June... Are we forgotten?
June... Are we forgotten?
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Yes, BOTW, Smash & NieR are the only games from this Generation that people are still constantly discussing after their release
And Bloodborne
these but unironically.
These threads are fucking retarded. They're singleplayer games, there's only so much shit you can talk about before discussion dries up.
I see DMC threads daily, mostly unrelated though
I bought Sekiro last night actually on XboneX
Good game indeed. I wish Fromsoft won't be doing exclusives anymore so their games can all be played on the best console
> XboneX
> best console
But yeah, I hope all their new games are cross platform. But I imagine we will have one more PS5 exclusive down the line.
So the first two are actually good and not forgotten. Kh3 was trash, and was.
If I didn't 100% DMC I'd still be playing it
MHW too
XboneX is the best console right ow though though
who put pleb hearts 3 in the same line with sekino and devil may cry
I forgot Sekiro a week after beating it.
Still boot up DMC5 every few days but the game could use some DLC
I mean, spec wise it is. But games man. Give me ~eyes~ games over specs anyday.
oh no no no no
>filtered by chained ogre
its okay user
>implying I play dark soul shit
you love Fifa too?
"sekino" was garbo
git gud
>having opinions on game without playing them
typical Yea Forums shitter
what do you plan user
Pretty much everything about the Xbox is better than the Playstation except it has no games.
>Mediocre souls game
>Sequel that should have been released 5-7 years ago
>Sequel that should have been released 5-7 years ago
Looks like the most forgettable game in the three you listed was KH3 because the story was shit.
so it doesnt have the single most important thing a video game needs.
Well I own both and barely use the PS4 because it's simplt inferior imo
Sure you can enjoy a game like Detroit or Bloodborne over a week/weekend, but then you go right back to multiplats.
All the biggest, best games are multiplats and XboneX runs them better witha better controller
Sekiro, DMC5, RE2 and KH3 are the vidya equivalent of forgettable Hollywood flicks like Avengers and John Wick aka nothing people into serious artistic media will actually talk about.
Imagine spending over 2000 dollars on console exclusives.
Sekiro maybe wasn't as good as I hoped but I had fun with it. I think FROM was too afraid of making combat involve prolific use of prosthetics and combat arts so they made them very situational or just shit. High Monk/Leaping Kicks was the only CA that felt like it had a purpose. Even then it's purpose was only in the first hit and the extensions were pointless. Every other CA was just inferior to regular attacks or not rewarding enough to use for the risk.
Well I am employed (60k a year) so I'm ok with this
Eh, got a PC for multiplat games. Not going to by a mid-tier pc equivalent console for that. Maybe if it had any games worth getting.
I buy consoles for the games. Ps3 for Demonsouls, PS4 for bloodborne, Switch for BOTW.
Really you have a modern PC, a Switch and a PS4?
I actually made a mistake getting a PS4, I barely use it... XboneX has plenty of great games I never played (and never will)
I didnt even get to try RDR2 because there are too many games to play on Xbox One X and only 24 hours in a day
>bragging about being a modern day slave
I honestly enjoy my work (cable/internet guy). I meet lots of people (and chicks)
>bragging about being poor
No 'chick' gives a fuck about the fucking cable guy.
>Yea Forums tells me KH3 is shit
>have seen at least 5 KH threads in the past week and ZERO (0) Sekiro threads in who knows how long
so are we finally going to admit that Sekrio was trash now? it's clear no one really cares about it now that the hype has died down
if it weren't for roster fags not a single word would be uttered about that shit
incels posting ass pictures isn't a discussion
The OFFICIAL tier list of important games of this gen:
1. Witcher 3
2. Fortnite/PUBG (the battle royal phase that this gen will be inevitably linked to)
That's it. Everything else had little impact on the industry as a whole
Was honestly having fun till they decided to go the 'le hard xd' router instead of being fun.
I uninstalled sekiro, not for me, dmc is here to stay. The other one lol.
how can you play any western open world game after rdr2? How?
I've met girlfriend(s) through my work though
Sekiro was fun but it has no replay value.
