Socialist vidya

When did you realize Yea Forums that only communism can save vidya games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no DLC
>Open source
All of them possible in capitalism.
>Made out of love
Love doesn't pays the bills.

no but all the rich hollywood faggots can pay my bills for me :^)

Nah they’ll leave to another country that pays them

would a socialist world permit the existence of video games?

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They already put their money outside the country

Yes, but they wouldn't have any critical message to the government. There would be also a lot of pretentious crap.

>All of them possible in capitalism.
Yeah, those games people make in their spare time because they don't have time to do anything else.
Why not?

Fair enough OP, recommend me some good commie-made video games

It's difficult to preach the importance of game unions when most people here have never held a job.

Nothing wrong with that.

I don't understand what does the xbox sentence mean

Yes, but only as heavely censored propaganda.

If you look at the history of videogames, there were plenty of chances for the to die out if it weren't for some clever entrepreneurship that socialism wouldn't allow

The nineties and noughties games didn't had DLC. And several of them had their open source released.


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Most game devs are spineless cucks that can’t seem to form a union

Also hard to preach the importance of unions where they suck
It's like pottery, it rymhes.
Yet the need for profit that exist under capitalism makes them unnatainable in current day.

uhhhhh tetris? I don't think that actually counts though

>Yet the need for profit that exist under capitalism makes them unnatainable in current day.
TIL We lived in communism during the 90s and 2000s.

If the farting dumbfucks at Riot can stage a walk-out then I think the possibility of game unions being a thing is decent.

0.03 USD has been deposited to your Carl's Jr. Checking Account.

Tetris but the state absolutely screwed over Pajitnov

No DLC/Open Source etc. is Capitalism, you just pay $50 or whatever upfront.

Marxism is more like a "Free to Play" game with a lot of hidden fine print and "features" you only find out about after you start playing.

Because video games are

1. Non-essential
2. A vehicle for ideas

They should ALWAYS be a free market.

I'm in a union. It sucks. I not only pay quarterly dues out the ass but also have a percentage of every one of my pay checks taken out as dues as well. All of the money just goes to not paying for my hotel, travel, or lunch when I FREQUENTLY travel to neighboring cities for my job and instead it goes to fucking support the political campaign of every democrat dickhead running for office in my state. Thanks, unions.

Name a single videogame made by commies.

prove me wrong.

It was capitalism that screwed him over, communism can do no wrong

Nah, but a company needs to make more and more profits, which means that things like dlc will just become the norm in time. You know reality doesn't exist in just one time period. It moves forward.

Okay but unironically, is there actually any reason to play games on Linux over Windows that isn't just showing support for OSS and free-as-in-freedom?
Pretty much all games worth a damn are closed source and non-free so why would any gamer care about those things?

Every other thing I can think of (compatibility, library, performance) are all notably worse on Linux.

The free market works

Tetris obviously. I guess lots of indie devs might be communist.

That’s good for riot, I wonder if they all got fired and their jobs shipped overseas.

The point is that open source and lack of DLC can exist in a capitalist society.

Imagine actually believing this.

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So that's why the good stuff comes from poland?

>Yea Forums is supposedly against socialism and defends or supports capitalism
>while pirating everything

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It did back in the 90s, wonder what happened.
>Suggestive hand wringing

t. doesn't know how communism actually works
a real communist wouldnt play your faggy video games

Considering that video games are entertainment, they account for a very small portion of the job market when it comes to the big picture. And given that most entertainment products are based upon popularity, there is not, and never will be, an entertainment-based economy. Games would be few and far between, and without money being a major incentive, innovation wouldn't be a necessity in order to have people play your game, or I suppose in this case gain "exposure". Most games that aren't a homebrew your friends make would be incredibly simple or barebones, maybe with examples like Quake and certain old Nintendo titles from the 80s being the peak of vidya for a good awhile.

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So instead of implementing socialism, you're saying we just kill all the jews to get back to the 90s?

piracy is ancap, not commie.

