How has your experience been with the game so far?
Code Vein
post waifus
How many belts, eye patches and headphones can you fit on your girl?
Gifts are fun
Weapons could be better
Queen's Knight and Blade Bearer are neat bosses
Io does unbelievable things to my dick
Overall very pleasant
I'll tell you when I get a PS4 code.
What level should I grind to for coop?
I need webums
>lost invasion
What is the objective of this?
I kill a few waves until cancer halberd enemies flood the room and i get stunlocked by massive hitboxes.
Generic but I like her
I'm hate these FPS drops but overall a fun game and the character creator is fun. Kinda sad that we didn't get it in GE3 but hopefully they use it for the next game.
I really enjoyed it, a lot more than I expected.
Someone give me a quick rundown of how blood codes and leveling work.
cute Satania
Just finished my first bossfight, I really like this game so far.
Wait, is animebloodborne out?
so far it's been what i expected, shit souls for waifufags, but lowtier weebs are gonna love this trash
Test on console.
Not on PC.
I can't handle all these milkies
Wait, wrong game
>belts, eye patches and headphones
>not a helmet of 8 magazine pouches
had a lot of fun playing it yesterday, I like how much you can customize your character, took me about 25 minutes just to go through all the customization options.
shameless plug
Blood codes are like stat loadouts
Leveling increases your stats overall.
Skills can mastered and equipped by any blood code
Do you need to have PS+ with this crap, I've had a code since the beginning but it refuses to download.
If that's the case what a crock of shit and I'll just wait. PS+ costing money is a load of shit.
There are hints in the menu, user!
Blood Codes directly affect your stats. Leveling increases base stats.
Network test
its kusoge that makes dark souls 2 look like a masterpiece
lol git gud
>teleports in front of you
bros so you create your own characer AND. waifu? Or only mc?
Official Code Yea Forumsein server
Currently on the look out for EU codes
Come drop by
Stay for the tiddies
Io is already perfect, though
Someone post more Io, please.
Yes you need to have PS+, there is a co-op dungeon in it. It's a bit ridiculous to charge for PS+, but clearly people will do so anyway despite principle, so why shouldn't they charge as a business? This thread is proof enough, sorry for your loss user.
It's really jank
What is your favorite weapon so far, anons?
Are you liking the different movesets?
No you do not need ps+ for the Network test.
Still can't figure out how to get into concentration or resonance whatever mode
No, you don't need PS+ to play the beta.
We talking fun jank, or Euro jank?
block and dodge gooder :^)
The Surge kind of jank
>blade bearer
Tittys aside its kinds lame how you only have 4 healing and often have to use 2 of or more if you get to really low health, and she has 2 phases and fast attacks and followup hits in second phase that will wear you hp down
Euro jank is fun jank
So I got this code to work but it gave me an error when it came to the actual download and now I can't seem to refind it, and using the code again just say its already been used.
What do?
The character creator is one of the best/most surprising i saw in a game that is not a mmorpg.
The Gameplay is slower than i thought but still fast enough so i won't get bored.
There are Combo chains with heavy and normal attack what surprised me. Skins have a role in the heavy attacks what is nice.
It took some mechanics from dark souls and improved on it.
Your AI Partners are actually not retarted and maybe overpowerd in my second playthorugh he nearly killed the last boss from the beta alone.
It's jank as fuck, shitty fps even on PSPro don't really feel like grinding out that dungeon, coming from Nioh 2 Alpha this shit feels horrible. Nioh 2 is smooth as fuck, way better movesets, better loot, 10x better coop. Code Vein is literally babies first action game, you can dodge everything because they are telegraphed so easily. I can't go from DMC5/Sekiro/Nioh 2 to this piece of trash.
I got 5 heals
Restart your PS4?
>4 healing
blatant shameless dark souls wannabe
Io needs bigger tits and smaller feet
Good thing Io isn't a companion, or I'd never be able to play a level without jerking my dick off
I really hope the 1st area map is like that for being the 1st area of the game and that it isn't representative of everything, because holy fuck, it is on a BB's-chalice-dungeons-are-better tier.
She was a bitch but god damn those titties were nice.
Plays like shit, but waifufags will buy it anyway because they have shit taste.
NA-Code (PS4): Q6DK-MXNT-73J7
Good luck getting it
right up my alley
I wonder who she is in the actual game.
Tried it, still telling me it won't connect to a network, PS4 is connected just fine however.
graphics look really good, performance is spotty, gameplay is boring cause everything feels weightless, music is good, I hate the focus on having partners with you most of the time.
I think if you liked God Eater you’ll enjoy this, but I’ll be skipping it
>dresses like a prostitute
>has the worst weapon class in the game
>has the slowest Blood Veil
>only liked for her dumb hat
Is Mia the worst girl?
I don't know but I need porn of that character asap. Preferably group, paizuri, or anal.
with jiggle like that how could i not get this game
It's a bit clunky. Reminds me more of DKS1 than anything.
My only real problem is that they give you such a deep character creation system, then force you to wear a full-face helmet and preset "outfit."
