*breathes in*
Other urls found in this thread:
Kojima you fucking boomer, I bet he likes water
>crummy pail of water fetching simulator
i'm in
Damn, that's deep. Cortana, play Welcome to NHK.
I hate everything popular
Yeah keep laughing like a nigger about it but you know he's right. The evolution of internet's sheltered communities and echo chambers has done more harm than good to us as a species. If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant. "Wow I sure am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums!" said no one ever.
I hate anything pretentious, and Death Stranding and Kojima represent it to a tea
Wow I sure am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums!
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant. "Wow I sure am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums!" said no one ever.
Shut up.
bros why did kojima betray us!?
this cant be happening!
wow I've never heard of that concept before
Shut up normal
It's not like I'd being doing anything productive anyway. I'm just lazy, it's not Yea Forums's "fault" or something
What the FUCK Yea Forumsros first he disses the GOD Emperor and now this?!
I just want to embrace the virtual world and forget about gay earth, fuck this so deep bullshit
Its probably the last game hes ever going to make so he wants to go out with something he wants to do. Every movie director has that passion project that they finally get to make after making money for Golbergjewstein.
But before Yea Forums I was still a shut in, reading books and playing games.
Funny that you mention that, but that was the major theme of MGS2. Kojima is actually pretty aware of trends and their logical outcomes.
>to a tea
Maybe it's just too big-brained for you, gaylord.
No what you have done is the opposite of growing. You're probably as emotionally mature as you were when you were 15. It's grown to the point where interacting with your own relatives is becoming somewhat of challenge.
Circlejerks are good. Whats the point of living in constant conflict
why was this only in the Japanese trailer? KOJIMA
>subjects are only ever allowed to be tackled once and then never again
You don't grow if you are never in conflict. But that is only if you want to grow. Life is a waste anyways :D
you social inadequates don't like having the mirror shone onto you, do you?
There is nothing left in the real world, only a fucking retard like Kojima wouldn't get this.
they literally say that in the trailer you dumbass
>You kids never go outside so I will make a game about running and playing tag with big sticks like in the old days
Based boomer Kojima
I had less contact with the world before the internet
I'm talking about real life, not a fucking post-doomsday scenario.
If he's using the game as a means to say "le go out and le have friends" then he's a mongoloid.
Growing up on crummy Yea Forums?
You should have been growing up on Pails of water!
Before I came to Yea Forums I was already a loser who read books alone and did pretty much nothing else.
>Implying he would do anything new with the formula.
reading books is unironically a better way to spend your time than getting involved in the same shit posting arguments.
Isn't Moot the best example of what this does to a person? Who knows what the fuck goes on in his head now.
people spend time on the internet because the world is shit, not the other way around
Disagreeing with another person and arguing and exchanging your opinions is healthy, even essential to the development of a person emotionally and intellectually. That's why average people in their 30s tend to be more mature than when they were teenagers.
You can disagree with 50 people on Yea Forums in an hour or ignore them and the impermanence and non-commitment to the argument means you're 100 times less likely to be challenged as a result.
I still read books but now I also get in the same shit posting arguments.
And I went from having no friends to having you guys.
How will user ever recover?
Born in 1985, can confirm.
God I wish I was disconnected from the real world.
Can't believe all these newfags and Lain-Trannies never played MGS2.
>And I went from having no friends to having you guys.
Yikes. People here aren't your friends. They don't know you. They don't care about you or anyone but themselves, and wouldn't notice if you died tomorrow. That's the very nature of an anonymous board. Kojima's message is directed to people like YOU why won't you understand that?
Retards actually believe Kojima's criticisms are as shallow as those from edgy outcasts who draw shit like this
Loneliness and isolation is becoming a serious problem in Japan
Unlike you, I actually take responsibility for my actions instead of blaming """"""society""""""
I chose to do this and I choose to do it now. I will live with those choices and I never once felt any regret for doing so. If not Yea Forums it would have been Twitter or Tumblr or Newgrounds, literally any online community besides Yea Forums.
Take your lack of responsibility and go elsewhere.
nice old recycled meme, Mister Redditkur.
He's a drone. Only using pre-scripted out of date memes like LE JOKER and SOCIETY. He has a livestream he needs to catch anyway.
Think about what fucking country Kojima is from for just a second.
It taught me to not take anything I read online seriously. I would be a complete SJW faggot if not for this place.
Also it made me immune to the kill yourself posts.
Yea Forums taught young me to be less sensitive and form my own opinions, so it wasn’t all bad.
I don't care, the fact that someone acknowledges me for a brief while, even if it's just to call me a faggot for liking a game he doesn't like, is good enough for me.
and I'm sure that's exactly how he wants it. Abandoning this soul crushing shithole is probably the best decision he's ever made
See This is like blaming men for not getting married, exact same thing.
100% agree
Play MGS2 newfag
You're asking a Yea Forumsdrone to think. Ha. Hold on gotta check Metokurs Twitter for the right response.
I hope I don't have a KF thread about my furaffinity yet!
Why does this concept trigger zoomers so much? Like I know you guys are the most delusional generation in history, but you guys are usually more (pretend) chill about stuff. Then the moment someone mentions something the slightest bit unnatural about your culture you chimp out? idgi
Born in 80s, had a healthy social life in my teens and early 20s because I didn't have 24/7 internet access. That changed when I got broadband. After that it was far too easy to shut myself in.
All you said is true.
And yet, they're better friends than the normalfags. Have you even spoken with normalfags about all the things you spoke about on 4gooks? I suggest you try.
No he isn't, oldfags proved him wrong already.
>Play MGS2 newfag
Been on here since 8th grade; am 26 now.
I had a good upbringing through high school even with Yea Forums. After that, not so much. But blaming it on a Cantonese comic book board would be silly.
>Yea Forums
>teaching anyone to form their own opinion
There is thick irony that you assume all here must have devoted a lot of time to this place. Yea Forums is very disposable, pump and dump, but where we are all user in one way or another it’s hard to tell if the group you are talking to now by majority is the same group that was here a year ago. Case in point, I just got back into Yea Forums of recent out of nostalgia talking about it with old friends, but If I never told you that, you could just assume I’ve always been here, or that I’m underage, or a tranny or a /pol/ tard, the only identity here is the one you put on it and the identity you have crafted of chained failures wasting away here is very telling of your current state.
I forgot, it doesn't have a battle Royale mode or gamer profiles.
It's a little old and complex for this website.
