Why is it that we're here forever? On most days I genuinely hate this place yet I browse it anyways...

Why is it that we're here forever? On most days I genuinely hate this place yet I browse it anyways. It's very rare to actually discuss a game anymore it's all just obvious shills. Even they have gotten lazy.
>play (game)
>we're going home
I wish 4channel was never a thing and the site just fucking died. I hate you all.

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I love you too user.

And all that being said it's still the best place to have discussions

See you tomorrow.

>it's all just obvious shills
You've become the cancer, John.

That looks like me

>it's your fault that I'm too stupid to close the browser
Only reason I come here is because the lack of upvoting and forum-celeb status encourages actual real discussion of games. That is, assuming, you're smart enough to ignore the blatant shitposting.


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You can talk shit.
If you want to be a total insufferable cocksucker just shit posting, you can come here. If you want to blow off steam and call people faggots, niggers, and fight about "which Dark Souls the game is the best" or "this is why Master Chief should be in Smash", you can come here. You can come here if you're alone, if you're angry, if you're afraid. You can come here to take a shit on the designated shitting street of the internet and maybe treat the people around you better. For a lot of people, this is the closest we have to a group of friends, and we just come here to take the piss out of each other and shit post. It's pathetic, but it's also fun, and sort of neat.

That statement has been false for a while and you know it.
Anyone posting obvious garbage like NTR will get shredded.
People posting /ss/ the same.
And many other things where people argue like tomboys etc..
And not even talking about Blacked shit and every other bait.
And did I mention Yuri yet ?

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well discussions about fetishes do go that way, but if you go in some thread about porn games, typically everyone is getting along just fine

>he actually wants a gf
>a thot to steal his sleep and money
>just for the pleasure of the flesh
Please reconsider.

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Not everyone is gay like you user.

It's funny. I get into fights with people on here knowing most of them are shills or trolls yet I do it continuously anyway for the small chance I'm arguing with someone who is actually that stupid. Am I just stupid or is it something else?

And that's all Yea Forums is these days. Shills and trolls. The day where you would argue vidya without buzzwords with another retard is over and all types of creative trolling is also over because the most you got to do is say SEETHE and it gets most of the normies going. All types of real discussion and OC is considered cringe because we got filled with /pol/ normies during the election.

Every single fucking thing that made Yea Forums unique is gone. I think I keep coming back hoping it will come back in denial because I have nothing else going on in my life

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>we're going home
Those threads are obvious corporate shills.
They know the change the MD5s. That's not something an average spammer or shitposter will do.

No it's not. It stopped being a good place to have discussions as soon as gamergate happened and opened the floodgate for obsessed politic fuckers

there's no other better place to discuss videogames, what are you gonna do? go to retardera where you would get immedaitely banned for posting that picture? argue with kids on gamefaqs and reddit?

>On most days I genuinely hate this place yet I browse it anyways.
Can't relate. 11 years and I still love this place. Although there are more retards than ever before, there have always been retards. Easy enough to just stay out of retard threads.

I honestly don't think there are as many genuine shills here as people think. there are people posting the most pathetic shit like braap threads. If someone is shilling a genuinely bad game they get called out immediately and other games people actually just enjoy

Take BOTW for example. Nintendo has no reason to shill it at this point but there's constantly threads about it

don't post my wife ever again, OP

I'm here in vain trying to relive the peak golden year of Yea Forums 2011

So this is the new mahjong thread, right?

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>every game i don't want to discuss is an obvious shill
fuck off retard