They wont stop pretending enjoying that because finishing that game is probably the only accomplishment in their lives.
BP was cool but no Vergil/OBP/DLC levels yet which will all probably be a SE. I was upset with no divergence mode though just let me use fucking Dante the whole game fuck you.
Good. Sekiro threads were terrible. DMC still has 1-2 good threads a week but the jokes are tired now so its all just combo video people at best. Sekiro niggers who cannot admit the game is a playable 7/10 with a few great bosses sucked the games dick to here and back and ruined threads that could've been some solid back and forth opinion debates. But its the same whenever From puts out a stinker. Also the people I got who tried to claimed it was the best action game when its literally a janky shallow Ninja Gaiden with some ziplining you fucks
>Multiple Daily threads
Weak bait only confirms OP is always a faggot.
forgotten until vergil
sekiro's combat system and the boss fights are literal 10/10 god tier. The rest is like 6-7/10 for an overall score of 8/10 in my book.
People still discuss NieR though. I see smash has been overrun by reddit tier roster threads and BOTW isn't really discussed anymore, though I still believe its one of the better games of this generation. My list would be BOTW, NieR, Bloodborne and Fortnite. You may argue some are shit, though I believe these were the most influential mainstream or in their niche
>Sekiro niggers who cannot admit the game is a playable 7/10 with a few great bosses sucked the games dick to here and back and ruined threads that could've been some solid back and forth opinion debates
read: I was bad at it and got too frustrated and quit.
Very easily. RDR2 had no business being open world. Worst part of that game
>sekiro's combat system and the boss fights are literal 10/10 god tier
how retarded do you have to be to actually believe this? i know that this site is full of retards but this is seriously pathetic
>10/10 combat system
I don't agree but its not bad. It felt alittle too streamlined against bosses to avoid/counter attacks in just 1 specific way and all other ways were 1/10th as effective.
>10/10 boss fighters
Honestly can you say that? Were dual apes a 10/10 fight? Was clone purple Monk a 10/10? Even Horseboy/Grandma are that good. Papa 1/2 , Isshin fights/Maybe Genchiro are good. The rest aren't bad but i wouldn't write a good note on em.
But boss fights aside my issue was the recycled crappy mini bosses , the normal enemy variety being comically worse then Nioh and just god awful. Another NG+ system where its just bland damage/life ups and nothing really eventful. The awful soundtrack for the most part.
Its a game that gets more praise then it deserves because it ends on a far stronger note then it begins. It sorta reminds me of SMT Nocturne on hard where the first 10 hours is fucking slow as shit especially the Matador grind up to like level 20 then the game spirals to fun.
I still feel like the core combat is a shallow more spazzy Ninja Gaiden and it hurts to say that because NGB had godlike normal enemies. Its not a bad game but i hate that having the Fromsoft logo and pissing off Journos is all it needs to be GOAT XD!
yep you definitely got filtered my nigga LMAO
Nice projecting. I say this opinion well naming the only good bosses are Owl1/2 , Isshin old/True and True Monk maybe. The bosses are the start range from mediocre tutorial tier and just flat out mixed as fuck. I did enjoy the big white nigger though even when he howled for his chimp wife.
>Even DSP beats game
>Have opinion game isn't too good
Nioh was harder then this slop. But mostly just cus the DLCs weren't pulling punches.
>call game bad
>not actually say how its bad
Yes. There are simply too many games coming out to care for individual ones for too long. Success will get you couple of weeks at most for a normal game.
>streamlined combat
idk i think the combat system focused around the clashing swords with emphasis on deflect, mikiri, sweeps etc is a fantastic easy to learn, hard to master concept that playing on no kuro's charm with demon's bell really shows its staying power and depth. Some combat arts are a bit underutilized, but for the most part, they worked well overall. NGB was a pure hack and slash action game with emphasis on fighting many enemies at once, hence no lock on button like sekiro.
