I'm having more fun playing this than I've ever had playing MGSV, AMA.
I'm having more fun playing this than I've ever had playing MGSV, AMA
why are you so gay?
same here, played it for 100+ hours, it's silly and fun spinoff
endgame and the base building is garbage though
About equally fun for me, difference was that I didn't expect anything more from Survive
How do I have fun in this game
how's the no friend/solo experience? can i see like 75% of the game without a party or randoms?
Reminder that Survive probably had some ideas from a "proto death stranding" game he talked to his old team.
for real, it really have some things in common.
Can't wait for the next real MG or MGR2 tho.
I loved this game desu, came out and was £20 day one
Played it with friends and just fucked around, i enjoyed the campaign but would never play it again
Game isn't too great without pals
The main game is entirely single player.
kill zombies by poking them with rusty pipes, collect screws, eat raw sheep
It's basically the video game tie-in to the movie The Mist
There's the 20-25 coop campaign, and you can do all the coop missions in solo if you are skilled enough. there's also the additional boss after the campaign.
For me, the early endgame was the best part, but yeah, it becames kinda boring when you already have epic gears and can do extreme missions in solo, some event missions like the MGS4 one with the infected Gekos make the thing a little less repetitive, but i don't play the game often now, just from time to time.
user what you said mitrally don't work after the early game.
Hell, the spear shit don't even work because the enemy just shoot at it or you. cautiously placed traps and good weapons (so no fucking spears) are the real good tactic. game is more of a tower defense shooter than a survival game. (beside in the early game.)
I had that impression too, especially after seeing this latest Death Stranding trailer.
Even MGSV gives you the impression that there was more to some of the systems than what we got in the final version, mainly with the animals and the other survival elements.
Now you can do more than just collect rare species to add them to a zoo that you never see.
I'm 10 hours in, friend. I only have a shitty 9mm russian pistol that I barely can make ammo for.
I liked it, it's a shame about all the time gating and mtx out the ass though, singleplayer was surprisingly big, it's a shame the game got a bad a rap as it did because of the konami kojima relationship, it was made entirely by the kojipro guys.
Uninspired boring zombie survival tower defense trash. The numbers don't lie. Also you're not a real MGS fan.
This is my sentiments exactly.
Wish more people gave it a shot.
I never said I was, kojidrone-chan.
Fuck user, did you even explored? at what mission are you in? normally you have the first rifle quite early , and there's just better weapons than the spears like the bows, the machetes or the big ass hammers/blade. Hell there's even some MGRR weapons at the endgame.
Honestly the MTX aren't too bad, only for some emote shit and boost shit than aren't even usefull if you are good. the MTX literally are less important than in V.
Why didn't you stay on reddit?
Heh, you're not a REAL fan like me.
Only real fans can beat the game on european extreme back to back no fails, are you even trying bro?
Come back when you meet my expectations kid.
Thats how you sound when you try gatekeeping being a fan of a videogame.
I've just rescued the nurse, man. I can't even boil water yet lmao.
Has someone that fragment of the video game where the developers are telling the story of the company between the lines and how the narrator thinks there's an engineer who is material for a leader but is too introverted and doesn't talk to anyone?
user I liked the game but you can't defend garbage like having to pay for multiple character slots and "xp boosts" in any sort of game that has an initial buy-in
So you got it for free with PS Plus this month and that means you’re a dirty European on my American image board so you should go talk about this on one of your great countries web sites. K? Thanks bye
Imagine purchasing a game with no real coherent story just so you can spite Kojima fans.
Player analytics offer no measure of quality whatsoever.
It's a Scottish board, how many times do i have to remind you
Honestly the "second character" isn't really one, it shares the same equipements/ressources and Kuban shit, it's more something like a "second fob", it gives you are second base so more ressources for you.
actually, it's the same price as a second fob.
Still, it's quite shitty, but a lot less over exaggerated than some medias and youtubers said.
What will you if I decide to stay, tough guy?
I know, right. Fuck all those posers who bought Portable Ops and the Acid games
If it's not made by Hideo Kojima it's not a real MGS title.
