Here's your Triss, bro
Here's your Triss, bro
I'd fug
Yennefer is a darkie too
why does hollywood hate redheads all of a sudden?
>why are these walking abortions hated
Cant wait to see her getting bleach'd by superman Geralt
But redheads are beautiful whereas niggers are ugly.
why would there be a mixed race woman in medieval eastern European setting? fantasy isn't a valid argument
American identity politics and pseudo-progressive agenda-pushers.
>Only true sign of being white
Gee I wonder why.
>red head
>true sign of white
True sign of literal incest
Thanks America for ruining everything you touch
Yes fall for the hate on red hair, your overlords are so proud of you.
How about you dont watch it instead of whining about it huh faggot?
Almost all "redheads" are just fake anyway user
Never mind that, why are there full niggers in a medieval eastern European setting?
Feels like henrey cavill is a big fan of the games that's why he asked to be geralt in the show. And then realized too late it will be an abomination and will probably hurt his career.
Can't wait to cringe watch this then shit post about it
Nailed it.
I MIGHT watch if its above 8/10 on imdb.
You can tell who the real ones are they have the palest skin on earth
more like Triss Mongoloid
Also if their are all coloured does that not mean geralt gonna bleach them all thought would be pretty based.
I'm black and didn't ask for this, fuck I genuinely wish Hollywood would stop with this autistic shit
She's cute. If they color the hair red, I see no issues with this.
I think this is Hollywood’s revenge against Poland. Jews hate poles and the Witcher is Poland’s only piece of literature so they want to destroy it.
The tragedy of the popularity of the games outstripping that of the books is that the depictions from the games are now seen as definitive, when they are only interpretations.
>fantasy isn't a valid argument
Yes it is.
The reason why they are shoving black people into these roles is not just for representation's sake, but also because most roles in movies and tv shows were made for white women/men. So they couldn't get work, this is their way of getting black people more work in the tv industry.
None of these black characters are casted as such. The only black character I see in the Witcher Netflix show is some black kid named Dara and is apparently a new character exclusive to the show.
Why do you retards go out of your way to explain such a mind blowing concept and we all know about this pandering bullshit already? Hey look the sun is fucking bright dipshit.
give it back
might work out fine when we see her in triss hair & makeup
Because idiots like yourself will just chock it up to "pandering" instead of a purely systemic issue, prt of it is pandering yes, but part of it is just how fucked up the TV and film industry is overall.
She is actually really hot, but looks nothing like triss. Still hotter than la creatura they got for yen. Guess I'm a triss man now. Oh wait, I won't watch it
>to give to blacks we have to take away from whites
That's the message you want to stick with?
It's to make black people buy their games and watch their movies. But it doesn't work like that. If you try to make something for everyone, you instead up with something for no one.
You're such a dumbass. You act like this is something people are not aware of. You're nothing special. Maybe something similar to the SJW's you so very hate.
>it's a "morons think TW3 is the real/official Witcher" episode
>it's a "morons think the netflix series is based off of the video games" episode
>It's a "morons don't know about character copyright laws where the same characters across different ownerships may resemble but must be legally distinct" episode
No, but I'm just making the message here clear. The only roles most black people could get were the roles of hookers, drug addicts, pimps, thugs, hobos, etc... They try making their own films, but other than shit like Black Panther none of it really catches on outside of the black community since no one but blacks can relate to them.
Black Panther was designed, directed, and written by white guys. And yet black people talk like it's their movie.
I don't know why you're mad, The Witcher universe is full of drowners.
(((hollywood))) constantly taking white characters and changing them.
I could have sworn it was written and directed by black people?
>morons think TW3 is the real/official Witcher
netflix witcher only exists because the games are much more popular than the real/official witcher and sapkowski is butthurt over not having royalties and creative control.
It's because they barely fucking exist, let alone finding one that's good at acting
>calling anyone brainwashed when you fell hook, line, and sinker for divide and conquer no true scotsman tactics about race
Okay you were right. My bad.
We already have plenty of black centric TV shows nowadays, especially in the U.S. This shit reek of either propaganda or self-sabotage.
negroid BTFO
>She is actually really hot,
Maybe if you only pay attention to big blockbusters there is a lack of roles for black people.
