go play it again user
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm thinking I will. I love Silent Hill.
Great OST
Any way to play 2 without emulation or paying 200 bucks?
>inb4 the remaster
I'm currently replaying SH3 though.
Reminder that the intro theme is supposed to resemble gypsies that stole your baby.
Some guy keeps going around and posting this copy pasta. I've no idea how legitimate it is.
">What THE FUCK did he mean by this?
He's implying that it's actually time for SH PC GUIDE,
and the DL links:
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>SH2:EE install tutorial:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help"
Not sure if it was the same guy or not, but they might be kind of a dick, so have a go at your own discretion.
They already posted the image apparently, but I'm still posting this.
Thanks for keeping the dream alive anons. What ever happened to that guy making the first person mod for sh1?
just follow this guide it's all you need download the game from the silent hill pastebin
This game could be max comfy at one moment and then have you drown in anxiety the next simply by changing the music.
(Incredibly loud) youtube.com
Man, Fear of the Dark is so fucking good.
No shit
If you haven't gotten perfect rank on this game you need to get out.
What's your favorite Silent Hill composition, Anons?
If only my PS2 didn't die years ago I would.
I did Youtube it recently though.
user, I literally finished replaying it an hour ago. It's my favourite in the series and I love it very much. I wish the latter games town sections felt as threatening as 1's does, with its faster, more aggressive enemies and trickier movement. The game just feels a lot more interesting to play on the whole. As much as I like 2 and love 3, 1 is special to me.
Oh yeah, considering we're all posting music and stuff. I've been uploading a bunch of survival horror & related OSTs lately. Let me know if you want anything and I'll get it in nice quality for you if I can.
How did Harry find himself in different places?
Alessa can teleport people around town after merging with Cheryl.
SH + THPS is kino.
I've played through 1-4, is there anything else left to play that's worth playing?
I've found origins pretty good.
I'm gonna play Origins before moving onto 4. I hope its flaws are exaggerated, it seems interesting.
Hey user. Heres the Reverse Will Reversed.
Im convinced the composer knew exactly what he was doing with this one.
I played it back in October it's too soon for another go
>DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
Why not?
tfw have this coming in the mail. all the way to Australia, I'm so worried, I hate buying vinyl online. I'm excited bros.
Origins' Sanitarium level was pretty dope. I think the exploration in this game is really well done compared to the others. They still have superior setting and story though.
>It's still catchy.
Thanks, I love it.
Is there any way to emulate SH1 WHILE removing the fucking awful PS1 z-buffer shit(polygons going apeshit as they do in all ps1 games)
Its disgustingly noticeable when emulating and so close to a monitor.
How would the characters in this series do in the resident evil
Universe & vise versa. I’ve always been curious about it.
I'm surprised it took so long for stuff like this and RE2's soundtrack to hit vinyl. Classic OSTs.
>Resting Comfortably
No pun intended but that's really one of the comfiest SH tracks.
>Making Peace, SH2
>Moonchild, SH
>Last Goodbye, SH
>Forest, SH2
>Dream, SH
>Life, SH
>Tears Of ..., SH
This series has the comfiest OST known to man.
Its only flaw is it was too easy.
Yeah, it's really cool. Apparently the Castlevania releases kinda suck, unfortunately. Grabbed the Hotline Miami OST a while back and it sounds incredible.
All of them are aside from 1 and the puzzles.
Best boss theme.
I never played the newer games on the X360 but I heard they are not good.
Is it worth it or they really that bad?
>aside from 1
Don't forget about the difficulty modifiers in SH3.
Is that the official soundtrack or the complete?
Every SH aside from 1/2/3/4 range from "okay" to "Fucking horrible"
Play Blood Siren if you want more team silent goodness.
Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the new voice acting ins SH2 HD
Looks sick bro.
Thats just objectively wrong anyways, watch the fucking making of SH2 doc, the VA were 100% intended. It was a western game, made for western audiences first and formost, by Japanese.
I did both of these things a while ago and it worked fine
>>Tears Of ...
That's one of my favorite soundtracks.
Wishful thinking is also nice
Dang. Wish they'd release the entire soundtrack and not just the selective favorites.
Dream is so hypnotic and surreal at the same time. It really does sound like a dream somehow.
Eh, I'm fine with the 30 odd tracks I'll get here.
All the anons in this thread have great taste. This series is incredible.
Respectable opinion, but I prefer the original voice becauseit makes James sound beta and weak. In the HD, he sounds like a Chad, which changes the tone of the dialogue in the game. It's an interesting change, but I don't think that was TeamSilent's original vision.
>That line at 2:15
he sounds like he's cumming, kek
I have all 4 of the games installed already, but I just wanted to say I appreciate you silent hill Bros. You're some of the only consistently helpful fags on this board
That "yes, yes!" part cracked me up.
Never played silent Hill but want to but don't have original PlayStation. Wat do?
I'm downloading it right now, user.
I've never played the first game, even though I really loved the second one.
emulate and play the PC versions with fixes
Scroll up.
Forest is perfect for the nightwalks.
Got a Vita? Playing it on mine completely immersed me in the game in a way I hadn't been able to appreciate before. Spent a couple of hours playing it in bed last night, was really great.
