NEET Attorney, Programmer here. Why am I hated?

I am a NEET attorney, and a programmer as well.

Half my (extended) family hates me and thinks I'm a "fucking idiot".

The educated side of the family does not hate me.

My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

(Not to mention the mapping, 3d modeling, textures, pixel art, and music I produce)
(A very small sample of the 100+ models I've made over the years: )

I also have marble floors in my domicile (because I cut and placed them down, with border vs 45 degree angle placement), finished 1/3rd of the house myself (the unfinished areas), I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!"). I'm also handy with the coping saw to make properly installed crown molding.

I reminded the LKML that non-exclusive free licenses are revocable since they are not supported by consideration (and obeying a pre-existing duty doesn't cut it), which triggered about 30 articles on the topic 6 months ago.

(and here's more recent:

You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
I think it might be because I do whatever I want, and study what I want, while they work 1 job for a boss all their days, learn nothing, and want others to join their misery.

Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

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Other urls found in this thread:,

> >NEET attorney
>So you passed the bar... and then proceeded to not do a damn thing with it?
Correct. All pro-bono work, including PSA's such as:,

Just like my opensource work.

>My guess is that this is because your family has to pay for your life nesessities, while your meme "jobs"are a child's play IRL.
They do not. The extended family that hates me does not pay a dime for me.

>Live on your own dime, and noone will give a fuck about you.
Indifference is worse than hatred.
>For how smart you claim to be, you're pretty fucking stupid.
>NEET means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training"
>If you make money being an attorney and programmer, you are self employed and not a NEET.
I fit the definition of NEET; I don't make money. All my legal work contributes to the destruction of unstable (incorrectly executed) edifices. I don't get anything from it, other than satisfaction.
>You might have achieved good things, but that doesn't mean you aren't a fucking idiot. Have you never once asked any of the family that feels that way why they do, or considered that while skilled in your field, you might be painfully ignorant of another that common people are familiar with? Don't ever let your achievements blind yourself to your weaknesses.

My fields include Programming, Law, Construction, Music, and Art.
I particularly like Construction and Programming.
> >I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!")
>Answering your question quite nicely there.
>Not being another beer-swilling fat idiot overtaxed with even following the plot of a TV show makes them look pretty bad in comparison.

Is this the reason?

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You're severely autistic, and turning to /v for validation of your life choices is somehow not one of the worst decisions you've made in your life so far.


schizo thread, don't waste your time

This is going to be a legendary thread, I hope reddit noticed

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I seriously hope these images aren't your project, because it all looks like garbage.

>You're severely autistic, and turning to /v for validation of your life choices is somehow not one of the worst decisions you've made in your life so far.

Maybe I'm taking a break from programming, and talking with "my NEET bros" is a good relax?

Attached: xontemp20161210151545-00.jpg (620x349, 53K)

>I seriously hope these images aren't your project, because it all looks like garbage.

Bet you hate nethack too.

Show us your game. Oh, you don't have one because you're a wagie piece of shit that dedicates his life to his boss' wishes instead.

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Nigger I'm doing research at my college to incorporate AR with Opera, essentially allowing them to do set design at a reduced cost.

Also have a Vulkan project and a pure C game coming along.

your family dislikes you for the pure arrogance you exude in this post
have sex

No offense on the following:
You sound severely autistic.
Humans are emotional beings above all. Your family probably hates you based on your personality/history with them, and will come up with any retarded excuse on the spot to veil the fact that they hate you based on your personality/history with them.
You probably can't change this. However, at least try to remember that when they bitch at you for doing your floors or someshit like that, they actually hate you because you are autistic and your floors are just the latest ammo they have for showing it.

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>get criticized
>rather than defend yourself, you immediately sperg out and 'no u' with bonus ad hominem bullshit
and you wonder why people hate you

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>Nigger I'm doing research at my college to incorporate AR with Opera, essentially allowing them to do set design at a reduced cost.

And that's nothing compared to what I've achieved: a fun game. Tons of weapons. Tons of maps (I made over 50 for this game alone). You have things you're going to do. I have things that have actually been done.

>Also have a Vulkan project and a pure C game coming along.

Darkplaces Engine is already pure C. Just use that, idiot.

This is one of the most autistic things I’ve seen on Yea Forums in years

>My guess is that this is because your family has to pay for your life nesessities, while your meme "jobs"are a child's play IRL.
>They do not. The extended family that hates me does not pay a dime for me.

They hate you for being a burden on your immediate family, on the behalf of your immediate family who are clearly too spineless to tell you to put your education to good use.

And I hate you for being a weird fucking autist shitting up this board.

If you're actually that troll piece of shit MikeeUSA, know that you've worked hard to earn the hate and scorn you've amassed online. I imagine your real-life relationships have similar reasons to label you a "fucking idiot."

Take a step back and consider what motivates you to spend your life spewing the crap you do.

>"My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use."
this is why you're such an idiot, user-chan. value of videogames, and by extension, any program ever, is not measured in cleanness of code or prettiness of art assets, it's measured in how many people are willing to spend how much money on it to buy it or as a thank-you donation.

also, you mention several things that normally people dont give a damn about. unless they ask, you should not tell them that because it's annoying as fuck when you're minding your own business and then some fucknut says "did you know, that despite being 20% of the population, [thing X, a subset of a greater thing that all do Y in different amounts] [does] 80% of [thing Y]" as if that's relevant to the conversation.
others said that you're probably autistic, and if you are, that is also why you're hated. chill out, learn to talk to people, do remember that not everyone is into being the best that ever was. when people are angry at you for some petty excuses, tell them to chill out, tell them that you've changed. if all fails, just get a job, move out and live alone.

also, download link to game where

have sex

Show us your game.

I like my game. Don't really care if you don't like it's looks. I'm not going to waste 3000 polys on a flat wall.

It's strange, my game has all the things I want in a game almost. I wonder how that came about?

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At first I thought you made this thread once every time I wake up, but I see it doesn't stop

Might as well continue the shitposting:

Fun is subjective shithead,

>Darkplaces Engine is already pure C. Just use that, idiot.

What's the point of learning if you're going to rip someone's engine?

Mods need to ban this dude for constant spamming

Yes hello, is arguing with literally everyone on the internet and getting banned from all places your ultimate goal?

