How did you find a girlfriend Yea Forums?

How did you find a girlfriend Yea Forums?

Attached: impossible.jpg (2880x1620, 621K)

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Why you want a gf?

Just smile bro.

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by being myself

just bee your shelf

Well boy, that's quite easy! First, you must venture into the outside world, where many gals await your charms! To charm a girl, you must socialize with her, and see if you have any common interests, let it be sports, the community, your field of work, and so on. This is an important step, as couples are seldom to stay together if they have conflicting interests that can keep them apart. If your interests find common ground, and the gal falls for your charms, then you have just found a girlfriend and hopefully future spouse!

By going to the same school as her.

I've never had a girlfriend

Attached: 1546196019478.jpg (640x559, 43K)

did you just assume my relationship status

by being gay, finding a sweet boy, and snuggling him