Does anyone actually play video games in this hellhole? I came from Florida to Houston-Sugarland, no one I've talked to seems to know anything beyond their kids playing "that Fortnite videogame".
Does anyone actually play video games in this hellhole? I came from Florida to Houston-Sugarland...
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The meme police are gonna freak over this one
Games where the protag is from Texas? I can only really think of Bad Company 2 and TF2.
just scrolled by to say howdy
The last of us I guess.
Who /Garland/ here?
Grand Saline here, I was hoping to get sucked up by a tornado yesterday unfortunately it didn't happen.
no lol you're on Yea Forums nobody here plays games XD
lol post vidya-games tits everyone :D
Yeah we play video games. Btw Texas is a shithole, less than 50% white and dropping by the day.
nice racism
I guess its different in Houston, because in Fort Worth a lot of people I know play games.
This. Almost everyone I know in Arlington plays vidya
>thinking anyone here is going to mind being called a racist
>from Florida
Please go back faggot, just as bad as commifornia immigrants
Where the Clear lake squad @
>not as impressive as they used to be, but they sure think it is
can confirm
I'm from a suburban part of Houston and plenty of kids played vidya when I was growing up.
Quakecon is in Dallas, lots of online games have datacenters in Texas, and if this thread is any indication the DFW area is basically the vidya capital of the central US.
dark red squad ww@
NASA brat reporting in
>All my best gaming bros are in the deep south
>None of them play the same games I do anymore.
Never lived in the dark red but have spent 90% of my life in yellow or orange states
>not living in Chad Cypress
>mfw those fake lakes literally made a fucking death trap on the streets when hurricane came by not even speedboats could go through
hasn't Texas always been 50% white?
>fake amusement park
hey at least the rollercoaster is ok
No one cares about Americans. This isn't int
Also death to America btw.
texas is a great place to live because its so cheap
lmao both hellholes absolutely lacking in creativity or intellectualism
Magnolia State reporting in
California is cancer
Texas is garbage
Florida is shit
The three places to avoid in the US
LMAO I grew up in that boring white picket fence ass place. You're in supreme shirt territory son.
832 reporting in
/cypress/ reporting in
Oh look, the flyovers are here
And where do you live, user?
>implying florida and texas isn't flyover backwater third world states
lmao the only places that matter are on the east coast and west coast.
OP is just a fag. Houston has pretty active fightan scenes and especially in Sugar Land/ Southwest, because people can afford the vidya. He's probably just retarded
I'm slightly freaked out by how easy that is to understand.
>tfw moved to Austin from Lubbock
Big mistake
Fucking Texans. Come up to the mountains in Colorado and fuck up everything.
See you this summer you fucking gaper
I'm a white South African immigrating to Texas this june. any advice on living here. Ill be living with my cousin in San Marcos.
Reminds me of Orlando
Austin has went to hell after all the woke Californians started flooding our city
the river is comfy
Bro just be mad at the Californians. I came here for a job. Probably going to go back to flooded heatwave land soon though. Snow is for fags.
Hitching your horse uses urinal rules. Don't hitch right next to another horse unless all other parking spots are taken.
It was literally part of Mexico
Go to Herbert's I guess
Get drunk and float down a river
Be sure to conserve water for the preservation of the blind salamanders
Better learn some Spanish. On top of all the illegals Texas used to be part of Mexico too. And get a couple of guns while you're at it
Having grown up in good Old St. Augustine, FL
That state can get fucked.
>tfw broken spoke is surrounded by soulless condos
>End of an Ear had to flee south
I hate it
I really want to go to Texas. Any tips?
>was literally mexico long before annexation by US
>wtf why are there so many mexicans??!?
user where do you think florida is?
Get on a plane
Go to Texas
Move to George West
you're freaked out by that fact your grasp on english is strong enough you can figure out the meaning of american slang?
It's a huge as fuck state. Narrow it down.
Remember the Alamo.
I'm in Sugar Land, bro, where about you at?
Avoid the big cities, but especially Austin, it's basically little Californa
>live in this driveby town
You all would have?
ill try my goddamn best
I'm from sugarland and me and all my friends play video games and it was all we talked about in school
Ok move to Swinney Switch
>tfw live in Victoria
Goddamn there’s literally nothing to do in this town.
