FFXIV is a good MMO because this based man thinks of the 99% instead of the 1%.
>100% mobile
what did SE mean by this?
steel IS heavier than feathers tho
But isn't the battle rework based on that 1% playerbase? For example, turning all AST cards into damage buffs because of meta memes.
>GNB and WARs potencies are literally ass
Here's your new meta, bro.
>mmo made in the last 10 years
>not a faggot
So are you just supposed to stuff ogcd in the six pointed star timer?
hey trannies
you will never EVER be a woman :^)
>3 melee
not in a million years
he still thinks SCH/AST will be meta, after they've been gutted to hell and back. KEK
literally every healer other than WHM is dropping healer.
Can someone explain why SSS is a DPS loss so long as you use it between Dragon Kick and Demolish? 400 potency is still more than DK+Twin or Twin +Demo. Is it because you're delaying your GCD?
you're supposed to use it if you're going to be away from the boss for more than a gcd because of mechanics and shit
mnk's kinda gonna be like blm where you optimize around mechanics instead of hitting the buttons in the right order
Oh you mean those things you can easily adjust?
palace of the dead is fun and enjoyable way to level jobs.
And can't be compared effectively between jobs due to jobmods.
Yoshi 'based' P, still waiting for the day he removes Savage outright. The raid tranny tears will be delicious that they can't circlejerk over their slightly-more-difficulty content that facebook mobilegame users can't do, lmaooooo
easily adjust 6 months into the expansion, sure
WAR is still looking fun though so I ain't even mad.
That too.
>Omg Ninja potencies are through the roof!
>Oh what's that, we lost our 20% damage trait?
basically yeah. it's essentially 200 per gcd, which is lower than the damage gcds (for lack of a better term), and you're delaying getting to them by using it there when you could have just been using more bootshines and shit
AST's had to wait until the end of HW and Warriors got fixed relatively quickly and had more than just potency stuff done to it. Stop crying.
I personally hate it for leveling. The upper floors are a fun challenge to do with 2 people though.
Good. Take us back to coil.
Based yoshi killing jobs. Predict the 6.0 changes.
>monk has dragon kick and demolish deleted
>tfw the expansion I wanna switch tanking jobs is also the same expansion where PLD is officially uncucked
I dont wanna play pally for two more years bros...
New player leveling DRK, is there a DRK playing guide?
What's changing with SAM and NIN in shadowbringers? Should I be worried? I only play weeb classes.
>BLM and SAM continues to get nice qol changes.
Which is worse, MNK crying over no more TK or SCH not being green dps?
>DRG expansion is actually a WAR and SCH expansion
>MNK expansion is actually a SAM expansion
>DRK expansion is actually a PLD expansion
Well user you cant bring two WHM. Also the fun of SCH got gutted, not its uses.
Play DRK my dude
I'm pretty certain they redid them because three were worthless, two were sort of vaguely better than nothing, and Balance was the only one really worth a shit. It was an ugly situation all the way around. If they were to strengthen the effects of the other cards to be able to compete with "everyone does a bunch more damage now lulz", AST would have ended up becoming laughably overpowered. If they nerfed, changed, or removed Balance, AST would be kicked to the curb for losing its one wildly important feature.
Wow also went to shit when they started thinking about the 99%, does that mean ffxiv is doomed
Shouldn't you be dilating right now?
>survives the culling despite Yoshi P's intentions of reducing synergy and raid utility and remains completely unchanged
Just how powerful is this cunt?
The healsluts.
MNK got GL4 and a way to maintain stacks during downtime, we got very little to complain about.
60 second PB was the best thing to happen to monks
so play all the jobs. you share tank gear so swapping is just a matter of pressing one button.
Didn't come with the expansion, though, it came like two patches later. Though I agree it's the fucking bomb.
What’s more fun to play, BRD or DRG
tk was fun as fuck, even if you needed to think if you could tk for a gain
monk again lost more than they gained in the 3rd expansion in a row
But much complex MNK rotation
>underpowered DPS rightfully upset as their equalizing rotation being gutted and made impossible to do on top of losing multiple skills and gaining nothing
>overpowered Healer upset they have to do their job now
Yeah that's a fair comparison
What a retard
Anyone on primal want to run some dungeons or something?
its for the nin only now but noone realised yet
mark my words...
it's going to get deleted in 6.0 just like sneak attack was deleted in 4.0
>we got very little to complain about.
Our rotation has regressed to 2.x era mnk. We have plenty to complain about.
Then play all the tanks my dude
Hell you could even gear a dps and keep pld your main priority for relic and that type of gear
thats a pretty smoothbrain post
Technically it's not as strong now because there are less powerful raid-wide buffs. Every buff that gets nerfed or removed effectively nerfs every other one as well. In a vacuum they're not as powerful, it's when you can stack all of them together that they get ridiculous.
>He still insists in spreading the meme that scholars weren't doing the most healing
>he doesn't build his own OS
Man I just wanted GNB to not be cucked
and it's just a tiny haste buff since it requires fists of wind
>and a way to maintain stacks
Meanwhile they deleted every way we had to build stacks so that's useless
From my experience in savage they certainly werent
Everyone that's been complaining about the complaints about healer changes obviously has no idea why people are complaining.
Gl is 10% dmg and 5% haste a stack. It's basically fire too
This seems like the kind of person that would complain about the yshtola msq fight being too hard
you're actual retards if you think SCH wasn't already doing the most healing
it's because of that and its powerful ogcds that it has a lot of time to dps
and guess what?
they made the healing kit even stronger in shb
this means even more time to dps but only 2 skills to use
every sch will die of boredom
DRK will be objectively unfun in ShB.
Judge when the final build numbers are out.
PF pugs aren't indicative of anything. I've had O9S runs of me outdpsing BLMs as BRD
You say that like it's a bad thing. MNK stuffed to the gills with skill speed back during 2.x was the most fun I've had with the job. No netflix bullshit here, just ATTATTATTATTATTAing all fucking day long. I completely resented Riddle of Faggots and its slowdown, and now not only am I rid of that but we get GL4 to punch FASTER.
Yoshida is just putting you mhiggers in your rightful place.
You fucks were probably not supposed to use TK that way (and do this much damage in the first place, maybe). The devs simply decided to fix this oversight.
>deleted every way we had to build stacks
Isn't PB still there, though? And with a 60s cooldown?
>WHM still has no rDPS boost
SCH could literally be in a wheelchair and it would still be meta because Yoshi has absolutely no idea how healing works in his own game
>From my non-existant experience in savage they certainly weren't
Damn, really showed me with that well built argument of yours.
Doesn't GL4 increase your DPS because it lowers your base auto attack timer in addition to your GCD?