>have sex

>your family dislikes you for the pure arrogance you exude in this post
But the one who wants to kill me has murdered people in the american south-west, and was a drug dealer.

How is that a "better" life? I know it's a WHITE life (REAL MAN), but how is it better than just programming and supporting YHWH's law (the drug dealer thinks all pedos should die: but drug dealers, murderers, thieves: they aaight, and according to him: All old religions were anti-child bride (he got mad after I pointed out the Bukari Hadiths in Islam, and the vedic traditions, and the old testament laws: we then had a fist fight over my bar))

bitch, i don't give a shit about some random cookie-cutter game, booooring

creativity > technicality
quality > quantity

stop imagining yourself as a fucking genius and be humble, damn

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>They hate you for being a burden on your immediate family, on the behalf of your immediate family who are clearly too spineless to tell you to put your education to good use.

How so? It's not like my immediate family has to work.

>also, download link to game where
The dl link is on this page:

There are 2 isos, you can dl 1, and if you want more maps and textures the 2nd .

Why are you seeking validation from Yea Forums of all fucking places?

>more ad hominem
user stop that. it's why people dislike you
you could defend the bad art saying "it's a work in progress" or "i'm more of a coder guy than an artist guy"
you could admit it's low quality and say "yeah it's shit, but the gameplay is so good the art doesn't matter"
but no, instead you attack the people criticising your works, demanding they show what they made. it doesn't take an rocket physicist to say that 1+1=/=3, it does not take a Leonardo da Vinci to know that coder-art is shite by default, so stop being a stuck-up 'holier than thou' asswipe, aight?

>If you're actually that troll piece of shit MikeeUSA, know that you've worked hard to earn the hate and scorn you've amassed online. I imagine your real-life relationships have similar reasons to label you a "fucking idiot."

How so? What has been done online? Explain.

>Take a step back and consider what motivates you to spend your life spewing the crap you do.

Maybe I like to take a break from coding, now and then, and white men get frothing mad when anything not in keeping with the best interests of their beloved white women is mentioned.

Are white men just beasts of burden for the white woman? Why are they so proud of being such?

here's the quick rundown
you were cursed at birth to bear the burden of having one of the worst personalities known to man
this curse makes 99% of people immediately hate you, as seen from everybody ITT immediately hating you
there is no feasible way to lift this curse
good luck

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>I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls
lol based.

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Probably has to do with the advocating for pedophilia. Based on how you laid out this post you might have brain problems user. Good luck.

Dude fuck off, don’t give this stain any praise


>also, you mention several things that normally people dont give a damn about. unless they ask, you should not tell them that because it's annoying as fuck when you're minding your own business and then some

They ask.
Then get mad that the answer is not "wageslavin for muh boss and MUUUH WHITE WUUUUMAN"

>have sex

White men banned marrying cute young virgin girls, only allow old diseased whores.

>What's the point of learning if you're going to rip someone's engine?

Reinvent the wheel, young idiot. Your code will never amount to what the old guys did.

>Why should I use John Carmack's code: what good is he!

your "game" looks no better than an asset flip and judging by the fact that you disabled ratings and deleted comments on moddb, it's a terrible one
btw before you call me a wagecuck or whatever i've been a NEET for years lmao
i truly hope you're simply "pretending to be retarded"

>They ask.
do they really now? what kind of people do you hang out with that ask you about your religion and sexual preferences in the same question? or is this just your average day to day conversations in america?

Nothing cookie cutter about this game.

Let's see your game. Over 200 weapons in mine, City generation, buildable buildings, whatever one might want.

Kinda funny that a worthless wage worker would call anyone a stain: you dedicate your good years for your boss' vision: thinking when the mythical retirement comes when you're almost in the grave that you will have the energy of your youth and the will to put your plans into action.

You're literally the only one dragging on about little girls and wages. Like everyone is saying something is wrong with you.

I’m a clinical pharmacist so I only work 2 days a week and enjoy what I’m doing. I also have no desire to make a game of my own since I hate coding.

>it's actually a standalone mod to xonotic
not as based as it could be but still nice that faggot OP actually delivers
does it support online play?

you use someone else's wheels and claim them as your own, then proceed to rage when people insult the wagon that you've put on the wheels.
you're a parody. i refuse to believe that people like you actually exist. you're just a puppet of a clever troll

Attached: this is a puzzle.png (367x403, 6K)

Based schizo OP btfo faggots with pig related

Attached: The-Best-Weeknight-Pasta-Sauce-plate-H1.jpg (800x600, 60K)

this is why everyone hates you, OP

i was waiting for this

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based schizoposter

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Checks out, likely a sociopath

>your "game" looks no better than an asset flip and judging by the fact that you disabled ratings and deleted comments on moddb, it's a terrible one
>btw before you call me a wagecuck or whatever i've been a NEET for years lmao
>i truly hope you're simply "pretending to be retarded"

I did not disable the ratings. Must be some automatic thing. You guys said you were going to mass-create-new-users and spam it with 0 raitings: maybe they can detect that.

>do they really now? what kind of people do you hang out with that ask you about your religion and sexual preferences in the same question? or is this just your average day to day conversations in america?

RINGG RINNG RINNGGG: Hey user, it's your cuzin in law! I was wondering if we could hang out! Could you come over and pick me up! Long time no see!

(Later: I want to kill user! He showed me the rooms he finished when I got into house I asked to come to to drink at! He's trying to UPSTAGE ME! LETS KILL HIM!)


Hey user at family gathering, what did you do this year. Oh programming and some pro-bono law stuff?


Hey user, at other gathering, let's all drink tons of vodka!

Oh you like cute young afghan girls and note that YHWH allows child brides?!!!!

Jesus christ, now this fag has some OC.


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>not as based as it could be but still nice that faggot OP actually delivers
>does it support online play?

Yes. I don't run any servers as they'd be hacked. Feel free too.

Oh and it runs best on lan with 10gb. The 6000RPM rotary cannons are smooth once you have atleast a 2gbit link.

this reads like the rant of someone who is going to fucking hurt someone
unironically get help, user

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We’re dealing with an old school hardened Yea Forums tier troll here folks. Stay frosty.

