Where were you when nintendo saved us from the shithole known as california?



Where were you when nintendo saved us from the shithole known as california?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you should have used the part where her boobs are already so big, they broke out of her shirt, for the bottom image

Just waiting for the paycheck to hit

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She looks like she fucks niggers

>post yfw you bought a switch

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no thanks game looks like shit anyways. I can just fap to my anime girls on danbooru

>being proud of buying a consumer product

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Cope harder sony friend

I was always hoping it would become the new Vita but I never imagined Sony would be instrumental in making it happen.


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What did they mean by this marketing? Is it supposed to be successful? How does winning over Yea Forums make it successful? Is it because of animeposters?

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Is the game getting an official release in NA or should I just buy it on the eshop?

I never imagine in a million years nintendo would become so based

English Asian release

It's unlikely that it will since it's getting an English Asia release, but it's not impossible. You might want to at least wait until the would-be western publisher (PQube) clarifies its standing in the matter.

>doesn't know how to apply the cope meme
back to facebook boomer

I'm not a consolefaggot like you losers

S e e t h i n g

>tfw Hong Kong bootlegs are relevant again

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What'd we do?

Thanks for the response, not a big deal if I need to buy an asian copy just wanted to know.


Do Californians really lack this much self-awareness?

Shame that the gameplay is fucking garbage.

> Tripfag

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You can't really make us feel bad for being better than you, but I don't keep up with weeb stuff so I was curious. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing.

You're hated all over the world though.
It ain't about superiority, you're shite.

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We see what we want to, user.

Is it ethical for me to purchase a gay anime game just because I hate censorship?

fuck it after so many games go woke and get broke I hope this one does well just by triggerng the SJW.
Just preordered

Nah, the world loves us. It's really only the poorer states that have an issue with us.

The Asia language release sold by a Hong Kong website doesn't send a message to Nintendo of America or Sony

> World loves us
I'm not from the US and I sure as hell hate your state and almost everyone that crawls out of it.

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Must be lonely.

California proves how good the diversity is to a comunity, People who go there no matter tha race lose all good values his original culture had but in exchange gain all bad traits from every other culture they iteract whit!

>air pollution
that's caused by boomers though, not niggers. Now, you could have mentioned the crime rate in (((diverse))) shitholes like LA or San Diego or SF if you wanted to make a point

>the world loves us.

Why should I bother with something that's common knowledge ?
It's a piece of article anyway.

unironically just ordered 3 copies. one for me two for people I know who argue in favor of censorship. hope they enjoy titties cuz i know they like mystery dungeons and animal crossing likes

holy fucking basedman

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Game looks kind of boring.

dude 420 lmao that video

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Protip: California SJWs/Liberals are American Right Wing talking points 101

you guys order from playaisa? they say have a business address?

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give some credit to pqube as well

World here, fuck you and I hope you burn in your state's next fire.

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SJW are obnoxious, conservatives are worse.

I've always known Californians are delusional but you can't honestly believe this lmao


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>tfw gave money to Sony years ago when I bought a PS4 specifically for niche Japanese games
I feel raped. Sony deserves to burn for their censorship policy.

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Thanks for proving my point about conservatives.

>asian release has english translation
i think this should be the common procedure for all these kind of games, it completely removes the middle man being ESRB and PEGI so people who are really interested in the game can just import it no problem
anyway, im pre-ordering ASAP, getting fucked snoy cucks

>own a switch
>preordered OL Life
Fuck kusony.
Fuck California.
Fuck resetera trannies.
And fuck niggers.

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>MFW I stuck with Nintendo and bought whatever niche Japanese that came out to try and help cultivate the market.
Just need to see more of these games published in the west.

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Is that the game where girls explore dungeons and progressively grow larger breasts?

Sure thing buddy, you've got a lot of heroin to shoot up before taking a dump on the sidewalk and passing out in a tent under a bridge. We'll let ya get back to your busy day.

>Asian English version
>Sending back garbage to the west
>A call to get Asian currency to be peg on gold instead of dollar
Based Asia, I hope it fucks over those puritanical shitheads in the west.

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I have nothing against playstation fans, but fuck Sony and their shit ass policies. Glad I sold my ps4

the last game i bought for the switch was labyrinth of refrain and thats a fucking vita port

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Based Sony killing weeb garbage

So why are asian english games getting more popular?

Vita was the last good thing sony made and they killed it with their own hands because it was too Japanese for California

Have sex.

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You think all of California is skidrow?

You do understand that we have systematically quarantined our undesirables, right? We've even segregated by color, with the white trash in the central valley and everybody else in the unused parts of cities. Hell, the only reason we stopped there is because the Nazis went and ruined eugenics for everybody (we were doing it first).

Honestly, it just sounds like jealousy to me.

>Stopped buying PS4 games
>Kept PS4 on 5.05 for piracy
>Now just waiting for new hacks to come along

Not that there's even much I want to play really.

A single state in America having this much control over a multi-billion dollar global industry is just absurd.

Because of SJWs trying to censor tits and ass.

They killed it because not only was it overpriced you couldn't even use sd cards and use their shit which was $50 for fucking 30gb

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>Thanks for the response, not a big deal if I need to buy an asian copy just wanted to know.
Sony has mandated that no region can skirt around the new censorship policies and release a version of a game that differs in content. If a game is too lewd for America, then it's too lewd to release anywhere.

I’m from the world and I hate each and every one of you

>Sony winning so hard with PS5 and Death Stranding all Nincels can do is masturbate to drawings


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>type in LoR into google
>Nintendo out-numbers Sony be leagues

>being better

You are literally the laughing stock of the US more so than West Virginia and Alabama and our country is the laughing stock of the world, have some self-awareness.

>Nah, the world loves us. It's really only the poorer states that have an issue with us.
You don't speak for all of California, city slicker. Trump got votes in California, there are conservative pockets everywhere in every state.

>Death Streaming also available on various video platforms
Based kojimbo

>tfw own a PS4 and a Switch
>tfw can play your exclusives while also playing the uncensored versions you don't get
>tfw also have a gaming PC for anything otherwise

Must be sad being a cuck.

Bend over.

California is heavily conservative actually, it's places like San Fran and LA that skew the rest of the state. They're literally Sodom & Gomorrah basically, can't wait until God casts meteors and earthquakes down on your shit asses.

Born in raised in Sonoma which is white and redneck as fuck. Not as red as the valley, but what are you gonna do? I'm almost impressed that you know how red our state is geographically, but just like you have this weird assumption that we're all in the inner city.

The vast majority of us aren't.

playing non-h rpgmaker shit

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Fucking this, SF/LA ruin the entirety of the state.

Nah you can keep your junkies, spics, and niggers. Also you're a terrible liar, California looks like The Division games.


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I'd argue, but honestly anything that helps to keep you out is a good thing.