I prefer the original voice actors. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the voice acting in the original, but I think they clearly intended to come off the way they did. Anyway, Maria's og va definitely had more emotion.
Most of the silent hill protagonists are every day people. But resident evil characters aside from Wesker would get fucked up in the silent hill universe. Their nightmares alone would be interesting. Chris & Leon’s nightmares alone would be outrageous
Posting more comfy soundtracks. It's incredible how SH can be be unsettling and still have comfy tracks at the same time. Truly Yamaoka'sgift to humanity.
Have fun user. And ignore some goofy typos.
>comfy soundtracks
Adding one more.
Two Silent Hill thread today.
It wasn't that good. I haven't played SH2 yet but it better be the masterpiece everyone hypes it up as.
It's not. It's good in its own way, but I really prefer 1 and 3.
Seriously, these tracks have something very special to them. I listen to the OSTs very often.
One thing that I really like about SH2 is that every ending has a different track.
In water ending + Overdose Delusion = KINO
What makes SH1 better?
1 is my favorite and i found 3 disappointing
is there anywhere that has SH2-4's sound files for download?
this site has 1's, but only the movie sound files for 2
i just found a torrent with them
Specifically sound files? Idk. Music/OST for the games? I got them here.
Look on the left to see the games and their respective soundtracks.
>Comfiness overload
It's a personal preference thing for the most part. I prefer the cult storyline, Lisa's the most interesting character in the series to me, I prefer the more aggressive, tense town environment (I feel like running around town in 2 is way too passive comparatively), I prefer how the controls are looser with the sense of momentum Harry has. Overall I find the atmosphere more engrossing as well, I find myself glued to the screen when I play it.
i agree with most of your points, although i still also love 2. but one thing i like from 1 is that it seemed like each enemy made you use different tactics and they each had a specific purpose in mind, whereas they just kind of became less meaningful in that regard in later games.
It's the only song that's actually unnerving to me and I feel like I must get used to it by listening to it multiple times, sort of like a drug
Thanks bros for helping out!
The SH PC Guide -picture was just recently updated, so grab it while you can!
>I know a lot of people aren't fans of the voice acting in the original,
You got that wrong. A HUGE majority greatly prefers the originals.
Only the HD collection babbies loudly lob for the monotonous, character ruining nu-voices.
>Is there any way to emulate SH1 WHILE removing the fucking awful PS1 z-buffer shit(polygons going apeshit as they do in all ps1 games)
PGXP hack, using PCSX-R.
Been available for a couple years now.
Webm related; first is the default wobbly visuals, last half is with PGXP hack enabled.
Obviously you don't have to use texture filtering and shit unless you really want. The brightness is clearly too high as well, but at least it lets ya see the effect.
>Play Blood Siren if you want more team silent goodness.
Fuck off.
For starters, no Siren was made by TS.
Second, Bloodcurse was fucking awful piece of shit, even by Siren's standards.
I really like this one. It's extremely oppressive.
Anons, what's your favorite Akira Yamaoka track that isn't from Silent Hills? For me it's either youtube.com
Honorable mention: youtube.com
thanks exactly what I need.
>Ain't gonna rain
What did they mean by this?
np mate.
The "in Sovier Russia" fix is to just keep the resolution as close to the OG as possible. 480p is already 2x the OG res, and IMO the perfect balance between clarity and wobble.
I'm an ESL, so I might not even notice those
Those typos aren't present in the NTSC (USA) versions at all. Kinda funny that they ended up in a version released much later.
Harry's text-only comments also differ slightly between regions. In USA, he goes all "JESUS! WHAT'S THAT??" when checking the corpse, but in EU it's merely "...What's this?"
I like this boss fight in brookhaven hospital. Love the way James tries to remain calm asking Laura to open up the door, only to rapidly lose composure.
Plus, I like the little cut scene after the boss fight where he is being transported in a stretcher while Mary whispers his name.
>You snotty little brat? Open up!
>go play it again user
I will... but not today.
I've beaten it already some ~40 times by now. Not even joking.
I fear the day my old PS1 memory card with the strongest hyper blaster save-file dies.
did the FPS mod ever actually release
also reminder that Silent Hill is the most meta game series ever made
His work on Killer is Dead for sure. The variety and execution is really fantastic. Going from smooth as silk tracks like youtu.be
to almost Venetian Snares-like frantic breaks in this youtube.com
Underrated game, underrated as fuck music.
sadly not, AFAIK.
Didnt' some Anons sign up for beta testing? Any such souls lurking ITT ?
Homecoming. It still has a good OST and ambient
Cringe and bluepilled
don't shitpost
>I've played through 1-4, is there anything else left to play that's worth playing?
Shattered Memories.
It's not exactly a "survival horror", but a damn fascinating and atmospheric, horror-themed... urban exploration game? With a twist?
damn, that is creepy. I'd love to see this in sh3
>Silent Hill 1-3 in VR
Rule of Rose
Okay but why is it so clunky? I've played tank controls before but this shit is even more dated than your standard tank game.
Speaking of Suda51 and Akira Yamaoka, does anybody have The Silver Case remixed ost?