>Hey guys I'm really insecure so I'm going to shitpost on Yea Forums to show off how cool I am!

Pretty sure he’s a sociopath

>I’m a clinical pharmacist so I only work 2 days a week and enjoy what I’m doing. I also have no desire to make a game of my own since I hate coding.

That's because you don't use that part of your brain alot. Start coding and you'll learn to like it, especially if it's game coding as it translates directly into fun.

> You're literally the only one dragging on about little girls and wages. Like everyone is saying something is wrong with you.

You do not like young girls? Why not? Tell us what you like?

Yes I know white men recoil at cuteness and love fat cow like old whores. I don't know why: maybe because they themselves are animals?

White men are masters of nothing: they are mastered by women.

More like a textbook schizophrenic

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thanks for the new pasta, I'll be sure to impersonate you soon

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he talks like that chris the kiwi guy that calls into the dick show

>this is why everyone hates you, OP
All you have to do is show your game.

>(I want to kill user! He showed me the rooms he finished when I got into house I asked to come to to drink at! He's trying to UPSTAGE ME! LETS KILL HIM!)
the fact that that line is in brackets tells me you just imagine them thinking that. pro tip: they aren't
>>Hey user, at other gathering, let's all drink tons of vodka!
>>Oh you like cute young afghan girls and note that YHWH allows child brides?!!!!
now this is what i was talking about. they did not ask you yet you told them. congrats you're fucking stupid
>I don't run any servers as they'd be hacked
how? is your code really that shitty so computers can be hacked by just having a server installed? that's a major security breach, and you can't say that code which allows that is "worth 4 to 6 million dollars".

i like cute things too user but there's a taboo against pedophilia for a reason

>show your game.
not him, but don't ever use that dumb argument, you could use it on /agdg/ or somewhere people actually make games

>This thread again

Attached: how-many-times-5b5ca8.jpg (500x375, 48K)

>City generation
random generation is a crutch for people who can't make interesting levels
>200 weapons
how's the balance? i bet you one whole internet that it's either nonexistant and the powerlevels are all over the place, or that at least 50% of the weapons are all reskins of other weapons with extremely minor balance nudges like "5% less ammo but 5% more damage per shot"
>building mechanics
again, a crutch. some games do it well but you can't (and shouldn't try to) shove it into everything.

Lawyering is all about competing interests. It helps you understand that whatever you have been taught is "good" is simply a historical victory of one interest over another.

For instance: white men are scum sucking physical labour slaves; white white women sit like an eferti and eat. The white men are taught to cherish and protect their station in life and the kill any person or culture that would supplant them from it: including any culture that would elevate them to the plane the white women inhabit. And thus they do so. White men are the chains that bind themselves: because they lost long ago and even their minds are not their own.

I write guidance, navigation and control software for aircraft and missiles and I actually get paid for it.

i won't download your game until you implement red faction-esque destruction mechanics


Here is the reason.

I thought the point of shitposting was to type less than everyone else
This seems like a lot of effort

>joos are the reason
>also let me use esoteric Judaism to justify my Kira-esque love for cunny

Attached: i had a boner.jpg (850x529, 117K)

That’s pretty fucking cool user, are you with a military? Obviously not that guy

Sadly schizophrenics often receive little help in life and even if they got more would require an abundance of care even the whole world couldn't provide them

It's clearly mental illness whether this is all intended as bait or not

Do they know where they are?
Do they know this because they know where they aren't?

That is indeed very impressive.

But do you do it just to look attractive in front of white women?

>the fact that that line is in brackets tells me you just imagine them thinking that. pro tip: they aren't

The brackets were him talking to my other friend that was at the gathering later. I was in the adjoining room eavesdropping.

I want to hug Puro!

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>I was in the adjoining room eavesdropping
and this is why nobody likes you

>how? is your code really that shitty so computers can be hacked by just having a server installed? that's a major security breach, and you can't say that code which allows that is "worth 4 to 6 million dollars".

Nope, I'm saying that if I ran a server, it would be hacked by people trying to fuck me over. Linux is swiss cheese security wise without GRSecurity.

>not him, but don't ever use that dumb argument, you could use it on /agdg/ or somewhere people actually make games

It's only a dumb argument if you are a consumer and not a producer.

>let's kill user
either schizophrenia runs in your family or you're making this shit up

Your game looks ugly and soulless, you could at least try to have an art style otherwise you might as well go full ASCII

thats like criticizing a movie and having the director tell you "show me your movie, then"


reported for avatarfagging

Maybe you should have never disclosed your deviant sexual tastes on the internet.
Or maybe not rubbing it into the face of everyone you meet as a conversation starter.
How the fuck did you pass the bar exam?

>Nope, I'm saying that if I ran a server, it would be hacked by people trying to fuck me over. Linux is swiss cheese security wise without GRSecurity.
then don't use linux? or do use the GRS that you yourself mention?? why not??? you are at risk of being hax0r'd by people "trying to fuck you over", so why won't you take the measures necessary to not get fucked over????

Uwe Boll would actually do that

reported for being a gay jew lmao

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you could beReported for announcing a report

>i like cute things too user but there's a taboo against pedophilia for a reason

Yea: because it's against the interest of white women and white men took over the world.

>random generation is a crutch for people who can't make interesting levels

I've made over 50 levels for the game. Then I decided "hey, I'd sure like to fight in a sim-city style place... and one with actual interiors". So I did that too.

Let's see your game. Show YOUR game.

>how's the balance? i bet you one whole internet that it's either nonexistant and the powerlevels are all over the place, or that at least 50% of the weapons are all reskins of other weapons with extremely minor balance nudges like "5% less ammo but 5% more damage per shot"

The weapons operate the way the real ones do. Wikipedia is your friend.

>again, a crutch. some games do it well but you can't (and shouldn't try to) shove it into everything.

Guess what: I didn't make it for you. I made it for me. I wanted it, it's in. You don't have to enable it (requires multitool or utilitool). Just another option.

Show us YOUR game.

So Mikee is the Uwe Boll of vidya, but with more Judaism and pedophilia

>I write guidance, navigation and control software for aircraft and missiles and I actually get paid for it.

