Game literally starts with le evil straight man gatting #metoo'd by the heroes

>game literally starts with le evil straight man gatting #metoo'd by the heroes.

Is Persona 5 the most sjw game in existence?
Do you faggots only give it a pass because its japanese?

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Other urls found in this thread:

nobody likes this shit. persona 5 is a joke compared to 3 and 4. Hashino outed himself as a terrible writer

>rape is okay when its in a nip game
Have sex

SJW is destroying Yea Forums and scaring off users. SJW is costing Yea Forums money. SJW is bullying the users off this site. SJW is causing every problem on Yea Forums. Every post that I disagree with is SJW. SJW is responsible for everything on every board at all times. SJW is every moderator and every shitposter. SJW are the pedo posters and the anti-pedo posters. SJW is every user everywhere at all times. SJW creates the moistest memes but they are too powerful so they will destroy us. How did this happen? How did 10-15 shitposters become so powerful that they are everywhere at all times? The answer is that they are Jews. They were always Jews. We must put an end to the SJW reign of terror. I say we raid them into oblivion and send them back to where they came from. SJW must be destroyed before it is too late. If SJW is not destroyed they will destroy Yea Forums. Just as the Jews wish to take over the world SJW wishes to take over Yea Forums. Just today SJW staged a raid on Yea Forums and blamed it on reddit. Even though everyone on reddit is also SJW this cannot be allowed to stand. We must take our website back from the dangerous shitposters that call themselves SJW. SJW is the cancer killing Yea Forums. SJW are spreading aids. Even though we ourselves are SJW. SJW are the niggers of Yea Forums. SJW are the illegal immigrants of Yea Forums. SJW are boat people. SJW is smell. SJW made the hot potato sad. SJW will stop at nothing to destroy us all. SJW will destroy us for our own good. SJW is the hero we deserve but not the one we want right now. So we will hunt them. Because they can take it. SJW is crashing this website with no survivors. SJW is a big guy for you. If we remove SJW will it kill them? It would be very painful. Remove the SJW now.

I preferred the atmosphere of 3 the best desu.

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are you retarded? Do you know how well P5 sold?

Not vidya fuck off with your off topic garbage

but Japan loves rape. Havent you ever watched hentai?

Kamishida was a shithead who deserved what he got. He himself admitted to doing it, so it's not like he's just getting framed.

beautiful copypasta

All persona's (past 3) have the same atmosphere but with different themes

5 > 4 > 3

Based and redpilled

fuck off back to Tumblr

>game opens up with a dude literally sexually harassing and raping high schoolers as the first antagonist
>when a western dev wouldn’t even dream of trying that
Kamoshida was good because he tackled a relatively real issue. Maybe not to the scale in the game, but it’s a bold start to the weakest game in the series

The most important question is how accurate was the translation of "Sexual Harrasment".

Did he take Shihoh / Ann's virginity? I assume the answer is yes because Shihoh tries to kill herself and Ann is a Gaijin slut

>muh tumblr boogeyman
fucking kill yourself

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Go dilate

as bad as 5 ended up being by the end, it will never be worse than 4 just because it didn't have that annoying fucking bear

if a western dev did the exact same thing Yea Forums would shit its pants for months about it being sjw propaganda

It's not me too if they are actually guilty retard

if a western dev did the same thing all the women would be blue haired dykes because attractiveness and sexuality are evil.

nice strawman

>It's not me too if they are actually guilty retard
absolute galaxy brain opinion.
I guess Harvey Weinstein was innocent huh?

It's the truth, just look at mk11. For mortal kombat, of all things, to go that route really sets a precedent.

>Did he take Shihoh / Ann's virginity?

Why does that matter? Even if they weren't virgins it could be sexual harassment either way

Please stop pretending like you've uncovered some grand hypocrisy. It's pathetic

He's based on a real person

4 felt extremely colorful and slice of life desu, 3 was much more depressing and dark, at least from what I can remember
I can't even remember much about 5, besides the girls.

he would be until proven guilty with facts and evidence.

who has blue hair in mortal kombat?

Seething straightoid

>s-stop pointing out my hypocrisy!!


Sales don't mean shit desu.
You know how many Persona games and spinoffs came out before 5? It was more normie and mainstream so of course it was going to sell more than previously but that has nothing to do with the quality.
Fallout 4/Skyrim sold plenty too, but we know how much shittier they are compared to the former

It's more that they went out of their way to strip the females of their sexual appeal than them literally having blue hair.

He got arrested for harassing and blackmailing teen girls for sex user. How about you go do the same thing in public n see what happens?

hahaha wtf

>"these chracters have blue hair!"
>no they don't.
>"w-well I didn't mean they literally had blue hair!"

10/10, great discussion

No one warned you?
Were you triggered

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To be a straight man you have to try to force high school girls into sex?

