What does Yea Forums think of the current state of the Neptunia series?

What does Yea Forums think of the current state of the Neptunia series?

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>tfw keep seeing my rebirth 1 update
>turns out it always gets updates because it's active
What the hell? I thought this game would be ancient and people only played the latest which is Goddess Online. I haven't even finished Rebirth and it has new DLC already.

Glad that it's more or less gone. I want tsunako's art in better games.

They unironically fuck black guys

How do you ironically fuck a black guy?

They joke about it, but when it comes to take the heat, they bail.

>t. Nyamota

Pretty sad that they're dying desu

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I miss the side characters from actual RPGs , before they started just milking the 4 main CPUs and the CPU candidates. Makers weren't really fleshed out, but I loved MAGES. and MarvelousAQL more than the goddesses.

also with NIS not doing so well...


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MAGES feels very familiar, but I honestly have no clue still. I have her on my party right now since I don't know why she keeps appearing, but yeah. Hopefully the game explains it later.

You say no homo before giving your brotha the reach around

MAGES. is just one big shoutout to Steins Gate, as she's named after (I think) not the company that made it, but the parent company behind it.

Glad it’s coming to switch.

It's dead jim

Nep didn't tank in quality as hard as Senran did.

can't wait for them to make a videogame about our commodore goddess

doomed if IF/CH insists on making the games with the playstation in mind given the current state of affairs

I want to plow every one of the neptunia girls until they can't walk except for nepgear, she'll be forced to watch.

The games themselves are fucking boring though.

Nice tummies.

even p-ko?

Just want a new game tbqh lads.

Not enough Compa.
Will never be happy until she doesn't get at least the same amount of love as IF.

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It's actually surprising if you think about it. Senran first games were actually decent enough all things considered, while Neptunia titles were fucking hot garbage. Nowadays it's the other way around: recent nep games are somewhat decent (Megadimension is actually a good game even), and senrans managed to get worse. I wonder why that happened.

What genre would a Compa spin off bedesu?

Part of it is the story, Neptunia was irreverent from day 1, but Senran pretended to have an actual developing story at the start, so it was a derailment when they started fucking around with beaches; and the good/evil conflict became toothless

Why is it dying
What’s the studio got else to work on?

>Senran pretended to have an actual developing story at the start
It was a generic anime plot but the characters were likable enough to carry it. Everything after DC was the kind of filler you would see take up one or two missions in the earlier games and the characters turned into weird parodies of themselves.