How do Japanese players feel about all the PlayStation censorship that's been going on? Are they in the dark as much as the normies or are they mostly upset at Sony? Can't read Japanese so I dunno what their opinions are.
How do the Japanese feel about PlayStation censorship right now?
they thought the Omega Labyrinth thing was a joke
Most of them don't give a damn, most of them suffer Stockholm syndrome and keeps sucking Sony's cock no matter what
Most of them have moved onto anime mobage games like adults should
>seeing fictional tits and butts is as bad as seeing people get brain damage for real
Americans are sick in the head
They probably won't care until their gachas are affected.
the only Japanese still playing on traditional consoles are boomers who only play dragon quest anyway
still thinking about ape escape 4
>be european
>think nudity is ok but violence yucky-yucky bad-bad
>rape children and behead infidels daily
What's worse is they try to force and project that mental deficiency onto other sane people.
I mean, the whole thing is pretty stupid IMO (it's a drawing, Sony). Nice to know D3 isn't taking this garbage.
The gacha is a powerful market, I know like 5 people addicted to it.
>be european
>be mad
>reply to self
Admit you're shitty country has problems and is a joke. But no keep deflecting.
stay jelly Mahmut
My shitty country has way too many problems and cannot take a joke anymore, therefore it is one.
>jelly of draconian facsict censorship
mutts have no brains do they?
>think of the young adults!
1) Censorship is nothing new for the Japanese. Mortal Kombat 11 was recently banned completely in their country. RE7, which is a Japanese game, was censored in Japan. They are much more accustomed to this
2) The games that are censored alreday sold like shit in Japan, just like anyhing that is not a first-party Nintendo game or a huge blockbuster lake Final Fantasy. The middle and niche market is dead in Japan, everyone has moved on mobile, which is why so many of these games are now trying to appeal to the West.
holy shit, MK11 was banned in japan? what the fuck
it's crazy I know, but they also give worse age rating or censor things when they're violent rather than lewd
If europe is great, why don't they make their own chan and fuck off of Yea Forums?
Blood and gore is censored in Japan
>1) Censorship is nothing new for the Japanese. Mortal Kombat 11 was recently banned completely in their country. RE7, which is a Japanese game, was censored in Japan. They are much more accustomed to this
Makes sense, the Japanese typically take things in stride.
>2) The games that are censored alreday sold like shit in Japan, just like anyhing that is not a first-party Nintendo game or a huge blockbuster lake Final Fantasy. The middle and niche market is dead in Japan, everyone has moved on mobile, which is why so many of these games are now trying to appeal to the West.
Sucks that the middle and niche market is dead, didn't know about that.
Have sex.
>he gets mad when people won't let him see fictional tits and butts because he can't get any in real life
>neptunia selling more and more with each game
>even senran kagura is selling well in japan
>niche market is dead
No thanks, but I want you to have a good day user!
Except when it’s not because Japan has civilized people.
yeah most normal people don't throw crazy hissy fits over what privately owned companies choose to do
Shhhhhh don't be mean to the Nincels. They haven't gotten anything good to play in months. Naked anime is the only thing they have to look forward to.
Why do you think Takaki left Marvelous to join Cygames ? He saw the writing on the wall, the niche console market is disappearing and games such as SK don't really much of a fanbase overseas. Meanwhile Cygames pays better and is much more ambitious
The hilarious part is that Takaki is still producer of the SK franchise, meaning that he lost nothing and gained everything, but weebs on Yea Forums are crying like he was mistreated or something
The Japanese support Sony because they have the best games.
Feed Sneed
Yeah, I guess that's why most of these companies take the word of the hissy-fitters over all the normal people. 'Cause they make the most noise.
Jews are working overtime to brainwash the next generation of Japanese into becoming as cucked as Europe.
They already infiltrated Japan's media and academia. Now it's just a matter of time.
It nothing is done, by 2020 tokyo will be in flames just like Paris.
The only game I played that I noticed had a censor light was DMC5 and I hardly care about seeing Ladys and Trishs flat white asses.
He left because snoy was censoring him.
>Why do you think Takaki left Marvelous to join Cygames
because he didnt want to deal with sony anymore, he still working in the production of the next senran game
That's the excuse he gave, yes.
>Join Cygames to not deal with Sony
>Cygames has two Sony exclusives coming out and more in the pipelines (Project Awakening)
Takaki is not a smart person isn't he ?
companies aren't your friends, they don't give a shit about what you think, they care about maximizing profits, they blindly follow the status quo and this is what the culture wants right now. If removing cleavage nets them an extra fraction of a point of sales they're going to do it
>omega labyrinth
Honestly out of all shitty weeb games that come to the west, I really really hoped for this one. Just because tits and dungeon crawlers. But thank you uk, instead of doing something against childsex in your shitty country you take the fucking weeb shit away, so you can think that you actually accomplished something.
Oh yeah, completely agree. Sucks that this is what the status quo is though. Really feels hollow.
>reply on a real fact with wet /pol/-tier fantasies
This is your brain on burgers.
Yes Mr Hiroshimoot, you tell the Baka gaijin.
Except when it's against chinese
Not so fast user. They need to learn how to shower steps
Better quality.
Nani? How odd, I can't get it to work right.
based ResetEra bringing up Nintendo into every thread
Censorship for violence isn't new in Japan, but it absolutely is for sexual content, which is what OP is asking
Back to your tranny discord
>Sonyfag trying to tell anyone else they have no games
The lack of self awareness is adorable
Yeah, I just don't get why current America desperately wants to share its insecurities with the world. Kinda hoping Japan manages to shrug this off.
How does she hold the pencil?
I'm sure she uses her limb to hold the pencil in between her other limb I've seen it before in a video where this cute Chinese lady with no hands uses her limb nubs to hold a needle for sewing