Or did I just hallucinate BlacKKKlansman and Sorry To Bother You being excellent movies that not a single woke, we need more black representation in media type talked about?
t. black guy who actually watches movies
>almost every empire in human history used racial diversity to destroy social unity
>retards actually defend it in the current year
>a fictional movie, about a fictional character, from a fictional country, with fictional technology from a fictional space mineral is what black people relate to
How can people think this is okay?
Wealth inequality is far more dangerous to social unitity than scary brown people next door my glaxy brained friend.
Fuck you. Coming to America is a great movie.
>divide between the rich and the poor is the largest its been since feudalism
>millions of americans are in debt due to insane requirements for entry level jobs in their fields and large student loans
>who do you think it is who funds all the propaganda you hate so much
Truly Mr. Moneybags McShekelstein is not your enemy! Focus your hate on Cletus, he isn’t truly white like you after all. Or better yet, focus it on that nigger down the street. His dark skin is truly tbe source of your problems! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
The redhead mommies generation happen to have actually talented actress. Susan Sarandon, Juliane Moore, Amy Adams, Marisa Tomei. etc. Redheads are actually well sought after, because they provide nice contrast to usually brown haired male protag. Male protags are usually brown haired so it appealed to all demographics, brown hair people, blondes and black haired people are not that far apart from brown hair.
Unfortunately this generation redheads are not as good as Juliane Moore and co. So we're left with mommies redheads as they age, and if there's no good redheads to fill the role why not just get diversity points by casting other skins. It's not like casting a blonde wearing redhead wig any more streched than just entirely recasting the character into brown skinned mutt
Wait til you see the, oh no no no
The actress for Yennefer is alright imo
She cute
Some make up, a wig, and some contacts will make her the perfect triss
How come everything Eddie did after that was pure garbage?
>Mr. Moneybags McShekelstein
But he's also the one who promote this multicultural diversity garbage you love so much. Mr. McShekelstein knows that the more multicultural and multiracial a society is, the easier to divide.
>might work out fine when we see her in triss hair & makeup
user I...
Go argue about your global conspiracy horseshit on /pol/ please, don't forget to bring your tinfoil diapers with you.
Still not as bad sa pic related. I fucking hate that nigger, they keep putting her in everything nowadays.
Except class division will always exist, while racial division is something the rich themselves introduce to keep retarded poor people going at one another.
You defend racial diversity while hating rich people, despite racial diversity being an artificial division to keep you morons down.
r/asablackman black people shouldn't be in fantasy settings!!!!
Racial diversity is only a means of division if you fall for their tricks, gimp boy.
Like I said, Cletus the amerimutt and Tyrone the groid are not your enemies. The rich are.
>Except class division will always exist
Not to the extent of fucking America and China, you fuckers did yourselves in with racial division. Maybe if whites weren't shitheads to literally every ethnic minority they brought over to exploit you wouldn't have to deal with such sharp divisions.
I remember seeing a tweet from the lady in charge claiming she would not do exactly this or am I dumb?
Fall for what tricks, you fucking subhumanoids? Every immigrant they bring in will have an in-group mentality, whether you're tolerant towards them or not.
Nah, whites are the biggest pussies around. I really wish they were as oppressive and evil as brownies view it.
Join us in the fight against the white lefties, they are the ones that do this.
Come on, this is not real right?
>I really wish they were as oppressive and evil as brownies view it
We'll pretend like right-wing extremism isn't on the rise and more dangerous then.
>almost every empire in human history used racial diversity to destroy social unity
You mean by turning people against each other who previously managed to co-exist?
No, the jews are.
guess again
You mean Jews. Why do Jews hate them so much?
Hollywood is run by Jews. By Jewish people. People of Jewish descent.
>hmm should i focus my hate on the people who are trying to fuck up the world for everyone else in the name of power, profit, and control?
>no, no I’ll just focus my hate on potential allies to my cause instead because of vague genetic differences I’ve been trained by my true enemy to obsess over
We’re so fucked lol
When you can dye a mutt's hair blonde for GoT you can dye a white girl's hair red, was already done a million times. And even then you could pick the next closest, and this definitely isn't a black girl with nappy hair, not to mention that I doubt she is an amazing actress.
Any more of your retarded excuses?
If your definition of "right-wing extremism" equals "we don't want to become a minority so we are in favor of stricter immigration policies" then fuck off, retard.
And more dangerous than what?
No, by moving populations around and turning previously homogeneous populations into mongrelized ones.
Stfu already commie. Eat shit.
