Why is it still on top of the gacha market, despite being the greediest?
Fate GO
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Is this the hourly Astolfo thread?
Why can't real trannies be like anime traps?
I dont think they would be so hated if they were cute instead of hideous abominations
characters are memorable and the story is interesting, though it does dip in quality at times. contrarians will deny FGO has any quality whatsoever but it's true.
I'd rather play FEH desu
shut up
shut UP
god i wish that was me
It's touhou effect, multiple writers and character type that appeals to somebody somehow
did she just grab his entire prostate
based Jeanne
Weebs will do anything, even if it means shelling all their savings for their historically inaccurate waifu PNG.
What is that ball she's grabing? I couldn't be his ballsack based n the angel and his skirt isn't up.
>tfw a girl will never manhandle your prostate
why live
Why the fuck are there so many pics of roasties ballbusting astolfo?
is she grabbing a kidney?
This. If they were just cute girls with dicks, maybe they wouldn't be killing themselves so much.
what is wrong with his penis? why is it pink?
Do you know what a condom is?
>Why can't real trannies be like anime traps?
Real traps fucking despise trannies for a multitude of reasons. The main one being that trannies stole the term "trap" and turned it into a generic insult towards trans people when they aren't the people who get that label. Then there's also the fact that traps are gay men who enjoy crossdressing and want nothing to do with trannies.
This. My biggest problem with trannies is their lack of self-awareness. If you're a manly faced, balding neckbeard, you won't magically turn into an anime girl just because you're wearing a skirt and a wig. Unless you're an androgynous twink, just admit you'll never pass and move on.
>perma virgin doens't know what condom is
>Why is it still on top of the gacha market, despite being the greediest?
It's a mystery
I am sure those are his ball
Dude mangas/animes arent real.
Nobody looks like that.
Nobody go outside
I've seen passable traps on the internet bro, I know they exist
Why is that girl squeezing a ball underneath the other girls skirt?
God I want to be spitroasted but these two
haha that would be so weird
who would want to do that haha
These comments are some of the dumbest comments on this entire website. Do you think transpeople are retards who are unaware of when they don't pass? Do you honestly dehumanize others so much so as to think they don't have eyes and delude themselves?
Transpeople are some of the most self-conscious people on this fucking planet. Grow out of your infantile, puerile hatred for them for once and acknowledge them as human beings.
Only passable trannies in this thread
go back.
It was a miracle, not even Nasu predicted GO's popularity.
But I think the brand helped at first and then it could fly by itself somehow, I think it's the same phenomenon as touhou or kancolle.
Tl;DR It just happened
Traps and trannies are completely different things
JP is fucking dead, not even an event for one month
PFC Ketchum is not passable as a female
You can tell he's just a feminine male
And that's a good thing
Not all traps are gay. Some just like crossdressing
why did Astfaggots become Bridget for normies?
Now let's see what this person looks like walking around when it can't hide its throat, jawline, and hips and make its shoulders as narrow as possible.
>playing PvP hell cancer powercreep simulator
>passable trannies
Can you spew your hatred somewhere else
Okay, I'll make an exception for Sue.
>well loved youtuber
Hmmm its almost as if he is right.
I have never met a crossdresser who didnt dream of getting pounded by cock
Manliness defined
I like to crossdres and I like girls : /
>Why is it still on top of the gacha market, despite being the greediest?
You answered it yourself.
ppfftt... brrghgrrFFFBBHHBFHRRRRTTTT
FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP...
nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!...
nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip... drip..
huh... Yaagh! jesus... nggggh...
hhh.... hhh....
hhhuuuhhh... fuck....
I believe they're human, but so many seem delusional.
I especially never see any own up and admit they dont pass, much more often getting pissed off and acting an ass when someone even makes a genuine mistake.
Then again when your entire identity revolves around pretending you're something you're not, I can see why.
have s-...
I've never met one who was what you claim. Trust me, I wish I did.
fuck my ass
You can like girls and want the dick
Cute kouhai
can you go back to resetera
Actual traps are like anime traps but you gotta remember. Trannies are not Traps and thats why Trap is now a slur against trannies because trannies HATE that they are not cute like a nice little trap.
if you want dick, you are gay. Nothing wrong with that, but that's the truth, even if you only like 0,01% of men (traps in this case).
any professional tranny experts here?
why did the transexual movement appropiate the term trap?
Why is she holding an egg?
>liking girls and cock makes you gay
It's called being bisexual retard
Because traps are 2D only
Ever since Fate Apocypha anime, theres been constant Astolfo threads in Yea Forums, why is that?
Astolfo is so based!
I know this is probably bait, but I'll bite anyway: if you know you're going to look like a man in a dress, don't "transition". Stay how you are. It's the dignified thing to do.
If they don't pass, then they should not be surprised when they are told they don't pass. I'm not going to play make believe and pretend you're stunning and brave.
If I looked like shit I'd sure as fuck want someone to say something to me
Why not?
>Do you think transpeople are retards who are unaware of when they don't pass?
use google search, first results.
Astolfo needs a straight bf
desu if i was her id be so busy servicing the biggest dicks i could find
god that turns me on
They are some of the most deluded people on the planet. I mean they think they are something that can easily be scientifically proven that they are not. Being trans IS delusion.