River is comfy.
Canyon Lake is nice enough.
Pic related. Day trip to enchanted rock is cool. If you go there eat at Coopers BBQ in Fredricksburg area.
If you're a degemerate the square of bars around town hall will keep you preoccupied. Tap Room and Blackrabbit Saloon are the tits though. Tap room for 90 different beers. Black Rabbit for Whiskey.
Ranch Road 12 used to have a really cool spot you could drive to but it looks like someone bought that property.
Over 2/3 of the city is college students
House parties everywhere
t.graduated with barbie jeep girl. She's an engineer for the same company I work for.
How would an American redneck be like in a UK chav-town?
i live in tomball and i have no idea where to go if i wanted to get out of the house
Lol what you dont have a popping Town center to go to like down here in SL?
my nigga
Yes, as in "Y'all'da done the same iffin you were there."
We're an extrovert state, so everyone is outdoors watching football or playing it along with other activities.
It's the plan.
I'll remember that. Something I should see there?
My plan is to watch anything I can about it.
Kek, Ok user, I will stay little there.
I'm in Lake Jackson and everyone I know between the ages of 8 and 35 play vidya.
What games do Texan girls like to play?
I'd like it.
Texas sucks lol
There were never that many mexicans in texas. They preferred to live in... Mexico.
No bro there's fucking nothing to do south of San Antonio if you're not on a ranch. It's on the way from SA to Corpus Christi so I guess you could stop there if you wanted to go there. Don't move to South Texas.
Candy Crush and Angry birds, as they should. The only ones who played actual games were batshit insane.
He should have came from Paris
Most of the mexicans in the US are illegal
>moved from Peach state to bumfuck New Jersey
North sucks, I miss Cook Out. Wawas are awesome though.
True. Spics are getting out of hand here. Gonna move up north in a few years.
thanks user. im really excited to get out of this hellhole.
It's pretty dead, Jim. I used to at least enjoy Tilt/Aladdin's Castle in the mall before they closed down, now the only reason I bother is Niki Roma's.
Moved from NC to TX. I also miss cookout, and sheetz
idk maybe the local lonestar college campus or something? i have no idea where anyone would go to in this town. i imagine everyone just goes to each other's house or some shit
>tfw dfw
oh god get me out
But Texas was Mexico
>5 dollars for a bunch of cheap, delicious food
No place like it on earth man. Hope they expand further north ASAP
Empire State of the South here.
>all you had to do was learn Spanish, become Catholic
So basically integrate into your host nation like civilized people? I guess the Mexicans coming back is karma
>Texas was mexico
>only 3000 people lived in it
I will definitely try to get a gun. I know that Texas has a lot of mexicans, but i grew up in a place where more than 10 white people in one place is a lot, so ill be fine.
>all you had to do was adopt their language in culture
>this is too much for Texans
>start a war (conveniently when the Mexican government outlaws slavery)
The Texas pop back then were only about 30 in total Spaniards compared to thousands of Germans and Anglos. Modern day mestizos weren't really a thing yet.
>start a war
>after you territory magically becomes part of mexico and not spain
>shut up we had the freedums to do it get out of our country and/or state
>land is owned by the Spanish crown
>now it's owned by the Mexican government
>don't follow any Mexican laws because you love your black people too much
>200 years later claim your dry shithole was oppressed
>sprawling concrete
Catholicism is the reason Mexico doesn't work as a nation. Look at every modern Catholic country, all of Latin America and Spain and Italy; there's a reason they're still shit holes. The United States, and by extension Texas, worked because they were founded by Protestants, specifically Anglo-Protestants that had their roots based in English interpretations of law and religion, instead of the arbitrary catholic shit that ruins everything south of the border. Rule of Law and Protestantism is why Texas was successful.
No comment.
The moral of the story is
>don't take in too many people unlike you or bad things gone' happen
I honestly don't even really mind the Tejanos (Not the actual wetback mexicans) because they're more like the rest of Texas than most of the north. I'd take them any day since they actually agree on important shit and are more culturally linked to Texas than Cali or New York.
St. Augustine can be very pretty, but it's a ridiculously expensive place and the people downtown are soulless.
Why should you follow mexican laws when they literally have no effect on your life whatsoever? Who are the mexicans to come around and start demanding things of settlers that had been in the area for generations?
