>enemy can negate projectiles
Enemy can negate projectiles
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thats stupid
someone post legolas_stairs
God the hobbit movies were terrible but 3 was just a whole different level of shit.
If you're capable of launching those, why the fuck are you not launching dozens of rocks instead?
can anyone point me to the best fan edit of this spectacle?
>disciplined samurai can deflect incoming bullets with his katana of destruction
Based manlets
A reminder that Sauron lost a fight to a dog.
Why would you just not launch a shit-tonne of them? They plough through the Elven army, just pop a few more off and then mop up what's left.
That reminded me of HE swordmasters
They could be incredibly hefty to lug around
reminder that this movie made Ian McKellen cry on set because it was so soulless
I dont get it
is the coin heavier on the side than on its edge?
What a shitty movie. Goddamn.
>no more happy new year vids
in his defense, dogs are scary, and it was a pretty big dog
>dogs are scary
Only if you are not white.
>watching hobbit movies. bored out of my mind with cgi shitfest
>watching Gozilla KOM. cryin at how bad good it is
Not really, dwarves are engineers and they're fighting an army with archer platoons.
Or if it's owned by a non-white. Or a woman. Or anyone else who don't think to raise their fucking pets. #1 things you're on the lookout for when walking yours is fucking dog owners. Mad cunts.
What are some games about kinslaying?
reminder that this movie completely obliterated workers rights for kiwis because wb threatened to pull out of nz if they didn't kneecap unions.
I don't disagree that the hobbit films are garbo but I don't see how they're considerably worse than LotR. This film universe always sucked.
>short sword outranges pikes
This always makes me mad
Crusader Kings 2
Technically when something has rotational energy it does get "lighter", but I doubt that's what they were going for
They did
Still stupid, such ballista projectiles wouldn't work at all and even if they did they would only destroy a couple of arrows at best.
The CGI and choreography get a lot of flak, but even the direction and editing are distractingly awful. What was the purpose of that cut to dwarves cheering?
When he surfed on that orc, I couldn't help but think of Devil May Cry: Middle Earth Edition.
Thats doesnt break a single physical law
>Azog has those gigantic worm things
>Uses them to move fodder forward instead of just eat the masses of dwarves and elves
What the fuck was this movie
And there it is.
>elves rooted in tradition that never changes
>dwarves invent something to counter their biggest strength
Dwarves > Elves.
just like in video games
I liked An Unexpected Journey
Not him, but a person would require a tremendous amount of energy to jump from a falling object, certainly enough to impulse one of those bricks to supersonic speed downwads, but then again "elves have light feet" so that magic may be applied here too.
>Total war: Fantasy dlcs
>Famous for its horrible autocorrect
>Could have just fought the battle normally and win easily against a couple of dwarves with no losses.
Not very convincing.
I'll never understand what brainlets see in this over the top CGI bullshit.
It just got worse and worse
Him falling on the bridge and breaking in didn't make sense.
I mean, it's stupid as fuck but Legolas is literally inherently magic and can walk on top of snow and what not with zero problems.
>Engaging in close quarters when you can just launch more projectiles
God I hate Hackson
Medieval war is boring as shit, the only way to make it cinematic is to put ridiculous stuff
Oh, it takes me back.
I don't recall the Dwarves and Elves even fighting in the book. I'm pretty sure the Orcs/Goblins showed up before they got handsy.
I was so drunk when I watched these movies I don't even remember these scenes, holy shit, that's bad.
I actually really liked this sequence though.
that is almost possible. Thing is, that elf dude must have insane jumping strength while being very light. Kinda like grass hopper
Desolation of Smaug > An Unexpected Journey > Battle of the Five Armies
magic dwarf runes
I don't blame him. I don't mind a bit of levity, but this dumb slapstick shit was so out of place.
how did they get away with CG this bad?
I'm angry about elves.
How on Earth do you go from lotr to this shit?
The unbelievable stress of having to to te around a literal artifact of darkness, the relationships it destroys, the people it corrupts, the death it causes...
>The Hobbit:
Executive meddling, probably.
it was because this was the typical film set
Don't worry, even though I was sober I don't remember most of those either.
So many experts in dwarf pretend engineering here
you didn't see any of them. These are the deleted scenes of the movie.
I don't remember this scene. Is it from the BDs?
I like to think of the Hobbit movies as being the exaggerated and whimsical version that Bilbo would tell people back in the Shire, and not how the journey actually went.
Hobbit, overall, is a vastly more silly book.
It's pretty obviously a childrens book.
Let's assume that legolas is a twiggy boy and weighs at most 150 pounds.
For him to move vertically upwards, he needs to exert over 150 pounds of force on those stones
Lets say that each brick he jumps off of weighs on average 100 pounds
The brick is already in free fall, so it would provide almost 0 resistance, aka foothold for him to jump.
He would need to push down with roughly 2000 pounds of force on each brick to jump only to the next brick, and no higher
The brick that he leapt from would accelerate to nearly 650 miles per hour downwards, nearly breaking the sound barrier
This would make Legolas the strongest LOTR character.
Those look quite a bit lighter than rocks.
Literally every elf wears armor, though. I'm pretty sure Legolas has chainmail under his shirt.
Shit, the Elves are actually fucking renowned for their armor smithing.
The idea itself was bad. Dwarves are known for their more advanced technology and thick armor. Oh and no cavalry. Would've been much better to see slow regiments of dwarves with thick armor and huge shields slowly approaching the elves, while the elves try to shoot them with their arrows to no avail thanks to dwarven armor. So most arrows would literally just be deflected.
Maybe instead of those weird ballista things they just should have come out with cannons or very advanced trebuchets or onagers. That would've been amazing.
How they were portrayed in that movie had absolutely nothing to do with dwarves.
your brain tries to protect your sanity
try regressive hypnosis if you want this horrible memory back
The fact that they made this simple bit of fun on the journey into some kind of epic grandiose action piece just disgusts me on a physical level. But then that's basically the story of all of these movies.