I don't remember the animation being this fucking smooth

Hope they improve the AI a little bit, sometimes it was a bit mindless

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>probably costs less in licensing than an official NA/PAL release
>can get away with shitty machine translations
>no dub necessary
>no snoy censoring
Take a guess.

Yeah, the rural areas, the ones that just suck up funds and contribute little. You can rail against the cities all you like, but they're where the money gets made. All those social safety net programs you scram about? You're the recipients of that help. Look up states that pay more into fed taxes than they receive, overwhelmingly liberal. Blue states pay for Red states to continue existing at a modern level.

>you have this weird assumption that we're all in the inner city.
You gave off that impression with your elitist comment about "poorer" states not liking California. You sounded just like a city slicker who couldn't care less what happens outside all the major tech hubs like LA, San Fran, Portland, and Seattle.

Death Stranding was literally cringe, how the fuck do people like this hack work? It's been a while since I cringe through entire fucking trailer.

>b-but we're based Trumptards!
And you didn't get a wall anyway, so more spics and heroin for your dump of a state. Are ya winning yet?

Nah, you faggots need to stay put in your shithole, you're fucking up the surrounding states with your faggotry.

Yea Forums is unironically a shit ton of people
Yea Forums is not 1 person faggot

Maryland here, you're shit faggot, kill yourself.

I hope all you faggots fucking burn
Love from Leafland

I don’t even think Nintendo is based
Sony just became retarded

Switch and PC is literally all you need.

Playstation has no fucking benefits now, NONE.

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I’m gonna buy the switch version, and if it comes to America officially I’ll fucking buy it again.

>sony gets a new game labyrinth life
>tendies have a vita port
Putz grila.

Oops meant to quote My bad, the hate blinded me.

You know what, I might do the same. I was going to do it for OLZ as well but yeah, things happened.

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>Sony gets a run down and heavily censored version
>Switch version plays and runs the exact same other than 4k, isn't uncensored, and is portable


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You actually quoted a different post by the same person. You can take back your sorry.

Yes, our money and technological advances sure are ruining all the sister fucking and cross burning you're trying to do.

Oh, no. We're rich as fuck outside of the cities, friend. Tech money is new money here; silicon valley's only a slice of our wealth. You've got some weird preconceptions.

The wall is and always was a stupid idea. Modernizing and actually funding our border s got bogged down in a conversation about physically barring access to deserts that nobody was bothering to cross.

>we don't want you
>yeah, well stay there!


>some absolute faggot defending California in this thread
This is new Yea Forums.
Resetera and Tumblr think they have a place here.
It makes me want to go back in time so badly.

thats because they hired James Baxter for that scene since their animators are too inept

You misunderstand, Nintendo is taking on that place now

Oh baby. Breast expansions is nice and all, but I'm in for the hot and cute underwear.

>Suck up funds
>Farming is a major money maker
>Or at least it was till L.A. decided to start sucking up water.
I think the worst thing growing up was watching the docks go 20+ feet above water level because you faggot can't get your own water.

What is your opinion of the lolis stretching bra? It's pretty fucking tight at Z size

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I'm sure I've been here longer than you.

Yeah, definitely, but you can't tell me you aren't excited for the day we finally turn off the pumps getting all that water over the grapevine.

>the cope meme
Fuck off, meme supreme

>You do understand that we have systematically quarantined our undesirables, right?
>Tenderloin and SoMa are literally shitfields smack dab in the financial and tech district of SF
>multiple blocks of druggies in tents living in the middle of DTLA, just minutes away from the Staples Center
You can't bullshit me, I lived in SF for 3 years, LA for 5, and still living in the east bay now

WHOA NOW, we have PS4 fans in here, be respectively of their choices.

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>Oh, no. We're rich as fuck outside of the cities, friend. Tech money is new money here; silicon valley's only a slice of our wealth. You've got some weird preconceptions.

Are you trying to be obnoxious? Defend California all you want, but leave yourself out of it if you want to be taken seriously, otherwise you sound arrogant.

You haven’t. You weren’t even alive in 2006

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You know what it probably REALLY is? Some faggot baiting and Yea Forums being chock full of stupid fucking shits all fall for it.

Have sex weebs.

what's the game even about?

What? Me being Californian is literally what this conversation is about.

Tragically, I was just about to finish up high school and already here.

Shots fired

Mystery Dungeon with boobs.

Oh dear

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Please be respectively of the lesser humans of California and Sony, thank you.

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Damn she is pretty attractive.

So you're saying I have a chance?

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Whoa user, you can't go posting that around

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Fixed for Sony friends, because women are powerful business fiends.

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so you get to see nipples or just cocktease .jpg that you can download from google?

>What? Me being Californian is literally what this conversation is about.
You being the reason why people hate California is what this conversation is about. Stop talking, you're insufferable.

>no nipples
Korean lewd games are superior.

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California isnt that bad

and by california, i mean the northern part, in the towns that are mostly white people

anything south may as well be mexico, not california

Go outside.

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Where’s her hijab? This whore is showing the world her sinful hair.

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Please user, its the current year, its not legal to own niggers anymore

>I.. I didnt want it anyway!

She was the other new girl from original to Z, liked her as well. She was in the quest for the grail to get her wish granted which was to get smaller boobs. In the end she was satisfied with her big boobs anyway

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Bold to call yourselves people.

Honestly I moved away from California to the mid-west back in 2014. I go back every other year because my dad still lives out there and every time I do it gets worse and worse. Last time I went to visit all the Avacado Orcharded were stumped as far as the eye could see because they simply couldn't keep them watered. Just to hear people complain why Avacado prices went up.

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Please user, you're scaring the Californians.

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damn, I miss being like the only brown guy in my town. people would greet me and smile and were always stopping by the porch to chat and knew my name.

now my town is 90% pajeet who cant speak English and all segregate themselves socially to their own family circle. Feels like a fucking ghost town now, I fucking miss the white people.

If California's so great then tell your buddies to get the fuck out poorer states like Idaho

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go back

This thread is fucking gold.

>Live in an age where 3D graphics can look extremely flawlessly anime

>Multi million dollar company then proceeds to just take some sprites and tween the mouthes and tits for a presentation

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You sound nice. But in reality, leave us alone because I want my grand daughters to look white like me with blond hair. I can't have the poo genes coming in.

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Yeah, it's a travesty but with any luck the problem's self-correcting. The cities are becoming inhospitable to the bulk or the tech workforce, and once they start fleeing for more liberal pastures we might actually get voters who remember where our bread comes from. Or maybe not. Who knows?

I don't think I've ever met a single person in my life who has even been to Idaho. Please understand that you care about us a great deal more than we care about you. Most of us barely remember you exist.

Sony won.

I've only been up to Humboldt once. That shit felt like a different state to me.


