Behold, my SMT thread demons!
Behold, my SMT thread demons!
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holy shit ! its me the creator of this pics !
Based Naoya.
If SMT V pops off what impact do you think it'll have on the fan base?
Autistic shitposting to the max. And not the fun kind.
>tfw playing Persona 4 Golden on Vita and SMT4 on 3DS
Still need to buy a Vita one of these days. Do you think it’s worth it just for Persona alone?
Buying a console for one game is pretty dumb unless you're rich gamer
I’m talking about the other Persona games such as P3P, P2, and P1. The Vita can play those just fine, right?
Depends how big SMT/Persona fan you are. It looks great, plays great. It is great for me as a way to replay Persona 4 with a new content.
But why sticking only to Persona 4? There may not be much, but you can find some other games to play, even exclusives like Muramasa Rebirth
Yep. But I already finished SMT4 Law and Neutral route like half a year ago. Now I am doing replay for the Chaos ending.
>Minotaur smirks
Currently playing SMT Nocturne. First SMT game I've ever played and I'm having a lot of fun. I'm in the tunnel on a way to Asakusa following in the steps of some Manikin's who're going to rebuild Asakusa apparently.
Why haven't you took the lawpill yet Yea Forums?
>a world is govern by those who know how to rule, giving everyone equality and making no one greater than another
>a world where crimes and evil will be punished, no innocents will have to suffer from a world infested with malice but live in God's utopia
>true peace, a world where the free will and intrinsic spirit of humanity remains, but their competitiveness has been replaced with a capacity for harmony and cooperation than aggression.
You aren't a Chaoscuck right?
Yes, you can just buy them digitally or hack it. But you are limiting yourself if you get it just for one series, there's lots of good games stuck on the Vita.
I did exactly that and it wasn't worth it
Chaos chads rise up
>god tier voice acting
>god tier soundtrack/sfx
>god tier ambience
>god tier ui
>god tier story
when are we going to finally agree that iv is the best mainline smt
h-hoy, such power
Seriously, why SMT4 dub was so fucking good?
Most jrpgs sounds cringe as fuck in english
I know your pain, brother.
>god tier voice acting
This. Not a single line was poorly delivered or lacked emotion (unless when it needed to). When it comes to JRPGs, SMT IV has one of the best dubs I've ever seen.
>>god tier voice acting
I don't think so. it may be above average for dubs but most dubs suck dick
>>god tier ui
hell no
>>god tier story
it fell apart after meeting with Lilith desu. the only route that didn't suck after was neutral but you still had to do a shitload of sidequests that kill the pacing
it's a great game, but it's not THAT good
>giving everyone equality
Death to commies
Post the best demons
Yeah, I'm playing SMT IV now and I really am truly fucking amazed by the voice acting, this is really the same company that does persona dubs
Glad to see other people feel the same way
>tfw no demon mommygf
playing strange journey redux AS WE SPEAK
Behold the lord and saviour mothman
canonically best demon
was anyone else hoping for more above-the-dome shit in IV? I feel like the departure from mikado was well paced but I still missed it afterwards. Could've been nice to break up the monotony
i need the source of that image
Why do all SMTfags use the Hoy guy to avatarfag?
Because he was the best character in SMT 4.
don't think anyone's avatarfagging in this thread buddy
Wait, does she regularly see her dad naked?
I wonder of the Maniax version of IV would have had a bigger Mikado section
Bathing with family is a common practice in Asian countries so yeah.
Bathing with family is a common practice for monkies so yeah.
I want Isabeau to see me regularly naked
I only scout demons I think look hot
but you can't scout yourself man
Use SauceNao
Do demons in stock gain the same amount of exp as party?
Word of advice, don't pump any points into luck and stop pumping points in agi around 10. Luck does nothing and agi hit/evasion rates get fucked by your level. It's only useful for turn order. So if you are going magic nothing but magic, or physical, STR/VIT
>has a full on panting orgasm in front of the entire party
No, they only gain 70%.
Subfags everyone
nice deflection but no. I played with the audio off. why so defensive
Oh, well it could be worst I guess
>wanting to fuck a monkey
That was hot
>not wanting to fuck a monkey
It really was. I want to creampie toki so bad.
Don't underestimate the monkeys!
Correction, it's 33% In IV. Just checked in-game.
14 my dudes
Neither my dick nor my heart care.
People here are really overrating the dub. It's by no means bad but it has its rough spots. All the demons and nameless human npcs fpr example sound like they asked simeone off the street to do voice work for example. Side characters were a mixed bag, some were pretty good but others were mediocre. The cast was pretty well done though.
>lawbots among us
Time to abandon thread
Are you implying that isn't the best part?
Someone post Pixies.
I'm here to NEUTRALize this thread
I'm at the end of day 6 and have all the routes unlocked, is it worth going through all of them? What's a good order to play them in?
Holy shit. WORLD OF STR
wahter stob
i've been posting this image for years now and I'm not about to stop
Go for Naoya’s first. His Chaos route is amazing as hell.
vanilla or overclocked? the extra days for law and chaos are goat.
The same impact as P5 but not as bad since if they cut down on some of the stuff from IVA there should be less appeal to casuals. The worst possible thing I can imagine is the game becoming "Omg hardest game ever" bait amongst the Youtube crowd like Sekiro.
Overclocked. Are each of the routes pretty long? I'm probably going to only go through 2 of them if they are, so what's the second best route after Naoya's?
but would you let demi fiend fist your ass
>Pokemon outsells SMT
>Persona outsells SMT
Based dubchads. SMTIV has the best dub I've ever heard in a video game, every actor put their all into it and even relatively minor roles like Tayama and Hope have fantastic voice acting. SMTIVA is also -amazing, even if Flynn's VA kinda sucks in that one other actors save it like Krishna, Odin, Gaston, Toki, YHVH, etc.
normalfags have shit taste, this should be common knowledge
You fucking with Digimon?
