Vindictus thread

Vindictus thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

I never could get into the game but I always wanted to. Any tips on how to enjoy it? It feels like the bad kind of grind.
>inb4 friends

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I played this a while back. The actual combat was really fun, but everything not involving combat sucked. Which was too bad, because it took so much jumping through hoops in town just to get to a mission.

I wish we could have Vindictus 2. The first game was had one of the best combat systems for an online game.

Was just about to start a thread with picrelated. Getting teary eyed. These effing koreans and their stories jesus christ.
Will i see her again?

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What happened with mabinogi? Why does the title look completely different now? Apocalypse?

friend tried to get me to play this
then i saw you could buy underwear or outfits or something with real money
but you only got it for a month or something
now every game he suggests, we ask if it has rentable underwear

>1 month of underwear is 5 euro
>permanent is 10
hard choice

no it was pretty fuckin easy to choose not to play
but hey, you do you, panty-buyer.

so you didn't play the game because you couldn't get some underwear for your character?
also you could have bought it with in-game money

how are you so bad at
>wait a minute, '5 euro'
Nah m8 i desoided i didnt wanna boi no loisence based vidyer goime that nickled and doimed a bloke for every tarded thing, mugs game son. mugs game.

>buy it for ingame money
not back then. this was when there was like, 3 characters.

I spent 120 bucks (20 dollars a week) on the gacha and got nothing. I'm depressed.... a little.

it is the bad kind of grind. the gameplay is fun but not unique among korean grindfests

britain doesn't use euros you fucking retard

what an embarrassing post, seriously

oh right they moved onto rupees didnt they. bollocks.

>I never could get into the game
The game is the combat. If you didn't enjoy the combat there's not much else to say.

pound, euro, it's all the same

jesus you're a retard

I played it a lot. I assume it's dead now?

reminder that there's private servers with all the cosmetics free and the levelling and AP grind drastically reduced

That sounds pretty interesting. Is there a guide for this?


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Based, reinstallin

Problem with getting into Vindictus, especially now is that it's pretty much dead, and the remaining community is hyper elitist which means the most essential part of the game which is learning boss patterns sucks ass.

Wrong. I literally start playing when Eira release and I've made it into a guild, never got kicked out of raids even though barely over the minimum and the boss pretty much one shots me when I get hit, nor have I experience any elitist attacking me. Maybe you should actually play the game instead of telling lies.

I'm gonna assume it's too dead to even bother trying to do the old raids, right?

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I lost interest soon after they brought in the giant; unrelated.

how much has changed?

Won't this be even more dead then the official server since it's behind on content? Not to mention I have no intentions of leveling all these characters again.
Pretty much, but they also made them all easier so you can solo them.

you get a consumable that automatically makes you level 60, and you earn EXP at eight times the normal rate to speed up the later levels
frankly I haven't played the official server for a long while so I'm not sure what sort of population there is now


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A lot of people disagree with me but I wish they'd combine the combat of Vindictus with the skills, atmosphere, and general freeform ideas of mabinogi together. I would never stop playing that game.

New sluts, Season 1+2 has been streamlined massively, can go to any dungeon from any boat location, quick battle finder, story progression mode so you no longer have to run around town physically for quests.
What is the last piece of content you guys got? Also my main issue isn't the leveling per say its the slog of doing all the story quests. Even if you skip season 1 when you go to 60, s2 still takes a while. I've never personally had an issue with actually leveling up since RISE upped all xp in s2 massively. You hit 90 on official before you even start s3 thanks to this.

Is this game still running on the source engine?

I didn't manage to stay up to date on the official server ever, but from the notes on what's changed on this server:

Notable general changes:
Golden Time event is a permanent feature — you get gifts every 30m ~ 1h in your mailbox from just being online
You can actually enter all the buildings in Colhen and interact with objects (e.g.: sit down on stools or tables)
There are mysterious circles all over the ground in Colhen with different effects. Try going in them one at a time (to disable a circle's effect, go back in & out the same circle again)
Cosmetics (hairs, makeup, tattoos, avatar sets) are available for free
New characters can choose to start normally at Lv. 1, or pop a Character Jumping Potion that jumps them to Lv. 60
New characters receive care packages full of equipment and other goodies all the way up to Lv. 90
New characters have unlimited free revives up to Lv. 85
Custom titles have been implemented
>Heroic difficulty Niflheim & S3 raid battles are available to play (including Eochaid and Muir)
The max rank (cap) of many skills have been raised

Everytime I try to play this game with a friend, everytime, they lose interest. It doesn't matter who it is, they never stay. I mean, I know the game has it's issues, huge issues, but the combat is so fun man. I just wanna run through the game, from top to bottom, with a bro once. Too bad it's boring alone.