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Still holding onto the hope that you won't reach wizard status?

>switch already at 20% after being put barely 2 years
Nice, but sales does not a good console make. Think about how many people own iphones.

Won what, an imaginary contest fans made up? Until Nintendo and Microsoft are gone they've won nothing.

Fuck sony. PS4 will be my last playstation

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Should've made the bar graph a penis

>Nintendo that high with a fraction of the time

LOL, sonyfags on suicide watch if it continues

Sony already shot themselves with the censor garbage. Now we just watch it bleed out.

She is right tho, fuck sony and their shit censorship fuck California and the sjw trannies. If they keep censoring everything in 2020 too when the ps5 drops I will not buy it.
t. Ps4 pro owner and I do not have switch

Being willfully oblivious to the unsubtle distaste for you displayed by various anons in this thread speaks volumes of your character. You refuse to correct your obnoxious behavior. If we were living in a tribal society, you'd get cast out to live with the beasts.

Sony anons would have had a meltdown and had to call their moms.

Fun fact, Sony only looks at that graph as 77.6mil sales lost, which is true.

Cute power fantasy.

Japanese pixel mosaics

roasties are gross, 2d pureness > 3d shit

If only Ps3 never existed...

Anons be kind, PS4 fans can't form arguments if this is all they see.

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>I went to visit all the Avacado Orcharded were stumped as far as the eye could see because they simply couldn't keep them watered.
Climate change and a historic drought would do that.
The fact that Republicans refuse to recognize climate change is a major problem And the Department of Energy is now calling fossil fuels 'Freedom Gas' or are straight out deniers of science, out of ignorance or greed, is what's going to make the next drought even worse.

Democrats would do the same shit, they'd call it Liberating Fuels. Politics are trash regardless.

based Hong Kong

fuck kusony and California

California is the best state honestly places like San Diego are dreams for me.
North California is nice as well. There's more to the state than sf and la but ofc flyover states dont know that lol.
t. valley person

I can only guess there is no unfogged CGs?

Northern California should become the Nevada panhandle. Cascadia is gay.

Yeah, we're defending the rest of the red state, not SF and LA.

climate change is real but not a problem. 20 years ago we were told the end in 20 years because of it. It's not catastrophic. But keep favoring "science" over reality.

We've been told the end of the world was coming for the last 6000 years, hell the Doomsday Clock was at 2 min back in 1958 like it is now. People overact, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon unless someone nukes us all.

lol good ol play asia, fuck California

Say what you will about Apple's shitty laptops and walled garden philosophy, but Iphones are legitimately good phones.

To this very day, I've never bought a PS4 from first party. First one that clunked out on me was literally in the trash. Second one I bought off eBay. Between this and having to pay for online access, I'm not planning on getting a PS5 or even dealing with consoles much after this.

Humans lived through the Ice Age, I think we'll be fine.

Not when you can buy the exact equivalent barring a handful of camera pixels for hundreds of dollars less.

>Mics aimed directly at her titties

They're holding up her massive tits clearly.

Unlike the actual wizards here, I have sex. Have sex.

My greatest problem these days is I didn't realize this until I was older. So now I don't want to break the heart of my less attractive Asian-fu who loves me. I've told her I want white children but with tears in her eyes she doesn't understand why she cannot have me. She is a good person and worth marrying, but should I breed with her we will have ugly babies because she is an unattractive girl but truly a kind person.

It's a very sad thing user. So rather than just have sex... have sex responsibly. Never succumb to niggerdom. I met three niggers in university and among my friends we all used condoms or at the very least pulled out. The three niggers I met and ate with all came inside their girls cause.. "I just gotta I can't control it man."

God I hate niggers.

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half asian girls are actually pretty damn attractive actually, also why the fuck does your kid being attractive matter to you? Are you planning to bang them user? Pedo.

As a proud Sonychad, I'm glad Nintendo is getting all the weeb games and I'm glad too that niche japanese companies are moving to Nintendo. We don't need them and we don't need the weeb audience anymore, we grew up. Real japanese companies like Fromsoft, Atlus, Capcom, etc. will still make games for us, atleast those companies are actually trying to revolutionize the industry and not releasing the same pathetic and cringy kawaii uguu "games" that incel weeb virgins like so much

Bottom of the barrel dogshit, delete yourself you pathetic weeb pleb.

I didn't say they weren't overpriced for what they are, but they're still good phones. I would never pay more than 600 for a phone, though, and it seems like this will become the trend now that phone development has stagnated and Mid-range phones have caught up feature-wise to high-end phones from a couple years ago.

>'It's not a problem!'
>But we had some of the most severe weather, like hurricanes on record in the past decade, doesn't that give you pause it's getting worse?
Sticking your head in the sand and saying nothing can be done because it's not currently affectedly you directly is equally bad.

Same thing with Sony's censorship, if you want to stop that, don't buy games on their systems and support devs like D3

kill yourself

>when those companies realize everyone is moving to Nintendo because of their lack of censorship and Japanese audiences

You don't realize how business works in Japan at all, they only give a fuck about Japanese people, who will move to Nintendo because of weeb games.

Half Asians are a crapshoot. For every one that you see is a 10/10, there are tons of awkward looking 2/10s where the genetics led to facial features that didnt mesh well

user, iPhones are like $1100, certainly not the trend. You can buy an equivalent Moto for like $300.
I stick my head in the sand because I'll survive just fine and don't live near any natural disasters. Your fault for living near that shit.

The only thing I like about living in this dystopian shithole is they force companies to cash out unused PTO, so when I quit my job because I saw the writing on the wall with the sheer amount of H-1B Visa workers they were hiring to replace the guys they were laying off, so I got all the PTO my boss would never let me take off in cash to pay for the rent that's reaching 2k+.

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because I want what is best for them and for them to not grow up to be resentful lefty cunts. A tonne of fat ugly resentful little shits become lefty cunts and I won't stand for that niggardly behavior. If anything if I knew my children were going to be mooches and leeches on society I would do the proper thing and dash their heads against the rocks as a good father should.

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Watching Inconvenient Truth now is fucking hilarious

That's a fault of the parents, be a better parent and you won't have that problem. I know tons of ugly ass non-leftists, hell some are more /pol/ than /pol/. Raise your kids right and they won't fall victim to stupidity.
Asians all look the same, so it sounds like a problem on your end.

Came for the indies
stayed for the indies

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>Seething flyovers mad at California
Every single fucking day. Just because you can't get your borderline child porn.

Also, Asian men and Half Asian men aren't attractive usually. It's rather rare.

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>tfw you stole your switch and PS4 and hacked them both

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>He thinks it's just about natural disasters won't affect things both in resources and geopolitics.
You're the real reason America is shit.
No better than Sony really.

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*borderline child porn and generic anime fapbait that you could find for free online, my bad.

