Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Okay, fine. I'll go play Atelier Firis again. This game is honestly so much work. I feel like I've crafted so many items and have to find so many more. It's like a grind. I kept wondering why I was getting exhausted and it's because I'm basically doing menial work to unlock recipes.

I'm playing Atelier Lulua.
>arbitrary roadblock in the middle of chapter 4 until I have fought enough battles and synthetized enough times
Welp. Does it count the individual number of syntheses or can I synthetize one item in bulk and be done in a couple go's?

but I am

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Because Im not a homosexual gay fuck.

Sophie's cute shoes

Because I'm saving mah money for her thiccness.

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Nearly finished Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm absolutely assblasted that the heart to hearts are gated behind large amounts of affinity.

>tfw naturally max out affinity and don't even know how it works
Strangest thing about XC1 for me, but then again I just played it straight comfy and didn't look at any guides, so actually I was lost a lot of the time trying to figure out how to get better gear. Turns out not many people give you them.

I am.

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What game is this? Looks pretty cool. Never seen it before though.

Unlimited SaGa.

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The dynamic angles are really nice and the gacha attacks too.

because I speak english

But I am

>Rorona DX

Comfy switch sessions

Despite the looks the roulette is a glorified command select timing minigame, there's no RNG involved.
As far as the looks, the game holds up pretty well given how it's 16 years old, despite the limited budget they made a great work when it comes to animating things, not to mention the sound direction and great soundtrack.
It's a great game in general really, shame the west hates it and the rest of the series.

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I didn't switch characters often and even then it's not just their relationship with Shulk, but with each other.

I've not had Fiora and Melia in the same party in the same time at all which is a ball ache.

Whats a good jrpg that is like 30-40 hours long? Lately I just lose interest in games after the 25 hour mark. After a point it feels like it turns into a slog that goes on for way too long

Technically you can beat the Atelier games in that time span, but won’t 100% and get everything else. But if I can think of one, I’ll give you a shout out.

I did try playing Ayesha once but didn't really get into it, maybe I'll try again. Thanks user

>tfw 16 years ago was 2003
>that used to be a time when things weren’t old

>2003, I was 18
>my wife wasn't even born yet

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>1999 was 20 years ago

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it's funny, i've always considered jrpg's the poor man's rpg. cRPG is where it's at for me.

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What’s the appeal of cRPG? I see a lot on sale right now.

because they are boring and if you've played 5, you've played them all

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You're playing a DnD tabletop game but it's in video game form.

Because I need to study, I put DQ 11 off for the sake of studying

some people enjoy creating and role playing role playing characters in a Tolkienesque world, for others it's about min/maxing their characters to make them as powerful as possible. If there's a good story it's enjoyable in its own right.
If you're interested might I suggest Pathfinder Kingmaker, there is a general on /vg/

But I am!

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*You're playing a bastardized D&D campaign alone, with half the mechanics not working and shitty writing, but it's in videogame form*
And that's when you're actually lucky and it's not a shitty FPS with stats or a poor man's action game.

>tfw downloaded this game but haven't played it yet
Someone convince me.

>nice artstyle
>comfy settings
>cute characters
>not a typical formulaic JRPG
>genuinely surprised how good it is
>reminds me of the Dreamcast/PS2 era of JRPGs

Because I don't know which one to play.

I've never played a jrpg before until I beat SMT4 and I absolutely loved it. Im out of ideas with what to follow it up with

What do you like? Maybe that'll spring up some ideas.

what gaem?

on playing Xenogears in my phone

But I'm playing new game+ Persona 5. I didn't get all the achievements the first time.

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It's cheap and works on Steam with a PS4 controller.

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Which emulator?


But im playing Lapis Labyrinth right now.

Is it good?

Oh hell yeah. Its simple and fun combat combined with beautiful music and vanillaware inspired artstyle.

Nelke bros...

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Just make sure you put in a shield boy into your stack. He's got a good balance of attack and HP. Or at least that's what i think. I just srarted and only scratched the surface of this one. Story so far is meh but its just a blast to play.

Envision the stench, bros.

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Because Last Remnant is kicking my ass, every encounter has me starting at 0 fucking morale and I get crit for days

T-this is cute. I guess they really do get into a relationship. He's a good boy, so it's fine.