>esyllt has no 3d model so there will never be porn of her

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>Still a decent amount people on channel 1
Little surprised actually

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>first screenshot was taken almost 9 years ago
Damn. Where you were at, guys?

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I don't have my computer from back then so all I have now is this title.

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The artist for this game is a fucking genius

Never forget

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he also worked on hyper universe but it was killed and shut down by nexon's incompetence

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Was playing the South Korean version when it was called Mabinogi: Heroes.

>la atrocidad

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Post best boss themes before thread dies

How far in the story till the Succubus quest?

I think it's level 60 ish but there's no other requirement as far as I remember

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Be sure to apply to No Fun Allowed

nice so i can go to windictus and then get to play the quest right away, perfect

You have to get to rocheste I believe. After that there is a level 80 one which I don't believe has a story requirement.
But I'm already in my own guild with 20ish members
All me, a friend and our alts

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Oh wow eventually it does look like Mabinogi

>tfw never got to play that game because of IP block

try now?

Tieve a shit, black hair notTieve is superior.

can i get a closeup on those toesies?

Agreed, so glad tieve got wiped from existence.

>IP blocked
>koren shit
Coul never get to play this trash without having lag issues


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>stop playing when season 2 released
>reinstall few months ago to see what's up
>get sub-30 fps on modern systems
Christ, is it the engine? How do I fix this?

Like Tera, it's unfixable, they just keep piling on code upon code.

I'm not going to say this game is optimized well but you shouldn't be getting sub 30 if you have a decent cpu and passable gpu.

>reinstall official server
>nexon finally deleted all my old characters
had a good run guys

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I picked up the game for the first time since the beginning of S3 and it felt like performance improved, I used to have to turn off the UI in a lot of raids but the update for it seems to have made it run better

>My life for yours

so how has current vindictus changed from say 2017 vindictus (probably the last time I touched it)

You can buy 7 day unlimited change under armor/hair coupons with ap now and it costs like nothing.

Outfits are expensive as fuck still though

is there any way to get free panties? I was thinking about reinstalling to try the new gun girl but I don't think I have any of the apology nexon bux I had left from when my dfo account got hacked.

The issue with rise is that, while much more convenient for long time players, completely neuters the game for new players. New players don't get to experience that first fuck you moment when they fight the polar bear or blood lord where they actually have to think and respond to paterns. All of the bosses until late levels are 20 second mash fests and it leaves no room for you to properly learn your character or get any proper feel for how the game plays at max level.

I'm fine the sped up xp gain but the nerfing of difficulty is a huge loss to the game.

>Standing near colhen dock minding my own buisness talking to a guild mate
>some lewd slut dancing near by presumably afk
>ends up whispering me lewd words and states a price for her services
>tell the harlot to back the fuck off and that she couldn't't handle my big huge hurk cock
Online gaming boys

I agree that rise went a bit too far in making bosses easy. Really sad that ingkells doesn't even stand a chance anymore. I'd argue that the biggest loss is the raid boss's difficulty more than all the other bosses. Most weren't great and were pretty easy to begin with. Honestly don't understand why they didn't just keep this new mode as solo mode and leave normal/hard mode in for those who wanted it.

Played it a while ago. Have a Level 70 Fiona. I did use some macros to get materials and money after reaching 70 but I don't think I will go back to the game.

For the love of god before this game dies someone better rip the server files and let us play it on single player on our local computers with all the characters and modded rates

I really fucking hope someone makes a new private server at some point when the game actually dies with all the characters, all the outfits and shit they've ever released, and drop rates that are actually bearable

>shoot near some hanging chains in a really early story mission
>framerate tanks to single digits for about five seconds
definitely a source engine game

How can I get the game to run devent?