>tfw your job just looks fun and you can watch Yea Forums rip each other apart for another month
>You say that like it's a bad thing
Regressing is a bad thing. I don't want to go back to what I was doing 3 years ago. That's boring.
I think they turned it back to it's old cd.
I would but I'm at work right now. I don't get out for another 5 hours.
Yes, it's a slight DPS gain over FoF at GL3 despite not doing as much flat damage.
It's the same with every healer and it's been that way since SB. Personally I was hoping this would be the expac to bring back healer complexity but instead they're doubling down on the netflix healer playstyle.
for the love of god, just give WHM bravery or faith so the fucking rDPS fools can shut the fuck p yoshida, i'm begging you.
mouthbreathers thinking speedrun comps are the only way to play is the real smoothbrain problem going on right now though.
Well, shit. Why would they do that? Did they think maybe people were having fun with the job and that's not allowed?
Gl also amps dmg in general
Yeah I'd love if there was more mid-tier content like dungeons or alliance raids, so there was more to do than just optimize DPS for six fucking months between releases
>Here's your FFXIV Nintendo Switch port bro
Biggest crime. I'm bummed about the TK rotation being gone but dungeons are gonna be ass now that we've lost RoW and PB is now on such a long-ass cooldown again.
Gl4 is 40% damage and 20% haste vs fofgl3 36%(40 with new fof lvl2) trait and 15%
>NIN turned into TA slut.
>Now it can TA and do everything else just fine.
Yeah that's literally it. Yoshida has said in multiple interviews from the media tour than MNK was his favorite job to work on for SHB, which means he loved making TK impossible to do and a major dps loss as part of the rotation. MNK may as well not exist for the duration of 5.0
DNC gameplay looks fun as fuck. Lots of shiny colors, movement and dances.
you have a full aoe spam rotation at least, which feeds a lot of chakra into the new forbidden aoe
it's not 40% flat for FoF, there's about 0.03 more damage. It's still unwise to stick in FoF when GL4 exists, though
>switch port
>suddenly xiv can have 5 or more threads up at once with no repercussions
tell me I'm wrong.
>Make Monk shit in expansion it's featured heavily in.
>People complain.
>Make it even worse.
>MNK is only good for dungeons
>when dungeons are the most babby boring piece of shit content in this game
>b-but add phases during savage
They can shove it up their ass. Alexander was garbage because every other tier was some trash mob goblin fight
>Jannies and mods enter a civil war due to conflicting loyalties between Nintendo and Blizzard
Kill yourself. Raids shouldn't be glorified trials.
excuse me but is syrcus tower faster than LotA?
They also shouldnt be boring trashmobs. Omegascape may have been I CLAPPED tier but at least it trimmed the fat from Alexander. Coils was at least interesting to walk through
Clearly this guy missed the memo that Tank stances just GIVE EVERYTHING EMNITY.
Fuck. this guy makes me mad. What an idiot.
Awful opinions but I'll bite
>Enmity Combos
Yeah no one fucking used those, universal enmity generation on top of the AoE combos is just better, no question
>MP cap at 10k
Does he not realize that all spell costs will be adjusted to compensate?
>Protect gone WHM useless
All 3 healers don't have protect, WHM isn't any less useless, also Protect was a tax that served no purpose, they probably just adjusted the overall defense of a PC to compensate
>PLD getting gap closer finally
They're complaining that PLD got a gap closer later than the other Tanks, which has nothing to do with ShB, they're fixing a problem, also its getting its gap closer at the same time as GNB, it's not like PLD is getting it during patch 5.1 or some shit they both immediately have a gap closer now
>Healers focusing on Healing now
Again, this is them complaining that SHB making a positive change is somehow a bad thing?
>Main Stat Materia gone
You mean the thing that only tanks used on their accessories? What's literally wrong with Tanks having maximum Strength on accessories now? Oh wait, some idiots would put Vit on their gear like fucking retards, but now EVERYONE has maximum Vit and Str/Int/Mind/Dex on their gear, literally nothing wrong with that.
>Tank Mastery
Tank Mastery isn't remotely close to Oath Mastery, all Tank Mastery does is "You take less damage and get a bigger bonus from Strength and Vitality", Oath Mastery isn't REMOTELY like Tank Mastery.
Damage stacks multiplicatively so you do less damage in GL4 than GL3+FoF. GL4 is a glorified haste buff.
it's 120s now which means you can only use it on the 3rd Riddle of Fire and every 3rd RoF after that one (since you have to blow the first use on building stacks for the opener). The entire job could be fixed if they just made Anatman grant you GL1 on use but according to the previews it doesn't do anything unless you already have stacks.
>DPS not getting nerfed
No one got nerfed? What the fuck are they talking about, Tanks if anything got fixed and had useless features no one used removed, or had them made to be actually useful. Healers aren't really raped, they just lost protect and got a bigger focus on healing and the new content will likely reflect that change, this shit isn't designed in a vacuum.
>killing 32-bit OS support
wow just fucking install 64 windows you don't even have to spend money to do that, I mean you can buy a key but thats only like 100, not 1000. Also >PS4
>Passage of Arms is gone
It isn't
>Enmity Combo is the worst thing ever
Enmity combo is fucking useless and completely unrequired, you literally just have to press Unleash or Overpower or Flash like twice and BAM, you never have to fucking worry about aggro again for the rest of the fight, No one in their right mind used Enmity Combos because they were literally completely useless, and of any enmity generation effect they're basically the worst option. Also there IS basically an enmity combo, it's called using the fucking AoE combo with Tank Stance on.
He sounds like most of the shit spouted here until the 11th point.
You typing all that out but I just want to go fast.
And they still aren't letting you go fast since RoF still slows you down just as much.
brd has lots of ogcds and is fun at level 70. its ezpz tho since it's ranged physical dps
Hey that's my number!
I don't understand why RoF still exists. I understand the principle in SB because of double weaving oGCDs with TFC but now that they've trimmed all of our oGCDs and Shoulder Tackle's usage is more flexible, I don't understand why they don't just let us go fast 24/24.
Bard stops singing and instead gets new attacks where he throws his musical instruments for damage (and maybe debuffs).
It exists because Yoshida is a retard who doesn't understand what people didn't like about Stormblood monk. They should have removed the speed debuff from RoF while in fists of wind and made GL4 just a trait instead of requiring FoW. That solves the issues people had with RoF while keeping the Stormblood rotation intact and SSS would let people weave in extra oGCDs if you really needed it with all of them being deleted
>SAM gets a 100 potency move that requires you to have no accesories equipped to use
SE literally has no idea how to design MNK, that's why. Just look at how many shitty ways we have to prevent GL from falling off when they could just combine them
Hey putting vit on gear was legit for prog since all dps checks are a joke in this game and secondaries barely did shit for healers who usually got gear last. Other than that if they actually make damage patterns better yes, the focus on healing is fine. Otherwise it'll be the same empty promise as SB
Yoshida doesn't understand anything about the job or why people enjoy playing it, and also wants to simultaneously try to coddle players who are unable to maintain GL stacks with the fists of fire trait
Nice try shed dweller.
please look forward to having this argument in this thread and in game
Does anyone have a link to the Stormblood EP album?
