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War Hero Vanguard


This, but Sole Survivor.

Femboy Quarian

>no krogan romance

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Remember the first time you played Mass Effect? My friend recommended it to me, and I went in blind. I think I ended up replaying it like 10 times.

>was very clearly dead but got resurrected through space magic

I was here for the hype train only oldfags remember the sexbox

Sole Survivor
Jack romance
High EMS Destroy

You know I'm right

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I ended up getting into it when the ME3 marketing started

Pirated it and when it was time to hit the star map it and all I got was black screen. Ran to the stop to BUY a legit copy and then found out during that time they someone had release a working crack.

Not even mad.

Best story, best atmosphere/soundtrack
Best roster, and gave more freedom, shown more of the world
Worst story, even worse roster, combat improved

I played the entirety of this game again within the past few days and, man, I don't like being renegade. most of the options that are designated as renegade choices are just really incompetent and don't actually yield any tangible benefit for yourself, your allies or the galaxy at whole

maybe its just the meta-knowledge of knowing the outcome of future games but there's literally no reason to kill the rachni queen, or let the council die, or let all the colonists on feros die, or kill shiala, or do any of this shit because killing them doesn't yield any benefit it just makes shepard look like an incompetent commander, whereas the designated paragon alternatives for all of these choices end up being good for everyone involved, not from just an ethical/moral standpoint, but a strategic standpoint.

some of the renegade choices in mass effect 2 and 3 makes more strategic sense (like preserving the collector base), but if you're paragon in mass effect 1 and then renegade in mass effect 2, the shift in shepard's personality is way too drastic even for someone who fucking died and came back to life two years later

Renegade is just for fun so you can push people out of windows and blow up Krogan. The renegade prompts in 2 were good.

Full Renegade is funnier therefore it is the best.

It's inconsistent as fuck though, they range from space Hitler to badass to straight up stupid

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War Hero
ME 1: Soldier
ME 2 and 3: Adept

>Mordin Solus

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>best atmosphere/soundtrack
That's 2 tho. The summer atmosphere and songs like Suicide Mission are iconic. Mass Effect 1 only has Vigil


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