3rd one always makes me kek
My definition is the surge of right-wing violence we've been seeing ever since trips election. Also, why don't you want to become a minority? Is it because minorities aren't treated too well?
>s-shut up [buzzword]!! stop making me question my ideology!! thinking bad!!
>anyone who believes that corporations and those who hold the wealth should be held accountable for their actions is a communist
You’re so asleep that you think you’re awake.
oh no a user cherry picked one image of a red haired child being jewish!
Clearly all of human history should be re-written and make brown hordes the only true race!
did u see him in geralt make up? its ridiculous. it's gonna be death note all over again
>dude just dye her hair red
Speaking of retarded excuses.
>was already done a million times
Yeah and it always looked like SHIT
No, because every demographic is tribalistic, you dumb fuck.
I have no delusions that whites are gonna be treated nicely at all when they're this fucking hated right now.
And what violence? The average Muslim terror attack that happens every friday nowadays kills more people than right-wingers did in the last 10 years.
Please tell me how you'll fight against corporations by allowing open border policies and bringing in massive amounts of cheap labor into Western countries so that the rich can make more profit at the expense of the working class.
>No, by moving populations around and turning previously homogeneous populations into mongrelized ones.
Oh, well, I don't think that's right, then.
Are you implying ethnic racial division only exist in "white" countries?
>a board full of incels would fuck anything with holes given the opportunity
At least the nigga who played L was a good actor and was able to properly articulate the autist tendencies that character has. Somehow he was the best part of that shitshow.
>when /pol/ shitposting becomes reality
Triss isn't even supposed to be a redhead and I don't understand why CDPR gave her bright red hair. Her hair is described as chestnut brown in the novels.
I don't think Geralt and Triss ever had sex in the novels. They did have sex between the stories but never in them. So unless there's a flashback scene or Netflix decides to pull even more shit out of their asses then it ain't gonna happen.
>Mr. McShekelstein knows that the more multicultural and multiracial a society is, the easier to divide.
Case in point.
>No, because every demographic is tribalistic
Especially if you treat them like shit, giving the more incentive to band together to fight against you.
> when they're this fucking hated right now
Oh poor fucking you, having to be told to "check your privilege" by pink haired college brats, the end is certainly nigh.
> The average Muslim terror attack that happens every friday
Wrong, FBI statistics show that right-wing extremist violence is a far FAR bigger threat. Hate crimes against blacks went up by 50% alone.
I'm talking about america specifically.
>if you are not right wing you must be an extremist leftist
The sooner you figure out that this tribalist attitude of yours is retarded the more prepared you’ll be to discuss things like this. Stop trying to take potshots at what idealogy I am and discuss this like a man.
My whole point was that the rich shouldn’t be allowed to do whatever they want due to their influence, why would I support them bringing in migrant workers?
Not everyone who disagrees with you is a libtard.
>Her hair is described as chestnut brown in the novels.
No, it's described as chestnut, which if you google it, can be red too. She was even called ginger in one of the books. Her hair color in Witcher 3 is still wrong but she is definitely a redhead.
>Especially if you treat them like shit, giving the more incentive to band together to fight against you.
Except that even gigantic homo tolerant countries face the exact same thing. Arab dudes specifically target Swede girls for their attacks, and I don't know how more tolerant than Swedes you want people to get.
>Oh poor fucking you, having to be told to "check your privilege" by pink haired college brats, the end is certainly nigh.
Strawman harder, faggot.
>Wrong, FBI statistics show that right-wing extremist violence is a far FAR bigger threat. Hate crimes against blacks went up by 50% alone.
I know the statistics you're talking about and no, you're wrong. They get very loose with the "far-right" definition on purpose, and include practically any anti-government stuff, including anti-Trump Muslims. They also include Aryan gangs in prisons as "terrorist" attacks.
However, if you count by total casualties, not even this deception lasts for very long since Muslim terrorists kill more people than all other terrorists combined and by a giant amount.
You're one to talk. All you do is strawman me by implying that I somehow am OK with the working class getting screwed over.
>fantasy as a blanket term is valid for inserting """diversity""" into anything
>even if the rules of the fantasy world in question don't allow for it
please consider neckrope
>t'were terrible, master withcer!
>a group o' drowners came out o' the river and carried the kid off!
>skin was as black as shite, it were!
