>New Battletoads game confirmed in development last E3
>Surely showing it in Microsofts Press Conference
>June is the anniversary month for Battletoads.
>Battletoads are way more iconic than Banjo and Conker, if theres another Rare game to stand up a chance, is Killer Instinct.
>New Battletoads game could also be on Switch, or at least the NES one for the online Nes app.
>Our friends at Microsoft.
See you at E3.
New Battletoads game confirmed in development last E3
shit tier TMNT knockoff, this garbage has zero chance of getting in
Based and amphipilled
Japan didn't get any of the games
fuck yeah
You are retarded, battletoads is a cult classic both on Yea Forums and outside it
many a gamestop owner lives in fear of the word "battletoads"
i'd take this over banjo or another boring indie character any day.
Based and radpilled.
Maybe we'll get some actual fucking footage so we can see how bad it is. It's only been A FUCKING YEAR
>Battletoads are way more iconic than Banjo and Conker
the more realistic looking they get the more basement dwelling creepier they are.
thats a cool drawing of you, kiddo.
i find it hard to believe that anyone likes battletoads unironically.
I made it all the way to the frost area on an actual NES
the difficulty was real and it was ridiculous, even by NES standards
how this ever became a thing is difficult to understand, it had a few good tunes but it wasnt something anyone actually finished
Kek. Don't make me laugh you fucking faggot.
their announcement for more games on steam could mean online multiplayer battletoads on pc which could be neat
None of these shitty characters are getting in, Japan didn't get any of these games expect Banjo Kazooie and Tooie.
can you morons PLEASE! stop with this bullshit? no one, and i mean FUCKING NO ONE will know who will be the other DLCs! stop assuming who is gonna be in! stop making these stupid leak threads!
literally who?
you sound like the kind of faggot who saw the meme about it once and now you think its a cult classic, when for everyone else it was just tuesday
This isn't a leak thread faggot
cope harder Banjocuck
Battletoads in Smash would be completely based.
>jab combo basically like Villager's
>wicked tongue as neutral B, functions as a multidirectional zipline that's also a tether grab
>side B is the wrecking ball
>dash attack is the ramming charge
>forward Smash is the big bad boot
>has his dances as taunts as well as his signature shocked expression
>final smash is Turbo Tunnel
tell me you wouldn't play this motherfucker
Shut up, dork
If you believe Battletoads is getting in before Banjo, you're just a fucking contrarian or a retarded refusteve.
I would main the fuck out of him
I'm sorry which Rare rep got a game announced at E3 2018?
>Banjo cannot get a game announced at E3 2019
>Implying Rare gives a shit about him
Keep fucking dreaming.
You want a shitty shill character in Smash then?
Banjofags were given the chance for a remake if the Rare Replay sold well. They went and threw their money away at a shitty SOULESS rip off instead.
I would absolutely play a battle toad in Smash.
Rare doesn't have to be the ones creating the game, though. But hey, you have no arguments left, I can't blame you!
Rare Replay sold well, what are you saying?
> Implying the general Xbros audience plays Banjo games
There is a reason why Nuts and Bolts failed
THEY OWN THE BLOODY SERIES RETARD. They can't just let another dev team do their dirty work.
Honey, where is my hand cream?
there are more recent battletoads in games than banjo/kazooie in games
banjo is dead
>microsoft rep
Yeah this. Plus he's been around long enough to be considered iconic.
jazz hands
jazz hands