Anyone know what morrowind mod this is?

Anyone know what morrowind mod this is?

Attached: goatrpg.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

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looks like daggerfall

Well... it isn't, idiot!

How can other RPGs even compete

>Gothic 2

>beliars claw
get a real weapon boy

How come no other RPG to this date has recaptured the feeling you get when playing gothic II? No other virtual world feels as good. I don't know what it is...

Go to bed, faggot.
You're obviously sleep deprived.

I just woke up 4 hours ago

Germans have never made a good game.

It's because the world is crafted to feel realistic opposed to a theme-park like Skyrim's for example.


Don't you correct me, you got that?!

Morrowind is utter trash

Gothic 2 Steam/GoG patching guide with graphics mods

Steam version is broken and just doesn't work. To fix it download this and install in the correct order (readme).

Then download this and extract to the "system" folder in your Gothic 2 folder
This makes the graphics a lot better and fixes performance

then if you want to make the graphics even better also download and install this by extracting to your Gothic 2 folder

Attached: 1558970815707m.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Sounds like you need some sleep user

better than gothic 2

It has SOUL unlike all Bethesda games

agreed. thank god OP's pic is Gothic 2, the greatest rpg of all time!

play the returning or go home

at being trash maybe lmao

nigga morrowind has loads of soul. Play a telvanni mage run

>everyone is a copy pasted static pole
>actions have 0 consequences on the world
>world is empty
>every cave and tomb looks the same

Yeah sure

Can I play Gothic games in first person?



You can use a first person camera but not realy play with it

not even going to give this bait a serious reply

you can change your faction reputations pretty drastically depending on what you do and who you ally with. lots of filler NPCs yes but everyone involved in a quest has unique dialogue and appearance. dungeons are a bit samey but the solid overworld design makes up for that.

Okay, fine, WHATEVER...!

Gonna do a Gothic 1,2,3, Arcania, Risen 1,2,3, Elex run.
I've never bothered to play as a mage so that'll be interesting.
Wish me luck.

For Pete sake, I thought this meant to be immersive.
Guess I was just being memed at, again.

How can you call yourself a Gothic fan if you haven't even played the mobile game to learn about Xardas' childhood?

Attached: g3mobile.jpg (474x474, 48K)

How can you play this in 2019?


*downloads right now*

What the fuck was the point of these? Just play the actual game

With a mobile emulator.
It's very lore friendly, a true part of the Gothic-saga.

Attached: 2016.09.25_16.17.53_50.png (240x320, 19K)


Attached: G1_nameless.png (557x663, 335K)

honestly, it's mostly about being the game's bitch for a long time until you brute force or play smart and break the game that way. your average player who just follows markers and doesn't think will have a bad time in gothic games.


>Gonna do a Gothic 1,2,3, Arcania, Risen 1,2,3, Elex run.

Don't do it back to back, though. PB has essentially been remaking the same game since G1. Burnout will settle in real fast.

You DIDN'T play the oblivion mobile game user?

Attached: 10.jpg.gif (170x201, 12K)

>What the fuck was the point of these?
Money, my dear child. There must have been at least a couple of idiots who bought it because of the Gothic 3 hype.

It was better than the real Oblivion.

i bought it twice

Nah don't worry. I've done it when Elex came out with a one week break in between each game

I just finished 3 and I'm gonna jump right into Risen because fuck Arcania. Hope Elex will get discounted somewhere by the time I get to it.

Man how the fuck do you have the persistence to make this thread for over a year now

The psp version didn't even look too bad.

It's 60% off on GOG. Don't think it ever went lower than 65%.

>implying there aren't many of us

Attached: 1542668677438.png (262x319, 101K)

Arcania is actually not BAD. It's just heavily on the generic action RPG side and not at all like Gothic.

Attached: p1_40709215743473.jpg (1515x1515, 324K)

Of, it's the "whats_the_best_game_of_all_time_mod" right? Fuck off stupido.

Is there any other game that combined future tech with a medieval setting like Elex did? All I can think of is Hard to be a God.

It's a dogshit trash game, even as a standalone, even if it wasn't a Gothic game it would be still a garbage fucking pile of shit that no one should ever play. It's a fucking insult to video games.

Yeah some things about Arcania are not so bad.
Just play it on easy so you don't have to deal with damage sponges

Hopefully no because it's a retarded idea

The PSP version was never actually released, right?

>Is there any other game that combined future tech with a medieval setting like Elex did?

Older Might & Magic games. Not Heroes, actual RPGs.

Attached: qt.png (960x721, 94K)

I saw a mudcrab the other day...

It is! It's rookspire bridge.

Nope got cancelled. Which is a shame as 12 year old me would have gone crazy

Albion. In fact that was actually almost the norm couple of decades back.