No one wants to be screwed over by the rich, that’s the thing. Alone we don’t stand a fucking chance against them, but if we all band together we actually have a chance. It just frustrates me to see people divide themselves down arbritrary lines because it’s exactly what they want. They want you to hate your neighbor because he’s different from you because a divided population is easier to conquer.
>Arab dudes specifically target Swede girls for their attacks
Just because Nafris and Levantfags are muslims doesn't make them "Arab". The only true Arabs are the people of Arabian peninsula.
>inb4 Arab rapebaby mayamay
Their genetics barely changed.
Well it must vary depending on the language and the translator because I'm holding a physical copy of Sword of Destiny right now and it uses the term "chestnut brown". I'm kind of curious as to what the original polish says but unless there's any polish niggas out here it will remain a mystery.
But at least we can both agree that Netflix and CDPR got it wrong.
>The average Muslim terror attack that happens every friday nowadays kills more people than right-wingers did in the last 10 years.
This is an outright lie. In reality, it's more like the other way around.
>Arab dudes specifically target Swede girls for their attacks
This is how I know you get all of your information from /pol/ and brightbart, Swede has had a decline crime for a while now.
>Strawman harder, faggot.
Says the dummy that calls anyone he disagrees with a commie?
>hey get very loose with the "far-right" definition on purpose
Then it shouldn't be hard for the left and muslims to make it on this list if it's that easy. Regardless, as far as pure violence goes white supremacist terrorist still rank the highest among all other political groups.
In 2017 white supremacist murders more than doubled which surpassed islamic terrorist by leaps and bounds and was the fifth deadliest year for these type of attacks since the 70's.
White supremacist and other far right extremist have had the highest bodycount ever since 9/11.
They're making the rules.
Okay? Wanna end racial and ethnic discrimination around the world specially in Muttmerica for your multicultural wetdream? Strip everyone of their culture, language, flag, race and ethnic identity but we all know that is never gonna happen and even if it does. It's no longer multiculturalism :^)
Is that linus teck tips on the right.
>Swede has had a decline crime for a while now.
>Says the dummy that calls anyone he disagrees with a commie?
No, I called 1 dude a commie.
>White supremacist and other far right extremist have had the highest bodycount ever since 9/11.
Yeah, this isn't true and you have no evidence for this.
How so?
Tick Tock Tick Tock
>Swede has had a decline crime for a while now
Are grenade attacks and other outlandish shit also in decline or just crime in general?
Here's your medieval armor, bro
When looking at it I see BBD every fucking time thanks to pic
Not happening. The only thing you're getting is Triss having an explosive diarrhoea and Geralt despising her.
>How so?
In the Western world, far-right extremism causes more deaths than Muslim extremism by orders of magnitude. You say "Muslim terror attack that happens every friday" completely hyperbolically but when it comes to right-wing violence it is pretty much that.
Prove Witcher novels are in a medieval eastern European setting without using games as an example.
In what time span? Even if you ignore 9/11 that still isn't true.
Every year since 2002.
There is no way I'm watching this shit now.
What started off as retarded memes that couldn't POSSIBLY HAPPEN, happened.
Please, provide some stats.
>since 2002
Hmmm what a random time frame to pick, no idea why you’d go with that year
You already said we were ignoring 9/11. Really, though, one outlier shouldn't be compared to the baseline of right-wing extremism.
Why didn't they just painted her skin white and straightened her hair out?
Why aren't you this skeptical with black crime statistics?
Oh nononononoono
Where are the casualties? I only see posters being considered hate crime.
Skeptical of what? That blacks in America commit the same crimes they commit in every other country?
except the "poor" of today are rich by comparisons to the past, richer than most nobles even.
there will always be inequlity, so long as one human is even slightly different from another human.
modern inventions and laws have made poor people far better off than they have ever been ever.
you will never eliminate poverty until we literally conquer the galaxy.
But I thought multicultural societies bring unity?
lol Europeans have more class divide than we do, you still have fucking actual Nobility and Kings, even as figureheads you have people you have declared appointed by god, through blood.
>That blacks in America commit the same crimes they commit in every other country?
show proof.
oh it is, and we will absolutely crush your progressive shit, you couldn't be happy with what you had so you had to push for child trannies and kid dragqueens twerking for dollars at gay bars.
the shit that will happen when society snaps back is going to be glorious, I can only give you the advice now of starting to act like your right wing by posting now.
Of what?
Consistency and logic still applies in a fictional world.
That is if have any standards at all but who am i kidding you probably liked TLJ and s8 of GoT.
