New update is out.
>Level 70 cap with Awakening Skills
>New Hard Dungeons and Chaos Raids
>Burning event makes early levels easier and fast for new characters
>Tons of progression and RNG changes
Now is a pretty good time to come back.
Maplestory 2
still no matchmaking for late game dungeons and chaos raid
guilds are all dead
Maybe another time. Just remembering the endless Fire Dragon raids just to fail my upgrades makes we want to die, especially now that I have to repeat this shit and play catchup to get Legendary gear.
here's your """"mmo"""" bro
how dumb is it to solo this, and how often do you run into pubs? guessing nothings instanced
Just use the partyfinder like everyone else does.
The update pretty much put everyone at a clean slate. They give you gear to do the new dungeons once you reach 60. Also they revamped Peachy, so it's now viable to 100% your way to +15 and not deal with rng.
is there still a daily dungeon limit
1-50 is soloable, after that the fastest way to level is to do world bosses with a party which is still really fast. All the dungeons and raids are instanced. You pretty much have to party up when doing them.
Yes. Dungeons are 15/30 day/week, raids 3/6. Each raid is considered separate, unlike dungeons which are shared. You can still run them when you hit the limit, but you wont get rewards. People make alts if they want to play more.
*dabs on your playerbase*
>literally on steam front page
Yeah I know
how is 2k persons on 'bad'?
>Tons of progression and RNG changes
what does this mean? Does this mean ill actually be getting shit I want after raids instead of building up fragments after fragments
Most people use the actual launcher than steam for their anime mmos.
>Burning event makes early levels easier and fast for new characters
leveling was already piss fucking easy
I got level 50 in the beta on day fucking 2
why would making this even fucking easier be a good thing
it's an event. the actual game starts at level 50 so I guess it's good that you can reach it even faster.
They changed some things that relied heavily on rng and are needed to progress like gems, sockets, pets and enchanting. You still build up fragments. They made rerolling armor a lot cheaper so it's easier to get the stats you want.
who remembers the alien invasion maps in Luda
>the actual game starts at level 50
thats a fucking problem then
the game should start at level 1 and it does
the fact you skip over 25 dungeons and 50 level of content to play the same dungeon 30 times a week is why this game sucks dick
max level should be hard to get not a prerequisite to start playing the game
You quest to cap fast is most mmos because cap is where the grind is.
>Most MMOs suck dick
Don't make it any better
The grind should be the whole fucking game
They made it a level grind at the start of the korean version, they even tried in this version's cbt2, but everyone hated it so they changed it into a gear grind. korea ms2 has a hard cap 99 soft cap 70, no word if and when we'll get that.
Just grind for trophies then if you want to flaunt your level e-dick.
Levels come and go. Some people eventually make it to cap, and the others soon to follow. But trophies.... trophies are eternal.
Trophychad is the true endgame.
Remeber to hide nexon shill threads, sage, ignore nexon shills, and report nexon shills
Everything nexon touches becomes absolute garbage and there's no exception to this rule
You watched Asmongold's stream yesterday right? What'd I miss?
Is the game still way too easy and effortless until you reach max level?
This game is comfy now
oh shit was it just released?
>plays it for 20 minutes
>it's shit
Why is this game so boring...
garbage MMO.
I tried playing maple story 2, but doing it alone is mind numbingly boring
Try making friends in ch1
or coco if youre cool
It's probably hard to catch up to the K/CMS2 whales anyway
It just released yesterday. It's pretty fun
Getting to cap is really easy and fast, then it becomes a gear grind.
join a guild
kill yourself
post maple tiddies
Here ya go m8ington
Most people are on east though. At least /vg/ ones were.
post the webm
Where is it?