Now the wait for the release date is even worse.
Think I´ll go back in and experiment with some different Blood Codes.
Taking advantage of Mia through manipulating her low self-esteem!
>Preferably group, paizuri, or anal.
You meant "and", apply yourself.
Nice bobs, booty's need work. After Nier I keep expecting 2booty, but my char walks around like like megaman legends
Gameplay is pretty interesting tho
God damn Yakumo is broken as fuck.
He gives you a shield that blocks 1 hit, he staggers and stuns enemies like crazy, especially if you're using a heavy weapon too.
His dps ain't bad either.
I kinda want to co-op but I feel like I'll be inferior to just having Yakumo.
Aset a best.
You don't level up your stats individually like you do in souls. Instead you choose a blood code which is kind of like a loadout. Each blood code has different stat balances and has a different group of gifts (spells and special moves and shit) attached to it. After you play with a blood code for a while you unlock the ability to master it's gifts and then you can use those gifts with whatever bloodcode you want.
Levelling up just increases your power all across the board
By being the 1st that gives her affection, with cuddles, headpats and forehead kisses!
Might wanna contact customer support then or it's possible the user gave you a EU/NA code, opposite of what you needed.
Simplicity can be aesthetic. She a cute. Be proud.
I picked up the fifth healing+ item, never increased my heals though
Post uncensored.
>combat is slow as fuck
>framerate is a total slideshow
>audio is desyncing and shit
a-at least the character creator is nice
Reminder that Io will give you more Blood Codes, upgrade the ones you have, and protect you with powerful magic and heals.
And you have to kill her as the final boss
Good waifu creator, bad video game.
All the weapons lack any weight, even the big heavy ones just feel slow, rather than weighty.
Man I played through Last of Us on PS3 that literally had entire levels with no textures, audio desyncs, character's teleporting in and out of cutscenes, and running at 5fps, nothing will ever be that fucking shitshow.
Lurking for NA code
you're right sorry about that. Also I forgot blowjobs. Seems like you forgot that too user.
is there a stat/code that straight up makes ranging better? the Ranger code doesn't seem to do much
also are there any ranged weapons in yet besides the bayonet
This, if you're getting a WC code it means its for the wrong region.
Spare NA code.
i want to curl up in that cleavage and die
just make a NA or EU account. Look at from who you got the E-Mail Bandai Namco US or EU
Breast bearer is fast as fuck
why can't you guys get codes? they're literally free to get on bamcos website
>dumping all the tutorials at the very beginning
>infodumping the whole lore and settings from the get go
it's a kusoge
why were the character models so horrendous in the tutorial? was about ready to drop the game then and there and wait for the PC version
That's only for EU. NA gets a 404.
Someone post Cruz's back
Thanks user, made my day
do you think the codes will work for NA? I could print a few for you guys
No, EU codes give errors for NA PS4s, automatically denies them.
you can just make a EU psn account. easy enough to do
Why is a Queen dressed like this?
Why aren't you?
Ghosting Mia after being the first to ever give her any intimate affection!
So you can't actually receive a code anymore?
Not unless you're in EU, no. Us NA guys either have to make a new account (pain), or wait and snipe each other in the threads.
you can if youre eufag
Does original xbox run this well?
New account? You mean just register for a code again?
No, just make an EU account and then have one of the EU anons give you a code.
>tfw never got an NA code
being a shitter sucks
Because the idea is for you to clear the tutorial to figure out what the fuck you're doing, then go to the depths to make sure the network code works.
Oh don't worry user, they gave me a fucking EU code despite living in the US.
I like it a lot .
Combat is good, reminds me of DS2 for some reason, especially the casting
Character creator is pretty good
Lore and world are both interesting to me
Cute waifus with nice tiddies
Day one purchase probably
Same here bro.
Pretty good. I've been enjoying it so far. No glitches, graphical problems, everything's been good. Combat is eh, but I like the ichor absorption mechanic. Story seems like it'd be something of a typical higher power controlling everything, but im interested to see if it is what I expect or not.
wow even the lore is a dark souls ripoff
>plays worse than every souls ripoff that came out so far
>gets a free pass because anime
how are guy getting codes ? email?
How do you not already have a US account, a JP account, an EU account, and a HK account from your PS3 days?
Wow even the title screen is a dark souls rip off
>literally everyone is saying that its jank but the tits are nice
Wow even this post is a dark souls rip off
the game came out?
Did you actually read the thread? Everyone knows it's janky.
Just sitting here waiting for an NA code so I can make my waifu.
Give me some more rin pic
>network test
didn't dark souls do this? nice rip-off.
You guys should try Lord of Arcana
>the straight jacket turns into a fucking scorpion stinger
>the leather jacket sleeves become cerberus heads and you get little wolf ears
I'm loving the fuck out this game's style.
I might have a code but I can't log-in to my fucking e-mail, fuck! Anyone else experiencing issues with Outlook? Canada btw
that's a huge exaggeration
who tf cares DS fag. As if DS story is original.
