Why is this game so boring?

Why is this game so boring?
Why does it take forever to do anything in this game?

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player->setspeed 200
you dumb nigger

Because it wasn't made for zoomers with adhd

IMO there's no point in playing Bethesda's older games, it's exactly like the GTA series, older games are just the same thing but worse.

>what are boots of blinding speed
>what is levitation
>what is Ritalin

>get saviors hide in tel fyr
>rob black woman of her speedy boots southwest of ald'ruhn
>get redas robe of deeds in redas tomb south of molag mar
fuck off with the slow memes

Because you'll appreciate the slow beginning once you break the game

Why do people hate slow games? Is it just a generational thing? RDR2 gets a lot of flak for it too and I love both of them. I just started replaying Kingdom Come and that has kind of a Morrowind vibe to it. It's amazing. Just let yourself get immersed in the world, user.

Morrowind has been memed into a false position.
The game is an outdated, unenjoyable, piece of shit that only nostalgiafags recommend and play.

Slow games don’t have to have annoyingly slow movement. A game like RDr2 is slow in the wrong ways

Why not just import the landmass and dungeons into Skyrim and be done with it? Everything else about Morrowind is pretty horrible, from the wooden puppet like character models to the wikipedia dump """dialog""". I just don't get it.

I played it for the first time a couple years ago and it was great.

because you're 17
skyrim is just as bad, but for different reasons and you having played it as a child is no different from people who played morrowind when they were kids
no elder scrolls game has ever had good mechanics and the gameplay in each installment has never been anything other than passable at the time of release

>why not just """import""" the parts nobody cares about into Skyrim
I can't tell if this is bait


if you need an item to make a game not feel like shit, the game is shit in the first place.
besides leveling up walk speed isn't a fun game mechanic and makes no fucking sense anyway. unless you are a complete fat fuck the pace you walk it is set throughout your entire life. why does an adult in morrowind start at the speed a baby crawls when they have been walking their entire life?
go suck cuck morrowfags

>enjoying a video game is literally unbelievable
the state of Yea Forums

Immersion. Maximum immersion.

i love morrowind and have been playing it a shitload lately, but i agree that the slow speed doesn't really add anything ot the game and can just kind of make it annoying. but, you have a birthsign that gives you extra speed points, can take speed as a starting attribute, and can also take athletics as a starting skill to move faster. don't take heavy armor either if you really want to move fast, and don't carry more than you really need.

otherwise you can just do something like but i find the game loses something once you actually start going really fast

you mean like how skyrim has garbage movement speed and you have to level up 5 times before you can sprint for longer than six seconds?

Morrowind's combat is shitter than Skyrim's (even though Skyrim's shit (not shit, but uninspired), too.)

>why does an adult in morrowind start at the speed a baby crawls when they have been walking their entire life?
i wonder if that was intentional because one of the messages you get at level 15 or so is about knowing now what it feels like to grow old

>skyrim good

But GTA 1 and 2 are the only good ones.

You say that as someone who didn't play morrowind at launch
If your solution to morrowind's problems is to make it more like Oblivion or Skyrim, you reveal yourself as a retard with no legitimate complaints and you're just repeating "the game from 2002 feels old!"

How did you even fucking build your character?
Did you make an Altmer/Breton with no investment into strength or speed?
Are you maxing out your inventory all the way to your encumbrance?
Are you using silt striders/mark-recall/intervention spells?
There's plenty in the game to shorten trips you mouth-breathing retard, but you probably didn't even play the game.

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>Dude it's okay that you move slow as fuck because sometimes you will only move slow as shit
Fuck off trying to defend that shit, Morrowind fucked up a few things and movement speed was one of them.

>Playing a shit game and enjoying it
>Getting called out on it

One of the coolest things about the game is how many different ways there are to get around but you have to play it for more than 5 minutes to realize that so you can't expect them to know it

I never even played Morrowind, idiot!

>I don't like this extremely highly acclaimed game so it's shit
>sperging out about somebody liking a game in all caps like an ESLnigger is "calling them out"

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The fact that Bethesda games constantly get acclaimed should show you what value this "acclaim" has. The fact is that Morrowind is such a fundamentally broken game in so many ways that it's baffling.

That's not what I implied at all. I gave you solutions to your complaints about being slow. First time I played, I hated going at a snail's pace much like you, but I realized that you have to build or play your character in specific ways if you don't want to deal with that.