>I know, right. Fuck all those posers who bought Portable Ops and the Acid games
That was during a time when we knew we were getting real MGS titles and Kojima approved those titles not made and directed by him.. Survive was just Konami's attempt at trying to keep the game alive right when Kojima was kicked out. Those are 2 different things.
I’ll cut your eyelids off with a rusty razor and pour rubbing alcohol into your ocular cavities. How’s that sound
oh god what happened to my thread
Fuck off konami apologist, any metal gear game without kojima is traitor shit
>no real coherent story
But there's one? are you dumb?
Captain get send into the future by past goodluck, some shit happen with all the crew members and Seth the traitor, the sentient nanomachine (with Seth) want to unite the world as one by infecting everyone, future goodluck is sent into the past just in case the plan fails, the events of survive are erased from the timeline, the end. Alternatively the alternate ending is what happen before the story : we knows the story happened quite a lot of time before but each time it happened, the captain was killed or got scared, leading the loop to be repeated. that's the short version of the story.
But user, Survive ISN'T a MGS title. it's a spin off, a MGsomething, like ACID or Rising (even if Rising is canon. )
btw, Rising also wasn't done by Kojima. guy wasn't even the producer, it was already korekado.
You do realize Kojima was the kind who wanted Nanomachine zombies? if survive was released before he was kicked, the game woudn't have been hated like that. It's far from perfect but the game literally was used as a scapegoat for the angry fans. at least the next game won't have that...i hope so.
>Muh timeline bullshit.
I know what happens. It's a fucking stupid shitty story. Nothing even close to Hideo Kojima's MGS games.
was the guy*
sorry, got a brainfart.
user, the acid games were even weirder, those games are just spin offs, and not some big one like Rising.
Murata and the Rising writer weren't in survive but are still at Konami, so they are probably working on a non spin off MG game, or Rising 2, in any case i'm happy.
Gatekeeping is a good thing.
>Gatekeeping is a good thing.
It's either your gaming community dies or it grows. You cannot simply gatekeep new players out. And I'm 99% certain every game you've played always wished that the developers want their games to succeed. The only games that survive on gatekeeping is a dead community.
thanks for feedback
>The only games that survive on gatekeeping is a dead community.
DMC would like a word with you
>DMC would like a word with you
LOL! Fuck off the DMC series is popular and it's considered a AAA title you numb nuts.
Extreme gatekeeping yet. Mild gatekeeping is best like the FGC or certain other games. Letting any drooling retard feel like they belong is a mistake. Earn your place or leave.
DMC doesnt really gatekeep though you dumb kike
5 was stupidly popular, my friends who dont play video games much even bought it
What the fuck was his deal?
DMC, NG, and Bayo is infamous for its gatekeeping. Where the fuck have you been during the journo bitching?
hell, DMC5 even has a literal gatekeeping function of not giving you dynamic music if you suck.
Why does this guy sound like a chinese when he clearly look caucasian ?
No stop it you tryhard. This is how it should be: As long as you're not an asshole you should be able to be welcomed. The community of any gaming community welcomes everyone in open arms. If you're a douche cake get the fuck out. I've been to plenty of FGC locals this is how it be like it is on the west coast.It's not like the old-school FGC where everyone is a toxic asshole.
It was a good game. Needed co-op campaign though.
>be redditor
>make reddit style self-important thread on Yea Forums
>have fun playing MG:S because low IQ and total norman
Nanomachine son.
>spending money on fence poke simulator 2k19
Yikes and yikespilled
You can still gatekeep when it's popular. The way I see it is if a game is popular and the player base are autistic gatekeeping retards they're all normies who think they're not normies. That's what I see. But it's not dead and far from it. Besides, those communities have a vocal minority and those Kotakucucks are just looking for something to write about.
that tactic doesn't even work 5 hours in. Multiple new enemies just jump over
>The community of any gaming community welcomes everyone in open arms.
what a sheltered life you must lead.