>be world famous actor
>they stick you in a green room where you can't even see another human's face and tell you to act
Video games.
This is one scene I don't actually mind. Elves are supposed to be bullshit and this is bullshit but it's the type of bullshit you should expect from elves.
god the Hobbit was terrible
how is he falling that fast
The dog had in-universe plot armor though.
It's actually in line with the lore. Elves are supposed to be barely weighting anything. You can see Legolas in the LotR movies walking over snow without sinking in.
The Hobbit was supposed to be much more of a children's book then LotR as it was written first and Tolkien did it to make a story for his kids. They were teens when Tolkien wrote the trilogy which is why they were much more mature. The problem is that factor doesn't really translate well into the movies which is why for instance we get talking slapstick trolls instead of the cave trolls and olog-hai we get in the LotR movies.
Corporate and executive interests are effective at sucking the soul out of anything. Also doesn't help Guillermo del Toro left the project for two movies and they dragged Jackson kicking and screaming onto set where they dumped the half-baked shitshow onto his lap and had him make two movies into three.
That honestly improves my opinion of the film immesnly, fuck unions.
Because they mostly followed the books.
huh. is that because it's generating an ever so slight amount of lift or something?
I guess nothing is all bad, eh. Still, fuck it.
I'm pretty sure snow walking was a blessing they received during the first age.
I don't think this scene would get so much shit if it wasn't so poorly filmed
I didn't really notice how absurd the film was when I first watched it but this shit jumped out at me, its poorly shot but not the fun bolywood type of poorly shot.
>Might as well die.
LotR was a masterpiece with a lot of soul put into it. The hobbit on the other hand is literally cash grab, a leech that wants to suck off from the success of the LotR trilogy.
There's no excuse for this, they made a physical set for the LOTR they should have been able to do it for the hobbit.
itt: illiterate retards
Elves quite literally are light as feathers
Hell, even if you havent read the books the movies show this by having leggolass stand on snow instead of walking through it once
If you read the books, this actually makes a surprising amount of sense based on how the elves are described
There was a physical set, just Ian had to be composited into it to make it look like he was bigger than the dwarves and Bilbo. Apparently being filmed in 3D and 48 FPS kind of screwed with the forced perspective techniques they used to make him look bigger in LotR.
That was the greatest dog of all time tho
Also the guddest boy
>tfw morgoth nearly loses to a spider
The problem isn't that it happened, the problem is how dumb it looks
Well yes, he's an elf.
y tho?
Why would anyone turn such a nice children book into such stupid shit movie?
because they made the shortest book in the series have nearly the same amount of screentime as the rest of the entire series
New Zealander here. Lord of the Rings was our national pride for so long. We banked on The Hobbit taking that further, now we just pretend it never happened. What the fuck was Jackson thinking?
lmao ok, looks like you don't know anything about alternative elves
is there a schematic on the whirligig ballista bolt things?
Legolas is so light he could walk on snow in Fellowship
Why are dwarves such autism magnets?
>tfw no lore-raping Shelob gf
they CG'd every single dwarf and hobbit into the movie meaning meaning he was usually on set alone
Actually fuck it the entire movie was in CG
>implying NZ unions are like American unions
>Can't see the point of them when it's demonstrated right fucking here a corporation did dirty business to remove them so they could turn workers into basically slaves to churn out a soulless garbage product
Legolas definitely weighs less than that. Elves are magical beings and said to be very light.
Because they weren't created by Eru and were forced to live underground. Centuries of confinement and mediocre creation will probably do that to you.
>because they made the shortest book in the series have nearly the same amount of screentime as the rest of the entire series
The hobbit movies are shit, but this is not the reason.
Fact of the matter is that while the LotR movies are good movies, they're shit adaptations and they're way too short for what they're adapting.
Now I am not saying that the Hobbit movies are good adaptations, because they're not, but with 3 movies they had the potential to be.
The entire argument of "the lotr trilogy was only 3 movies, so the hobbit being a fraction of it never should be!" is stupid. It's stupid.
cgi was a mistake
The issue is the Hobbit didn't have nearly 4 years of preproduction that the LOTR had.
They also changed to 3 films pretty much at the last second and peter hackson didn't want to rock the boat by saying he needed more time.
I liked the movies because they contained so much scenes that were over the top, or as dmc players would say, crazy. It was like watching Resident Evil Vendetta in some way.
I can totally understand why Tolkien fans would be mad at those movies. But I had my share of fun.
I suppose that's understandable.
>not watching extended edition
best 12 hours of my life
I still can't believe that actual gopro footage got into the release cut
that fucking barrel scene is enough to make everyone involved swing
Dungeons and Dragons elves also wear armor.
High Elves and Dark Elves wear plate mail, and Wood Elves also have their own form of armor smithing.
How alternative do I need to go here? If you're going to be a faggot and bring up Eragon then you deserve to be insulted for reading Eragon. You can't even say the Squirrels from the Witcher because they wore chainmail and laminar. And Every faction of the Mer had their own sets of armor ranging from light to heavy as well.
Also, the big tiddy hentai elves don't count either.
wait wtf
I don't remember this shit at all
what in the fuck
>and peter hackson didn't want to rock the boat by saying he needed more time.
And he fucking should have. Has he publicly apologized for this trainwreck yet?
It's the opposite issue, overall.
the LOTR has to cut a lot to fit into 3 movies and the Hobbit has to just make shit up to fit into 3 movies.
The original concept of just 2 would have had vastly less bloat.
Is this actually Ian crying or was this part of the scene?
He basically stands by it. To this day he will not admit that the studio was pressured at all to do anything.
He's lying to save face, basically.