What are some ways in which it's "fundamentally broken"? If your answer is just "boo hoo it's too slow" then don't bother because you obviously don't know what broken actually means.

the games movement speed being slow means the game feels like shit. and doesn't even make sense.
like i said just because there are ways around doesn't change the fact the game feels like shit.
you dumb morrowfags will gobble up the worst shit instead of admitting something is bad.
fuck off you dumb retard.

Stop trolling

Instead of "have sex" I suggest you

>Read a book

everything thieving is fundamentally broken without save scumming.
it is hilarious when morrowfags try to claim the RPG-ness of their shit game is superior to the later ones they always completely ignore a whole third of the skills are useless. two thirds if you think the combat is shit like i do.
wow what an amazing rpg. a whole 2/3 playstyles are completely unfun to play as.

My m8 played it a few years ago and loves it. I think the game just has a minimum IQ-requirement, and you fall under it

It's called "baiting," newfag

The weak start is what makes it all the sweeter in the end when you are jumping from rooftop to rooftop, running across water, flying over mountains, and so on

>wahwah I need my instant gratification

>huge design oversights like how you can literally abuse your way into infinite stats with potions
>combat doesn't know if it wants to be and ARPG or stats-based rolls and results into a godawful worst of both worlds scenario (though given how fucking shit TES combat is even when it became fully action-oriented maybe it relatively wasn't that bad by comparison)
>riddled with glitches like falling through the floor, soul trap bug etc
>possible to speedrun in like 4 fucking minutes
>100% chameleon allowing you to literally talk to someone in front of them and then they immediately lose track of you

Well, your "m8" is obviously gay.

Did you engage with the games strong-point at all (the lore and worldbuilding)? Seems like you just played it for 30 minutes, killed some rats and then threw it away

>wahah i enjoy shit gameplay to feel hardcore on the internet

>dude stfu ill kick ur ass fuckin autist
no dude ill kick UR ass

Can you mod this game to play good.


Morrowind is hailed as one of the better RPG's out there near universally. You are the contrarian here, not us.

I'm not the original guy complaining, but I played through the game again recently. It is agonizing moving at a snails pace for a decent part of the game. Morrowind is pretty rough in the beginning, once you get leveled or get gear things are great. That doesn't excuse the pacing, maybe it's just a product of it's time because I don't remember being bothered playing it when it first came out.
What you're saying is fair, but it would be better if I didn't have to wear certain gear or play a certain way to stop myself from walking all over the place. Especially when you end up walking the same roads over and over.

fucking TOLD Morrowind shitters will never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever recover

ah yes the lore and worldbuilding.
where every npc is walking uesp link.
truly the best in class of worldbuilding.

I understand your problem and, in fact, used to suffer from it.
What you need to do is mildly masturbate during the boring segments.

Now, don't do it TOO often, otherwise you'll get distracted and will want to finish.

The gameplay is fine tho

Trolling is a much older term than baiting, zoomzoom

>problem still in TES games
>"maybe it's not actually a problem lol"
>problem still in TES games
>this isn't a bad thing
>still works in oblivion and skyrim with invisibility and muffle

>If you think like I do, 2/3 of the game is shit
That's retarded, you're retarded.

>still works in oblivion and skyrim with invisibility and muffle
Skyrim even has a perk that makes it happen on purpose. What a fundamentally broken game.

I oughta fist your fuckin' old anus, faggot

These problems being in other TES games doesn't excuse Morrowind though. For the record I consider it to be the least shit of the 3 TES games I played (Oblivion and Skyrim being the others).

Morrowind is a clunky, broken game, but it's filled with soul.
You have tons of movement options as gameplay elements
Mark and recall,intervention, silt strider, mages guild, boats, acrobatics, magic, propylon indices.

Why walk when you can ride?

>"movement speed is slow"
>here's some solutions to your problem that are part of the game
>"no it's shit!!!!!"
Nigger your criticisms aren't even fucking good. Morrowind isn't free of flaws, but something as simple as movement speed can be fixed through actually playing the game. There's plenty of actual broken stuff like Wraithguard - an integral story item that cements your place as Nerevarine - not even displaying properly, thievery being fucked, speechcraft being basically useless favoring bribery, and more.
The whole concept of Morrowind was that you start as a nobody and work your way up. Being called a dirty outlander and then eventually being revered as Nerevarine is a satisfying accomplishment. If you want to just be powerful at the start, just play fucking Skyrim.

>Mark and recall,intervention, silt strider, mages guild, boats, acrobatics, magic, propylon indices.
Almost all of this only means something because they cut fast travel.