MGS 6 died for this shit
lol don't shatter the illusion he might snap
The area I grew up was packed full with playing kids as I grew up, we had lots of fun. It was dead by 1999 (I checked every year in the summer, still fucking dead), I moved on 2000, I was alone by the time high school ended in 2004, and college didn't change shit. It wasn't Yea Forums, I joined Yea Forums in 2006 when I was 21. I made a few friends at some gaming store around the time PS3 launched, bonded with them, got to do a few things with them at my place then theirs then outside, realized it'd all be superficial because by that age they all have fixed groups of whatever, you're just someone to talk random shit with, and I eventually moved on. The store closed, some of them moved on, some changed country, and so on.
People really, really overestimate the impact internet has on outcasts.
If anything, internet has a strong impact on normalfags, they are the ones that got hurt the most because they had attention before, they learned they could get more from instagram.
If I didn't have 4chins, I'd be a monk or I'd be dead.
Yea Forums has awoken me to the evil people of the world. They all have names and addresses.
i'm about to PUCH you in your BIG STUPID FACE STUPID
Battle Royales are too new and complex for this site.
Incel status: blown the fuck out
that's pretty ironic considering he can't spend 15 minutes without tweeting
>video game thats disconnected from the real world
Are you implying that ANYONE grew up in Yea Forums, instead of having it as a side website to chuckle on from time to time?
Arent you just a projecting loser?
I think it's like
>know your shit or get BTFO in arguments
As opposed to digging someone's post history to attack them.
ACKSHUALLY for me it has actually helped me not care so much about what people say about me and helped me grow a thicker skin. I got bullied a lot, but the pure unfiltered shittalking on Yea Forums basically made me immune to anything a normie can say to me.
But yeah, it's probably mostly been useless time wasting.
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant.
>implying I'd spend all that time doing something extremely productive instead of seeking another way to get my social interaction for the day without interacting with normals
MGSV was trash. MGS is anime garbage anyway. Let it go.
he's hitting 2 or 3 buttons. The controller auto snaps to put everything in place.
Try Brood War.
>great friends and huge opportunities
What a shit image, it implies everyone has access to this right in front of them. This image screams the perspective of one who had shit handed to them and can’t empathize with anyone less fortunate.
I’m reminded of the summertime memes where thread posting drops but somehow all the losers that keep posting here assume it must be a surge of kiddies posting out of school even when the traffic drops as much as a 3rd of what we get in the fall and winter
That's amazing, smartphone zombies ITT are genuinely upset right now.
If you were to ask me who I'd want to save, whether this person or my younger sister, I'd say this person in a heartbeat. This person has a much wider knowledge about people than you could possibly fathom. I posted this before and it made half the board seethe, people like , but he's absolutely spot on. Better than any shrink because you can tell he actually lived through it.
The only people that get mad at being told social media and internet addiction are severe problems are the ones that can't bear to go 5 minutes without checking their phones.
Yeah? What have you done about your situation then? Likely you have given up where you are already taken a SJW approach of crying that some people get the privilege of friends while you have to work for it.
>Hitting Close to Home: The Thread
It's been a while since Yea Forums has gotten this defensive collectively.
See It's everything addressed there: normalfags who think everybody is born from a position of undeserved unearned advantage like them decide everybody can be like them when it's clear they cannot.
>He suddenly shrinks back, "I've been found out."
Just because you can’t network doesn’t mean it’s an issue abroad
It's made you more confident in being a fucktard instead of examining what you could be doing wrong.
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant
I wouldn't give up my memories of this place for the world.
really makes u think...
>not like me who doesnt need a cellphone cus I never leave the basement
>insinuate that theres more to life than just the internet
>cretins start having autism fits at the thought that they're wasting their life
BASED Kojimbo
What a god damn hack
>He doesn’t know that was plagiarized from a book
Let’s hope your sister never needs your help
He's doing nothing wrong, you sound like a liberal retard right now.
This looks horrible. You people like this shit?
Life has gone for millennia without smartphones. No, you don't need it. You have simply been told that you do and you believed it.
you're half right, people speed so much on the internet because the real world is shit and boring, you can'd do anything fun anymore without people calling you or calling the police. This with the people staying more on the internet is just a symptom of a a sick society
link the book or kill yourself.
How is schlop posting so fucking funny
>always online open world like ubishit games
no thanks
Again, thick irony you generalize everyone else like you claim they are doing you. Stay in your prison.
It’s clear you don’t want people to understand your suffering, you just want an excuse to stay in it.
Wow, it was the box everytime.
I'd argue the most you need is a flip phone and that's because certain jobs expect you to be contacted at any given point in the day but you're right.
Maybe the only reason people depend so heavily on these "echo chambers" is because if you say this stuff in real life you'll be ostracized or even jailed in some scenarios.
hes right
I'm sorry you feel that way. Have sex.
Ah yeah, true.
It's also kinda easy to tell if someone is just parroting an opinion they've read on here.
But my old friends weren't normalfags. I wish I could see them often but they live far away
tfw spent my formative years on tumblr instead
still you're correct
Thats only because it didnt existed, ancient people would trade an arm for living here.
This reads like it was written by a fat neet who sits around in his room all day, doesn't exercise and spends too much time on the internet.
Completely filled with absurd fantasies he made up to convince himself that there is nothing he can do to change his situation and that it's all out of his own control.
People like him don't deserve sympathy. They wouldn't do anything useful with it anyway.
I am actually a very outspoken person on the issue. Do you know what their replies are?
Everything addressed in that wall of text, meaningless shit that doesn't work because it comes from people that made it up to feel like they needed to do something to earn what they got.
>>teaching anyone to form their own opinion
If you spend enough time on here eventually you WILL come across an opinion that gets popular on here that you find absolutely retarded.
Ancient people would wonder why is everyone around here so freakishly fat.
Nowadays you can get turned down from a job for not having a kikebook or something.
Also there are places where literally everyone and their mother has a kikebook account.
You have to go back
Outside of colleges no. Nothing happens. My board game group is two atheist, a Jew, three Christians and a two “drifters” and we had a long discussion about trans rights last night and we all got along in spite of different views. If you think the real world is as radicalized as the internet claims this is why these games are getting made.
Are NEETS masochists? You guys get such a hard on for any show that tells you it's all your fault.
With Death Stranding we have a bunch of Hollywood Actors and a B List Celebrity telling us to stop putting up walls.
I say give us a positive fucking incentive for a change.
I wonder if Death Stranding would have been about the dangers of Coffee Shops back in the 1400s.
You didn't read it because he addressed you too. I lived through it and I agree 100%. When I first read it I actually thought whether I was the one writing it while I was drunk, but I literally have never been on /r9k/ ever since I joined in 2006. A couple times on /adv/ and that's it.