Niggers calling the combat slow and Janky probably never played lords of the fallen . This games combat is pretty smooth
I got queen's steel from the twin fatties once but i cant get another.
please stop ripping off my post. you're even worse than code vein which rips off dark souls
>Enter email code I got myself
>Can't start application
NA, you had to sign up for the beta, and they emailed codes yesterday evening. EU, no idea.
please stop ripping off my user posts, you're even worse than dark souls which rips off dark souls
God I love her!
Hey faggot weebs think fast.
EU Chads all get in, you just go the bancos site and grab a key from the store.
plays like absolute shit, it's literally only good for the fat tits.
already used
fake ignore this dont try it
So when's the PC test?
already used dont try
If it's the same one i got go to Settings > Account Management > Activate as Your Primary PS4 and deactivate and activate it again.
Seems to be a wide spread issue currently. Last patch was probably jank. again.
Nice try.
>made an eu account
>now the store 404s
I'm putting in way too much effort for this weebshit
This gives you an error code for sub/payment, so its not even real.
Yeah, why can't you mix and match outfits more? Seems weird.
Why do only PSfags get codes? I wish PC got some as well.
Nice try what? I'm EU, so I don't need it. Its an NA code.
the last boss is completely unplayable in co-op, at least on a regular PS4
it's like 10fps
in single player it only lags during certain attacks, but in multiplayer it runs like shit constantly and basically freezes during the attacks
good thing i was planning to get it on PC anyway
>all this amazing character creation
>except you can't customize the colour of your mask
>look stupid if I make my colour scheme anything that isn't red/black/grey
The hounds are the best blood veil, runnerup the spikes.
Claw and scorpion are cringe.
Xboners got codes too. PC never gets demo's because people datamine them or break them for infinite playtime
>she'll never sit on your face
>beat Oliver
>game crashes
Has happened multiple times already.
thanks user
the soldier duo both dropped steel for me
Yeah this being the first post, the game is confirmed shit.
I had the same thing happen to me.
Where's the discord
All mist skills grant you i frames?
Also i gather you can't parry giant lost? Like the ones with long noses or fat fucks?
what tier weeb are you, my man?
It’s not completely horrible. I guess something I could play to waste some time in between games. They kept the gameplay loop simple and clearly took much inspiration from Dark Souls. I wasted the most time just fiddling with the character editor. I’m surprised this is developed by Bamco in house. It’s incredibly unpolished, the visuals are poor which makes navigation and combat worse than they need to be, the animations are janky, the story seems horrible, the tutorial was a snoozer, the UI is horrendously bad, etc.
I feel like if they actually put forth some effort this could be a good game for the weeb audience. Maybe if it gets a sequel.
truly and innovation.
Why was this deleted?
>wanting to join a discord
>for THIS game
I can smell your waifu avatar and pathetic cuteposting from here
Yeah it's a pre-paid card, not Code Vein moron.
>entire budget went into the character creator
>last boss seems really easy
>second phase
>gets full hp again
Can someone give legit NA PS4 codes?
kill yourself retard
the gesture button is so stupid
you have to double tap L3, and if you move at all, it doesnt work
so every time you try to gesture you spend like a minute wobbling around before you get to the gesture menu
sent ;)
I've been waiting so long for this!
Discord link
It's better than I expected because it's exactly what god eater games are - trashy D games. This one seems more in depth and larger, so in honor of Io I will rank this double DD.
It's a top tier weeb game for people like myself.
How long did it take God Eater to find footing? Assuming this does well I can assume we'll see more iterations int he same...
The final boss always gave some to me.
by the third game
Footing by the 2nd, polished by the 3rd.
>discord for a game that's not even out yet
Good to know I can ignore all CV threads from now on. Thanks.
>already setting up threads to be shitposted into oblivion by avatarfagging discord trannies
imagine thinking that discord is a good thing for Yea Forums
Exactly my point.
Shit, I'm kind of impressed they didn't charge for cosmetics in the game because the accessory list is fucking massive.
It's a discord for sharing codes you idiot.
>every weapon has different moves by holding R1
>they didn't charge for cosmetics
Yea and?
there's an autismo amount of customization that's nice but I feel like the clipping from it is something that'll be fixed soon
your gay eyepatch can break through your mask and it's hysterical when it zooms into your face
I got a EU code because of this server
Where is the code vein general then?
GE2 became a great game once it got it's rage burst update and had high expectations for 3 but since they switched teams and had other devs make GE3 it feels like a reset
there's tons of clipping everywhere
npcs constantly have their masks clipping through their hair and clothes
Right here
>but I feel like the clipping from it is something that'll be fixed soon
user i don't believe you know enough about japanese games
This is Yea Forums not /vg/
Go back to summer school
i'm surprised how nice greatswords feel given how weightless the hammers are
>want to make money
>release on pc
You can only choose 1.
And you do? Please don't make me laugh, Ive been playing Japanese games since the 90s
Fucking awful, I didn't get invited. Shit game
School isn't even out yet for most people you dipshit.
Only good ge was ge1 remake because of predator styles. It made the game at least somewhat fun, then they removed it and it went down the shitter again.