>Where are the casualties?
You can select for type of incident as well as ideology. The number of extremist murders, terrorist plots, and police shootouts involving right-wing ideologies from 2002-2019 is 368. The ones involving Islamists number 107. The ones involving left-wingers number 30.
no, its because its ours, and the only way you keep it yours is if you fight for it.
so expect no quarter.
How is it inconsistent or illogical?
those same statistics lump muslims with "right wing", you know that right?
But it's ours too.
That's a cool map but why are anti-government people considered right wing?
Dunno about it specifically being Eastern European but it's objectively a medieval European inspired setting and there were no niggers or anything at all like modern racial diversity in medieval Europe.
Sweden is the rape capital of the West.
Is anyone here even going to watch this shit? I lost all interest after they annoucned the cast because it became clear they couldn't care about anything except forced diversity for absolutely no reason
is the 3rd one actually real? I genuinely don't believe it is. Please don't tell me it is.
I guess that will be decided.
if you think you can out war and out cruelty "white people", you are out of your fucking mind.
They also lump in spics and niggers shooting each other as "right-wing" terrorism.
Why are they including things that are nowhere near related to any actual right-wing ideology? The most recent "right-wing extremist murder" they list is a dude killing his gf "allegedly".
The 2nd is a proudboy killing his brother. The 3rd is some incel or some shit.
I don't follow this garbage and the fact that you gave the ADL as your source discredits you completely. Jog on.
Probably because that's what it means in an American context?
Thankyou jews!
just read the books and pretend this doesn't even exist. it was already fucked when they put a diversity officer in charge of the show
You're uh, proud of that huh
>quality of life has gone up on average, why dont these poor people enjoy living paycheck to paycheck, eternally in debt to 1% of the population who can make or break their lives
>there will always be inequality, so instead of doing our best to lessen it we should let it spiral out of control further rather than granting an even better quality of life
Really blowing my mind here buddy
Muslims terrorists are religious and race based
So they get lumped into right wing
>The most recent "right-wing extremist murder" they list is a dude killing his gf "allegedly".
>The 2nd is a proudboy killing his brother. The 3rd is some incel or some shit.
How are they not right-wingers?
multiculturalism is code word for anti-white and anti-west. The only kind of patriotism you're allowed to display is the Trudeau cuck kind about diversity being your strength.
Holy fuck so they list putting up fliers as the same degree of severity as a bomb plot targetting the white house?
I knew the ADL was full of shit but wow.
Their murders are not related at all to any right-wing ideology and are not motivated by any right-wing ideology.
If they were consistent, then they'd have to consider every murder done by a Muslim as Muslim-extremist murders.
of course, war breeds strength, innovation, it strengthens ties between peoples.
it is the purest form of human interaction, it is the ultimate contest, the fact that we have become so good at it that we created weapons that caused us to be unable to fight each other ever again is a testament to our success.
niggers in Africa have done nothing despite their tribal hatreds, they adopted western weapons and vehicles , yet still fight like retards, a single squad could take on hundreds of Africans in combat, as seen by the 1993 raid in Mogadishu, AKA "black hawk down".
This is my favorite part.
>murders not related to politics is considered politically motivated murder
Are you retarded or just dishonest?
No, they explicitly aren't. They're separated by category.
Found this by scrolling
>A Jewish anti-pornography activist was targeted on Twitter with anti-Semitic memes and tweets.
>A Jewish student was harassed with anti-Semitic remarks by another student who told her that "Jews belong in a pot" and that "Hitler had the right idea."
all attempts to lessen in equality by leftists have created more inequality and crime.
go to Detroit, see how more and more attempts at this have panned out, then go to Texas.
nothing I can do can make your average retard more equal to a smart, even headed man, "inequality" is inevitable, attempting to fix it makes them permanently poor, only by using right wing ideals can a poor smart person rise above.
the left would have that poor smart person on welfare forever.
of course the ADL is most concerned with this trivial shit. No surprises there.
>Their murders are not related at all to any right-wing ideology and are not motivated by any right-wing ideology.
Yeah they are.
Are you claiming to have access to some hidden information about their true motives, or something?
Refreshing to see a fascist who doesn't feel the need to hide himself.
No, they aren't you dumb fuck. Check the list for yourself.
they maybe are, but the attack itself isn't right wing in nature, it isn't done in an ideology.
on this very same fucking ideology, muslims who kill in the name of Allah aren't doing it as a radical Islamic way, but a guy who kills his girlfriend is somehow doing it in the name of hitler.