So I hear some of you dislike Lalafell. It's not too late to change your ways. You can spend some time with me and I'll show you we're not so bad.
It's fun to optimize around.
>It's a "no one knows how to do any mechanics in Doma Castle" episode
I just want to finish leveling Ninja.
The point isn't that you do more damage in fists of fire, it's that GREASED FUCKING LIGHTNING should not LOWER your fucking damage. There's absolutely no reason for it to be tied to your elemental fists. The elemental fist bullshit was the least interesting aspect of monk's design and if anything deserved to get gutted it was those
He thinks of the 99% while looking at what the 1% do and thinking the 99% asl do it. Thats why job synergy is gone.
What headpiece is that? The all 60 jobs one?
zero utilities just like sam the 4th dps slot is SMN.
I think so. It's either the 60 or 30 one. forget which.
That's the current meta, but with Tornado Kick being removed from the game that's definitely going away since MNK DPS is now ass
>shire warrior tries to mass pull doma
for GNB i really hope instead of buffing burst strikes potency they just make it a oGCD
that would fit way more in line in what GNB is
also fix sonic break's potency or make it give you a cartridge, better yet just make it a oGCD
they for sure need to fix GNB utility
no mercy, 10% damage buff for 20 seconds?
camouflage 10% damage damage reduction and 50% parryrate
It doesn't even matter because all gear will have their main stats maxed, so even if you could still use main stat materia, you wouldn't be able to because Vitality would already be capped, which I pointed out.
They removed those Materia because they literally would not be able to benefit you by putting them on your gear, I mean hell you can't even overmeld for main stat materia.
You can easily mass pull doma in 270 gear though unless you're DRK
I use Ninja in MSQ just to get around this shit. At least with other classes I know I can keep things moving relatively fast.
No its because the elitists would come into normal content like roulettes and bully normal people over meta minmaxing shit that nobody cares about in normal mode, dungeons, etc.
The year is 2019.
Though I have witnessed far better men than me perish, I survive.
>yoshi wants to reduce hotbar bloat
>yet he REFUSES to delete three skills that do literal nothing and that would vastly improve the job's playstyle if they were just made traits so that we could maintain skills that actually have a use like Riddle of Wind
>zero utilities
mantra and brotherhood.
I know, removing makes sense. Just hope they don't but stupid eHP checks again
Gamers. Rise up.
Yeah, sure, your healer just has to stop dpsing entirely to spam heal you.
FoE should be removed. FoF and FoW should be a single skill that toggles between them.
papa's john sucks real bad tho
PLDchad here, if I see a single healer dpsing i'm kicking them out of my static or groups
Why would your healer need to heal you when you can just steel cyclone?
>your healer just has to do his job
I love lalas. Unfortunately most people that play them are obnoxious.
I like it better than Pizza Hut and Dominoes but that's just my area, it could be different in yours.
All the fists should be removed and replaced with the riddles which were far better and more interesting. Make Shoulder Tackle upgrade to Riddle of wind like the PvP version does and still grant an extra stack.
dps loss, they should be doing aoe damage instead of spamming aldo/cure 2/bene2
Gamers, eat up.
Now compare the augmented version
Their job isn't to babysit some asshole who can't take 2 seconds to buy some gear from the expansion he's playing, especially since he also hits like a wet noodle with that Shire weapon. Upgrade your shit by Bardam's.
Shire gear is only 6 item levels lower than Bardam's gear
yeah, no fresh warrior is augmenting their shire gear
>Implying double digit retards understand cause and effect
no they should be healing
it also has less defense and vitality
fuck is your point my man
Ooooh okay so um. If you ignore TK and SSS you will just use 8 GCD in same timeframe under GL4. Even if throw away Demo, first 2 GCD will be under effect of RoF and ugh will deal more damage...
I've found that the big pizza chains vary greatly in quality between individual locations. The Domino's in my town rivals actual pizza places.
It has more than enough to mass pull everything before Castrum Abania
>DRK over WAR or GNB
DRK has shit utility and is either about equal to WAR or lower.
Augmented Shire gear is also way worse than Nomad shit, it has over 100 less defense just on the chest my dude.
based and funpilled
fuck raidtrannies, just have fun with your job
Did MNKs honestly, truly, really enjoy doing TK rotations and TK openers?
I mean, that vit you would have had from melding for vit is just there naturally now, on top of any more vit you could have added to hit the cap that that equipment would've allowed.
All gear is gonna have the maximum possible Damage Stat and Vitality for their IL, which means even if they didn't remove those Materia, you would be incapable of melding more on.
Sure, it's still shit. And I can guarantee you nobody is augmenting shire in current year,
dont you use 6 sided star into tk into snap into pb if anything?
yeah, MNK is braindead and boring and probably still does less damage than SMN in 5.0. Yoshida wants you to ONLY tornado kick when the boss is below 1% and to ONLY six sided strike when the boss is about to leave or you have to disengage for a mechanic that wont allow you to have uptime.
What the fuck are you saying you stupid nigger? Also you put Demolish in the wrong spot retard, it's a DPS loss to do it after switching to FoW, you do it with GL3+FoF then switch to FoW for GL4.
>Shire Tank double pulls in Bardam's
>they get torn apart like a wet piece of paper 5 seconds in
>they try to do it again
but why should they hold me back? that's not fair at all
One, maybe two steel cyclone isnt as great as you guys make it out to be. It maybe byes you 2-3 seconds of damage.
how the fuck do you level miner/botanist
mine have been stuck at 20s/30s forever
No because not only do you delay your GCDs and lose out on more cumulative damage, you're dropping to GL0 afte rthe TK and have to spend more time climbing back to GL4 which your weaponskills and autos will sufer for three GCDs instead of two like it is now.
the problem isn't that enmity combos are gone the problem is nothing interesting was added in their place, without enmity drk could've gotten delirium back as a combo ender, or gotten a new second combo entirely with a different effect. There's no reason for their kit to feel so barebones.
buys* woops.
>Also you put Demolish in the wrong spot retard
This is part of MNK looping rotation. Post your fflog and your rotation
Yes. It was fun.
leves until you hit 50, then collectibles the rest of the way
i'm such a shitter i just quit MNK because i couldn't be bothered to learn it
Who are you? Maybe you're one of them and don't know it. The vast majority of players are cheering for these changes.