Imagine hugging him
I don't like men, sorry.
You don't have to like me to fuck my ass.
One day we will transcend our meek gendered bodies and ascend into our new glorious master form: Futas
>certified hetero
trying to make something with a sex organ you have sexy is gay and cope
Because at first they wanted to look like the cute traps but now they say it is a slur because people point out they couldn't trap a blind man with that chin mister.
her tits are so gross. they literally just put in tennis balls under her skin.
Astolfo is cute! CUTE!
You are eventually going to get fucked by a dude if you are a passable trap.
Because the girls have the big boobis.
The characters and story are good which helps a ton. It also has a strong franchise behind it.
That said, the fandom behind the game is degenerate as fuck and falls for the most predatory practices in gacha just for a shot at their waifu.
Look at how jewish the arcade game is and how the fans still eat that shit up anyway.
Left or right?
My man. Words of undeniable truth
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
oh, I dont know, maybe because male genetics doesn't draw your body as a girl and call you a boy?
d'Eon can be a girl(female) if you want, which is great, but there's something really appealing about Astolfo
i'd take Astolfo as my wife
I don't crossdress in public. Only with friends or alone, so not gonna happen.
this. it's only a matter of time.
You know, I was alright with trannies and then they stole the word Trap and made it a slur and now I can't even talk about traps without thinking about it being a slur for trannies. Now I hate trannies and hope they die because fuck them.
girls aren't that difficult guys you don't need to go and download Grindr just to fuck a guy who looks like one.
major yikes
That is the GBF Jeanne, which also has nice tits.
Reminder Astolfo is a rapist.
Dressing up as Astolfo makes you very cool!
I'll dress like a girl too if it helps.
>went from 0 to 75% over the course of a decade
Are you fuckers blind?
This site is for 18+, please leave.
Why does it matter if they don't pass, though? How does it in any way negatively affect you?
Gender dysphoria is a real thing no matter how hard you wish it didn't exist. It will continue to exist no matter how hard you try to repress it. People will always and have identified as trans throughout history. Why not welcome them instead of ostracize them?
you're not even curious about how a prostate orgasm feels?
it's supposedly the best
I love feminine anime traps and cute 2D cocks but death to IRL trannies.
>does it look weird on me...?
back to your girl clothes
Because it has deep lore and detailed character immersion.
All jeanne's are grest
So you don't know either? Why don't you want to experience it?
if you're passable your friends want to fuck you
eventually it will happen
me (black hair)
Master Shake scientifically proved that futa is less gay than male on female
because I'm not a crossdressing sissy lmao
I only know jerking off normally feels even better if you have something in your ass
probably a similar thing
Be honest, Yea Forums
Would you fuck Astolfo if you had a chance? It doesn't matter if you are straight, bi or whatever. Just have sex with him.
>look like a mutant swamp monster
>100% aware that you like a swamp monster
>buy wigs and makeup to try and look less like a swamp monster despite those making it worse
>attempt to brainwash others into believing you don't look like a swamp monster and actually look like a real woman
>jump off bridge if unsuccessful
It's actually worse if they are self aware
I've gotten used to it. It helps that you don't need anything to beat the game, though grinding can be a bitch with free units
But it's "supposedly" the best, user.
>Gender dysphoria is a real thing no matter how hard you wish it didn't exist
Actually according to the WHO it doesnt exist, as trans people are not mentally ill.
And if you're going to say Gender Dysphoria isnt a mental illness, then I'd like to ask what you classify it as.
I've fapped to all of those
how about we meet and find out
fuck? i'd marry him
t. cishet guy
I've never even played a Fate game
I don't even know what the gameplay is.
If I were to play one, which should it be? Which has most Astolfo?
me in the bottom left
>Hideous abominations
kek, my sides are reaching escape velocity
I'd do it but only if he was the one penetrating me.
Yes I would
sorry, I don't like penetration at all, even if you look like a girl.
I once tried anal with a toy and it felt kind of wrong, so I never did it again.
They have girlfriends.
>Went from 0 to 75% in a couple years
>Yet I know the artist of 100% and have fapped to their doujins
So it has come to this
Extella link has the most astolfo
Now we're talking.
>I once tried anal with a toy and it felt kind of wrong, so I never did it again.
get drunk as fuck and try again
Make way for the Chads of Fate
Why are you gay?
Why should anybody be gay?
Who is gay?
>How does it in any way negatively affect you
I have to play along in their delusion. We're not that far from being thrown in jail because you didn't call the balding muscular as the pretty little princess he thinks he is.
>emulating the NA version
nope, I'm simply not gay
>seething tranny
Astolfo is actually a chad
only if he lets me swallow his cum
it's an intersex condition of the brain and the WHO has only reclassified gender dysphoria, not gotten rid of it.
What do you like, then?
He said "cute" not hideous.
i'd date him if he accepts the role of girlfriend (meaning i'm 100% the top)
Get ye gone
>playing gacha
Because if someone asks me my opinion on them, if I say that I don't think they pass suddenly I'm a monster who committed wrong think
Even your pic is not "hideous" like 99.9% of trannies are you buffoon.