>pirating is socialism
actual retard

Those are some pretty anti Semitic claims user.

Brainlet chart

The profit motive quells innovation more than it spurs it though. Watch any E3 presentation.

I would prefer fascism but you're right desu
It saved application software in the form of open aource

Better having little personal time than starving to death with all the time in the world.

And here I thought we had something in common

What do you mean we can have a market and free healthcare?

>Unironically believing anything Lucas says.

>innovation wouldn't be a necessity in order to have people play your game
Yeah but in actually what happens is they will sell you the same game four times with a "remastered" slapped onto it and call it innovation.
Truth hurts
>Muh starvation
Literally the last famine the USSR had was during WW2, which I don't think I need to explain why it happened.


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Well, maybe dial it back a bit from the 90s and we would

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Isn't piracy a violation of the NAP?

our glorious ceo getting his 35million bonus is what staves off our society from starvation yahaha

Free knife wounds for all commies

ancaps hate the goverment, so who's going to protect the gamedev rights without a goverment from piracy?

No Jews, either.

Coca Cola and its legions of child soldiers of course

My party only allows chads in.

>Literally the last famine the USSR had was during WW2
Uhm sorry sweetie, but you're wrong

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in reality:
>nobody would have invented consoles or gaming pcs in the first place under communism, since there's no incentive to innovate
>nobody would have the time to make or play games because they'd be too busy waiting in a bread line for their food rations all day
>even if we somehow got over both of those hurdles, the government would only allow games to be made if they serve as blatant propaganda
yeah, i'll take capitalism any day of the week.

funny how multinationals are some form of private state and they even have their own private army.

Microsoft is literally a private state.

Ironically the USA has much less of a free healthcare market than many other places.
Their large social medicine programs (Medicare/Medicaid) are legally disallowed from negotiating prices with suppliers.
If actual free market forces were allowed to work then their huge size would allow them to strong arm greedy big pharma corporations and force prices down for everyone, even people who aren't on the programs.

But of course powerful social benefits are for commies so right-wing pillocks continue to fight for the corporation's right to raise their insurance premiums and lower their coverage every year until "medical bankruptcy" becomes one of the most common causes of financial ruin.

communism sucks cause you can't tell me what to do

They definitely would be under ancap doctrine.

Well that and curing people rather than keeping them constantly medicated isn’t good business

>no games

yeah, replace the goverment with some multinational.

wtf I love libertarianism now.

capitalism == globalism.

open source stuff usually sucks lol

It's not enough to be 'possible', moron, it needs to be the standard, just imagine a world where even the publishers consider DLC to be an unnecessary endeavor? I don't think communism would 'guarantee' these standards because I'm not stupid, but I don't think blind faith in capitalism helps make them come true.

Just consider that the more digital services are provided for free, the less it costs to develop digital services and goods (since they can be built on freely-distributed software), ultimately undermining the cost across all forms of software, games included. But software companies don't want that, they actively prefer proprietary software even if it's not theirs and have to pay to use it. It helps justify higher costs to the consumer, who doesn't know they can actually make their production more efficient and less costly, to keep profits up and invest in marketing (that provides absolutely no benefit to the consumer whatsoever). Investing in open source would reduce costs too, without the added benefit of justifying inflated marketing budgets.
tl;dr open source=/=communism, and only a retard can't see that open source is ultimately to his benefit as a consumer.

mid 00s when dlcs and microtransaction started to become a thing, 15 years later and it feels bad having been right since the beginning

>nobody would have invented consoles or gaming pcs in the first place under communism, since there's no incentive to innovate
Where does this come from? USSR literally led the space race and was the first country on the moon.
>nobody would have the time to make or play games because they'd be too busy waiting in a bread line for their food rations all day
The breadlines wherin hunderds wait for bread didn't exist before 80s. There always existed shortages but no one starved and the breadlines had a waitime of 15 minutes. They wouldn't also exist today since we can better plan the economy with computers.
>even if we somehow got over both of those hurdles, the government would only allow games to be made if they serve as blatant propaganda
Watch this Yeah, there was an after war famine which was caused by ww2. I worder myself badly I guess. After that they didn't exist.