Sword saint, Old man ishin, Emma, Genichiro atop ashina, Owl 1/2 and Lady butterfly are some of the best humanoid bosses I can remember. I have a backup save just to replay sword saint fights cuz its that fun. Divine Dragon and folding screen monkeys are actually not bad for gimmick bosses. Guardian Ape 1 was pretty kino as well.
>normal enemy variety worse than Nioh
cmon thats just not true. Regular ashina soldiers, samurai generals, taro troops, senpou assassins, senpou monks, senpou spear guys, infested monks, the ministry shinobis and swordsman were actually pretty challenging for normal enemies.
Sekiro is the best action game I've played this year. Hope there is a sequel.
Backwards compatibility makes it worth it.
>Taste that shit
y i k e s
I still see Sekiro and DMC threads
KH3 is the only one that was truly forgettable
Finished it once. I thought it was great. Better than Souls to be sure but with less replayability. Bloodborne is still the best From game. Might give it another playthrough in a few months
Loved it. I wasn't down with the linear levels and lack of diverse level aesthetics, but the gameplay was top-notch and the story was satisfying and true to the series. Definitely worth my time
Didn't play it because I'm a grown man. I played KH2 around 2008 and thought it was good, but lack of FF characters and dated dialogue put me off. Couldn't be arsed learning about the story and heard anons complaining about how the pacing sucked arse
Witcher 3 did nothing new.
how do boss fights in DMC 5 compare to boss fights in sekiro
Hard to say, both games have a diverse array of bosses. I'd say Sekiro has the more interesting ones (Guardian Ape, Genichiro, Lady Butterfly and Isshin being notable examples)
Being said, DMC5 bosses are what you'd expect from the series. Cavaliere Angelo was fucking amazing though; the music and how the fight was conducted was amazing. Artemis wasn't hard but it was definitely fun. Vergil fight was great in its own right, but not as difficult as DMC3
did anybody else not like dmc-5 graphics? I thought it looked like a early 2007 game but in 4k with bland tones and color pallete and everything looked muddy with greyish tint
Agreed, the photo realistic approach to characters didn't really click for me, and samey levels got worse the more I played.
i feel like dmc series always had meh to shit bosses with rare exceptions like vergil
No one outside of Yea Forums talks about BB. You've got to remember, it "only" sold around 3 million. Obviously, that doesn't say anything about it's quality, but no one else is still discussing it besides us
It's not bait just because you disagree with it
Fuck no Sekiro rocks
>didn't play KH3 because you're a grown man
>yet played DMC5 and enjoyed it
I can smell the Bud light spilled under your bed through my screen
Why do people say that?
XbonerX here
Sure I'm only 2 hours in but I could see myself replaying it; the gameplay is fun and I'd be curious to go back and steamroll enemies that gave me trouble
Btw I just got to the chained ogre, is this the boss casuals are crying about? ( tried him once but had to leave home)
That's exactly what DMC5 is. A few great bosses like the ones I mentioned. The rest were sort of meh, but they fit into the game.
Difference is DMC5 wasn't afraid to explore themes like identity, family and what it means to be true to your values. KH3 seems like it appeals to teenagers who have the emotional depth of a cucumber. I like to be entertained as an adult. I don't want to hear Sora talking about things when his delivery implies he couldn't give a shite what was happening around him. I can't enjoy something like that.
Because there is only one weapon.
I'm on a ng+ now, and you're right, it's fun because you can see how better you got, and you're breezing through bosses that destroyed you the first time around.
I can see myself playing the game 2, maybe 3 times, because the combat system is that good, but the game could really use more weapons.
Without changing the game mechanics much, I think Sekiro could benefit from good gibs. This way From could implement 2 weapons without a lot of mechanical difference: a katana to slice and a pole to smash, similar to how it works in ng2 (blunt weapons like tonfas have a very different kick to them).
>33% sale so soon
this is bad right
Looks like capcom expected more from dmc5.
Looks that way
I still see it bitched about occasionally
Not even close. There are daily threads about it and they're all pretty comfy
>terrible games made by gooks/nips.
Yes of course they're fucking forgotten.
I played DMC5 the other day so nah.
Not every game needs to be beaten over the head post-release like Yea Forums did with Alita.