>SMTIV has the best dub I've ever heard in a video game,
hoy will always have a place in my heart
Law, Chaos, and Yuzu have an extra day. The other endings didn't get any expansions so they end after the main game final boss. I would recommend all of them but if you're really stuck on only two Amane and Naoya are the best.
I refuse to believe
Digimon has honestly always been a normalfag series with relative popularity. Just because it was outclassed by Pokemon, doesn't mean it didn't sell properly over the years. On top of that, Digimon has other media like anime, besides the games. I don't really know what the point of this post was, user.
From this day forward, I'm going to make Chiakiposting a thing.
I want Chiaki to jerk me off with her wooden arm
how do nip devs get away with it?
They just revealed that Cyber Sleuth, the most recent mainline Digimon game, sold a million copies.
SMT4 sold 600k
Exclusively using fire demons seems like it'd be a ineffective strategy.
Well cyber sleuth was also on the PS4 while SMT IV was exclusively handheld on the 3DS, that may be a factor.
>Loved SMT IV's dub
>Hated P5's dub
>mfw most of the VA cast overlap.
Devil Survivor 3 when?
Even SMT got to see some of the glory of Miiverse.
voice direction affects more than people like to think
Why is there so much soul and nice art in the first game?
You really gonna scroll by without saying hoy?
Should have had him shooting laser beams out of his eyes.
I think that was the animation for one of his attacks in the games at least.
The gane he is linking to is called Digimon survive.
Which is basically shaping up to be devil survivor: digimon edition.
It's an SRPG where your actions decide how the course of the story is going and which of your friends will die or survive.
Digimon is recently starting to become SMT lite.
Glad to know I started something beautiful. Wish I could find the source of your pic.
Yeah, Nanashi's version of Pierce/Awakened Power was better.
Ignored that as well.
Digimon + Devil Surivor + Megaman Battle Network Cross when?
The one thing I didn't like about Nanashi's pierce was that it worked for magic as well.
What is even the point of almighty or using other elemental attacks if all magic pierce
>>god tier story
Stop right there
>Praise god for 16 hours
>fuck i'm tired
>decide to go to bed
>turn to leave and realize i'm on a crystal column thousands of feet in the air with a few dozen other 'chosen ones'
>my feet hurt
Beyond Theming I don't even know.
I think the omni-pierce they gave him was to make it so you could choose how to specialize for him?
With the other's awakened powers they were more specific and had gimmicks to them, but you'd always be stuck with Nanashi so they were to afraid of guiding the player in a specific direction with his moves.
Have a hoy
SMT4 sold 600k at launch
Nice, needs more tits though
Almighty has effects like with
Antichton only debilitates when smirked sane for the other magic.
Which still kinda suck.
I want a mainline SMT game that has romance in it.
go play persona then retard
Not the same.
Which is the differences between element magic and almighty since they have no effect but hama/mudo
No! He's raping the Tokyo tower!
I don't get it
For me, it's Raiho
I guess, but my point is that it kinda made magic more homogenized than it already is.
There's still plenty of reasons to use elemental magic and Almighty simultaneously.
Charge me with all your strength! Your horns cannot pierce my soul!
>Well cyber sleuth was also on the PS4
And vita.
what do you think the word also implies
Well his horn was on the back of the neck. Don't think he'll pierce anything with that horn.
Which protag do you prefer?
Beyond resistances and weakness I think that Ice and Lightning spell frozen and stun effects.
Can't remember if Fire had an over time burn effect.
Wind effects could also just kick out some demons during random encounters occasionally IIRC.
Once you have Nanashi's skill it's then all about a debate of side effects and damage efficiency vs Mp efficiency.
Finished SJR, went for the new neutral ending
Really enjoyed it overall. I guess next is SMTIV : I played it two years ago but stopped in the midway, but since I forgot the plot I'll do a new game.
Not what you think it means seeing as no one mentioned the vita in the first place.
>lawfags in my smt thread
What the... how did you get in?
Abel is stronger, Bunny is autistic-based. I like them both.
based neuchads win again
Zio and Bufu don't provide Shock and Freeze and haven't don't since SJ. Agi has no burn effect and Zan only has a 1% chance of causing disappear for you or the enemy. Element attacks are purely for damage and and almighty is for effects like status and debuffs
It's taken for granted today but it blows my mind that Kaneko serious sat down and did hundreds of illustrations for the old games.
Based and Hee Ho pilled
Digimon would be an interesting crossover with smt to be honest.
>weak to phys
Behold, my demons!
When are we gonna get an Digimon X SMT game?
>not going law
I want to fuck Zelenin.
overlord abel with his demons vs administrator bunny with his swords, who wins?
I saw the new law ending on youtube and I find it quite good actually
Considering it gives you access to literally every Persona game except 5 yes. I've had one for like three years and I still use it all the time.
How do I beat beldr's accompanying demons in DeSu1
>he didn't experience the kino for himself blind
Repent for your sins
Straight from Persona, arent' we?
This is too well done, to the point where I'm assuming it traced over one of the P5 ones and I just don't remember what those looked like.
you're part of the problem
I'm trying to remember which map beldr was on, can you post a screenshot
DeSu1 was about two years ago so it's starting to blend together in my mind.
It's calles Cyber Sleuth
Don't focus too much on the minions just beat the shit out of Beldr to finish the fight
Not that user but this should help.
>missing out on getting the best ending of the game by yourself
Come on user, you even missed out on one of the best bosses in the game, not to mention Zelenin's character development towards "FUCK YHVH, HUMANITY FUCK YEAH".
I am sorry, but you are asking about problem for something that i doubt even a child would have problem with. Summon other demons from your stock or something. How the hell do you have problems with Desu?
Fuck, forgot the pic. Seriously, Soil Jimenez is one of the most memorable bosses in the entire game, a shame you missed it.
I'm not him dumb ass. but your bringing smt vs persona flamewars into him being an idiot or whatever is what is killing these threads
To be fair Babel is a bitch.
