit and stick to modern DOOM WADs that are crafted by actual level designers
Level design is dead. The best you'll get is From garbage now or wait for new Doom/older game wads from people who understand what made old maps great. AAA devs don't care anymore they just want to make straight lines that seem varied.
Judging by dates I think he was reffering to Half-Life having linear level design.
Him being "butthurt quakenigger" doesn't disprove him. But I haven't played HL in while so maybe I remember things wrong.
>Doom levelpack made by one of the original creators that was released exactly today
Thanks, I almost forgot about this.
If you are used to vanila UV play it on Hurt Me Plenty, just a tip
yes, lets go back to 1998
it actually does.
what did you expect from idniggers?
You got a point
>i will post a silly man with a windmill head as my counter argument that will really stump him
feel free to post some modern fps map design and prove everyone wrong
>hundreds of Doom maps being made every year
>dozens of Quake 1 maps made every year
>the tools for making them got so much better that the quality of those maps is ten times better than the original levels
>huurrr I want to go back in time
You simply need to stop paying attention to AAA games.
reddit that way >>>/reddit/
That's all Yea Forums is anymore, memespouters with no opinions of their own. Once you press them to back up their arguments they disappear
What year was it when you turned 12 years old?
What year was it when your favorite game was released?
Favorite movie release?
I was born in '95.
I don't have a single favorite game but my four favorite FPS games are: Doom, Halo, FEAR and Crysis.
I don't have a favorite movie.