This OP didn't spend money on anything. He got it free on PS Plus and now he's in here crowing about how he thinks it's a good game. Yeah, he likes it so much, that's why he didn't pay 60 dollars for it, and then didn't spend 40 dollars on top of that for XP and unlocked save slots. It's real easy to like a free game. I played What Remains of Edith Finch free this month. I enjoyed the 4 hours I spent with it. But if I payed 20 or 25 dollars for it 2 years ago, I'd have a different opinion.
On the contrary, you have just proven to be a kojimadrone that eats all his shit up even when he makes zombieshit but once he no longer works on it, everything that has always been stupid is suddenly bad.
>gatekeeping is a bad thing
this is why Yea Forums has gone to shit
What does a lobotomy feel like?
Ok yes there's certain communities that gatekeep I'm aware but the more relevant and important communities are generally nice. As long as you're willing to learn about the game and respecting the Veterans of the community no one has an issue.
you should know, kojimadrone
Then you build another fence before it. I got tricked into buying this shit game even the last battle where you get swarmed you need to fence poke to survive.
Wasted time is wasted money user.
no, but when most people who played it call it trash, and nobody plays it, it compounds the notion that it really is trash, even though there will be some who really like it.
it is okay to like bad games, it is not okay to delude yourself that because you like them, you feel they must be good, and even worse to project that line of thinking onto everyone else.
Like warm apple pie. Or if that's too cerebral for you, then like sand. Like a bag of sand.
do you have cameras in my house or something?
you seem to know a lot about my life, schizo man
>You do realize Kojima was the kind who wanted Nanomachine zombies?
yes, and melting clocks is the same as a painting by salvadore dali.
Metal Gear Survive and Days Gone are prime examples of trannies ruining games because they didnt pander to them enough.
Good thing there are honest whites here that actually see the true genius of these games.
Keep fighting the good fight, men.
The tranny brigrade will die soon.
Never foget
God bless
Same. The beginning sucks ass but once you figure out how combat works and get a steady supply of food/water it's a great game. It's a shame Konami did fuckall with the wormhole idea.
They have a canon way of going back in time to yoink shit out and use it. Imagine creating a team out of genome soldiers from 1, russkies from 2 and 3, etc.
now you're just being way too obvious
I put 150 hours into the game on ps4, its honestly a blast with friends. mgsv needed a gamemode like this. Kinda remindes me of tower defense more than anything.
>You do realize Kojima was the kind who wanted Nanomachine zombies?
No shit Sherlock but it wasn't the prime focus of the game. It was added on the side. And we also had Cyborg Ninjas and big fucking mechs.
I sure hope for your sake you got it free this month, because if you're telling me you went out and bought this blatant, unapologetic cash grab, then I hold an even lower opinion of you than I did before. But, who are we kidding? You know I'm right, and you got it free.
ITT: user desperately tries to convince people that an open world zombie survival crafting game is worth any amount of money or time.
No i mean he wanted to make a MGR2 about nanomachine zombies, thankfully it didn't happened.
MGR1 was perfect and wasn't a Kojima game, now we have more chance to have a good MGR2 to finish Raiden's story at least.
We will never know for sure but I believe this game started as an extra bonus game Kojima wanted to put in. It probably was going to be no more then the first level and just a side thing you do with no real grind.
Observe the "drill" in the gameplay reveal trailer at 7:50. Completely different thing than we got. Same level though.
I think this was what Kojima made and this was all it was supposed to be then Konami decided to make a game out of it. If its trrue this would be funny considering the Kojima hate this game spawned meanwhile he probably created it.
You can tell a game is trash when the top comments, videos and articles about it whine about "haters" which is almost every form of media for this game.
It's a shit game user. No amount of whataboutisms, fuck yongyea comments or whatever deflections and playing victim will ever change that.
Based as fuck
Nah, if you're a whiny bitch that gate should slam in your face.
Survive was very probably a MGO3 addon at first that became a new game. i mean, even the main devs says the game is linked to V.
And the game was coop only at first, the game was supposed to release in mid 2017 at first, the devs then reported the game because they wanted to make a story and add new shit to the game.
Not only that but they're trying to desperately love Survive just to spite Kojimadrones.
>even the main devs says the game is linked to V.
Damn I never would have guessed that from the reused areas from MGS V that they tried to hide with fog.