>already trying to make a nsfw channel
>linking threads the discord owner made so other discord users can enter it
this is literally the exact reason people are against Yea Forums discords in the first place, not mentioning that fact that everyone hase names and avatars built in.
Doesn't exist, its why we only post it once in the thread when people ask and spend the rest talking about the game or waifus. The discord was only made so anons could get codes without them being sniped with how fast the threads are moving.
>School isn't even out yet for most people you dipshit.
Makes total sense now
if they were going to fix the clipping, they would have fixed it when they delayed the game by a year
you know it was supposed to come out last year
The customization is GOAT. I wish there was a height slider so my character wasn't an Amazon.
Not him, but its generally better to stay in school for longer periods of the year than the opposite. Asian schools do it, North/South American schools do it, Eastern European schools do it. Literally only a handful of Western EU countries don't.
>it's only to share codes!!
You really think they give a shit about that? It should be free to play at this point
Middle Eastern Schools don't do it either, so that says a lot about where UK, France, etc. stand.
then you should know that clipping will always and forever be part of nip games. they literally don't care about it
Nobody cares, post more NA PS4 codes.
No, its very laggy. But it is still playable though.
Code is in the name of the game retard
No nsfw channel. Server is safe for work.
Some random user just threw that idea out there.
Server is comfy and helpful. You guys gotta get over your fear for discord
I have masturbated to the most of the upskirt shots in this game.
This, I legit think Yea Forums is just scared of discord because it means they have to put themselves out there and not be responsible for what they say and do, it's basically closer to being social irl than it is on this shithole.
So I just finished blade bearer with my bro Yakumo. What now? Should I help other revenants?
Where the fuck do i get a Mia fumo?
Its the only merch i've ever cared about getting for a vidya
Do panties shots count as nsfw
you can leave
user if I leave you'll have no friends, it's just you and I here after all.
I would join discord if there wasn't a tranny meme behind it
finland has 2 and a half month summer vacation for schools
Guys I honestly can't play this game without jerking off. Like what the fuck.
>everyone has to have names so we can group ourselves into social cliques!
>you want to stay anonymous on your anonymous imageboard? what the fuck is wrong with you?
Of course you have time to study when you're getting cucked by niggers and muslims constantly.
Finland is a small country of course the average is going to be better than the others
No romance no buy. Tired of GE blueballing.
The sad part is that it isn't a meme 99.99% of the time. It may seem fine at first, but at time goes on the eternal tranny exposes themselves.
I've been in hundreds of servers myself, saw one tranny, who was actually a cool person. Seems to just be a thing with Yea Forums discords honestly.
I do both
sure thing
great response
as expected from a retarded american
You playing on a normal
Piss4 or a professional piss4?
>Beserker, THE STR code can't use the highest STR scaling blood veil
Why does the game feel so unpolished? I want dark souls 3 combat.
Try deleting the download. It might also have something to do with the primary ps4 option which can fuck it up
>no scythe
I'm disappointed
>Mia is horrible, weak and has retard aim
I'm disappointed
Great game though, even if it ran like complete shit on PS4. That blade bearer fight was a slideshow at times.
I have 0
because everyday is summer...
>gets btfo
>has to blame brown people somehow
But I can use the juggernaut sledgehammer in berserker code
>dark souls 3 combat
lol k
>they're gonna try to sell this to Yea Forums for 59.99
The absolute mad lads
Based bandai
OG Xbone. The cutscenes are what feels laggy the most honestly. The actual gameplay for the most part is fine.
So, do you really havw to kill Io as the final boss, I don't wanna
managed to finaly beat blade milkies, purely because she ignored the ai and the summon and spent the entirety of the last phase chasing me
the aggro system is a weird departure from other souls games
its a shame because she's nicely aggressive, but she deals fuck all damage I just hope she gets some nice buffs
just beat her as well. the poison feels really strong.
Does the discord have any girls(female) in it
I'm using it and no problems here.
Runs better than DaS3
What is the most likely release date?
How to convert game clips to webm for Yea Forums? The last ones I did had crap quality
combat sucks
Is there anything to do after beating her?
Since the data won't be ported I see little to no point in farming for the gear. Do i go around helping?
2020 with ps5 upgrade copy for $10
Is magic fun?
Someone explain ichor to me desu.
Desync seems like it can get really fucking bad in co-op.
how do you play it? is it too late?
so is it good?
use it to do special moves and spells and whatnot. get it back by hitting and killing shit, especially backstabs and charged X attacks.
Fun but very janky. Sounds that don't play when they should, visual effects that don't look right, the animation for when you get a backstab drain spazzes out half the time, etc. The AI is also pretty weird, the way they switch targets sometimes is nonsensical. Even enemies with special parry states don't always target the character they parried, meaning their special riposte can just flat-out whiff.
Which blood type can heal and revive
Cult hit more than a solid all around thing. If they decide to iunno, polish the game before it's release it might be better
The gameplay is mediocre, the character creator, music, and world are pretty good.
I think the gameplay would feel a lot better if they allowed you to roll after your swings ever so slightly sooner. Overall it's pretty fun though.