>Asians all look the same
Hey, if you think your 2/10 asian is a 10/10, good for you. I'll keep my standards

fuck you white supremacist


>clear grown ass women
>borderline childporn
>says one of the stats notorious for having child molesters and rapists in positions of power in the hills


I don't own a Switch but more Japs need to tell Snoy to fuck off.

god i cant wait until white people are extinct

user I am Sony

I corrected myself. Actual hentai is free online. This isn't even pornographic. Why the fuck are you paying money for "tee hee big boobies" when much better stuff is free?

Nearly every one of your celebrities is a child rapist or rapist in general.

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Because I want to play the game? You know, it is a video game. it's more the principle of the matter between Nintendo and Sony that we're making fun of, if I can get soft-cor "porn" while I'm playing it, then sweet. Sony doesn't allow this.

>MY pedophilia is acceptable because I like THIS politician over THAT one!

>uncensored Japanese games? yikes! it's too problematic!

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That's literally what you did, you called out others for borderline child porn when the game isn't even child porn or borderline in any way.

It's the pot calling the kettle black, especially when you're more at fault for it. It's like the Vatican calling out child rapists, it's retarded. Don't even bring it up in the first place when your area is more at fault, fix your shit before calling other's out dipshit.

There's probably a million fucking games better than this one. Principle? Who the fuck cares. It's about practice, and in practice every single one of these games is weebshit that comes from and only appeals to a culture of hypersexualized and infantilized manchildren. If this game had no boobs no one would care.

Day 1 import. Also Im glad they changed artist, the old one was really hit and miss with the ero CG quality

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At least post an attractive woman rather than one with tiny tits and a busted face. Have some standards, also so far all the girls posted in this thread are not little girls in any way unless you think little girls are 5'5" with DD+ tits.

Sony won.

No, it's stupid fucking whataboutism that is designed to deflect from problems by throwing them back at the accuser. It's like what Japan does when people shit on them for whaling/denying warcrimes, they just say "b-but you nuked us!" as if that means anything. Same shit.

wtf I love japanese games now

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>I still have to buy one
Fuck me, I'm still stuck with my brother's PS4

>If this game had no boobs no one would care.
The same applies to 3D women. Are you a sad woman with no boobs? Is this why you're so mad?

Also yeah there are a million games better than it, I still enjoy it, get over yourself.

>user, iPhones are like $1100, certainly not the trend. You can buy an equivalent Moto for like $300.
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. What I presumed to be a future trend is people buying midrange phones instead of 1k+ flagships. Apple has had a hard time convincing people to buy new Iphones with just megapixel count alone. The notch bullshit was marketed as a feature, it was a mark of modernity like glass enclosures and oled screens of years past. Dumb cows will always buy the latest Iphone to show off their disposable income. The average apple consumer who just like the ecosystem because of Apple's monopoly on Itunes in the phone-space will opt for the mid-range offerings. /g/entlemen will pick android.

told you guys it was a mousepad

Then you've got shit tastes. I'll just find some actually good hentai then play an actually good game after instead of blending them and getting a mediocre version of both.

I can't imagine what it's like living in a city filled to the brim with spics and niggers and homeless junkies who shit on the streets so much tat San Francisco is declared a biohazard state of emergency. How do Californians live like that?

Normies still hate the iPhone X up and still proceed to try and shit on Android users and other people and will continue to do so with new iPhones. Normies mass consume media and the resulting culture without a care in the world because they want to fit in and everyone else is supposedly doing it.

Sad really.

Knowing that 75% of the country is still jealous as fuck and would fucking kill to live in a city instead of a shithole state.

I eat pizza with a fork, I don't want to make my keyboard dirty.

Or I can play this game, have fun, find hentai, have fun, and play other games and have fun. Just because I play this game isn't preventing me from doing other things user.

They don't like interacting with them, they just like saying that they have them.

If it's any consolation, the console itself barely makes a profit, they sell it more or less at cost of production. Now if you bought any games or hardware, then you deserve to feel raped

No, he's calling you out for being from a den of actual child molesters. If you really cared about the issue, you'd be focusing on that. You're just making an accusation in bad faith.

Still will never buy a switch. Gimmicks aren't my thing and I can get more than enough, and better porn games on PC.

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Cities exist outside of California moron. I know that's crazy and destroys your precious LA worldview, but you aren't the only city on Earth.

Enjoy your walking DRM machine and malware.

>be a democrat-run city
>have to hire people to power wash the shit and urine off your streets daily

Attached: sanfrancisco.jpg (960x500, 120K)

It's preventing you from spending $60 that would be better spent on a better game or better hentai at the very least, user.
What is #metoo when people talk about being molested as a child, then? And which portions of the country are really upset that it is a thing, again?

It blows my mind how Apple has such a huge Market share in Japan.

>I eat pizza with a fork

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You say that like consoles aren't DRM boxes

>stop consuming this product for oversexualized and infantilized manchildren
>now excuse me while I find some hentai
kek, at least your bait is funny

user, you do realize every state has major cities right?
She's a qt, also to each their own, other games on Switch I enjoy too, same with my PS4, and PC.

Just wash your hands with soap

Yeah all those DRM porn games that i'll pirate. Sorry you can justify your "console"

At least make your shitposts believable.

>Cities that completely rely on the actually good parts of the state are valid
They'd be fucking dead without the big cities, the big cities would get along just fine without them. When farming is automated completely there will be so many rural refugees it will be crazy.

Same except I've played everything 5.05 or below I wanted to before the hack came out so now I have a shameful pile of games and a dusty as fuck ps4 in the closet because trannies won't release a newer hack

>It's preventing you from spending $60 that would be better spent on a better game or better hentai at the very least, user.

Not really, I could blow $800 on games easily, doesn't bother me one bit, doesn't hurt me one bit, I can still pay my bills just fine, also you're implying I'm going to buy this the moment it comes out, I can wait for the price to go down, not that big of a deal.

Yes, I eat Pizza with a fork, but only in the safety of my own home.
>Just wash your hands with soap
After every fucking bite?

>Tre sold my PS4 and am buying a Switch later today
Finally...I'm home. Besides smash, BotW and XC2, what games should i pick up?

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>when you despise every single Nintendo exclusive, but having indies on the go is actually not too bad (provided no performance issues occur)

I'm happy to be able to avoid movieshit like Xenoblade and Bayonetta, while my based indies like Hollow Knight and Into the Breach keep me occupied.

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California works the exact same way, are you this delusional of the real world? In fact their cities have actively deprived the rest of the state of water and resources.

Cities are filled with niggers and spics and homeless shitting on the streets as I described, no thank you. I'm comfy in my 99.9% white Eastern European ruralside.