There aren't any good ones

Dug out my old PSP and put FF7 on it so I'm replaying that. Needed something I'm feeling nostalgic toward because the more recent jrpgs I've been playing haven't really done it for me.
DQXI was ok but a lot worse than other DQ games I've played. The time travel at the end also largely ruins most of the character development I liked.
Tales of Vesperia is a janky mess but I didn't get too far before I dropped it. Might go back to it later on and beat it just because I hear it gets good near the end.

>every encounter has me starting at 0 fucking morale and I get crit for days
Invest into Psionics, don't even pretend you can grind your way out of that, get a psionic user ASAP, Leshau or Torgal are good examples of that.

Just started replaying smt devil survivor 2 for the millionth time. I have a habit of replaying stuff so my backlog just gets longer and longer. I am playing ys vi but that's on pc and I mostly play handheld games.

I was going to try the tales series with tales of phantasia but when I put the eboot on my vita it wouldn't start. Can anyone provide a working link?

>japanese games

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My hero haha

What game is he working on now if Gust picked up a whole new artist for Atelier


Is that the guy that wanted smelly girl barefeet in the office?

Because I need a break from Galdera's kicking my ass.

There isn't any good jRPG that caters to my tastes. Or none that I know of.
>job/class system with possibility of character builds and optimizations
>westaboo style feeling it's trying to adapt dungeons and dragons, wizardry, might and magic dogma but with japanese apporach
>little to none moeshit, shounen anime tropes and blatant fanservice
>lotsa optional content to explore with tough bosses to hunt
Basically what I need is a spiritual successor to FFIII, FFV, DQIX, 4HOL, FFXII games.

I think that was the scenario writer for Blue Reflection.


Because they're soulless grinding simulators

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>I want a jrpg but with zero japanese flavor
Don't be such a faggot

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Do they bang? There's no way you have this in an Atelier game and they don't. It's practically the same thing.

Try Elminage, it's the closest thing you'll like based on what you want, though I don't really see why you complain about no "moeshit" or "shounen anime tropes" and then ask for a spiritual successor to some of the worst shounen anime trope filled garbage in the industry.

The SaGa games are an option too if you're really up for some /tg/ neckbeard tier gameplay, but you might not like the freeform character building or the approach to "class" based gameplay in the games that have it, let alone the rest of the mechanics.

I wish Estelle was a bit less of a cumrag with that "please fuck me senpai, but don't think lewd shit about me, baka hentai senpai!"

Either deal with the moeshit or shut the fuck up. Fanservice or "baka hentai" scenes have never stopped a great JRPG from being great, ever.

Holy shit, people actually play that game.
I need to go back to it. I dropped it and... Fuck, it was few years ago, I forgot what happened.

Playing (for a while now) The Lost Child. I'm on chapter 5, or maybe 6, and just recently found a nice way/tactic to learn skills (they activate random, like in SaGa games), so I'm building my team atm.

Unlimited has a small hardcore following of enthusiasts, it's a bit hard to find other people but we do exist.

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Is that even possible?

That's good to know.

Just like BoF Dragon Quarter, I guess. :)

You laugh about that but DQ faced hostility and received undue criticism for the same exact reasons, it's the Turn A effect really.

I actually love Dragon Quarter, but to be honest, I hated it on my 1st playthrough. Sadly, it looks like seried died. No new games, no remakes/remasters.

>but to be honest, I hated it on my 1st playthrough.
I was actually very excited with all the changes coming from the other BoF games, but I have rather uncommon tastes and don't really mind when series decide to go to the deeper ends and drastically reinvent themselves while still keeping their core elements.
Unfortunately the series is dead, but to be frank, it was never big and DQ was an entry definitely worth dying for.

P5 was shit tho, get a good game?

hint hint, the more you chain the more you gain, and the more BR stays the same.

the absolute patrician

but i am playing chrono trigger, just got the epoch bros

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Can a have 1 Wrpg that is aesthetically dreamy and soft, not boring, gritty, rough and ugly?

Yes. Back then, I wasn't a big fan of roguelike/roguelite games and DQ, while labeled as a "normal RPG", has some of those elements. 3 is still my favorite; maybe because it was my first, I don't know.
I want to replay it, but there is just too many games on my backlog.

I like p5 tho, and it is a good game.

Because they take like 80 hours? I once had the choice of playing the entirety of the Metal Gear series or just Persona 4 and my friends told me that I could probably get through the whole series in the time it would take to get through one persona game. Now many years later after having completed both I have to say, they were not joking.