I asked for your game, not your bosses' software the white wageslave inside you writes for money to give to your woman.

your game is based on xonotic. Did you keep the quake strafe jump lines of code?

>"white men" taking over the world is a bad thing
you're sounding like a communist or a brown person user, even though i know you're neither of those things Seamus O'Dmitri

You're mentally ill and a psychopath. You speak about people as if they're nothing but sex dolls and obstacles to your sex dolls. you feel as if this is liberating? Why? You talk on and on about not being a slave but you're advocating it and using barbaric religious beliefs to justify it.

user it doesnt matter if the best game I could make is a space invaders clone from a how to code book. A shitty game is a shitty game. You should probably just shoot yourself you piece of shit pedophile, you managed to make your entire family aware of your pedo shit and hate you.
The world would be a bettet place without the chance of you raping someone and impregnating them, making an even worse version of you.

t. roastie

I'm working on an autonomous aircraft for the US military and it is really cool. Don't want to say more than that but it is already announced to the public, obviously.
couldn't say it any more succinctly
I get a 50:50 mix of gold diggers and women that think I'm a baby killer

I like to know what people think of me when I'm not in the room. He's the one that called me up and asked to come over. Then he decided he was the king of my house and gets to decide what "correct conversation" is.

its not 'worth' 5 million dollars, it means you -wasted- 5 million dollars worth of time making it for free

You like to fuck children as well you fuckin pedo

You should just join the clergy, I think you would be happy there.

>why do people hate me
>responds to criticism with "I made a game, WHERES YOUR GAME" and "I want to fuck a child" and "fuck white people"
this is either obvious bait or you're actually delusional

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>How the fuck did you pass the bar exam?
By taking a prep-course, retard. Same as everyone else.

>Maybe you should have never disclosed your deviant sexual tastes on the internet.
YHWH explicitly allows child brides. White men do not. WHite men are the heretics.

But what does one have to do with the other?
You seem to lack logic. A common white-man trait.

It's bait but at least it's creative

>then don't use linux? or do use the GRS that you yourself mention?? why not??? you are at risk of being hax0r'd by people "trying to fuck you over", so why won't you take the measures necessary to not get fucked over????

They would still have my IP and could triangulate my location via such.

>he's too retarded to secure a Linux machine running a game server.

Oh please, unless you are a complete brainlet who runs processes as root the only way you could be hacked is through exploits in your own server code.

imagine clutching to a semitic desert religion in order to support your pedophilia and not creating your own Völkisch pagan faith

>letting people know your IP
why do other games with server making not let you have that? oh, that's right, because the players don't have direct access to the IP of server hosts because the game is not coded shoddily.
2/10 you can do better


Fucking retarded animal. Your thought process is similar to any other simian.

My game is not shitty: it is fun to me: which is why I wrote the code I did. I'm glad you're pissed off wage slave.

Oh typical white women.

Or he could just pay for a remote server instead of making excuses

MikeUSA: Neet Attorney - Cunny For All

What about me >perma neet on benefits that have to be given to my only parent, my dad, 300 of my 400 a month goes to my dad, I work doing really shit labour and standing about doing fuck all (they do this on purpose, they enjoy my suffering and standing around bored at work) and always insult me and my intelligence, I do this work for 15 quid a day and I'm bullied by my dad at work and when I'm home bullied some more, on top of that anytime my younger brother who works with me also starts on me for even looking at him, I'm the one who started it and I always apparently attack him, fast forward to today been going on since younger bro joined work and Im 6 stone from 9 stone and don't eat anymore or sleep more than 4 hours every 3 days, I feel like killing myself, my family spreads lies about me to one another to make each other hate me and I can't escape because no money and I don't know where to even start, should I kill myself?

Just kill yourself you subhuman filth. Thats the only act you could do to redeem yourself at this point.
Your game is shit and you are worse

It's been a while since I last saw a future legendary post lmao xdddd.

IDK OP, something seems wrong with you. You seem to be talented and your work is pretty impressive but are you on a meltdown or something?

Attached: 1558571863483.jpg (330x264, 21K)

I realized that I can't into level design or artistic direction so I avoided making games and getting butthurt when everyone tells me they look like shit and spending the following 2 hours autistically insulting everyone.

Are you admitting that you yourself lack logic, considering you're a self-hating "white" American?

>You're mentally ill and a psychopath. You speak about people as if they're nothing but sex dolls and obstacles to your sex dolls. you feel as if this is liberating? Why? You talk on and on about not being a slave but you're advocating it and using barbaric religious beliefs to justify it.

YHWH's book of the law, Devarim, refers to the man as ba'al: master (the same title pagan gods are referred to as). The white man translated this as simply "husband", the white man translated na'ar (child) as "young woman". The white man does not want the man to be the master of child brides: he wants the man to be equal or lesser than the white woman: a slave that is to protect and die for her (as his New Testament decrees).

YHWH allows the man to be the ruler. Whites do not: because they are cathar heretics.

Can't believe you made this thread again

Yeah but this loser apparently makes no money haha

Its not remotely impressive or commanding talent. This is fucking trash people laugh at on youtube.
He is basically Great Value version of Terry Davis

You will never be a Jew, user.

we didnt translate it that way, they changed it for us because we were already against child brides and all that weird shit before christianity hit europe

Ah I see a refined gentleman such as myself. I too, am a NEET attorney programmer.

>I'm working on an autonomous aircraft for the US military and it is really cool. Don't want to say more than that but it is already announced to the public, obviously.

So you're a but-for cause of the death of cute little girls who would otherwise be child brides.

And you tell yourself "I didn't want one anyway" when YHWH does not allot you one for all those you've killed.

Maybe you'll get the roastie whore you deserve.

Attached: afghan_girl_and_marine.jpg (1000x658, 160K)

Let's all ignore OP for a second, and talk about videogames on this board of Yea Forums(nel) that is dedicated to videogames.
Can anyone host a serb(local slang for server) for Chaos-Esque Anthalogy so we could discuss the gameplay of the game in better detail, and so we could stop making baseless assumptions on how shitty it is and instead could experience it's full awfulness in all it's glory(or lack thereof)?

Attached: hits pipe.jpg (720x888, 334K)

At least Terry had some moments of genuine insight (his "Most important question in programming" speech is truly amazing). This guy just seems like a deluded autist.