This is how fast travel is supposed to be done.
Makes the shit memorable, haven't played the game in like 10 years and I still can find my way around from memory.

>what is Ritalin
I like you.

>This is how fast travel is supposed to be done.
Says who? You? Fuck you. If you are going to have all that bullshit there's no reason to not have a regular walk, ride, etc. fast travel like every other TES game except Morrowind had.

>too retarded to find an NPC to take you where you need to be
How did a dumb cunt like you even find this website

The first portion is always the slowest.

Also, either mod the game if you are having so much trouble or get some levitation items.

I haven't played the game. Is unarmored katana build viable?
This is important.

I typed in "where retards congregate," and here I am, bitch!

Basically any build can be viable

It’s an RPG

It is in Oblivion.
I make a pirate ninja hybrid and roll over the place.

Sounds about right for you underage faggots

>Why do I even have to go through this dungeon?
>Why can't I just teleport the loot into my inventory?

If you really want it, you can just use console commands
coc "balmora" should get you started

Just drink skooma and upgrade speed.

Good luck trying to get around Telvanni houses with Skyrim's magic.

I'm 72, whippersnapperfag

>Roleplay as a slow character
>wtf why am i slow?

Roleplay is for nerds, faggot

Just get a mod that permanently increases all movement speed,
it doesn't even take much of an increase to make it enjoyable and you don't need to travel super fast
part of the enjoyment is in the slower pace of the game and the build up to later on
but if it's the talking and reading that gets to you then morrowind really isn't for you
>the boots of blinding meme
you shouldn't need a specific item to make a game bearable
also two of the races can't even use them

starting as a nobody doesn't mean the player should run out of breath after walking 10 feet you fucking idiot.
There is no reason for the movement speed being as shit as it is.

try out multiplayer

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~ tlc
It's the Vivec-approved method, according to lorelets.

I just played it two years ago for the first time and it was the only crpg that could ever pull me in. Not a meme based tasteless tard

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Because the mechanics, visuals, dialog, and everything about it is better than skyrim. Its just not been given the low iq tardproofing to appeal to the casual audience who have no interest in playing games for depth, they just want video game mcdonalds. Everything fast, easy, cheap, easily accessible and bland.

How well does it work?
im curious to try it but if it's a bitch to get running i don't want to waste time

You probably thought Skyrim was good didn't you? Kek, I wish all zoomers like you on this board would actually just drop dead.

It doesn't take forever you're just used to fast and easy rewards.

>hating boots of blinding speed

t. Pemenie

>never see anyone on Yea Forums ever discuss any actual Morrowind quests or even dungeons
Do you guys really only pretend to like it for epic boomer points?

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They do indeed.

People constantly meme about the very first quest in the game you dumb ironic weeb

>shit opinions
Always. What is there to discuss about a game where a lot of people have already collected several of the same artifacts on multiple saves.

Guess that's as far as they ever got in the game before uninstalling it lol.

Is this your first day on Yea Forums? This board is 90% ironic shitposting. Of course nobody but 10 autists would seriously play fucking Morrowind in 2019.

i got it for free when they were giving it out are there any essential mods ?


Yes because the quests and dungeons are complete shit compared to Oblivion
And yet skyrims civil war still has 500 post threads everyday.
Stay mad boomer

Literally and unironically this. Morrowind is shit now

>Why does it take forever to do anything

>start game
>make character
>go to Balmora
>go to mages guild
>travel to caldera
>"borrow" master alchemy stuff there
>go back to Balmora
>go to alchemy trader in temple
>become a god
Doesn't really take long at all

How is your mom's boyfriend?

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Just get OpenMW if you're lazy and don't mind playing mostly vanilla. It's a new engine that makes it run smooth on modern systems and has high resolution/widescreen support etc.

Otherwise be ready to go through a long guide and install a fuckton of bullshit that will glitch out constantly. E.g. this guide is pretty popular:

Skyrim threads are full of underage faggots like you and are cancer 99% of the time, hardly something to brag about

based cunnyposter telling it how it is

ill use the first one thanks for the link. i was hoping for something like that since i havent played it in over 10 years.

As flawed as it is, Skyrim is still better than Morrowind. Sorry.

Skyrimfags proving once again they're all underaged

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Literally delusional nostalgia lmao

Yeah Skyrim threads are full of fun discussion about the game and argonian posting. They are great.
Morrowind threads are full of boomer incels who sperg out at the slightest criticism of their game and nothing is discussed because nothing happens in Morrowind.