What's confusing is that there's still some stuff from the Hobbit book missing in the films even though it seemed like they were trying their hardest to stretch it out
Why wouldnt this work tho
They took a short children's fairytale book and tried to turn it into a serious epic fantasy trilogy.
They had to make up a lot of shit, most of it turning out bad.
The Hobbit should have just been one film. Maybe make it 3 hours if need be, but it didn't even need to be 2 films let alone fucking 3
Now that I think about it, dorf gote cavalry sounds like a grand idea
Smaug was the best part of these movies, so therefore Desolation of Smaug is the best of the three.
But it makes him look like an incompetent faggot. He's losing face to try and save face?
I fucking miss those.
>and the Hobbit has to just make shit up
>has to
No. They chose to make shit up since they wanted to wank LotR and the bigger universe and figured adding shit would be effective at that. Not to mention the shit they added for other reasons such as to appeal to certain demographics.
But the actual Hobbit content suffered because of it. There is a ton of shit from the book missing from the movie while they chose to do their own original content shit.
It's amazing how they managed to make her look like someone who actually fucks giant spiders.
>that retarded ending sequence with him
So why the fuck is he falling at 10 times the speed of the boulders in freefall? He's just casually hopping between them, full, perfect arcs.
The fact that him weighing fuckall doesn't fucking matter whatsoever for falling speed and is a completely irrelevant interjection, why in the hell is he falling so fucking fast?
Those faces on sticks look scary
>too agile, armor would only be a detriment
if you elves were so great why don't you wear armor anyway
... galo sengen !
>check old folder with like 50 of those
>they're all fucking terrible
>wonder why bothered to save
well, found something to delete
They basically had to cut hobbit shit to fit into a 3 film structure.
Each movie has to have its own climax, own ending, etc.
It caused massive issues in terms of overall content.
Wouldnt this at least reduce the landing?
The third film would have been measurably improved merely by changing the name to "There and Back Again"
Yea or nay?
wow this looks retarded
Not at all.
Which is why it should have been a TV series instead.
it seems like jackson resented having to make these movies and purposely made schlock instead out of spite
All sauron does throughout the whole series is lose. He loses every single fight he's in. He only becomes powerful once he can no longer be killed in a fight.
All the fucking retards defending this when you have evidence in the clip itself. If he's so light he can jump off falling rocks how the fuck can he use his body weight to drop the giant from the bridge?
no that would have only tarnished the name of the original story
No. You're kicking off of an object falling at the same speed you are. You may as well try to double jump.
remember to jump next time you're in a falling elevator
What the fuck
In that world there's a lot of read between the lines things. There's so many contracts, lawyers, blacklistings, insiderism and ass kissing that even if you're a top shit director unless you're James Cameron or Spielberg you can't outright admit to a shitshow until enough time has passed, kind of like how Mark Hammil laid out a lot of shit but then suddenly was optimistic after most likely a "talking to" behind the scenes. I'm sure Peter knows why the production was fucked but he just can't outright say it and we have to settle for all the footage of him saying "Wow we sure don't have a lot of time to do anything and have to use CGI to make up for it tee hee".
I keep all the shitty stuff I saved 10 years ago so I can look back on history.
never read nor saw The Hobbit but this looks exactly the kind of dumb fun kids would like
fuck me if that isn't the sexiest face on the planet
I think they did fight very briefly, just before the orcs showed up.
1. you weigh a lot, the chair doesn't
2. you're going fast, the chair isn't
yeah, you can dissipate some force, but you're still going splat because they're orders of magnitude apart
Yeah, people shitting on the Hobbit movies in comparison to Lot rarely address how troubled the production was. IRC By the the time they were shooting the third one Jackson was destroying his health from stress and lack of sleep trying to keep up with the rushed schedule and he couldn't do a fraction of the pre production he had on LotR. The execs just fucked it up but the creative teams did what they could under the circumstances and it could have been worse.
what the hell. Was this from some extended version? I mean, this is the least memorable film Ive ever seen, but theres no way I would forget something so fucking stupid.
Actually that's a good point, what would happen there?
That's dope as shit, do faggots hate this or something?
>Read LotR again
>It's even better than the last time I read it
While I appreciate the offer, no. Fag.
you'd be uninjured and walk out like nothing happened
>acting is going to be entirely mo-cap and voice work by 2040
Thanks, I continue to be in a bad place in life but it made me feel a little better to know that I'm not this big a pussy.
but what if the chair travelling downwards is upside down
What's wrong with unions?
The forces of evil were always the underdogs. Even when the elves left Valinor and kept getting BTFO by Melkor all it took for them to bring the Valar into the fight and completely fuck up Morgoth once again was to suck their dick hard enough.
it wasn't an offer. it is the sexiest face on the planet
Is it a blue, or orange chair?
"What if we made a movie with, I don't know, ten Jar Jar Binks?"
If you watch the actual movie it looks a lot worse, the elves get fucked when those spinny things land into their lines, but in the very next shot they're fine, the actors are bad, random shots of irrelevant shit, terrible CGI in many places, etc.
Just fire at will. Are elves so robotic that they can't do things by themselves?
>using ranged weapons
He was still melkor at that time. He didn’t become Morgoth until he stole the silmarils
They have been for a long time
>something goes into your mouth
>die instantly
>go into somethings mouth
>die instantly
wow very believable
They prevent corporations from treating workers like slaves, which angers Americans to no end.
>game uses optical illusions
The last time an elf tried to do something by himself, he turned out to be the most arrogant, snobbish cunt in the entire Tolkien universe.
yours legs aren't strong enough to generate enough upward momentum to counter your downward momentum
it would work with a jetpack or some shit
What the fuck am I looking it this is horrifying
Assuming they worked, I think the arrows even if not hit would be affected by the air disturbance created by the spinners.
The impact of it landing triggered the mechanism.
what scene is this from?
>the big tiddy hentai elves don't count either.
