>"One copy of Pokémon™ Shield please"
>"Hey, give me one copy of Pokémon™ Sword as well and wrap it for present, it's for a dear friend of mine."
"One copy of Pokémon™ Shield please"
How do I get this physique?
Come back when you have a shirt on, sir
pharmaceuticals and a strong sense of inadequacy
I could easily destroy that guy
don't insult me
That nigga has eight gallons of synthol running through his veins, look at them shits goddamn.
The perfect gentlemen to deliver my new carpets.
>no timestamp
muscles too fake to use a pen, huh
on my way to your home
thats craig golias dude he's strong as fuck
I don't give a shit how strong he is, that dude shoots up vegetable oil.
What would cause a man to use steroids? It's honestly sad. Pure exercise to build a nice body I can understand it helps us men with testosterone.
But steroids is just not the way. They have something missing in their hearts to do this. Females too.
Is this achievable natty?
sure bro
I assume hes in competitive bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is something people missing something from their youth do. Compensation.