Persona is literally part of the mainline canon, just play that
How do you get it anyway? I've been getting my shit kicked in by Asura so I'm obviously not close yet but I'd still like to know
Cute Mermaid
>Persona is literally part of the mainline canon
Are you retarded?
Play Nocturne and bang your teacher
>Persona is mainline
not gonna lie, soil jimenez looks cool af.
>How do you get it anyway?
The new neutral route ? Stay neutral and finish Womb of Grief before the last sector's fight.
This still gets me.
Someone clearly doesn't understand the timeline. Raidou comes from after SMT to prevent it and creates the SMT if... timeline where Persona takes place. At least pretend to know what you're talking about.
Ah good, I was hoping it was that easy.
Looks like you are on the wrong side of town partner
Oh god, you're the fucking Raidou idiot from last time.
Fuck off, Betatron.
>fucking le monkey
>the timeline
>Raidou idiot
No idea what you're talking about but that's literally the canon order of the timeline, so cope if you don't like it.
>I want to make a Terminator reference
>shit Kaneko how are we even going to make him fit in the Megaten universe which is all about religious warfare?
>just make him a crusader with guns or something
>he doesn't want to mating press a cute monkey
So Naoya?
Bobo is for feeding bananas and bullying into suicide
Why was Musubi the best reason?
thats like the opposite of musubi. musubi is the loner corner
>can create your own personal paradise
>Yea Forums considers this a bad thing
I want Gore in me
well you're not wrong
Based taste
>A therapeutic device designed to apply pressure to the body of a hypersensitive person (usually someone on the autism spectrum) in order to calm them by providing grounding sensory stimulation.
There is nothing in the definition that requires other people.
it is actually surprising that Atlus restrained themselves and didn't make a Walter Jack Frost
or as I like to call them, Hee Hoy
Inability to separate the ideal from the man.
truly the best design
oh, I've been memed
Which game deserve a remake more?
>Raidou comes from after SMT to prevent it and creates the SMT if... timeline where Persona takes place.
One, that doesn't make it mainline especially since 3 onwards ignores 1 and 2.
Two, they don't go into specifics about the great cataclysm and there's like 3 of them in the entire megaten series not counting the conception in 3 and the possible one in 5.
Myriad hoyrows
Both and if...
Given that 2 is a direct sequel I'd say both.
SMT1 because it really wasn't until 2 when they stopped being Wizardry clones. You'd expect me to say MegaTen 1 & 2 but they already got remakes
if what?
>You'd expect me to say MegaTen 1 & 2 but they already got remakes
So did smt 1 and 2 if I remember right.
if..., and NINE, and a translation of Devil Summoner while we are at it
No, only ports
>tfw we have a translation for the games script
>still not translated
Hopefully if... crew does devil summoner next
The official localization of SMT1 on mobile refers to it as the same great cataclysm as Raidou. Pretty sure 3 takes place after 2 and 4 takes place after 1 don't quote me on that, it might be 2; whichever one has the law end that's "1000 years of peace", it's just not as clear cut as the connections between 1, 2, and the Devil Summoner/if.../Persona timeline.
Bunny is one of a kind
Alright boys, Personafag here that wants to get into SMT, and i've been wanting to get into it for a while. Looking at either Digital Devil Saga or Nocturne to start, which is better and why?
Nocturne or SMT IV are the best starting points.
>The official localization of SMT1 on mobile refers to it as the same great cataclysm as Raidou
Why on earth would it mention Raidou?
Regardless do you have that particular part?
DDS even though I know I'll get shit for this answer
smt iv is probably the best start. if you have a ps2 and no 3ds though get nocturne
ofc you will, it has no demon negotiation / fusion which are smt staples
Nocturne will always be the best place to start due to no selectable fusion.
DDS is better because it has better camera controls lol
It's also more similar to Persona in that it has set party members, although that's basically where similarities end.
I actually don't, just happened to see an article the other day about how previous Megaten localizations helped with the SMT1 localization, like lines that were references to it in P4 being reused and calling it the great cataclysm because that's what they called it in Raidou.
That is literally the most awful thing about Nocturne you cock
you can fuse about as well as in all other megaten, you just have to autism it out at the cathedral which is why that argument sucks
what did he mean by this?
You mean because it's fucking horrible to go back to the rng shit? I agree
>SMT with romance options
>game allows you to develop deeper connections with your demons be it romance or bromance
>lawful has you kill your own demons who trusted you with their lives
Yeah that's why it's hard to go back to older games you retard.
p5 is actually closer to traditional SMT than DDS is
by that logic you should start at persona 1 or dds:mt1
It's not unless you really think superficial elements like guns is and have no respect for atmosphere and tone.
Those aren't SMT, and MT is completely dated also.
>since the beginning of the game, demons, angels and weakwilled humans all want me to pick a side
i came on a mission to save mankind and nothing else.
in sector grus and my god the aesthetic sucks compared to the others
>and calling it the great cataclysm because that's what they called it in Raidou
So it's not necessarily canon that it's the same one as much as they want to have common phrases across the games.
I mean mechanically yeah it is, minus the social elements. Demon negotiation is basically the only reason though.
>and mt is completely dated also
that's my point exactly. though it still has some bangers
No, it is the same one, they called it the same thing because it was the same in Japanese before they localized it as the great cataclysm in Raidou.
Nocturne isn't dated like MT is, it's just missing some QoL.
and that's why I think it's dumb to tell someone to start there, just because the fusion system is a bit more obtuse. it is superficial
No it's the best reason to start there, Since the QoL is too high in games pass the PS2 era so it's harder to go back. Feel like you are being dumb on purpose.
I see your point, but I disagree. I don't think I'm being dumb or you either. It obviously depends on the person which smt is a better starting point
Then you would be wrong, so disagreeing is you being dumb.
>my opinion that the QOL changes are the be all end all of where you should start is right
god I'm sorry, you actually were dumb
Is there any combo patch for Nocturne that combines the Chronicles translation and hardtype patches?
I do want an SMT that has a romance like Nier Automata does.