You've yet to show us your marble floor OP. We're waiting.

This is a copypasta right

I just read this thread and I have never felt happier to be a "Golem" serving my Jewish overlords.

(Yes, my company's owner is Jewish and he's pretty cool.)

I tried to come up with something witty to post but honestly I'm speechless, Is this your brain on schizoposting?

Attached: 1554849950619.png (500x292, 52K)

Give it a day or two.

What about the other 95% of the people that don't follow your religious beliefs. Should we all be made to be slaves to your beliefs?

Is this what happens to people who are incels for too long?
They resort to wanting to fuck children because nobody else will?

Attached: BUDDY.jpg (500x500, 23K)

show us what we really want op

You sure do have a vivid imagination, OP

>You like to fuck children as well you fuckin pedo

I would like to marry cute young girls, as YHWH allows in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28 - in hebrew, greek, and latin. Also as the muslims Prophet "The blessed one" allows in the Bukari Hadiths. And also as the vedic traditions allow.

The white man has banned these religions all around the world: to protect the interest of the white woman.

The white man is a heretic against YHWH and an enemy of all men on earth.

No, I don't do anything with anybody: you white fucking pieces of shit do not allow good young virgin girls to be brides. You only allow men old used whores as their "wage" for being a wageslave. You are the enemy.

My cuzin in law is a 14/88 white supremacist that sold drugs for the aryan nation or something or other in the american southwest. (Also "ran" with the nortos or whatever the mexican drug runners there were). He agrees with your white man bullshit, and thought that made him king and decider of the conversion after asking to come to my domicile.

All that is needed is for you to show your game.

I've shown mine.

What is so hard?

>Are you admitting that you yourself lack logic, considering you're a self-hating "white" American?

I'm half irish: I'm not white. Why should I love a pseudo-nationality who's lynchpin is white-woman's rights?

Please kill yourself you fucking pedophile retard. I hope your familu kills your ass before you rape someone.

You've actually gotten worse over the years, huh.
I just scoured the archives and found a thread you made shilling your game back in 2016.
You seemed sane compared to how you are now.
Lack of loli cunny taking its toll on ya?

>What about the other 95% of the people that don't follow your religious beliefs. Should we all be made to be slaves to your beliefs?

Ask yourself: "What does Devarim say about those who entice others to follow another Power other than YHWH".

You legit have schizophrenia my dude.

You are starting to approach The Bored Dude levels of trolling, all you need to do now is adopt a trip and start spreading your autism to other threads.


YHWH's a faggot and so are you, retard.

Your god's a fuckin poofter mate

>we didnt translate it that way, they changed it for us because we were already against child brides and all that weird shit before christianity hit europe

Yep: you are white scum. You worship white women. You just use your brawn to work and let her do the thinking. You traditionally gave your entire wage to her to "manage" (The nobles didn't do this: just you white peasants).

The nobles married little girls though: they were the bright ones, you whites where and are idiots. The only race where the woman is more intellectually capable than the men.

You're not a Jew, user.
You never will be.

>yhwh is the real god
replace yhwh with any god of any single-god belief and you'l get an equally true statement
>b-but YHWH really is true god, you're just a jelly white man
truth is, until we have rock-solid proof of gods, none of them are real. right now, only proofs we have are paper-solid, and we're not playing janken here.

how the fuck did this gay ass blog thread get to 150 posts? do you fucking retards not know how to report and sage a thread?

>woman is more intellectually capable than the men
Peak incel.

I don't fucking know because I'm not a slave to religious ideologies.

Sorry your smash thread got kicked off page 10 user

Mods don't always magically appear, user.

We like to laugh at a man who will likely snap and try to rape a child one day.

Attached: 1531138533699.png (512x512, 116K)

>It's only a dumb argument if you are a consumer and not a producer.
you are talking to consumers

i honestly wanted to shit on the game, not on the OP. both deserve shitting on but i want that shitting to be relevant to the board

This popcorn fest is much more interesting than most Yea Forums threads

Came here to post this. Autism is met with more autism it seems.

Greetings. Enjoy the game; I enjoyed building it up.

The presets menu in Multiplayer>Create>Presets can set things up differently quickly (if you don't want to learn the mutators menu)

Settings>Info will give you the rundown on much of the game.

There is also Multiplayer>Create> Mutators, Spells, Weapons, Vehicles, Mounted Guns for setting what spawns in.

Nope, same as ever. My beliefs haven't changed. Try google.

You've become many times more pretentious.
You used to use the English names of the passages you quoted, not the Hebrew ones, among other things.

As I said: I'm not white.
One drop rule.
50pct irish = not white at all.

Yes, white man, we understand: "Liking young girls is gay, REAL MEN LIKE OLD WHORES HOOORAH!"

i saw this thread the other day this is not video games shut up fag

Attached: 1558742233760.gif (386x380, 1.22M)

>I don't fucking know because I'm not a slave to religious ideologies.

He says to kill them mate.

The white man says kill all pedos.
The one true god YHWH says to kill everyone who entices one to another Power (EX: Powers that don't allow child marraige as YHWH allows)

>Settings>Info will give you the rundown on much of the game
thanks. but did you have to use the ugly font?

Attached: ouch, my eyes.png (954x713, 153K)

ChaosEsque Anthology is a videogame.
It's more videogame than many of your AAA games.
It has over 200 weapons in it, what does your game have (show it).

now you're just repeating yourself
also having 200 guns gives you no bonus points when the default controls for inventory management are "use console commands lul" ass seen in

>Please kill yourself you fucking pedophile retard. I hope your familu kills your ass before you rape someone.

No. Beg more white man. "PLEEASE KILL ALL PEDOS!!!!".


With white men it is true. With all other races the man is smarter than the women. Not so with whites.

your thread isn't about your game it's about how you're a faggot

Holy shit that is fucking awful

Nothing I said has anything to do with fucking young girls (which is abhorrent, but not what I'm talking about) but how your belief in your god is stupid and you're likely a stupid, gullible motherfucker. Or would it be childfucker?