But their tits are full of hopes and dreams, making them extremely light and bouncy.
red pill me on the hobbit movies why are they so soulless?
that's gotta be hard to do
They're not meant to face each other, it's supposed to look cool.
>cryin at how bad good it is
>bad good
What the fuck, was this in the movie?
This looks worse than some video games look today. Wow.
Warhammer dorfs all sort of ranged weapons, even fucking helicopters.
I never understood this scene. Were they supposed to look at each other or what?
>dwarffaggot doesn't know his own lore
They use plenty of ranged weapons. In fact they are pretty boring to fight against on the table since all they do is sit in their corner and shoot.
To be fair an elevator weights much more and jumping out of it could make a marginal difference
They spent the same amount of time it took to produce the hobbit making costumes, set, and pre-production design stuff on LOTR. And then when time came for the Hobbit to be a different movie with a more childish tone directed by Guillermo del Toro, the studio was like, "but we still have all the costumes and set pieces from the old movies, so fuck that", and I think they spent maybe a few months on pre-production before blasting the movie out.
I'd like to remind people that Elves are so light they can walk atop snow, as shown in both the books and The Fellowship movie.
T. Bootlicker wagie
Elves can do featherweight bullshit.
Woah this is just like Aladdin! I loved that movie! XD
As if they're going to need any actual human input when AI becomes good enough (probably in 10 years or less)
We have AI that can write coherent plots and scripts, generate realistic people that don't even exist, can generate completely convincing speech, train itself how to move and walk etc etc
I'm gonna risk some (you)s telling me off here but I thought all the complaining about the CGI was one of the more forced grudges on this Nootka bridal canoe-carving board on the internet. Maybe my standards are Blade-low, and maybe I'm letting all the wildly silly shit in the movie cloud my judgement, but still. On yet another hand I don't know the budget for this movie, maybe it really is that bad and maybe there is no excuse.
Is this a good battle tactic?
I'm an employer
>Not using ranged weapons
I'll shove that book right up your boyhole, Crossbow and artillery is an icon of Dorf ranged weaponry
If you're falling three fucking floors, sure
I don't think molten gold works like that.
Seems to defeat the purpose of the shield formation but I guess the surprise has some value?
only if you want to show up some nasty dwarves
Either they're just supposed to be standing off to the side of one another, not actually looking at one another for some "cool" reason, or they were trying to make The Rock look shorter than/same height as Vin Diesel even though Dwayne has almost half a foot of height over Vin.
Now that I think about it there were a stupid amount of those moments in all three movies
>good guy cornered
>bad guy winding up veeeerrrry slowly
>"oh no, guys, the good guy is totally gonna die, you guys"
>saved at the last second by some random bullshit
Well to be fair that could be explained by the elves not wanting to be protected by the dwarven fucking shits
>I'm gonna risk some (you)s telling me off here
Yeah, I have no idea what the fuck you're even trying to say. You like it? You don't? Fuck knows, mate.
You may be autistic, retarded, a faggot, or woman then. Possibly a combination of all of those.
it's physically painful to watch
It's pretty fucking great if you want your frontline to be pushed back by the running enemy (since they are jumping they can't hold any footing and provide little resistance) and skewered by your own spearmen.
It's the best tactic for losing your entire army extremely fast.
>jump in front of a charging enemy army so that now you have your own spear formation poking you in the back
very smart
>implying girls don't love lotr
No it's absolutely retarded, if you really have to include that kind of shit for rule of cool, which I can understand the appeal, it'd be ten times better to make the faggot elves jump in AFTER the charge crashed against the spears line
>let's get pushed back into our own spearmen
>even considering tactics with elf bullshit afoot
user, I...
When we called memes "image macros", it was dwarf bear cavalry.
how do you condition yourself so that you absorb the scene's immersion and act properly in a room with literally green walls and shit?
t. seething elfag
>not using melee helicopters
Holy shit, those fucking dwarves must have had an MG42 each or something
is this even real? I dont remember this horrible shit
Video games?
They don't. Girls are more into HP.
I'd imagine that's what acting schools are for. Being able to get into character, imagine the scene, and convincingly play it out isn't exactly a common skill.
The future actors will wear VR headsets painted green (or they'll just be replaced by CGI entirely).
The best part of all six films.
It's a very good way to kill elves.
The mass of orcs pushes from the front and the spears pierce them from the back.
Better actually, it's a unit of irondrakes, they have fucking flamethrowers
The majority of people in Hollywood are mentally unstable.
I think the actors deserve a lot of credit (like Ian McKellen) for being able to have top tier performances under such circumstances
>panning overshot shows Legolas takes 5 seconds or so to pass from one arch to the other
>undershot shows him passing an arch every two seconds
>just so it looks like he's going hella fast
It's this sort of visual trickery I hate the most. Not because they're particularly bothersome compared to other bullshit, but because it's the sort of stuff I see used for completely shitty/useless reasons.
To be fair, Tolkien's elves are literally the ur-example of fujobait.
If this was an anime you'd be calling it awesome
Why are they fighting the Uruk-hai in the hobbit?
>tfw archers are so strong you go all the way in and never have any other units
why would they? it's one of the best scenes of the movie.
Anime is for faggots. Keep your anime bullshit away from Tolkein.
That's a lot of butter.
Same reason Legolas is there. Fuck it!
People like to post this as evidence of how shit the Hobbit films were, but it's not like the dwarves and bag end were being made with CGI, it's just that gandalf is being composited in with the dwarves so they can have the scale correct. They did the same thing in LotR. There's a lot of more real reasons why the films are shit
Fucking faggots thinking lore-rape is justified because it makes peepee hard.
>video games turn into movies
>film turns into vidya
really makes you ponder
thanks for reminding me to watch the trilogy again.
I haven't watched animes in 5 years
That was supposed to convey their inhuman agility and lightness of foot, not that they actually weigh very little, autismo
the first movie is boring as hell
Seriously. The "there must be constant peril in our adventure movie" meme is a sign of awful storytelling.
