>And this is our son's Apartment.... He loves his video games....
And this is our son's Apartment.... He loves his video games
*jiggles locked door handle*
But I own a home, and I haven't given my parents a key.
>He's here somewhere...
Why do americans show random people around their homes and barge into peoples rooms without knocking first when the door is closed?
why are europeans so obsessed and gullible?
>E1M1 sounds in my head
Oh. Greetings. Welcome to my humble apartment. May I offer you some tea?
Why are americans so obese
Your son sure does have an interesting apartment.
>Knock on the door
>Its my parents
>clothes everywhere
>havent vacuumed in weeks
>physical copies of absolute classics like Magic Woman M, 9 O Clock Woman, and Angel Blade scattered around
>re-enact that scene from Fahrenheit when the cops are at your door
>ok I'm ready
>user it looks like shit in here
Always be prepared kids.
why the fuck do you have a car in your room?
I thought it was uhm... quite tasteful?
>not having a car in your room
Racing rig
Hello! Come take a seat on my couch.
>not moving half a continent away from your family
Git gud. You are not dedicated enough.
You are fucking unbearable
Wait a minute that couch....
Because we're not poor and food is abundant and delicious and pumped full of hormones and steroids to keep us happy and healthy. Video games.
You won't have to see me again for about a week soon.
Why do I immediately recognize where this is from
You're very busy lately.
>giving your parents keys
If you're gonna let them basically own the place, why even bother moving out?
Cuz you are from r*eddit
Tell me the colour of your key switches and I'll announce my decision.
Why do people recognised this couch?
I don't get it.
Are you holofan from Reddit? I like your stuff
This is your "sons" room?
I love video games.
why do i see this image in every thread? do you spend all day on Yea Forums just waiting for someone to post a related thread?
It's the one with the pitbull "smiling"
I mean, this looks comfy af. I'd personally get rid of the furry shit and leave the kemo stuff.
>Do you have a girlfriend, user?
based shota
Powerful tranny energy
shes sitting right in front of me
Hol up
Explain how my parents would be able to get inside my LOCKED apartment unit.
Fuck you mate.
Now I want some pizza too.
My favorite one.