As a non-religious jew I find it hilarious only realizing now that this was a thing

>i honestly wanted to shit on the game, not on the OP. both deserve shitting on but i want that shitting to be relevant to the board

My game is great. You can't shit on it. You can do whatever you want in it. Not that a white idiot that wageslaves for women would be interested in learning any of that.

How about a nice on-rails shooter instead, white man. Don't want to tax yourself after a hard day of HUNUST LABOUR!

I'm sure this is bait at this point. Irish are like the whitest people on the planet. Can barely even go outside with out getting fried to a crisp.

I'm sure the hordes of rabid PoC who have been raised on a diet of anti-white hatred would certainly spare you for being 50% irish.


Attached: 1544037831912.jpg (628x472, 24K)

Yes, I liked the Diablo I font so I edited the anatolian opensource font in fontforge to be similar.

Also it has crosses in the O's, so the white fucking retards like should love it.
(He only hates it because "PEDO!!!! MUUUHHH WHTIE WUUUUMAN")

That's why pretty much all white innovators have been male, right?
Pretty much everything you've posted online reeks of "bitter incel".

This thread again? Is this a new copypasta?

Nope, the Irish are descended from Goidel Glas, who in turn was child of Nel and Scota, daughter of a pharoah f Egypt.

>drop weapon is bound to a key (backspace)
>inventory is a console command
for what reason?

OP, I am a law student. You should feel ashamed that you have not used your J.D. to make money. It's okay, I am pretty high in my class and almost done; just to spite you I am going to be hella paid. Get a job, asshole.

>also having 200 guns gives you no bonus points when the default controls for inventory management are "use console commands lul" ass seen in

You can just spin the mouse wheel, fucking moron. Backspace to drop. You can press b and n if you don't like the mouse wheel. Back space to drop. You can press 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. Backspace to drop.

OR. If you don't like that and want to use console commands, you CAN DO THAT TOO YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

Good job failing at your criticism: there are 4 ways to change and drop weapons: and you thought it was only console commands because you are looking for SOMETHING to say DUUUURRRR PEDO CANT CODDEEE IS WRONNNNGGG DUUUURURUR URU MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUUMAN WHITE PPOOOOWWWWAHHHHH!

OP your game looks cool. But reading through this thread I realized I shouldn't be eating and reading this. You constantly talk about your pedophiliac desires and its disgusting. Sharing your sexual preferences is NOT a way for people to want to play your game.

I went ahead and looked on the ModDB page too and saw you responded to some comments criticizing your game and then you deleted the criticizing comments. I recommend you either delete your responses also or just don't respond to the criticizing comments.

>we wuz pharaohs 'n' shieeet
top kek m8

Everyone came from Africa, you're still white dumbass.

Awful game design stemming from a complete dissocation from reality

There’s nothing wrong with loli

family hates you cus youre an asshole, shut up

It's fucking hilarious how much of a buttmad faggot you are.

All of the money, degrees and "badass games" in the world can't change the fact that you're an unlikable, autistic faggot.

You are very like going to die alone and miserable with the personality you have, and I revel in that.

I cherish the fact that you can't understand why you're so hated when just the way you sound on Yea Forums alone makes you seem like a sentient urethral swab.

Remember to not release too much gas into your exit bag, user. Otherwise your suicide won't actually be painless.

Attached: 1532802327037.gif (225x168, 2.21M)

>That's why pretty much all white innovators have been male, right?

The innovators did not represent the majority of white men. A very small percentage. Most white men are dumber then the what women: that is why the white woman rules over him. Also most innovators were european; not scumbag whites.

you forgot to give him one more little bit of advice and that's to delete himself

you talk like a fag and youre shits all fucked

>I'm sure this is bait at this point. Irish are like the whitest people on the planet. Can barely even go outside with out getting fried to a crisp.

Irish are not white. White isn't about only skin colour but also what lies beneath. What lies beneath the white man is a desire to slaughter all the "Pedos" for the betterment of the world for MUUUHHHH WHITE WUUUUMAN.

>This thread is still up
And yet jannies will destroy threads with actual vidya discussion

show him your game, user

>not being a real lawyer and taking your moolah to pay someone who actually knows how to make games to do it for you

>asking Yea Forums about game development
you'd be better asking /g/ for tips or yet better A SITE DEDICATED TO GAME DEVELOPMENT!!!

Attached: 1559317918128.png (558x342, 316K)

>OP your game looks cool.
Ethics aside, the game looks abysmal, what are you talking about? It looks like something a first year game dev college class would have put out in 2005.

>As a non-religious jew I find it hilarious only realizing now that this was a thing

Enact it as secular law. You have the power. Bind the golems to your will.

I burn in like 3 min under the sun. I hate the daystar. It is a necessary evil.

However I let you white men do the work while I program videogame and read.

I hope you're just baiting because otherwise you're literally insane.

that's just the icing on the cake
the building is done via two tools: multitool and utilitool. both use different resources and build different time-period structures. you can convert some types of ammo into old-timey resources by pressing two or three buttons simultaneously.
quarter of the fucking info page is about building. this is fucking insane. it's a kitchen sink mod with no rhyme or reason behind it.

backspace to drop, but what about searching nearby chests? oh that's right, it's a ~console command~! and ~console command~'s is what i'm angry about. everything should be a keybind or have the ability to be keybinded, or in the worst case, have a dedicated key that does different things depending on where you look and what item is in your hands (see also: right-clicking in minecraft.)
this is not me insulting your code, this is me insulting both your code AND your game design. and i haven't even started playing the game yet.

>I'm sure the hordes of rabid PoC who have been raised on a diet of anti-white hatred would certainly spare you for being 50% irish.

"Choose this enemy over this other enemy"


>OP, I am a law student. You should feel ashamed that you have not used your J.D. to make money. It's okay, I am pretty high in my class and almost done; just to spite you I am going to be hella paid. Get a job, asshole.

Why? That money won't get me cute virgin young girls as brides. Also getting a job would be white. I'm half irish: not white. Sorry. Got to just NEET and code video game.

>crosses mean christians will like it
>all hwhites are christian tho
>but not me!
oh you. always such a joker.

Attached: 5f5b5c69b656a152adc7a0c0de854987d3b68adf.png (750x562, 412K)

It's called Quake you piece of shit.

Irish are not White. Whites hate pedos and worship MUUUHH WHITE WUUUUUMAN.

