I find most people unattractive and not as beautiful as me.
The last thing I need in my life right now is more fucking god damn stupid women.
because I have a wife.
we just had our third date yesterday, probably gonna ask her out as soon as I get back from this business trip
>inb4 a bunch of cuckhold fetishists say she's gonna get blacked while I'm gone
I'm garbage and nobody wants me.
broke up yesterday after over 2 years. feels real bad, man.
Because I am a terrible person.
Video games.
I don't need w*men.
i'm really picky.
good looking, but really picky.
Can't find a girl I like enough to ask out. My standards are way too high for how attractive I am (not very)
I'm not attractive either physically or mentally.
Because I have prime boy-pussy ready to go when I want it, the guy even acts like a GF better than a real one. Does that count as not having one?
video games
Have sex
because Im a shut in and scared of people
Every single living being I care about ends up dying before me.
Hello anime you seem about as lonely as I am would you like to go on a date with me then?
My sister gets real jealous when I'm around other girls and she made me promise not to have a girlfriend, ever, that she will be my companion
>tfw a girl likes you
To Jamaica, correct?
Because I'm an abrasive human being with a near-poverty job and little to no goals or aspirations. I don't want to trick anybody into worrying about me.
this and i just don't think i could handle much more responsibility than i already have.
Because I'd rather make a thread about videogames you stupid nigger.
that's not having one
i'm married with a kid and a 2nd on the way
i already told you anime!
i have trust issues due to head trauma as a kid!
i dont want to spend my life with someone i don't trust, and i haven't met anyone i truly love and trust enough!
maybe one day, but probably not since my aversion to relationships has led me to getting off to some degenerate shit that would sicken most people!
but I do. she's pretty cool
>Does that count as not having one?
Yes, for the obvious reasons.
why don't you talk about video games faggot
Most people eat to live, but I live to eat if you catch my drift
Nigga you're saying you're building a child harem??
Chubby, anti-social and I have a drinking problem. Plus most people are fucking emotionally exhausting to interact with.
I don't fucking get it