The more you speak with normalfags on these issues, the more the disgust for normalfags grows strong.
Where you live bud? I really doubt it’s like that unless you are some 20 year old kid at a college campus. Different user if that matters.
user, I've been browsing vidya for a long time and I live a fufilling life. Internet is not bad, you're weak.
Some of them are, where do you think cuckold porn comes from?
Cuckold porn is "you're so fucking shit you don't even deserve pandering, you deserve to be cuckolded in your pandering". That's what it actually is.
People either ironically fall for the "Who?" bait, or people unironically don't know who Moot is.
What an abhorrent, self-indulgent post.
Is this what retards tell themselves to feel better about their own shortcomings?
Just watch Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Or TV in the 1970s
Most countries don't have free speech like the US and "discussing" trans rights doesn't mean any of you had opinions that would be considered extreme.
sorry zoomie but the death will await if you lurk even more with unawareness
That and they think they are “special” and need to cope with how they are more dumb than those they judge.
please kill yourself :)
I mean jesus fucking christ you're in the second post, have some self-respect and read that little will you?
>implying I would've gone out and socialized if the internet never existed
So you admitted burger land is better
Is this why Europe and whatnot are so obsessed with us is we can say a tranny is mental health and there is a very limited window on what people can do about it?
errbody triggered by this lmao
This, autism in the old times was probably hell
Fucking lost my shit to this
Not European but probably.
im pretty sure i hated normalfags and people in general way before discovering Yea Forums.
i was always a bitter cynical fag this place only lets me wallow in it.
Ever think that Bionic Woman and Bridges are the bad guys?
Remember those giant monsters who literally attach ropes to people and their response is to stab themselves to death rather than be connected?
Always beware of "Uniters" who act like they know how humans should live. The Pharoahs and Plantation Owners were pretty darn sure of how their slaves needed to be to operate well.
Based and redpilled.
They are retarded, they reason like boomers which is ironical.
Reading books is creative and keeps your imagination working. Zoomers lack imagination.
Also calling people nigger all day everyday isnt too productive either
the world will still be a clown world creating echo chamber and sheltered communities without the technology we have. What makes you think not having Yea Forums will make things better. We evolved from apes that eat their own so what makes you think we would be striving for the greater good.
I would. I would take it all back. Oh God
>social life
>great friends and opportunities
well while you shitpost for free, I do it on my work time, when theres nothing much to do
Connecting with others has always been an issue for me. There's always this emotional gap I can't bridge for some reason. It took a lot of strength to admit to myself that I long for at least one meaningful relationship, romantically or otherwise. I thought I had that in the past, but it seems so far away now. And not worth the effort, anyway. When nobody is around, I want company. When I am in company, I want to be alone. It's fucking frustrating. Even as socially detached as I am, I know that relationships of any kind don't work that way - you can't just switch them on or off whenever you need them. When you think about it, you fags are closest thing to that ideal. It's probably the reason why this place seems appealing to me and others despite the shitposting - companionship without any of the responsibility.
I have officially given up on people, but I will make one final effort. I'm currently writing several books through which I communicate feelings and ideas I wouldn't be able to share otherwise. Let's see how it goes.
>reading the news to go to work
Yeah, because that's only a Yea Forums problem. at least you won't get banned for said shitty opinion
There is only one thing I would take back, and I'm not kidding on this before people start memeing
>expect jrpg in 4k
>me from future appears
>what has Sony got coming from me?
>western games, trannies and minorities
I would fucking sell all my games and move to some remote place on the earth like Alaska or Tibet and never deal with people again, I swear to fucking god.
The amount of seething replies to this post only prove user and Kojima right. The internet has fucked us. When will you fags accept it?
I spend time on the internet because I never could relate to people my age. If there was no internet, I'd just read comic books like I used to
S-shut up
user if the thing you enjoy is a police call worthy, then there's a problem with you
Is Kojima intentionally framing the main cast as the Old Media to make a point about the internet?
Will Hannibal and Daryl have to fight E-Celebs like Jontron and Gamegrumps?
He was ahead of the curve.
I mean if you go around calling people niggers, sure. Otherwise no.
well you're a double digit then if this place made you immune to SJW crap. Just shows that you can't discern nothing at all and need to rely on a third party. I'm not same user btw
this is me
for me*
Not really, no, people got way more sensitive nowadays. We went from stone tossing as a kids' game to using the wrong pronoun.
>When nobody is around, I want company. When I am in company, I want to be alone
I know how that feels. Good luck with your books user
What about "you were born a man, you die a man"? It's the truth, but try and say it in real life.
The fact he is not liberal puts him in a clear advantage position, especially if he's white.
Yea Forums btfo
Thanks for this, I hadn't see it. I'm playing Res7 Gold right now and that tar monster reminds me of the Molded. I am unbelievably pumped for this game. I'd like to remind everybody how rare the events that led up to this game were. We have one of the video game industries only auteur being freed up for the first time, given an almost unlimited budget and state-of-the-art equipment to create a game with. It's not about multiplayer, it's not about loot boxes, it's not about microtransactions. If you love video games, if you've played them all your life, if you've watched the technology grow for all these years, you should be ecstatic that this is happening. We may never see an event like this take place in gaming ever again. I cannot wait, I am pumped, and you should be too.
So it’s about zoomers
I knew this was an anti Nincel game.
Kojimbo-bimbo will now say anything so you pay attention to his game.
It's nothing new. The thrill is in the chase, once you get it you realize it wasn't worth the chase. It happens with literally everything.
You haven't lived until the day you were at some guy's place for a Guitar Hero party and you literally fell asleep on the couch.
Do you think the average person is on board with trans identity issues? You can say things like that super easily and get away with it, many do.
Everything about this game is going to be shallow.
>40 replies
damn I wish I had that many (You)s
the mere fact you mention this parasitic word tells me i would want nothing to do with your cancerous ass
they can, but at a certain point you hear the same subject get talked about with the same perspective too many times, constant connection to the internet is definitely a topic that's getting annoying to hear about because it's low hanging fruit now, there are boomer memes every fucking day about how "kids these days spend so much time on the computer, this one time I saw a baby try to breast feed on a usb port." it's especially annoying because it makes the few good explorations of the idea start to feel kinda meh since these ideas get explored time and time again with nothing new getting added
How unbelievably sad for (You). I hope things get better friend.
This. Zoomers are growing up to be degenerates because of the internet
Thank you for reading this drivel. Good luck on your way, too.
