How did they make the game so small in file size?
How did they make the game so small in file size?
1 hour of content repeated
6 GB is not small, would have been interesting if they had kept it under 1 GB.
Rather ask how AAA devs manage to make their games over 50 GB in size and how call of duty manage 0.1 TB.
Anything over 20 GB in size is just retarded.
>being poor
>not wanting lossless content
>got a beef pc
>still play all my games on lowest settings
>my friend hates me for it
>A Roguelikes content is repeated
No fucking way?
The steam download was only around 780 mbs in total.
Triple A's don't compress their sound and the shitty devs that work for them have no idea how to optimize their code.
Is it good, though?
>Make a game based on System Shock
>Copy the worst parts of System Shock
I won't ever understand these developers.
Is it good?
Im having a good time with it, its pretty basic as far as roguelikes go. So far I think it'd be worth 20 rathe than 30.
What are the worst parts?
if you enjoy the comic book artstyle and fps rogue-lite games yeah
also how am i supposed to avoid the whale
i had no torpedos from killing a pirate and the whale was a jump away, and when i jumped he followed and fucked me
The artstyle looks too ugly for me to enjoy. I fucking hate American/western comics with their garish artstyle
Right now, the game is centered around collecting too much garbage and the enemies themselves aren't interesting in a sense of variety. A lot of enemies shoot too fast for you to be able to dodge and trying to make the game centered around stealth in a game series which favored a variety of different gameplay modes, is really contradictory to their design.
I would have preferred if you could loot very little boxes with stuff worth inside of them, than have to loot many to find something decent. Even in System Shock 2, every item you pick up was sort of useful.
Yeah I can agree with that.
a lot of 2d sprites, reused assets and random generated dungeons.
Seems neat, not really willing to spend that much on it, I guarantee it doesnt have the content to validate it and when it does get content the game will be a quarter of the price.
I didn't say it was just repeated. I said it was 1 (ONE) hour of content repeated. Its not the same.
can anyone give a meme arrows breakdown of the pros/cons of this game? I want to feel angry/happy about video games
textures for this type of games is really low size, compress audio, compress vid, tadaaaa
Isn't the game not actually 3D, but just essentially super high rez Doom?
basically yeah
Then thats why. It's not a 3D game, it's all 2D graphics.
That is still 3D, just with sprites.
>Writer: Cara Ellison
fuck's sake
>great art style
>10/10 tone
>mechanics are solid
>not much enemy variety
>pirates can kill you easily
>progression is set on a node grid, from left to right. Cant go backwards
>fucking food rationing gets annoying
>mutations can be 50/50
thank you user
ms paintbucket textures and two tracks of music
why does this game treat oil slicks like they're bad? you move way faster and I want to turn this on at will, it's kind of like the rocket skates in system shock 1. Maybe later you get a power-up.
i wish we got a different game with this art direction/style. it looks so fucking good in motion, but the actual game is repetitive and boring
Food is a literal non-issue
Pirates are fucking easy as shit to deal with as well.
ok then.
How did they make the game so ugly in appearance?
How did your parents not abort a child with such bad taste?
>How did they make the game so small in file size?
Playing it on the Xbox, surprisingly good game. Got it from gamepass, might actually buy it once the price goes down.
Torrent where? I'm retarded, apparently.