I went ahead and looked on the ModDB page too and saw you responded to some comments criticizing your game and then you deleted the criticizing comments. I recommend you either delete your responses also or just don't respond to the criticizing comments.

Wouldn't that be censoring the comments too much? I want to delete the comments to piss off the commenter (who didn't play the game), but don't want to look like I'm trying to hide what he said, so I explain what he said and say how I disagree.

OP literally posted the same shit last week, why are you retards falling for this shit ?

Attached: 60368408_199828977654099_529898197822994112_n.jpg (480x480, 46K)

White = European, you pretentious cunt.

In which I never used the feature because there was no need. The only two situations for dropping a weapon are limited inventory spave (like 2 weapons) and giving one to a coop buddy. But for that to happen more than one person would have to be playing the game and I mean... come on.

this is the last time i will ask
if you do not comply the consequences will be dire

>backspace to drop, but what about searching nearby chests? oh that's right, it's a ~console command~! and ~console command~'s is what i'm angry about. everything should be a keybind or have the ability to be keybinded, or in the worst case, have a dedicated key that does different things depending on where you look and what item is in your hands (see also: right-clicking in minecraft.)
>this is not me insulting your code, this is me insulting both your code AND your game design. and i haven't even started playing the game yet.

I ran out of keyboard keys, I'm sorry. I wanted chest searching to be a bind too. You can very easily bind it however.

Atleast burying mines is a keyboard key (j) nades are keyboard keys (v to change, g to throw) as usual.

If you find a good key that searching should be share it when you find it.

Some people don't browse this place 24/7 user, not all of us have the luxury of being a neet

Wow! I actually have had a question for people in your field over a rumor i heard a while ago - Do you write in any LISP? I heard that some missile guidance is in LISP, and was thinking I might join the military for it.

The fuck are you even talking about at this point? You fucked up your quote so I have no idea what you're actually saying, but I've never visited your moddb page. Irish people are white. The only whiter people are like Swedes and Norwegians and people from that region. Just because you have red hair and freckles doesn't mean everyone else on the planet thinks you aren't white.

>quarter of the fucking info page is about building. this is fucking insane. it's a kitchen sink mod with no rhyme or reason behind it.

The reason is what I wanted. It's my game.

You can give one team one tool and the other team the other tool and have a fight amongst themselves. Different knowlege resources determine what you can build (but you can turn that off (for a quick way look to the presets: you can make everything free and fast if you want))

not that time consuming to check the archive

I want to be Puro!

Attached: 1531439643452.png (873x501, 208K)

>I ran out of keyboard keys, I'm sorry.
If you're using this many keys you're autistic and your game is doomed.

When he says "white" he actually means European-Americans.
Of course, excluding himself.

>White = European, you pretentious cunt.
Only american mutt pieces of absolute filth say this.

dude seriously your games shit fight me faggot pussy xi ching chong pedo
*rolls up sleeve*
fuckin dare you ill show you my fist faggot *WHAP* *WHAP* id kill you

as a game designer seeing this weird downward spiral is so fascinating, not to mention makes me feel good about my own work lol. godspeed you nutter

Not even Dorf Fortress uses that many keybindings.

>this is the last time i will ask
>if you do not comply the consequences will be dire

Why, because you're hoping there will be GPS exif data that I forget to scrub?

Aww are you mad that your game design is objectively garbage? That's fine sweetie~ just keep pretending you're taking inspiration from a much better game designed by sane, likeable and intelligent white men.

White is basically shorthand for European, sperg.

i have a marble floor fetish and my balls itch to be emptied

jesus christ

Attached: 1547437317103.jpg (486x476, 21K)

>supposedly has education training and employment

yeah okay friend


>as a game designer seeing this weird downward spiral is so fascinating, not to mention makes me feel good about my own work lol. godspeed you nutter

If you're forced to do it, is it really yours?

Attached: pp.jpg (820x991, 293K)

you might be smart but you have no aesthetic sensibility whatsoever. typical jew

you know this is one of these things you can only read on Yea Forums(nel)

Not him, but what?

>Aww are you mad that your game design is objectively garbage? That's fine sweetie~ just keep pretending you're taking inspiration from a much better game designed by sane, likeable and intelligent white men.

I'll be so happy when the afriKangz rape you cunts to death.

>White is basically shorthand for European, sperg.
Only to mutts that belong to no real Nation.

Because there's something wrong with OP.
He was banned from many forums.
He uses his game while arguing with people in gamedev industry
He sends shitposting mail to people he hates
He has marble floor

this isnt a forum hugbox you mass faggot

You’re projecting hard, he literally never said he was forced

Just scare him off to forbidden Chan or KiwiwFarms.
Don't acknowledge him, just post this link and let him go there.

Got anything to say, white man piece of shit, or is a grunt all you got.

I like that font. I do not give a shit if you do not. I wanted Diablo I esque look: I made it happen.

Not in

I am not currently in any of them. Yet you must wageslave every day.

Schizo posters need to be fucking gassed. Mods please purge this faggot.


Are we witnessing the creation of a new Elliot Rodger?

Attached: Supreme Gentleman.jpg (2500x1719, 189K)

>He has marble floor
The horror

Attached: 1493737225988.jpg (246x354, 14K)

>Americans don't belong to a nation
>The United States of America
Again, all that aside, your game looks like something I would have made in 2005. Your design choices are terrible, your art is abysmal, and your attitude is shitty. You seem like a crazy person. Like not even the usual Yea Forums autism, but actually crazy. Fix your shit dude, if you even can.

Nice, you are as easy to bait as I anticipated. I can only imagine the depths of your primordial autism. You are an honest to YHWH lolcow and I hope you adopt a trip.

Salty non-marble floor owners ITT

Attached: 1531506565782.jpg (818x960, 142K)

Link has not been updated in months, why would I want to go there? Dead thread.

>You’re projecting hard, he literally never said he was forced
Wageworkers do what their boss wants, not what they want.

My game is what I want. So it makes me happy. Is the wageworker happy?

Same amount of work, but different results.
1) Happiness.
0) Money for Divorce.