>Are you claiming to have access to some hidden information about their true motives
holy fuck that's ironic. Do you have no self-awareness at all?
why not? its far more a nobel ideology than anything the Left ever came up, even with that retard Hitler at the helm, Nazi Germany was still strong as fuck.
Based on what information are you asserting that they don't belong on the list? You know if you look at for example, it also doesn't explicitly say "because he's a Muslim and that is what motivated him to do it". It's a very short summary of the incident. If it says "incel kills someone" on a list of ideologically motivated killings then obviously the takeaway is not that someone who happened to be an incel happened to kill someone for unrelated reasons.
But feel free to prove me wrong.
This is the pettiest shit ever. Kikes really are the snowflake kings, they make give Tumblr and run for their money.
Here's your Ancient One bro
lol how do they explain geralt being white when everyones a nigger? Do the witcher mutations make one a honkey?
>But feel free to prove me wrong.
I already did.
Is that why it got steamrolled by the Soviets? :^)
how could I do that? we are ideological opposed, and your "side" has declared that talking is over, that the opposition must be killed, that violence is the only way.
so it'll be violence, I hope your lefty friends are good shots, I promise we are.
The same way they explained Goku being white in Dragon Ball Evolution
Haven't you read the book?
Based on what information are you asserting that they belong on that list. A guy killing his gf is a massive stretch to suggest he did so for ideological reasons. A proud boy killing his brother doesn't necessarily suggest he did so for political reasons either.
Maybe you're right about the Muslim not doing it for Islamist reasons so they should have put it under Leftist violence instead because wanting to blow up the white house when its a right wing president is clearly politically motivated and it would be a stretch to suggest it wasn't.
No you didn't. You just claimed some of those things don't belong on the list because you think you know that the killings weren't ideologically motivated, which is saying you have evidence to prove the compilers of the list wrong. But you don't. You're just asserting it.
Sorry, what? You're not making sense in this conversation but feel free to stick around as an example of violent right-wing extremism.
Which one of you did this Yea Forums?
Literally one of the first pages of one of the books describes them having sex in Kaer Morhen.
Victims of Hate Crime Incidents
Offenses by Crime Category
7,106 single-bias incidents involved 8,493 victims.
The 69 multiple-bias incidents involved 335 victims.
Among the 8,437 hate crime offenses reported:
Crimes against persons: 60.3%
Crimes against property: 36.9%
Crimes against society: 2.8%
Known Offenders
Location Type
Of the 6,370 known offenders:
50.7% were White
21.3% were Black or African American
19.1% race unknown
Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders.
Of the 5,131 known offenders for whom ethnicity was reported:
25.0% were Not Hispanic or Latino
8.8% were Hispanic or Latino
1.6% were in a group of multiple ethnicities
64.5 ethnicity unknown
Of the 4,895 known offenders for whom ages were known:
83.0% were 18 years of age or older
Law enforcement agencies may specify the location of an offense within a hate crime incident as 1 of 46 location designations.
Most hate crime incidents, 27.5%, occurred in or near residences/homes
17.9% occurred on highways/roads/alleys/streets/sidewalks
10.5% occurred at schools/colleges
5.8% happened in parking/drop lots/garages
4.1% took place in churches/synagogues/templates/mosques
The location was reported as other/unknown of 11.5% of hate crime incidents
The remaining 23.7% of hate crime incidents took place at other or multiple locations.
Yet another episode of meme magic is real. Oh well.
user you are talking to balant shitposter
The people that compiled the list don't seem to have any evidence either, since their latest example is an "alleged murder".
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>anti-semitic incident - Vandalism: Confidential
Lm@oing at the retard who actually linked ADL.
>Maybe you're right about the Muslim not doing it for Islamist reasons so they should have put it under Leftist violence instead because wanting to blow up the white house when its a right wing president is clearly politically motivated
Maybe he just hates the architecture.
Look, this is pointless. Here's how it works. An ideologically motivated killing happens. The ADL takes note. They include it on the list with a short description of the incident. The description doesn't explicitly draw the link between ideology and incident because that connection is already implied by the inclusion on the list combined with the mention of ideology.
You can never be sure. There are confirmed /leftypol/ and tranny posters on Yea Forums.
they are vile soulless creatures it's ok to hate them
Everything about this show disgusts me.