Yes. You let the orcs blunt their weapons stabbing the elf fucking shits and then you move in with your boys.
There will still be real movies, it's just that you fucking american homosexual jew kike nigger loving fat burger cocks keep plaguing the world with your capeshit
I literally never met a girl that liked anything from Tolkien's universe except the shitty Hobbit movies. Bizzare considering that they're the weakest part of it. They also like to shit on LOTR movies a lot for some reason.
are you baiting or are you seriously trying to act superior with fucking tolkien? what, game of thrones and harry potter are for the manly crowd as well?
>muh Americans!!!!
These movies were New Zealand.
it's even worse.
they aren't even attempting to use their polearms. despite that he is moving in a easily predictable and impossible to stop straight line where a single nigga sticking out his polearm in his vague direction would impale him, they are all holding them in carry position.
Girls just don't get lotr. Same with the original star wars trilogy
So is putting a castle next to a mountain instead of on top of it.
Tolkien fantasy is probably the most retarded thing in existence.
>With that he sprang forth nimbly, and then Frodo noticed as if for the first time, though he had long known it, that the Elf had no boots, but wore only light shoes, as he always did, and his feet made little imprint in the snow.
>jumping in falling elevator makes marginal difference
dude how fast do you think you jump? You would decrese your falling speed by how fast you jump up. Youd jump "up" compared to te elevator but youd go from falling 40kmh to like 37kmh and youd have to time it exactly before impact which is impossible
>tfw no real life shelob gf
>Enemy can light itself on fire because of how terrible the game is
Egoraptor was in this?
>sexiest face on planet
>literately a chin chaddest of chads would be jealous of
but heavy enough to knock over that big mother fucker?
Because of the lack of female characters doing anything. Arwen saving Frodo in Fellowship was originally Glorfindel's role in the book, and a lot of the other scenes with Arwen aren't in the books at all. Eowyn was the only female of any importance and all she did was fall for Aragorn and kill the Witch King.
>everyone will have cgi faces
that's terrifying
Damn, no wonder they hate elves. I would hate to be so strong and powerful than suddenly this guy over here breaking all the rules I've seen before.
I don't doubt Disney spoke to Hamill but that's not a direct comparison because he never converted into being a big movie star outside of Star Wars, and Disney cannot realistically threaten "well we'll cast someone else for Luke", even their dumb suits know that's a nonstarter. He pulled back from his pessimism most likely because he's a nice guy and didn't want to contribute to negativity, as strange as that sentiment seems on Yea Forums.
it clearly comes to rest well before the mechanism is triggered
Had nothing to do with weight, Elves also posses good physical strength.and superb athleticism, that was pure momentum and power from Leglas' thighs.
>grass isn't burning
Standards for good anime are just that low.
Dramatic pause, a staple of fiction.
I know a girl that has an annual LotR week, where she binges from Rankin's Hobbit cartoon to Ralph Bakshi's LotR cartoon to the extended additions from Unexpected Journey to Return of the King with her family. Even makes a bunch of Lotr recipies like "Lembas Bread". Sometimes she goes and binges some games she has after like BFME 2, Conquest, The Third Age, and War in the North.
>3km/h difference
Anom, that's exactly what marginal means, a little difference
Anime isn't live action film, onion boy
fuck off, WB
Why the FUCK did this bit have those fucking GoPro shots? Like seriously, what the absolute niggering FUCK were they FUCKING THINKING?
Nice try you weeaboo faggot, I bet you fapped to deadflow and typehatena just 2 hours ago
Meanwhile in reality Star Wars is extreme normie culture and there's hundreds of millions of women who like them.
got tier battle
The thing is if he was extremely light with good leg strength then he would've cleared it with one jump.
That he didn't means one of two things.
1. He skipped leg day and his legs can barely lift his feather weight body.
2. He is a very fat elf
Still pretty pissed they delegated Glorfindel's role away like that. He's way too badass for that kind of treatment. He is best elf easily.
What? They left out a lot and replaced it with retarded action sequences
>>grass isn't burning
Sloppy job mossad
We don't watch anime here, you need to go back
grass is fire-proof brainlet
Okay which part of this says he weighs less than normal
Even weebs shit on cgi anime tho
>WB hires Guillermo Del Toro to make 2 hobbit movies
>decides they dont like what he's doing, throw out all his pre-production work and fire hime
>get Peter Jackson back, also btw you have to start shooting in a few months, while LotR had literal years of pre-production
Still better than shoehorning characters that weren't even in the book into the movie. There weren't even that many female characters there anyway. You have that elf girl who tried to have a cringe relationship with Legolas and Galadriel, who was in LOTR too. I can't think of any more.
gdgd Fairies is literally the best anime ever made and manages one of the biggest, least expected, most well-crafted twists in TV history
You've managed to at once be a dumb blogpost without actually giving an opinion, well done.
it's been covered in this thread already. Think of LotR as young adult fiction and the Hobbit as children's lit proper. What you're feeling is a clash of expectations compounded by a messy editorial history and Jackson having peaked as well as being worked like a dog. And corporate bullshit I guess.
most likely you hit your head on the ceiling, then hit the floor, then you and the elevator impact the ground because you're inside an elevator and have no idea when you're close to the ground
the math checks out, im a theoretical physicist
I think he means "so bad, it's good"? Not sure tho.
I'm more offended at that atrocious green screen effects
They're good unintentional comedy movies IMO
Oh me too, I have a theorical degree in physics
Hi Tolkien. Nice to meet you.
He really cried because he was sad that this is what his acting has become. Most of his role in the trilogy was filmed in a green screen room, where he was alone. He barely even got to see the other actors. They just filmed him alone then pasted him into the movies
Woman detected.
