Thinking of picking this game up but wondering if I should get it for Switch or PS4. Are there any reasons to pick one over the other? Mostly talking about performance issues with the Switch version but if it runs fine the portability would be nice, I also just need more Switch games in general.
Hat in Time thread
It doesn't even have a solid release date.
Go PC for that juicy mod support.
get the pc version
>buying a tranny game
>threadly reminder
Buy on steam, game is mod/10.
This, pirate it.
Tranny thread? Tranny thread.
I'd get the PC version. It's simply the superior version in every way. You'll sacrifice portability but it's lasting power will be longer with DLC and even more so with mods which actually has an excellent range right now.
>Obsessed anons trying to post tranny shit when they could be posting cunny instead
What're you guys, gay?
plus you can mod out tranny discord garbage
Plus you can mod in custom hats with unique powers because this game is more than a fucking decal on a wall that I myself am yet to find while playing.
but more importantly, you can mod out tranny garbage
I haven't found it myself yet either but if I had to guess by the images it's in yellow overpass manhole
If your only option is PS4 or Switch, wait for the Switch version, as it's getting the Seal The Deal DLC, although the release date is nowhere in sight.
Thank you for telling me. I will now go find it, look at it for a few seconds and then shrug just like I did with the flag in Spiderman.
Unironically yikes
>Switch or PS4
Pick it for PC, it's the best version hands down, it can run on toasters too.
The PC version had mod support, and the modding community on this game is really active and there are many great mods worth trying. Also online play on PC is free and multiplayer in this game is really fun, and i usually ahte multiplayer games.
>This whole thread
It's a definite improvement over the mountain of cunnyposting Hat in Time threads used to be.
It's definitely an improvement over all the other hat in time related threads ive seen here recently
Any good mods you guys would recommend?
Map wise ones like Conductorware are obvious picks, many of the popular ones in general are good picks. I recommend you to check out the most popular ones on the workshop and try out the ones that seem the most interesting to you.
Conductor-Ware Smooth Moves is a personal favorite, but as of the most recent update, I've had trouble running it. There's also a great Spiral Mountain mod from Banjo worth looking into.
pc or switch, pc looks and plays better than ps4, but switch allows you to go portable.