He's not wrong. People are only friends if you have any value for them or because they look up to you. The lonely ugly freak can try his hardest to make friends but they have already placed him in that category from the start.
>Yeah keep laughing like a nigger about it but you know he's right. The evolution of internet's sheltered communities and echo chambers has done more harm than good to us as a species. If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant. "Wow I sure am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums!" said no one ever.
I mean arguing with faggots day in day out like you is tiresome, but it would be disingenuous fore to say I didn't learn even simple things from a variety of boards on Yea Forums. Yea Forums brought me to /ic/, /mech/, /int/, and Yea Forums.
Plus of course hentai artists and the such. Hell I'd say Yea Forums also introduced me to Warhammer, and Toku.
this looks fucking stupid
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant
I would not. Hell, I wouldn't do that in general, the internet has made me more social even if it's from the comfort of my own home. I am shit at talking with people and even shittier at small talk because all I do is play video games, barely watch TV, and dislike sports so good luck finding a middleground to speak about anything with anyone.
Because it is stupid. It's the video game equivalent of junk food or McDonalds. It will be consumed and then forgotten about.
I became a "NEET" so to speak after realizing that being hyper social just ain't in the cards for me.
It's both draining and difficult, and if you have one of those "moral centers" it feels shallow and transactional.
As for the "transaction" part, maybe I'm a sociopath. Or maybe I just notice patterns. There might be really vibrant friendships and bonds that exist - but to me I can only manage one or two close friendships at a time, and even then...
Oh, and also weird /x/ shit, but I don't have a solution to that so I'll just mention it.
>he actually thinks Yea Forums ruined his life
your life was already ruined lol, Yea Forums was just another way to waste time
>Game is an outcry against how society has become distant as we've grown consumed by technology over actually communicating like we used to in the past in person. The game is a commentary on how the world around us is falling apart while none of us care because we're too busy on our phones and laptops to stop and do something
>"lol Nintendo btfo"
He's a fucking mongoloid. The internet killed real life because it made possible for you to find people so close to your personality that real life in comparison was the shits, so when you deal with normalfags you go
>why bother putting up with them when I have my digital friends
And it's not even that wrong of an approach to take because normalfags have nothing to offer. If they have no connection, they can't get you pussy to fuck, what good is have them around? You can't even have decent local multiplayer tournaments anymore.
Of course, we all know the man with the thought provoking plotlines and top tier writing was Fukushima, Kojima is just an ideas guy.
just like there are winners there are also losers. If you can't grasp this fact then I don't think you deserve to live one single bit. There is no one there for you if you end up being of no value to them
>I've larned a variety of valuable things!
>For instance, beating my meat to hmofa
I once got that many replies for saying men should be the ones to make the first move in a relationship
Yea Forums actually gave me more social interaction than I had in my real teenage years back in the early 2000s, and I learned how to code from here, I learned how to speak bits of other languages from here, I made better friends on this shitheap than I ever did in real life.
Speak only for yourself, homo demon.
You do get disconnected from the real world.
Don't call me a neo-luddite boomer, you've seen people absorbed with the internet get riotous over nothing and obsess over drivel. Have some mindfulness so you don't become an insufferable internet NPC.
You're pathetic. Ive come exactly from the same place and I crawled the fuck out of that hole. I stopped feeling sorry for myself, stopped blaming others for my own shortcomings and over the course of 5 fucking years I worked my ass off to change my attitude and get somewhere in life I can feel the slightest bit of satisfaction for doing what I can for the only reason that if I don't do it, I slide right back into that mindset and I did it alone. No family I could rely on because they're all useless and zero fucking friends.
You don't know where I'm from or what I've been through, go fucking off yourself you useless piece of sludge.
Alex Jones was right. Globalists are using technology to subvert the population. It's alien.
>People are only friends if you have any value for the
Duh, if you realize this then you should probably make yourself valuable in some form.
If you had a thicker skin you'd ignore his flagrant comment
We aren't friends, you could honestly die tomorrow and no one would notice that you're gone.
Show me your victory royales and share your bliz username
yes the fact he's not a lefty does put him one up the ladder but you're missing the point, he is indirectly saying that he is shit for brains and needs someone to pander and in my eyes people like him are easy cannon fodder.
Ah, look, the self-hating user. The user so secure in his situation he sacrifices his past self and others on his alter to feel secure. "You're pathetic! And I'm not! I'M NOT YOU HEAR ME! I'M NOT I'M NOT I'M NOT!"
>mfw not relevant to me because I am a newfag
Shitposting isn't social interaction.
Its the lack of imagination, they just dont have it.
I had a debate over meatbuns with some zoomer couple of nights ago, he was calling them shit and I defended them. His only argument was that its the same shit no matter how you cook it, its the same ingredients every time so it is shit. I told him there is nothing stopping you from using fucking Kobe Beef instead of ground beef for the mass thats inside.
It completely blew his mind that you could change the ingredients, it never even occured to him that you could do something like that. It made me angry and sad at the same time. People like him that are dumber then your average retard will be in postion of power at some point. There will be no compromises, no negotiations no nothing. Fucking zoomer kids will nuke this planet in 50 something years.
And guess whats the worst part? Their kids will probably be even dumber when their parents have been raised by smartphones, spoonfeeding everything so they dont have to think and fucking Fortnite. World will burn in our life time, and there is nothing we can do about it anymore.
>implying I wouldnt have done something equally pointless with that time
Seething and projecting. But you know, stay in your room all you want.
I have literally 0 friends and I find you disgusting.
Why do you have to read over all that and ignore the parts where I did learn things from other boards. If you want the sauce it's JUN and that particular one isn't even my favorite from him, That would be the one with the small, disgruntled, drunk girl.
Compared to every mainstream website, Yea Forums is miles better. There are a lot of autists here who are absolute experts on one specific thing, and will gladly go on autistic rants from which you can get some information. I've learned more about history, literature, technology, and science from Yea Forums than I ever did from public school. Although, maybe my conception of Yea Forums is shaded by spending my fornative years here, and back then the site was basically one of the most mature public forums on the internet, where most forums were filled with children and insecure, fat, basement dwelling moderators. Now days seems like even Yea Forums is filled with people who have never had an original thought and can't construct a post longer than 10 words.
I never said you're my friend you stupid cunt, but I've made actual friends here, before this site turned to the politically charged garbage it is today.
Yeah I guess that's all you know.
Was this supposed to be motivational? You fucking clown.
Fuck social medias and the lack actual social connections and adventures it brings.