That still doesn't really change what I said. After all if the intent was to have common phrases then it would make sense for them to call it the great cataclysm in Japan as well.
What we need is something concrete.
Who /spookies/ here?
>he doesn't summon Doppelganger and have him solo asura while enRaged
Yes, QoL matters a lot in a game. Seconding that DDS isn't SMT so that's obviously not a good place to start. Thirdly, the second "best" place to start would be IV, which is worse than Nocturne. So yes, Nocturne is objectively the best place to start. Now stop obsessively replying you dumb fucking retard.
>nocturne is the best hurr durr
>what are opinions
Nope. Dante is cooler than Raidou honestly.
Never stated that but continue to obsessively reply despite being wrong.
Anyone find SMT games can't do pacing that well? It's either really fast or slow. In any case, I always find the last half just always comes outta nowhere in most SMT games and it's a bit disappointing you already know you're at the end.
>obsessively reply
thats literally what you're doing. I already agreed to disagree but you had to reply with "um no you're wrong im right" like the one-track minded retard you are
Not at all, despite being proved wrong multiple times you can't help but thrown in your "opinion" as though I give a shit about what some fucking retard thinks. The only people to say "I disagree" pointlessly are shit eating morons with massive insecurities. You will obsessively reply, watch.
What the fuck are you even talking about "common phrases", SMT1 is THE great cataclysm, not A great cataclysm.
>tfw i had doppelganger on my team the entire time
He's my debuff whore though
what was their endgame
Do I have to play IV to understand IV: Apocalypse?
nah but you probably should
Just play IV first because apocalypse is a sequel to an alternate IV neutral ending.
Nope. The game tells you all you need to know about the necessary parts of IV, but you should still play IV first.
>SMT1 is THE great cataclysm, not A great cataclysm.
user, there are no less than three great cataclysms in the series.
One in MT 2.
One in SMT 1.
And one in SMT 4.
Play until the alignment lock. Definitely play IV first. The QoL changes will make it very difficult to go back.
>a) play SMT IV to the alignment lock then go to SMT IVA.
You'll know exactly what's going on and what to expect. Everything in the neutral end will be explained in IVA. You will be missing some things like The Goddess of Tokyo and Masakado stuff
b) play SMT IV neutral end then go to SMT IVA
You'll know everything about the IV and will know everyone's motivations and goals. I haven't played the neutral end so I hope someone can fill this in for me
>c) play SMT IVA
Don't recommend, there's very little world building in SMT IVA so you won't get to know the ins and outs of the atmosphere and who everyone is. The game doesn't do a great job in explaining things from IV so you'll be left with shrugging a lot of the stuff reading it from the entries. Later if you want to go play IV. It'll be really difficult to play.
Also If you are playing IV, pull up a map of Tokyo. You'll need it.
Adding to this. You honestly want to play the two a bit differently from each other.
Someone's going to hate me for saying this but
SMT IV is like FFXV's open world up to chapter 9
SMT IVA is chapter 9 onwards. There's still some exploration but it's nowhere near the level as SMT IV
Except the final set of events of FFXV is the only good part about the game. The linear segments are the closest it gets to good.
I don't even think this is a proper assessment, outside of Apocalypse being an extended story.
Honestly I liked the open world until I realized all the side quests had no content in it. Exploring the dungeons and lore stuff was pretty fun.
IV had a bunch of cool optional stuff and tons of worldbuilding.
IVA had none of that. You literally go point to point only once in a while doing meaningless side quests and the 1 or 2 content filled ones.
Ah I see what you mean. Apocalypse is more linear, or has less world building opportunities. IV truthfully wasn't any different, in terms of linearity. You go from district, to district.
None of those are the event referred to as the great cataclysm, which is SMT1. They are technically cataclysms which are technically great, but the term itself refers to SMT1 only.
Final just expands on the worldbuilding of IV what the fuck are you blabbing about. From shit like where the demons came from to the White to the National Defense Divinities. Nevermind the game just plays over all better.
I disagree. There's a lot of cool stuff you find in IV like that shelter that was completely destroyed and other stuff. The DLC had more meaningful content as well.
I don't know how you missed my point.
>None of those are the event referred to as the great cataclysm
It's also not referred to as the great cataclysm in 1 until the phone game which we've been over.
Whats the best smt game?
Not him, but those are different events entirely.
Not him but the term is just a general term for the apocalyspe.
All of them for their own reasons. Up to you which reasons resonate with you the most. Pun not intended.
Not him mind.
There's only one choice.
Why's this so deep, again
Is there a fusion tool that will give me the shortest route from one demon to another through fusion?
Yeah, there's an entire fusion calculator for just about every game. It's on Github, I think.
Thanks, man. I appreciate you took the time to write that. I'll get IV first then.
The megaten series?
Because it's all just one big omniverse with the expanse in the middle. Except for probably persona 3 onwards, things kind of get iffy there.
I can't wait for the universe split again in Persona Part 6
>flaps his mushroom head around like a tard when you hit him
Ohh… so close
This isn't really true, most of it is branches from the ends of previous games besides a few like Devil Survivor and #FE, and even those are probably somewhere after if...
What did you guys think about the new neutral ending in SJR? How hard did the realization hit you about the old neutral ending after seeing the new one?
The day they fuck with Metatron like they fucked with Lucifer and the Archangels is the day I officially become a neutralcuck instead of a lawchad
>got locked into the fucking Lawfag ending despite me trying to go for Chaos or Neutral
>stopped playing SMTIV because I don't want to replay 40 hours to get the ending I want
>still haven't beat it
Why am I like this
For me it's Ame no Uzume.
How did you get locked into the Law ending? The Chaos options are so obvious.
I was trying to go for Neutral because I wanted to fuck Isabeau, but then as I went along I started to like Walter and hate Johnathan so I thought "yeah if I get Chaos I'd be happy too" but I somehow fucked it up trying to keep it balanced for Neutral and it locked me into that fucking frilly haired french looking faggot's route
Bruh, you don't even get to fuck Isabeau in the Neutral route. There's no sex in these games, lad.