>came from Florida
At least you didn't move up to NC like the rest of you double niggers. Between you faggots and all the yankees moving in I'm about to lose my goddamn mind.
It's hard to say it wasn't considering the Yucatan, south Rio Grand, and California all rebelled at the same time.
>all of Latin America and Spain and Italy; there's a reason they're still shit hole
That's because they're all corrupt as fuck
I do same area as you as well. I have a coworker's who also play.
*inaudible ghost screeching*
I can assure you Spain and Italy are far more pleasant to live in than America these days
NC is a Tekken state
Catholicism in itself is corrupt as fuck
Texas is going to be another South Africa in about 50 years. Don't come here and consider a state like Maine.
Yes but I wouldn't blame their lack of success on it. It sure is odd that every country south of the border is a shihole when most of their populations are native blood. Hmm
This, the sheer volume of goblins crossing the border will collapse the state.
Anti-Catholic movements were one of the big reasons Mexico was so unstable historically, you fags could've actually made something of yourself had you not killed Emperor Max like a bunch of retards.
I don't understand your reference to a fighting game but if you mean to come here fuck off we're full.
It’s pretty fucking shit, trust me
Americans thinking Southern Yurop is like Mexico lol
Just look for zoomers and early 20's
Protties pls leave, France may be memed on but it is 10x better than any Anglo country
Papists are the cause of the problems, not the Protestants. America worked just fine until all those paddies and wops showed up, and now we've got a bunch of catholics coming up from central and south america making things worst.
You don't have clean drinking water so yeah, I'd say so.
Don't some of the Call of Juarez games take place in Texas? I think Billy the Spic was from here
This is why you must never invite la creatura into your borders
Once it's in, you're not getting it out
Oh I'm more or less an NC native, I just play a lot of fighting games and know that among them Tekken is pretty big here.
I thought we were still talking video games.
NC sucks. Rains every other day, and fuck the 90% humidity
t. lived there for 5 years
Calvinism is the true path.
Have you seen the water in parts of America? Lel what a retard
I guess the colonies invading Europe is karma?
I've had little trouble drinking clean water on trips through Toscana and further down south, as well as Barcelona and the meditteranean coast, where are you getting these sources from?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, Billy was half Mexican and an outcast because of it, which later you find out it was actually because his real dad was a massive bastard outlaw.
I think the game mostly took place on the border between Texas and Mexico near modern day Larado, so you could call it either way.
Me and my friends only ever played Smash, our high school was nothing but melee. We could wavedash like pros. That said we were all mostly PC gamers, we'd have LAN parties about every weekend in high school, too, interrupted only by either a bonfire, smash bros, or foosball.
Then go back.
Why would territory that was part of New Spain (aka Mexico) go back to Spain after New Spain (aka Mexico) gained its independence?
Absolutely, it's all we whitebois deserve
I am more of a liberation theologist myself
Frenchies hold a special place in our hearts but don't you go runnin your mouths 'bout religion, ya' hear?
Growing up in NC you're either a Presbyterian, a Methodist, or a Baptist. Given that my ancestry is dominantly Scots-Irish and lived in an area that was settled by almost solely scots-irish I'm a Presbyterian. I hate the misnomer that people think scots-irish means they're irish, they're Ulster Scots, ie, Scots that settled in Ulster before moving to the US.
Keep your nation homogeneous, regardless of what race it is.
Protestants are the cause of massive social upheaval, sometimes it works out great and you get the industrial revolution, sometimes you get terrible shit like people bowing to feel good liberal values over structure and order. Not that it matters because protestantism is rapidly dying out in the countries taken by it, leaving only indistinct, fractured spiritualists in name who share little common ground.
Papists as people call them might be slow to embrace new things, but their caution is what keeps them together and alive for a new age.
Why should you listen to a bunch of bullies that just beat up their mother country when you were living peacefully before?
Pelican here!
Presbyterianism is founded out of Calvinism, bro. That's the Church of Scotland, by the way.
Cuck. By your logic, it's absolutely karma what Europeans have and continue to do to the Middle East.
The countries are only beginning to fail exactly because Protestantism is, as you say, rapidly dying out. The Enlightenment and the Protestant Reformation were the best things to ever happen to Europe, you cannot deny this.
