How do you git gud at FPS games?
My aim is garbage
How do you git gud at FPS games?
Set your sensitivity down and learn spray patterns.
why would anyone want to play with that awp camp fest?
hit up the DMs and aim and shoot.
>My aim is garbage
If it's pic related, then it's actually because the game is garbage.
>there will never be a popular no AWP/auto mode
>there will never be a game with a similar premise but with gameplay more akin to the pistol/smg rounds instead of the campfest that it inevitably devolves into during later rounds
What a waste.
t. quaketards
>there will never be a game with a similar premise but with gameplay more akin to the pistol/smg rounds instead of the campfest that it inevitably devolves into during later rounds
It's called any CS other than Go.
I don't understand how people can like this game
You wouldn't last a minute in a Quake duel before having your shit thoroughly pushed in.
how can people play this game seriously
its just so fucking campy and ends up with gettong the jump on someone or praying that peeker's advantage works
i had more fun and got good at the game by just playing it like a "retard" roaming through the map constantly and going for dumb kills
also why do faggots insist on only buying the same 3 rifles the entire match
You guys are playing that game wrong.
>its just so fucking campy and ends up with gettong the jump on someone or praying that peeker's advantage works
It's pretty much hide and seek with guns.
>i had more fun and got good at the game by just playing it like a "retard" roaming through the map constantly and going for dumb kills
Yes this is the most fun, unfortunately as you start facing better people they will know how to shut it down really fast past the first few rounds.
>also why do faggots insist on only buying the same 3 rifles the entire match
Going for standard cookie cutter meta is the norm in many competitive games.
Assuming you have a mouse with a good sensor. (You can get one for like $40 bucks). Get a consistent sensitivity set up and know what it is. I say start with a 12 inch 360 and play around until you find what you like. Then stick with it to build the foundation of your aim.
Aim is just motor control it's more important that you feel confident and self assured when moving your mouse.
If you're a CS:GO player it's all about sight picture since all guns are hitscan. When aiming don't focus on killing the guy, focus on the guy and your cross hair should be a secondary focus. Once you have a proper sight picture then start firing. You have more time than you think to line up a a shot you still have to be quick though.
In all seriousness OP:
>high refresh rate monitor, and hardware/graphics settings that give you high FPS
>decent mouse, just go for any renowed brand at least
>find a sensitivity that you're comfortable with and stick with it until you build the muscle memory. You'll suck for a while but it'll improve
>remember to be mindful of where your crosshair is located, try to keep it where you expect enemies to show from
>avoid actual aim duels, work on creating advantageous positions so that the other guy DOESN'T have a chance to just out-aim you
>complaining about camping
These are things that can be used by the campers themselves as well and that require decent team coordination.
That's what Canals was for. The problem is that canals is a bad map for what it's trying to accomplish. Inside the museum area area you were better off with a shotgun or an SMG, but on site A rifle is preferable and you can absolutely get site B with rifles as well. Also Canals has the same problem Vertigo and Nuke lot's of vertical areas in a game where you have no vertical movement options.
>ALWAYS stop moving before shooting
>learn how to counter strafe and shoot
>ALWAYS aim at head level
>learn how to control the spray of your gun
>be mindful of your crosshair placement
>practice aim_botz and 128 tick DM servers
there's really nothing else to it
A lot of depth in the game comes from the strategic and tactical elements, that are mainly facilitated by the grenades.
Most players don't buy grenades and CS:GO players as a whole are very scared and passive.
I agree with you on the last point it's a mix of a lot of things. Spray patterns, map design, and player attitudes.
Players don't want to learn new pray patterns and they hate maps that encourage you to play differently. Vertigo was released and all of the pros hated it because their usual way of doing business doesn't work on that map.
People bitch about the AUG but, all Valve did was lower the price by $350 (one smoke), and once everyone in the community, especially the pros, were forced to realize that the AUG was actually a better gun than the M4 they raise the price back up to $50 below it's original price.
they NEVER changed the stats. The whole point of the Aug, is it more important to have a scope to make mid range fights easier or buy that extra nade?
Same sort of thing happened with the UMP and CZ. they were in the game for a long time and nobody knew that they were really good weapons in their niche because nobody bothered to buy them for a long time.
Valve is no longer waiting for people to figure out all of the tools in toolbox for themselves. They are now forcing players to learn the game beyond the M 4, AK , and AWP.
play osu to train muscle memory
I personally hate the Aug because of the long ass reload. The SG is a great gun though.
I think people overstate how important aim is. Learning good positioning/map control will probably do you better than just drilling raw mechanics. Set up your shots so they are easier to hit, ect. Aim is important of course, but you don't need to be a flick god to play at a mid-high level.
quake was never good
>implying valve knows how to balance cs
>releases cz-75, a gun that has stats copy-pasted from the p250 pre-nerf
>releases the r8 revolver, a gun that has stats copy-pasted from the awp
mhm. valve really knows what they are doing.
also, the people in this thread complaining about cs go being "campy" are the ones who are blowing all of the flashes, smokes, and grenades fifteen seconds in the round.
I hate all the garbage decisions Valve made to the game. I wish someone would create a promod
As if there wasn't enough unbalanced garbage.
r8 when it came out was fucking glorious
all those revolver ocelots user ...
zoom zoom away now lil' zoomie it's way past your bed time lole