>Being a thief
lol, this is why no one prioritizes PC except for lootbox shit

nothing wrong with degreasing a pizza

Adult women who whined that they traded sex for Hollywood gigs. Where were the hashtags when Corey Feldman came out? Or Bryan Singer's scandal? Hollywood is still a den of child molesters, except now it pretend to protect women

Odyssey, Kart, Splatoon, Yoshi games, Bayo games, Octopath, etc. etc. Just look up some games, Switch actually has a ton of them.

Mario Odyssey if you're into bing bing wahoo, personally it's pretty much the Bloodborne of the switch in that it's the only game worth owning it for.

I know, and in every state those cities are the most enjoyable part of the state that actually tend to have a unique culture while large sections of rural America blend into the same "wah wah we're shit and infested with meth and opioid abuse because of the urban elite" as they watch their youth go to cities to actually do shit that matters.
>wah why does my rural town that has 5000 people in it get less resources than one of the world's primary centers of commerce
>Eastern European
>saying his area isn't shit

Gonna completely ignore Weinstein, Spacey, and Allen, huh? Convenient.

>coping with your 56% and falling

>I think censorship is a good thing

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>>wah why does my rural town that has 5000 people in it get less resources than one of the world's primary centers of commerce

I live in NYC dipshit, you're still fucking retarded as is your moron state. Also even Eastern European countries have cities with hundreds of thousand and millions of people. You're legit delusional and need to go outside, go actually see the real world rather than posting and reading about it online.

i don't preorder, but I'll buy this game as soon as it cames out.

Nah man, Californian here. Most of our cities are deep into that sweet group-think. Not all of us are crazy though.

When you are finish eating?

How come Shatner aged so well when Stewart looks like his lungs will collapse if he breathes incorrectly?

>omega labyrinth

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Holy shit even the new york shitters are even laughing at los angeles and san gay.

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If you live in NYC, why should you give a fuck about other parts of the state? They're sources of raw resources and cheap labor and nothing else. Come to the fucking places that matter and don't expect a handout because you want to live in the sticks.
Have you ever lived in a small town, or middle America? They're the most close-minded, group-thinky people I've known, and I lived in middle America for a long time. Same shit with the South, the hospitality thing is all a ruse from my experience.

>literally infamous for their sexual deviancy
>literally ignored by Hollywood until women started complaining
Yeah, I didn't want to make you look any worse

drugs, alcohol, cigs and being gay does that to a person

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>the hospitality thing is all a ruse from my experience.
You being an obnoxious cunt might have something to do with it desu but I think you're just (you) farming.

Ill get it but Im really bummed about missing out on Z

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>If you live in NYC, why should you give a fuck about other parts of the state? They're sources of raw resources and cheap labor and nothing else. Come to the fucking places that matter and don't expect a handout because you want to live in the sticks.
Because you're an actual dipshit who doesn't understand economics and politics one bit or how the real world even works. Again, go outside and actually see the real world and how it works before you get online and talk shit and make yourself look like a 12 year old.

This guy knows what's up.

The public is turning against Jews, my rabbinic friends.

And next time, you won't just be expelled.

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Shatner has undergone many plastic surgeries to make subtle alterations to his face. Stewart has always looked older than his age, so he just embraced being old.

>give examples of Hollywood actually starting to change, and root out predators
>b-but they didn't do it quickly enough, so that means that I can keep doing it forever and if they say I'm bad they're a hypocrite
It's like a crack addict that goes to rehab and tells other crack addicts they should get clean and they say that he's wrong.

>in 50 years there is a very real possibility that there will not be a single white person left in the US
Sayonara I guess, you had a decent run. Twice as bright, half as long as they say.

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>the world loves us

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>They're the most close-minded, group-thinky people I've known

>Makes generalizations about millions of people.

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Disgusting fags

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>not understanding infrastructure one bit
>talks about other people not being nice to him when he's a right cunt

I feel bad for burgers with people like this. Sorry lads, hopefully you guys can round them up and deal with them.

Name one thing that rural America has ever provided but a cheap labor pool and raw resources.

>talks shit about close minded people
>generalizes everyone
>talks shit about how people who don't live in cities are lesser
>those same people keep their country and state alive through resources
>talks shit about hospitality
>people should be nice to cunts who deserve it

You're trash, buy a gun and blow your brains out, fuck outta my country.

I'm conflicted because I've been meaning to pick up a psvr and ps4 just to connect it to the HK store and lick marie tummy in VR but not sure if Sony is deserving of my money anymore

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Your entire livelihood comes from rural areas, you wouldn't have food, oil, gas, electricity, etc. without hard working people. You are by far the biggest idiot I've seen in 14 years on Yea Forums, so congratulations on that, that's an impressive fucking feat.

Imagine waking up and seeing a brown person later while doing your daily tasks. If that happened to me here, it would just ruin my day. Fuck I feel bad for Americans.

I'll generalize who I want and say what I want because I know I'm better. The people that "keep the country alive" will be obsolete in two decades and will become the same city street shitters they once made fun of as they flock to the cities to search for some form of employment. And the Southern hospitality thing is brainwashing, because it happens even when I'm a cunt to people and say all of this shit. They can't help themselves. How about you fuck off instead, buddy?
See above, all will be replaced.

I hope to God you're baiting because nobody can honestly be this retarded, right?

>I'll generalize who I want and say what I want because I know I'm better.
If you're gonna throw bait at least be more subtle about it.

>child molestation was unimportant until it became a side issue to women trading sexual favors
All old issues until women started using it as ammo for their own movement.
>Roman Polanski is exposed
>women in Hollywood defend him
>#metoo comes along
>exact same women: "Roman who?"
Women acting in bad faith doesn't help your argument.

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Just don't. The only way for Sony to stop their shenanigans is by not purchasing their products. They're a company, the best way to voice your displeasure is through sales, and if you keep buying, they'll keep censoring.

WAHHHHHHH me no likey capitlism ;____; seethe harder and have sex

>I know I'm better
That sentence right there is proof enough that you aren't. Even Yea Forumsirgins are shitting on you for being a terrible human being. EVEN Yea Forumsirgins.

Also no, an entire country's infrastructure isn't going to change in 20 years an force everyone into cities who already can't cope with the massive sizes and problems. Also maybe southern hospitality is a thing because they're just nice people despite you being a huge cunt that needs to be smacked up the side of your head by your parents.

You understand nothing of the world, see me in 20 years when you're crying about how everything is still status quo.

Okay? So at least shit got fixed no matter what. And besides, they were going to defend him because that's how you got ahead back then.

nobody but old as shit senile boomers "read" "comics" that look like this lol.

>I'll generalize who I want and say what I want because I know I'm bette

Yea Forums is making fun of you, take a step back and realize what is happening, have some self-awareness.