>implying I said games are innovative now
these days, in order to make profit off vidya you don't really need to innovate given the way society has been developing. You just need to appeal to a certain demographic -- again, popularity driven. The point I am making is that compared to what we have now, vidya being red wouldnt be as in depth as it is today. IT'd be a much more "face value" or "surface level" interactive experience, maybe even like a movie (similar to arcade machines like Dragon's Lair.)

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most of open source tools are garbage.

t. freetard.

love that hands off approach governments take in globalism


Shut the fuck up you retarded commie

At least it’s not the government

The US fucked up by allowing unchecked globalism for corporations and not exercising antitrust laws enough. When a corporation can punish a country's consumers by denying its product instead of a country punishing a corporation by denying it their consumers, you know it's too late.

The nice thing about killing millions of your own citizens is there's more food for everyone else

>Meanwhile according to the W3C
>Unix and Unix-like operating systems power about 67 percent of all web servers

And how do you figure that?

>Not German capitalism
Imagine a blend of capitalism that came closer to the socialist utopia than the USSR communism model while also being more efficient at making shit than US capitalism

>Socialist country
>making any vidya
>not leeching off of capitalist countries and just dubbing over it like people do now with murica
What's the next big HBO show coming out, amerifats?

>it needs to be the standard

Freemasonry, Christianity and Communism are religions.
No religion figures should hold any gov offices.
Do not argue with religious people. They will keep their believes anyway.

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android ubuntu chromium vlc

>When a corporation can punish a country's consumers by denying its product
The only corporations I’m aware of that can do this are the medical ones. The others you can just go find a better company to buy from. Feel free to correct me though I’m always jonesing for a black pill

You're confusing cause and effect. Free tools are garbage because they don't have the millions of investment that proprietary software does. Investment in proprietary software is innefficient, too, since improvements in one platform by one party doesn't benefit other platforms, so more money is required for an industry-wide improvement. Investment in open-source platforms doesn't provide a direct monetary return on the investment but it reduces costs massively and is much more efficient.

Videogames are made to escapte alienation. Under FALGSC people will spend their times reading, writting, painting, getting laid, doing sports. Not this degenerate shit.

>made under 100 hour workweeks
It means the games are made "under" (during, from, etc. preposition) the harsh condition of a work week that lasts 100 hours. I can see how it could be a confusing sentence; you can really replace "under" with any generic preposition to try to work through it. The subject of the sentence is "video games" and is omitted, "the games are made from long (100 hour) work weeks"

>Open Source (Pretty sure you mean Free software)
kill yourself faggot.

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yeah north korea and venuzuela have some dope game developers

>what are IT corporations

Google or facebook have more power than most governments.

How so? Everyone's time on earth is limited. So spending time on creating game should be rewarded with fat payment.

>German anything
Stormfaggot kraut apologist fuck off

>Made out of love
And a complete lack of organization since there's no pressure and no management that could keep the projects on track.
Artists working for the sake of art are notoriously shitty when it comes to meeting deadlines and staying on task through blocks and boredom.
In other words, games under marxism is a deluge of interesting little demos that never get expanded into full, finished projects.

Working 100 hours a week unwillingly in any profession is inhuman

It would provide the best, most immediate and most long-term benefit to me, my peers, and every software industry.