No its not, it's a dps loss to not be in GL4 asap. You have to do an extra combo for no reason if you apply demolish in FoF
Also do MIN/BTN simultaneously for maximum efficiency.
I find it funny that retards always say muh steel cyclone. DRK are king of monster pulls for a reason, 4.x Abyssal Drain is amazing
If autistic: level by gathering mats and selling them in stacks on mb
If slightly less autistic: burn leves to quickly level.
Don't worry I understood the first time. Again the only issue if they put dumb eHP checks that either require a specific comp or more vit and you could cheese those with vit melds before since SE never took them into account, but they will now since its built-in.
This desu, I was expecting powerslash to be reworked into something different, like maybe 3.x delirium combo.
I have no idea why the spenders outside of renzokuken are weaponskills. Sonic Break I could forgive if it wasn't trying to be empyreal and either gave you a cartridge or if you could spend one to jack up the damage.
>enmity combos
He has a point. Everything having enmity now means theres zero point in managing hate. Basically why does hate still exist if its function is mechanically null, you can just make the mob forcibly prioritize whatever with a blue job icon attacked first and have provoke/shirk just be a way to force that priority on whoever use it. Hate is pointless now. And yes as much as people like to complain about it being pointless before as well, the game still effectively forced you to establish hate at least and in the case of dungeon pulls or adds, manage said hate. It made your job even simpler than it was before, I’ve no clue why people think making things simpler and eliminating mechanics is a good thing, ARR was never that complicated and they basically made SB be 200% simpler than ARR was across the board.
Yeah hes an idiot here, tho its far more interestint IMO when MP scales, since it adds it as a stat you want to pay attention to in your equipment.
Effectively a minor thing for healers to manage. If they were thinking “oh they only have to refresh it when someone dies” i still wouldn’t have removed it because that is still a mechanic for the healers. A better thing to do would have been to make protect have a significant but small duration (like 3 min) so healers would have to keep it up.
>healers focusing on healing
Its actually a negative change for two reasons:
Whats attractive about healing now is also having the ability to dps and encounters being designed around downtime for it.
The other reason is, not only are they not going to change encounters to be more healing intensive but “just healing” is more boring than healing, providing utility, dpsing, and giving extra cool downs. Furthermore all old content will remain the same, having healers literally just casting their gcd attack over and over for the majority of an encounter.
>trying to loop tk with a 2 minute pb and riddle of wind being removed
are you retarded?
i mean, levelling gathering/crafting classes is pretty damned autistic to begin with.
no because RoF doesn't have enough room for it even with GL4.
Not in Shadowbringers it isn't, now if you're rebuilding stacks you want Demolish to snapshot GL3 + FoF instead of GL4 because that's an extra 3% damage on the DoT effect.
You get the same number of GCDs in perfect balance regardless of whether you're in GL3 or GL4.
I was afraid of that.
Oh well. How much do I need to worry about keeping my gear at a decent level? Can't afford to buy the shit for all these leves.
>ever being meta
nice try, weeb.
I was being sarcastic my dude chill out
>insulting others
>and missing point
Really Mhnigger.
why do you guys hate warriors so much? it's going to be the GOAT tank again, just accept it
Spam Leves and only buy equipment with Gathering on it. Perception does nothing in Leves so you can just buy the chest, gloves (?), and main/offhand or whatever it is that has gathering on it and don't have to worry about the rest. if you want to level without leves then you'll need to be fully geared since perception greatly increases EXP
it's not that big a concern, just burn cordials to do your leves better since they're pretty easy to get
You can probably get away using the gear from the quests 1-50. You'll need to start buying gear 50+ otherwise even on leves your chance to mine will be like 60%
Yeah, but what I'm saying is that if you demo at GL3 while in FoF, you're going to wast three more weaponskills after in GL3 when you could already be in GL4.
If you do leves you only need a few pieces of gear (the ones with gathering on them) and if you just stock up on Cordials with GC seals then you can just use NQ vendor gear for leves.
What? WAR is currently the best tank by far? It's the best MT.
It's just part form loping rotation. Just to discover/theorycraft can SSS+TK work in RoF window. No idea why other user goes apeshit
Your defense matters a bit more if you're going to be taking hits that frequently.
a big cumblast to look forward to during your big cum buffs
Nope, it wasn’t fun. Felt more like a chore.
never used it and MNK was still the most fun job.
Im grateful that tackle mastery is gone since it was such a shit trait in SB.
It was engaging and did the best damage we ever had.
There's your problem, the looping rotation assumes you need to line up all your buffs and have Riddle of Wind. Without IR or RoW there's no reason to do the looping rotation.
>healers only having to manage hp bars is a good thing
Even in FF1 using a red mage or white mage healer required me to pay attention to:
>keeping buffs up
>using the appropriate null spell to avoid damage from certain elements
>dealing damage in downtime
>killing specific things with the specialized spells they had such as dia for undead
Thats already more than I do in shadowbringers as a healer
Also demo falling down in this "situation" so you forced to use demo
If you're lazy you could just do GC turn ins every day
No, I hated MNK being forced to follow the rules of burst-damage that other jobs do instead of being sustained speedy DPS.
>why do people enjoy more technical things???
Because it's fucking enjoyable to not only execute it, but also get tons of damage off of it. High levels monks at the end of SB are about 500dps behind samurai and black mages of the same skill level, with brotherhood that makes them about even assuming the composition is 2 melee and 2 tanks.
For leveling you just need the gathering stat. from 1 to 50 you can buy white NQ gear from the city state vendors to keep you going. Once you're 50 they stop selling you that gear at 55 BUT since you can make red scrips now you can buy grade 4 materia from the scrip vendors which will let you wear that 55 gear into 60. Word of warning though, HW gathering is a fucking nightmare of RNG bullshit just to get the thing you need to mine 5 stacks of. Keeping up with the quests is also a pain since they need HQ turn-in items. . 60 - 70 is largely the same story except gathering in SB isn't nearly the pain in the ass it was in HW.
Dude's a sperg but I'll give him the MP thing, though it's conditional on just how this 10k cap is going to work. If it's an absolute cap, yeah, he has a point and it has ramifications well beyond WHM. On the other hand, if it's just 10k naked MP and you can still meld in PIE materia or eat food to go above that then there shouldn't be a problem overall.
Because while SAMs got to jerk off over hitting a single 80k direct crit midare I got to jerk off over watching a constant stream of multiple 10-20k direct crits rolling across my vision for 20 seconds straight capped off with a big dick 50k oGCD TK.
>It's simple, we eat the Batman
How is this not automatically the best boss music of the year? I need to hear the main theme badly now.