I never got drunk, don't like to drink.
I don't know, like a girlish boy? I'm not specially atractive, just average I guess.
A friend of mine tried fapping with a pen in their butt and they said it felt really really nice and completely changes how you normally fap
But miss me with that gay shit
Guess I'm gay then. Whatever lol
me on the right
Reread my post, silly.
In a second. No, literally, in a second. That's how long I would last. He could fuck me after tho.
No homo.
>Would you fuck Astolfo if you had a chance?
All day if possible
Stop making me gay, faggots
How is it greedy? I'll admit the rate on 4/5 stars is painfully low, but unless you NEED your specific waifu, you can get by just fine with friend point rolls and the Quartz you get from playing. It's only greedy if you want a specific character.
T. Someone that doesn't give a shit about Fate Waifus, but has played through all the currently available story content because his GF likes it.
Not many can handle the raw testosterone these two exude
get stoned then, that's probably even better
Yes. As long as i'm not the one sucking dick, it's Alright with me.
Me with black hair
Absolutely. The only men that turn me on are convincing crossdressers, which means I'm bisexual (and so are a lot of you, evidently).
Traps aren't gay because women cannot appreciate smol peepees.
You already were
Oh, sorry. I read "look like"
I like girls but I don't like sex with them very much. Only had a girlfriend once for 4 years and do it a couple of times.
I like the idea of someone fucking me but I don't like men, just the idea of it. So I don't know.
Yes it is. He literally looks like a fucking autist nerd in a dress. Especially with that awful haircut.
>They have girlfriends.
utterly immaterial. if you really are passable they want to fuck you while you crossdress.
>Why does it matter if they don't pass, though? How does it in any way negatively affect you?
How am I supposed to feel anything but worry when someone says he's something he visibly isn't? If you have the gall to say "no, you don't pass", all it historically does is invoke anger and cries of "how could you". Everyone else just says "you pass" more out of politeness than anything, independent of how they actually feel about the matter.
All it does is create an atmosphere of unspoken truths and elephants in the room. Is that what you want?
me on bottom left
It's just a phase
traps are implicitly het
>I believe they're human, but so many seem delusional.
Look at any subgroup of people, aside from one as tautological as "non-delusional people," and you'll find that most of them are delusional. Most people are delusional.
>Most people are delusional.
Most people don't wear their delusions on their sleeve. Or their entire body for that matter.
Okay buddy
newhalf Astolfo is the dream of any man
>The only men that turn me on are convincing crossdressers
There are no "convincing crossdressers" in 3D. You're just a fag.
>expected a thread discussing or shitting on FGO
>got tranny shit instead
Maybe I should've realized the Astolfo pic was the subject.
so this is the power of gacha
they exist bro but only on chaturbate
not gay, but
>Lets disregard a lot of people just because they are not pretty enough
I bet you faggots would never show your faces cause you are ugly in both outside and inside
You haven't done your homework. Your loss.
>as trans people are not mentally ill.
being-trans, itself, not being an illness =/= trans people never having mental illnesses/there being no mental illnesses associated with gender
Because it has Jalter.
That can apply to everyone though. If everyone was at least a 6/10, the world would be a better place.
Too big
because irl traps don't look anything like anime trap 99% of the time and the remaining 1% only look like them due to being androgynous as fuck. Its even worse for trannies due to most of them already looking ugly which is made worse by filling themselves with chemicals and hoping it makes them look good.
>My problems are well hidden!
that's what they all think, user
You are. That looks nothing like a female, not even remotely.
If everyone's a at least a 6/10, then everyone's at least a 1/10 again. Beauty is a relative scale.
Is it bad if I own multiple figurines of Astolfo and cosplay of him but never watched or played anything fate related?
Summer Jannus
Because real life can never be as ideal as fiction, that's why it exists
Real women don't look as good as anime bitches either (though, to be fair, the difference is MUCH less drastic than in the case of trannies)
There are more parts of a picture being futa on female that would be attractive to a straight man than regular porn, yes, but the problem is the dick spoils the woman. You're being baited by titties into liking someone with a dick. That's gay.
Tomboys are the straightest thing in the world because you don't have to deal with anything gay, not the feminine nature of women nor the penis of a man.
Depends if you are cute enough when wearing the cosplay. A picture is needed.
i'm straight, but i would a qt trap or tranny
>cosplay of him
No one thinks you look like a girl.
>that man face
>those shoulders
user woman aren't different from men because they have longer hair and boobs which trannies seem to forget due to them never passing a human development class
Where in Yea Forums can I have this types of conversations before the jannies fuck up the thread?
I never said I did
>I'm straight but I'd fuck another dude with a penis
>not gay
how can a man live with himself being that horribly unattractive?
like at least do SOMETHING to look better
contact lenses, acne treatment, ANYTHING
He had surgery to look like that, he used to look like the average Mexican manlet. Heres a video to prove it. youtu.be
me on the right
Why even cosplay at all if your cosplay looks like complete shit?
no, but keep in mind that
>it's never too late to start watching or playing Fate
>Astolfo's fate is a straight male husband