I'm going to fuck that monkey and there's nothing you can do to stop me, Johnathan.
You're a law boy through and through.
There is if you go massacre in SMT4A. Pick a goddess and knock her up until she breeds an entire universe full of babies.
There was no point to miss. Final is the same as IV.
There is really no point to that, because if he played P3/P4 he would already know how terrible reloading skills is. here's a (you)
For me it's Nadja
>Get around the end point of IV and finish the Chaos route
>Finished SJR's Chaos route a month ago
>Finished DeSu Overclocked Chaos route a few months before
>Proceed to reach the midpoint of Soul Hackers, but I get distracted
>Simultaneously try to start I, II, and If.. at the same time
Shit, why am I like this..
Will flowerboy be weak to fire?
Want another game using the Demon Virus from Digtial Devil Saga.
Found the part demon/human thing cool and the Mantra system was kickass.
Okay? Final does the same thing as IV, you can go to a ruined building in Final also and there are tons of optional side quests.
And Nocturne is still the best place to start.
If you use the wrong gear, then yes.
I fear that IV is going to start getting a lot of random hate, once V releases. It'll be the first mainline title since Nocturne to be another fully 3D experience, so for that point alone people will probably praise it. I'm not even prepared for all the "baaaaw IV sucks compared to the other two" comments from casuals.
I'm stuck on the Beldr fight in DeSu OC, send help.
Also, saw Soul Hackers for cheap and couldn't pass it up considering how the PAL version is going for 100e on ebay these days.
What’s the problem?
>Proceed to reach the midpoint of Soul Hackers, but I get distracted
I do this with almost every fucking jrpg and I hate it.
Share some theories about V
I personally think that the protag will become half angel after he's killed
Killing the other demons causes loss of all mana which results in death, not killing them causes death before I can kill the boss.
The Baldr fight isn't even hard, though. Just grind up two or so levels on the Free Battle (Hard), do a little fusion, and equip yourself with Thor, and Black Frost. Abel will have enough juice to blast through the enemies properly, and should be able to make his way to Baldr with ease. From there, the actual fight is easy. Keep Yuzu alive for healing support, though.
Not really though.
It doesn't have thwme usual law/chaos/neutral thing going on, so SMT IV is a better start since that is pretty much a light rethread of SMT1, but with modern QoL improvements.
Hell I'd say SJ is a better start as well.
What demons would browse Yea Forums?
Jack Frost
I'm really tempted to buy the raidou collectors edition just for the raihou plush
Should I do it?
I don't know what the issue is, man. It's usually when I start to find myself invested too, but I get busy or something and take weeks to pick it up again. I can never sit still and play through the game unless my schedule is dead. It sucks.
Probably Mokoi, and Nemissa
Why do you believe this?
The two shown in the trailer are decoy protagonist.
I read this one theory awhile back, where
>Flower-Kun and his bitch get killed and dog piled by demons as seen in the trailer
>We see Magatsuhi rise up from his dead body
>The demons act as soil or something, as the MC and his friend become one being underneath them, with the Magatsuhi like essence as fertilizer of sorts
>We get a being similar to Seraph from DDS 2 as the MC, a demon like, hermaphrodite entity
>Flower pattern on the MC's shirt is symbolic of this, since some flowers are hermaphroditie plants
It does actually, the reasons, freedom, and rejection are all forms of L/N/C. Nevermind it doesn't need to be the same in the first place, and you won't even be confuse if you start there. The modern QoL improvements of IV make it harder to go back and play the older games which isn't a good thing and in addition to IV being the worst mainline game, so you definitely shouldn't start there. And SJ is a spinoff game, so also not a good place to get into mainline.
>Flower guy and his friend get killed
>The true MC rushes in and cuts the demons to ribbons in the next trailer
>He's around Flynn's age, and is a member of the JSDF
That would be hilarious, honestly.
>a spinoff game
Actually, it's considered mainline just like If... When it was released in japan they had this 25th year anniversary thing with tons of goodies such as a special soundtracks, artbooks and a huge ass Mara figure.
>SJ is a spinoff game
Thank you for saying that, because now I know I can disregard you entirely.
I hope they develop them in the prologue chapter and it ends with them getting mauled. I don't think they're going to do another you almost died/died but demons saved you.
>18 yo at jsdf
>Why do you believe this?
From the trailer the game seems somewhat law oriented and seeing as how the protag and his friend die I see them being revived somehow
I just chose angel because of the law theme and to contrast Nocturne where demi-fiend was half demon
It's probably just me being autistic as fuck as we haven't had news in a while though
>SMT5 is the alternate prequel to SMT4
Oh fuck
Atlus loves them anime tropes.
? But it is
The person makes a clear distinction between mainline and a spinoff.
>Smashes Demon Summoning Program
Past Flynn was 18 as well.
18 is the minimum age for the JSDF, yes.
I mean, it's apocalyptic Tokyo. Gotta get as many people on board as possible.
Wasn't he recruited after demons broke out?
Don't bother, they're retards who don't understand the difference between "SMT spinoff" and "non-SMT MegaTen." I blame the localized titles for making these idiots believe shit like Persona is SMT.
Kiss my ass, Skins.
idk but reincarnation Flynn is the same as future Flynn. 18 is basically the real moment of legal age anyway
You really don't want to dig that conversation up.
>idk but reincarnation Flynn is the same as future Flynn
Where was that stated?
>vampiric mist
>vampiric mist
>vampiric mist
>vampiric mist
>vampiric mist
That would be really interesting. Controlling an average teenager in society as the Summoning Program releases, and the city falls to pieces. Only for said teenager to die at the end of the prologue, and the true MC to come into play to witness the carnage. I don't think this will happen, but it sounds nice.
can you not into english?
He's literally 1:1 in looks. How is he not the same age.
>Vampiric Mist
Is a meme, truthfully. It was annoying, yes, but it didn't fuck me in the ass.
Did something happen to /smtg/ that we are having daily bump limit threads on Yea Forums now?