I wasted my years away while I was studying and got bad grades because I was connected to the internet 24/7 wasting my time.
Because he's not looking for help, he's looking for things he can use to justify staying in a miserable place
Take the Tedpill.
I've seen no evidence of anything you've mentioned since I've first started lurking here. I envy you/
Just don't hate your past self is really what I'm trying to say. He was you awhile ago. And he might be you again in the future.
No, people like you cannot be motivated or helped.
I agree.
Yea Forums is mostly fucking shit though and has never been good.
Only good threads on Yea Forums are the off topic ones
and how exactly is a completely disadvantaged person supposed to do this. However, if that person wasn't disadvantaged in all aspects but did make themselves valuable, what is even the point in doing so when they would just scrap you away when someone else comes along with even more of a value.
It's a mixed bag really. There's one time I end up in a discussion about a new multidrug resistant candida and how it can really fuck shit up in hospitals with some MD in oncology.
so where have you got exactly?
honest question.
Get some value then you faggot, no womder you have no friends.
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant.
I wouldn't because unlike most of you, I spent time on Yea Forums when I wasn't doing anything else.
I would take back the time I spent in World of Warcraft though that shit was completely useless lmao.
I dunno if it's the video compression or what, but the graphics kinda suck
The only reason I can stay away from "him" is by hating "him" and by telling myself the reasons why I should hate "him".
All metaphorical off course, but I believe that if you dislike a certain part of yourself, being it mentally or physically, you should do every little thing in your power to try and change that. This constant process and relentlessness self improvement is where I have found peace of mind.
>"Wow I sure am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums!"
Said literally me. Fuck off normalfag, the things I experienced here I never want to forget.
>I wouldn't because unlike most of you, I spent time on Yea Forums when I wasn't doing anything else
I think the point is you could have spent your time doing something valuable instead. Yea Forums does nothing but rot your brain away
and this is how i know i'm talking to a dip
That’s honestly very sad and pathetic.
Decent paying job, better connection with family. The ability to let go of bad moments in my past and to get over the traumas that used to really inhibit my life. New friends that I see regularly, lost weight, got some stamina by exercise. Stopped eating junk food, stopped drinking myself to death slowly. Brought my smoking down to a single cig a day from multiple packs a week and for the first time in my life the constant reliving of terrible moments of my past has stopped.
Yea Forums used to be good. Now it is Yea Forums 2.0 and Yea Forums is some sort of zombie board. Back in the day Yea Forums would play games together and it was a blast.
Nice blog.
That's actually really sad, user.
How would we go about making an Anti-Anti-Escapism game?
I've kind of had it up to here with Final Fantasy Tactics and Neon Genesis Evangelion telling me I'm the worst for being a nerd who doesn't want to wageslave or run marathons
Here's the issue with that.
The real world is connected to the internet.
If you're connected to the internet, you're connected to the world.
Nice reading comprehension fucktard.
Fuck off, problems aren't just junk food. I could not afford junk food.
I agree
You mean the fake world
I wonder if you see the irony that the normies he was talking about is you. That by typing this, you just validated everything that poor dude wrote.
I like this place, and I like you guys too. Even if I often call you names.
Wow that was a little too easy. You need to chill.
I came to that conclusion myself after seeing both sides. Never expected good boy points or whatever either.
You know, you're a pretty ok dude yourself mi amigo.
Real, real world is hypocrite and sycophant.
welp i glad things worked out for you.
you should realize that its not the case with everyone though.
Shitposting is more fun than any video game too. Those who seethe about this site are just failed normie ribbit tourists anyway.
I hate this place and everyone here. I do my best to shitpost and make it even worse
>everyone who's slightly better adjusted to the outside world than me is a normie
No, you're just the bottom of the barrel pathetic and looking for excuses to stay put.
He is the one homeless that won the lottery and calls himself a success story.
Pretending to be a resetera tranny is one way to do that I guess
Self-hatred is a strong motivating force to improve, unlike self-pity, that has never improved anyone or anything.
So Kojima is a fan of Tracer Tong I see
>the more you beat a dead horse the faster it runs
wow thank you based anime poster! now I see!
Again proving him right, congrats
The thing is, most people who it's not working out for are not working to achieve anything. They're just sitting on their ass all day not moving and shittalking on the internet. There are certainly people stuck at 0. But if you're on the internet, there's a pretty good fucking chance you're not among them.
>If Yea Forums was gone I'd surely be a productive member of society!
>If there was no Internet I'd be a much better person!
>It's nothing to do with me!
Whatever you say.
S s shut up
I often pretend to be a tranny or a fag. I also start console war threads all the time
And you're proving again that you are not looking to get out. Wallow in self pity some more.
Ah, but enough self-love will see ya through dark times, when folks with cruel intentions try to crush you by mocking all your efforts as useless.
Build enough self-hatred, and you might not have the resilience to know when it's all bullshit
>The thing is, most people who it's not working out for are not working to achieve anything. They're just sitting on their ass all day not moving and shittalking on the internet.
thats just your projections
>he doesnt like water
You're part of the reason this site needs to be purged of everyone in it.
user that's fucking pathethic
Someone said if you don't have debt or have a roof over your head then you're already better off than a ton of people.
But I had fun "rotting my brain away". It's not like it stopped me from pursuing my own goals, wich were also shaped by the time I spent here. I don't regret a second of it.
Sad compared to what? Not trying to be edgy but I'm a misanthropic sperg. Talking to the people and having a social life or whatever you fags are into is all boring to me. If I was forced to do that then I'd actually be miserable. I don't get why you find it impossible for someone to be happy on their own.
Read that WOT, the shitty normalfag suggestions are bullshit and it is fucking true.
I really don't blame you. You lack the empathy needed to understand a situation you aren't involved in yourself. I would advise you to be kinder to people.
>All this major seething and coping
>mah Yea Forums
Kojima is right again.
I prefer pokemon creatures.
>what is The Matrix
Fucking this!
There's more to this site's history than the last 4 years of Yea Forums.
I've had a lot of fun on this site.
Normalfags are just bitter they didn't get to experience it.
You mised his point retard.
I didn't say your self-hatred should be absolute. Dwelling on any emotion can be destructive.
There certainly are faggots in this world that are acting like faggots towards you just because they can, but what has it got to do with self-hatred?
Self-Improvement is snake oil, it works on slightly astray normalfags but not real outcasts.
He is doing well for himself.
this site has always been about making your own experience
the people who have bad experiences all the time are just retards
You are right. I can’t even remember how many time I have been banned for posting BLACKED porn.