>Wasting money on this garbage
>Pretending the Switch is good and has games
Now I know Nintendo fanboys dont even play games if they claim to like this trash.

hopefully this faggot was banned

I don't give a fuck about that he uses knife and fork That he needs the knife to support the fork to hold on the piece, can't stab it trough the pizza, and uses plastic knife and fork at all triggers me.

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this is ironic, r-right?

ban evasion is easy nowadays even reddit can do it.

Like I give a fuck. You shitting on me confirmed what I always knew, that I'm right.

The public is turning against you, my Jewish friend.

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I'm shitting on you because you're retarded and we don't need retarded people going into the future. You hold the world back with your stupidity.

>call him a retard, that will stop him

>at least shit got fixed no matter what
Yeah? What did they do?
>they were going to defend him because that's how you got ahead back then.
>"I only defended child molesters because I didn't want to make him angry!"
>"I swear I really care about child molestation now! It's not because of social pressure at all!"
Do you really think it's easier to defend a child molester than to claim that you're protecting women and children. It's much easier to pretend to be a protector.

One day you guys will learn to stop replying to such obvious bait.

i'll stick with the censored version, thanks. Don't care to see large animated breasts shoved in my face every 5 minutes.

well shit.... now I gotta preorder this.

What the fuck do you want people to say other than that it was wrong to defend them then, things changed, and now people realize it's bad? Who cares if it was social pressure, it was social pressure for a good.

>why the fuck does your kid being attractive matter to you?

oh boy you are in for a wild ride

Obvious bait is obvious.

Holy shit I can't believe that Yea Forums is trying to push this garbage game just because it's uncensored.

This looks worse than the first fucking PS3 Neptunia game.

If this garbage had the EA logo on it you all would be shitting on it. Like holy fuck this is beyond being an ironic weeb, this is just an outright pathetic excuse for a game. Bring this trash to Yea Forums I don't even think people who like Sword Art online would even play this game. Thats how low I think of it.

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why buy the game then?

Not him, but if people didn't realize raping children was bad in the first place then they still don't. They're just trying to fit in, they don't actually care. They'll easily shift back the opposite direction if it suits them.

hold on, are you telling me the only merit this game has is it's sex appeal and not great dungeon-crawling gameplay?

Is this co equivalent of EoE?

C'mon dude. You know that the art, story, gameplay, all that jazz are interesting to different people. Just because you don't like it because of one aspect, doesn't mean you get to hate on those who do like it.

Thank you. If he isn't just baiting, I really think he is too innocent for this world. Celebrities went out of their way to defend Polanski not even a decade ago. You expect me to believe they saw the light from 2010 to 2017? That their epiphany regarding child abuse came about from Weinstein getting accused?

I know nothing about this game, what does California have to do with it?

These days I can't tell if those people are posting on Yea Forums or if people ironically pretend to be this fucking retarded.

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It's predecessor was a hair's breath form being released int he US but Sony cockblocked it at the last second as it was out the door. It was rated by the ESRB and Pqube spent months working on a translation.

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Sony's executives down in San Mateo are going on an anime crusade for the last year. Also probably NDA'ing Japanese devs from criticizing. Hence why the stab at Sony from D3 is hilarious.

isn't this game mystery dungeon trash?

>imperialism bad!
There, saved you 100 hours of bullshit and $120

Shut your whore mouth

this world is doomed.

another reason to hate commiefornia
>t. /k/ommando

Fuck off sonyfag

Buying the LE, stay assblasted snoynigger.

Enjoy your censored Persona 5 the royal and Catherine though.

>Buying the LE
Has it got good shit in it? Definately getting the standard edition, might spring for that though

California saw they were ranked last in quality of living in the whole of America so they are now going out of their way to make sure everyone has the same shitty quality of life. Thanks.

Collector's Box
>Switch Game
>3D Mousepad
>Alternative Art Cover
>Limited Item (TBD)
>7 DLC

is this a raid or a massive bait?

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I still want to hold off a bit to see if they announce the new Switch systems

The best part is that the rotating White Diamond is hand-drawn, not a rotoscoped 3d model.

James literally flexes on all cal-arts animators working on the show with this short scene. I don't know how I could live with myself if I thought I was hot shit and then saw a real master at work.


Mystery dungeon games are good though

They mean that they're pissed that their last game was fully ready to release on PS4 then Sony cancelled it, leaving them high and dry with not only a finished game, but a ton of unusable physical stock, RIGHT before it was to be released. Now the sequel is technically allowed but with almost all interactions totally wiped in favor of a static scene or nothing at all and a "you got exp" while outside the PS4 they could release the full game properly.
Basically Sony severely screwed them over after many months of work and production, and then just halfheartedly said "sure, you can release the sequel here, if you remove all those icky bits from your fanservice game."

hold on, are you telling me the only merit this game has is it's progressiveness and not great open world gameplay?

Anyone can simplify a game down to nothing. Look, I just did it with your favorite Sony game. Guess what one it is.

Imagine unironically being a sonyfag after they cucked you so hard.

>yfw you're not a pathetic incel weeb pedophile and you can live more than one second without anime titties being shoved in your face

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How can Sony be so retarded as to kneel before californian trannies? Congratulations, you're now not the Japs' console of choice lmao
I'm not gonna sell my PS4 but I'll definitely go Nintendie soon.

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He needs to move on. I was a hardcore Sonyshitter all my life, but I had to buy a Switch and upgrade my rig when I saw how cucked they've become. It hurts, but its necessary

So did you guys preorder the game for switch?

The problem with SEA Switch releases is that there are no eShop, so that means no DLCs and updates are a bit more difficult for the developer to push out.

>first fucking PS3 Neptunia game.
Unironically Nep was one of the series I sold my 360 for to buy a PS3 back in the day. Luckily there were many more actually good exclusives on the PS3

>buying games
>for switch

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>the only merit
No. But you'll still choosing an objectively inferior product.
It's like a cheese & bacon sandwich, but without the bacon.

In before "but I don't like bacon".

Playing actual good games

I have unironically been a fan of Matrix for ages.

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>preordering games

It’s honestly hilarious how California has become reached Florida’s reputation level.

>not preordering limited goods
Enjoy paying a bastard like me who buys 10 of them to flip at 4x the cost after release to people who didn't buy in time

I'm not paying AAA prices for a roguelike. But on sale sure.

same here. I still have a lots of game to play on ps4 and I certainly wont buy a Ps5

I wish this game wasn't shit and was actually just full-on porn. That bit where the press photographs her tits was hot.

Quick edit

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>I wish this was actually just full-on porn
soon, my friend

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But seriously, I met Stewart once, guy was damn funny and knew how to banter with the audience when people were giving him shit.