Commies have no arguments

those aren't tools retard.

they're just standart software to view files.

bro, nobody in the industry uses blender, Krita, LMMS, GIMP.

they're so shitty compared to what the industry uses they're hobby tools.

is impossible to make an AAA game using only FOSS right now.

not real communism

>Artists working for the sake of art are notoriously shitty when it comes to meeting deadlines and staying on task through blocks and boredom.
>bioshockinfinite.jpg and renandstimpy.webp

Just an amateur guess / opinion. There's no way any of us could really know what vidya would be like if the world were red unless you had a time machine that could thread between different timelines as well. My main reasoning for it is that without money to be a huge incentive, the only reason to create a video game would be
A: to do something creative and have fun with a few good friends
B: to get a strong message out somehow to a lot of people in a form of an interactive / entertaining experience

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Oh yeah that’s right. I really don’t notice because I don’t use social media. God help me if they try to censor this place

Yeah, laws of capitalism are laws of capitalism. Whille differing from country to country it's still capitalism, which means all of the problems that plagued it will still do so unless you make a change in things that cause it. Since capitalism exist based on the profit motive, you won't.
>Venezuella is communist
Mutt detected.

the ironic part about how commies always cling to tetris in these threads is that the game only became famous because it was smuggled OUT of the ussr.
pajitnov himself was pretty much forced to sell the official rights to the soviet government because he was afraid of what their response would be if he tried to self-publish it.
thanks to communism, the release of tetris was a clusterfuck with a ton of unauthorized versions floating around and a bunch of different companies claiming to have proper licenses to distribute the game. under a captialist system, pajitnov could have just self-published it and been the '80s version of notch.

I agree, I was just trying to help user understand the sentence

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Outside of vying to be different college kids and a few aging academic boomers, no one seriously follows communism as it was envisioned anymore. It's a dated ideology fitting for the times where inequalities between worker and industry was much more pronounced such as during industrial revolution and gilded age in America.

I say this as a leftist. Social Democracy is a much more relateable political system in the 21st century.

So fuck off with the cringe worthy communist shit.

You still haven't realized that you have it backwards. Proprietary software is 'good' because millions have been spent on making it so. Open-source software would be better with the same investment, that it doesn't have.

That sounds like it would lead to much better games, especially since large scale games would only come about if the people involved decided it was a right fit.

>save anything
probably you would like to try the huge selection of games they have in china and north korea

>caused by ww2
>In 1946 about 1,7 million tons of grain were EXPORTED FROM THE USSR to EUROPEAN countries that also suffered from drought. For example, 969 thousand tons of grain, 60 thousand of other food products, and 50 thousand head of cattle were exported merely to Berlin. Over the period of 1946-1947 2,5 million tons of grain were exported to Albania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, France, and other countries. Creating a strategic reserves (for future wars).
Uhm sorry sweetie, but you're wrong

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Payment processors are already trying to interfere with individual rights in the US. Blacklisting certain political affiliations and denying service to firearms vendors.

Right. Fuck crunch time and fuck AAA gaming

The investment wasn't free, you know? And there are developers that did decent games with open source tools, like World of Goo.

there's not really a strong motive for companies to invest in open source tools to make games.

godot, krita and blender are the only exception because they have some form of backing.

actually godot is superior to unity in many cases, so yes, I agree open source WITH BACKING and investment from companies is superior.

You could simply want to earn tho. It's not that socialism means everyone will do everything for free.
It would be hard for it to become popular in the USSR since they didn't have personal computers, or rather not at large scale.
>Unironically being a suc-dem
>Exporting to countries ravaged by war.
>This isn't caused by a war
Peak brainpower.

I'm confused why you're bringing Bioshock Infinite up

>Venezuella is not communist
>Citizen elected governament ruled by a socialist party seized means of production and redistributed it to the people

It just got tangled in classic commie issues, sooner or later others people money will run out.

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>That sounds like it would lead to much better games
Maybe in the very long haul if tight knit communities in real life or even the internet documented or archived such creative hobbies. But for a good, long while, finding a new vidya that isn't just a rehash or a reskin of some sort would be a rarity.

BioShock Infinite was a mess caused for the total free will given to Levine to do what the fuck he pleased. They had to call someone from the BioShock 2 team to finish the work.

Like... current Sony.


Earn what? Love? Why would I care about love from others besides my family and friends, if not for the fact that I'm an egomaniac looking to get my personal message out to the rest of the country?