There are people who seriously don't think that Morrowind is broken? The game is so broken that I thought that's why people liked it in the first place.

This is awful advice for two reasons: 1. a new player to Morrowind won't know shit you're talking about, causing 2. necessitates using a guide which ruins everything.

You made the mistake of playing morrowind over Daggerfall

I have 249 hours in Morrowind and you're probably too retarded to build a proper character. I think your opinion might not be so trustworthy.
>fun discussions and argonian posting
why are normalfags like this

pfftt, get a load of this casual, Arena was the only good TES game, it was all downhill from there, fucking Bethesda amirite

The answer is no, but you can just exploit some other broken part of the game instead to make it viable.
For example spell casting is garbage, but it doesn't matter if you take advantage of the ridiculously broken alchemy/enchantment system.

Alright so morrowind thread? Hell yeah.
What kind of character should I make? I wanna roll a new build, its been a long time since I really dove deep into a more than 50 hr playthrough.

breton atronach for powergaming reasons lol

>hurr you only pretend to like daggerfall because morrowind is more popular
This is a flawed argument. Morrowind is an extremely boring game, with a soundtrack while great at first get extremely repetitive quickly as the exact same set of song play everywhere you go, it’s a victim of the symptoms that plague early 3D games it’s ugly and awkward looking even with graphical enhancement mods.

morrowind has no memorable quests or dungeons besides the main quest

In Skyrim, you can use sneaking to disappear in combat by crouching.

I enjoyed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, but can someone please explain to me why people always act as if the first reason why someone wouldn't like Morrowind is their inability to create a character properly?
Unless if you have no experience with games, building a character in Morrowind is very natural. All you need to do is pick bonuses for the things you want to use during the game. You do not need to have 150IQ to pick sword bonuses if you plan on playing a sword character. If you want to min-max then it can be more complicated, but just making a decent character is by no means difficult.

>Morrowind is the best RPG because you can create whatever character you want
>NOOo the game isn't shit you created the wrong character
The absolute state of morrowcels

Because despite it being as easy as you say, there's still a huge amount of people constantly bitching about not being able to hit anything in combat even though a properly built character will hit the large majority of their attacks from level 1.

I wonder if these people complaining are seriously unaware that running exists, and restore fatigue is ridiculously common?

I like you, n'wah.

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>unbalanced and easily broken game
You have played a Bethesda title before, yes?
>muh combat is shit
It never really tried to be good. This game is about the story and roleplaying, its not a combat masterpiece. I like it more than skyrim's fucking sorry excuse for combat. It feels clunkier than morrowind to be honest.
Again, its Bethesda, every single game is a dumpster fire of glitches and bugs. Also I've never fallen through the floor in my hundreds of hours of playing.
>17 minute speedrun WR
Irrelevant to your experience
>be invisible
>they can't see you
>reeeeee its a broken game!!
Its called fucking chameleon for a reason you mongoloid.

That's not a problem with character creation though, that's an issue with the players not realizing how stamina effects hitrate and cast success rate.

because your iq is lower than an average nigger

>will hit the large majority of their attacks from level 1.
lol no way

The best you can do at level 1 is redguard majoring in long blade, which will give you 60 points in that skill which is still pretty horrible hit chance wise

>that's an issue with the players not realizing how stamina effects hitrate and cast success rate.
Lack of common sense? I mean, how tired you are has an impact on your performance.


My first 30 or so hours of Morrowind were very difficult and you're not gonna know how shit works the second you boot up the game. If you have an understanding for the game and its world you would most likely have an appreciation for it and not complain about it being boring.
>create a character that's slow and shit with melee
>wtf why is this character so bad
underage fags leave

lmao nobody ITT even trying to dispute this

morrowindfags everyone

>start new character
>major skills: light armor, long blade, athletics, hand to hand, spear
>hmm lets go straight to ghostgate to get some glass armor
>whips out dick
>aaaah its gonna be a long walk

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Why are you troglodytes incapable of looking at this game as anything other than a first person action game?

I don't know, Anonymous, I known to be a pretty smart guy.
I think you're at fault on this one.

>cut fast travel
Oblivibabby detected

Take your meds zoomer, you need to focus for longer than 3 seconds to read quest text.

I think a lot of people in general ignore or hoard consumables in Morrowind. You are meant to drink cheap potions and alcohols.

Daggerfall had fast travel you fucking retard.