Reminder that Nintendo didn't do anything. Praise the game publishers for releasing the game, give Sony shit for their content regulation. But Nintendo isn't related, they're just allowing content that would previously have been allowed there and elsewhere anyway, so praising them just fuels us vs them console arguments.

they allowed the game without censor
sometimes doing nothing is something

I'm from the central valley and I left it long ago. Fuck California and fuck censorship.

well done user

Reminder that they promised this game to be Switch exclusive.

bros it was our time

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>The problem with SEA Switch releases is that there are no eShop
Is that still true? I remember that one of the listed features of the 3.0 update, was being able to select SEA regions as your Nintendo account's region.
Granted that I have no idea of that means that they actually made eShops for these regions or not, and I haven't tried it myself. But yeah.

In my mind her knockers bashed into the mics and creating a really loud feedback sound

Last time I checked (when GUP:DTM was released), SEA still had no eShop.

Did they really? I just remember them announcing it for Switch first, and not mentioning anything about a sunny version until just recently.

there's not a single good mystery dungeon game

I'm seeing threads about this game a lot, this game is full of lewd things or what?

Is at least good? I'm planing to buy it if removing the censor makes this game even better.

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PS4 version was only announced 3 weeks ago out of the blue.

How long before the pedophile with the Etna tattoo has a meltdown?

>Some disgusting weebshit mattering at all

Wow the 4 out of 100 million ps4 owners who would have actually bought this must really be shaken up right now

That's what I said, they didn't mention anything about it being a Switch exclusive. For all we know, they could have been in development at the same time, and D3 didn't care enough to promoted the censored budget version until just now.

So you're saying it's okay to step on a minority?

You're right, most of those people are too busy playing Fifa or watching Netflix to care.

Can someone actually tell me what this game is about? I like anime themed games.

Is it like Labirynth of Refrain/Moe Chronicles?

What exactly is this?

Read the interview, read the announcement and watch the trailer.


its a simple dungeon grinding sim with lewd as a reward
remove the lewd and the game is a bit boring but still ok if you like the genre

Ever play Izuna or Shiren?

Attached: izuna 2.jpg (1454x2091, 1.02M)

no sorry

the entire west coast is full of spics and niggers.

Because they know their audience. They're not marketing this to sqeamish faggots that get uncomfortable around tits or raging feminists or normalfags.

Switch will never ever get Persona 5

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Ever played Azure Dreams or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

it's a shitty mystery dungeon knock off with a breast expansion gimmick

>Azure Dreams
Okay not that dude but you just sold me on this one

I am pretty sure Azure Dreams is better, but the games share the same general core design principles and are the same genre of RPG.
I am pretty damn excited for the game myself though.

It's funny most people don't realize D3 are trolls. Remember Omega Labyrinth Life isn't coming to PS4. Labyrinth life is. Omega is a switch exclusive.

Who's their audience? They want to market their their 8000 yen game to switch owners by making a censored 6000 yen version of the game on ps4?

My fucking nigga

Does Omega Labyrinth have a designated yandere girl?

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But loli is allowed in Cali, and by extension, oppai loli.

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Watch the video faggot. Seriously watch it. Heck playasia is in on this.

>There are still people who haven't watched the Cool Nippon or fake documentary of Onechanbara trailers
I pity those that don't embrace the shitposters of the games industry.

Still don't see anything that says they promised it would be a Switch exclusive. Even if that was the case, you are still bragging about sony getting the cuck version, so congratulations, I guess.

>Even if that was the case, you are still bragging about sony getting the cuck version, so congratulations, I guess.
It's all they have left. They bought their Sony systems assuming they'd have the best in lewd gaming, ignoring those kiddie Nintendo systems, and now they are left with censored Snoy crap while Nintendo delivers complete lewd game experiences.

I love Izuna's navel

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There are seriously people who don't know who the fuck D3 are.
They shitpost.
>b-but this is an expensive shitpost
And? If Matrix coded their shit right(they have 2 decades of experience, they probably did) they just comment out or purge whole blocks of code to make the PS4 version. That's as expensive as Satou going to get ramen for Junichiro and Taka from the place down the road while they delete shit from the PS4 port before lunchtime.

That's not the point. The point is that it was supposed to be a Switch exclusive. Hell there's at least a couple of threads on Yea Forums when it was announced.

Yes the audience are switch owners. But why make the ps4 version? It's just unnecessary payment to sony

Do you guys like being seen as nothing but desperate horndogs who'll like anything that has boobs in it ?
You really ought to ask for more in life.

So they are charging less for a version with significantly less content and more for the complete uncensored version of the game?
seems fair to me.

>There are seriously people who don't know who the fuck D3 are.
It's great. Their shitpost PS4 version will sell, maybe even more than switch version due to price, despite marketing, and all it will do is fund more of their lewd games.

You can almost bet they expect the loyal Sony dogs of japan (there are loyal Nintendo dogs too, don't get your panties in a twist) to buy their games no matter how much they shit on it.

>Yes the audience are switch owners.
No it's gamers who love oppai.
> It's just unnecessary payment to sony
Hence it's cheaper, lmao.

They still have to pay licensing and royalties to Sony. And there's trophies, separate arts need to drawn and pricing it 2000 yen cheaper too. There's concious top management decisions happening here.

>trying so hard to spin this
The Switch version is the standard release price. The censored version is the budget price. Omega Labyrinth Z for PS4 also retailed for 7300 Yen, which is only 500 more Yen that what the Switch is.

Never thought I'd see the day when Sony is the inferior product to Nintendo, because Basedny gimps and censors games.

Cheaper or not, even putting a game on Sony's servers require payment and paperwork. Not to mention the disc printing and such.

>There's concious top management decisions happening here
Well I'd hope so, they've been shitposting for a good while now, they should know how to run a successful shitpost.

it's both the most pro socialist state AND the one that has the most homeless people rotting in the streets. It's literally dystopian.

Weeb bros.... I fucking hate the fact I bought a PS4 instead of a Switch
I'm so fucking sad right now, FUCK California

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Is the game actually GOOD? Is there any reason to play the game besides titties?

Do you really think the people who made these would not be well versed in how to properly and cost efficiently shitpost?


looks comfy

The bay and la are the two cancer centers in Cali you idiot you literally keep moving to the most SJW parts kys

>And there's trophies
Easy as shit to code if your game isn't programmed like dog shit. Which guess what?
>separate arts need to drawn
Nope retard, they only cut images and added steam, which is dynamic and not part of the image itself.
> pricing it 2000 yen cheaper too
Well yeah it's the budget family version. It's for your white American kids
>There's concious top management decisions happening here.
Of course, they probably designed the trailer lmao. Good trolling takes effort

Why though? If D3 thinks they can sucker in some sony roaches into buying a gutted game, then I say let them.

Do you like mystery dungeon style games?
If you do this is one with more interactivity.
Item appraisals can have improved odds of rarer items through the touch system, certain events can be interacted with to get better EXP increases. Then with this game particularly, there's a whole slow life part where you can grow your own flower garden and decorate it as you see fit.