It is just a hamfisted way of saying spells will have percentage MP costs, which they always have in this game. The last time it was possible to stack a meaningful amount of extra MP was 2.1.
They were a bit shit to play at SB launch and people rightfully complained. Same thing happened to SCH then and now. Lots of autists that pitch a fit because they don't play the job and didn't understand why people were mad.
>Yesterday got a tank in roulette that was a pissy diva always blaming others and screeching and shit even when we cleared everything fine
>Today got another tank that, after wiping on Snowcloak (at Fenrir of all bosses), was like "All's cool, no worries we got this" and explained the mechanics again for the newbies
I swear there is no in-between desu.
because I want old WAR back, back before the stupid ass Inner Release change that made WAR boring as shit
MNK was already designed to be burst shit in SB anyways, TK rotation at least made it fun. Now we're back to HW monk with even less OGCDs
Obviously they are going to adjust spell costs for the mp limit. He has no point at all.
Most likely since DK is pretty close to useless now, your PB after a TK will look like this:
>True Strike, TK, FoF
>Twin Snakes
>Demolish, PB wears off
>true strike, FoW
there is no tk loop in shb, i don't know why you think it will exist in shb
like you're trying to figure out how many fire 1s you can fit into blm's rotation in shb because that's how it worked in arr, it's pointless
It was fun for people who can see their parses and got to see it slap down some big numbers(for mnk atleast). Otherwise it just felt like ass when it feels like it isn't panning out like its hyped to; but you cant say that publicly or else you're just not doing it right or whatever.
You can't dye it unless it's augmented, so of course people augment it.
Because you just powered up into a heavyweight fighter for a little while
I will in about 20 minutes, if you make a PF around then.
I enjoyed it in every fight except final omega but final omega is literally impossible to enjoy on a melee
Too bad it dyes in the post-HW retarded way where the entire piece fills a single channel.
Gear will be somewhat important, and unless they changed it you can't buy your way through MIN/BOT leves, you'll have to actually do a quest and shit. Once you get collectablity systems though, you can focus on doing turn ins for those instead of doing leves. GC turn ins are also important, and Ixal might also have turn ins for gathering but I don't remember for sure. Once you hit 60 or 61 you can make use of the namazu beast tribe as well, I think.
Did you link the wrong thing?
I want to run Fractaal Continuum unsynced for the Baldur Blade
I know I know but we hate two threads about this SSS+TK nonsense. Use SSS+TK wait, gain GL by using PB vs just hit GCDs in GL4. Second variant is winner. Unless some big brain from balance discord will make real calculations. SSS looks like dead skill. TK still will works with PB I guess.
They're still not even going to only focus on healing. All the healers' oGCDs are busted meaning ever GCD will be spent pressing one button and sometimes a second.
Did you post the right link user?
Because people keep falseflagging as Yoshi bootlickers to bait people into flamewars and it works
The inbetween is the tank that says nothing, but is still silently upset that people fail basic mechanics.
I seriously hope nobody is wearing shire as a glam.
>Now we're back to HW monk with even less OGCDs
This is the killer for me.
Alright, fine. You really don't want us using TK like that. Guess it's back to the old rotation. Hey wait, where's half the ogcds we use?
Everybody but the SAMs, BLMs, and tanks (outside of DRK) are too wound up and parroting cuckshed memes to chill out.
thanks for the tips friends
SSS is a dead skill unless you're using it before downtime. It's basically just like HW Tornado Kick. Tornado Kick is still usable but you only get it once every 3 minutes and only get your first one 3 minutes into the fight. Also knowing Yoshi in spite of the fact that you can now maintain GL for nearly a full minute with SSS +Anatman there will still be fights with transitions long enough that you'll lose it no matter what.
Anyone else just happy we are getting to hang out with Urianger a lot more in ShB?
lol wtf is that crazy bullshit? Her'es your rotation: Do your 123, then your 456, repeat forever. Keep oGCDs on cooldown. Congrats, you are the fist of the northstar.
Molybdenum Longblade is the same model if you just want the actual sword or like the gold detailing better
How shit are gunblades going to look?
I can't imagine any of the SB trial weapons looking good.
I used the aiming coat as my MCH glamor for the longest time.
It looked nice with Hellfire. The barrel didn't even look as bad on it as other guns.
Yes. I figured he would be forever alone in the waking sands, relegated to ex trial only.
>If you're lazy you could just do GC turn ins every day
That's what i do. I just make sure to get the HQ stuff + gathering whatever mats i need for my carpenter myself.
elf boyfriends are back and better than ever
I expect different types of swords with a gun mechanism attached, like DRK getting a greatsword-sized rapier from Garuda
You can use TK in a situation where the boss is gonna jump RIGHT after Demo/SP since Anatman will recover your GL4 afterwards.
I don't like the crafted one, the color scheme makes it look plastic.
>throwing that much demolish damage away
>Urianger teleports to whoever finishes a puzzle/obstacle-course first with Aetherial Manipulation
I'm going to commit a crime on the 1st shard!
I'll just be using the inevitable Garlean standard model from Gold Saucer.
You can, but SSS is higher potency than TK.
A lot of them are going to look gaudy as fuck and I'm going to love/hate it.
Congrats you're now clipping dozens of demolish ticks throughout a fight and throwing away about 500 DPS worth of Tornado Kicks
like paladin swords but with a trigger on them
What's with all the dead ninjas in World of Darkness?
I just got over 200000 gil. I've never felt richer.
Oh I mistaken and put two snaps into SSS GCD hell. It's one. But no so much difference I guess?
Any one got more Ilberd's?
Best elf is back.
I just hope there's at least one huge one or the AF shown isn't on the bigger side of gunblades we'll get.
still a bit dissapointed she doesn't stay a loli and grows cowtits instead
Can anyone give me a chart on all the dnc skills?
WoD has always been the sprout-slayer, because they get i130 carried through LotA and ST without seeing a single mechanic and you actually have to do a couple in WoD.
Shits fine for most players anyway, the only faggots crying anymore are people pretending they actually play in the meta
>his shb outfit
he looked really cool in his WoD garb
a shame
I wish there was a single instance of cowtits in this game.
SSS at GL4 is 560 potency
TK at GL4 + unbuffed Snap Punch is 682 potency.
Isn't it better to use TK in this situation?
why are so many wow players in this game
>dinged lv 21 in MSQ Satasha
Exp buff servers are pretty cool desu.
I have 35m gil and 100 allowances . How can I get all of these to 70 before the expansion hits?
WoW killed itself nearly and just recently started trying to revive itself again
I want to fuck Uri and I'm not even gay. He's by far the sexiest male character in xiv.
Ironically I switched from XIV to WoW recently simply because I'm too poor to buy Stormblood, Shadowbringers, AND a subscription right now.