What a fucking stupid bait.


the one that turns it into a linear shitgame

thats gothic 2, not morrowind.

I played the demo and I'm still traumatized

>Hard to be a God

skyrim home of the nords

Might and Magic is good, but name a better cRPG intro than this:

no user I think you're mistaken

Attached: hmmmm.png (2688x2688, 173K)

here you go


gothic is worse than skyrim
you can't make something suck harder than that fucking eurojank

Stop talking... ENOUGH!

I can also put random words together fooling into believing false things.

Also, you're wrong.
It's the Rootspire Bridge.

say what you want, the midi mixes of G3 songs were comfy as fuck

>over a year now
hi newfriend

just cause you aren't good enough to get past the first enemy doesn't mean it's bad


Gothic 1 and 2 where/are really fucking great games.

Attached: 1538373916622.jpg (660x525, 62K)

I did back when it was new. Still better than the PC version. Could only stomach Gothic 3 for maybe two hours before uninstaling.


I liked the midis too, but the game only had like 3 of those. Vista Point, Varant, and Silden, I think?
But to be fair it wasn't even that bad for a mobile game of its time. Sure it made zero sense to have teenage Xardas killing orcs in Lester's camp with the magic katana of Beliar, but I've played much worse. Also it cracked me up that the translator thought Innos was just the genitive of Inno.

Attached: 2016.09.25_16.17.53_70.png (240x320, 6K)

It is a fucking shame that neither PB nor any other developer could ever expand on Gothic 2. Or at least do something as good.

Especially who the fuck did they get to make names, "Dusaro", holy shit

But the midi Vista point was comfy as fuck

ELEX is probably the closest game to the originals and it still does plenty of things wrong. Anyway, these are the most important things gothic game should have:
>Small open world
>Three different factions
>Static enemy spawns and levels
>Shit to pickup EVERYWHERE
>Different animations for different skill levels
>Different NPC reactions depending on your rank, skill or previous experience
>Map design resembling a labyrinth with focus on verticality
There are more, but these are the most important things to me.

Also characters that are just doing their job and mundane quests like making that asshole stop hammering all god damn day. That shit is so ridiculously immersive.

literally impossible to enjoy other open world games after playing Gothic 2

I love how there are so many ways to enter to first city and depending on what you choose you get more xp. For me, it's taking the looong way round and swimming into port, after talking to the pirate

Lmao you just climb the fuckin wall right of the gate

>not just throwing some weeds into the guards face while telling him that you're working for the alchemist

Attached: 1552254699432.jpg (409x440, 55K)

Yeah you can do that...
>You can go past the city and towards the lighthouse and then go down the cliffs and walls towards the sea or the city barracks. Talk to Lares for 500 XP.
In Notr you need to min-max like fuck.

>Try to bribe a guard at the gate to let me in
>he laughs at me and tells me I'll have more chances at the other gate
>go to the other gate
>guard laughs at me for believing the first guard

On my 2nd playthrough of Elex right now
I know this is basically blasphemy but I think I enjoy Elex as much as I do Gothic 1 and 2
It's really fucking good


Not nearly as shitty looking as daggerfall.

>It's really fucking good
No. But it's good for you that you enjoy it, friend.

it's the same with all PB games

I really don't understand how they achieved it

hand-crafted world and hand-placed loot are a big factor

anyone finished the dlc?


why can't I bring myself to complete it? I lose interest as soon as I'm there for an hour

I don't know, for me its the best part of the game and the one I look forward to the most every time I replay the game

They sort of had this in Elex too, though not with as many ways. To get into the Hort you can either do a job for a merchant to get a pass, try to bribe the guard then agree to owe him a favor, or get kidnapped by the recruiter. Technically it's also possible to fly over the walls, but that turns the guards hostile. Not the regular NPCs though, so it's a semi-viable method if you are willing to take all of them on and then pay the fine.

Domed City was a huge missed opportunity, though I think it was an oversight. There's that one branching quest where you can get a fake pass and then a bunch of options to use it or rat out the guys you got it from and buy a real pass, or you can join the Clerics to become authorized to enter.
But there are also two secret entrances to the sewer and the Claws hideout. If you join them, you can ask one of them about the secret exit to the city, but fagit sends you to talk to a guy inside the city. Should have made it possible to open it from the sewer side if you are a member.

Actually this also goes for the Hort, since the gate guard is also a member of the Claws. He should let you in if he recognizes you.

Never played Elex...worth a bash?

Yep, go for it. Exploration and quests are fun. There is a slight change to how quests should be approached compared to the Gothics though, it's worth joining a faction before doing the side-quests if you want to see faction-reactivity and some faction-exclusive quest options. Joining a faction is only relevant for progressing to Chapter 2, and only the main quest advances with chapters. So the side-quests you have available from the start are all the side-quests you'll get.