I have a major phobia of giant beings shrouded by mist/water/darkness. First time I saw this thing I almost shit my pants.
There's a good difference between saying the "game is alright" and "loving the game".
For me i still follow Kojima, but i will also keep following MG.
They did not tried to hide it, the fog is there for gameplay reasons. did you even played it?
Of course I played it and that fog/gas was added after clearly to conceal the area so you didn't realize you were playing a MGS V mod.
user the game literally have story reasons for the places. and it's not just a MGSV mod, mod something like Survive and then we will talk.
It's something like undead nightmare with Red Dead.
There was a zoo and I would visit it often to lower demon points after making a nuke.
user you aren't getting it. I understand they put story reasons to explain that gas but the developers clearly put it there to conceal the reused places plus make the game artificially longer since your time in the gas was limited by your oxygen and ability to replenish it which degrades every time you replace your oxygen.
Technically you can just equip the oxygen tank and have infinite oxygen.
This game has a more complete story than V. That's just a fact.
>infinite oxygen
You mean oxygen that is based on how many kuban crystals you have which gives you diminishing returns over time right? How is that infinite? Again I played this game, I have been in these threads many times you guys commonly lie and commonly accuse others of not playing I know how this dishonesty works. Now all we need is that guy with the dishonest webm of him fighting a tracker and purposely playing stupid to exaggerate how the combat looks.
Pretty sure Reddit hated it, parroting what the YouTubers told them to think. This game is contrarion, this game is pure Chan, pure Yea Forums
The story was decent enough, multiplayer was fun. I remember having a lot of fun with the Rescue missions especially.
I don't understand why the game got as much unnecessary flak as it did. I've always like Metal Gear spinoffs.
They have a subreddit for it and those people are as brainwashed and play victim as much as you and other survivor-niggers.
>23 online
yeah suuuuuuure
shit, I think reddit might have a subreddit fro your favorite game, you better stop playing it because it's now reddit shit, hell, you better stop breathing because your boogeyman does it as well
please take a screenshot of how many people are playing it on steam right now.
Kojima getting fired, maybe?
I didn't mention reddit first the other guy did pretending reddit hated it and continuing the victim complex people who play this game have.
No i mean there's literally an item you can equip to have your oxygen instantly replenished for free, the oxygen supply unit.
and the "stick and fence" shit really don't work in the endgame when playing in coop missions in hard/extreme, even in normal it's far from the best strategy, at most it work well on easy.
Why do console plebs think their opinions matter?
Survive would've been better with a rival faction of survivors like in the concept art and with more maps. Imagine sneaking into a fort trying to dodge other humans, because if they see you and start shooting it will bring in zombies.
Wasn't this subreddit created because talking about survive on the main one was making all post downvoted to hell?
So what, if Rising or acid was made after he was fired, would those game had deserved to be hated too? no.
how can you enjoy that awful game?
>place fence and poke with the stick
the whole fucking game
user that's a thing you build that you are still restricted to be nearby if you want to take advantage of it. The same concept and issues remain. Wow you are really dishonest.
Not being retards that believed that lie, for example.
>be a retarded dunkey drone
In a dev interview, they actually tried to have human enemies, but it didnt worked well with the "defense" mechanic. Dan probably was going to be an human enemy encountered earlier on the story in the mist, since his model have an unused gazmask file. Survive was also supposed to have a PVP mode at first, but it was scrapped because the playerbase was too low.
a lot of things from survive were scrapped, most are gears or little features, but some are bigger one like you crew actually helping you defending the camp.
>Wasn't this subreddit created because talking about survive on the main one was making all post downvoted to hell?
Every game has it's own subbredit, at least the recent ones anyway. Subreddits filled with people who like the game nullifying the argument
it takes 5 seconds to replenish to 100%. it's not really infinite oxygen but technically you can stay in the mist without dying if you just have one.
That mission you can literally ignore those guys shooting at you.This guy playing like a retard doesn't invalidate the argument
Rising and the acid games doesn't have one tho, and those game can be discuted freely on the normal one.
And then they are introduced as regular enemies so, no matter what, the stupid fence stick argument is destroyed.