Scratches a different itch.
It's the only alternative for a polished fantasy MMO that isn't Korean.
>best elf
I think Urianger is amazing, but let's not lie to ourselves, we all know who best elf was
how much damage should max stacks shoah do so people don't complain about it
Use leves to get everything to 50 so you can start doing Moogles. With what's left, use them on BTN and do collectable for the rest as your leves build up again. Having MIN and FSH at cap will help you out tremendously and capping BTN will round you off.
>if you bring Urianger/Thancred/Alisaie, WoL ends up looking like the wimp of the party unless you can sprint through the walkway without falling
>So many husbandos
>So few waifus
This game is an Otome in disguise.
>Stormblood, Shadowbringers, AND a subscription
FYI the most recent expac includes the previous ones. So if you wait a month you don't need to buy two.
>Having a rotation this articulated and disregarding boss mechanics and invuln phases entirely
Fucking lmaoooo, in practice you'll never actually successfully hit every button on that image
this is what blizzard did and look at WoW now
Aymeric is better
That walkway looked like you might be able to do a sprint-jump across into the middle, might be able to dab on all your party-members
>muh forced husbando
Never liked him. The fact that we didn't have a choice but to like him also aggravated me to no end. I usually just skip dialogue talking about this literally who NPC years after the fact still.
>So few Waifus
Oi m8 r u retarded?
Whatever the name of the Heavensward knight who killed him was?
>So if you wait a month
That's my issue right now. I don't like to play & pay for a subscription when I'm not even gaining exp anymore. At least with WoW I can get up to 110 before I uninstall because I don't feel like buying an expansion.
A good player will, you'll just never finish the whole combo. Most transitions are long enough that you simply restart your opener when the boss returns so it's no big loss
Just slow walk and style on them. Preferably as DRK in a black trenchcoat.
Tri melee is literally the strongest comp in the game right now, the only reason you wouldn't use it is because some fights specifically punish it.
>Dragoon Jumps their way through
>immediately jumps back in place and pushes whoever may have been passing by down
It's simply the only MMO comparably big right now
Honestly about to switch to WoW though, im so tired of yoshi's absolute bullshit
>so few waifus
you just have the big gay senpai
>remove tanking
>remove stances
>remove pets
>this is what people want
You get to kill him again in the level 70 DRK quest
>remixes Tchaikovsky with Uematsu
Soken is off the fucking chains.
People dont know what they want in general
The playerbase is that retarded yes, tanking got dumbed down even more
You also get a closeup of his Knight form as he's dissolving into aether when you kill Thordan.
Considering the nature of the SB DRK quests that's a bit like the WoL jerking themself off.
It has specific windows. So when you're in those windows you execute your rotation and adjust. Like a basic idea
>and a way to maintain stacks during downtime
Easiest way to spot a garbage Monk. Monk didn't need ANOTHER tool to upkeep GL, and it especially didn't need fucking TWO OF THEM. As is you /never/ dropped GL outside of 20+ second long phase transitions, and you had PB or Wind Tackle available to get GL back instantly so it didn't matter. MNK quite literally gained nothing with this expansion.
You're both wrong because the real best elf is estinien
you spelled Bestinien wrong
Are you? If we're so spoiled for choice, why not name a few?
>Saw someone cosplaying as him with the armor and sword, his model an exact match even with the name
Wonder if anyone got mad
In my UWU clear our PLD did not cast a single RoH combo in the entire fight and the WAR only did two butchers blocks. The PLD only entered Shield Oath once at the ending primal dance because he was nervous of dying at the tail end of the trial and most of the 9 instances that the WAR entered Defiance it was to snap hate with Equilibrium. Aggro-management has been beyond a non-issue for a while now and the nuance of using the defensive bonuses of tank stance has been lost with the overabundance of mitigation options available.
Removing stances and enmity combos is a matter of removing redundancy, not depth because there was 0 depth in either of those two things for two years now.
>remove pets
If you were good at using pets then you're not playing SCH any differently than you were before, and SMN is more engaging because you're tag-teaming shit with your egi instead of putting Ifrit on auto-attack and only slamming Obey to keep Garuda from tarding out and blasting Contagion of its own accord
>Saves the rebellion by destroying the giant cannon all by himself
>Gets rid off the dragon eyes because Lyse kind of forgot about them
>Jumps in to duel fucking Elidibus to save you and bring you back to Ishgard
>jumps straight from Ala Mhigo to Ishgard, just to ensure you have quality healthcare
What a guy
Stola, Yugiri, Tsuyu, Alisaie, Cirina, Krile, Minfilia. The list goes on and on.
>*survives the cull*
Only need one.
When do we get to try out his naginata Gae Bolg for outselves
>"this based man thinks of the 99% instead of the 1%"
>changes all AST cards to balance because of raidfags
>No longer a knockback
did it though?
they removed pets
"pet" doesn't cast spells anymore, you do
My only regret is its knockback didn't survive the cull. I'll only be able to piss off party-members with Rescue.
But summoners are supposed to treat egis like pets! It's been this way since forever and change scares me
ok now that we got a glimpse of teenfilia where is the lewd artwork
>don't like TK rotation because of TK > FoW > snap RoW and delayed PB where you can miss snap > RoW
>often misckick stances
>MNK is trailers looks great
>actually not
You can't even save SSS by adding potency. SKS SAM awaits me
cute zelda
Considering they've kept Estinien around after his tenure and the player base laps it up, I doubt ever because it would diminish his uniqueness.
He really needs to learn how to shave
I get how SMN "pets" work in 5.0 but how do Faeries? Do they just embrace your physick target now?
>*becomes literally useless*
I wish we had a cutscene of Estinien vs Elidibus, could've been kino like Omega vs Shinryu
But that's wrong you fucking retard. Fairy is still using Embraces on her own.
And again that's no goddamned different from what you were doing now with SCH, and SMN was fighting to keep your pet from blowing its useful spells immediately. They hardly counted as pets to begin with because of bad AI.
I wanna stick my "promise" right up HER arse.
what's a good job for a beginner that doesn't want to main DPS and if fine with utility/support/healing
None of those except maybe Alisaie has anything resembling romantic feelings towards (You). Also, Yotsuyu is dead and Minfilia is effectively dead too because I bet that thing called Minfilia in Shadowniggers isn't actually her, it's a ruse..
See above. This is actually worse because she's just some bit NPC.
I was asking from more of a lore standpoint, really. It isn't a case of like assasinations being attempted in the Allagan empire and those dead bodies just get thrown into the Void or some shit, is it?
If I remember right you can still guide the pet around whereever, it's just not a physical entity anymore and can't be targeted by players or enemies. They'll still auto-attack and such of their own accord but their skills got folded into SCH/SMN's hotbars as Egi Assault.