So you're saying it wouldn't be different from capitalism

Sony is censored, but not propaganda.

>ancaps hate the goverment
Games aren't made by the government lmao

Under 100 work hours per week, more like under 100 calories per week

imagine not believing the free market works

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Either you live under a rock or you are actually retarded.

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The motivation would be a massive decrease in costs. Companies make large investments in R&D anyways for many reasons and decreasing costs are one of them. A $10m investment that makes a single copy of a videogame $0.10 less costly to make would be seen as great profit.

Again, they make it back with reduced costs.

>defends or supports capitalism
Nah, we don't like kikes either

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No it's not. They don't have any intentions for communism. It's not like communism is when "state does things", There are many goverments who do the things you said and you wouldn't call them communist like Libya under Gadaffi, Nordic countries, France to some extent, etc.
Because you could earn "money" developing games?

>Where does this come from?
reality. all the innovation in terms of gaming hardware was happening in free countries like the us and japan. the ussr just copied it all with bootleg knockoffs like the dendy instead of innovating anything of their own.
>The breadlines wherin hunderds wait for bread didn't exist before 80s.
the ussr, as well as mao's regime in china, literally starved their own people on purpose with planned famines long before the '80s.
>Watch this
the commies were just on their best behavior for george lucas in the hopes that he'd shill their agenda in the us. in reality, soviet media was heavily censored and controlled to promote propaganda and squash dissent:

No one ever did.

>Again, they make it back with reduced costs.
That only works for the competition, that didn't invested shit.

It is called a Soviet famine not European, because Soviets stole our food and gave it to people who were against us a minute ago just to keep controlling them for decades. And citizens (who didn't own any ID, so they cannot move anywhere) of Soviet Union died because policy of USSR's Communist party.

They’re just asking for a black market to spring up

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Where is that money coming from? The government?

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wow one counter example LOL



Please, the competition is always in on some deal with your company, it's what an industry standard 'is'. Like programmed obsolency, poster child of these industry-wide practices that everyone agrees to follow and not call each other out on, for mutual benefit. If the industry standard was investment on open-source it would imply the competition is also investing in the platform, again for mutual benefit.

I believe the absolute majority of the most complex interconnected network humanity ever created is enough of a counter example.

>Most of it from China
>Libtards is a Dengist in denial
"To get rich is glorious" Deng Xiaoping
Well they never developed games. Nonetheless they had many scientific achievments.
>the ussr, as well as mao's regime in china, literally starved their own people on purpose with planned famines long before the '80s.
That's literally denied by anti-communist historians. Orlando Figes is the most famous one I know and he denies it.
When it comes to art they were normal movies. I come from Poland and they still sometimes put films from communist era on TV. It's nothing special really and boomers love them.
Yeah, today it would probably be paid though labour credits instead of cash.

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>Socialist vidya
Please no.
Today's lefties and, most notably, commies, cannot create anything of worth outside of their retarded culture war bullshit.
It's either race to the bottom with their righty counterpart (chapoincels, breadtubers, ect.) or the direct stab at it.
Either way, it's fucking pathetic to look at.

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Which is the inevitable result of multinational corps. Eventually people get pissed that Google is deciding which political candidate they get to speak about, so people start grabbing guns and torches and shoot a few executives until they guarantee "protections" aka rights. Act like a government, get treated like one. The only problem is that we start from square one again, which is might makes right. It would take a while to get protections for minorities and popular rule would probably be in place.

>Comes from Poland
>Commie apologist


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sounds like the kinds of arguments climate change denialists make. sad that so many people dont have Faith in Science

Is there a bigger possible cuck?

>labour credits instead of cash
Literally the purpose of cash, but I get what you mean.

Because I wouldn't own my vidya, it would be "property of the people". No fuck you, I bought it, it's mine.