Was glorfindel even in the lotr movies?
you would just accelerate the chair downward and you would continue falling at whatever speed you were going before, up to terminal velocity
the chair would act upon you as you pushed it but it would be a negligible force as you hurtled towards the ground at 122 mph
elevators dont move fast enough for you to sustain any sort of injury because you would accelerate down faster than the elevator and land before any notable amount of time or distance
What was this goofy fuck doing in those dark woods?
Yes. We're never getting wild ride again. And it hurts.
God damn that makes me feel sad
even motherfucking G-Force looks better
They're his woods
lol come on now. Unions are like catapults. They served a purpose at one point but now they are useless as fuck and would only be an annoyance to everyone.
You might be that one guy who's working hard and wants better pay but for every one of you, there are 10 faggots who want to do as little as possible and still get maximum pay. There's a happy medium between fully unionized bullshit and China and labor laws are that. Unions no longer have a reason to exist except to extort money from companies and employees. They have no reason to exist perpetually.
>ayylmao fug your perfectly good heavy spear wall
if they wanted to be fancy fags jump after the first wave or two crashes futilely against the spear wall.
if they wanted to wank muh elven help they could've even showed the spear wall starting to buckle under the pressure, even though with those giga armored dwarves with double shields in the front row would easily butcher over 100 times the size of their army if they just charged directly into the spears.
it'd be less retarded than elves jumping over the perfectly good spear wall directly into full speed charges that would easily bowl the elves over without even swinging.
theres just more arches later for him to go under or hes speeding up
Your argument falls flat when we see a blatant fucking example in the modern day with the Hobbit films where a company starts abusing its workers the instant unions are out the way.
Fucking his underage wife
This but unironically.
Sauron Is great at deceiving, not fighting.
not at all
I'm sitting with an actual physical theory or some degree thereof in my lap right now. No but seriously, fuck elf bullshit.
but I do encourage you to expand on your post somewhere peer-reviewed and internationally renowned so I can stop hearing about flexicurity and the fucking scandis all the time.
>all it took for them to bring the Valar into the fight and completely fuck up Morgoth
Melkor was fighting them to a standstill, though. Eru broke his own faggot rule and let Tulkas descend
This Is not a videogames thread fucking stop already
Frodo, did I ever tell you about Alfrid Lickspittle?
He was a servant to the Master of Laketown in TA 2941, and later assisted Bard during The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. He had more screentime than me and Gandalf. He was created by Peter Jackson and was basically a clone of Wormtongue. He later dresses as a woman and hides in a catapult attached to a dead Troll. However, one of Alfrid's coins slips off his corset and falls on the catapult lever. The coin acts as counterweight, throwing Alfrid inside the troll's mouth. Both Alfrid and the troll are asphyxiated.
Force vectors bruh
Tell me the equation for momentum.
that's what he gets for being a fag.
Yeah that's basically it.
It's just incredible
I meant the War of Wrath. Melkor fucked up most of the elves and the rest fucked itself up. Eärendil begged the Valar to help them against Melkor and they promptly beat the shit out of him again.
The dwarves are actin a fool and this is his reaction to them
Standing in the background at the council of Elrond doing nothing
This is just a shit Indy wrestling spot
This. Isildur didn't cut his finger off like in the movies, he cut it off after he and a few other dudes beat him in a fight.
They're not looking face to face.
It was at the end.
Hobbs is telling them they're off the hook "for now"
He was a good friend.
They did, but nothing to this autism scale.
Imagine getting a splinter inside your ass
>women aren't into fantastical tales of goblins and ghouls and naive idealism for children appropriated by manchildren
none of this would be surprising to you if you had sex
I'm a girl and the lotr trilogy is my favorite movies ever, probably because my dad is a big fan of Tolkien and I watched the movies with me when I was 6
With my dad*
Yeah, they're into cheap rape fantasies and wizards shitting themselves. Much better than those pesky males.
Did your dad ever let you bounce up and down on his lap while you watched movies with him?
I believe them, I knew a family growing up, both parents their son and all three daughters were super into LotR.
oh im retarded, I though it means like a big impact on whats gonna happen, my bad
So, the horse either went over a boost arrow or the bridge's construction go changed?
What the fuck are you even saying?
>anything fun is autism or onions
He cried because he had to do all his scenes alone and be edited in later.
Not everyone is as lucky as you are.
>the hobbit movies fucked over unions
wtf i love the hobbit movies now
Welcome to Yea Forums, where if you're not a world-hating person-despising constant asshole emo bitch you're autistic or of the soi.
It doesn't count when you were a boy at the time of watching them.
>no ones posted it
There was a fucking dragon and a wizard in the movie my guy, I have a feeling a ballista projectile like that isn't too far fetched for that world to have and work.
No, really, when he carried you to bed, did he slip a hand under your ass or between your legs?
2d animation is a 10 times more aesthetic medium so bullshit like these scenes would look fucking cool.
Reminder that not all of the Hobbit is shit and you should watch the maple edit. Reduces it to a 4 hour movie with only the best stuff and very high quality too unlike fan edits in general.
pretty sure that whole fight was over him having stolen the silmarils and not giving them to the spider
I see plenty of complaints about shitty CG in anime, too.
>having to carry everything all the way up the mountain
You're the most retarded thing in existence.
I liked the first hobbit movie, the others were unmemorable. Oh well.
Sure maybe the industry filled entirely and ruled completely by jews could sue some unions. I'll give you that one. What about the mom and pop shops where some faggot who doesn't do shit starts trying to get a union going that would ultimately bankrupt them? And don't say it never happens because I've personally seen it.