Absolutely, it's all we towelheads deserve
Yeah man, the natives had no reason to let those white rejects from Britain claim "Manifest Destiny" on their lands and force them to live on reservations.
I just finished L.A. Meltdown on Let's Rock difficulty. It was fun.
>industrial revolution
What's your PO box?
That's what I mean. What brought about the rise of Protestantism was the chaotic willingness to embrace change and roll the dice for a better future. Sometimes, this works well. Other times, it does not.
The Catholics have always been far more ponderous, but they do slowly arrive at the same points in time. The difference between the two is that Catholicism is evolutionary and builds on the older order, while the Protestants are revolutionary and start fresh when trying new ideas. Since these current new ideas had no predicted need for the religion, it has caused it to fall by the wayside and begin to decline.
I don't deny that good has come from Protestant majority countries, only that the same driving force that can bring about that good can also quickly be one's undoing when left unchecked.
Well I am a Brazilian born migrant to the U.K, from a very left wing family, so that explains my adherence to Liberation Theology.
America is fascinating.
How much do you know about native americans? Not so much from that comment.
>Finish my Masters in CompSci
>Find myself shifting more towards luddism every day as I continue to see the horrors coming about from rapid technological development.
Is this how it starts? Is this what happen to Ted?
y'all some poor motherfuckers
Working in a university and his brother's factory probably did it
Not enough to care about what you have to say.
As someone born in FL
You left one shithole and moved into another.
Get out of the south.
Don't mess with Texas
guys I get hot just by looking out the window why is it so hot here I hate it
I mean I love the history and the food, but goddamn the heat, humidity, and mosquitoes. man wasn't meant to live here, Houston is just swampy Mexico aaaaaaaahhhhhh
too true
Well keep spouting your facebook tier knowledge of american history and don't for get to like 1 like = one child fed.
Tell me about it. The vents for my AC in my house is broken, the only room that's cool is the bathroom and I can't find a handyman to fix it. I had to get a window unit for my computer room just to ensure my PC didn't overheat.
Live in the northern parts then.
>just move bro
don't have money for that yet
also not as many opportunities in the panhandle
drink water hot user
Says more than I like that I'm impressed with the lack of litter.
>american history
Kek, keep giving us those nuggets of wisdom, oh wise one.
Roundabouts are easy and anyone saying otherwise is just memeing
Went to Sachse HS back when. Howdy fren.
>lived in Houston
>closest Walmarts were in "Warzone", "Cheap Heroin", and "Hipster Douchebags" neighborhood
I hate big cities so much
Idk that map says rich people where pine hills is in Orlando lol
>comfy Free Play
you have to stop by Herbert's and grab some tacos if you're in San Marcos. them shits are delicious
What nuggets of wisdom, you admitted you didn't know shit and didn't want to learn.
Texan expat living in Wisconsin here
I'm only ever going back to see family and eat Whataburger
Nah, there is actually a lot of litter there. It is just not shown in this pic.
user, are (You) going to entertain us with some quirky american "facts", or not? Because I'm running low on (You)'s, (You) know.
got bad news for ya bud
He was also an MK Ultra participant. No lie or conspiracy there either, it's on record. It's why he also hated the government for what they did to him.
You'd have to ask a question first, but you don't know enough about the subject to even do that.
>200 years ago
>White Americans move into empty land with government's permission
>Make the land useful and wealthy
>Ask for better representation in return and get told to fuck off
>They leave and take the land they made worth a shit with them
It's so fucking stupid to compare then to now that it's less of a false equivalency and more like retarded babbling. Millions of illegal Mexicans are flooding a prosperous region, raising crime rates, burdening its infrastructure, refusing to integrate, and oversaturting the job market for the lower class. At this rate, we should just close the southern border completely and shoot anyone who tries to cross it. Fuck it- build the wall and put California on the other side of it, then see how they feel about this within a year.
>be Texan
>Engineer is my worst class
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Surprise me famm, I'm all ears.