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You may like it, but a good game it

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There's a lot of JRPGs with a 30-40 hours completion mark or less, just avoid normaltrash and moviegames.

> (You)
How long on average do the Atelier games take, I've got a bunch downloaded on PS3 and have been meaning to try them for years

One playthrough is about 25hours

I am playing one

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wow I fucked that up

pick one

not too bad then, I will have to look into actually playing them, thanks user

but i am!

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Do they games even get translated

In my shitty country? yes

Playing DQ11
but no nip voice option is fucked

>Can a have 1 Wrpg that is aesthetically dreamy and soft

You're either a woman or gay.

Thanks for agreeing.

You're either a preteen or extremely insecure.

Get the switch version.

I was under the impression they were 80 hour slog fests and my mind boggled at how there's 30 of them.

>80 hour slog fests
Only if you want to be a super autismo and do literally everything and the post game bosses.

so, Fable?

I bought Star Ocean 3 on PS4 but it keeps randomly crashing.

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>buying PS2 ports

They're just so fun you lose track of time.

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Why was it reviewed so badly?

Saga games are inherently anti-casual and pretty confusing
>Die to a boss and decide to "level up" a bit?
>lol scaling now you are even more fucked

Dunno, but if you like video games you should be aware that game reviews are completely meaningless

Yeah but when literally everyone gives it 3/10...

>Compile heart game
At the risk of sounding really dumb, is it shit?

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>Extremely exotic mechanics even for the series' standards
>A SaGa game, so as anti casual and user unfriendly as it can possibly be
>Structured like a dungeon crawler based on tabletop standards, so zero visual spectacle whatsoever outside of fights, which kills the casual even harder
>Usual fragmented narrative and lore before Dark Soul made it cool
>Actually forces you to learn the mechanics and intricacies of the system without holding your hand
This is about the gist of it, Unlimited is the ultimate casual filter in a series notorious for being a casual filter.

If you think that provides any sort of indication of a game's quality, you're probably better off avoiding good jrpgs. Perhaps you could try dragon quest or chrono trigger?

Fair enough, but if you get what I mean with the general pacing of JRPG's. That actually makes a lot of sense now.

it's pretty good

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Based Firis and RO2 player.

Look alive lads, we're barely 100 posts in.

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>game has an actual combination attack
Literally too advanced for its time.

It was also one of the only games with functional gods and god mechanics that make sense, even though they arguably perfected the system with the SaGa 2 remake on the DS.
Then again, SaGa games are usually a decade ahead of the rest of the industry in that sense, and they get bad reviews for that too.

At least the series is still alive though, can't say the same for my other favorite series like Uncharted Waters.

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what's better, UW2 or costa del sol?

Granted that I have a very soft spot for UW2 because it's the game that introduced me to the series, I think that both are good for some things.
UW2 has more protagonists and therefore campaigns than Costa Del Sol, but it lacks some features like land travel, conversely, Costa Del Sol has a tiny bit more depth for certain roleplaying options like marriages but it lacks the overall bigger scope of UW2, in that sense it feels more similar to Artdink's Neo Atlas, as more of a explorer simulation game than a RPG hybrid, not that it's a bad thing, Neo Atlas is great too, but it's a pretty different approach from UW's usual design.
I personally end up preferring UW2, I like having more and more defined MCs with better interactions, Costa Del Sol's characters aren't as defined and there's only 2 of them iirc.

I'd also really like to get my hands on a Rota Nova ISO, it's supposedly really good, but UW is so niche even in japan it's hard as fuck to find anything.
Talking about KOEI's stuff, I think we're nearing the release for the Zill O'll Infinite+ patch too, that's something people should keep an eye on.

Is this a sequel to another game?

It doesn't run on my toaster and I've heard complains from people with supercomputers about the lack of graphics options, should work find on most middle-of-the-line pcs


Is this a jarpig? I'm gonna play it soon, any tips?

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playing through octopath and im not sure if it's too repetitive in that the chapters are all basically the same. i really like the overall aesthetic though

No, it's an Assault Suit Valken ripoff.
It's decent outside of the unnecessary RPG mechanics though, so do play through it, it's the only FM spinoff worth playing.

I am playing through tales of vesperia for the first time, just got through the awful desert region. Judith is best girl.

Would you say it's worth picking up full price

Just play it with no voice like intended.

Play Nocturne


That's MMO. In JRPG you have to actually strategize the entire battle to beat them.