Im honestly impressed this game is still alive.

Does the game have any square frame glasses? I'm trying to make my Eira look like Bayonetta.

vindictus sucks for a plethora of reasons
>gender locked classes
>story is absolute trash
>first episode is literally pointless and retconned
>takes way too fucking long to level
>classes extremely unbalanced because thirsty virgin weeb devs only play waifu female classes
i could go on

kill yourself

>classes extremely unbalanced because thirsty virgin weeb devs only play waifu female classes
But for the longest time Lann was DPS king and for a while it was a threeway between Lann, Hurk, and xgun Kai.

You and everyone else, the number of eiras running around with variations on the name cereza is astonishing.

except lann dies in 1 hit, no one plays hurk except for berserk fanboys, and no one plays kai period because range classes are for fags
i actually kind of wnt to play crossbow kai but its boring

>tfw too dumb to play battleshade lynn

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I find her easier to play than glaive lynn.

I enjoy it. Sucks that I can't play the level 100 stuff without severely buffing all my equipment.

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I remember crossbow kai being fun as fuck, especially when you team up with your bros to blast niggas with his special moves

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I admit to not looking very hard, and that the idea isn't exactly original, but I've found next to no other bayonetta cosplays, but plenty of Lara croft ones.

based cute feet poster.

glaive felt pretty straightforward to me, just had to get used to the timings. battleshade feels all over the place with the combos flowing together, the whole smash enhancing stuff, and the one smash where you have to do a backwards input before it so you can actually land all of the hits. I probably just need to give it some more time and after awhile everything will come together.

I really liked Vindictus when it was fairly new. It sucks to see the direction they took it in.
>content before s3 was butchered and made completely irrelevant
>new counterforce stat that locks newer people out of newer raids for a long time
>graces handed out so often that all raids outside of redeemers are almost impossible to fail
>healing pots are instant with no downside so you can just spam them all fight

I've seen a half-assed Bayonetta, a decent Revy, and Vincent Valentine that was pretty good.

Eira's alright, but I always kind myself going back to Vella, Karok, and Hurk.

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How is Vella nowadays? I could never get into chainblades when I played her years ago, twin swords were fun but I think crosscut had some issues. Don't think I made it past low 70s on mine, thought about picking her up again recently, but I've been pretty distracted by Eira.

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They made some changes to crosscut a while back.

Someone post that webm already so I can beat off and close this thread

Guess I'll ask, is this worth the jump, Yea Forums? How long would it take to engage with those bosses in them webms? I wanna clash.

i could never play this game because they banned brazilians

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I remember way back when Vella was first introduced, her Crosscut was garbage that both didn't work correctly every time and only countered normal attacks. They've changed it now so you can basically counter everything but unblockables, which makes her one of the most fun characters in the game. And Chainblades are just a boring DPS weapon for stuff like Braha.

Still can't play it because my country is banned, such is life being a spic.

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You can get it for free. You just need to grind the ap, which shouldn't be a problem if you have no life.

Basically the only thing locked from f2p players are enhance protect scrolls past 13, and vvip.

The lack of challenge outside of redeemers is easily the number one problem for me with Vindictus right now. Even just reverting the health pot changes to have an animation again would make this game feel so much less braindead.

The community being so small just makes this even worse because every boat is guaranteed to have one geared to shit person who can carry everyone else anyway and kill the boss in 5 minutes, and redeemers average like 15 minutes now. I wish Nexon would actually do something with Hero mode, balance it around 8 people, limit pots, add the revive timer and all that.

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I loved S2 Vindictus so much, S3 killed all my interest in the game.
>ywn raid as 8 against a kraken, shouting at newbies because they suck at hitting tentacles
why even bother

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>You can get it for free. You just need to grind the ap, which shouldn't be a problem if you have no life.
I don't remember seeing perm underwear in the AP shop. Unless you're meaning to keep grinding just to keep having underwear, in which case the $10 dollar investment seems more appealing.