Ask a question
I love Texas history. It's a real riot
>be James E. Ferguson
>be governor of Texas
>get criticized by University of Texas faculty
>start vetoing shit the college wants cause the college won't fire the guys who criticized him
>rich alumni get pissed and call for you to him to be investigated
>find out that he's been taking bribes and shit
>resigns before getting impeached and gets permanently banned from holding a political position in Texas
>decide to run for president cause he's not banned from that
>come back to Texas and has his wife run for governor instead
>his wife doesn't know shit about politics and he just coaches her along the campaign trail
>she wins and he sets his office right next to hers
>Texans fucking hate him but still vote for him cause they don't want to elect someone from the KKK into office
>eventually Dan Moody successfully prosecutes KKK members and runs for Texas governor
>wins cause he's not a KKK member and he's not a Ferguson
Don't forget the governor who barricaded himself in his office when he lost the race. That was a good time too.
This fucking place is filled with le gammer reddit memes. And most of them are female. You're either socially retarded or a nigger.
Spring/Woodlands checking in.
Get ready for an essay, because I have a shitload of stuff to relay to you.
Unfortunately there's little to do in San Marcos, but you're literally right next to San Antonio and not far from Austin. There's a ton to do in both cities, and both have good arcades, a thriving music scene and cool shit to do. A lot, and I mean a lot of really good food too is available in both cities. Unfortunately Austin kinda sucks to navigate and everything is very expensive by Texas standards.
One other thing, though. There's a bunch of outlet stores in San Marcos that sell good shit crazy cheap, so hit them up whenever possible and sell the stuff online. There used to be a ton of people who would drive up from Mexico to the outlet stores and drive back to Mexico with literal pallets of stuff, but new state and county laws pretty much put a stop to that.
Also, the retro gaming scene is pretty healthy around here. But some tips: avoid Propaganda Palace. It's run by an actual lunatic asshole who thinks Super Mario 64 is a rare game worth $90 USD and his store looks like an episode of hoarders.
Bucky's is cool but overrated, the bathrooms are fucking wonderful though and their selection of dried meats are expensive but extensive. Whataburger is fucking baller, but the one in downtown San Antonio near the Henry B. Gonzalez convention center sucks ass, and you will definitely eat there if you ever go to San Japan, Alamo city comic Con or PAX South. Mini mini con happens every May and is really fucking cool too, it's one of the largest free convention in the country.
Oh, and the Alamo is really fucking lame, but the other missions in and around San Antonio are cool. The bus system is pretty good in San Antonio, but public transit in San Marcos and Austin suck ass. I have a car now, so it doesn't matter to me, but it might for you. And for the love of Christ get a car with a good air conditioner.
>father moves the whole family out of cali to go to Alabama
Honestly, I fucking love it here, I can leave a bike outside without it being stolen and everyone speaks english
>love living in Texas
>absolutely hate hot weather and southerners
It's a dilemma to be sure.
Wonderland of the Americas is the weirdest mall in San Antonio, but it's fun and there's events there almost every weekend. Try the smoke shack, it's right across the street from the Witte museum. Six Flags is better than sea world. Splashtown sucks ass and so does the Corpus Christi Schlitterbahn, but the New Braunfels Shitterbahn is pretty fucking great.
Swamp coolers don't work well in our part of Texas, so always get an actual air conditioner if you can. Don't buy any battery-powered versions of things if they're going to be outside all day, the batteries won't last in the Texas heat and South Texas humidity. So get the supercap or wired versions of dashcams and security systems. And if you like electric cars, don't buy the Nissan Leaf, the battery will degrade in less than 3 years because it's passively cooled.
Finally, never ever underestimate how massive Texas is and how things are away from each other. It's literally a ten hour drive from San Marcos to New Mexico. Oh, and Texas white women suck ass (I guess all white women do) but the selection of Latina women (and surprisingly, Asians) is fucking top notch.
Either way, enjoy Texas. Treat us Texans well and be friendly, and we'll be the same to you. And I hope you like it, pal.
>the Alamo is really fucking lame
I sincerely wish Florida could have a kick ass history like Texas, all we're famous for is having the spanish come here thinking they could find the fountain of youth. Hence why old people come here all the time
If you live in Houston, you can easily find plenty of Viet girls to date
He's right though, the other missions trail is much is more interesting
Texas doesn't even count as the south anymore. It's the Southwest now, we don't vote or act the same as say Georgia, Alabama or Florida. We're more like Nevada and New Mexico now.