This has to be one of the most seething, butthurt incel topics in history

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you're on Yea Forums, you absolute niggerfaggot.

>let Makoto's timer run out
>she's found drugged up and pumped full of semen in a mob bust

Attached: takeyourtime.gif (800x450, 1.42M)

you're on Yea Forums too, you absolute faggotnigger.

>wojak poster

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a gym teacher being a rapist is literally a Japanese staple and nothing to do with #metoo

>w-why do you hate my sjw trash aren't they like the games you love?
Utterly pathetic

>weeb poster

That never actually happens though. All of those early "endings" are drugged induced hallucinations from the protagonist.

she deserved it.

welcome to Yea Forums

He raped a child.

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literally you

One of the final bosses is a politician who wants to Make Japan Great Again so this makes Persona 5 super based.

nigga what are you saying
nobody on this thread said anything resembling that

>I can't get laid so teen girls should let me molest them

Cringe, yikes, and get professional help muh dude.

fuck off newfag

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go back to tumblr moralfag

>16 year old is a child

go back to redd!t, newfag

>rape is ok cause I'm a virgin

YIKES. You guys are psychopaths

The art style/music/gameplay is fucking tight. Gotta be honest thou; the character arcs/plot is super fucking cringe. Kawashima was probably the best arc.

seek help ASAP

>Cuck thinks sales=good

Where do you think you are

Butthurt incels

>defending an actual rapist

WOOOOOOOWWWWW. How can you hate women THIS much? Can't get laid?

>Do you faggots only give it a pass because its japanese?
Remember: it's always okay when Japan does it. Otherwise it's only okay if Sony does it.
t. Yea ForumssetERA

jesus, when did Yea Forums get so full of moralizing sjws?
Yea Forums is truly dead

He sounds pretty based to me

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I was about to say; pedo's and pyschos are considered brave heroes around these parts

Yes you're always someone's child

yeah, Im at the 5th dungeon with the stupid morgana filler shit.

That's not super upstanding morals, that's just being a functioning human!

dumbass, sales=popular, that was the point

>gatting #metoo'd by the heroes.
What the FUCK does that mean?

>pedos and psychos
lolicons are fine, but actual 3dpd pedos are some of the most annoying and whiny faggots on the internet

This isn't the right chan for that.

>Steamwork goes drm always on bye bye bye

Are you retarded? Persona is shit compared to SMT, zoomie.

Protag-kun's kind of fucked up to imagine his friends in such wild situations.

>EXTREMELY sexually repressed virgins SEETHING over sexual predator in a videogame getting caught


you can fast forward through dialogue

no chan is safe from that mate

it's a subtle /pol/ thread

Kamoshida was trash.

So now you discord trannies are falseflagging as insane extremist anti-SJWs so us Yea Forumsirgins will get annoyed and push them out? I see what you faggots are doing

have you been off the internet for the last few years or what?

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>have to get off the train one station sooner to scramble some money for cinema
>hungry all the time because no money for food
>have one set of clothes
>can't afford colors for paiting
>keeps 6 trillion yen from defeating shadows all to himself
>fortune telling for 5k every single day
>personal maid 3 times a week
>luxury food
>luxury bath
>enjoys various expensive hobbies
>visits extremely expensive gym
What the fuck, aren't they supposed to be friends?

We all see what they're doing. Try as they might they'll never sound like genuine anons.

>it's a not so subtle discord false flag thread

God you're a fucking idiot.

Everyone gets their share. Yusuke spends his share on useless shit.

I hate /pol/ as much as the next user but this is just a disingenuous parody at best

>everything I disagree with is a false flag!

nah Yusuke was just trying get with Ann and Joker/Ryuji cucked em.

>useless shit
Kindly take that back.

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>us Yea Forumsirgins

Nice falseflag

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>Yusuke grabs Ann by the ass whenever he wants
>gets her half nude
>Joker and Ryuji have to call her Ann-san

Attached: yusuke approved.gif (500x231, 1.11M)

>Yusuke grabs Ann by the ass

can't argue with that

No shit. You do know this site is filled with school shooters who are one step away from suicide right? It's not a meme, Yea Forums is filled with the scum of the earth

Several times when they fall out of Mementos or Palace.

What's your opinion on P5 anime's place of budget?

Attached: persona-5-the-animation-04-17.jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

>mfw "villains" actually did nothing wrong

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>too autistic for social norms so he just chads it up
pretty cool dude if you ask me

not to mention once they defeat kawashima they suddenly pivot and care about being popular....? Like why makes no fucking sense and they target some lame fucking artist after taking down kawashima i.e faggatron

the actual anime itself is a war-crime; although the cut scenes compliment the game nicely

>Do you only give it a pass because its a Jap game?