If there was any doubt that this dude is a burnt-out incel:

>I wanted Diablo I esque look: I made it happen.
no, you just made it a nightmare to read

Attached: 1474866134392.jpg (800x800, 42K)

>Schizo posters need to be fucking gassed. Mods please purge this faggot.

Why? Because you recoil at the thought of marrying cute young virgin girls as opposed to MUUUH BASED WHITE WUUUMAN (roastie whore)?

Put words to your thoughts. Not just a "AM I RITE" white grunt.

I haven't played it yet, but he mentions randomly generated cities with interiors. It seems fun running around a city with a friend in a quake-style game.

I work under somebody else so that I can easily focus on what I like doing, coding. I also get to work together with other people who like to code and have fun both during work and off work with them.
Do you ever leave your marble floor room?

Do you?

I got a game aswell.
Show yours.

Wageworker casts shade: only fulfillment he has is getting laid;

>Again, all that aside, your game looks like something I would have made in 2005. Your design choices are terrible, your art is abysmal, and your attitude is shitty. You seem like a crazy person. Like not even the usual Yea Forums autism, but actually crazy. Fix your shit dude, if you even can.

Lets see your game, wagefuck.

>this fucking thread
holy shit

I hate you because you keep making this fucking blog-thread.

Holy fuck, it's like he saw that "women and gaming" image and made it his identity

Attached: 1558125114930.png (296x367, 168K)

Have you considered that the reason why there are so many roastie whores is the destruction of any taboos against premaritial sex?
Instead of attempting to fix this societal rot, you simply want to destroy more taboos so you can get loli cunny.
You are a sad man.

Attached: average african-american individual.jpg (631x476, 70K)

Not this thread again.

more pearls from the info page. not many pics because there's just so much, but i'll just name the headers and a quick lowdown
is a page about making friends. remember that old image with "an army left to war with 80 soldiers but returned with 81 because they made a friend"? well this is it. a fucking in-round alliances system (all done via console commands, of course) for a first-person mod of a quake clone.
>jailing and torture
this is something out of DarkRP. if you're jailed you respawn in your jailing point, and if you're tortured you get permanent debuffs until end of match that persist with respawn. all done via console commands.
>spawn prefs
where you wanna respawn: your own turf, you're friends turf, etc.
>quest spawns
make a multiplayer map into a singleplayer map (only if the map supports that). set in server creation settings, thankfully.
find and read a spellbook and you can use console commands to cast spells. there's a fuckload of spells with no description of what they do, only some fluff and flavor. then there's Dark Ritual, which transfers mana between people but is described with a large paragraph of run-on sentences and an overall bloated description which could be shortened to
>caster sacrifices target bound non-monster to gain mana for himself and another player within close range. mana amounts gained vary depending on the sacrifice'd non-monster's arbitrary value
the spells take up ~40% of the page
6 types, can be used with keyboard buttons, thankfully. standard ones are concussion grenades, two types of grenades are actually proximity mines.
>basic tips
when the basic tips start with "to spawn vehicles randomly on the map" you know something is wrong with the dev's judgement of what is 'basic' and what isn't.
but hey, pressing W (the forward button, it moves you forward) twice in a row punches, divekicks if you're in midair, or does an uppercut if you also hold shift. isn't that cool?

pic 1/3

Attached: frens.png (804x456, 60K)

You can probably go there to bump it with your amazing game.

OP, join here
there's a game dev here who can answer

>Lets see your game, wagefuck.
I don't associate my game with this shithole. But I promise you it runs circles and OP's 2005 looking bullshit.
>inb4 nuh uh
Also imagine being unemployed and completely untalented and worthless and then insulting someone for having a job. Godamn dude, your parents need to take you a specialist because you're a special case, even by Yea Forums standards.

pic 2/3: dork ritual and assorted other spells
my fave is "the touch of death befalls he directly in the spellcaster's sight"

Attached: sacrifice target creature to gain BBB divided between you and target player withing arm's reach (819x468, 114K)

>responds to every comment with "wheres your game rofl?"
why don't you go to /agdg/ and post there? clearly you're wasting your time speaking to us subhuman consumers here on Yea Forums

I'll be honest, this is some major world building only a autismo can do. Its kinda like CWCville. This shit should be studied.

Some might it wouldn't surprise me - I don't. Mainly Ada, C, C++ and Matlab and another autistic internal language from the 80's.

>incel hates women and minorities
A more iconic duo that trannies and suicide

The saddest man is the one who wants to use a mythical sky man to justify his inability to get laid. This thread is so entertaining.


Attached: betauprising.jpg (2038x1518, 362K)

holy shit this schizo is going all out lmao

>I work under somebody else so that I can easily focus on what I like doing, coding. I also get to work together with other people who like to code and have fun both during work and off work with them.
HAHA. Wagie cope. You know I have ... colleagues ... too. I whispered to them over IRC, they did what I wanted: because I convinced them: Like a snake. Alot of engine features came to be that way. For Nexuiz/Xonotic... and a game before that too (Crossfire RPG). Words words words words words words words. I love them.

Same way I precipitated the Bruce-Perens vs GrSecurity lawsuit.

I wanted Bruce Perens to be my mouth piece, I made him my mouth piece for about a month. He was psychologically naive; but he can't now take anything he said back.

>Do you ever leave your marble floor room?
I'm posting from my 1000 volume library right now.

pic 3/3: making arma in a quake clone
the amount of work he might've put into it might've been impressive if he bothered making it user friendly.

okay, i;m gonna make a server now. post replying to this and ending in a 5 decides most of the server name

Attached: non-inventory guns.png (665x387, 81K)


>Also imagine being unemployed and completely untalented and worthless and then insulting someone for having a job. Godamn dude, your parents need to take you a specialist because you're a special case, even by Yea Forums standards.

I'm a licensed attorney. You make your wage. I make 33%. Yea: I don't respect you. Wagies waste their lives making other men's dreams come true.

Puro is trustworthy

"no girls allowed"

nigga toilet

You are hated because you are severely affected by autism, psychosis and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Have sex.

>no mention of his marble floor
It's shit


pringles salt and vinegar

What if I'm self-employed
Kool Kidz Klub


a bloo bloo


nailed it

Have you considered meeting up with the Novutera guy?
You're both self-hating nationless mutts.

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