Also I tell anons to have sex and call them incels lol :)
I gotta agree with you user. If it weren't for Yea Forums, I wouldn't have made the friends I have today.
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant.
muh free will
>I don't get why you find it impossible for someone to be happy on their own.
Hey! Not just on your own. Give your fellow anons some credit.
>say something excessively stupid
>people take the time to point out why this is stupid
>"T-this just proves him right!"
Based retard
Care to point out why it’s stupid?
Sad compared to at least trying to experience what life has to offer. There isn't exactly a dichotomy of irl and places like chans. I, for example, can't say which memories of irl or internet and vidya are my fondest. Saying that one is necessarily better is narrow minded, works both ways.
You're projecting. Stop trying to think for other people when you understand zero about them.
See the many comments of people who were outcasts long before Yea Forums.
Absolutely based, someone hit a little too close to home.
Did you not read his post?
No, he is a stupid fag.
I don't want to enable your escapist delusions by talking to you user. Have sex.
So do you understand zero about me.
I don't think for anyone, you fragile faggot. I am anwering a question, you phenomenal retard.
based and redpilled, as the kids say.
go echo chamber at resetera tranny
inb4 this thread get capped to r/Yea Forums and kikebook
humanity was always shit before the internet, tho
Alright assume the position
This. Even if we're just AIs or puppets or whatever, Yea Forums is a site where people socialize.
>The evolution of internet's sheltered communities and echo chambers has done more harm than good to us as a species
I still turned out to get a PhD and a 100k salary so I’m not too mad I’ve been here every day since 2007
>Funded my the Japanese government
Holy shit you can't even read your own posts. Fuck off retard.
Ok retard
We were already alone when cuckjima was still unable to spell his own name. Whoever blames the internet is a normalfag mong.
Lmao look at all the angry losers replying to this. Based as fuck for telling the truth.
>You are a faggot for stating a fact that many other people noticed
Same logic that makes you 'racist' for citing crime statistics.
Your point?
>implying that the "hack" can actually say something more profound about it
>I take everything on chans literally
question is are you okay though?
You're just a double digit nigger that can't into abstract thinking.
The way he phrased it sounded sad, I explained to him why.
I can be productive while calling someone a nigger. Not my fault your lack multitasking skills
what's the fucking point of saying something that everyone already knows? To remind us? If Death Stranding/Kojima are going to change the way how people think or act or I don't know... change the way games are played, then I'm going to drown myself in toilet water.
why are we here
just to suffer
>what's the fucking point of saying something that everyone already knows?
Because people need to have the truth bashed into their skulls
no u
as if anything is going to change the world
We live in a post-truth era.
Well you don’t stop calling fat people disgusting and laughing at their faces jut because they know they are fat.
It’s constant motivation until they stop being nasty fatties
>what's the fucking point of saying something that everyone already knows?
Because it's important to someone saying it, and he/she wants to share it with others? I know it's hard for autistic people to understand this, but that's how most discussions work, and fiction is kind of a monologue/dialogue
> If Death Stranding/Kojima are going to change the way how people think or act or I don't know... change the way games are played, then I'm going to drown myself in toilet water.
Who the fuck cares
Dangerously redpilled
I think you're a fucking nigger, just wanted to share that because it's really important.
true I'd probably have ended up acting on one of the four girls that blatantly liked me and started lifting.
>constant motivation
You're predictable, user, but thanks for a good giggle.
You don’t think subhuman fatties are motivated by being ridiculed and looked down upon every day?
Nah. I learned english here and finish my carreer laughing everyday. I also fapped a lot but I have a spouse, anyway.
You're not making fun of fat people as a benign act to make them improve themselves. Just accept that you're a bad person and you're doing it for your own amusement at their expense.
He's being successful
.>old recycled meme
Yeah. "INTERNET BAD". Sure is.
>b-but I've always been a shutin!
Difference is before the internet you were either forced to confront the real world when you became an adult or end up in the gutter, which is where the majority of us actually belong.
Fuck P*kachu that coal burning whore betrayed us.
Pik*chu got #BLACKED
>denying that fear of being shamed is the greatest fear of a normie
>I learned english here and finish my carreer laughing everyday
You are surely still learning
Nobody knows the entirety of their language unless they’re nigger
Fuck no, I'd been given shit for being fat most of my life and I only ever did anything about it because of how it was impacting my health. Could not care less about the retards trying to make me feel bad about myself for fun.
You're welcome.
SJW who live on twitter btfo
It’s the greatest fear of the basement dwellers here too.
Why else would they have anxiety of being in public and not being able to hold conversations with other people? Let alone lose their virginity and go to job interviews
Why does Yea Forums like the nigger laugh so much tho?
Is it because theyre sissy w*hite bois?
Stop being lazy and lying to yourselves. You feel inferior for a reason.
It has come to my attention that you have not only created a low quality "bait" thread, but you also didn't take the time to properly write intentionally infuriating content on your text.
Normally I would ignore such a foolish thing, like one must do on the daily when it comes to low quality content on Yea Forums's Yea Forums- video game board. It's to my understanding that the younger users do not fully know of our history, and the old rules are often forgotten. However, I have not forgotten. Should you feel the need-- for whatever strange reasons your own psyche conjures-- to post such low quality content, it was almost mandatory in the old days to at least try. Your post does not indicate that you tried at all. In fact, your post barely counts as real text, let alone something that deserves its current 300+ replies, not including this one, as this one is to be considered guidance. This board's post quality has drastically gone down. I expect only an ironic reply born from modern day internet "memes" and cynical generation Z quirks, which is why I also expect you to realize your own predictability. What I implore you to do is to, next time, try harder with your post's text. I am fully aware that if you are capable of summoning such an aura of cynicism and irony in your life, you have enough wits about you to at least try harder in creating better text for the purposes of infuriating others. Or I would like to believe that, at least. As it stands, I have no doubt that your low quality post is a direct reflection of your poor character and mannerisms in real life.
To save yourself from the embarrassment, I expect you to prove me wrong next time.
Social media has made everyone such blithering retards that I would give up the advancement of the internet if it meant that it never existed at all. There is no greater evil in this universe than fucking Twitter.
If anything Yea Forums set my life straight and I'm on the way to be very fucking successful and I'm already happy and fit anyway.
It was never a waste and this website might be the only worthwhile thing on the internet, since everything else is fake and doesn't hit you hard with facts. Yea Forums literally promote the values of your liberty, how to deal with it and how to git gud and stop being a loser sheep normie. Meanwhile the rest of the internet is crying about being offended, as if being offended and setting yourself straight isn't the best path of success.