>mfw entire Temple joining part takes you on a pilgrimage across Vvardenfell and immerses you into game's religious aspects

Attached: TES_vivec.jpg (198x200, 9K)

You didn't find Ahnassi, did you user?
Nevermind you probably were too busy playing Fallout 76.

nice strawman retard

It can make logical sense sure, but the game doesn't give you a good indication of why you're missing. Visually you can still see your character swinging just fine, and your weapon can even make physical contact with the enemy. It would have made much more sense if your character's attacks were visually slower, or just did significantly less damage. With spells it makes a bit more sense, but it still would have helped to have a different animation or something.

If you're familiar with any sort of RPG games that let you build your character, I'd assume you would have the wisdom to pick bonuses that fit what you'll be using later. If Morrowind is your first RPG then I can definitely see you having issues.
The thing that I hate though is how people claim Skyrim players are too stupid to spec into the skills they want to use. Yes, Skyrim doesn't let you allocate skill points in anyway, but it still has the perk system. People who are familiar with Skyrim should still be able to build into specific skills that they want to use. They might handicap themselves by picking a bad race or sign, but they should at least still select major/minor skills correctly.

Is there any point to Chameleon over Invisibility other than price early on?

Attached: Chameleon.png (128x128, 26K)

I've rolled atronach way too many times. I don't want to do it anymore. Basically I want a playstyle that cuts out all the boring shit that wastes time and distracts from questing/exploring like:
>worrying about equip burden constantly
>selling shit constantly to make money
>brewing potions
>teleporting constantly back to a shrine to refill magicka
>stealing the same easy items over and over to give myself a boost
I just want to cut all the bullshit and strike out on a quest. Maybe I just need to get the fuck out of the south and stay out for a good while. Balmora is way too comfy.

The first time I played Morrowind I went in blind on the highest difficulty and had no trouble. I just picked everything related to blunt and heavy armor and smashed everything with maces. It helped that kiting is incredibly easy in Morrowind.

Invisibility stops the second you interact with anything, chameleon only stops when the duration runs out.
Having 100% constant effect chameleon is really, really fucking broken because nothing can detect you for long enough for it to matter and you just sneak attack one shot everything.
100% sanctuary is almost as good.

>create a character that's slow and shit with melee
every character is slow as shit and sucks at melee at the start.
and that is why it sucks.
i'm playing an fps. my attacks should not miss based on random chance.
i'm playing a character that has walked his entire life. so why is he now suddenly leveling up his walking speed when the game starts?

lets be honest bethesda never made a good game

Nice ignoring the first part of my post where I referenced a really fucking good quest series that shits on 99% of skyrim quests.

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Whoops guess I'm a morrowbabby. I'll eat crow on this one, you got me.

I'm playing it right now and it's great.

Play as a redguard then, lazy ass. You need to think of Morrowind as a traditional pen and paper RPG.

Has there ever been an RPG that actually captured what Morrowind did? Not just an open world with lots of stuff to do because plenty of games have that. But an open world that really feels like one you can get lost in, that feels like it stretches out in front of you with tons of things to learn and discover, that makes you feel rewarded for indulging your curiosity, and puts you on a path from the beginning that you legitimately have no clue where it's going and where it will take you.

I can't really think of a game that has attempted anything like it and actually succeeded in a large, measurable way,




Not really, mainly because Morrowind is what happen when writer also fills a partial designer role. For good and bad.

i want to play as an imperial who has walked all his life and can walk for 10 feet and not run out of breath.
why can't i do that?

I've never played it myself but from everything I've seen, that's kind of a lie.

Here's your (you).

Oblivion works as long as you don't pay attention to any of it's actual story, but even then I don't know if it rewards you in the same way Morrowind does.

I think it's only a good thing, provided the writer is competent and it's not just generic fantasy garbage. Because it means that content is designed to tie into and push forward the narrative, and not that the narrative is something tacked on after gameplay is designed.

It was slow because they fucked up movement speed and made missing a thing for some ungodly reason. I get the boring thing as well. Everything about the game is slow except for high-level combat. Other than that, it's great. I mean yeah, it does have many flaws, but the only thing that really matter is whether you enjoy it in the end. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. A ton of people bitch about the Elder Scrolls games, but there's a reason we buy them. They're fun. If you don't enjoy it now, try getting some mods. They add bug fixes, more speed, and Argonian tits.

Morrowind fags are absolutely braindead. Your game is shit, and has aged horribly.

