Outer Wilds Thread

Another Outer Wilds thread. You solve any big mysteries yet, Yea Forums?

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stop this everyday's pathetic shilling, epic store faggot

>outer wilds is best experienced with a gamepad
Is this true? I really do not like playing first-person games with a controller.

Is it out already?

Came out yesterday

I thought it wasn’t out for another full year?

jesus fucking christ this mouse acceleration is horrendous no wonder they want me to use a gamepad

link to the crack ? piracy becomes legal when devs lie and suck cock

yeah comes out in exactly 364 days

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I haven't tried on m+kb but it feels like the type of game I'd rather sit back and play on a controller. You don't need to shoot anything.

The ship controls like shit with a keyboard, just use the controller if you have one.

I'm surprised by how much I like it. It's really slow, there's 0 combat, the dialogue is awfully boring and it's got some mediocre character and environment design, but the gameplay loop is amazing. They did mystery solving really good.

>exploring dark shambles
>finding a dozen dead stray crew members all hugging each other knowing their incoming death was coming and there was nothing they could do.

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So basically I got everything uncovered, know everything yet.. what am I supposed to do now to get to the eye?

My best guess was to jam the broken warp core of the Vessel into the Forge and go back and warp to the Eye with the Vessel, but the Warp Core can't go in anything pls help t. brainlet

Aw man, Shuttle 3 made me feel really sad too. That room in the Sunless City also made me feel like shit.
Also, how the fuck do you find the Vessel? I know it's in Bramble somewhere, I just have no clue where it could be. Does it have something to do with the red light?

Go back to escape pod 3 and go from there

That makes sense, since the mural in the Hanging City implied that Shuttle 3 never got far from the Vessel.
I fucking hate Dark Bramble dude, the place is a maze

is the torrent out yet?

Don't wanna spoil it for ya but once you "get" how to navigate and you know about the anglerfish, it's gets better.

Yes, it's been out for a while.
Trust CODEX as usual.

I've already figured out that anglerfish seem to be most attracted to noise. I haven't tested it much, since I fucking hate going near those things, but I assume firing out my probe can make them fuck off and chase after it?

Have fun :)

What's people's favorite moment so far? When I finally figured out how to land on the Quantum Moon I was fucking terrified, it's rare that any single game has gotten to me this much

Played for around 4 hours but everything I did felt like doing the same shit after the third or fourth run. Been to every planet and explored until supernova'd, does it get better at all? Like do your runs eventually start impacting the worlds ever? As of now dropped

>Accidentally warp to Giants Deep
>Instantly crushed to death

Should I set White Hole Station to rotate if I want to warp or should I just leave it?

Yes. You have to be proactive in solving the mysteries, the game has tons of clues and things to uncover.
Also some of your actions can affect different planets, but most of the time it comes down to basic timing for exploring stuff, certain areas only open at different times. The game is focused almost entirely around exploration, if it's not up your alley to discover weird shit and solve spoopy puzzles then it's maybe not for you.

>Play Outer Wilds™
>Fly to Uranus™
>Professor Rick SpaceMan™ contacts me via my SpaceMemeDevice™ (SMD™)

No thanks, OP. Enjoy your reddit game and your chink spyware, I guess.

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You're thinking of The Outer Worlds, user.
This game is free on The Pirate Bay.

Amazing reading comprehension user

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There's a difference? Similar names confuse me. Sorry.

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>>Accidentally warp to Giants Deep

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>it's an advanture game
>you can die

What even is this game. You go around exploring stuff i guess? So it's like a walking simulator except you have a ship?

Wtf is this?

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Feel like I'd enjoy it a ton more without a life timer, idk why that's even in a fucking exploration game.

Maybe bc how fragile the ship is and if you lose it you're just mega fucked

Because the sun going supernova is apparently part of a mystery to try and avoid. The game is even built around the passage of time. There are multiple plants int he game that erode as time passes, so by your logic this shouldn't exist either because it impacts your ability to play the game in one sitting. If you don't like it so much, just don't play it.

Pretty much, but if you played the game for more than like five seconds you'd realize a number of places are dramatically affected by the passage of time. There's an entire area you can't get to without it being almost the end of a cycle for instance, since it (spoilers) is partially broken on the inside. Because it's on Brittle Hollow, however, you can eventually follow it into the Black Hole in which case you can fly through it since it's in zero-g. And that's just one area, all of the planets have a bunch of shit like this.
The time stuff makes the game a lot of fun since it puts pressure on you to find things and solve puzzles in an orderly manner. Plus the loops are short enough that it always feels like i've made meaningful progress in some way during the loop.