Yes. If this was a western game people would be losing their shit on this board. Of course I haven't read the thread but you're probably going to see a bunch of retards give long "but" "well" "you see its different" type of answers but we all know, that if you literally just changed the developer, there will be people on this board bitching.

This is Yea Forums and its filled with weebs who think Japan is the greatest thing since sliced bread so you'll get a bunch of excuses.

Yeah's he grabbin ann's tight little ass on the reg' no one is disputing that

did this actually happen?
how do I have no memory of this?

I have to disagree in some points.

Attached: persona-5-the-animation-09-6.jpg (1280x720, 258K)

That is why you don't take the opinions of people on this board seriously. Trust me, you'll avoid a lot of headache if you just assume most people on this board are retarded.

>sexual assault is chad
ok Kamoshida

If this was a western game they're would be a heavy focus on FPS mechanics in the hallways at school. The MC would be the shy kid who brings the his guitar-case into school; except today wasn't band class......
sounds tight

you donn't see ann complaining about it

shut the fcuk up ryuji you suck at running and i'm an olympic medalist and i raped all your friends

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Well fuck, let me slap some shit on a plate that caters to the lowest denominator. HA! see sales do matter Yea Forums :^)

i mean yeah you do. she decides to fight against sexual assault by wearing a skin-tight gimp suit. Well played Ann

she literally does.

he spent 2000$ on a figure

where does she complain about fox getting foxy with her exactly?

Yeah, what did she mean by that?

Attached: ann.jpg (275x183, 7K)

cosplay is not consent

Is it really cosplay when the suit is a part of her?

The first time was when Joker and her were at that Mcdonalds or watever. After that it's anytime she talks about whats-her face(ledge-mcjumpy) and whenever they dungeon crawl.

never said it was. Just implying maybe it's not the best way to deture sexual-assualt in japan of all places

Too long didn't read

the zipper is for convenience. how else is she supposed to pee in that thing?


it's literally the manifestation of her sense of rebellion. Ann is a slut.

that was about kamoshida, not yusuke

Well then what about makoto? She doesn't have a crotch zipper, does she just pee herself every dungeon?

oof my b

So why does she have zippers right across her nipples?

Attached: ann1.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

for some nipple milk on the go mate; dungeon crawling is thirsty work

Most newfags came here during the last election, /pol/ is to blame for them.

>putting milk into Sojiro's coffee
You disgust me.

Nah, they are the one and the same. It’s a good thing most of them become trannies and kill themselves down the line.

its a copypasta mate

Ann isn't pregnant to lactate milk.

Like all Lovers.

no they aren't. 3dpd is a phrase for a reason, faggot.

Palaces aren't the real world. I'm sure if everyone in the party believes hard enough, she'll lactate.

>depressing and dark
>calendar and social links
it was retarded and jarring as fuck, also its attempts to be edgy were laughable

Exactly; it's part and parcel with her persona. That's why she has those nipple zippers.

Well they did accidently get caught in his BDSM sex castle when they went to school, that's the kind of thing that gets a reaction.

Attached: KamoshidaLove.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Because Joker is a fucking retard.

>calendar and social links
Yes, that's part of that gameplay...
Not the setting and plot

You're right, Morgana's worse.

Put me in the comp user

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Man youre never going to fit in, stop trying so hard

The girl begged him for sex and then made up a story after she regretted it and felt like a slut, that's how women work, they've been taught they're never accountable for their decisions, they can only be victims.

nobody is worse than ted, he is the single worst party member in the franchise

Persona 5 is objectively zoomie and sjw shit, a real man plays Hoy's game

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>scumbag gets what's coming to him

nice argument, don't respond to me again

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I need to see this, for research.

To keep up the facade that if given the opportunity, they would not rape a child. They are attracted to children, it’s only a matter of time before they act on it.

None of Kamoshida's crimes were actually proven.

The whole thing about 'he's a sexual harasser!" with Shiho, there is no real evidence for it. There is a difference between being a gym teacher that pressures students, and being an actual rapist. I see no indication that Kamoshida ever sexually abused Shiho, other than his forced confession by the phantom thieves.

You're making up a boogeyman in your own head that doesn't actually exist.

Play the game.

Should they have shown Kamoshida going balls deep in his students?

He literally confesses to it and turns himself in.

You can't deny his visual representation of all of the girls/Ann though in his palace.
Although admittedly i don't recall any actual assault happening(I think Ann briefly mentions she has been "meeting" with kawashima to keep shiho on the team). Could be wrong; but yeah having dirty thoughts/fucked up world view isn't a crime unless you act on it

Pedophiles and rapists sadly do exist.

and I'm not trying to be edgy here. where is the evidence that Kamoshida did anything really fucked up? You could say because he admitted to it, but he only did that after the Phantom Thieves dived into his dreams and fucked him up psychologically.