And North Korea has nukes, but it's people are eating grass. If you throw enough government money at a problem and have spies or corrupt officials in the right places, you'll be able to do a lot, because you have the assets of every citizen. What do the proletariat have then. Not bread, obviously.
Yeah sure, nobody died in the countries Russia redistributed food from, or even in the Soviet Union at all. Not 5.7 to 7 million people or anything in Russia alone, not even counting countries behind the Iron Curtain.
Faggot, I do not care if you want some socialist policies or whatever, but understand that true communism killed way more than Hitler ever did, and has still never worked. The only way Communism would work is, conveniently, if you completely revised all the facts surrounding the USSR.

Either that or all the tech invested into Boston dynamics pays off and walking murder bots charge through the streets powered by 5G

>ITT retards repeating this unironically

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>One source recalls how Levine would challenge the historical accuracy of a design, down to the tiniest of details. If something wasn't perfect — if it didn't fit in the context of the world — then it needed to be done again. "I realized that he's not someone you bullshit," says the source, "because he cares about that detail so much and really loves it when other people do too."
>In January 2012, a little over a year before Infinite's release, Jordan Thomas, the creative director at 2K Marin — the studio that created BioShock 2 — joined Irrational, quickly helping to get Infinite back on track.
>Thomas and Levine decided multiplayer was impractical. Plus, the single-player mode still lacked a robust combat system. The modes were dropped and the teams were brought on to single-player production, where the combat experience could be applied.
>Many sources shared an enormous appreciation for Thomas' impact on Infinite. In the words of one employee, "Jordan was a revelation [...] No one worked harder. No one worked more hours. He treated everyone with respect."
>Sources say Thomas and Levine shared similar visions, and that Thomas helped to realize them. Thomas is described as someone who could take the many ideas and projects in progress and organize them into one vision. He could snap the studio out of the iterative cycle by creating a map toward realizing the ideas in Levine's head.

Mate, different countries focus on different aspects of capitalism and socialism depending on the sociological and historical context. While the German system leans heavily towards capitalism, it also took a lot of notes from socialism due to it being a central part of the history. There is a reason why the German blend of capitalism is also often refered to as social market economy, it's still follows capitalist systems but it's main objective is stability and not wealth.

Why do toilet cleaners want communism

LOL nigga you're not gonna be in the party

>It would be hard for it to become popular in the USSR since they didn't have personal computers, or rather not at large scale.
That's because it was a communist shithole.

Ironically a bunch of Yea Forums poorfags probably want to go communist because it's the only way the world would bail their loser asses out

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this argument would not have made sense 30 years ago and it definitely doesn't make sense now in an age where you can download and copy everything.

>Well they never developed games.
glad to see you're admitting that communism wouldn't do shit for gaming, then.
>That's literally denied by anti-communist historians.
it's supported by records, facts, and eyewitness accounts from survivors.
i think i'll trust all that info over some literal-who "anti-communist" historian who pretends that communist atrocities never happened.

>Orlando Figes
Jew from London says Commies did nothing wrong.
Anglo writers and elites visited Soviet Union in 20-30s also said everything is totally fine.
Because Communism were invented in England as a weapon against their enemies.

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does everything i want poorly
doesn't do everything i want

i don't know why people would use linux

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I wasn't sure if you were agreeing with my point or contesting it

>Zoomer got indoctrineted by commie granpa
>Commie granpa misses komuny because at the time he was a state officer and abused the fuck out of his power

That fucking shit ruined this country and apologists like you deserve the rope

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socialism and communism are always bad and never the answer

Communism is the end goal of socialism retard. Stalin and Lenin even said this.

Yea Forums is radical centrist/nazbol territory

fuck the rich jews in the American government

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That's what they think anyway. In reality they'd be working the factories and starving like everybody else.

Ted Keneddy was Irish and he was the godfather of the Immigration act of 1969.


>Socialism will make sure that there is no DLC
>Implying workers of different games companies don't want to charge you extra for extra work they did
Baka, you mean communism then. Frankly , I don't want to play video games as dictated by The Lord Central Planner

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