Oblivion had a LOT better quests and story than Morrowind and a LOT better NPC's. In Morrowind you just have static NPC's that stand in place 24/7 and dispense generic fetch quests that are about as shallow as Skyrim's radiant quests. Oblivion had lots of soul in comparison.

You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to my opinion that says your opinion is shit.

Why walk when you can ride?

>Oblivion had a LOT better quests and story than Morrowind
It has some quests that are memorable but I absolutely wouldn't say that categorically all Oblivion quests are good or better, because I think that's blatantly untrue, and LITERALLY NO ONE would ever, ever argue that Oblivion had a good storyline that was better than any other game ever made, because that's a straight up lie.

And I'm not sure how you define "better NPCs", unless you just mean they had voices and thus more personality or something? But I would definitely not go to bat for the claim that all Oblivion NPCs were better by default because again, there's too many examples that contradict that.

>In Morrowind you just have static NPC's that stand in place 24/7
I was giving you the benefit of assuming your first sentence about "better NPCs" wasn't a technology thing, because jesus fuck let's not get into the realm of pretending that Oblivon's wandering NPCs and their randomized dialogue with eachother made them better overall. I will of course agree that their detailed schedules was a novel concept and could have elevated the content so much more if used well, but I don't think anyone would argue that it alone makes them "better" because it fucking doesn't.

>and dispense generic fetch quests that are about as shallow as Skyrim's radiant quests
And now I know you didn't play Morrowind at all.

It's not an opinion though, it's objective fact.

Ngl, Daggerfall is and will always be the best Elder Scrolls game. It is astoundingly fun.

>But an open world that really feels like one you can get lost in, that feels like it stretches out in front of you with tons of things to learn and discover, that makes you feel rewarded for indulging your curiosity, and puts you on a path from the beginning that you legitimately have no clue where it's going and where it will take you.
Sorry to say, but that sounds more like nostalgia and a lack of familiarity of games more than anything. It sounds like something I'd read off the back of a game box.
If you seriously want suggestions, maybe give some concrete examples of what you mean.What you're saying now could be applied to basically any RPG game.

Not really. Good is subjective. Fun is subjective. Quality is subjective. Beauty is subjective. While technical flaws are objective, 9/10 factors used to measure a game's merit are subjective. While I respect your opinion, I disagree. Morrowind is still a great game to me.

>Sorry to say, but that sounds more like nostalgia and a lack of familiarity of games more than anything.
The fuck does this even mean? Literally what are you saying?

>What you're saying now could be applied to basically any RPG game.
Nigga you fucking serious right now?

Morrowind is one game where using the consumables appropriately changes everything about it. Some games, like many FF titles, allow you to disregard consumables for the most part, but this is one game series where they can really shine. In Morrowind, you can substitute alchemy for Alteration and Restoration fairly easily.

>Arguing with a shitposter

For what purpose

most people say it's quite easy
it's openmw with multiplayer
works like minecraft, you can either connect to outer servers or set up your own server

The entire Telvanni questline, the Redoran questline, the Mage's Guild, the Temple Pilgrimage, proving yourself to the Ashlanders.

He means that when you start literally any new open world game
>you legitimately have no clue where it's going and where it will take you.

Like, what the fuck was your point even?


Daggerfall. That's because it was randomly generated. A genuine Daggerfall remaster would be the game of the year.

The rewards from the pilgrimage are good, too. Playing a house Redoran dunmer "paladin" for the temple was sweet.

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the only good things about the games are the bugs. your can esploit them so hard. and the 2ed coolest thing about the game is that you can combinate a lot of spells

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That's not really true. When I started TW3, I knew exactly what the story was going to do and where it was going to take me. When I started Fallout, I know exactly where it's going to end. Most RPGs are predictable and trite, because they're not reaching for anything, and they're not aspiring to take the player on a new type of adventure that hasn't been seen before.

If your contention is that Morrowind's story and storytelling is exactly like every other RPG you've played, you're fucking lying and you won't provide a single example to support that claim.

I remember not knowing about fast travel in my first playthrough of Oblivion. Made it seem bigger than it actually was.
I wanted to see all the different designs of guard armors, and I could've reduced the amount of time drastically.

The first type I played Oblivion was something magical.

Don't get upset at me. Basically what I'm saying is that your statement about why you like Morrowind is too vague to give you good recommendations. I really don't see why you're so upset.

Here I'll break exactly what was wrong about what you said.
>an open world that really feels like one you can get lost in, that feels like it stretches out in front of you with tons of things to learn and discover
This can apply to any RPG game that has an immersive world. This can basically apply to any game though because people can immersive themselves in even simple RPG stories.