Also a giant health bar you fucking mongoloid

Does the Yakuza series even count? I guess it doesn't, it is more action oriented.
Anyways I am playing through Yakuza 3, shit is good but it is near identical to Yakuza 2 in terms of gameplay.
I love the phone blogposting to discover new moves.

Fable TLC is literally the ugliest video game ever made. Fables 2 and 3 are aesthetically pleasing, but utter trash as actual games.

This is too long for you?

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What happened to niggerfaggots? It's always one or the other these days

What the fuck. I didn't know Ys was a shoot em up.

chad taste

Stuck at work

I'm playing FFT. Sort of a JRPG, I guess. I like how much customization there is in terms of jobs and skills, but it feels like a game that is exponentially more fun to replay than it is your first time through.

Get well soon.

It's actually a bumping car RPG.

Thanks user

Does MHW count as a JRPG to you guys?

I'll take it.

This is in my top 5 tbqh

I need to get back to Ys 2, but areas feeling like a maze from the beginning really turned me off.

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I've got this game and Yea Forums never talks about it, so I just never end up playing it.

>Pokemon UltraMoon
>trying to get to 50 wins in Battle Tree but keep getting fucked by RNG sets

>Labyrinth of Refrain
>that dark magical fantasy atmosphere is comfy as fuck for me right now

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because i feel like i've played the good ones already, event though i know i'm wrong.
what should i play? need suggestions. no final fantasy or SMT. i think tales is childish garbage. i think anime shovelware is garbage.
i've never given a breath of fire game a real chance. i've also heard of golden sun. are those in the same tier [generally] as the good final fantasy or SMT games? because i can't help but compare every JRPG i play to "the classics", and in doing so, find them inferior & derivative of those very classics, which makes me want to stop playing them and just play FFVII or whatever for the billionth time.
the only reason i ask is because sometimes you have to trudge through the boring beginnings of JRPGs to get the ball rolling and i just want to know what's worth playing.

Tell me more about it, I thought it was neptunia-tier trash.

playing DQ11 rn bout to fight calasmos any tips?

star ocean 4 is better

I won't call them good or bad but you seem like you would like the kind of guy who would hate stuff like atelier, ys, valkyrie profile, SaGa, radiant historia, yggdra union, etc.
You might like stuff like suikoden, chrono trigger, breath of fire, lunar, dragon quest, legend of dragoon, panzer dragoon saga, bravely default, etc

How long is the game?

ni no kino 2 was great

Alright Yea Forums, my sister is genuinely in love with me and will do literally anything I ask her to, so, I want her to cosplay as cute characters for me, which is the best Atelier girl? If she looks really nice I might share some pictures

Totori is best girl but you should pick an outfit based on her body type, if she's a fatty then totory would be the worst possible option.

Suelle of course.

thanks for the suggestions!
loved valkyrie profile, never played radiant historia but was interested in it at some point. i played bravely default too, and despite liking FF5, found BD to missing something. felt like it lacked a soul in a sense.
i'm thinking of trying BoF IV since i own it, but there are a few others there i haven't tried that i'll look into. thanks again
is the 1st worth playing? i've had it since forever but don't remember playing much more than 20 minutes of it.
i found both to be kind of boring. i kept playing because i thought it'd "click" at some point - and i LIKED both - just not enough to finish either.

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The game has seven main characters that all come with their own campaign, some character's campaign are shorter than others, like in Judy's case, while others are pretty long, like Mythe's or Ruby.
Like all SaGa games, 90% of the content is optional, the main quest is pretty short and unless you're VERY good at the game, it won't be enough for you to beat the the game, as the last bosses in the series do not fuck around.
Unlike a lot of other JRPG series which come with optional superbosses, SaGa's final bosses are the real deal, the entire game culminates in boss battles that test everything you know about the game and Unlimited not only has a really fucking strong final boss, it has a personal main antagonist for all the main characters, which means all main characters end up fighting something different AND the final boss in a boss rush, AND the final boss inherits the signature tech of the main antagonist of each campaign.

Technically, the game takes from around 80 hours to 150+ to fully beat depending on how good you are and how fast you learn, NG+ does come with some goodies to make successive playthroughs a bit easier though, given you understood the various systems at work.
Expert players can speedrun a campaign in 2 hours or so, average players will probably need around 20 to 40 hours for a campaign depending on what they want to do.
Mind that unlike the recent Octopath which shares a similar design with multiple protagonists, in SaGa games you protagonist choice actually matters, and each protagonist's campaign is different from other characters', not only because of their stories, but because you have access to different places, quests, characters and so on.

tl;dr: It's not a game for people who cannot dedicate some time to it.