Change your diaper, Ryan. Stop shitting up the place
He literally casts it every turn for me.
So it wasn't.
How should we know what takes place on /vg/? I doubt most of us even go there.
It doesn't need to be desu
Too much Mobile game discussion
For awhile, there was someone posting this "SMT cycle". Basically it went:
>SMT I (Neutral)
>SMT II (Law)
>SMT III (Chaos)
>SMT IV Duology (Neutral)
>SMT V (Law)
Basically, assuming it's accurate, V should be more Law based. I unironically believe it, although every ending route is canon within the confines of the Amala Network.
nothing that isn't killing these threads too, only it is mostly those kinds of posts
Dx2 hasn't been discussed in a while actually
Except it does because a thing Atlus does is reuse portraits.
As someone who comes from there, I just found it boring since we actually manage to keep threads alive here.
>daily bump limit threads on Yea Forums now
So does HealSluts and ERP threads. Let us talk about vydia for once.
Not him, but honestly past Flynn could have been 19 or 20 for all we know. Reusing portraits doesn't explicitly mean he's 18, and Asians don't really age rapidly.
In development, also in a realm known as patience
There are full cutscenes with past Flynn.
>V just started "Full Development" in February, of 2018
Yeah, we'll probably get this game in 2021.
>Reusing portraits doesn't explicitly mean he's 18
Which was my point. Unless it's explicitly stated we can't say what his age was beyond just saying he was a young man.
They promised us news sometime this year, and it's practically already June, so we don't have much longer.
Oh, sorry.
Dude they still use the same portraits.
Do you think TGS or will the heavens bless us with a literal miracle which defy the laws of localisation and we get something at E3
He's wearing a JSDF costume with the same exact body.
>with the same exact body.
Think about that for a second.
You never know, maybe Nintendo went to Atlus about it.
Show it to us then.
Yes they have the same body. Just look at him. Besides he's the youngest member of the Counter-Demon Force.
Did you play the game?
>Yes they have the same body
Which is what the other user was saying. Atlus reuse shit all of the time so unless it's explicitly stated you can't say
>oh they look the same so they're the same age!
Plus who the fuck ages that drastically in the 18 to 25 range?
Man imagine how cool it would be if demi fiend's patterns actually changed each time you changed magatama
People talk about this from time, to time. It would be awesome, and I hope it happens in the remake. Assuming that even comes to pass.
Atlus reusing things have no bearing on anything. They already put in the effect to make that cutscene, so if they wanted to change things they would have. It's a common anime trope for this kind of thing, he's the youngest member of the counter demon force, 18 is the age requirement, they are 1:1 in everything. So yeah he's 18.
What did Toki mean by this?
I'm playing devil survivor 1 with a physical build and no one can stop me
If you’re playing Overclocked, you should have no problem.
>Atlus reusing things have no bearing on anything.
Of course it does when you're entire argument for being 18 is just
>oh they look the same
Rather than having anything concrete.
>he's the youngest member of the counter demon force
So what part of that says he's 18.
>18 is the age requirement
And where was this said?
>they are 1:1 in everything
Literally just in looks
Where's that proof?
she means she's indisputably best girl until they fuck up her character in the anarchy route
>It's a common anime trope for this kind of thing
Not really. Hell they don't even do it in Apoc with Nanashi.
In any case saying they look the same isn't proof. Take your headcanon elsewhere.
>has her first orgasm publicly and in front of your entire team
I'm about to enter the cosmic Egg in IVA. When exactly does the story go bullshit? I've seen a lot of complaints about it, but it seems okay so far. Nothing special but nothing grating.
Define bullshit.
>Of course it does
It actually doesn't. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing. It basically a retard staple on Yea Forums
>Rather than having anything concrete.
Looking the same and being the same is the definition of concrete actually since reincarnation Flynn is the same as present Flynn.
>So what part of that says he's 18
What part of it does it say it doesn't? What do you not get by youngest?
>And where was this said?
They aren't going to let kids in, it's a military operation.
>Literally just in looks
Except that's wrong as the Cynical Man says otherwise.
Depending on your choice it only gets better from there on out or just stay the same, but you already went through most if not all of the things people hated.
after you side with dagda, what is previously presented as a liberation of all mankind from the shackles of yhvh turns into an edgefest about murdering everyone and becoming king of the universe.
Literally during the Cosmic Egg. It's the second, to last dungeon in the game. Bonds especially has some writing issues due to why everyone tries to kill YHVH in that route. They don't even really have a reason, to.
Nanashi is 15
>I'm about to enter the cosmic Egg
>When exactly does the story go bullshit?
Because murdering everyone and becoming king of the universe the only way to gain liberation from the shackles of [record scratch] thanks to how the rules of the cosmos are presented.
SMTfags like to use hyperbole and exaggerate how bad the cast and story is in Final. Yeah it's not good but "it's the worst thing ever" is stupidity.
Thank you fellow believer in beauty and strength
Based and dagdapilled
You do liberate them though.
You kill them all off and let them reincarnate in a new universe where there is no YHVH as strong independant higher beings that need no god.
rules they only told you about after you make your choice, and honestly they didn't need to include. I will never not be bitter that nips cant write a single pro-individuality story without turning it into an edgy slaughterfest.
What was your reaction?
I agree, although I have my issues with it. I didn't mind the characters much, but the fan service moments between Toki, and Asahi were unnecessary. Not only that, but they just didn't execute things properly. SMT games, usually have quick pacing and little character/plot focus. This doesn't mesh well with Apocalypse, since it's a more story/character driven title.
true, but they didn't need to be so edgy about it.
>They don't even really have a reason, to.
Stephen literally talks about how killing YHVH is true freedom for humanity
What I meant was, there's less of a motive to do so in the Bonds route. Stephen just shows up like;
>"Oh hey haha, you forgot to kill YHVH to liberate humans! Go do that shit, asap."
In Anarchy there's more of a reasoning to do so, because of Dagda's whole scheme to create a new universe.