Fucking hell I hate dumbasses like you who don't understand this place.
OY vey
Now you're just projecting, because I don't feel inferior and never implied that I did. Did you even read my post? You sure you're not the one lying to yourself by denying that someone like me exists?
Twitter didn't make people dumber it just exposed you to the pure retardation that frequently goes through normalfags heads.
>Yea Forums
>not fake
This has to be one of the fakest sites in existence. Lies and shitposts galore
Of course it made people dumber, just like Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook.
How the hell can I project when I’m the opposite of fat? Learn the definition you retarded blob of mayonaise.
Take your XXXL sized stained t-shirt off and go talk to a group of good looking women, I dare you.
>If you could take back the years you wasted on Yea Forums you would in an instant
was with you until this part
I'm not even fat. I'm the one telling you to stop lying to yourself and recognize that your reason for making fun of fat people is solely for your own delight. You're not trying to do good or help them.
I'm not even telling you to stop making fun of them. I just hate it when people try to justify their malicious actions as being righteous or good.
OP, I'm sorry I have to say this but the game is meant for people like you
>waaah don’t hurt muh feefees
So fragile
>learn the definition
Irony. And I have plenty of times before, because I like to go swimming and can actually speak to people. You also seem to think I'm still fat for some reason, so I guess you can't read on top of lying to yourself.
I don't undestand how you can be delighted about someone else's misery. Being fat sucks, and by telling a fatty "go excercise" is not something that could give any pleasure, you're basically giving free advice.
>I like to go swimming
Yes whales swim that is widely known
>entire board btfo
That'd be a good ass joke a couple years ago, but I can see you still haven't quite gotten the whole literacy thing down yet. It's okay user, if I can lose weight then you can learn to read someday too.
It only comes across as pretentious because you are a dumb dumb who gets mad and cant understand things
nah i hate real life
>it's 2deep5u
shut you fucking nigger
>Being fat sucks, and by telling a fatty "go excercise" is not something that could give any pleasure, you're basically giving free advice.
I don't think "go exercise" can be put on the same level as:
>Well you don’t stop calling fat people disgusting and laughing at their faces jut because they know they are fat.
>You don’t think subhuman fatties are motivated by being ridiculed and looked down upon every day?
The guy is finding delight in making fun of fat people. Lots of people do this, but this guy can't handle the fact that he's doing it maliciously and makes up reasons for himself to justify his behavior.
at last i see....we truly do live in a society...
It only let the weak do that. Cowards that had more pride than intelligence. The rest of us are just fine
But do go on and label me and put me in a box like so called normies have done you
nothing in the material so far looks like it's about that at all though.
>Zoomers getting butthurt about a game telling them to fuck off their internet lives
Let's all love Kojima!
Let's all love Kojima!
Let's all love Kojima!
Fat people need to be shamed otherwise the majority of these lazy slobs wont change.
They’ll be happy and look down upon other fatties once they lose weight and become fit
I for one welcome i our hyper reality. The fake will superseded reality itself.
yes it does, youre just brainlet
call me when you can greentext and post funny gifs irl faggot
This but unironically
Just for you, dumb dumb
This is shaping to be the game of a generation and one of the best pieces of gaming ever. Your loss.
Misaki, I guess we really are Ergo Proxy.
>If anything Yea Forums set my life straight and I'm on the way to be very fucking successful and I'm already happy and fit anyway.
Yea Forums has very likely nothing to do with that, and your special case has no bearing on the norm.
>It was never a waste and this website might be the only worthwhile thing on the internet, since everything else is fake and doesn't hit you hard with facts.
Uh huh. Just because you can say faggot and nigger without punishment and don't have a post history doesn't make this place authentic and genuine. Sure it is more than the average forum on internet, but how low of a standard is that? It offers an illusion of real discourse stripped from the veneer of political correctness, but doesn't actually deliver on it.
>to a tea
The internet has allowed us to be connected as never before. If thats a bad thing its because we are a bad species not because communication is bad.
It’s not wrong. The user who wrote it has done nothing but write an essay on why the world rejecting him
Everyone here
Read Coddling of the American mind
That book clears up a lot of this on both sides
crackers have no excuse
dumbass nihilist. Jesus died for your sins, and most people are generally good people who don't want to make problems. Humanity isn't a bad species.
>that pic
Motherfucking SOURCE
Only thing this pathetic thread needs is a wojack edit of OPs pic to make half of you giggle like school girls and the other half pop blood vessels over the fact you wasted time here.
i don't need to gaslight myself into some philosophic dread. The world sucks, but it's better than the alternative (death)
cringe and triggerpilled
You'll ruin your eyes sitting so close to the TV, Jack
The real world is fucking shit
>everyone is mean if you aren't pretty
>economy keeps most people as working poor so they spend all their money on distraction
Some pretentious nip telling me my only escape from this dogshit world is "bad", fuck him.
is gaslight when you try really hard to push out a fart and you start seeing lights
>the internet is bad
>would page 10 no issue before the 50th post if that
>the internet is bad
>416 posts
You can’t say something hasn’t broke in these anons...
Happy I can say I’m not in that group
A lack of humanity is the reason why it’s bad.
You think the faceless corporations and rich people worship Jesus? No they prey on the lower masses by by dangling unobtainable carrots on sticks in front of them.
Depression and a lack of feeling content in life is on the rise because people are constantly bombarded and stimulated by the internet, social medias especially.
It’s not even what you think, the book is more a combo history and help/motivation to do better
Ah yes,. I'd much rather spend my time making bastards with Western women, smoking the good 420, and frequenting bars.
Point is, you only know the real world is shit because you are connected to the internet.
Without that connection you would be ignorant of the world, for better and worse.
>this is your average 18 year old doomer
>all these morons trying to get into the screenshot
joke's on you guys, you literally are the joke
I've spent these decades on Yea Forums arguing with people. Arguing constantly has sharpened my debating skills, my social skills, and my rational brain. Talking to people anonymously has improved my intuition.
Being anonymous and being criticized purely based on what I have done has improved my introspection and self awareness.
Yes, I stayed inside and didn't party or make many friends. But all of my old friends got pregnant early and/or addicted to hard drugs.
Now I have a cozy life with a wonderful wife and we talk about everything and spend all of our time together.
That's a strange conclusion to jump to, especially since echo chambers have been brought up. You're not really communicating ideas in an echo chamber or challenging your beliefs, merely listening to yourself and feeling validated by it.