Don't sonyfans brag about how sony has the lowest royalty fees? I guess that low entry point must come in handy for someone like D3 then.

They betrayed and cucked you, but at least you get movie games.

I'd say at least skip the PS4 physical version, if not the entire port. It's just unnecessary risks for a fixed audience already.

none of these recent "disasters" are that disastrous compared to what happened in the world in the last 100 years. The media and politics are blowing it out of proportion to get your vote and money, knowing really few people remember even the 90's.

I'm moving over to PC. Get Days Gone though, best PS4 game. Makes the PS4 worth it at least a little bit.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190502085250.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

The point is that they're paying money to Sony when Sony wasn't supposed to get anything in the first place.

If the rumors are true, a cheaper switch will drop this summer. Best time to buy with some fresh Asian milk.

So the PS4 version is fucked regardless of the region?

>always hated shitty weeb fanservice games and their fanbase
>sony's buttfuck retarded censorship policy makes me feel sorry for them

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Yes. Full experience on Switch. Family Friendly on PS4.

Blame Sony for enforcing uniform standards for all regions. Japan only releases have to abide by Sony standards as if they were western releases now

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This is why they made the PS4 port.

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>tfw her first game is okay but 2 is shit.

I think they missed a few spots

>Steam is greenlighting less and less VN products
>PS4 censorship scares off companies to work for Nintendo
So this'll go other 2 ways. Either Nintendo Switch and future Nintendo consoles will be known as the weeb/otaku console like late-years Vita was or Nintendo will suddenly go "Oh no! Our kiddy console got all this soft hentai!" and start censoring themselves leaving these types of game without anywhere to go.
I'm curious what the next 10 years will reveal for this ordeal.

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>[PS4] Omega Labyrinth Z (D3 Publisher, 07/06/17) – 9,320 (New)
>[PSV] Omega Labyrinth Z (D3 Publisher, 07/06/17) – 8,821 (New)

Will it break these insane record sales numbers though?

>D3 Publisher
>Notorious shitposters of the industry
>Clearly pissed with how they and others are being treated
>NOT shitposting
You seem to have mental disabilities and for that I am sorry small child.

You highlighted...a fighting game? Poor little retard. I guess D3 chose switch given how Dragon Quest Builders 2 is preforming better on Switch than PS4.

It's cool that they like to shitpost man, just hope that they didn't spend too much for already little sales they get. But I'm sure the finance guys already worked out the cost to return of this shitposting port that they even sprang for the physical disc printing.

Are these first week sales? Doesn't really mean shit if the PS4 version couldn't even chart in the top 20. Also isn't this the game that had the girls thighs censored on the PS4 cover?

Give more examples of D3 taking the piss. Only thing I can come up with is how intentionally stupid EDF titles can get.

>Doesn't really mean shit if the PS4 version couldn't even chart in the top 20
It's all in context. It's really just that the audience is that small.

A reminder all of you using "westeners" outside this website are simply revealing your powerlevel


I didn't read the whole thread. I pre-ordered this while everyone was shitting on my neighboring state. Don't care though, BE is my fucking fetish.

No, but sony fans will rejoice if the Switch version doesn't wind up selling as much as those, even though they supposedly don't care about these games.

If you haven't seen their EDF April fools videos, watch those.
Then there's Cool Nippon and Onechanbara documentary of men and women and how they react to the game.
They also do all manner of things like including baby items(pacifiers and bottles) where they have the girls say "babu babu". Pailingual in the OLZ trailer. BGP doing a bit on Vtubers.
There's quite a bit.

It would have been mildly funny if the bib and pacifier items were sony exclusive.

They cared enough to buy that much before. Unless you're talking about Yea Forums where not even you who has a switch and made this thread cares about the game.

It would. Also I forgot my favorite.
Having Kachou wear a cardboard box at TGS

Attached: Kachou in a box.png (638x414, 398K)


What makes you so sure about that? I bought Xtreme 3 Scarlet, and would have bought Omega Labyrinth Z, had they released it in the west.

Just by percentages. Also everyone bought doax3

[PS4] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,958 (New)
[NSW] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 7,075 (New)


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The one with the boobs

reminder that this is what D3 sees when they think of snoys

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>designated anime titties thread
>dangerously low amount of anime titties

I got you senpai

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Really impressive for the switch given there was no audience for Dead or Alive on the system. Closest was Dimensions on the 3DS 8 years back.

You aren’t retarded and know how audience works in Japan? Right user? It’s the same reason Dragon Quest 11 on the 3DS did better than the PS4 version despite being cut back. Japan relies on building an audience on the system. NIS games showed this, despite their games horrendous sales, how building their audience on the switch began changing the ratio.

EA unironically wish it could make a game with a fraction of the amount of soul as this. The closest it comes is the PES series which allows custom characters and models.

Oh wait that's Konami. Can someone name a single EA game worth even mentioning?

It's actually not bad considering the switch version has worse graphics, which is pretty much the reason you buy these games

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And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornicationl

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and then horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

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you must be new here

For Japan the main issue is the audience. They focus on what fellow gamers like and build communities. There’s a reason famitsu is the only review game in town.

The West is a lot different except for multiplayer games.

What didn't you do? God California is so shit.

What the snoybois also don't realize, is that the PS4 version of Scarlet allowed you to carry over DLC from Fortune and has VR support, so that may have been incentive enough for people who bought the previous game to just upgrade instead of going into a whole new ecosystem.

Why deleted? so mods are snoyfags? lmao

>it's fucking real

Attached: sides.gif (294x200, 736K)

>that the PS4 version of Scarlet allowed you to carry over DLC
What the fuck.

We have homeless because unrestricted tech and developers, as well as California being exceedingly desirable to live in, have made cost of living exceedingly high.
Sounds like a failing of capitalism to me, bud.

Congratulations. You're moaning over a game none of you all would've played to begin with.

You people just need a reason to bitch every week. Need to have some popular manufactured, artificial outrage to get pissed off over because you have nothing else to do with your lives.

You're no different from the SJW's over at RetardEra.

>mystery dungeon shovelware trash whose sole gimmick is that you can rub titties of generic anime girls

Why the fuck should I care when I can play flash games with the same gimmicks for free?

I would absolutely play these games if they did more with the breast expansion gimmick. I love mystery dungeon and breast expansion is my fetish. Problem is they're cheap and lazy with it.

So what Eshop will I need to buy this from?

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the main gimmick is breast expansion and unlocking varying cg and poke scenes
the paizuri minigame is a bonus

cope snoyger

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Cant wait for no one to buys this game despite the amount of shilling its gettting

Why would you play a shitty game pretending to be an eroge when you can just buy an actual eroge?

Stop being obsessed with kusoge just because they have tits in them you dumb faggots.