>often misckick stances
what? youre a fucking clicker?
White Mage. It's the basic healer.
>people cried about GNB being a tank instead of DPS
>saying we lost out on Renzokuken LB for some shit we'd never even see 99% of the time
>got that as a second combo and almost every finisher as extra moves
>get some shit from Seifer as a little bonus
>all we got from lightning was a shitty /cpose if you're a girl
I can take some shitty potencies, that can be fixed later if its that much of a problem. I'm happy with it overall.
Currently WAR is the most braindead class to start getting into the game unless you're some of the fags with tanking anxiety
Would have been better if they had someone from your current job's quest line save you. At least make them feel like they're a part of the world a little. Like Lalai, Sidurgu, or Zolka.
controllerchads clearly win again bay bee
white mage/sch/ast
those are braindead tier
they don't do anything
you or party member gets a heal every 3 seconds if they have less than 80% hp
and all other "pet" abilities you need to cast
God I want to stick my cock in Alphinaud and Alisaie's respective asses.
not everyone has big hands and long fingers that reaches across the whole keyboard user
No. Just ESL. Mispress?
Paladin and White Mage are the most simple and straightfoward jobs in their category. A lot of people I knew started with these two because of that reason to ease them into things.
i think it will be overtuned on Release. Yoshi is calling an "EXPERT TANK" despite being actually simple. It has low mitigation. i think they will force that shit to be top tank dps.
Should I bother grinding for anything with these Moogle Tomestones? The only things I'm interested in are the Pegasus mount and minion because fuck Diadem.
Oh, I see. That's a reference to FF3, much as the entire Crystal Tower series is. In the final area of the Crystal Tower in FF3 you unlock the super-jobs Sage and Ninja, so generally speaking you change your entire party to a combination of the two. A bunch of dead ninjas therefore signifies that this version of the Cloud of Darkness has killed a whole lot of end-game FF3 parties.
>didn't stay a little girl
>didn't become the WHM of the group despite being possessed by the embodiment of white magic/aether
Havent loggen in since june 2018 of stormblood. Is dragoon good again? Also why do people care about tiers in a casual game. Who cares if you beat the content 20 seconds faster. Most of your time is spent waiting in queues.
Can you post MNK layout? For interest. I don't feel very comfortably with 6 skill combos
LB3 is just going to be Lion Heart as a shield though right?
Zantetsuken Reverse would be too far out.
Most people would say "fat fingered"
I have a full set sitting in my bags for Gunbreaker along with A9 accessories. Checkmate atheists. Can't wait to replace them after 5 levels.
>Isn't even a NIN because she forgot to equip a jobstone
Was there EVER a single thing that Minfillia did right?
Not them but if we're going by that, all I need is Sadu and her current powerboner for you.
>those sounds she made after your little rematch
Jobstones don't grow on trees son
will they make seeing horde weapons for gunbreaker
there is no pets in FFXIV anymore
if you have "summon eos" spell active and you or your party member gets a heal once every 3 seconds
Diadem stuff is the most interesting out of the lot, and maybe the Answers roll I guess. Riding maps are piss-easy to get, especially if you've touched BLU/Masked Carnivale at all.
Same, + a full set of Nomad's and tokens for augmented Scaevan gunblade.
>Alphinaud becomes a scholar even though you have the only fairy-containing jobstone remaining
They actually do.
unless they're BLU or MCH
This is cool. Cloud of Light = final boss of ShB?
Alphinaud doesn't have a fairy idiot.
Based on past expacs it should have everything that's 60 and up, except for Ultimates.
Maybe Alphinaud hustled a tonberry for their own useless-to-them job stone
Alphinaud still only uses carbuncles though, he's just called Scholar for gameplay mechanics.
Alphinaud uses customs Carbuncles, idiot.
Then why the fuck is he a scholar?
I would safely bet money on it being called Lion Heart
Why doesn't non-Scholar WoL just let Alphinaud borrow his stone?
He still uses his carbuncle.
>SMN still use carbuncles icons for Titan and Garuda
5.2, mogstation purchase only. please look forward to it
He can be a scholar, just not a Nymian Scholar like WoL.
Or PLD, or SMN if you're in the Immortal Flames, or WAR if you're a tip-top MRD and interested in promotion, or WHM if you do some Amdapori excavating, or RDM if you've met X'rhun Tia and you're interested, or SAM if you live anywhere in Othard
>Can't finish the Carnival because I never bothered to learn Diamondback
Fuck me I guess.
>tfw will play all of those
I'm not a tier whore I swear.
The opposite of CoD is Flood of Light.
If you're on Crystal I can help a nigga out
It doesn't make any sence, Scholar as a combat job in FFXIV refers solely to Nymian officers and mages who used fairies.
I've finished the Carnival on two different characters and neither had Diamondback.
Reminder that smn possibly got it the worst of all jobs with the 5.0 changes, even moreso than mch.
Being reliant on hitting dreadwyrm trance on time instead of aetherflow is much worse because unlike aetherflow, you can't hold onto the charges first and only use them later when convenient. Dwt's buff goes active immediately, it summons phoenix automatically too in firebird phase (even worse). It means that if a boss disappearance syncs up to the time phoenix trance comes off cooldown, you either have to hit it anyway and waste the phoenix, or let it sit unused and drift dwt's cooldown (cause they're retarded and made it not start cooling down *until* you use phoenix).
If aetherflow was the critical factor like before, it would be no problem cause you could use it anyway regardless of target, you had the flexibility to hold onto the charges for later and just rush everything else into the end of the minute. Phoenix is basically wildfire with a forced usage time that gets cucked by jumps. In one single change they've destroyed everything that made the job good. I would even go as far to say that this is the moment the summoner job was ruined.
>MNK expansion is actually a SAM expansion
How is going to not-Japan and teaming up with Hien and Gosetsu a MNK expansion? All MNK has is that one clip from the trailer.
yoshi said 5.1
which probably means 5.3
Everything 60 and up but only Alexandrian weapons, assumedly. No Dreadwyrm/Ultimate but we might get one anyways if the community bitches hard enough since it's still within the content rules they've laid out.
Red Mages also don't normally pull weapons out of books and Alisaie did that.
The Ala Mhigan portion of Stormblood decides you're a Monk, the Shadowbringers reveal-trailer follows the same logic by going ARC > WAR > DRG > MNK > SAM > DRK.
why are your eyes so big
>unironically using "seven hells" as a statement of exasperation
Shut the fuck up, idiot. You got Phoenix.
I thought PLD had to be chosen by their stone but the recruiter dudes or whatever they are just carry them around til they glow or something? I honestly skipped the fucking GLD/PLD story shit because its just terrible in general.