Again we reach a point where middle ground is the answer. Unions should be able to just pop up everywhere and anywhere and last forever and not be able to be fought by anyone. Hollywood sure. Boeing sure. Music sure. That small manufacturer with 15 employees trying to scrape by? Might as well just end their existence right there and then.
wtf why are dwarves and elves fighting
no fucking idea what lsjafhljoagbsug is supposed to be
As someone who watched the boxset of the lord of the rings with the near 5 hour behind-the-scenes documentaries multiple times when I was younger, I can confidently say that they specifically went out of their way to use as little CGI composition as possible. Nearly all of the scenes in which the hobbits are made to appear their size compared to humans and gandalf were done with practical effects and camera work. A lot of sets such as bilbo's house were built in a way that made it so they could make gandalf seem huge at the right angles.
look at wage growth over the past decade. nonexistent. no matter what the majority of people do, they arent getting paid more if they work for someone. corporations have the power to lobby the government, so we should have unions so that we have power to lobby the corporation and the government
This guy gets it
If you do that, you'll get less jobs and less pay.
T. Live in a country run by unions.
>And don't say it never happens because I've personally seen it.
Eat shit with this cardboard-strength defense, what fucking ma and pa shop is big enough for its workforce to form a fucking union outside of the goddamn sitcoms you watch too much of and have confused with reality?
Why didn't Frodo just ride the Eagles to Mordor?
im in a union and get paid $30/hour. without the union, the chinese companies that own the ports would pay me minimum wage. fuck you
IMO it's something like this:
The first Hobbit was WAY bellow LOTR but still enjoyable in its own way for the most part, standout high being Gollum and standout low being Radagast.
Second Hobbit was markedly worse, barely passable but had a small handful of good scenes like Smaug
Third Hobbit was fucking dogshit and incredibly boring, with the ending basically just reminding me of how much better LOTR was
In his defense, though, it took 5 of the little fags to kill me.
But not the OT
No. This is a fucking joke. The Lord of the Rings trilogy may be a bit silly at times, but it is the very definition of soul. Watch that garbage, and then compare it to this: youtu.be
The Hobbit is a fun adventure novel made for older kids and younger teens. It is a great little adventure that has messages, and meaning, and heart. It was all removed to add in 45 minute long battles that have no emotional weight. My problem is that they tried to make The Hobbit like Lord of the Rings, and failed horribly.
Seems like youre projecting some of your childhood abuse on others user?
>when you walk in on the dwarves changing
>would of won without a single elf dying
>autobattle kills fucking everyone
literraly the worst part of this game
This is actually a pretty cute idea.
In my country payscales are set nationally by the agreements between the unions, the government and the company owners (which have their own "unions"), and the salaries get lower each year. Yesterday we had a national strike thanks to the unions and had to call Uber for going to work. In USA they pay 10x More for any type of work. 100 years ago we had the highest gpa per capita. Then we got unions and other commie shit and here we are now.
Look for Argentina in the liberty index. Most workers are illegal workers, because when unions push for "workers rights" you create a black market for those who can't afford to specialize or don't have violent unions to back him up.
as another user already pointed out, Legolas was shown to walk on snow the other party members had to dig through
Okay but just look at
And tell me that's how cloth behaves.
>we wuz elves n shit
>would of
Your grammar is far worse.
>this thread is up but ass hurt janny nigger deletes a video related thread I made because I criticized a game he likes
He's immune to heat and fire, what was he so scared of?
>2D animation
Lmao gramps what was the last anime you saw, Trigun?
do the wages meet the cost of living? it doesnt matter we get paid more than your country most likely because your dollar is worth nothing and your cost of living is a fraction of ours. we also have a shitton of illegals working anyway
theres no middle ground here, either workers have power, or corporations have power to pay nothing in wages(and taxes, but thats a separate matter)
You're wrong, man. In LotR they used Forced Perspective to make Gandalf bigger than the hobbits. If you look at the cart that he and Frodo ride in at the beginning of the movie, it actually extends out to the side really far to put Frodo further way from the camera to make him smaller, but both actors are there in a physical set. It is simply shot in a way that you can't see how weird the cart really looks.
In the Hobbit movies, because they wanted to film in 3D and with 48 FPS (which was horrible, by the way, I saw one of them in 3D/48 FPS) they couldn't use the same techniques and it lead to that.
what game did the fag like
>Every LOTRs battle youtube comments section is full of butthurt GOTs fans
>dwarf bros form impenetrable shield wall so you can safely fling your girlish elf arrows at the orcs
>elven NEED for validation makes them jump to their deaths
Oh well.
I liked all three hobbit movies. Why? I don't care about realism in a series where the villain gets killed by dropping some jewelry into a volcano, I just want to see something that looks cool.
Half life 2
You would smash your head
This was such a fucking cockblock. I was about to fucking cum expecting them to get smashed by THE WALL only for those fucking faggot elfs to ruin everything.
That one scene made me forever hate this piece of shit movie and is basically the only thing I remember from it.
For those of you, who are like me and hate The Hobbit Triology, I can recommend you JRR Tolkien's: "The Hobbit"
It takes all 3 of the movies and edits them together. It cuts out a lot of the useless subplots and characters. It heavily reduces the length of the action scenes and makes the focus of the story actually about Bilbo. It is roughly 4 hours long, which is way shorter than the ~9 hours of the Hobbit Trilogy. It is still long and a bit bloated, but way better. I saw all 3 hobit movies in the theater and hated all 3. I actually liked the fan edit.
Examples of some of the stuff cut: Everything with Saruman and his friends fighting The Necromancer. The elf chick is gone, as is the romantic subplot with her and the dwarf. Much of the Dwarf/Elf fight is cut out and stuff like that. It is way better and way better paced.
I'm about to fucking elf this dog
I thought you were recommending the book at first.
that last hobbit movie really looks like all those horrible chinese "blockbusters". did they outsource the movie to them?
I mean the book is good too, but this thread is obviously about the movie.
Yes, for the dwarves it's excellent
Even if most of the webms in this thread from the movie are shit, I like this, even though it's also somewhat shit, just because the elves get cucked for once and can't use their "LOL ARROW RAIN" spam.