>makes you feel rewarded for indulging your curiosity
Unless if an RPG game is completely linear, it will reward you for your curiosity in some way. Even very simple RPGs tend to have secret items/paths/chests/enemies/etc.
>puts you on a path from the beginning that you legitimately have no clue where it's going and where it will take you.
This can apply to any game where your character is just dropped off in a world with no explanation or story. Strangely enough, this is probably the most concrete thing you've asked for.

If you want better recommendations, then give a better example of what you'd like. Your loving description for Morrowind is nice, but it makes it difficult for people to give you suggestions, hence why people have not given you any good recommendations.

>This can apply to any RPG game that has an immersive world.
And yet you literally can never name a single one, which kind of makes your reply a waste of words, yeah?

I'm not asking people for recommendations you fucking inbred mongoloid, I'm asking you to step up to bat and defend your contention that any other game accomplishes the same thing, which you can't and won't even try to do.

Keep going with your nonsense and I'll give you a fat lip!

Most of the dungeons are pretty shit honestly

skyrim you fucking idiot.

based negative IQ

Oh, so you weren't actually looking for suggestions, you were just trying to start an argument with some boogiemen. I guess that explains why you're getting so mad despite me honestly just trying to help.

>That OP levitation effect from the shrine in Vivec City

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When he means "any RPG" game, he means all of them.
People get immersed in Pokemon/Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest/Warcraft/etc all the time. It would be insanely difficult to find a commercial RPG that someone HASN'T found immersing.

Also please stop shitting up the thread if all you're doing is trying to start a flamewar. You're making Morrowind fans look bad, unless if you're just trying to falseflag.

I'm going to actually do this questline on my next playthrough.

Your mistake was thinking that a delusional Morrowind fag would actually be interested in other games.
Morrowind fags are so insecure about their outdated RPG that they actively look for arguments where there are none so they can try to claim that Morrowind is the best when in reality no one cares about it.

even just reading the book describing what all the shrines mean and what the customary offerings are is cool as hell

Remember that thing I said about you not actually being able to back up your claim? You just did the thing I said you'd do.

Can someone give a legitimate brainlet some help? I played Morrowind a lot on the original Xbox but never got it on PC. I got the GOTY Edition while Bethesda was giving it away for free. How do I start modding? Every mod guide I read is fairly confusing to me, it doesn't tell me where to extract things like Mod Organizer 2, or MCP/MGE. I'm going to try and use OpenMW since it comes with MCP and MGE built in. But for other mods, how do I do this shit right? I'm a legitimate brainlet when it comes to modding and I am at your mercy.

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>You're making Morrowind fans look bad
Are there any legit non-insane MW fans tho? Haven't seen any on Yea Forums.

MO2 is a program, you can put it wherever you want.

>better quests

Sure, a lot of them were still the same Go X kill Y shit.

>better story
You are legitimately insane.

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See here

openmw doesn't include MGE and MCP, those are mods for the original engine that will eventually be irrelevant with the new engine. I still recommend using openmw though, and just modifying the draw distance as much as you can without killing performance as well as downloading some normal-mapped textures. openmw also has a recommend format for mod loading which works a lot better than the traditional root data file method used in these games imo.

Dude stop.
He's already explained that he wasn't looking to argue with you, and there's a high chance that he likes Morrowind too. You're just making yourself look like a massive chode.

You literally just put the mods in the Data Files folder in your Morrowind install directory. Every mod will have an ESP or ESM file and a bunch of supplemental folders with textures, models, etc. They all just get extracted into Data Files, and then in the game's launcher you make sure the box for the mod is checked as active in the Data Files menu.

If you hop over to /vg/ there's probably a pastebin all about morrowind modding. But start with this guide.
And once you feel comfortable with the file arrangement etc. then I recommend a mix of these mods for visuals. This guide is actually really good and will give you everything you need.
It does get really tedious to replace every little texture, but it really updates it well.

By NO MEANS do you need to install every single mod on this list, but the top part is the essentials. The 2nd section is for a barebones overhaul of the visuals and you can't go wrong. Start with that and see what you like.
There is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it, it is really easy to mod morrowind.

>Receive the Ebony Mail upon assuming Patriarch of the Temple

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I'm not arguing with anyone, I'm literally just pointing out that all anyone has ever done is say "Lol dud lots of games are like that" but no one has ever named a single one and actually backed up the assertion.

How is this complicated?