It´s your mana/ammo for your skills.
Get it back by whacking some enemies.
Increase your maximum through drain attacks like charge / parry / backstab etc.
Probably the sniper girl blood but her blood isn´t in the beta.
Shame they didn't get to polish it after that huge delay. Did they spend all this time trying to animate Io's stiffening nipples?
Playing this just really made me want ge3 tbqh
The release date is probably far off
I'm also curious to what exactly they've been polishing after the delay. It's fun but I thought they'd be making it feel better
how do you play it
I intend to try out as many of the spells as I can
so as to get a headstart on the theory crafting
its pretty good, it has the agression of DS3 but isn't as safe, since I don't think you can cancel as much, I really like the ichor system best compromise between charges and mana, the enemy ai can get a little single minded which can be a blessing and a curse; good side is it leaves them wide open for attacks, bad is the person getting chased has a real shitty time
this game reminds me dark souls ii design
>tfw no around to play it
Fuck, I just want to see if I can make specific waifus and get a feel for the game's combat.
is it like dark souls?
I just want to dick around in it's char creator. Why do they make closed beta sign ups anyway? How are they gonna get accurate info on how well the network can handle player load by limiting the amount of players?
How the fuck do you use gestures?
You can backstab pretty much everything even the big dudes, they definetly want you to utilize the skills as much as possible or just save it all up for a boss. There's also the passive that increases item drops so you can get more mats to upgrade your gear, or other weapons, I guess it's an ok dungeon crawler, its just so fucking jank though. If the combat was more smoother I'd like it more.
I beat her because Yakumo stunlocked the fuck out of her, dude seriously beat her ass.
>they definetly want you to utilize the skills as much as possible
Sounds more like lazy shit. They don't even give appropriate backstab animations for larger guys.
They do need relatively-limited numbers so they know exactly how many is too many in case something goes wrong. There's probably some mandated amount they know they have to be able to function with, once they meet that they're not concerned.
how do you backstab? Tutorial just says go to their back and press square. I did that and it just does normal attacks.
It feels more like a hack and slash than a souls game.
The angle is VERY specific. Rather than being directly behind the enemy I found it worked more consistently standing a bit to the right of what felt like what actually behind them.
Can't wait to see gaming journalists bitch about no easy mode.
You gotta back stab where there back should be if they were idle.
The hitbox for backstab doesn't account for the direction the models back is facing.
>They do need relatively-limited numbers so they know exactly how many is too many in case something goes wrong.
Which is still pretty counterproductive, given that the amount of players on release will completely eclipse the stress shown in the beta test.
>There's probably some mandated amount they know they have to be able to function with, once they meet that they're not concerned.
And this has rarely ever worked for games that have tried network tests in the past, especially MMOs. Blade & Soul is the most meme-worthy example of this. The servers ended up shitting the bed because of the amount of players being much higher than expected, because guess what, the damn beta wasn't accurate. The beta itself had much more than they expected and still couldn't accurately give them info on how much the servers could handle upon release flood-ins.
>tits stay uncensored
fuck, I might need to rebuy a ps4
Just use Yakumo, he tears ass.
Where do you find the bayonet and the great sword? I’ve looked up and down all over and can’t find them.
I keep getting an error code, CE-32809-2 and can’t start it up. What do I do?
Someone redpill me on Ichor. I wasn't paying attention
How do I backstab? It said hold square but that didn't work.
deactivate your ps4 as primary. Then reactivate it. It will fix the issue.
Use it to cast spells and buffs. Get it back by attacking and killing shit.
Enemy drop
There should be a chest in the depths with one. Rin also sells one iirc.
>Code Vein
>no titty veins in the game
Why even bother
You don't hold it, you just press it normally at the right angle.
That's basically like your mana points. Will determine how many skills/magic you can use.
>character creator is good
>play for a little
>pretty enjoyable, might buy
>google release date
>still none
This is just pathetic.
>not playing solo
The gold greatsword is in a chest in the depths guarded by a red version of the weaponless lost.
Cool, thanks mate. Now to make a big tiddy vampire waifu
Don't bother with the Bardiche, its complete fucking garbage
Takes one to know one.
I like how every weapon has at least one move unique to it.
It bodes well for the full game
>play a cute girl
>or play a shota and be spoiled by Io
FUCK what do I do Yea Forums?
is it better than nioh?
nioh is shit, so yes.
r8 my edgy chocogoddess.
Play as a little girl
>Playing this just really made me want ge3 tbqh
this. is ge3 actually any good? tried to pirate it on the pc and apparently its not compatible with my system
Not a fan of how inconsistent staggering is, for both enemies and the player.
It’s probably gonna be July or August, the game feels really close to done.
Hey, who wants Network test keys? Go to the Bandai Namco Entertainment website and you can claim a key for the network test for free, but you need to make an account on the website
Not bad but the tattoo/facepaint is totally pointless and just clutters everything.
Looks like God Eater 3
where is that located? like where is the bar for ichor?
Inb4 Sony censors the game
Dicked around way too long in character creator. Had to stop for a while. Also, can you change the color of your underwear?