SMT has literally always dealt with cosmic forces. "Pro-individuality" is either the neutral route depending on the game, or simply playing a different game.
So how did they not recognize him in IV as their old pal. Shit, do they even go like "oh shit you finally came back to us?"
Been a while since I played IV but I don't remember a part where they start being happy or shit that they're old friend was back.
I'm not gonna lie I played on an emulator and I tabbed out not expecting anything special and just to resume to text and when I tabbed back in it made me jump
Was this even necessary? You sound, upset. Anywho, people do exaggerate, but it's still incredibly jarring compared to prior mainline entries.
>You are just arguing for the sake of arguing.
You do realise your only "argument" is that they look the same right? Talk about pots and kettles, you don't even have anything yet you keep on going on and on.
>Looking the same and being the same is the definition of concrete actually
Yeah no it isn't. None of those place an age on past Flynn especially since there's next to no difference in looks if a person is 18 or 25.
>What part of it does it say it doesn't?
Are you retarded? Burden of proof is on you for making the claim, if you can't find it then it's false.
>They aren't going to let kids in,
Are you telling me you don't know what a draft is? You know, that thing that happens during wars and major emergencies allowing some countries to enlist people as young as 16? This is the same thing as before, you have no proof so you're just making shit up passing it off as fact.
>Except that's wrong as the Cynical Man says otherwise.
Uh huh. Despite the fact that he only says he's hard to read, and before you grasp straws with that one I'm paraphrasing. In any case that makes it even worse for you because that means past Flynn has no known personality to compare while you can use Apoc for modern Flynn, you know, the game where he's so easy to read even Shesha can fool everyone.
I'll ask again, where's that proof?
Because only SMTfags do complain about it. Are you really going to say otherwise?
Fujiwara and Skins actually do pin him down as being the same.
That's exactly what happens at the start of neutral route
Skins and Fujiwara felt he looked familiar but they weren't sure so they didn't mention it, when Flynn unsheathes katana then their doubts go away
God I can't wait for SMT V to come out so we have something new to discuss
Yeah and he's also the reincarnation of Aquila who was never depicted as 15.
He's also Akira in blasted and infernal Tokyo, where both aren't 15.
A real SMTfag has no issues being called an SMTfag, fag.
They don't even preserve the souls of skins and the left over hunters after you take the throne. What happens to the people left behind when you activate the cosmic egg? It would take 5 minutes of writing to address this, and there's no tangible reason you needed to turn your friends souls into landscape when you're already getting a whole universe from that egg except because they wanted to be edgy.
I am pretty sure they just die and return to the axiom.
Brute race would probably browse /fit/.
In order to truly destroy YHVH you need to completely destroy the entire concept of YHVH and effectively take his place as creator god. Leaving behind anyone, unless they had their minds wiped like Flynn and your designated cocksleeve, leaves open the possibility of YHVH coming back and eventually usurping you as he did the other gods in the past, and starting the whole thing anew. The old universe cannot be preserved in any way and you need to basically rewrite the rules of the universe from scratch.
I'm not gay, though
the only reason the idea of yhvh was dangerous is because humans had observation. Presumably they lose that as god-human ubermensch since they're no longer truly human, so the concept of yhvh stops being a thread.
Well, of course. People unfamiliar with the series wouldn't have an issue with it. The point is, most of the criticism for Apocalypse's story is justified, and worrying in terms of the future of the series. While over exaggerated, it's understandable.
Yes but the only way to do that while preserving the old universe would be somehow turning everyone into demons or demi-gods, which would be weird. Either way, humans need to completely die out. And even then there'd probably be some asshole who uses his new demigod powers to create humans again.
Daily reminder
godamn that’s hot
I'm not saying taking the throne and erasing the old universe is bad in bad of itself. Reincarnating people as superhumans in a new universe is fine on paper, but not when you deliberately exclude people from paradise just because including them would make things a bit trickier. Moreover, the ending should have shown the new race of humans, not just nanashi giving and edgy grin like he's just going to fuck over the entire plan for personal gain.
>A world where you're so brainwashed that reading a book makes you go mad and turn into a demon
>a world where you're so poor that reading a book makes you go mad and turn into a demon
Ive been playing Devil Survivor recently and im wondering, does it get better? I'm at the Beldr fight, just getting the proper demons and shit, and I haven't seen a hint of any choices mattering? does it change after Day 3?
>You do realise your only "argument" is that they look the same right?
I guess reading is hard, honesty that makes a lot of sense in the thread were in but try next time. He not only looks the same but acts including information from the game given to you. Sadly you can't infer simple things and I guess need everything told to you or something.
>you don't even have anything yet you keep on going on and on
Again there proof right in the game but you deny actual examples to keep this ridiculous argument going, because you are a retard staple of Yea Forums. You cant actually say he isn't 18.
>Yeah no it isn't
Yeah there actually is. Stating and showing how he is looks is defintion of concrete. Flynn is 18 the same reason his past self is.
>Burden of proof is on you for making the claim
And that claim was made with evidence yes. I'm sorry you are so dumb you are unable to figure basic shit or put two and two together, it must go on Yea Forums too much. I can tell since it is killing your braincells.
>Are you telling me you don't know what a draft is?
They aren't being drafted, where's your source for this? This isn't the Hunters association and the Demon Force is the same as the JSDF. Even if it was that further improves the argument since he's the youngest member of the Demon Force and Fujiwara and Skins know this. Also you need to be 18 to get drafted, so yeah. You lost.
>Despite the fact that he only says he's hard to read
Which furthers the fact even more since he's 1:1 with past self due to that line of evidence providing that past Flynn was the same as well. Which would make sense, since Flynn can act highly aloof, sinister, or courageous. Stop being so obsessed with a fact.
Nanashi was portrayed older at one point like Akira. Nanashi also has no bearing on this because his past self and current self look and act differently since Atlus always need to have high school protags.
Alright, I've been having fun with the combat, hopefully the story gets less Persona.
