ITT: the best games of their respective series

ITT: the best games of their respective series

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All I wanted from Oddyssey was a fucking Hub World like Mario 64 or Sunshine. People say it's the same kind of game but it's not without it.

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Not anymore. It's second place now

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Sunshine isn't even the best 3D Mario.


You know well the remake was shit, nothing like the original RE2.

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This. After finishing RE2 Remake, playing RE4 feels clunky now, I've finished RE4 first and loved it, but now RE2 remake has taken the 1st spot for me.

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>Sunshine isn't even the best 3D Mario.

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Wrong, it's SM64.
Wrong, it's LttP.
Wrong, it's RE2 2019.
Wrong, it's Mania.

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Relatively based, but only if we're talking exclusively about GameFreak games. If we include spinoffs, it gets BTFO'd by pic related.

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Best Mario and Luigi game.

Best 3D Mario? yes.
Best 2D Mario? Not really.

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pic unrelated

And that's a good thing. The classic Resident evil games were garbage. Remake 2 keeps pretty much every positive characteristic of the original while dumping everything that made them clunky and frustrating to play

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soulless trash


Wew, hot take there. I'm actually one of the people who liked this game and thought it was pretty good. But best in the series? Better than TP, OOT, and MM? Nah. It wasn't THAT good

Both Galaxy and 64 are better games, if you hold any other opinion, you haven't played the game since you were underage and stupid or you haven't played the other two.

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the best system shock game.

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>Anywhere near the top.

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I like pokemon silver/gold/crystal the most. what is best about it is that after you finish the new area you can go back to the old area from gen1. no other pokemon game had such a large increase in content. theyre just the same boring shit and most of the time the changes are actually worse not better, needlessly complicating everything

the pokemon series would have been much better if instead of shitting out the same thing every time they actually improved the gameplay. more moves per pokemon, different limitation than AP, no rng or special training nonsense that alters stats, no level cap, much faster and preferably dynamic battling and so on

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Based and Sunshinepilled

Just goes to show how fucking awful Sunshine is.

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while 64 is the only other good mario sunshine is still better

just imagine actually believing this

being better than sunshine doesnt require being anywhere near the top lmao

t seething zoomer

board is flooded with gamecube babbies just wait until zoomers are the majority

>garbage like tp and sunshine over alttp and mario bros 3
you are the zoomer here

Both games are zoomer shit though

Let me guess, you prefer BOTW and Wind Waker

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3d world and odyssey are better too

Odyssey is literally the best 3D Mario. You're shit for brains if you think otherwise. The only gripe I keep hearing is that you don't get a hub world to bing-bing around in, but that's hardly relevant when you can just do that in any world.

Odyssey improved upon everything that was great about 64 and has a great soundtrack on top of that.

Odyssey > 64 > Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > Sunshine

64 > Galaxy >Galaxy 2 > Odyessy. > Sunshine

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Imagine how good Sunshine would be if it was given another year like it deserved

Sunshine is literally perfect aside from the final level/final boss. It would only take like a month or two for Nintendo to fix that.

Correct post

>a fully fleshed out Corona Mountain level
>Bowser fight actually good/existing instead of a quick almost-minigame
>weed out some time-wasting bullshit like the ferry boats
>fix camera issues

game's already a lot of fun but this would be divine

absolutely based


When twilight princess came out everybody cried about how awful it was for a long time. What changed.

You first


Twilight Princess was a return to form after the poorly thought out rush job that was Wind Waker. I can't be assed to look for it but there's an e3 video of the crowd erupting into screaming applause after Nintendo showed off the trailer for Twilight Princess and it had a realistic artstyle instead of Wind Waker cel shading.

Nice one word response because you can't come up with a legitimate reason why Sunshine surpasses any other 3D Mario, that can't immediately be shut down by another game that did it better, or shat on for what it did wrong.

Mass repliers should go use r*ddit where you can only reply to one comment. They clearly can't handle the power to reply to an arbitrary number of comments and need to be restricted like babies.


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>Sunshine is literally perfect
not even close


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>Fludd literally does the same thing people shit on galaxy and galaxy 2 for doing
>Worse level design than every other mainline game
>The last 3 areas.

Goods joke OP

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twilight princess is discount ocarina. plus it has aged like milk. of course I prefer botw and wind waker, pleb.

More like second worst lolololol.
Take a shower before replying to me.

Yes, even better than the original dot muncher.

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The Fludd does overly linear levels and one off gimmicks?

>still the king 20 years later

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>Twilight Princess was a return to form after the poorly thought out rush job that was Wind Waker
There is nothing about WW that says "rush job" or "poorly thought out"
>e3 video of the crowd erupting into screaming applause after Nintendo showed off the trailer for Twilight Princess
Then the game came out and it forced Nintendo to rethink the Zelda formula


absolute perfection

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I think it was supposed to be his choice for 3D mario, anyone comparing a 3D mario to a 2D one is stupid, that's entirely different.


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Fuckin based.