You can't call people murderers before they're convicted.
Do they just have some kike going around looking for swastikas in random places to reported it to the ADL in order to inflate hate crime statistics?
you said to change your mind, I'm saying that is impossible, that your lefty ideology has pivoted away from talking, "the discussion is over".
its a clear threat, once talk is over, violence is next, so i'm telling you, straight up, that you better be a good shot for the future.
saying I'm violent is pointless, I don't want the conflict that I'll inherit, but I'll gladly commence with it once it starts.
>Anti-Semitic incident
What did ADL mean by this?
Alright that user was right, you are just a shitposter and you're wasting my time. Now I feel stupid.
Most Hate-Crimes reported to the FBI are actually violent so I don't think so
Even if this were true, and I doubt it is, it wouldn't actually mean anything by itself, because you have to consider proportional representation.
AFAIK, Whites make up somewhere between 60-75% of the population of the U.S.. That means, if you broke down anything by race in the U.S., you could expect 60-70% of it to be White, whether that was number of business owners, crimes committed, etc.. So even if Whites perpetrated a full 75% of all hatecrimes in a given year in the U.S., that still wouldn't be a gross over-representation.
Meanwhile, Muslims make up less than 2% of the U.S. population, but I'm willing to bet Muslims make up far more than 2% of the hate crimes committed in a year.
Jews and whites actually
Now, this is epic.
How do you know the ADL abides by these standards?
Sounds like what colleges do when all the asians and whites take up all the seats because they are the most qualified.
>made a thread about witcher tv-show yesterday
>instantly deleted for being off-topic
>this is allowed to stay up
Come on, mods.
Something like that happened in Poland, they closed organisation which was reporting on stuff like that in one city and swastikas went down by 90%
Did you make it about race and complain? That's the only way Mods let threads stay up nowadays.
I thought Yea Forums said that blacks take up all the space in colleges?
>However, if you count by total casualties, not even this deception lasts for very long since Muslim terrorists kill more people than all other terrorists combined and by a giant amount.
Yeah because they kill each other in the desert
>you said to change your mind, I'm saying that is impossible, that your lefty ideology has pivoted away from talking, "the discussion is over".
Okay but that's entirely you putting words in my mouth and completely ignoring the context of my entire post and the preceding conversation. It's also a complete lie.
>its a clear threat
From you, yes. You say you don't want violence yet you're the one declaring the discussion over and that violence is the only option. You're a dishonest little fascist shit, playing the victim whilst revelling in revenge fantasies.
>not earth
>magical powers
>fantastical creatures
>black people
>turbo virgin who rates 99% of women under 5/10
Because they didn't call him a murderer.
>listing some edgy teens' graffiti in a high school as a hate incident
How the fuck the ADL is considered a credible organization is beyond me.
>character described as utterly pale
>cast the blackest female you can find
This literally sounds like a feminist if you changed mixed race woman to sexy outfits
>Retconning the entire set and setting of an established world in order to push a political agenda
kill yourself
im not putting words in your mouth, just listening to what your collective ideology has said, and the answer is violence, the right wingers must be killed.
if you disagree with it, they'll cast you out, so you either are for it, or you'll be wedged between being a traitor to the left, and an enemy of the right.
>cast the blackest female you can find
user I see what you're saying but she literally isn't the blackest. MCU did this with an old Chinese man and replaced him with a bald European woman
>I thought Yea Forums said that blacks take up all the space in colleges?
Yes that's what I said.
This is a black person.
t. /pol/ faggots
Okay, well, you know what, you can die, and you told me so
>all of a sudden
Does that mean MCU was pushing whitewashing by making the Mandarin by a brit?
>two wrongs make a right
People have more income today but there's something called inflation. The buying power of the US dollar nowhere near as strong as it was even 40 years ago for your average citizen. I don't know how you cannot see how badly the majority of the US people are getting fucked by the rich of not only this country but other countries. You legitimately have to have your head in the sand. Just look at homes, building companies aren't building homes for starting families anymore, it's all high rise shit that only the rich can afford. The already existing homes are then rocketed by supply and demand so your average American cannot afford them. Pretty soon being "middle class" in America is going to be being able to afford a one bedroom apartment.
So what? I don't want watch the capeshit but I don't understand how one change of character excuse to change another. Can't we just agree both decisions are retarded and shouldn't happen?