They do, but they aren't the same as lolicons. 3dpd fags tend to stick to 3dpd.

>Rebels against society
>Voiced by the same guy
>Their game/anime has a rushed second half
>Both has an opening with Colors in it

What other parallels will Persona 5 Royal bring?

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and there are quite a few that Yea Forums has rooted out. Most of the 3dpd pussies won't act on it; but some definitely do and have

Never said you were wrong, just that you won't fit in by doing that.

apparently there is a new girl and a whole new semester. Plus some small additions to the Mementos and other QOL improvements.

Unironically have sex.

Eh, he still beat his male team members and put Ryuji on blast in front of everyone

Pedophile =/= rapist
Learn what -philia means you dumb mutt

Nigger what does that have to do what I asked?

Unironically join Islam.

Ann mentions having "met" with kawashima several times; although you're right. We don't actually have any concrete evidence of his transgressions other than his confession/state of the palace.
We do know he broke Ryuji's leg out of "self defense"

you're a really happy guy huh? Calm the fuck down ya miserable faggot and kys already

They are potential rapists all the same, why wait they act on it?

You're a dumb retard. How the fuck do you play video games if you can't even read a basic question? Are you ESL?

>game literally ends with teenagers killing a god
never seen this before

3dpdfags are experts at rationalizing why should be allowed to fuck kids. They're all rapists in disguise.

FIFA sells a gorillion units every year, doesn't mean it's good

Sounds like something the average 4chinner would believe.

Why do you get worked up over such mundane shit? Are you that pathetic in every other aspect of life that you gotta get revved up over a question? Just end it; you've got nothing to offer faggot

Hahaha stop coping because of your incompetence. Do you even have a job you loser?

>We do know he broke Ryuji's leg out of "self defense"

that's the thing though! Persona 5 does a great job of making you think that Joker, Ryuji, Ann etc. are completely in the right. But what if it really was self defense, on Kamoshida's part, when Ryuji had a go at him? The guy IS pretty hotheaded.

Kamoshida shouldn’t have insulted Ryuji’s mother in front of the whole team then.

then he wouldn't have confessed to the crime after his treasure was stolen

>you will never feed ann with your man seed like kamoshida did

I'm sure my municipal desk job beats you're min-wage check to check life. I bet you're the one snakes the toilets at Mcdon's you insufferable fuck. Again kys ya waste of space

Takemi giving me some hardcore erection drug with no refractoy periord as she rides me until i die of dehydration is the kino ending

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she is the worst fuckin' doctor; and it's great.

"talk shit, get hit"

words to live by I guess.

Hahahaha. How do you have a job if you can't read basic questions? All your retorts are just KYS. I can already tell you don't have a job.

>rape is a SJW invention
>only SJW are againt rape

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hmm i could see that. Although if you advance through ryuji's loyalty missions; other track members will admit that kawashima was ultimately targeting ryuji and tryin to ice the track team as a whole. Still though; you can't attack a teacher just because their a dick.

I'll admit i misunderstood you're question. Still though all of you're retorts are focusing on my employment. Seems as though you're making up for something.

Who gives a fuck about fitting in, that's for people who are afraid to be turned away by any crowd, so the fuck what if the majority of people like it? Why would you want to surround yourself with a large majority of shitty people? What kind of ill-conceived excuse for a brain do you have to even entertain the thought that I would want to delude myself with lesser company for the sake of "fitting in."

I spit on you. If this was a century and a half earlier I would slap you with my glove and challenge you to a gun duel, where we each turned and took ten paces, in which I would risk my life to rid the world of yours.

My first question was asking if you're ESL and you ignored that, every fucking reply you say is KYS hahahaha. Maybe you're coping because you're too scared to kill yourself.

oh this is definitely you You're the kind of petty asshole who gets off an startin' shit hmm.
I can't wait for someone to punch you' out IRL. You probably don't act like that though in IRL; probably more of the submissive pussy type hmm?

You're already wrong on your basic assumption of labeling me as a samefag to that other guy so I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post.

If me dropping one post is starting shit I suggest you get some thicker skin.

either way the thread is dead. good job kid

Based & Redpilled

Fucking tough guy is going to punch me over the internet with some other stooge he's imagined in his head to beat me up, poor son of a bitch.

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I'm in Chicago. If you're down here let's meet up. I'll kick your fucking ass

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That's not me you dumb dumb. You're clearly kind of a loser and I'm not that much of an asshole to bully a suicidal potential school shooter.

if you honestly think that "raping and blackmailing underage girls = bad" is SJW propaganda, you need to get the fuck off Yea Forums and go outside for ten minutes per day. fucking incels, not everything is your SJW boogeyman. have sex.

muh centrist