I hate anime like this personally. did you the adaption of ghost in the shell in 2016? Garbage.
>I refuse to believe it because it doesn't fit my warped views of reality
Great job faggot. Where do you expect to go with this conversation now? You've literally just signaled that you are unwilling to listen to reason anymore because it doesn't fit what you want to hear.
that's because we'd be getting animation for once
You don't get paid more because your salaries are already fucking horrendous compared to the shit companies have to compete with internationally.
Why do you think China is so fucking big now? Because it costs fuck all to make things over there. Now try to compete as an American manufacturer. How often do you think they could stomach a wage increase and still compete with China while worthless faggots who are no more skilled than they were before are getting $15 an hour because they can't spend their money properly?
>Alexandrian-tier battle formation completely ruined by the dumb fucking elves
I mean if you want to kill elves, then this works perfectly. Otherwise holy fucking shit, what the actual fuck, this is some retarded shit
so you're advocating importing chinese labor practices to even the playing field. fuck off
the hobbit is a shit book anyway and I doubt the fan edit is worthwhile
>if this was a tunafish sandwhich youd be calling it awesome instead of complaining about how your ham tastes like fish.
no shit.
> Enters v thread. > Finds people shitting on Hobbit. ...I'll allow it.
go back to lurking please.
Dumbest shit I've ever heard, I bet you unironically fancy yourself intelligent too
It looks like one of those GI Joe perspective fuck ups.
Shit dude, I just realized I don't remember anything from the third movie other than it being really "meh"
This legit looks like the worst parts of the SW prequels.
This scene is entertaining. I don't understand the anger of this.
enjoy your chinese products, then
instant choke death is bullshit, but i imagine that thing broke his spine when his jaw snapped shut twice while falling
I want to fuck this dragon
Who are you quoting?
Reminder that the first Hobbit film actually still had some of the spirit and camaraderie of the LOTR films and it wasn't until part 2 that it all started to fall apart. Still though fuck them for sequestering Ian away from everyone else.
i will. entirely preferable to being subject to the hours and paygrade of the chinese
ultimate cringe
volleys work better though
>no one's posted the cincher yet
sure, mate, good luck with that
I'll stick to arrows
Why'd you post a cutscene from the PS2 version user?
jesus fucking christ
its wasnt so long ago
why cant I remember how bad it was?
>Elves are supposed to be barely weighting anything
>literally uses his body weight to throw the opponent off the bridge the second after
I swear it did not look this bad. This has to be an edit.
Go be an American bootlicker somewhere else lol
3D hid a lot.
Don't bitch when there aren't as many jobs in the states then faggot because when you bitch that you can't find a job, you'll remember that you said you were fine with all those jobs going to China.
>that was pure momentum
So you are saying he jumped on him with speed of a rocket? Because he clearly didn't.
go live in china if you want to be paid garbage for unsafe work in inhumane conditions
You deserved it zoomer
Oh, it's just a Republicans. You faggots are traitors for selling out America, you know that? If not the Russians, than the globalists corporations.
these are not dwarfs, just Russians
But I liked Half Life 1 so how am I a zoomer again?
why are you posting on an anime image board if you dont like anime? fucking leave
Are they to that extent? I seriously don’t remember. Tolkien being a romantic and all didn’t have dwarves being technically advanced like they were in warhammer.
yes it would but barely
when you jump normally you're kicking off an object that's falling at the same speed as you. that object happens to be extremely massive though
It sort of makes sense, the soldiers are rushing up the stairs not in a formation and would not see elfman before he was right on top of him by which they have less than a second to react.
As for them getting mowed down it's the usual few second shock that any person would feel before they gather themselves.
Kung Pow could do it, why can't they?
kung pow was a parody from the get go
>but it is the very definition of soul.
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair
Was the cgi this bad because they filmed it in 3d?
i mean even some older movies dont have cgi that bad
Can someone explain this to me; why did their heads stick together?
dwarf is punished dwarf
Dwarves sweat cyanoacrylate
I still haven't watched Hobbit, kind of consider myself lucky when I see all these webms
Video games.
Nothing in the entirety of Tolkien's works state anything you claim it states. Dwarves in the first age fought with pike and sword and wore great "death masks", whereas Gimli uses chainmail and an axe.
yeah go watch them fucker
So soulless, evil finance-nazi? Gotcha.
Dorf has a piece of a pickaxe stuck on his head for lolsorandumb reasons
>horses just ramming through people without even flinching
that's not how legs work
Settings where elves are badass?
>stable 10 FPS
Nice game, bro
Faenor did nothing wrong
>That one shot of Éowyn
Honestly, besides the cringy
>I am no man
shit I found her a pretty reasonable inclusion, she didnt feel super powered or invulnerable and it was sweet how much she looked after the hobbit
inside a burning building
I thought the "I am no man" bit was cheesy too until we got the alternative version in Game of Thrones with Arya
Even a cheesy line would have made the scene better than a soulless "teleports behind you".
ORcs are not people, they're also smaller and frailer than humans are.
That fucking infuriates me.
Didn't she say that in the book as well, or something similar?
They didn't try to adapt the hobbit.
They tried to specifically make 3 movies out of the hobbit that would capture the lotr trilogy movie experience.
Square peg, round hole.
No, she said Jeb Bush 2016 but it didn't age well so they changed it.
>because he never converted into being a big movie star outside of Star Wars, and Disney cannot realistically threaten "well we'll cast someone else for Luke"
I don't think you understand the power of contracts against even big stars. Bill Murray was blackmailed by Sony to appear in the Ghostbusters reboot after for years saying he didn't want to take part in one because of his falling out with Harold Ramis. Sure there was the game, but they never worked directly with each other with that.
Horses are huge dude. They might flinch but a pack of them can surely trample over people.
Was that why they changed the Shelob The Little Turtle to a spider?
if chair is made from depleted uranium and you are super strong, this works