>Person mistakes your shitposting as asking for help
>Someone actually tries to help you
>Call them a mongoloid and talk about how much you're winning the argument
>They say they aren't even trying to argue with you
>Keep talking about how much you're winning the argument when he clearly doesn't care
Damn, you really showed him. You're a perfect fit for Yea Forums. You might as well argue with your doorknob next.

Because starting slow and becoming great over time is immeasurably more satisfying than instant gratification you little zoomer.

not an argument

So I can install in on my desktop and it just somehow keeps track of all my Morrowind mods?

Thank you to the rest of you for the nexus guilde I'll give it a go

>openmw doesn't include MGE and MCP

Says their features are native to OpenMW

To add to my post I'll break down some specific helpful info here:
First off, download 7zip if you haven't.
If you're doing OpenMW watch for compatibility issues, I've never used it.
For MCP, you unzip the files into your Morrowind directory which means
(your user profile)/Programs/steam/steamapps/common/Morrowind
OR wherever your Morrowind game is installed to on your computer. Then you run the MCP exe file from your Morrowind directory and it'll take you through the options. Then you click apply changes and close it out. Thats it.
I've never used Mod Organizer or any type of mod organizer besides wrye mash (cleans your saves if you have fucky files and keeps your mods from cucking you) and mlox (mod order maintenance tool, very essential).

When you open a zip file that you downloaded for any mod, you'll notice usually at some point they have folders that match up with something in your Morrowind directory. Sometimes it will just say Data Files. This is how you know where to put it because what will happen is you will overwrite the existing files with the changes (or just add to them) when you unzip or copy the files to the right place.
I'm gonna get REAL fuckin' annoying here if you already know what you're doing somewhat.

For example, let's say you download "bigblackdidlos.zip" from the Nexus.
Make a folder to keep all your mods in so you know what you've installed, make it your default download location.
Right click, 7zip, extract to, hit enter
It'll make a new folder with everything inside, then you go and look inside. Here's the directory:
bigblackdidlos/Data Files/bigblackdildosREADME.txt
Drag the Data Files folder over to your Morrowind folder and then that's all you gotta do.

Now, if the directory was:
bigblackdildos/meshes, textures, icons, etc.
Then you drag it into Data Files and you're good because that's where those folders are stored. Make sense?

>why does an adult in morrowind start at the speed a baby crawls when they have been walking their entire life?
yeah like you can't apply this to almost any fucking rpg ever

why does someone who reached maturity living next to low level dangers die in 3 hita but a few dozen successful fights later and the same amount of damage is negligible

That's what i mean when I say they'll be made irrelevant by the new engine eventually, but there are still minor features in MGE (such as an LOD system for improved distant land performance) and MCP (such as swift casting) that have not been implemented yet. OpenMW also doesn't have shadows in the current release but if you use nightlies for the 0.46 release they have been reimplemented.

What's the best texture set for what's the best texture pack to go with Morrowind Rebirth? Now that Rebirth LITE is out I'm going to give it a try.

Anyone ever play Morroblivion?
Is it worth a shit?

I thought rebirth was itself a retexture/remesh for the most part.

This is why you use console commands. Adjusting movement speed is like the easiest thing to fix.

Someone told me Rebirth does its own thing and it will clash with the vanilla stuff, maybe he was wrong.


played it for the first time a couple weeks ago and am thoroughly enjoying it.

That's true because it changes the layout of cities and other stuff from what I've seen. But I thought that it kinda spruced up the textures on its own. I have no idea what is compatible, I think you'll have to go looking for that in the mod description of each one you want to use, or search for MR modding guides. Maybe someone has made a list of compatible stuff.

Thanks user you are making this seem much less daunting. As far as mod organizers go, i saw wyre mash as a suggested alternative, but apparently mod organize has LOOT in it so it auto load orders your mods for you.

because walking isn't like swinging swords or casting spells you retard.
you want them to level up their eating skill too?
>low level dangers die in 3
I also think this is completely stupid and terrible for immersion.
if i want to roleplay an orc, a race that is trained from birth to be fighters, i shouldn't be dying to mudcrabs and rats and not know which end of the sword is the pointy end.
skyrim had the best balance at level 1-5. rats and mudcrabs are easy pickings. wolves in a pack are somewhat dangerous. and you can take on a bandit one on one and anything more than 2 at once kills you.

How to play morrowind LIKE A BOSS

step 1 : uninstall morrowind
step 2 : install skyrim
step 3 : ???
step 4 : PROFIT

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