He learned SCH technique by speaking with Surito Carito. He preferred using Carbuncle because he was used to it instead of turning it into a fairy
Because for 90% of the pre-release period, Stormblood was billed as a MNK expansion where you'd liberate Ala Mhigo; it wasn't until the last fanfest of that expac where they dropped the full trailer and revealed that it was actually 50/50 MNK+Ala Mhigo/SAM+Doma.
>I'm not a paedophile, guys
whats the easiest way to get higher level gear, im almost at the end of the available quests and im starting to hit a wall because my gear level isn't high enough
is it just running those duties for the tomestones because the payout is so low it that it feels like pulling teeth
would have been good if Phoenix aoe raises upon summoning alongside his aoe regen
They're passing out PLD job-stones to anybody that's interested in one to keep their martial arts from dying out, the Sultansworn is on a downturn because of the sultanate's dwindling/nonexistent power and the Syndicate's attempts to choke out the sultanate.
>This game is an Otome in disguise
funny you say that, do you know that if you delete all the phoenix related skills from the game and just gave smn nothing from 72 onwards, they would actually do more damage at level 80 than now?
Is everyone fucking retarded today? My roulettes have been AWFUL
SCH is actually stronger than ever, it's just gonna play super fucking braindead. I'd actually say SCH is overtuned.
AST on the other hand is gonna be fighting an uphill battle.
Don't forget to do your GC turn-ins every day.
5.1 at the earliest.
That would be awesome.
it's friday. normies are all playing. plus free login promo means people that haven't played in forever are coming back and sucking.
Funny that you say that, nobody gives a shit.
What was up with the glowy shit then? Was that just an isolated thing for the stupid oathkeeper garbage?
They're adult.
What's he up to?
you are literally autistic
>being attracted to adults makes you a pedo
>We will only ever get Hildy doing shit like this
I fucking hated the TK rotation
Phoenix is reskin of Baha.
Phoenix is just DWT and Bahamut at the same time with a regen
You're clearly just bad at monk senpai
>mad that they're "focusing on healers being healers" even though he wants them to do that
A truly unique mind
You make your job-stone glow with pretty much all your jobs, you're at 100% compatibility with every job-stone you encounter because you're the chosen one. Hell, you're pioneering dragoon, summoner, probably dark knight, warrior, and monk techniques from lv. 50 onwards
>Being attracted to a whore who spent the last two expansions taking every tavern cock in Ishgard and Kugane
>She can look like a preschooler mutant so long as her age is off the clock
>potatoes and cats
he's just canadian
It felt bad to play, was clearly unintentional, and monk always had a braindead rotation
>implying Tataru ever actually puts out
Wedge wishes
Then how the fuck do you beat that one level with the slow as fuck boss that eventually does a roomwide aoe that kills you even with mighty guard up?
Do healers have the worst community in this game?
uh huh, thats what makes it so bad
Do you guys think DRK melding might change a little in 5.0? With the loss of the 10% speed from blood weapon I'm wondering if it might be worth it to drop the crit and dh materia and meld for full go fast. More soul eaters would mean more mana for OGCD spamming and more blood for bloodspiller / inner shadow.
Also do we have any info on if inner shadow takes from your stats? If it does and it benefits from skill speed that might be better for that ability too.
Schemin', smuggin', either seein' Varis' backstab comin' from a mile away or not suspectin' Varis is smart enough to be pullin' somethin' like it off
It's not about them beings elves or not. The best characters in the game are objectively male elezen and garleans.
Not to him, of course. Tataru likes them bigger than his pathetic midget poker.
>smn possibly got it the worst of all jobs
Will you faggots ever be satisfied?
>910 potency dcrit UNGA BUNGA FELLER CLEAVE every 30s
>literally ass
inner shadow is just 7 400 potency attacks
animations are just fluff
the only actual good characters here are Alphinaud and Gaius
Awww seriously? That's really fucking lame.
It's a little known healing trick. If things die faster, then people take less damage meaning that your healing is easier.
The only fight with an AoE you may need to Diamondback is Behemoth with Ecliptic Meteor, but you can skip that as long as your DPS is good. I only fought him with the basic toolkit + Song of Torment and I beat him fine, just need to make sure you Bristle+Moon Flute+Off-guard+Final Sting him before Ecliptic Meteor finishes.
So ready for no TP meta
Oh she totally does, just not to lalafells.
funny enough the only thing that's really bad about it, other than slightly low damage which is easily fixed, is that some of its cooldowns suck
>250 potency shield share
but why though
>he doesn't main MIN
I like to DIG
What is it with a potato somehow being the most eligible woman in Eorzea?
well they could have literally done nothing this expansion and it would've been better. I don't give a shit about egi glamours
>ywn beat voidsent over the head with a tuba
why even live
Put that Skill Speed down, SAM
What's she doing?
>tfw just going to meld full SS for MNK like I do anyways
>mfw seeing my GCD go from 1.8 now to 1.6 something in SHB
Holy shit you're retarded, please get help.
>I thought MNKfags were cool guys like NIN, SAM and SMNfags
>"lol u bad" "TK or git gud XD" "am skill"
>13 years old MLGpros
Bros...ShB is live changer. Fuck mhniggers
Using her tongue to probe deep into a termite mound.
Fists of Wind for GL4 or Fists of Fire for 10% more damage, which are you intended to be in most of the time?
>Gets cucked out of piloting the Ultima Weapon by the prime jobber Lahabrea
>Upon learning of Ascian treachery and somehow surviving destruction of his base he doesn't spend all of his remaining time on going back to garlemald and warning others of the Ascian threat
>Instead he gathers few nobodies and starts killing Ascians without knowing that they don't stay permamently dead
>His only contribution to the story was a lore dump and destruction of a poison gas facility which ended up not mattering in the slightest
To make you feel like the ultimate boyfriend tank with names like aurora and heart of stone
Doing her anteater impression
SMNs will literally never be satisfied. They could get an actual Knights of the Round summon that played the full cutscene and instantly killed the boss and these faggots would STILL be complaining.
Fairy glams man.
wind, the buffs are pretty much equivalent but you attack faster in wind
>not skill speed MCH
MNK players really are getting fucked though. They're essentially getting punished for daring to find a rotation the devs didn't intend.
>whoah these people actually want to DPS? fuckimg scum!
Shut the fuck up, retard. Optimal is optimal, intentional or not.
Oh, that's just her chin.
FoE should be reworked to increase enmity and MNK should become a tanking class.
i'm excited for new content
>Fists of Wind GL4
>40% damage and 20% speed
> Fists of Fire
>40% damage
>MCH looks fun as fuck
>logniggers crying about how "it's too hard to optimize because my lag"
Mark my words this shit will be Inner Release all over again