Is the 20/20 (or whatever) on the right of the screen, besides the shortcuts.
Bottom right
Hell fucking no.
Gotta play on pc nigga
What are the bosses like? The last article I read about the game (before it was delayed) said that in the build they played, the boss had such an inflated health bar that the fight stopped being fun. And that puts me off, I hate boss battles which drag on too long.
Let's wait for the final release first
Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Nioh > Sekiro >>>>>>>>>>>> Code Vein, Dark Souls 2, The Surge etc.
Tutorial boss fight is fine.
Depths are a bit bloated but I think that's more because everyone is underleveled and undergeared.
Dark Souls 2 is the pinnacle of the Soulsborne genre.
They're like Dark Souls 2.
Slow aggro that can be shared between you and the AI. The bosses move slowly like the bosses from DaS2.
There's even some bosses that are two dudes that reminded me of the throne watchers boss from DaS2
Is there a second bonfire close to where you leave Oliver behind?
But she wouldn't be edgy without it
Game is pretty mediocre but I love the magic system. Constantly getting your resource back for attacking and killing makes actually using shit seem more inviting.
liking Nioh over Sekiro, fucking autist
Not him but I agree. Add some tattoos somewhere else or it looks shitty and cluttered. Either that or change the tattoo color to go with the rest of her color scheme. It just looks like this taped on extra thing to make her look more unique right now.
bloodborne with garbage replayability and like 3 builds over souls, lmfao
>BB and nioh above sekiro
Opinion discarded
It's not even edgy, it just looks bad. Ruins the contrast between her hair and her skin. Give her a big scar and a red shattered glass pupil if you want her to be edgy.
please respond to this post
Should be a shortcut back to the first one with a chest IIRC.
Nioh requires actual IQ to play properly, it's the DMC of souls games.
I expected it to be bad, but this is just embarassing.
How the fuck did they take a hiatus for like a year and then this is what they have to show for it.
It plays so fucking bad, I think I would rather play garbage western shit like The Surge
ebin shitbost m8
Yeah, I thought that too.
I'm being quite serious.
First of, the performance is horrid and the game struggles to keep it to 30FPS despite looking like complete ass (character models aside)
Secondly, everything feels clunky and choppy as fuck, from your movement to your attacks, to your dodging. Hell, even the enemies feel like they're struggling with clunky controls.
Everything is so fucking unresponsive.
Not enough electrical tape.
In fact there's no electrical tape.
Parrying feels really weird, enemies attack so fast sometimes you actually have to parry BEFORE they start any attack animation or you'll just get your shit slapped.
Sekiro is probably the least replayable game to come out of From
git gud.
So I just beat the 'story' parts.
How do you access the Depths ? They say you need to talk to Dave and give him maps, but I don't have any.
Do you have to replay the starting areas before the Oliver boss and hope maps drop ?
That's what I would say to the developers
I didn't even bother parrying most of the time. It seemed totally pointless to even try against the bosses.
Talk to Louis
Nah, talk to Louis to "end" the demo, then you can just talk to giga nigga.
I don't like that enemies need to finish their "get up" animation to properly die. It's weird and I don't like it.
Dark Souls 2 is light years ahead of Code Vein trash
i like the character editor
Watching some DS "veteran" e-celeb stream right now, he's getting assraped by Queen's Knight.
It's still better than those two
Where does Demon Souls fit into that?
Bloodborne has a myriad of builds and is more replayable than Dark Souls 3.
it really isn't
>walk up in front of enemy
>initiate motionless rhythm game until it's posture breaks
Yes, even dodge -> hit combat is better than this shit.
he's playing without a companion though
swap them out for some scars, if you can, that ought to help
>watching streamers play video games
Xbox code RY9KK-DJFGM-49YGR-6363V-W34KZ
>Solo play is impressive now
This game is proof that weebs will eat up any mediocre shit as long as it's anime as hell and filled with pandering waifus
did i say that?
no i didnt you retard
but playing without a companion makes the game quite a bit harder
the game is designed to be played with an AI companion
Yes you had this proof for how long now? Continue posting the most obvious tho
back to your kojima cocksucking thread on retardera
Dear god, please tell me which skin option you chose! She is delicious!
Why would you pick anything other than caster?
any muscle slider in this game?
spare key for whoever wants one
Are there different movesets within one class?
Is magic good?
Can you modify your dodging in some way?
Is there hyperarmor?
I'm getting GE vibes since your stats are tied more to equipment than to an actual character, but I assume in the final game more specific Codes will be available for different stats?
They already are. All you do by leveling up is getting higher health and stamina.
Your stats are dependent on your Blood Code.
Hey thanks user, I finally got one I love you.
>Are there different movesets within one class?
movesets are based on weapon. even weapons within the same class have different moves.
>Is magic good?
yes but you have to get up close to get your mana back
>Can you modify your dodging in some way?
lighter weapons get better dodges
>Is there hyperarmor?
on enemies? of course. on you? not sure.
I need porn!
Wait, it came out?
That's one of the more better parries in the game.