No, she's pretty slim, she weighs around 40kg

Just got this game and about to play it. What am I in for?

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I dunno it depends on hair color, hair length, breast size, etc. Why not go with your own favorite atelier girl? You do play these games right?

i remember the battle system being convoluted, and the world/characters to be dull as fuck despite the interesting as fuck premise of the game's story. though it has been a while since i played it.
i was also expecting more music nerd stuff, but it's all surface level shit like naming things arbitrarily with music various terminology.
felt like there was a ton of wasted potential with this one, because at the end of the day, it felt like a horribly generic anime JRPG.

it's fun and has a really cool battle system, but don't play it unless you have the patience for long vn-style cutscenes.

Barely, the time system drives me nuts, I just think the girls are cute.
Blonde, to her neck, barely anything

Firis doesn't have Cornelia. Cornelia was a godsend since you didn't need to craft the same fucking basic items every time you ran out of them.
The Cornelia doll was nice and all but it simply wasn't the same as the actual Cornelia.

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ni no kino 1 in my opinion is probably even better in certain aspects

1.studio ghibli actually made cut scenes that i missed in 2

2.the combat system is completely different so you might prefer it.

that eternal sonata? very based and red-pilled.

Do Japanese SPRGs count?

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people hated the reel system. also, supposedly japan got a way better manual with the game than the west did, which actually explained how the gameplay worked, and the game was made with the assumption that everyone was reading that version of the manual.

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I have never actually played Neptunia so I suppose idk about that, but it has a battle system reminiscent of Grandia 2, really customizable party members, and I just thought it was really quite fun

That's a lot of time you've got on your hands. Did you enjoy L&S the most?

Having Sophie and Firis it's what keeps me going back to the game again and again. L&S's Firis is god tier.

Closest I can think of but not the most striking character design.

Not all the atelier games have time limits (and it's hardly an issue in the games that do have it) so consider giving the series another try someday.

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what game is it any why is it good

>like anime
>like lolis
>like cookie clickers
>hate jrpgs

Imagine being limited only to video games that Yea Forums discusses.


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There's no point in playing other games that aren't discussed, it's like wasting lifespan.

The game is great, you just don't have a lot of freedom to do things your way. Don't expect much customization.

Guardian Recall on the PS1. If Jojo were a SRPG then this game would be it since everyone had their own unique guardian with it's own special abilities and if the guardian goes down so does the user. It's a bit easy, but that's partly because I'm just focusing on beating the game instead of going for a perfect run since doing a perfect run involves doing some tricky shit. Also nearly everybody is a cute girl. Needless to say you'll need to know Japanese if you want to play it.

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Behold, it's a normalfag that wandered out of its natural habitat. Observe how he doesn't actually enjoy playing games and only does so for the sake of social interaction. Fascinating.

yeah i have the exact opposite opinion as that other guy. fable 1 is the only good fable.

Are all the characters cute girls?

The japanese manual isn't really much better than the western one, there's maybe a few tidbits more but it's not really that much of a difference as japanese fans were also struggling to understand the game's admittedly too weird mechanics this time around.
In hindsight, releasing a better manual would have probably made the game a tiny bit more friendly, but the big paradigm shift would have still hit hard, especially in the west were the series never took off.

On the other hand, there's people who admittedly like to decipher the games on their own and Unlimited excels on this point, if you're looking for an old school experience where you really need to take pen and paper and also carefully observe the game's behaviour, Unlimited is the peak of the series together with MS, for better or worse.
It's also arguably Hamauzu's greatest work, I've never heard any of his other works being this varied and high quality, he really went wild with it, and SaGa Frontier 2 was already incredible, he really gave Itoken a run for his money with Unlimited.

Yuuko a best

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are you sure about that
the exact opposite opinion would be TLC is aesthetically pleasing but trash as a game while 2 and 3 are ugly

Some of the gaurdians are buff dudes. There is also a guy that can join your team, but he's a hidden character you have to go out of your way to get. He also has zero relevance on the plot even if you do get him. Aside from that everybody, even the enemy grunts you beat up are girls.