>it's not really infinite oxygen
Great so you lied.
>at least recent ones
read user. I was aware you were going to do a semantic response so I planned ahead accordingly.
Yes, they would have been hated.
>And then they are introduced as regular enemies so, no matter what, the stupid fence stick argument is destroyed.
You just don't fight them and ignore them. You don't see them so much in the end game.
user the devastator can just one shoot your shit and also shoot and is even stronger, then there's the XOF gunners, and the trackers. did you played any hard/extreme mission?
>can just one shoot your shit
The webm is from the story and they do not one shot you in the story. Did you even play the game?
>mg survive
I noticed that guy never gave me a screenshot of how many people are playing it on steam now. Damn you guys are dishonest.
>no replies
Ouch. Have a pity (You), I can't stand it.
The irony is lost on you, of course.
How much is Komoney paying you?
v told me this game was good. why would only 60 people be playing it?
yea thats how internet arguments go. sick zingers and cherry picked arguments win every time. who needs things like thought? i'll tell you what to think
>v told me this game was good. why would only 60 people be playing it?
YOU ABSOLUTE DUMBFUCK. Deus Ex has been out for years upon years so everyone including your Mother has played it. A game like Survive has been out for barely over a year. Don't compare apples to oranges you stupid fuck.
Pic related. It's you.
I agree with the other guy
Moded version isn't tracked by steam
stats don't lie bro. sorry you play garbage?
user i like survive but even you are acting dumb right now.
>mfw death stranding is actually just a ripoff of this game
Again you're comparing apples and oranges. Counter-Strike is strong in the multiplayer department. Of course this game will have more players than another single player game like Deus Ex. You're so stupid I cannot believe it.
oh yeah the game is free for ps plus member
ever seen a game free that fast?
Game is free for the japanese members for this month, and it's been already 1 year and a half the game released user.
Ground zeroes was also free on the PS+ after the same time period.
>20 year old game that has had 2 sequels
>n-no its just strong multiplayer
i guess thats why thousands of people still play the sims 3?
>10 hours and only a pistol
what the fuck are you doing
This game is still alive?Last time i tried there was noone online
>sick zingers and cherry picked arguments win every tim
The person argued that since the survive subreddit had so few followers online at this moment that it was irrelevant and he was being dishonest because the game in general is irrelevant now. Thats why I asked for the steam count to counter his cherry picked argument
there's still bascially no one online. only reason to play is singleplayer which isn't too bad
>i guess thats why thousands of people still play the sims 3?
Because the Sims 3 is actually high-quality content meanwhile MGS Survive was a generic zombie-survival game? It offered nothing new to the table.
i made my first youtube video about Survive, the game is fun youtu.be
There's still some group to play online on PC, playerbase on PS4 also is still alive, with a lot of japanese players.
no ideas about the xbox one playerbase.
The first few months there was a lot of people, i remember there was always a thread here in v.
you remembered wrong, Yea Forums collectively shat all over the game on release and in the following months, constantly posting and laughing at player counts
>you remembered wrong, Yea Forums collectively shat all over the game on release and in the following months, constantly posting and laughing at player counts
And all the people defending Survive were fags who hated Hideo Kojima because he was a hack just to spite them.
The shit isn't just white and black, you can like survive but also like Kojima.
from what i remember, there was some thread but not a lot, just one from time to time, but it was mostly also in general MG threads.
I thought that animal channel part was kinda funny but the a hoo a hoo a hoo soundtrack is horrible
was going to say the same thing
Prove you aren't a fag, post your level.
Sorry disregard what I said I am a huge faggot.
no problem
yes you are right the thread was on vg and not v
There even was one or two dedicated shitposter on steamforums who would post player count daily. I think he is banned now but damn was he adamant to shit on this game nonstop for months and months to come. I swear Ive seen his autism in every single thread. What drives people to do such a thing
But that is because MGSV is fucking trash, not because Survive is good.
how playable is it offline/solo?
there's a decently sized story mode and you can solo a good number of online missions, but unfortunately the game has some always-online bullshit
It's pretty clear looking at DS, that MG Survive is really something built upon ideas of Kojima