The other ones take too fucking long to actually get into the parrying hitbox or lasts too fucking short that it's not even worth using.
read the fucking thread
Wait where do you get mias tail ability?
Just the Network test
FPS drops to literal slide show levels when multiple enemies are on the screen. Knowing jap devs that's never going to be fixed and consoles will be stuck at ~30fps with non poorfag PCs having to brute force an actual playable framerate.
A lot of mechanics feel "off". Lock on, ai pathing and enemy animations feel like they have a delay to them, gameplay is most similar to DS2 in terms of feel and doesn't feel as "snappy" as nioh or sekiro.
Character creator is its saving grace, but fags saying this shit is better then nioh or other souls games are delusional shit slurping weebs of the worst kind.
Is Code Vein 60 bucks?
Is it up? the app is still locked for me
>signed up with three different emails
>no code
It IS objectively better than Nioh
It did everything Nioh failed to do; Code Vein is pretty much the anti-Nioh
>getting excited over a bitch wearing basic underwear under a hospital gown
Hetfags have no fucking taste.
>with non poorfag PCs having to brute force an actual playable framerate.
Unless it's a dark souls thing where the animations are locked to the framerate and it breaks the game.
it's not better than nioh or from software games, but it's far better than any western souls clone
Games pretty much trash. Character creation is top tier though.
"Western souls clones" includes Salt and Sanctuary that thus far absolutely wrecks this abortion.
it has been up since this morning
try going to your account settings and setting or disabling your PS4 as the primary console
that should work
I guess your code was in vein
salt and sanctuary is absolute garbage, and you cant call 2D games souls clones anyway
Yeah it is pretty great. And the one I like the most so far.
You get it from the "Queenslayer Thorn" outfit/armor. And you get that one pretty early in the game if I remember correctly.
I unironically love every aspect of this game
Alright they have to work on their servers because sometimes it's unplayable. 1 out of 3 the game eats my magic spells without doing anything but takes away my ichors the character doesn't move where I want it to, sometimes when I dodge backwards my character dodges forward or does some insane shit where he moves literally everywhere. And this only happens in multiplayer when I try to help someone. But if they fix this it can be a solid game
so anyone got the fetish that they wanted with thier characters?
S&S has a top notch world design and actually good new mechanical elements over souls games like weapon combos, the fact it's 2D has absolutely no bearing and it utterly destroys CV so far in pretty much every aspect.
>finally got time to play
>user why the fuck do you play code vein as a GIRL?!
Because I like girls and want to fuck them
the game is 60fps on PS4 (with a lot of drops)
so it's not locked to 30fps
So is the hype justified? At least for now
it's a low tier metroidvania, not a souls game
Not even close. The game itself is just aweful. Its worse than Lords of the Fallen, and it has terrible frame rate issues. You can move hair to the butt to make a dog girl though.
>the gameplay flow feels like a bastard child of Lords of the Fallen, DS2 and Ashen, worst soulslikes in existence
>enemies barely respond for getting hit, attack feedback is non-existent, they haven't fixed shit all the way since the gameplay reveal
>bayonet rifle is probably the worst designed and least satisfying weapon i've ever seen i ARPGs
>level design is literally non-existent
>they had to compensate for the forced coop by giving the bosses zero delay moves just to fix the problem they've created on their own
>but this game will have vehelment defenders because of its character creator and anime tiddies despite the fact the same people could've fucked off into Honey Select and stop supporting blatant Bamco cash grabs
Mash is cute !
>Mia dies to 1 enemy
Dumb and useless.
Do you get anything for clearing the lost invasion?
As a metroidvania it's certainly high tier but it also does have every single non-online souls gameplay mechanic.
>it's 2D has absolutely no bearing
It makes it a completely different game on a completely different genre.
yes, we've heard this several times already
you can find this post 20 times in this very thread
t. tranny
>all these people saying its shit
>get nervous
>finally have time to actually play it
>its fun as fuck
why are you fags such whiners?
they dont have PS4s so they cant play it
it's a lot more fun to play yourself than to watch someone else play
Get medical help because you have some clear signs of paranoia and autism, user.
I bet you need help dressing in the morning.
>Yea Forums said Dark Souls 2 is shit
>Played it and it's good
>Yea Forums said Nioh is shit
>Played it and it's good
Probably Code Vein is good too.
>They don't have ps4s
>I-its all jealousy
>People have been posting their own screenshots along with shitting on the game
Nope, its just all jelly people obviously.
They literally spent the entire budget on character creation, and it's not even that good when I could just play any Illusion game. The level design is atrocious.
>thinking Dark Souls 2 is good
It's middling at best
Because it is a "Soulslike" and is anime.
Two reasons to shitpost it to death for most people.
>>People have been posting their own screenshots along with shitting on the game
how about you point out some
DS2 and Nioh are completely different games and hate towards DS2 was absolutely justified, especially if you've followed the marketing campaign and literally got tricked by From and Bamco into buying an N64 game.
>is there hyperarmour
yes, I've been hit at the tail end of a dodge and not been stunned, and I'm pretty sure ive managed to get some armour at the end of attacks
Shit taste.