Though Yuuko is great the real best girl is Akira. It's impossible for anyone who loves Tokusatsu as much as she does to not be the best.

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I think the only time I looked at someone with real disgust is when a co-worker of mine told me I should watch GoT because even if you don't like it you have to pay attention to these kinds of popular things to have discussions with lots of people about it.

The soul is radiating.

that's retarded. forcing yourself to play a game you don't like because it's being discussed is a way bigger waste of time than playing something you enjoy that doesn't get discussed.

i've never watched game of thrones, but judging from how pissed all my friends and coworkers were about the last season, it sounds like i made the right decision to avoid it like the plague. that grognard shit just isn't for me.

What's the point in enjoying it if no one else understands it? It's like having done nothing all the same. You do nothing and no on else understands it anyways. You do something they understand, we connect. A bond.

I love Rom SaGa 1 and 2 but I just can't get into this game.

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Why does someone need to understand it? You play video games because it's fun retard.

Because I'm not an autistic 12 year old

People who care about movies/paintings/music etc will engage with stuff they don't like just to stay up on the state of the medium and surrounding conversation. Games are no different.


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Fuck off normalfag

No, that's what socialites do. People who genuinely enjoy a medium will do everything they can to become a creator of said medium.

It's more like you like too much and playing those that are relevant is more of a worthy path than irrelevant dead games that no one talks about and you gain very little from otherwise like mobage.

Playing with sticks in the mud can be fun too, but you’ll look like a mad man.

You're the only stick in the mud I see right now.

Too much pop'n not enough time.

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Slow down there, you'll get fat.

I don't like them.

I just started Grandia 2. It's fun so far, but going backwards after 3 feels super weird.

Was 3 good? Why did you play 3 first?

Were the Arland DX games censored on PS4? Please respond. I played the original PS3 releases long ago but want to replay them. There actually pretty tame games but I just want to make sure.


>Was 3 good?
I liked it. The battle system is downright amazing but story is ridiculously cheesey.
>Why did you play 3 first?
I picked up a copy at GameStop because I thought it looked cool. They didn't have any copies of 2.

Thats what I thought but had to make sure because of the way Sony has been lately.

I'm playing P2:IS and P4G at the moment, the only reason I'm continuing P4 is because I don't want my friend to surpass me since we're both playing the game, really fun. The amount of npc and party dialogue in Persona 2 amazes me, everytime a new event occurs all of the characters comment on it.

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FACT: JRPGs peaked in the late 90s and have not been good since

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Maya a cute

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FACT: You are a nostalgiafag

Please recommend some JRPGs where i can romance the cunny character(s)

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What game is the peak then?

Non meme answer: Criminal Girls

This version?

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FACT: Grownup Sue was a miracle of the universe.

Shit is Lydie good? I enjoy Sophie and Firis quite a since they are my first atelier since the ps2 Gust era.

Just finished Xenoblade Chronicles. How beefy a computer do I need to emulate Chronicles X?

Attached: best girl.png (1920x1048, 2.41M)

Just buy a used Wii U or wait to see if they announce the remaster this E3.

I binge played through the trails in the sky trilogy the last few weeks, feeling kinda burned out, but want to continue with trails to zero from the crossbell duology. I just need to start it, then I'll get sucked right in I assume, but for now I haven't started it, due to burn out

you'll need the latest Alienware hardware my dude

I'm pondering if there will be a remaster as well.
i5 4690k, and a gtx 1060 may be scraping it

We're only 10 days away, so you may as well wait, just in case.

Because while they are often pretty fun, they insist on having never-ending dialogue that is absolutely painful to read on top of mandatory tutorials that span hours. It fascinates me that people play Fire Emblem, Persona and Atelier.

>having ADHD

>never-ending dialogue
I fucking wish.

As long as it runs better than XBC 2.

Ciro is that you?

I remember playing unlimited saga, pretty hard to learn when the internet wasn't a thing. I tries giving it a shot again but it feels too dated for me now.

>my wife wasn't even born yet
>16 years ago

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That's a objective improvement over the original. Chapter 24x is a fucking awfully designed piece of shit.

Mary Skelter or Labyrinth of Refrain, weebophiles?

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The Labyrinth.

I want Ryza already...

Soon user. Pray there are no delays.

That’s a big burger

She's actually just small.

Big burger for a small girl

She can turn big technically.

She can turn my peepee into the big peepee too.