No you just said that whites and Asians take up all the seats
get that nigger out of here
I only see people complaining about one wrong though and that's when a black is in a non-black role. Everything else is based
Read the post I replied to nimrod
Where do blacks come from in the Witcher universe? In the real world racial differences happen because of geographic isolation between human populations for an extended period of time. Maybe racial differences in the witcher universe exist for another reason I don't know about?
That's a tanned white woman
6% of blacks are deemed college-ready by the college board. Quick calculation says we should shoot for less than 1% of colleges being black.
>a swastika in a bathroom stall is considered a hate crime, but something like this isn't
its all so tiresome
oh god. I'm shocked sometimes that people have poor "reading comprehension" because I am a native english speaker and have an IQ of about 130. Please try reading.
>MCU did this with an old Chinese man and replaced him with a bald European woman
Because the director is a faggot.
Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One:
A Celtic mystic[45] who becomes Strange's mentor.[17] The character in the comics is a Tibetan man, a situation which co-writer C. Robert Cargill compared to the Kobayashi Maru, an unwinnable training exercise in the Star Trek universe. He explained that adapting the character as the comics portrayed him would be realizing the major Asian Fu Manchu stereotype, and would involve the film with the Tibetan sovereignty debate, but not giving one of few significant Asian roles to an Asian actor would also understandably be received negatively.[22][46] Derrickson wanted to change the character to an Asian woman, but felt that an older Asian woman would invoke the Dragon Lady stereotype, while a younger Asian woman would be perceived as exploiting Asian fetish and "a fanboy's dream girl". To avoid the character filling any of those three stereotypes, or enabling the stereotype of a "Western character coming to Asia to learn about being Asian",[22] Derrickson decided to cast a non-Asian actor in the role, but to still take the opportunity to cast "an amazing actress in a male role".
Remember when people made jokes this would be the case, and then it turned out to be true? Honk Honk.
MCU isn't vidya. Witcher is vidya. That's why we're talking about witcher on the video games section of an anime discussion board.
Feeling that Swinton was the obvious choice to play "domineering, secretive, ethereal, enigmatic, [and] mystical", Derrickson wrote the Ancient One in the film specifically for the actress, before she was offered the role.[47] Additionally, though the film uses the terms "her" and "she", Swinton chose to portray the character as androgynous, while Feige explained that the Ancient One and Sorcerer Supreme are mantles in the film held by multiple characters through time, so a more comic-accurate Ancient One could exist within the MCU.[48][49] Still, Swinton's casting was widely criticized as whitewashing.[50] In response to this, Derrickson said that though he was pleased with the diversity of the film's cast, in terms of both gender and ethnicity, "Asians have been whitewashed and stereotyped in American cinema for over a century and people should be mad or nothing will change. What I did was the lesser of two evils, but it is still an evil."[22]
maybe the reason why kikes are trying to control speech and specially jokes is because it's one of the easiest ways to make magic and influence the world.
Who even is that bottom character?
>"The man that would become the Mandarin was born from an English prostitute in an opium den located within the small village of Habuquan in Inner Mongolia, China, where he spent his entire childhood doing forced labor."
He's canonically white/asian. The MCU Mandarin looks true to the source character. Ben Kingsley is half Indian (which is technically asian)/Half White. Having a character who is clearly white, and a character that is described in the source as being "utterly pale" being black is not even trying to honor the source character and a clear push of the leftist agenda.
How is "kill a straight white man on your way to work tomorrow" not incitement to murder? How has he not be charged for it?
Now you've done it
>Anti semitic comment on Yea Forums
>all attempts to lessen in equality by leftists have created more inequality and crime.
Yeah, no shit. It's almost like the Democrats and the Republicans are run by the same entity and is going to fuck the average American citizen no matter what happens because you all buy into this two party system and illusion of choice. Basically what you're saying is "inequality will always exist" so no one should be bothered by the wealthy fucking everyone over harder and harder every year. My grandfather was a mailman, a fucking mailman, and he was able to afford a home and raise three children on his meager salary. I make 3x as much money as my grandfather did on paper yet I cannot afford to live alone without having to decide between paying the rent or eating. American is not a country, it's a corporation where the wealthy fuck over everyone so they can have more wealth and you have people actually defending it.
If I'll complain about switching from 10/10 intelligent well mannered Japanese chad to annoying and stupid emo-white little shit in death note, will it make you fell better?