Keisuke can die by Kaido
Haru can die
Mari can die by Kudlak
You can leave the lockdown early and everyone in dies.
oh fug.
Devil Survivor, along with DDS and arguably SMT4A, is just an attempt at having a more character-focused spinoff that still focused on gameplay like the older Persona games, as opposed to the newer Persona games that are mostly life simulator with some occasional gameplay on the side. Atlus generally tries not to make spinoffs unless there's an actual niche they can fill, and they wanted Devil Survivor to be more than just "SMT but as a tactics RPG"
Final is mainline. It's not a spinoff.
Regardless, it still fits the "character-focused without being life simulator" niche that Devil Survivor and DDS filled.
>I guess reading is hard
Tell me about it, after being told why your points are invalid you still keep on going.
>but acts
See what I mean? Already went over why that's invalid because of Apoc.
>Again there proof right in the game
Then if you're that confident post it all you have so far is the similar looks and that's no indicator.
>You cant actually say he isn't 18.
Of course I can because nothing in the game says his age.
That's how it works user.
>Stating and showing how he is looks is defintion of concrete.
About as concrete as silly putty, tell me, how much did you change visually when you hit 20?
>And that claim was made with evidence yes
Yes "evidence" that was vague and didn't prove your point. Look, unless you can find something that confirms without a shadow of a doubt that he's 18 then you can't say he is.
>They aren't being drafted, where's your source for this?
Oh my proof? My proof is that it's a military organisation and that's how it works, it's totally proof because you can't say that isn't the case!
See how that isn't an argument? I can't say that they were because it's never stated the whole point in bringing it up was to show you that it's a possibility not to say that it actually happened.
>that further improves the argument
Yeah no it doesn't "improves" the argument because your argument was that he was 18 on the dot. Anything other than that is against your argument.
>Also you need to be 18 to get drafted,
BZZT wrong. You can be as young as 16 depending on the circumstances.
>Which furthers the fact even more since he's 1:1 with past self due to that line of evidence providing that past Flynn was the same as well.
Reading certainly is hard for you isn't it. I already went over this
>while you can use Apoc for modern Flynn, you know, the game where he's so easy to read even Shesha can fool everyone.
That angle doesn't work for you because Apoc have Flynn a defined personality while past Flynn didn't have one.
>Nanashi also has no bearing on this because his past self and current self look and act differently since Atlus always need to have high school protags.
Which is exactly why Nanashi is relevant. Despite showing the player three different incarnations of him none of them are similar in age or personality meaning Atlus doesn't follow the hard and fast rule of reincarnations being depicted 1:1.
You're not good at the whole arguing thing are you.
One of my favorite pieces of concept art of all time. Wish we could get a game that could really breathe life into this
Dude this is just sad. Not only are you arguing about the age of a fictional character but you're arguing with fuck all to prove it.
>Arguing this much over the age of a fictional character
Dude, why
You're on Yea Forums and we haven't had any SMTV news. What did you expect?
You know, concept arts like these make me really hopeful for SMTV. You know, say what you want about Persona, and all the new Atlus games and what not, but they get it. They know what makes SMT. They know their shit. And it makes me fucking hopeful for the future
I know right? Demon girls are better anyway
>Literally just Tokyo on fire
I don't understand why you're so hopeful. Concepts change drastically in terms of final development. Just look at all the shit involving actual Knights, that didn't end up in the final product of IV.
>after being told why your points...
Actually they weren't. You haven't been able to do that to a single point, and simply deflect it. Stupidity isn't normal
>See what I mean?
Except it isn't at all because Shesha Flynn is able to fool people easily which fits. He's not one-dimensional, he's able to act in any kind of way for a situation. Which fits Flynn exactly both past and present.
Actually all the indicators. Hell even Kenji and Kiyoharu in blasted and infernal Tokyo are described as being 18 and going the Counter-demon. Man would you look at that. Skins and Fujiwara knows he's the same looking as the previous Flynn, they have the same exact body, he's the youngest member of the counter demon force, he's 1:1 with his past self. Almost like the game wants you to infer basic shit. But I guess with your limited mental capacity this is hard for you huh?
It's concrete as fact yeah. You see, SMT isn't for literal retards like you. It's for people who can fill in the gaps since they don't expect players to be dumb enough to not do basic 1:1.
>Yes, evidence
You mean the evidence that did? Well I guess retards have a hard time figuring this out
There's nothing to say he isn't 18, hell even 19 or 20 at most.It's called filling in the gaps. What is with all the idiots in SMT threads so far?
>Oh my proof?
Actually you can't since the game never implies a drafting of some sort and all the characters who enter the Demon Force young are 18. Dumb fucking retard.
>See how that isn't an argument?
It doesn't need to be stated, you see there's this word called implication. Learn about it, you learn it in kindergarten.
>Yeah no...
Which is does since his past self is the same as his present self.
Where the fuck are you getting 16? It's 17 at most, never 16. Also You proved my point even more. Thanks
>That angle doesn't work...
Strong-willed is the "personality" has, so no actually. It helps it even more.
No, that makes Nanashi irrelevant, since he isn't described as being the same, nor looking the same.
Try reading. I don't really get where all these retards in SMT threads now.
People are Yea Forums are the most obsessed members of Yea Forums. It's really fucking sad
Honestly true law is even better. It's not so much that crime and evil gets punished, it doesn't even exist in the first place. How much more based can you get?
Based and lawpilled.
>since he isn't described as being the same, nor looking the same.
Similarly to Flynn. Really you have nothing.
Says the person arguing about the fucking age of a fictional character that he can't prove.
You're in no place to call people retarded when you're just arguing for the sake of it.
Yes he is. He's not like Adam and Hero. You not only see past Flynn, he has been referenced as being the same. You literally have nothing against this, seek help for your obesssed compulsive to being wrong when proved to be wrong.
Except you can as proved. Are you unable to read? Can you not infer things? Are you truly unable of acknowledging basic things? I fear for the future of this series and fanbase if the IQ is reaching levels this low.