>Demon / Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
Flawed level layout and enemy placement, few other weird choices but over all 'fine'.
>Dark Souls 3
Kinos back on the menu
Different kind of kino, but none the less top tier.
>The Surge
Massively flawed in every way. Passable if pirated or bought on a massive sale, but not at all good objectively.
>Lords of the Fallen
Spicy dogshit
>Code Vein
Spicy dogshit wrapped in anime.
>>enemies barely respond for getting hit, attack feedback is non-existent, they haven't fixed shit all the way since the gameplay reveal
>>bayonet rifle is probably the worst designed and least satisfying weapon i've ever seen i ARPGs
stop using piddlyshit weapons like bayonet and start staggering enemies every attack
Imagine having taste this shit
I think you got that reversed
>Why the fuck are you playing as a guy
is it still possible to get a beta code or am I shit out of luck? I want to get more reference pictures for the girls in this game so i can make im in koikatsu
fuck masks desu
If only the fps wasn't at literally unplayable levels on the base ps4
I know, but it's egregious right now with helmets. It won't be fixed, it'll be toned way the fuck down.
As of right now, the bigger eyepatch puffs out too far
Dumb eggplant
How can this shit lag so badly? They've delayed it for almost a year now yet it feels like they've just stopped working on it for some reason and just came back.
Nah, it's good. Not without its flaws but still good.
Yea Forums unironically calling it the worst game even made and shitting on Nioh, a fantastic game that is up there with the Souls games made me distrustful of the board's opinion when it comes to Souls clones.
I hope we get a demo on PC
dark souls 2 is a good game
but it is far worse than the other souls games
and it was heavily downgraded
i would still much rather play dark souls 2 than any AAA game these days
>dark souls 3 is kino
Garbage taste
>code vein players
Lol nioh conquered this guy
>Lost invasion
either it's infinite or there's a shitload of them
i killed like 10 of the big guys and they still kept coming
>Sub 20fps gameplay
>Enemies are brainless blobs who don't react to attacks
>Dodge response is terrible, likely in part due to the framerate
>Character generator that is made pointless via armor and being forced to wear a mask
>Mucky brown and gray hallways
>Weapons can get so big they literally clip with the camera
I expected it to be run of the mill but this is absolute bottom of the barrel. Makes Lords of the Fallen look good for fucks sake.
You french bastard
this game is gonna flop so fucking hard isn't it? are they even gonna get any decent sales in japan?
I might still buy it for the parts that are actually good. Also doing anime moves with a big sword is kinda fun when it actually melts bosses.
So are bayonets the only good weapon for casters? Does scaling even matter at this point?
this shit sucks outside of character creation
>best bosses
>bloodborne speed
What's not to love? Don't tell me you're a interconnected world faggot.
>are they even gonna get any decent sales in japan?
it had much higher preorders than DMC5, and that was long before code vein release
>this game is gonna flop so fucking hard isn't it?
There are enough tasteless weebs around that this will sell as a waifu builder, there is always money on that.
I asked because its the only weapon so far that has any scaling with mind and willpower
It was fun, I didn't stop playing until I cleared all the content available in this test, but those frame drops though. I hope they lock it at 30 at least (and it won't drop below 30 obviously) or the pc version comes out at the same time as the console one
Its janky but fun the more you play. Still not going to buy it at launch. $20 at most is what I am willing to pay.
Their only chance is to release it before Nioh 2 which will make it fucking irrelevant even for character creation.
Made her last night, really wish I could get a more ninja-ey outfit or better looking bangs.
>You can move hair to the butt
or make her some lewd bitch who wears a dog plug to battle
Why do you guys despise this game so much? Its not even that bad
>can fall asleep if you sit down somewhere
it really is a good waifu generator
I enjoy the gameplay. Hate the story. Like character creator. Like the skill system they have. Hate that the armor you start with destroys the 3 hours i spent fine tuning my japanese cartoon girl.
Will buy on a mega sale in 2 years
Not infinite, just a lot of dudes.
You know you are almost done when the cat lady spawns.
into the trash it goes.
it's not even that good either.
more like, Rash, on my ass
Make a new thread
Because so far it feels like an absolute ass to play. I'm talking Ashen tier bad.
>it really is a good waifu generator
It should have been something along those lines. Why couldn't they just go semi-MMO and leave it at that? Or just make a persona-like anime souls with dating shit in it? Nobody is going to give a shit about the story.
>Inb4 they drop it the day of on E3 after a trailer since they won't be overshadowed with Sony and the usual regulars passing this year.
So do I find these other bosses by replaying or just exploring?
The game told you what you had to do after the story part.
sry i'm retard
I got up and left the room after I saw "thank you for playing"
go for normal swords, you regain like 2 ichor a hit and their drain attack is real quick
talk to the nigger.
> find a treasure chest
> a hoard of Lost invade you game before you even get to open the chest
That's the fastest I've ever hightailed outta there back to the Mistle. Picked them off one by one since they somehow afraid to get near the Mistle.