Internet has connected us more than ever and also isolated people in their bubble more than ever. There this underlying fallacy that a world-changing technology like the Internet can somehow not shape people's behavior in ways we cannot anticipate as well. Social media has had a profound effect on the newer generation. Yea Forums as well for other people. It's not NEW THING BAD, it's just you can only realize it in hindsight, not in the moment.
Digimon Cyber Sleuths made this point years ago.
Based truthteller
How can you "have" a Yea Forums?
>When you absolutely, positively, got to trigger every motherfucker in the room
The post that killed Yea Forums
>pokemon go characters
*pokemon creatures
The one thing the internet and this site specifically gave me was a thicker skin. Honestly have no clue where I would be if I was as much of a pussy as I was. Maybe I'm not in a great place, but it could be worse. I think.
not one soul:
kojima: Internet is bad!
wowsers what an idiot
>the black goo in Death Stranding is just how zoomers see water
it all makes sense now
Wasted my fucking time reading this nonsense and there are really only two ways to see it:
First: That really is from the POV of a total loser who doesn't want to improve his circumstance. No one said it would be easy, but it's not impossible. Telling yourself it is, is an excuse, no matter how well written. Dude could've have been a pretty decent psychologist if he'd applied himself at all.
Second is: Good. Natural selection is a thing, and if you're that absolutely hopeless, don't breed or spread your ideas anywhere. Stay in your room, die quietly, and don't come out. This saves everyone from further suffering.
i have no opinion but want to reply too cause everyone else did
Some aspects of the internet are extremely unhealthy.
Fear mongering, cruelty and addiction being the main ones.
Wow this place really is being take over by normalfags.
I fucking told you faggots once, I've told you twice, I've told you third times. Now I'll tell you again: DEATH STRANDING IS A DIRECT SEQUEL TO MGS4 ABOUT THE PATRIOT AI'S S3 PLAN. SAM BRIDGES MANAGES PORTS AND CONNECTIONS BETWEEN AI CLUSTERS.
>"I-it's pretentious"
>meanwhile Kojima is openly expressing his stress, discomfort and anxiety on twitter
It's obvious that he legitimately cares and wants to deliver a good product and isn't convinced that whatever he makes is gold.
yikes, instagram memes now huh
I am glad I spent my formative and young adult years emotionally growing on Yea Forums
I will not be denied.
I do
I learned English here which decided my career
I'd be a taxi driver without Yea Forums
>100 replies
>communities must be diverse in thought or else it turns into a sheltered echo chamber!
>but societies must be homogeneous for everyone to get along and work towards common goals
>to a tea
Summarizes these kind of people perfectly
Isn't one of the Metal Gear games about passing down genes? Don't see why Yea Forums is soiling out over this. Is micro penis this desperate for an xbox release?
>none of the butthurt denial replies will be read because the sheer volume of (you)'s has proven this user inarguably correct
Where the fuck else would I be if not here?
Is this the part where you brag about how perfect your life is now? Your six digit salary, your hot girlfriend, six pack abs, 2 million dollar mansion, and how we can all do it too if we just apply ourselves?
Probably an hero
I'm glad I did. I started browsing this site when I was like 11 years old and I've browsed it almost every day since. I attracted people who had weird Yea Forums brand senses of humour irl from high school and we're still friends to this day. I don't regret it because I thoroughly enjoyed it all. My only regret is that the site couldn't be saved.
Enjoying life with a girlfriend you love
That logic only holds when you're arguing and exchanging opinions as a way to investigate truth and not just a sophomoric pissing match in order to feel like you've "won" the argument any cost. It doesn't work when all sides are just arguing in bad faith will never accept logic or truth as an argument and is the kind of person who resorts to meme liners with 0 substance anytime their views are questioned. How does proving that idiot wrong help you develop emotionally or intellectual? You'll only look like an idiot doing it because the entire conversation will sound pathetic. A child stomping vs. an adult too stupid to know not to argue logic with children. NO ONE benefits from this sort of exchange.
since about a hundred people replied to this post, i'm gonna call it based and redpilled.
holy shit
>if a post gets a lot of replies that proves it's true
Up vote my fellow redditor
People here are completely delusional, don’t even bother.
Bud I found my wife of now 12 years here
Would not trade that time for anything
I've been here since I was 20 years old, I was fucked before I ever came here, in fact I came here BECAUSE I was fucked. Can't regret losing a childhood I never had.
Yeah, the message is more on a macro level than just "jimmy stays on his phone all day long, oh no". The meme culture internet helped develop has made everyone more extremist. There is no room for discussion and analysis, only volume.
And then the less well-adjusted people take these shouting matches to heart and end up shooting a crowd.
how did this unexceptional post get so many replies? There's pretty much a "get off Yea Forums" post in nearly every thread per day but they usually get only 4-5.
>found my wife on Yea Forums
The black people in that situation would NOT have sad faces, they would be physically attacking the white person who is pushing through them.
16 you olds who disagree with this post will regret it in 10 years, t. boomer.
yeah as if everyone is just handed a gf when they unplug their computer
I'm 30 years old and have been here for longer than 10 years. That post is wrong
I'm only suicidal when I'm riding my motorcycle.
What girlfriend? I've never had one. I'm too much of a retarded fucking aspie to hold a meaningful conversation with women. I'm not sure if I even have any friends anymore.
... Yes? You didn’t know?
was it on /pol/ or /ck/ ?
>don't want a relationship with anyone
haha what now normie?
That wasn’t uncommon a few years ago. Moot even shared that story where he met many couples irl that hook up on Yea Forums, places like r9k, co, a and b. I even got a few gfs here. Tinder fuck that all up.
He's not wrong despite being a hack
There is a community house for retarded and disabled people nearby in my city.
I often see the ugliest drooling mongoloid couple wobbling around.
Literally anyone can get a girlfriend.
He's not wrong because he's not a hack
Tinder, plus this place somehow got more bitter and vapid as time went on
I’ve only seen a few fuckable girls on /soc/ and /fit/.
Then again I’m pretty good looking and normal, so most girls browsing this place would be below me.
You missed out a lot if you weren’t a teen here back in 07
/r9k/ of all places, was a meet up in OR.
But why would you want to be with an ugly drooling mongoloid?
Yes technically anyone can get a girlfriend, that doesn't mean they should.
I fucking love Yea Forums and wish I had discovered it earlier so I could have spent even more time on it.
Beggars can’t be choosers
>post that broke Yea Forums
you're welcome
hat's beyond redpilled. That's fucking infraredpilled.
>post yfw Death Stranding is shit
User count has been going down for a good ten years now. I’m worried we are getting the left behind types