A big advantage of the temp one in the AP shop is its an "unlimited" coupon meaning you can change the underwear and its color at any time during the week as much as you want. With permanent ones you're locked into whatever set plus colors you chose. On top of that people sell the permanent ones on the mp for a decent price so if you have a specific one you know you'll use a lot its better to just spend the gold than waste 10 bucks.

Post more webms.

honestly I don't know how long it would take a new player to level up, they've sped up the process a lot, I know it's really fast for an experienced player. don't know what webms you've seen, but if they were old it could be content that isn't all the relevant anymore, there are some clashes on the current endgame stuff I think

For me it was S1. Being able to hold down bosses with the secondary weapons let people that suck at DPS still be useful.

>ywn hold down gnoll chieftain with chain hooks again with your team.
>ywn blind/chain down white tyrant ever again
>your friends will never drop rocks on irukul's head to knock him out
>ywn pry open thor's mouth while your teammates back his weird mouth tongue with the lampsticks of doom
>the list goes on

wait are you serious

unless they're somewhere I don't know about, yeah.
I logged into the official server today for the first time since 2017 and there were no other characters on my account. I found an old reddit post where someone said they managed to get their characters back after arguing with support for a bit, so I'm trying that.
I'm hoping it's possible, I miss my edgy boy

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well there goes my interest in seeing whats new
no doubt mines gone

it might be worth checking. I never had 2FA or anything on my account so it's entirely possible someone logged into my account at some point and deleted them.

judging from your other screenshot I take it you were on the EU service, that shutdown awhile ago and NA had to take over, I think EU players had to request for their characters to be transferred

yeah, I did that.
my very last screenshot from before I stopped playing for so long was post-migration.

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Oh a Secret World scenario, huh? Aigh, I'll jump on it, then. Hoping there's future threads to ask questions in if needed. Thanks user.

In S2 you could still do all that in Hero mode since you could get good scrolls from it without being mega-geared. I remember farming hero Larken in duo with the chain hook when I had shit gear.
I loved how S2 raids had simple mechanics that required real teamwork.

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>Look into Vindictus
>Apparently the shit is on Steam
>Check Steam reviews
>Alarming amount of people complaining that their accounts got hacked

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They fixed that a long time ago with a second password in-game that can't be hacked, so if you start fresh you're fine, but a lot of old returning players never set the second password so they got fucked.

S2 raids don't really allow for "be helpful even if you can't really dps" that s1 did. To my recollection the only s2 boss that comes close to "requiring" secondary weapons are havan and bark. In the case of Havan hooks are provided anyway and in the case of bark spears are a "just in case you're at the wrong switch" kind of deal.

I don't have much, and what I do have is mostly just special moves.

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Fresh out of the oven

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XE is the one with the jump right? Why are they sticking with the dead EU client?

>want to get back into the game
>all of my characters were deleted
>no way to get them back

is the gameplay in this still all about spamming invincible dodge moves while you stand directly in front of the enemy and dps race?


Yes, unless you're grimden in which case it's about spamming invincible dodge moves while standing directly behind the enemy for your dps boost.

I logged back on a while ago because my brother wanted to play it again and I noticed on my old main that I got the title for giving Ferghus 500 iced strawberry brandys. Also my Karok's name "Bigwood" was reported or something and I had to change it.


oh, only other thing I can think of on the player side of things is clicking the NA server instead of EU at start up I know some people have done that before. if it ain't that then I hope the support thing works out for you man

That's very true, but I feel like S2 did not make the whole of S1 obsolete because of hero mode while pretty much all of S1 and S2 is now obsolete because of S3. Maybe it's just nostalgia.

>mabinogi 2 is never happening getting mabi mobile instead
>mabinogi heroes it p2p bs.


>p2p connection game
>ever wanting a global release

Where's the pooooorn? 137 posts and nothing yet


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Not him but woah is that a goblin slayer reference

>quest objective says please
what a pleasant game

I believe it is a Evangelion reference Yes it is a berserk reference

It's amazing how he's clearly a walking berserk reference but Nexon hasn't put in anything to let you look like band of the hawk/berserk armor Guts.

Really? I could have sworn I saw a ingame cosplay of literally berserk armor + dragon slayer.

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Is it still region locked? I used to play it with proxy back in the day but for some reason can't get it to work nowadays.