Dude, my family has been in San Antonio since it was part of Spain, we're blanco beans. We have to be honest, the Alamo is lame. It's just a tourist trap now with nothing to do there. I know they're gonna restore the place to make it more like it once was, but for now it's fucking boring.
Well it's dying and nobody gives a shit or even notices. Midwestern fags over a /pol/ understand our situation better than most of our own.
>beyond their kids playing "that Fortnite videogame".
Are you talking to suburban 40-year-olds? Do you honestly expect people old enough to have kids that play Fortnite to share your tastes in vidya?
my lads
Of the ones I know
>Animal Crossing
You'll probably be fine. Only real thing to know is that if people seem uncomfortably friendly in public, it's probably genuine. They aren't trying to rob you or anything. Welcome! Have fun and don't be evil or you might get shot
Seriously a surprising amount of people carry guns here.
I was born in this state and I still love it to Death and I will probably die here.
I just gotta get my ass in gear to build my house in my plot of land
This. Fucking spics and california refugees are ruining our states. 90% of all new kids when I was growing up were moving in from california. Now we've got mexicans taking over small cities because the local chicken plant there hires illegals
OK. But what about the basement? The basement is great.
Oh, and if you're planning on attending college go to San Antonio College. They're very cheap, their credits transfer almost anywhere in the USA and even internationally, and they offer a shitload of programs. They're the largest community college in the USA and are part of a network called Alamo colleges.
Why don't the Mexicans just learn English? They force their kids to speak it too.
Because they're too stupid to. Legit 80 IQ.
Spics are lazy motherfuckers
>fix their country?
nah I'll just flee like a bitch
>show any respect to the locals?
nah I'll just steal their shit and call them racist
>learn the language
nah, thats racist and instead of communicating I'll do that fake smile shit
fuck them
The Texan Revolution only happened because we outnumbered the beaners by a decent amount.
Last time I said that I got called a racist by some dumbass at work, and I come from a Mexican family
>Need some money, work?
Nah, bust oil pipelines and burst into flames.
>He fell for for the fortune tellers lies
>he ruined the joke that at least one of the lurkers reading this would believe is real
>implying anyone else knows what the fuck we are talking about
Dallas County checking in
reporting, even though I moved to friendswood less than a month ago. I graduated from Clear Lake Highschool a long time ago, I went to the old building, not this new ugly ass building.
It will be legal in texas to shoot Poseidon
Christ, I know what you mean senpai
~everybody gone suuuurfiiiin'~
~surfin' usaaaaa~
>fix their country? nah I'll just flee like a bitch
but that's what early settlers did
If this was supposed to be a TCR reference then I'm the only one who got it
Not talking about Mexicans.
Every gal loves Mario Kart, and every gal is shit at it.
Went to Rowlett. Wish I went to sachse
Which is fucked because there are ghost threads here pretty often
Houston hasnt been Texan since the Katrinans moved in
DFW, has plenty of local comic shops that host D&D, trading cards, and vidya tournament.
Love my state but its hard to meet any cute traps here.
my main gripe with texans is they are absolutely shit drivers. every time I drive down to DFW there are numerous amount of faggots going 5-10 under in the left lane and won't move over.
>not posting the true texan one
i'm in sugarland, let's meet up for some rocket league LAN.
Lemme guess you drive a pickup
who /central/ texas here?
>mfw all my irl friends moved away to other states
lonely as hell
why don't you faggots just move to austin if you want cutie traps.
>Lemme guess you drive a pickup
Nope but a lot of the fags that drive 5-10 under in the left lane are either in a truck or suv. Is it a texan thing to drive like shit? Most other states I've been to people move over to let faster vehicles pass.
thanks. noted.
/central/ but I don't want to meet you
>Faggots are in austin
Austin gets all the cali reject fags that are pozzed and have sores all over their faces
austin fag
>he's isn't /north/ texas master race
Any FriendsHOOD or Alvin niggas???
>tfw south of the speed traps
This map is very accurate.
/seguin/ checking in. If you don't think Whataburger is the tightest shit then get out of my face.
I like Whataburger, but I don't always have 45 minutes to waste sitting in the drive thru
1820s-1830s USA was a fantastic place to live in back then compared to war-torn Europe.
Also Texas was simply no mans land fucking spic.
Come back when you settle new territory
A fair complaint.
Any Arizonans here?