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>zoomer shit
Super Mario Sunshine came out in 2002, and Twilight Princess is a T-rated game from 2006, which took inspiration from the "edgy" atmosphere of the time.
Both games are pretty damn boomer compared to Super Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild.

No 2D Mario game has topped it.

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World tops this in the mainline Mario department.
Sonic 2 is best for mainline Sonics.
Battle Revolution is automatically the best console Pokémon, qua WiFi support.
Link's Awakening or Zelda 1.
Super Metroid.
One of the best non-mainline Mario titles period. Contends with MKWii, Superstar Saga, SMRPG, Mario Party 3, Wario Land 1 and Yoshi's Island SNES.

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nostalgia fag kill yourself, SMW, Odyssey and SM64 run laps around this shit.

3d sonic is for mouth breathers, sonic 3 and knuckles is objectively the best

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>names 2 games that came out before it

>3d Sonic is for Mouthbreathers
>considers 3&K to be one game

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Kirby return to dreamland

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Put this on switch or make a platform wario world

This. Currently playing FFX on my Switch whilst on the toilet

super metroid is not as good as prime 2

>There is nothing about WW that says "rush job"
see pic

>the game came out and it forced Nintendo to rethink the Zelda formula
It became the best selling for its time and it was Skyward Sword flopping what made Nintendo drop the Zelda formula

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>Pic not related

Have you taken your shower today?

Not when RTCW ,2009 and Old Blood exist.

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Platniumum, HGSS, and so I hear BW2 are all better then emerald.

Honestly pretty much every game after emerald other then maybe DP is better just because of the physical special split, but PT and HGSS in particular have all of the same shit emerald has going for it and then some too.

I've played 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey

Sunshine = Odyseey > 64, IMO

64 has notable control/physics, as well as camera issues; and flawed level design. The camera issues are obvious and Mario is very unresponsive and sluggish. Hitting normal speed from a dead stop takes ages, turning 180 degrees when stopped is iffy with half the time mario starting to walk instead of just turning, and turning while moving has mario take ages to actually do the turn with gigantic turn radiuses.

As far as level design, the issue is like half the worlds are blatantly linear and might as well not be 3d, and even the more open stages like Bomb-omb battlefield still effectively have all their shit that matters in terms of platforming along a singular linear path. On top of this, the game's just sort of jank and buggy in general due to being an early 3d title.

Sunshine and Odyssey have fixed movement and camera issues, with Sunshine in particular being hyper responsive and tight to control. Likewise, their level design is better, with both having more organically designed worlds that feel more like real locations and with less linearity: Odyssey's worlds have multiple paths, while Sunshine's worlds litterally don't even feel like video game levels due to how natural they are and how they fit into the game's overall setting, and due to having a huge amount of interspersed platforming shit around the maps even if the maps still have paths: Bianco hills has the same basic pathway setup as bomb-omb, but has a whole village, a forest, a lake with tightropes and poless, and you can freeily platform across the entire world from one thing to the next.

If it sounds like i'm sucking off sunshine here more then oddssey, I am, with sunshine also having a better coherent theme and atmosphere and OST, but Sunshine is also pretty jank in a few places and Odssey has way mord content so I have them tied.

Somewhat unrelated but you know what'd be cool? A 2D Mario with more 3D elements. NSMB was originally going to have movement similar to SM64DS, but we ended up getting more traditional 2D Mario movement with the addition of a wall jump, ground pound and triple jump.

>good level design
You literally can't die.

You don't need death for it to be good level design. As long as there's still an effective punishment, such as falling off a platform and needing to get back to where you were, it functioins fine.

That being said, bear with me, I have an idea that might help address your issue even if I disagree it';s a real problem.

Ss I said, sunshine is way better about actually using the fact it's a sandbox 3d game to it's advantage, and as such, actually rewards and enables creative pathing and platforming through it's worlds and stages: There's dozens of potential ways to get from point A to B across most of sunshine's stages using platforming without resorting to exploits, wheras in 64 and to a lesser extent Odyssey, your options are only either to follow a set path or just walk across mostly empty shit without being able to optmiize much aside from your own movement, exploiting physics bugs or shit; not via platforming pathways

The problem is that you don't need to: Fludd acts as a crutch so you don't ever need to actually platform, and there's no incencvitze to come up with super creative ways around the stages either.

What would solve both that (encouraging actual platforming and creative pathing) and your problem (lack of punishment for the player) is implementing a ranking system, a la the sonic advneture games. Give players points for chaining cool platforming and jumps together, by the amount of coins collected, and the speed by which you complete the mission, and subtract them for falling huge heights or being damaged. At the end of a mission, you get a score/rank based on how you did.

Players now have a reason to actually give a shit, to go for the max ranks.

whats that even mean ?

Kirby 64 and the Crystal Shards

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every Sunshine stage has no pits, everything does 1 damage and you have 8 hit points

unless you have brain damage, it's impossible to die in Sunshine
You only lose life in the slippery and clunky secret stages.

Sunshine is the best 3D Mario, but the best Mario game in general is World. inb4 mad 3fags

Almost correct.

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